ORDINANCE No. 8 OF 1898.
Liquor licences
AN ORDINANCE TO CONSOLIDATE and amend the law relating
to intoxicating liquor licences.
[1st october, 1898.]
be it enacted by the governor of hongkong, with the advice and
consent of the legislative council thereof , as follows :-
1.this ordinance may be cited as the liquor licences ordinance,
2. in this ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires,-
'intoxicating liquor' includes spirits, malt liquor,and any wine
or other fermented liquor whether :
' pint bottle ' and ' quar bottle ' mean respectively the reputed
pint and quart bottles or ordinarily used in commerce:
' chinese wines and spirits ' mean intoxicating liquors of chinese
production or commonly consumed by chinese , including samshu:
'a dulterated liquor ' means nay ingredient whatever or wiht
water , either so as to increase its buld and measure or so as in-
juriously to affect the quality of such liquor or to conceal its inferior
quality , or any liquor which is not virtually of the nature and quality
demanded by the purchaser or of the liquor which it is labelled as
being or purporting to be, whether such adulterated liquor is in-
jurious to health or not. spirits shall not be considered adul-
terated if mixed wiht water only so as not to reduce the strength
more than twenty-five degrees below proof in the case of brandy,
whiskey , or rum, or more than thirty degrees below proof in the
case of gin :
'public house' means any house or place of entertainment where
intoxicating liquors are sold by retail and may be consumed on the
premises , but does not include any place of entertainment kept un-
der an adjunct licence or a chinese restaurant licence :
' gallon' means an imperial gallon, or ,if the liqur is in bottles
six reputed quart bottles or twelve reputed pint bottles:
'wholesale licence' means a licence to sel intoxicating liquors
by the unopened cask, jar , or case, in quantities of not less than two
gallons of one liquor at one time , such liquors not to be consumed
on the premises:
' retail sale ' or ' sale by retail' means the sale of liquors in quan-
tities not exceeding two gallons at one time:
'publican's licence' means a licence to keep an inn or public
house for the retail sale therein, but not elsewhere , of intoxicating
liquors other than chinese wines and spirits :
' adjunct to their respective business, but does not authorize the
keeping of a pubic bar;
' chinese restarant licence' means a licence to keepers of chinese
hotels restaurants , or eating-houses , or hte like , for the retail sale
of intoxicating liquors in connexion wiht their respective business ,
such liquors to be consumed either on the premisses or in conjunction
wiht meals sent out , but not otherwise , and it does not authorize the
keeping of a public bar:
'chinese wine and spirit shop licence' means a licence to sell
chinese wines and spirits by retail or wholesale, such liquors not to
be consumed on the premises:
' groder's licence' means a licence to sell intoxicating liquors
( chinese wines and spirits excepted ) either whole sale or by the
bottle , suhc liquors not to be consumed on the premises :
' eating-hlouse licence' means a licence for the keeping of any
eating-house , coffee house , or other similar house where no intoxi-
cating liquors are sole on the premises.
distillery licences.
3-(1) no person shall make , distil, or rectify any spirits , or shall
knowingly keep or have in his possession any still or other utensil or
apparatus for making , distilling, or rectifying spirits, without a licence
under this ordinance.
(2) the colonial secretary may issue distillery licences, in the form
no.1 in the first schedule to this ordinance ,on each of which licences
the fee specified in the second schedule to this ordinance shall be pay-
able in advance .
(3) such conditions as the Governor-in-Council may from time to
time determine may be added to such licenses.
(4) every licensed distller may sell the liquors which he distils, but
only in quantities of not less than two gallons of one liquor at one time,
and such liquor so sold must not be consumed on the premises .
4-(1) it shall be lawful for the colonial secretary to issue a licence,
free of all charge , to any apothecary , chemist, or druggist applying for
the same , to keep and use on his premises a still of not more than eight
gallons capacity for the purpose of his trade only: provide that every
such person shall give a bond to the colonial secretary , with two suffi-
cient sureties , in the sum of one thousnad dollars , that the still shall not
exceed eight gallons capacity , and that he will not make use of such still,
or suffer it to be made use of , except for the preparation of medicines or
other articles required bona fide for medical or scientific purposes.
(2) every such person found to have such still without having entered
into such bond and obtained such licence shall be deemed to be guilty of
an offence against this ordinance.
5.-(1) every person who distils, makes, imports, sells, disposes of,
or deals in any adulterated intoxicating lwquor shall be guilty of an
offence against this ordinance,and , if such adulterated liquor is injurious
to health , be shall, on a second conviction , be liable to imprisonment ,
wiht or without hard labour , for any term not exceeding six months,
besides any other penalties to which he may be liable under this ordi-
nance .
(2) no person shall be convicted under this section if he shows, to the
satisfaction of the magistrate before whom he is charged , that he did not
know that the liquor imported , sold , disposed of , or dealt in by him was
adulterated , adn that he could not have known it with any reasonable
sale of intoxicating liquors .
6-(1) no person shall sell or dispose of , or advertise or expose for
sale , any intoxicating liquor , either by wholesale or retail , within the
colony , or shall permit or suffer any such intoxicating liquor to be sold
or disposed of ,or advertised or exposed for sale , in his house or other
place within the colony, without an appropriate licence under this ordi-
nance .
(2) the delivery of any liquor shall be taken , in any
proceeding under this ordinance , to be prima facie evidence of sale and
that money or other consideration was given for the same .
7. the holder of a grocer's licence may also sell intoxicating liquor
(chinese wines and spirit excepted) wholesale and the holder of a
chinese wine and spirit shop licence may also sell chinese wine and
spirits wholesale; but no person shall sell chinese wines and
without a licence to that effect,this section shall apply to all retail
sales of liquor to any person on pretence that he is a customer for
with an understanding that part is to be returned, and generally to any
act whatever which , under whatever pretence, constitutes a retail sale
of intoxicating liquor.
temporary licences.
8. the colonial secretary may aat any time issue to any holder of a
publican's or adjunct licence a temporary licence for the sale of liquors
at any public entertainment or on any public occasion, on payment of
such fee, in each case, as to the governor may seem fit .
publican's and adgunct licences .
9.every person desirous of obtaining a publican's or adjunct licence
shall give ten days' notice to the magistrate , in the form no. 2.or the
form no.3 in the first schedule to this ordinance , according to the
nature of the licence required .
10.-(1) the magistrate, or , when there are more magistrates than
one, any magistrate,may from time to time appoint a day for consider-
ing and dealing with applications for the granting or transferring of
licences, which shall be advertised in the gazette and a local newspaper
at least one week previously.
(2) the magistrate , with the assistance of such other justices of teh
peace as may attend on the said day, shall take into consideration all
applications which may have been made for licences for the sale of
liquors within the colony or for transfers of licences .
(3) the presiding magistrate may adjourn the consideration of all
or any of such applications to any other lawful day. 11. every application for the grant or transfer of a licence shall be
decided by a majority of vote of the justices present . in the case of
an equality of votes , the presiding magistrate shall, in addition to his
one original vote , have a casting vote : provided, however, that in case
of any applicant being dissatisfied with the order of the justices or the
majority thereof , the goveror-in-council may , in his ciscretion , alter
and amend the order , on the petition of the dissatisfied party .
12-(1) every applicant for a licence whose application may be
approved by the justices assembled as aforesaid shall enter into a recog-
nizance, in the form no. 4 or the form no.5 in the first schedule to
this ordinance , according to the nature of the licence which he requires,
whereupon the magistrate shall deliver to him a certificate, in the form
no. 6 or the form no.7 in the said schedule , according to the nature of
his application .
(2) the magistrate shall deliver to him a certificate, in the form
no.6 or the form no.7 in the said schedule.
13. teh applicant may , within fourteen days from the date of such
certificate, lodge the certificate in the colonial treasury , together with the
fee specified in the second schedule to this ordinance , whereupon the
colonial treasurer shall issue to him a licence , in the form no.9 or the
form no.10 in the fist schedule to this ordinance, according to the
nature fo the licence in the one case and an adjunct licence in
the other.
14. every publican's or adjunct licence shall be valid only until the
thirtieth day of november next following the date on which it is
granted : provided always that , where this period is less than a year,
a proportionate part only of the aforesaid fee shall be charged , to which
( except in the case fo the transfer of a licence) ten per cent shall be
15 the magistrate shall keep a record of all recognizances entered
into under section 12 , and the colonial treasurer shall keep a record
of all licences issued under section 13.
transfers of publican's and adjunct licences.
16-(1) the presiding magistrate and justices, at their meetings
hereinbefore provided for, may , in their discretion, transfer, in the form
no.11 in the first schedule to this ordinance , in respect of the same
premises, any publican's licence or adjunct licence to the nominee of the
original holder of such holder of such licence, such nominee making a like application,
receiving a like certificate , and entering into a like recognizance as if
applying for a licence on his own behalf .
(2) the fee specified in the secon schedule to this ordinance shall
be paid by the transferee for such transfer.
death or insolvency of licensee.
17. in case of death or insolvency of any person holding a
publican' licence or adjunct licence may carry on the husiness
of such licensed house until the expiraiton of the licence , subject to all
the same regulations as the original licensee, and provided that such
executor or administrator or trustee shall forthwith enter into a new
recognizance under this ordinance.
removal of buiness.
18-(1) the presiding magistrate and justices may permit the
business licensed under a publican's license for the remainder of his
term, on payment of the fee specified that the application to
remove such business (which shall be by written memorial ) may
resonably be granted .
