ordinance no. 3 of 1899.
Vehicles Regulation
an ordinance for the regulation of vehicles
[20th february , 1899.]
be it enacted by the governor of hongkong, with the advice and
consent fo the legislative council thereof, as follows:-
1. this ordinance may be cited as the vehicles regulation ordinance,
2. in this ordinance ' vehicle ' includes every bicycle , tricycle ,
velocipede , or orther similar machine and also every jinricksha, chair,
carriage, car cart, truck , van , and trolly.
3. every vehicle, when meeting any other vehicle , shall pass it by
keeping to its own left side of the road.
4.every when overtaking any other vehicle going in the
same direction , shall pass it by keeping to its own right of wuch vehicle .
5.duing the period between sunset and sunrise , every person
driving, drawing , pushing , riding , bearing , or otherwise in charge of a
vehicle shall carry attached to the vechicle two lamps, one on each side,
inthe case of a vehicle other than a jiuricksha, chair , bicycle , tricycle,
velocipede, or other similar machine , and one lamp in the case of a
jiuricksha, chair, bicycle , tricycle , velocpede , or other similar machine;
which lamps or lamp shall be so constructed and placed , and shall be
so lighted and kept lighted , as to afford adequate means of notifying the
approach or position of the vechicle .
6. no driver, drawer , pucher, rider , bearer, or person otherwise in
charge of any vehicle shall , by negligence or wilful misbehaviour , cause
any hurt or damages to any person, horse , cattle , or goods conveyed in
any vechicel pasing or being upon any street or road , or, if the
wehicle is drawn by a horse or other animal, shall negligently or
wilfully be at such distance from such vehicle , or in such a situation
whilst it is passing upon such street or road , that he cannot have the
direction and grovernment of the horse or animal drauing the same , or
shall leave any vehicle drawn by a horse or other animal unattended in
any street or road or at any place of public resort or entertainment,
whether such vehicle is hired or not , or shall leave any vechicle on such
street or road so as to obstruct the passage thereof. 7. the gover-in-council may from time to time make by-law,
under this ordinance for the regulation of vechicles and of street traffic
and may alter or repeal such by-laws when made, and may substitute or
new by-law or by-laws in place of any by-laws so repealed or any of
them .
8.any person offending against any of the provisions of this ordi-
nance or of nay by-law made thereunder may , either with or without
warrant, be lawfully stopped,seized , apprehended, and detained by any
member of the police force, and such person shall thereupon be taken
before a magistrate to be dealt with according to law and , if nay such
person refuses to disclose his name, it shall be lawful to procceed against
him by a description of person and the offence only, without adding
any name or designation, but in sucb case the magistrate shall mention
in the depositions that the defendant refused to disclosed his name.
9.every person who is convicted of an offence against this ordinance
or against any by-law made thereunder shall be liable to a penalty not
exceeding fifty dollars or , in default of payment thereof, to imprison
ment, wiht or sihtout hard labour, for any term not exceeding six
months .
A.D. 1899. Ordinance No. 6 of 1899. Short title. Interpretation of term. Rule of road for vehicle meeting under vehicle. Rule of road for vehicle passing other vehicle. Lights to be carried by vehicle. Prohibition of driver, etc., of vehicle causing damage by negligence or misbehaviour, etc. Making of by-laws for regulation of vehicles, etc.
Power to deal with offender against the Ordinance or by-laws.
Penalty for offence against the Ordinance or by-laws.
Vehicles Regulation
an ordinance for the regulation of vehicles
[20th february , 1899.]
be it enacted by the governor of hongkong, with the advice and
consent fo the legislative council thereof, as follows:-
1. this ordinance may be cited as the vehicles regulation ordinance,
2. in this ordinance ' vehicle ' includes every bicycle , tricycle ,
velocipede , or orther similar machine and also every jinricksha, chair,
carriage, car cart, truck , van , and trolly.
3. every vehicle, when meeting any other vehicle , shall pass it by
keeping to its own left side of the road.
4.every when overtaking any other vehicle going in the
same direction , shall pass it by keeping to its own right of wuch vehicle .
5.duing the period between sunset and sunrise , every person
driving, drawing , pushing , riding , bearing , or otherwise in charge of a
vehicle shall carry attached to the vechicle two lamps, one on each side,
inthe case of a vehicle other than a jiuricksha, chair , bicycle , tricycle,
velocipede, or other similar machine , and one lamp in the case of a
jiuricksha, chair, bicycle , tricycle , velocpede , or other similar machine;
which lamps or lamp shall be so constructed and placed , and shall be
so lighted and kept lighted , as to afford adequate means of notifying the
approach or position of the vechicle .
6. no driver, drawer , pucher, rider , bearer, or person otherwise in
charge of any vehicle shall , by negligence or wilful misbehaviour , cause
any hurt or damages to any person, horse , cattle , or goods conveyed in
any vechicel pasing or being upon any street or road , or, if the
wehicle is drawn by a horse or other animal, shall negligently or
wilfully be at such distance from such vehicle , or in such a situation
whilst it is passing upon such street or road , that he cannot have the
direction and grovernment of the horse or animal drauing the same , or
shall leave any vehicle drawn by a horse or other animal unattended in
any street or road or at any place of public resort or entertainment,
whether such vehicle is hired or not , or shall leave any vechicle on such
street or road so as to obstruct the passage thereof. 7. the gover-in-council may from time to time make by-law,
under this ordinance for the regulation of vechicles and of street traffic
and may alter or repeal such by-laws when made, and may substitute or
new by-law or by-laws in place of any by-laws so repealed or any of
them .
8.any person offending against any of the provisions of this ordi-
nance or of nay by-law made thereunder may , either with or without
warrant, be lawfully stopped,seized , apprehended, and detained by any
member of the police force, and such person shall thereupon be taken
before a magistrate to be dealt with according to law and , if nay such
person refuses to disclose his name, it shall be lawful to procceed against
him by a description of person and the offence only, without adding
any name or designation, but in sucb case the magistrate shall mention
in the depositions that the defendant refused to disclosed his name.
9.every person who is convicted of an offence against this ordinance
or against any by-law made thereunder shall be liable to a penalty not
exceeding fifty dollars or , in default of payment thereof, to imprison
ment, wiht or sihtout hard labour, for any term not exceeding six
months .
A.D. 1899. Ordinance No. 6 of 1899. Short title. Interpretation of term. Rule of road for vehicle meeting under vehicle. Rule of road for vehicle passing other vehicle. Lights to be carried by vehicle. Prohibition of driver, etc., of vehicle causing damage by negligence or misbehaviour, etc. Making of by-laws for regulation of vehicles, etc.
Power to deal with offender against the Ordinance or by-laws.
Penalty for offence against the Ordinance or by-laws.
A.D. 1899. Ordinance No. 6 of 1899. Short title. Interpretation of term. Rule of road for vehicle meeting under vehicle. Rule of road for vehicle passing other vehicle. Lights to be carried by vehicle. Prohibition of driver, etc., of vehicle causing damage by negligence or misbehaviour, etc. Making of by-laws for regulation of vehicles, etc.
Power to deal with offender against the Ordinance or by-laws.
Penalty for offence against the Ordinance or by-laws.
Power to deal with offender against the Ordinance or by-laws.
Penalty for offence against the Ordinance or by-laws.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 3 of 1899
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“VEHICLES REGULATION ORDINANCE, 1899,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 12, 2025,