AN ORDINANCE to amend the law relating to vegrants .
[22nd November, 1897.]
be it enacted by the governor of Hongkong,wiht the advice and
consent of the legislative council therreof, as follows:-
1.this ordinance may be cited as the vagrancy ordinance, 1897.
2. in this ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires,-
'vagrant ' means any person, other than a chinese, found asking
for alms or being without either employment or visible means of
'agent' of a vessel includes any person who undertakes the agency
of such vessel, although he may not be the consignee thereof.
3.-(1) the governor may provide a house of detention for vagrants
at such place as he may think proper, and may appoint a superintendent
and sucb place as he may think proper, and may remove any such
superintendent or officer at pleasure.
(2) the governor may, by notification in hte gazette, certify any
purposes of theis ordinance.
(3) until any such house is provided, victoria gaol may be used as
such house for the purposes for the purposes of this ordinance.
4-(1) every house of detention shall be under the immediate
charge of a superintendent, who shall be appointed, and may be
suspended or removed, by the governor.
(2) until any other appointment is made, the superintendent of
victoria gaol for the time being shall be the superintendent of the
house of detention.
5. any police officer may require any person who is apparently a
vagrant to accompany him or any other police officer to ,and to appear
before , a magistrate.
6. the magistrate shall, in such case or in any other case where a
person apparently a vagrant comes before him, make a summary
inquiry into the circumstances of such apparent vagrant, and , if
satisfied that he is a vagrant , shall declare him to be such , adding,
where practiable, any prior date from which, in his opinion , such
person has , in this colony , been a vagrant as defined by this or-
7.if the magistrate is further of opinion that such vagrant is not
likely to obtain employment at once, or if he has reason to believe
that a declarartion of vagrancy has on any former occasion been re-
corded in respect of such vagrant , he shall require such vagrant tjo go
to a house of detention , and shall draw up on order to that effect.
8. such vagrant shall then be place in charge of the police for the
purpose fo being forwarded to the house of detention , and the said
order shall be a sufficient authority to the police for retaining him in
their charge while he is on his way to the house of detention , and to
the superintendent of the house fo detention for receiving and detaining
9-(1) where the magistrate dealing with such vagrant is of opinion
that the vagrant is likely to obtain employment in the colony, the
magistrate may , in his discretion, forward the vagrant in charge of the
police to the place hwere such emploument is likely to be obtained and
may draw up an order to that effect.
(2) such order shall be a sufficient authority to the police for retain-
i gthe vagrant in their charge while he is on his way to such place of
employment , and afterwards , in case he does not suceed in obtaining
scuh employment .
10.-(1) the magistrate dealing with any vagrant shall , to the best
of his abiltiy , assist him in seeking employment , adn may in the mean-
time, if he thinks fit , keep such vagrant in sharge of the police .
(2) if the vagrant fails to obtain suitable employment with a rea-
sonable time , not exceeding at the most sven days , the magistrate
shall forward him to a house of detention , as provided in section 7.
11. every person , while in charge of the police under this ordinance
or while seeking employment , shall be entitled to the same maaintenance
and subject, so far as practicable, to the same regulations as prisoners
detained on remand.
12 every vagrant detained in any house of detention shall be
allowed the same scale of diet for his support as is allowed to adult-keep
contence prisoners who have completed the first six months of their
imprisonment .
13 every vagrant admitted to any house of detention shall be sub-
ject to the same regulations as are prisoners in gaol with respect to -
(1) search of his person , cloothing , and effects ;
(2) custody of his clothing and effects ;
(3) the wearing of a distinctive dress;
(4) person cleanleness; and
(5) hours , meals , labour (other than penal labour), and general
conduct :
provided always that suhc regulations may be specially modified in re-
lation to vagrants by aany code of regulations approved by the governor-
in-council , and that any money or effects of any vagrant may be applied
towards the expense of carrying this ordinance into execution for his
benefit .
14. any vagrant who knowingly disobeys any regulaion applicable
to him , or made under the last preceding section ,shall be liable to the
same punishment as if he were a misdemeanant in gaol.
15. the superintendent of the house of detention shall forward
weekly to the harbour master a list of such vagrants under his charge
as are seamen, and shall otherwise use his best endeavoours to obtain
suitable employment outside suhc house for the vagrants admitted
16 when such employment is obtained ,any vagrant who refuses or
neglects to avail himself thereof shall, on summary conviction before a
magistrate , be liable to imprisonment , with hard labour, for nay term
not exceeding one month.