(2) the licensee shall enter into a new recognizance, and shall receive
a new certificate entitling him to a new licence for the remainder of his
term , oon payment of the fee specified in the second schedule to this
ordinance .
regultaion of business.
19. every licensed publican or adjunct licensee shall haave his full
name painted in legible letters at least three inches long, with the words
' licensed to retail in intoxicating liquors ' constantly and permanently
remaining , and plainly to be seen and read , on some cconsipcuous part
of his hous ; and no persoon not actually holding a publican's licence or
adjunct licence (except the keeper of a chinese wine and spirit shop or
keep up any sign ,writing , painting , or other mark which may imply or
give reasonable cause to believe that his premises are sold , served , or
retailed therein.
20. the business of every licensed publican or adjunct licensee shall
be carried on subject to the following regulation:-
(1) no liquor shall be sold or drunk on the premises licensed except between such hours as the magistrate may enter on the certificate
to be granted under section 12.
(2) no disorder shall be permitted on the premises;
(3) no person shall be allowed become drunk on the premises ,nor
shal liquor be supplied to any person who is drunk;
(4)no game of chance shall be plyed on the premises ;
(5) a decent and suitable privy and urinal shall be maintained
in a state of cleanliness and good repair for the use of customeers;
(6) the licensee shall not abandon the occupation of his house or
permit any other person to beocme virtually the keeper thereof ;
(7) the licensee shall not employ any person to sell or dispose fo any
liqurs outside of his licensed premises , nor shall be allow or suffer
any liquors to be so disposed of on his account .
21. when any licensed publican or adjunct licensee is charged with
any offence against this ordinance and does not appear to answer such
charge , it shall be lawful for any magistrate to order that the recog-
nizance fo such licensed publican ro adjunct licensee be forfeited until
his appearance ,and in case any licensed publican or adjunct licensee
a twice convicted of any offence against this ordinance , it shall be law-
ful for the magistrate to order , on the second conviction ,that any penalty
imposed on such offender , not exceeding the amount of his recognizance ,
be paid by his sureties .
22. no licensed publican or adjunct licensee shall maintain any action
for , or recover any debt or demand on account of , intoxicating liquor ,
unless such debt has bond fide been contracted at one time to the amount
of five dollars or upwards, nor shall any item in any account for such
liquor be allowed where the liquor bona fide delivered at one time does
not amount to the full sum of five dollars ,nor shall any claim be allowed
against any seaman or soldier in her majesty's service for debt for
intoxicating liquor supplied : provided always that nothing herein con-
tained shall extend to prevent any innkeeper from keeping an account
wiht a lodger or traveller, in which any charge for liquors may be
included , and recovering the amount thereof in a court of justice.
general provisions.
23. no person licensed under this ordinance hsall take or recive in
payment or pledge for liquor or any enterainment whatever , except money.
24. every person licesed under this ordinance hsall sell and dispose
of his liquors by the measures jor weights legalized in this colony and not otherwise , except when the quantity is less than half a pint or except
when the liquor is sold in botteles , and shall alos measure or weigh such
liquors in the presence of any custormer who may require him to do so .
25. if any person is convicted of unlawfully retailing any intoxicating
liquor , the house and premises of such person , adn hte house , lodging,
shop , or warehouse where such offence has been committed , and any
court or yard connectd therewiht shall be liable to be searched , at any
time of the day or night , by any police officer , with or wihtout a war-
rant , for six months next after such conviction , provided that ht esame
or any part thereof is then occupied by the person so convicted .
26. whenever any police officer finds any person drinking in any
place in which any intoxicating liquor is sold or disposed of by retail ,
and the licence for such sale is not , on demand , produced to such police
officer , it shall be lawful for such police officer to apprehend all such
persons so found drinking there; and every such person so found drinks
conviction , for every such offence a sum not exceeding twenty dollars
unless such person informs against such unlicensed person or voluntarily
becomes a witness against him , in respect of such act of selling and
27.n no master or other person employing journeymen, workmen ,
servants , or labourers, and not being the licensed keeper of the hoouse
herenafter mentioned , shall pay or cause any payment to be made jto
any such journeyman , workman , servant, or labourer in or at any house
in which any intoxicating liquor is sold by retail .
wholesale and general licences.
28-(1) every person desirous of obtaining a wholesale licence or a
grocer's licence to sell intoxicating liquors shall apply to the colonial
secretary , who may , in his discretion , grant to the applicant a licence in
ordinance , accordingto the nature jfo his application , on production of
a receipt from the colonial treasurer for the appropriate fee specified
in the second schedule to this ordinance .
(2) such licence may be renewed annually on like conditions .
29-(1) it shall be lawful for the governor-in-council from time to
time to make , alter , amend , and repeal regulations and conditions for
the franting of wholesale and grocers' licences,
(2) such regulations ro conditions conditions may require the providing by
applicants of one or more sureties, may alter the scale of fees, may regulate the times of commencement and expiry of such licences , the
hours nad conditions of sale , and all other matters connected with such
licences .
(3) all such regulations, when published in the gazette , shall have
the force of law.
chinese wine and spirit shop licences .
30.-(1) the colonial secretary may grant a licence, in the form
no .14 in the first schedule to this ordinance , to any person to sell
chinese wines and spirits , by retail and wholesale , such chinese wines
and spirits not to be consumed on the premises where they are sold .
(2) the holder of any such licence shall exhibit conspicuously and
permanently in front of his licensed place of business his name and
number and the nature of such licence , on a sign, the size and design of
which shall be approved by the captain superintendent of police.
(3) the fee for such licence shall be that specified in the second
schedule to this ordinance , and shall be paid to the colonial treasurer.
(4) the colonial secretary may permit the transfer of any such
licence, in the form no. 15. in the first schedule to this ordinance.
chines restaurant licences .
31.-(1) where the keeper of any chinese hotel or restaurant or
eating-house , or other place where meals or food are or is supplied to
persons not resident on the premises, is desirous of supplying intoxicating
liquor to customers with their meals , such keeper may apply to the
colonial secretary for a chinese restaurant licence.
(2) such application shall be referred to the registrar general and
captain superintendent of police for report, and , on receipt of such
report , the conlonial secretary may ,in his discretion , grant a licence , in
the form no. 16 in the first schedule to this ordinance , or refuse the
same .
(3) the fee for such licence shall be according to the scale set forth
in the first schedule to this ordinance, and shall be paid to the
colonial treasurer before the issue fo the licence.
(4) the holder of such licence shall exhibit conspicuously and
permanently in front of his licensed place of business his name and the
number and nature of such licence, on a sign , the size and design of
which shall be approved by the captain superintendent fo police.
(5) sub-sections (2),(3), (4),(5)and (6) of section 20 shall apply to
the business carried on under a chinese restaurant licence , and no liquor
shall be sold to , or be drunk on the premises by , other persons than
those fo chinese race between the hours of midnight nad six o'clock in
the morning.
(6) in case of teh death or insolvency of any holder of chinese
restaurant licence, the executor or administrator or trustee (as hte cars
may be )of such licensee may carry on the business until the expiration
of the ten current licence , subject to alll the same regulations as the
original licensee.
(7) the colonial secretary may , in his discretion , permit the transfer
of any such licence , in the form no.17 in the first schedule to this
licences for eating-houses.
32-(1) no person (unless licensed under this ordinance to retail
intoxicating liquors to be consumed on the premises )shall keep an
eating-house , coffee-house , refreshment bar or saloon , restaurant , or other
place where meals or refreshment are supplied to persons not resident
on the premises , without a licence from the colonial shall be
payable .
(2) such conditions as the governor-in-council may determine may
be added to any licence granted under this section , and no intoxicating
liquor shall be sold on such premises .
(3) the colonial secretary may ,in his discretion , permit the transfer
of such licence, and such transfer shall be by the indorsement of the
colonial secretary .
33. no person licensed under the last preceding section shall
knowing ly or wilfully permit diorderly conduct in his house or other
place of entertainment , or knowingly suffer any unlawful game or
gaming therein , or knowingly permit or suffer any prostitute to
frequent such house or other place or to remain therein .
sale fo liquor by licensed actioneers.
34. nothing in this ordinance shall render it illegal for an auctioneer,
holding an aucitoneer's licence , to sell intoxicating liquor by acution
principal holding an appropriate liquor licence , or upon premises for a
respect of which his principal holds an appropriate licence authorizing
such principal to sell such intoxicating liquor, or in cases where such
liquor is the property of the imperial or local government , or forms
part of the estate of a bankrupt or deceased person , or is sold by order
of court, or where, in any particular case , on application made the
colonial secretary grants permission for such sale by auction, whether
upon licensed premises or elsewheree.
search warrants , etc.
35.when information upon oath is laid before any magistrate to the
effect that any illicit disillation or rectification or illegal sale of intoxi-
cating liquor is carried on within any building or on board of any vessel
in the colony , it shall be lawful for such magistrate, by a warrant under
his hand , to empower any officer of police to enter such building or
vessel at any hour of the night or day , using force for that prupose , if
necessary , and to make serarch for and seize any stills , parts of stills , vats,
or other vessel used illicit distillation , wash or other materials
preparing or prepared for such distillation , or intoxicating liquor which
may be found there, and either to detain the same where found or to
remove the same or any fo them , after seizure, to a police station , and
to arrest any persons who may appear to have committed or to be
attempting to commit any offence against this ordinance .
36-(1) every person licensed under this ordinance shall produce
his licence to any of section 12,31 and 32, at any hour
of the night or day .
offence, penalties,and forfeitures .
37. offences against this ordinance shall be considered to be -
(1) refusal , neglect , or omission to do any act commanded by this
(2) refusal to permit or obstruction of any such act;
(3) the doing of any act forbidden by this ordinance;and ,
(4) on the part of licensed person , any breach of the terms or
conditions of his licence or recognizance .
38-(1) for every offence against this ordinance , not otherwise
provided for, there shall be payable for a first offence a penalty not
exceeding three hundred dollars and for a second or any subsequent
offence a penalty not exceeding six hundred dollars .
(2) all stills or parts thereof, vats , or other vessals used in illicit
distillation ,washor other materials preparing or prepared for such dis-
tillation , adn dalll intoxicating liquor iwht respect to which any offence
against this ordinance may have been committed, as well as the vessels or
packages which contain them, may forfeited, as also any boat or vessels or
of less than fifteen tons burden in which such stills , or parts of stills, or
intoxicating liquor may be found .
39. on the conviction of any licensed person for a second or any subse-
quent offence against this ordinance , the magistrate may jroder his licence
to be forfeited, in addition to any other penalties hereinbefore provided . 40. all penalties for offences against this ordinance may be recovered
in a summary way before a magistrate , but proceedigns for the recovery
of any such penalty shall be commenced within six months after the
offence was committed .
41. one-half or a less portion of any penalty recovered under this
ordinance may , if hte magistrate, in his disceetion , os orders , be paid
to the informer.
42.-(1) the governor-in- council may from time to time make,
alter , and repeal rules , not being inconsistent with this ordinance ,for
the better carrying out of the same .
(2) all such rules shall be published in the gazette, and , when so
published , shall have the force of law .
Distillery licence.
in consideration of the fee fo follars paid by I hereby
license him to have stills ,of gallons capacity , at and
to distil spirits therewith , adn to sell such spirits from this date until the
day of ,I , in quantities fo not less than two gallons
of one liquor at one time, and not to be consumed on the premises.
dated the day fo , I .
colonail secretary.
form no .2.
application for pubican 's licence.
Name of applicant address
nationality . has held a licence years
license house ot be at no. street. its name or sign to be
sureties of and
to the magistrate .
I give notice that i intend to apply at the next licensing meeting to her
majesty's justice of the peace for a license to sell by retail intoxicating
liquors, (except chinese wines and spirits) inthe house and appurtences
thereunto belonging above named , which i intend to keep as an inn or
dated the day of , 1.
we, the undersigned householders , residing at in the said
colony, and being in no way directly or indirectly connected with the sale of
liquor to the applicant, certify that the above-named applicant is a person of
good fame and reputation, and fit and proper to be licensed to keep an inn or
dated the day of , 1.
Application for adjunct licence.
name of applicant address
nationality . has held a licence years.
licensed house to be at no. street.
other business carried on
sureties of and
to the magistrate
i give notice that i intend to apply at the next licensing meeting
to her majesty's justices of the peace for a licence to sell by retail intoxi-
cating liquors , in the house and appurtenances thereunto belonging above
named , as an adjunct to the business which i am carrying on in the said
house and premises .
dated the day of , 1.
we, the undersigned householders, residing at in the said
colony, and being in no way directly or indirectly connected with the sale if
liquor to the applicant certify that the above-named applicant is a person as
good fame and reputation , and fit and proper to be licensed for the sale of
intoxicating liquors as aforesaid .
dated the day of , 1.
Publican's recognizance .
HONKONG TO WIT { BE it remembered that , on the day of ,1.
hereinafter called the licensee, and
and hereinafter called the sureties , came personally before me , a
magistrate in the colony, and acknowledged themselves to owe to hte
lady the queen , to wit , the said licensee the sum of three hundred dollars
and the said sureties each the sum of three hundred dollars , to be respectively
levied of their several goods and chattels, lands adn tenemens, to the use fo
our said lady the queen, her heirs and successors, in case default shall be
made in the performance of the conditions hereunder written .
the conditions of this recognizance are such that wheresas the said licensee
is to be licensed to keep a public-house,and to selll by retail intoxicating
liquors,( except chinese wines and spirits ), at the sign of the
situate at ; if the said license shall observe all the coditions
of his licence and the requirements of the liquor licences ordinance, 1898.
then this recogizance to be void , otherwise to remain in full force.
taken and acknowledged the day and year above written , before me ,
magistrate .
ADJUNCT license's recongizance .
hongkong to wit .} be it remebered that, on the day of
hereinafter called the licenses , and
and hereinafter called the sureties , came personally before me,
magistrate in the said colony , and acknowledged themsevles to owe to our only the queen , to wit, the said licensee the sum of three hundred dollars
and the said sureties each the sum of three hundred dollars , to be respectively
aviod of their several goods and chattel , land, and tenements , to the use of
the said lady the queen , her heirs and suceeors , in case default shall be
sale in the performance of fo the condtioons hereunder written .
the conditions of this recognizance are such that whereas the said license
is to be licensed to sell by retail intoxicating liquors , in the house no.
an adjunct to the business of carried on by him in the said
house and appurtenacnces thereunto belonging ,; if the said licensee shall observe
if the conditions of his licence and the requirements of the liquor licences
ordinance, 1898, then thsi recognizance to be void , otherwise to remain in
and force.
taken and acknowledged the day and year above written , before me ,
Authority to the colonial treasurer to issue a publican's licence to
premises no. street .
sign of house licence to expire 1.
i authorize the said person is a person of good fame and reputation , and is
fit and proper to keep an inn or public-house ; and i have taken from the
and person and his sureties a recogniznce in the sum of three hundred
dollars each , according to the form prescribed by the said ordinance.
dated the day of , 1
(signed .)
magistrate .
hours for sale to
Authority to the colonial treasurer to issue an adjunct licence to
premises no. street.
buiness carried on licence to expire 1.
I authorize the colonial treasurer to issue an adjunct licence to the above-named person to retail intoxicating liquors on the premises named
above as an adjunct to the business carried on by him in the said house , I
am satisfied that the said person is a person of good fame and reputation, and
is fit and proper to conduct such house as aforesaid ; and i have taken from
the said person and his sureties a recognizance in the sum of three hundred
dollars each , according to the form prescribed by the said ordinance .
dated the day of , 1.
(signed .)
hours for sale to
form no. 8.
return of licensees .
the liquor licences ordinance , 1898.
return of licensees .
to the colonial treasurer .
public-house or adjunct licences may be granted to the undermentioned
dated the day of , 1.
magistrate .
form no. 9.
publican's licence.
the liquor licences ordinance, 1898.
publican's licence .
sign of house
no street.
period of licence, from to both days inclusive
fee, $
i license the above-named person to keep an inn or public-house , and to
sell by retail in such house in which he now dwells and in hte appurtenances thereunto belonging, but not elsewhere, intoxicating liquors (except chinese
wines and spirits ) during the period above written .
dated the day of ,1
no. (signed.)
colonial treasurer.
FORM NO. 10.
adjunct licence.
hongkong .
the liquor licences ordinance, 1898.
no. street
period of licence, from to both days inclusive.
i license the above-named person to sell by retail intoxicating liquors, in
quantities not exceeding two gallons at one time, in the house in which he
now dwells and in the appurtenances thereunto belonging , but not elsewhere,
as an adjunct to the business he carries on there and without keeping a
public bar during the period above written.
dated the day of , i.
colonial treasurer.
FORM NO. 11.
Transfer of publican's or adjunct licence.
hongkong .
the liquor licences ordinance, 1898.
transfer of publican's on adjunct licence.
new licensee
sign of house or business carried on }
no. street .
period of new licence, from to both days incluive .
former licence
fee, $
i license the above-named person to sell by retail intoxicating liquors [add,
in the case fo a publican's licence, (except chinese wines and spirits )] in the
above-named bouse and in the appurtenaces thereunto belonging, but not
elsewhere, during the period above written.
dated the day of ,1.
(signed .)
colonial treasurer. form no. 12.
wholesale licence.
hongkong .
the liquor licence ordinance, 1898.
wholesale licence.
is licensed to sell intoxicating liqours by the unopened cask ,
jar, or case, in quantities of not less than two gallons of one liquor at one
time, on the premises known as such intoxicating liquors
are not to be consumed on the premises.
dated the day of , 1.
(signed .)
colonial secretarry .
form no. 13.
grocer's licence.
the liquor licences ordinance, 1898
grocer's licence.
is licensed to sell intoxicating liqluors (chinese wines and
spirits excepted ) by the bottle on the premises known as
intoxicating liquors are not to be consumed on the premises. intoxicating
liquors (chinese wines and spirits excepted )may also be sold wholesale under
this licence.
condition-no liquor shall be sold under this licence between the hours
of and 6 am
dated the day fo, 1.
colonail secretary
form no .14.
chinese wine and spirit shop licence.
the liquor licences ordinance, 1898.
chinese wine and spirit shop licence.
is license to sell chinese wines and spirits , both by retail
and wholesale , such wines and spiritnot to be consumed on his premises at
no. the sign or shop name of which is
until the day fo , 1.
1.-no chinese wines or spirits shall be sold by retail , directly or in
directly , to persons other than chinese.
2.-none but chinese wines and spirits shall be sold on the premises
3.-no chinese wines or spirits shall be sold between the hours of
10pm and 6am .
4-any change in the place of business shall be forthwith reported to
the registrar general .