17. any vagrant or other person , other than a chinese , may be
allowed to enter into an agreement in writing with the colonial secre-
tary , binding himself to embark on board such suip and at such time as
the superintendent of the house of detention may direct , for the pur-
pose fo being removed from teh colony at the expense , if any , of the
government fo the colony , to remain on board until wuhc ship her
arrived at the port named in such agreement , and not to return to the
colony within five years .
18. every such agreement may be on unstamped paper , and shall be
in the form in the schedule to this ordinance or as near thereto or
may be .
19. the cost fo the removal from the colony of any vagrant under
theis ordinance shall be defrayed by the governmejnt , subject to the pro-
visions hereinafter contained for its refund .
30.-(1) when a vagrant has entered into such agreement , unless,
in the opinion of the superintendent of the the house of detention, suitable
employment is likely to be speediily found for such vagrant , the super-
intendent may enforce such agreement and cause shuch vagrant to be
removed from the colony, and , if the deems it desirable , may call in the
assistance of the police to place suc vagrant on board ship , and such
vagrant may be detained on board and shall be deemed in lawful cus-
tody while the ship is within the jurisdiction fo the colony.
(2) if , after the lapse of a reasonable time , no suitable employment
is obtainable for a vagrant detained n the house of detention , adn such
vagrant has not entered into the agreement hereinbefore mentioned, or
it is not thought desirable to remove him from the colony , the superin-
tendent may cause section 26 and 29 to be read to suhc vagrant and
may then release him .
21.-(1) whenever any person , not being a chinese , arrives in the
colony , under an engagment to serve any person , firm, company,
association , or body of persons, in any capacity ; and
(2) whenever a non-commissioned officer or soldier in her majesty's
army leaves that army in the colony , under such an engagement ;
(3) whenever any seaman, other than a chinese , is discharge from
his ship in the colony, with out the sanction of the superintendent
of the mercantile marine office or his deputy , and without reason-
able provision having been made as to his subsistence, or, not being
a deserter,is wrongfully left behind in the colony,
and within a perid of six months from the date of such arrival , leaving
the army, or discharhe such person , such non-commissioned officer or
soldier , or such seaman respectively becomes chargeable to the colony
as a vagrant , then, in cases within sub-section (1) and (2) , the person ,
firm,company,association,body of persons with whom such engage-
ment was med , and , in cases within sub-section (3) , the master of the ship
from which such seaman has been so discharged or by whom he has been
to left behind shall respectively be liable to repay to the government all
costs and charges incurred by the colony on his behalf since he became
vagrant ,including hospital costs and charges and the cost of his re-
moval under this ordinance. such eprson shall be deemed to have
become a vagrant at and from the date mentioned in the magistrate's
declaration as that from which, in his opinion , such person has been a
vagrant. 22. the master of any ship, british or foreign , which brings into the
colony any person other than a chinese and not having been ship-
wrecked , who, at the time of his landing, is destitute of means of sub-
sistence shall be liable to repay to the government of the colony all
costs and charges incurred by the coloy on behalf of such person , un-
less such master satisfies the court that he made due inquiry and that
he had reason to believe that such person was possessed of means of sub-
sistence when he arrived in the colony :provided that where the person
so brought into th ecolony came as a stowaway , the master shall incur as
liability to repay the said costs and charges , in case such stowaway is
promptly handed over to the police on the arriveal of the dship and is duly
prosecuted under the stowaways ordinance,1897, or any other enactment
applying to the case , and no money or compensation in respect of such
person's passage is paid or received .
23. in the absence of the master of a ship , or if such master departs
from the colony before repaying such costs and charges as are
mentioned in the last two preceeding sections , the owner , agent , and
consignee os such ship aat the time the person landed , or, in the case of
a seaman discharged or left behind , at the time of such discharge or of
his so being left behind , shall be liable to repay such costs and
charges to the governmetn .
24. such costs adn charges shall be recoverable by action as if an
express agreement to repay them had been entered into with the
colonial secrertary by the perosn , firm , company , association , body,
master , owner agent , or consignee chargeable .
25-(1) in any proceeidng under this ordinance , a certified copy of
the declaration of the magistrate shall be prima facie evidence that the
person therein referred to was a vagrant from the date of such
declaration , and also from any earlier date in such declaration mentioned
as that fron which ,in the magistrate's opinion, such person has been
a vagrant .