5.-the licensee shall provide adequate security , to the satisfaction of the
registrar general , for the regular payment for one year of the fee for
this licence.
dated the day , 1.
colonial secretary .
form no. 15.
transfer of chinese wine and spirit licence.
hongkong .
the liquor licences ordinance , 1898.
transfer fo chinses wine and spirit licence
the chinese wine and spirt licenc no. granted to
and spirits, both by retail and wholesale , such wines and spirits not to be
consumed on the premises , at no. the sign or shop name of
which is until the day of , 1.
1.-no chinese wines or spirts shall be sold by retail , directly or
indirectly , to persons other than chinese.
2-none but chinese wines and spirits shall be sold on the premises.
3.-no chinese wines or spirits shall be solld between the hours of 10pm
and 6am
4- any change in the plane of business hsall be forthwith reported to
teh registrar general .
5-the licensee shall provide adequate security to , the satisfaction of
the registrar geneeral , for the regular payment for one year of the
fee for this licence.
dated the day , 1.
colonial secretary .
form no , 16.
chinese restaurant licence.
the liquor licence ordinance, 1898.
chinese restaurant licence.
name of licensee
sign of house address
period of licence, from to
fee, $
I license the above-named person during the period set forth above to be
by retail intoxicating liquors , in quantities not exceeding two gallons at a
time , on the above-mentioned premised , to be consumed on such premises in
connexion with the business be carries on there , and also to supply person
not in such premises with intoxicating liquors, in quantities not exceeding
two gallons at a time, in conjunction with meals sent out from such premise
but not otherwise.
a public bar may not be kept on the premises under this licence.
dated the day , 1.
colonial secretary .
form no. 17.
transfer of chinese restaurant licence .
the liquor licence ordinance, 1898.
transfer of chinese restaurant licence.
new licensee
sign of house
period of new licence, from to
former licence
I license the above-named person during the period set forth above to sell
by retail intoxicating liquors , in quantities not exceeding two gallons at a
time, on the above-mentioned premises , to be consumed on such premises in
connexion with the business be carries on there, and to supply persons not in
such premises with intoxicating liquors , in quantities not exceeding two
gallons at a time , in conjunction with meals seat out from such premises, but
not otherwise
a public bar may not be kept on the premises under this licence.
dated the day , 1.
colonial secretary .
form no , 18.
eating-house licence.
the liquor licence ordinance , 1898.
eating-house licence
name of licensee
business sign of house (if any )
period of licence, from to
fee, $
I license the above-named person during the period set forth above to
keep an eating-house [or coffee house , or as the case may be ]at the above-
mentioned premises.
no intoxicating liquors shall be sold on such premises .
dated the day , 1.
colonial secretary .
warning -the keeper shall not knowingly or wilfully permit disorderly conduct on his
premises , or kowingly suffer any unlawful games or gaming therein , or know-
ingly permit or suffer any prostitute to frequent suhc premises or to remain
therein ,
note-there may be added such other condition , if any , to this licence as the governor-
in-council may from time to time determine.
the second schedule .
table of fees for licences.
the following fees shall be paid for the licences hereinafter mentioed,
and in the manner specified; that is to say , -
licence and amount. how payable .
1. distillery licence(sec.3) ....$200 annually , in advance.
2. temporary licence (sec.8), at the dis-
cretion of the governor............. in advance .
3. public-house licence (sec.13.): -
when the annual valuation of the
premise occupied is -
under $1,00, a licence fee of ...$ 450 }annually, in advance,
$1,000 or over, but under $ 4200, a } subject, however , to
licence fee of ...........$600.} the provisions of sec.
$4,200 or over ,a licence fee of ..... $800 }147.
4. adjunct licence ( sec. 13) :-
when the annual valuation of the
premises occupied is-
under $1000, a licence fee of ....$300 }annually, in advance,
$1000 or over, but under $4200, a }subject , however, to
licence fee fo .......$360} the provisions of sec.
$4200 or over , a licence fee of .....$480 }14. licence and amount . how payable.
5. removal licence (sec.18.) ........$10 in advance.
note.-if the new premises are of a
higher annual valuation than those
from which the licence is removed ,
a proportionate part of the extra fee,
if any , payable in respect of such
difference of valuation must also be
paid .
6. transfer of a publican's or adjunct
licence (sec.16) .......$10. in advance.
7. wholesale licence (sec 28)......$500 annually , in advance,
8. grocer's licence (sec 28) ....$500. annually , in advance,
9.chinese wine and spirit shop licence }payable in 4 quarterly
(sec 30.).....$250. }instalments , in advance. annually , in advance.
10. Chinese restaurant licence( sec 31.) ...
When the annual valuation of the
premises occupied is-
Under $ 500, a licence fee of ..........$150
$500 or more, but under $2,000, a licence
fee of .............................................$300
$2000 or over , a licence fee of ......$450
11. Eatong-house Licence (where no intoxicating
liquors are sold )(sec. 32).....$. Annually , in advance.
A.D. 1898. Ordinance No. 24 of 1898, with Ordinances No. 20 of 1900 and No. 29 of 1901 s. 8 incorporated.
Short title.
Interpretation of terms. Prohibition of distilling without licence and provision for issue of distillery licences. First Schedule Form No. 1. Second Schedule. Issue of free licence for apothecary, chemist, or druggist to have still of eight gallons capacity. Distilling, etc., adulterated liquor. Prohibition of sale of liquor without licence. Wholsesale and retail sale of liquor. Issue of temporary licence. Application for licence. First Schedule: Form Nos. 2 and 3. Holding of licensing session of Justices. Mode of deciding application. Recognizance to be entered into by applicant, etc. First Schedule: Forms Nos. 4 and 5; Forms Nos. 6 and 7; Form No. 8. Fees for licence. Second Schedule. First Schedule: Form Nos. 9 and 10. Duration of licence. Keeping of record of recognizances and of licences. Transfer of licence. First Schedule Form No. 11. Second Schedule. Provision for case of death or insolvency of licensee. Provision for case of removal of licensed business. Second Schedule. Affixing of sign by licensee, etc. Regulations relating to business. Forfeiture of recognizance in certain cases. Restriction of right of action for liquor sold. Prohibition of taking pledge for liquor. Measures or weights for sale of liquor. Power to search suspected premises. Drinking in unlicensed place. Prohibition of payment of journeyman, etc., at place where liquor is sold. Issue of wholesale and grocer's licence. First Schedule: Form Nos. 12 and 13. Second Schedule. Making of regulations and conditions. Issue and transfer of Chinese wine and spirit shop licence. First Schedule: Form No. 14. Second Schedule. First Schedule: Form No. 15. Application for and issue and transfer of Chinese restaurant licence. First Schedule: Form No. 16. Second Schedule. First Schedule: Form No. 17. Eating-houses. First Schedule: Form No. 18. Second Schedule. Prohibition of disorderly conduct in licensed eating-house. Saving as to sale of liquor by licensed auctioneer. Issue of search warrant and procedure thereunder. General powers of Police. Enumeration of offences against the Ordinance. Penalties and forfeitures. Forfeiture of licence. Recovery of penalties. Award to informer. Making of rules. Section 3. Section 9. Section 9. Section 12. Section 12. Section 12. Section 12. Section 12. Section 13. Section 13. Section 16. Section 28 and 29. Section 28 and 29. Section 30. Section 30. Section 31. Section 31. Section 32.
Liquor licences
AN ORDINANCE TO CONSOLIDATE and amend the law relating
to intoxicating liquor licences.
[1st october, 1898.]
be it enacted by the governor of hongkong, with the advice and
consent of the legislative council thereof , as follows :-
1.this ordinance may be cited as the liquor licences ordinance,
2. in this ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires,-
'intoxicating liquor' includes spirits, malt liquor,and any wine
or other fermented liquor whether :
' pint bottle ' and ' quar bottle ' mean respectively the reputed
pint and quart bottles or ordinarily used in commerce:
' chinese wines and spirits ' mean intoxicating liquors of chinese
production or commonly consumed by chinese , including samshu:
'a dulterated liquor ' means nay ingredient whatever or wiht
water , either so as to increase its buld and measure or so as in-
juriously to affect the quality of such liquor or to conceal its inferior
quality , or any liquor which is not virtually of the nature and quality
demanded by the purchaser or of the liquor which it is labelled as
being or purporting to be, whether such adulterated liquor is in-
jurious to health or not. spirits shall not be considered adul-
terated if mixed wiht water only so as not to reduce the strength
more than twenty-five degrees below proof in the case of brandy,
whiskey , or rum, or more than thirty degrees below proof in the
case of gin :
'public house' means any house or place of entertainment where
intoxicating liquors are sold by retail and may be consumed on the
premises , but does not include any place of entertainment kept un-
der an adjunct licence or a chinese restaurant licence :
' gallon' means an imperial gallon, or ,if the liqur is in bottles
six reputed quart bottles or twelve reputed pint bottles:
'wholesale licence' means a licence to sel intoxicating liquors
by the unopened cask, jar , or case, in quantities of not less than two
gallons of one liquor at one time , such liquors not to be consumed
on the premises:
' retail sale ' or ' sale by retail' means the sale of liquors in quan-
tities not exceeding two gallons at one time:
'publican's licence' means a licence to keep an inn or public
house for the retail sale therein, but not elsewhere , of intoxicating
liquors other than chinese wines and spirits :
' adjunct to their respective business, but does not authorize the
keeping of a pubic bar;
' chinese restarant licence' means a licence to keepers of chinese
hotels restaurants , or eating-houses , or hte like , for the retail sale
of intoxicating liquors in connexion wiht their respective business ,
such liquors to be consumed either on the premisses or in conjunction
wiht meals sent out , but not otherwise , and it does not authorize the
keeping of a public bar:
'chinese wine and spirit shop licence' means a licence to sell
chinese wines and spirits by retail or wholesale, such liquors not to
be consumed on the premises:
' groder's licence' means a licence to sell intoxicating liquors
( chinese wines and spirits excepted ) either whole sale or by the
bottle , suhc liquors not to be consumed on the premises :
' eating-hlouse licence' means a licence for the keeping of any
eating-house , coffee house , or other similar house where no intoxi-
cating liquors are sole on the premises.
distillery licences.
3-(1) no person shall make , distil, or rectify any spirits , or shall
knowingly keep or have in his possession any still or other utensil or
apparatus for making , distilling, or rectifying spirits, without a licence
under this ordinance.
(2) the colonial secretary may issue distillery licences, in the form
no.1 in the first schedule to this ordinance ,on each of which licences
the fee specified in the second schedule to this ordinance shall be pay-
able in advance .
(3) such conditions as the Governor-in-Council may from time to
time determine may be added to such licenses.
(4) every licensed distller may sell the liquors which he distils, but
only in quantities of not less than two gallons of one liquor at one time,
and such liquor so sold must not be consumed on the premises .
4-(1) it shall be lawful for the colonial secretary to issue a licence,
free of all charge , to any apothecary , chemist, or druggist applying for
the same , to keep and use on his premises a still of not more than eight
gallons capacity for the purpose of his trade only: provide that every
such person shall give a bond to the colonial secretary , with two suffi-
cient sureties , in the sum of one thousnad dollars , that the still shall not
exceed eight gallons capacity , and that he will not make use of such still,
or suffer it to be made use of , except for the preparation of medicines or
other articles required bona fide for medical or scientific purposes.
(2) every such person found to have such still without having entered
into such bond and obtained such licence shall be deemed to be guilty of
an offence against this ordinance.
5.-(1) every person who distils, makes, imports, sells, disposes of,
or deals in any adulterated intoxicating lwquor shall be guilty of an
offence against this ordinance,and , if such adulterated liquor is injurious
to health , be shall, on a second conviction , be liable to imprisonment ,
wiht or without hard labour , for any term not exceeding six months,
besides any other penalties to which he may be liable under this ordi-
nance .
(2) no person shall be convicted under this section if he shows, to the
satisfaction of the magistrate before whom he is charged , that he did not
know that the liquor imported , sold , disposed of , or dealt in by him was
adulterated , adn that he could not have known it with any reasonable
sale of intoxicating liquors .
6-(1) no person shall sell or dispose of , or advertise or expose for
sale , any intoxicating liquor , either by wholesale or retail , within the
colony , or shall permit or suffer any such intoxicating liquor to be sold
or disposed of ,or advertised or exposed for sale , in his house or other
place within the colony, without an appropriate licence under this ordi-
nance .
(2) the delivery of any liquor shall be taken , in any
proceeding under this ordinance , to be prima facie evidence of sale and
that money or other consideration was given for the same .
7. the holder of a grocer's licence may also sell intoxicating liquor
(chinese wines and spirit excepted) wholesale and the holder of a
chinese wine and spirit shop licence may also sell chinese wine and
spirits wholesale; but no person shall sell chinese wines and
without a licence to that effect,this section shall apply to all retail
sales of liquor to any person on pretence that he is a customer for
with an understanding that part is to be returned, and generally to any
act whatever which , under whatever pretence, constitutes a retail sale
of intoxicating liquor.
temporary licences.
8. the colonial secretary may aat any time issue to any holder of a
publican's or adjunct licence a temporary licence for the sale of liquors
at any public entertainment or on any public occasion, on payment of
such fee, in each case, as to the governor may seem fit .
publican's and adgunct licences .
9.every person desirous of obtaining a publican's or adjunct licence
shall give ten days' notice to the magistrate , in the form no. 2.or the
form no.3 in the first schedule to this ordinance , according to the
nature of the licence required .
10.-(1) the magistrate, or , when there are more magistrates than
one, any magistrate,may from time to time appoint a day for consider-
ing and dealing with applications for the granting or transferring of
licences, which shall be advertised in the gazette and a local newspaper
at least one week previously.
(2) the magistrate , with the assistance of such other justices of teh
peace as may attend on the said day, shall take into consideration all
applications which may have been made for licences for the sale of
liquors within the colony or for transfers of licences .
(3) the presiding magistrate may adjourn the consideration of all
or any of such applications to any other lawful day. 11. every application for the grant or transfer of a licence shall be
decided by a majority of vote of the justices present . in the case of
an equality of votes , the presiding magistrate shall, in addition to his
one original vote , have a casting vote : provided, however, that in case
of any applicant being dissatisfied with the order of the justices or the
majority thereof , the goveror-in-council may , in his ciscretion , alter
and amend the order , on the petition of the dissatisfied party .
12-(1) every applicant for a licence whose application may be
approved by the justices assembled as aforesaid shall enter into a recog-
nizance, in the form no. 4 or the form no.5 in the first schedule to
this ordinance , according to the nature of the licence which he requires,
whereupon the magistrate shall deliver to him a certificate, in the form
no. 6 or the form no.7 in the said schedule , according to the nature of
his application .
(2) the magistrate shall deliver to him a certificate, in the form
no.6 or the form no.7 in the said schedule.
13. teh applicant may , within fourteen days from the date of such
certificate, lodge the certificate in the colonial treasury , together with the
fee specified in the second schedule to this ordinance , whereupon the
colonial treasurer shall issue to him a licence , in the form no.9 or the
form no.10 in the fist schedule to this ordinance, according to the
nature fo the licence in the one case and an adjunct licence in
the other.
14. every publican's or adjunct licence shall be valid only until the
thirtieth day of november next following the date on which it is
granted : provided always that , where this period is less than a year,
a proportionate part only of the aforesaid fee shall be charged , to which
( except in the case fo the transfer of a licence) ten per cent shall be
15 the magistrate shall keep a record of all recognizances entered
into under section 12 , and the colonial treasurer shall keep a record
of all licences issued under section 13.
transfers of publican's and adjunct licences.
16-(1) the presiding magistrate and justices, at their meetings
hereinbefore provided for, may , in their discretion, transfer, in the form
no.11 in the first schedule to this ordinance , in respect of the same
premises, any publican's licence or adjunct licence to the nominee of the
original holder of such holder of such licence, such nominee making a like application,
receiving a like certificate , and entering into a like recognizance as if
applying for a licence on his own behalf .
(2) the fee specified in the secon schedule to this ordinance shall
be paid by the transferee for such transfer.
death or insolvency of licensee.
17. in case of death or insolvency of any person holding a
publican' licence or adjunct licence may carry on the husiness
of such licensed house until the expiraiton of the licence , subject to all
the same regulations as the original licensee, and provided that such
executor or administrator or trustee shall forthwith enter into a new
recognizance under this ordinance.
removal of buiness.
18-(1) the presiding magistrate and justices may permit the
business licensed under a publican's license for the remainder of his
term, on payment of the fee specified that the application to
remove such business (which shall be by written memorial ) may
resonably be granted .
(2) the licensee shall enter into a new recognizance, and shall receive
a new certificate entitling him to a new licence for the remainder of his
term , oon payment of the fee specified in the second schedule to this
ordinance .
regultaion of business.
19. every licensed publican or adjunct licensee shall haave his full
name painted in legible letters at least three inches long, with the words
' licensed to retail in intoxicating liquors ' constantly and permanently
remaining , and plainly to be seen and read , on some cconsipcuous part
of his hous ; and no persoon not actually holding a publican's licence or
adjunct licence (except the keeper of a chinese wine and spirit shop or
keep up any sign ,writing , painting , or other mark which may imply or
give reasonable cause to believe that his premises are sold , served , or
retailed therein.
20. the business of every licensed publican or adjunct licensee shall
be carried on subject to the following regulation:-
(1) no liquor shall be sold or drunk on the premises licensed except between such hours as the magistrate may enter on the certificate
to be granted under section 12.
(2) no disorder shall be permitted on the premises;
(3) no person shall be allowed become drunk on the premises ,nor
shal liquor be supplied to any person who is drunk;
(4)no game of chance shall be plyed on the premises ;
(5) a decent and suitable privy and urinal shall be maintained
in a state of cleanliness and good repair for the use of customeers;
(6) the licensee shall not abandon the occupation of his house or
permit any other person to beocme virtually the keeper thereof ;
(7) the licensee shall not employ any person to sell or dispose fo any
liqurs outside of his licensed premises , nor shall be allow or suffer
any liquors to be so disposed of on his account .
21. when any licensed publican or adjunct licensee is charged with
any offence against this ordinance and does not appear to answer such
charge , it shall be lawful for any magistrate to order that the recog-
nizance fo such licensed publican ro adjunct licensee be forfeited until
his appearance ,and in case any licensed publican or adjunct licensee
a twice convicted of any offence against this ordinance , it shall be law-
ful for the magistrate to order , on the second conviction ,that any penalty
imposed on such offender , not exceeding the amount of his recognizance ,
be paid by his sureties .
22. no licensed publican or adjunct licensee shall maintain any action
for , or recover any debt or demand on account of , intoxicating liquor ,
unless such debt has bond fide been contracted at one time to the amount
of five dollars or upwards, nor shall any item in any account for such
liquor be allowed where the liquor bona fide delivered at one time does
not amount to the full sum of five dollars ,nor shall any claim be allowed
against any seaman or soldier in her majesty's service for debt for
intoxicating liquor supplied : provided always that nothing herein con-
tained shall extend to prevent any innkeeper from keeping an account
wiht a lodger or traveller, in which any charge for liquors may be
included , and recovering the amount thereof in a court of justice.
general provisions.