(2) as regards costs and charges incurred by the colony on behalf
of a destitute person or of a vagrant, the following documents shall be
prima facie evidence fo the amout thereof and also that they have been
so incurred by the colony, namely, -
(a) as regards hospital charges , a written statement signed or
purporting to be signed by the principal civil medical officer
and ,
(b) as regards other costs and charges , including those of removal ,
if any , a written stateement thereof signed ro purplorting to be
signed by the colonial secretary.
26. any person, being apparently a vagrant , who refuses or fails to
accompany a police officer to or to appear before a magistrate when
required to do so for the purposes of this ordinance may be arrested
wihtout warrant , and shall, on conviction , before a magistrate, be liable
to imprisonment, with hard labour , for any term not exceedign one month.
27. any vagrant who escape from the police whilst committed to
their charge under this ordinance , or who leaves a house of detention
with out permission from the superintendent , or who, having with such
permission left a house of detention for a limited time or a specified
purpose , fails to return on the expiration of such time or when such
purpose has been accoplished ro proves to be impracticable , shall, on
conviction before a magistrate , be liable to imprisonment , with hard
labour , for any term not exceedign three months.
28.every person who enters into an agreement under section 17
and wilfully violates that agreement in any respect shall , on conviction
before a magistrate , be liable to imprisonment , with hard labour, for
any term not exceeding three months .
29. every person who asks for alms in a threatening or insolent
manner, or continues to ask for alms of any person after he has been
requried to desist , shall , on conviction before a magistrate , be liable to
imprisonment , wiht hard labor ,for any term not exceeding three
months .
30.-(1) the governor-in-council may from time to time make
rules , not beng inconsistent with this ordinance , for the guidance fo
officers in matters connected with it .
(2) all such rule shall be published in the gazette, and shall
thereupon have ht eforce of law.
between the coloial secretary of Hongkong of the one part and A.B,
of , ets, [the vagrant] of the order part: each of the parties hereto ( so far as
relates to the acts on his own part to be performed) hereby agrees wiht the
otehr of them as follows:-
1 the said A.B, shall embark on board such ship , and at such time , as
the superintendent of the house fo detention shall direct.
2. the said A.B, shall remain on board such ship until such ship shall
have arrived at the port fo *
3. The said A.B. shall not return to Hongkong until five years shall her
elapsed from the date fo such embarkation, unless he hsall be specially
permitted to return by the governor of hongkong.
4. the said colonisl secretary of honkong shall contract with the owner
of such ship or his agent for his subsistence during the voyage for which he shall,
embark as aforesaid.
in witness whereof the said colonial secretary of hongkong and the
said A,B. have hereunto set their hands the day adn year first above
colonial secretary
A.D. 1897. Ordinance No. 25 of 1897, with Ordinance No. 29 of 1899 incorporated.
Short title.
Interpretation of terms.
Provision of House of Detention, and appointment of officers thereof.
Superintendent of House Detention. Taking of vagrant before Magistrate. Power to Magistrate to declare person to be vagrant. Committal of vagrant to House of Detention. Power to detain vagrant on order of committal. Power to Magistrate to forward vagrant to place of employment. Duty of Magistrate to assist vagrant in seeking employment. Vagrant in charge to be treated as prisoner on remand. Scale of diet for vagrant detained. Regulations for government of vagrants. Punishment of vagrant for misconduct. Forwarding of weekly list of seamen vagrants to Harbour Master. Penalty on vagrant for refusing employment. Agreement by vagrant or other person to leave the Colony. Form of agreement. Schedule. Cost of removal of vagrant. Removal of vagrant from the Colony. Liability of certain persons to repay costs incurred by Government in respect of vagrant. Liability of shipmaster bringing destitute person into the Colony to repay costs and charges. No. 3 of 1897. Liability of owner, etc., in absence of shipmaster. Recovery of costs and charges. Evidence in proceeding under the Ordinance. Arrest of vagrant without warrant. Penalty on vagrant for escape. Breach of agreement under s. 17. Punishment of person asking alms in threatening manner, etc. Making of rules. Section 18.
AN ORDINANCE to amend the law relating to vegrants .
[22nd November, 1897.]
be it enacted by the governor of Hongkong,wiht the advice and
consent of the legislative council therreof, as follows:-
1.this ordinance may be cited as the vagrancy ordinance, 1897.