23. no person licensed under this ordinance hsall take or recive in
payment or pledge for liquor or any enterainment whatever , except money.
24. every person licesed under this ordinance hsall sell and dispose
of his liquors by the measures jor weights legalized in this colony and not otherwise , except when the quantity is less than half a pint or except
when the liquor is sold in botteles , and shall alos measure or weigh such
liquors in the presence of any custormer who may require him to do so .
25. if any person is convicted of unlawfully retailing any intoxicating
liquor , the house and premises of such person , adn hte house , lodging,
shop , or warehouse where such offence has been committed , and any
court or yard connectd therewiht shall be liable to be searched , at any
time of the day or night , by any police officer , with or wihtout a war-
rant , for six months next after such conviction , provided that ht esame
or any part thereof is then occupied by the person so convicted .
26. whenever any police officer finds any person drinking in any
place in which any intoxicating liquor is sold or disposed of by retail ,
and the licence for such sale is not , on demand , produced to such police
officer , it shall be lawful for such police officer to apprehend all such
persons so found drinking there; and every such person so found drinks
conviction , for every such offence a sum not exceeding twenty dollars
unless such person informs against such unlicensed person or voluntarily
becomes a witness against him , in respect of such act of selling and
27.n no master or other person employing journeymen, workmen ,
servants , or labourers, and not being the licensed keeper of the hoouse
herenafter mentioned , shall pay or cause any payment to be made jto
any such journeyman , workman , servant, or labourer in or at any house
in which any intoxicating liquor is sold by retail .
wholesale and general licences.
28-(1) every person desirous of obtaining a wholesale licence or a
grocer's licence to sell intoxicating liquors shall apply to the colonial
secretary , who may , in his discretion , grant to the applicant a licence in
ordinance , accordingto the nature jfo his application , on production of
a receipt from the colonial treasurer for the appropriate fee specified
in the second schedule to this ordinance .
(2) such licence may be renewed annually on like conditions .
29-(1) it shall be lawful for the governor-in-council from time to
time to make , alter , amend , and repeal regulations and conditions for
the franting of wholesale and grocers' licences,
(2) such regulations ro conditions conditions may require the providing by
applicants of one or more sureties, may alter the scale of fees, may regulate the times of commencement and expiry of such licences , the
hours nad conditions of sale , and all other matters connected with such
licences .
(3) all such regulations, when published in the gazette , shall have
the force of law.
chinese wine and spirit shop licences .
30.-(1) the colonial secretary may grant a licence, in the form
no .14 in the first schedule to this ordinance , to any person to sell
chinese wines and spirits , by retail and wholesale , such chinese wines
and spirits not to be consumed on the premises where they are sold .
(2) the holder of any such licence shall exhibit conspicuously and
permanently in front of his licensed place of business his name and
number and the nature of such licence , on a sign, the size and design of
which shall be approved by the captain superintendent of police.
(3) the fee for such licence shall be that specified in the second
schedule to this ordinance , and shall be paid to the colonial treasurer.
(4) the colonial secretary may permit the transfer of any such
licence, in the form no. 15. in the first schedule to this ordinance.
chines restaurant licences .
31.-(1) where the keeper of any chinese hotel or restaurant or
eating-house , or other place where meals or food are or is supplied to
persons not resident on the premises, is desirous of supplying intoxicating
liquor to customers with their meals , such keeper may apply to the
colonial secretary for a chinese restaurant licence.
(2) such application shall be referred to the registrar general and
captain superintendent of police for report, and , on receipt of such
report , the conlonial secretary may ,in his discretion , grant a licence , in
the form no. 16 in the first schedule to this ordinance , or refuse the
same .
(3) the fee for such licence shall be according to the scale set forth
in the first schedule to this ordinance, and shall be paid to the
colonial treasurer before the issue fo the licence.
(4) the holder of such licence shall exhibit conspicuously and
permanently in front of his licensed place of business his name and the
number and nature of such licence, on a sign , the size and design of
which shall be approved by the captain superintendent fo police.
(5) sub-sections (2),(3), (4),(5)and (6) of section 20 shall apply to
the business carried on under a chinese restaurant licence , and no liquor
shall be sold to , or be drunk on the premises by , other persons than
those fo chinese race between the hours of midnight nad six o'clock in
the morning.
(6) in case of teh death or insolvency of any holder of chinese
restaurant licence, the executor or administrator or trustee (as hte cars
may be )of such licensee may carry on the business until the expiration
of the ten current licence , subject to alll the same regulations as the
original licensee.
(7) the colonial secretary may , in his discretion , permit the transfer
of any such licence , in the form no.17 in the first schedule to this
licences for eating-houses.
32-(1) no person (unless licensed under this ordinance to retail
intoxicating liquors to be consumed on the premises )shall keep an
eating-house , coffee-house , refreshment bar or saloon , restaurant , or other
place where meals or refreshment are supplied to persons not resident
on the premises , without a licence from the colonial shall be
payable .
(2) such conditions as the governor-in-council may determine may
be added to any licence granted under this section , and no intoxicating
liquor shall be sold on such premises .
(3) the colonial secretary may ,in his discretion , permit the transfer
of such licence, and such transfer shall be by the indorsement of the
colonial secretary .
33. no person licensed under the last preceding section shall
knowing ly or wilfully permit diorderly conduct in his house or other
place of entertainment , or knowingly suffer any unlawful game or
gaming therein , or knowingly permit or suffer any prostitute to
frequent such house or other place or to remain therein .
sale fo liquor by licensed actioneers.
34. nothing in this ordinance shall render it illegal for an auctioneer,
holding an aucitoneer's licence , to sell intoxicating liquor by acution
principal holding an appropriate liquor licence , or upon premises for a
respect of which his principal holds an appropriate licence authorizing
such principal to sell such intoxicating liquor, or in cases where such
liquor is the property of the imperial or local government , or forms
part of the estate of a bankrupt or deceased person , or is sold by order
of court, or where, in any particular case , on application made the
colonial secretary grants permission for such sale by auction, whether
upon licensed premises or elsewheree.
search warrants , etc.
35.when information upon oath is laid before any magistrate to the
effect that any illicit disillation or rectification or illegal sale of intoxi-
cating liquor is carried on within any building or on board of any vessel
in the colony , it shall be lawful for such magistrate, by a warrant under
his hand , to empower any officer of police to enter such building or
vessel at any hour of the night or day , using force for that prupose , if
necessary , and to make serarch for and seize any stills , parts of stills , vats,
or other vessel used illicit distillation , wash or other materials
preparing or prepared for such distillation , or intoxicating liquor which
may be found there, and either to detain the same where found or to
remove the same or any fo them , after seizure, to a police station , and
to arrest any persons who may appear to have committed or to be
attempting to commit any offence against this ordinance .
36-(1) every person licensed under this ordinance shall produce
his licence to any of section 12,31 and 32, at any hour
of the night or day .
offence, penalties,and forfeitures .
37. offences against this ordinance shall be considered to be -
(1) refusal , neglect , or omission to do any act commanded by this
(2) refusal to permit or obstruction of any such act;
(3) the doing of any act forbidden by this ordinance;and ,
(4) on the part of licensed person , any breach of the terms or
conditions of his licence or recognizance .
38-(1) for every offence against this ordinance , not otherwise
provided for, there shall be payable for a first offence a penalty not
exceeding three hundred dollars and for a second or any subsequent
offence a penalty not exceeding six hundred dollars .
(2) all stills or parts thereof, vats , or other vessals used in illicit
distillation ,washor other materials preparing or prepared for such dis-
tillation , adn dalll intoxicating liquor iwht respect to which any offence
against this ordinance may have been committed, as well as the vessels or
packages which contain them, may forfeited, as also any boat or vessels or
of less than fifteen tons burden in which such stills , or parts of stills, or
intoxicating liquor may be found .
39. on the conviction of any licensed person for a second or any subse-
quent offence against this ordinance , the magistrate may jroder his licence
to be forfeited, in addition to any other penalties hereinbefore provided . 40. all penalties for offences against this ordinance may be recovered
in a summary way before a magistrate , but proceedigns for the recovery
of any such penalty shall be commenced within six months after the
offence was committed .
41. one-half or a less portion of any penalty recovered under this
ordinance may , if hte magistrate, in his disceetion , os orders , be paid
to the informer.
42.-(1) the governor-in- council may from time to time make,
alter , and repeal rules , not being inconsistent with this ordinance ,for
the better carrying out of the same .
(2) all such rules shall be published in the gazette, and , when so
published , shall have the force of law .
Distillery licence.
in consideration of the fee fo follars paid by I hereby
license him to have stills ,of gallons capacity , at and
to distil spirits therewith , adn to sell such spirits from this date until the
day of ,I , in quantities fo not less than two gallons
of one liquor at one time, and not to be consumed on the premises.
dated the day fo , I .
colonail secretary.
form no .2.
application for pubican 's licence.
Name of applicant address
nationality . has held a licence years
license house ot be at no. street. its name or sign to be
sureties of and
to the magistrate .
I give notice that i intend to apply at the next licensing meeting to her
majesty's justice of the peace for a license to sell by retail intoxicating
liquors, (except chinese wines and spirits) inthe house and appurtences
thereunto belonging above named , which i intend to keep as an inn or
dated the day of , 1.
we, the undersigned householders , residing at in the said
colony, and being in no way directly or indirectly connected with the sale of
liquor to the applicant, certify that the above-named applicant is a person of
good fame and reputation, and fit and proper to be licensed to keep an inn or
dated the day of , 1.
Application for adjunct licence.
name of applicant address
nationality . has held a licence years.
licensed house to be at no. street.
other business carried on
sureties of and
to the magistrate
i give notice that i intend to apply at the next licensing meeting
to her majesty's justices of the peace for a licence to sell by retail intoxi-
cating liquors , in the house and appurtenances thereunto belonging above
named , as an adjunct to the business which i am carrying on in the said
house and premises .
dated the day of , 1.
we, the undersigned householders, residing at in the said
colony, and being in no way directly or indirectly connected with the sale if
liquor to the applicant certify that the above-named applicant is a person as
good fame and reputation , and fit and proper to be licensed for the sale of
intoxicating liquors as aforesaid .
dated the day of , 1.
Publican's recognizance .
HONKONG TO WIT { BE it remembered that , on the day of ,1.
hereinafter called the licensee, and
and hereinafter called the sureties , came personally before me , a
magistrate in the colony, and acknowledged themselves to owe to hte
lady the queen , to wit , the said licensee the sum of three hundred dollars
and the said sureties each the sum of three hundred dollars , to be respectively
levied of their several goods and chattels, lands adn tenemens, to the use fo
our said lady the queen, her heirs and successors, in case default shall be
made in the performance of the conditions hereunder written .
the conditions of this recognizance are such that wheresas the said licensee
is to be licensed to keep a public-house,and to selll by retail intoxicating
liquors,( except chinese wines and spirits ), at the sign of the
situate at ; if the said license shall observe all the coditions
of his licence and the requirements of the liquor licences ordinance, 1898.
then this recogizance to be void , otherwise to remain in full force.
taken and acknowledged the day and year above written , before me ,
magistrate .
ADJUNCT license's recongizance .
hongkong to wit .} be it remebered that, on the day of
hereinafter called the licenses , and
and hereinafter called the sureties , came personally before me,
magistrate in the said colony , and acknowledged themsevles to owe to our only the queen , to wit, the said licensee the sum of three hundred dollars
and the said sureties each the sum of three hundred dollars , to be respectively
aviod of their several goods and chattel , land, and tenements , to the use of
the said lady the queen , her heirs and suceeors , in case default shall be
sale in the performance of fo the condtioons hereunder written .
the conditions of this recognizance are such that whereas the said license
is to be licensed to sell by retail intoxicating liquors , in the house no.
an adjunct to the business of carried on by him in the said
house and appurtenacnces thereunto belonging ,; if the said licensee shall observe
if the conditions of his licence and the requirements of the liquor licences
ordinance, 1898, then thsi recognizance to be void , otherwise to remain in
and force.
taken and acknowledged the day and year above written , before me ,
Authority to the colonial treasurer to issue a publican's licence to
premises no. street .
sign of house licence to expire 1.
i authorize the said person is a person of good fame and reputation , and is
fit and proper to keep an inn or public-house ; and i have taken from the
and person and his sureties a recogniznce in the sum of three hundred
dollars each , according to the form prescribed by the said ordinance.
dated the day of , 1
(signed .)
magistrate .
hours for sale to
Authority to the colonial treasurer to issue an adjunct licence to
premises no. street.
buiness carried on licence to expire 1.
I authorize the colonial treasurer to issue an adjunct licence to the above-named person to retail intoxicating liquors on the premises named
above as an adjunct to the business carried on by him in the said house , I
am satisfied that the said person is a person of good fame and reputation, and
is fit and proper to conduct such house as aforesaid ; and i have taken from
the said person and his sureties a recognizance in the sum of three hundred
dollars each , according to the form prescribed by the said ordinance .
dated the day of , 1.
(signed .)
hours for sale to
form no. 8.
return of licensees .
the liquor licences ordinance , 1898.
return of licensees .
to the colonial treasurer .
public-house or adjunct licences may be granted to the undermentioned
dated the day of , 1.
magistrate .
form no. 9.
publican's licence.
the liquor licences ordinance, 1898.
publican's licence .
sign of house
no street.
period of licence, from to both days inclusive
fee, $
i license the above-named person to keep an inn or public-house , and to
sell by retail in such house in which he now dwells and in hte appurtenances thereunto belonging, but not elsewhere, intoxicating liquors (except chinese
wines and spirits ) during the period above written .
dated the day of ,1
no. (signed.)
colonial treasurer.
FORM NO. 10.
adjunct licence.
hongkong .
the liquor licences ordinance, 1898.
no. street
period of licence, from to both days inclusive.
i license the above-named person to sell by retail intoxicating liquors, in
quantities not exceeding two gallons at one time, in the house in which he
now dwells and in the appurtenances thereunto belonging , but not elsewhere,
as an adjunct to the business he carries on there and without keeping a
public bar during the period above written.
dated the day of , i.
colonial treasurer.
FORM NO. 11.
Transfer of publican's or adjunct licence.
hongkong .
the liquor licences ordinance, 1898.
transfer of publican's on adjunct licence.
new licensee
sign of house or business carried on }
no. street .
period of new licence, from to both days incluive .
former licence
fee, $
i license the above-named person to sell by retail intoxicating liquors [add,
in the case fo a publican's licence, (except chinese wines and spirits )] in the
above-named bouse and in the appurtenaces thereunto belonging, but not
elsewhere, during the period above written.
dated the day of ,1.
(signed .)
colonial treasurer. form no. 12.
wholesale licence.
hongkong .
the liquor licence ordinance, 1898.
wholesale licence.
is licensed to sell intoxicating liqours by the unopened cask ,
jar, or case, in quantities of not less than two gallons of one liquor at one
time, on the premises known as such intoxicating liquors
are not to be consumed on the premises.
dated the day of , 1.
(signed .)
colonial secretarry .
form no. 13.
grocer's licence.
the liquor licences ordinance, 1898
grocer's licence.
is licensed to sell intoxicating liqluors (chinese wines and
spirits excepted ) by the bottle on the premises known as
intoxicating liquors are not to be consumed on the premises. intoxicating
liquors (chinese wines and spirits excepted )may also be sold wholesale under
this licence.
condition-no liquor shall be sold under this licence between the hours
of and 6 am
dated the day fo, 1.
colonail secretary
form no .14.
chinese wine and spirit shop licence.
the liquor licences ordinance, 1898.
chinese wine and spirit shop licence.
is license to sell chinese wines and spirits , both by retail
and wholesale , such wines and spiritnot to be consumed on his premises at
no. the sign or shop name of which is
until the day fo , 1.
1.-no chinese wines or spirits shall be sold by retail , directly or in
directly , to persons other than chinese.
2.-none but chinese wines and spirits shall be sold on the premises
3.-no chinese wines or spirits shall be sold between the hours of
10pm and 6am .
4-any change in the place of business shall be forthwith reported to
the registrar general .
5.-the licensee shall provide adequate security , to the satisfaction of the
registrar general , for the regular payment for one year of the fee for
this licence.
dated the day , 1.
colonial secretary .
form no. 15.
transfer of chinese wine and spirit licence.
hongkong .
the liquor licences ordinance , 1898.
transfer fo chinses wine and spirit licence
the chinese wine and spirt licenc no. granted to
and spirits, both by retail and wholesale , such wines and spirits not to be
consumed on the premises , at no. the sign or shop name of
which is until the day of , 1.
1.-no chinese wines or spirts shall be sold by retail , directly or
indirectly , to persons other than chinese.
2-none but chinese wines and spirits shall be sold on the premises.
3.-no chinese wines or spirits shall be solld between the hours of 10pm
and 6am
4- any change in the plane of business hsall be forthwith reported to
teh registrar general .
5-the licensee shall provide adequate security to , the satisfaction of
the registrar geneeral , for the regular payment for one year of the
fee for this licence.
dated the day , 1.
colonial secretary .
form no , 16.
chinese restaurant licence.
the liquor licence ordinance, 1898.
chinese restaurant licence.
name of licensee
sign of house address
period of licence, from to
fee, $
I license the above-named person during the period set forth above to be
by retail intoxicating liquors , in quantities not exceeding two gallons at a
time , on the above-mentioned premised , to be consumed on such premises in
connexion with the business be carries on there , and also to supply person
not in such premises with intoxicating liquors, in quantities not exceeding
two gallons at a time, in conjunction with meals sent out from such premise
but not otherwise.
a public bar may not be kept on the premises under this licence.
dated the day , 1.
colonial secretary .
form no. 17.
transfer of chinese restaurant licence .
the liquor licence ordinance, 1898.
transfer of chinese restaurant licence.
new licensee
sign of house
period of new licence, from to
former licence
I license the above-named person during the period set forth above to sell
by retail intoxicating liquors , in quantities not exceeding two gallons at a
time, on the above-mentioned premises , to be consumed on such premises in
connexion with the business be carries on there, and to supply persons not in
such premises with intoxicating liquors , in quantities not exceeding two
gallons at a time , in conjunction with meals seat out from such premises, but
not otherwise
a public bar may not be kept on the premises under this licence.
dated the day , 1.
colonial secretary .
form no , 18.
eating-house licence.
the liquor licence ordinance , 1898.
eating-house licence
name of licensee
business sign of house (if any )
period of licence, from to
fee, $
I license the above-named person during the period set forth above to
keep an eating-house [or coffee house , or as the case may be ]at the above-
mentioned premises.
no intoxicating liquors shall be sold on such premises .
dated the day , 1.
colonial secretary .
warning -the keeper shall not knowingly or wilfully permit disorderly conduct on his
premises , or kowingly suffer any unlawful games or gaming therein , or know-
ingly permit or suffer any prostitute to frequent suhc premises or to remain
therein ,
note-there may be added such other condition , if any , to this licence as the governor-
in-council may from time to time determine.
the second schedule .
table of fees for licences.
the following fees shall be paid for the licences hereinafter mentioed,
and in the manner specified; that is to say , -
licence and amount. how payable .