2. in this ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires,-
'vagrant ' means any person, other than a chinese, found asking
for alms or being without either employment or visible means of
'agent' of a vessel includes any person who undertakes the agency
of such vessel, although he may not be the consignee thereof.
3.-(1) the governor may provide a house of detention for vagrants
at such place as he may think proper, and may appoint a superintendent
and sucb place as he may think proper, and may remove any such
superintendent or officer at pleasure.
(2) the governor may, by notification in hte gazette, certify any
purposes of theis ordinance.
(3) until any such house is provided, victoria gaol may be used as
such house for the purposes for the purposes of this ordinance.
4-(1) every house of detention shall be under the immediate
charge of a superintendent, who shall be appointed, and may be
suspended or removed, by the governor.
(2) until any other appointment is made, the superintendent of
victoria gaol for the time being shall be the superintendent of the
house of detention.
5. any police officer may require any person who is apparently a
vagrant to accompany him or any other police officer to ,and to appear
before , a magistrate.
6. the magistrate shall, in such case or in any other case where a
person apparently a vagrant comes before him, make a summary
inquiry into the circumstances of such apparent vagrant, and , if
satisfied that he is a vagrant , shall declare him to be such , adding,
where practiable, any prior date from which, in his opinion , such
person has , in this colony , been a vagrant as defined by this or-
7.if the magistrate is further of opinion that such vagrant is not
likely to obtain employment at once, or if he has reason to believe
that a declarartion of vagrancy has on any former occasion been re-
corded in respect of such vagrant , he shall require such vagrant tjo go
to a house of detention , and shall draw up on order to that effect.
8. such vagrant shall then be place in charge of the police for the
purpose fo being forwarded to the house of detention , and the said
order shall be a sufficient authority to the police for retaining him in
their charge while he is on his way to the house of detention , and to
the superintendent of the house fo detention for receiving and detaining
9-(1) where the magistrate dealing with such vagrant is of opinion
that the vagrant is likely to obtain employment in the colony, the
magistrate may , in his discretion, forward the vagrant in charge of the
police to the place hwere such emploument is likely to be obtained and
may draw up an order to that effect.
(2) such order shall be a sufficient authority to the police for retain-
i gthe vagrant in their charge while he is on his way to such place of
employment , and afterwards , in case he does not suceed in obtaining
scuh employment .
10.-(1) the magistrate dealing with any vagrant shall , to the best
of his abiltiy , assist him in seeking employment , adn may in the mean-
time, if he thinks fit , keep such vagrant in sharge of the police .
(2) if the vagrant fails to obtain suitable employment with a rea-
sonable time , not exceeding at the most sven days , the magistrate
shall forward him to a house of detention , as provided in section 7.
11. every person , while in charge of the police under this ordinance
or while seeking employment , shall be entitled to the same maaintenance
and subject, so far as practicable, to the same regulations as prisoners
detained on remand.
12 every vagrant detained in any house of detention shall be
allowed the same scale of diet for his support as is allowed to adult-keep
contence prisoners who have completed the first six months of their
imprisonment .
13 every vagrant admitted to any house of detention shall be sub-
ject to the same regulations as are prisoners in gaol with respect to -
(1) search of his person , cloothing , and effects ;
(2) custody of his clothing and effects ;
(3) the wearing of a distinctive dress;
(4) person cleanleness; and
(5) hours , meals , labour (other than penal labour), and general
conduct :
provided always that suhc regulations may be specially modified in re-
lation to vagrants by aany code of regulations approved by the governor-
in-council , and that any money or effects of any vagrant may be applied
towards the expense of carrying this ordinance into execution for his
benefit .
14. any vagrant who knowingly disobeys any regulaion applicable
to him , or made under the last preceding section ,shall be liable to the
same punishment as if he were a misdemeanant in gaol.
15. the superintendent of the house of detention shall forward
weekly to the harbour master a list of such vagrants under his charge
as are seamen, and shall otherwise use his best endeavoours to obtain
suitable employment outside suhc house for the vagrants admitted
16 when such employment is obtained ,any vagrant who refuses or
neglects to avail himself thereof shall, on summary conviction before a
magistrate , be liable to imprisonment , with hard labour, for nay term
not exceeding one month.