1. distillery licence(sec.3) ....$200 annually , in advance.
2. temporary licence (sec.8), at the dis-
cretion of the governor............. in advance .
3. public-house licence (sec.13.): -
when the annual valuation of the
premise occupied is -
under $1,00, a licence fee of ...$ 450 }annually, in advance,
$1,000 or over, but under $ 4200, a } subject, however , to
licence fee of ...........$600.} the provisions of sec.
$4,200 or over ,a licence fee of ..... $800 }147.
4. adjunct licence ( sec. 13) :-
when the annual valuation of the
premises occupied is-
under $1000, a licence fee of ....$300 }annually, in advance,
$1000 or over, but under $4200, a }subject , however, to
licence fee fo .......$360} the provisions of sec.
$4200 or over , a licence fee of .....$480 }14. licence and amount . how payable.
5. removal licence (sec.18.) ........$10 in advance.
note.-if the new premises are of a
higher annual valuation than those
from which the licence is removed ,
a proportionate part of the extra fee,
if any , payable in respect of such
difference of valuation must also be
paid .
6. transfer of a publican's or adjunct
licence (sec.16) .......$10. in advance.
7. wholesale licence (sec 28)......$500 annually , in advance,
8. grocer's licence (sec 28) ....$500. annually , in advance,
9.chinese wine and spirit shop licence }payable in 4 quarterly
(sec 30.).....$250. }instalments , in advance. annually , in advance.
10. Chinese restaurant licence( sec 31.) ...
When the annual valuation of the
premises occupied is-
Under $ 500, a licence fee of ..........$150
$500 or more, but under $2,000, a licence
fee of .............................................$300
$2000 or over , a licence fee of ......$450
11. Eatong-house Licence (where no intoxicating
liquors are sold )(sec. 32).....$. Annually , in advance.
A.D. 1898. Ordinance No. 24 of 1898, with Ordinances No. 20 of 1900 and No. 29 of 1901 s. 8 incorporated.
Short title.
Interpretation of terms. Prohibition of distilling without licence and provision for issue of distillery licences. First Schedule Form No. 1. Second Schedule. Issue of free licence for apothecary, chemist, or druggist to have still of eight gallons capacity. Distilling, etc., adulterated liquor. Prohibition of sale of liquor without licence. Wholsesale and retail sale of liquor. Issue of temporary licence. Application for licence. First Schedule: Form Nos. 2 and 3. Holding of licensing session of Justices. Mode of deciding application. Recognizance to be entered into by applicant, etc. First Schedule: Forms Nos. 4 and 5; Forms Nos. 6 and 7; Form No. 8. Fees for licence. Second Schedule. First Schedule: Form Nos. 9 and 10. Duration of licence. Keeping of record of recognizances and of licences. Transfer of licence. First Schedule Form No. 11. Second Schedule. Provision for case of death or insolvency of licensee. Provision for case of removal of licensed business. Second Schedule. Affixing of sign by licensee, etc. Regulations relating to business. Forfeiture of recognizance in certain cases. Restriction of right of action for liquor sold. Prohibition of taking pledge for liquor. Measures or weights for sale of liquor. Power to search suspected premises. Drinking in unlicensed place. Prohibition of payment of journeyman, etc., at place where liquor is sold. Issue of wholesale and grocer's licence. First Schedule: Form Nos. 12 and 13. Second Schedule. Making of regulations and conditions. Issue and transfer of Chinese wine and spirit shop licence. First Schedule: Form No. 14. Second Schedule. First Schedule: Form No. 15. Application for and issue and transfer of Chinese restaurant licence. First Schedule: Form No. 16. Second Schedule. First Schedule: Form No. 17. Eating-houses. First Schedule: Form No. 18. Second Schedule. Prohibition of disorderly conduct in licensed eating-house. Saving as to sale of liquor by licensed auctioneer. Issue of search warrant and procedure thereunder. General powers of Police. Enumeration of offences against the Ordinance. Penalties and forfeitures. Forfeiture of licence. Recovery of penalties. Award to informer. Making of rules. Section 3. Section 9. Section 9. Section 12. Section 12. Section 12. Section 12. Section 12. Section 13. Section 13. Section 16. Section 28 and 29. Section 28 and 29. Section 30. Section 30. Section 31. Section 31. Section 32.
A.D. 1898. Ordinance No. 24 of 1898, with Ordinances No. 20 of 1900 and No. 29 of 1901 s. 8 incorporated.
Short title.
Interpretation of terms. Prohibition of distilling without licence and provision for issue of distillery licences. First Schedule Form No. 1. Second Schedule. Issue of free licence for apothecary, chemist, or druggist to have still of eight gallons capacity. Distilling, etc., adulterated liquor. Prohibition of sale of liquor without licence. Wholsesale and retail sale of liquor. Issue of temporary licence. Application for licence. First Schedule: Form Nos. 2 and 3. Holding of licensing session of Justices. Mode of deciding application. Recognizance to be entered into by applicant, etc. First Schedule: Forms Nos. 4 and 5; Forms Nos. 6 and 7; Form No. 8. Fees for licence. Second Schedule. First Schedule: Form Nos. 9 and 10. Duration of licence. Keeping of record of recognizances and of licences. Transfer of licence. First Schedule Form No. 11. Second Schedule. Provision for case of death or insolvency of licensee. Provision for case of removal of licensed business. Second Schedule. Affixing of sign by licensee, etc. Regulations relating to business. Forfeiture of recognizance in certain cases. Restriction of right of action for liquor sold. Prohibition of taking pledge for liquor. Measures or weights for sale of liquor. Power to search suspected premises. Drinking in unlicensed place. Prohibition of payment of journeyman, etc., at place where liquor is sold. Issue of wholesale and grocer's licence. First Schedule: Form Nos. 12 and 13. Second Schedule. Making of regulations and conditions. Issue and transfer of Chinese wine and spirit shop licence. First Schedule: Form No. 14. Second Schedule. First Schedule: Form No. 15. Application for and issue and transfer of Chinese restaurant licence. First Schedule: Form No. 16. Second Schedule. First Schedule: Form No. 17. Eating-houses. First Schedule: Form No. 18. Second Schedule. Prohibition of disorderly conduct in licensed eating-house. Saving as to sale of liquor by licensed auctioneer. Issue of search warrant and procedure thereunder. General powers of Police. Enumeration of offences against the Ordinance. Penalties and forfeitures. Forfeiture of licence. Recovery of penalties. Award to informer. Making of rules. Section 3. Section 9. Section 9. Section 12. Section 12. Section 12. Section 12. Section 12. Section 13. Section 13. Section 16. Section 28 and 29. Section 28 and 29. Section 30. Section 30. Section 31. Section 31. Section 32.
Short title.
Interpretation of terms. Prohibition of distilling without licence and provision for issue of distillery licences. First Schedule Form No. 1. Second Schedule. Issue of free licence for apothecary, chemist, or druggist to have still of eight gallons capacity. Distilling, etc., adulterated liquor. Prohibition of sale of liquor without licence. Wholsesale and retail sale of liquor. Issue of temporary licence. Application for licence. First Schedule: Form Nos. 2 and 3. Holding of licensing session of Justices. Mode of deciding application. Recognizance to be entered into by applicant, etc. First Schedule: Forms Nos. 4 and 5; Forms Nos. 6 and 7; Form No. 8. Fees for licence. Second Schedule. First Schedule: Form Nos. 9 and 10. Duration of licence. Keeping of record of recognizances and of licences. Transfer of licence. First Schedule Form No. 11. Second Schedule. Provision for case of death or insolvency of licensee. Provision for case of removal of licensed business. Second Schedule. Affixing of sign by licensee, etc. Regulations relating to business. Forfeiture of recognizance in certain cases. Restriction of right of action for liquor sold. Prohibition of taking pledge for liquor. Measures or weights for sale of liquor. Power to search suspected premises. Drinking in unlicensed place. Prohibition of payment of journeyman, etc., at place where liquor is sold. Issue of wholesale and grocer's licence. First Schedule: Form Nos. 12 and 13. Second Schedule. Making of regulations and conditions. Issue and transfer of Chinese wine and spirit shop licence. First Schedule: Form No. 14. Second Schedule. First Schedule: Form No. 15. Application for and issue and transfer of Chinese restaurant licence. First Schedule: Form No. 16. Second Schedule. First Schedule: Form No. 17. Eating-houses. First Schedule: Form No. 18. Second Schedule. Prohibition of disorderly conduct in licensed eating-house. Saving as to sale of liquor by licensed auctioneer. Issue of search warrant and procedure thereunder. General powers of Police. Enumeration of offences against the Ordinance. Penalties and forfeitures. Forfeiture of licence. Recovery of penalties. Award to informer. Making of rules. Section 3. Section 9. Section 9. Section 12. Section 12. Section 12. Section 12. Section 12. Section 13. Section 13. Section 16. Section 28 and 29. Section 28 and 29. Section 30. Section 30. Section 31. Section 31. Section 32.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 8 of 1898
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“LIQUOR LICENCES ORDINANCE, 1898,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 12, 2025,