17. any vagrant or other person , other than a chinese , may be
allowed to enter into an agreement in writing with the colonial secre-
tary , binding himself to embark on board such suip and at such time as
the superintendent of the house of detention may direct , for the pur-
pose fo being removed from teh colony at the expense , if any , of the
government fo the colony , to remain on board until wuhc ship her
arrived at the port named in such agreement , and not to return to the
colony within five years .
18. every such agreement may be on unstamped paper , and shall be
in the form in the schedule to this ordinance or as near thereto or
may be .
19. the cost fo the removal from the colony of any vagrant under
theis ordinance shall be defrayed by the governmejnt , subject to the pro-
visions hereinafter contained for its refund .
30.-(1) when a vagrant has entered into such agreement , unless,
in the opinion of the superintendent of the the house of detention, suitable
employment is likely to be speediily found for such vagrant , the super-
intendent may enforce such agreement and cause shuch vagrant to be
removed from the colony, and , if the deems it desirable , may call in the
assistance of the police to place suc vagrant on board ship , and such
vagrant may be detained on board and shall be deemed in lawful cus-
tody while the ship is within the jurisdiction fo the colony.
(2) if , after the lapse of a reasonable time , no suitable employment
is obtainable for a vagrant detained n the house of detention , adn such
vagrant has not entered into the agreement hereinbefore mentioned, or
it is not thought desirable to remove him from the colony , the superin-
tendent may cause section 26 and 29 to be read to suhc vagrant and
may then release him .
21.-(1) whenever any person , not being a chinese , arrives in the
colony , under an engagment to serve any person , firm, company,
association , or body of persons, in any capacity ; and
(2) whenever a non-commissioned officer or soldier in her majesty's
army leaves that army in the colony , under such an engagement ;
(3) whenever any seaman, other than a chinese , is discharge from
his ship in the colony, with out the sanction of the superintendent
of the mercantile marine office or his deputy , and without reason-
able provision having been made as to his subsistence, or, not being
a deserter,is wrongfully left behind in the colony,
and within a perid of six months from the date of such arrival , leaving
the army, or discharhe such person , such non-commissioned officer or
soldier , or such seaman respectively becomes chargeable to the colony
as a vagrant , then, in cases within sub-section (1) and (2) , the person ,
firm,company,association,body of persons with whom such engage-
ment was med , and , in cases within sub-section (3) , the master of the ship
from which such seaman has been so discharged or by whom he has been
to left behind shall respectively be liable to repay to the government all
costs and charges incurred by the colony on his behalf since he became
vagrant ,including hospital costs and charges and the cost of his re-
moval under this ordinance. such eprson shall be deemed to have
become a vagrant at and from the date mentioned in the magistrate's
declaration as that from which, in his opinion , such person has been a
vagrant. 22. the master of any ship, british or foreign , which brings into the
colony any person other than a chinese and not having been ship-
wrecked , who, at the time of his landing, is destitute of means of sub-
sistence shall be liable to repay to the government of the colony all
costs and charges incurred by the coloy on behalf of such person , un-
less such master satisfies the court that he made due inquiry and that
he had reason to believe that such person was possessed of means of sub-
sistence when he arrived in the colony :provided that where the person
so brought into th ecolony came as a stowaway , the master shall incur as
liability to repay the said costs and charges , in case such stowaway is
promptly handed over to the police on the arriveal of the dship and is duly
prosecuted under the stowaways ordinance,1897, or any other enactment
applying to the case , and no money or compensation in respect of such
person's passage is paid or received .
23. in the absence of the master of a ship , or if such master departs
from the colony before repaying such costs and charges as are
mentioned in the last two preceeding sections , the owner , agent , and
consignee os such ship aat the time the person landed , or, in the case of
a seaman discharged or left behind , at the time of such discharge or of
his so being left behind , shall be liable to repay such costs and
charges to the governmetn .
24. such costs adn charges shall be recoverable by action as if an
express agreement to repay them had been entered into with the
colonial secrertary by the perosn , firm , company , association , body,
master , owner agent , or consignee chargeable .
25-(1) in any proceeidng under this ordinance , a certified copy of
the declaration of the magistrate shall be prima facie evidence that the
person therein referred to was a vagrant from the date of such
declaration , and also from any earlier date in such declaration mentioned
as that fron which ,in the magistrate's opinion, such person has been
a vagrant .
(2) as regards costs and charges incurred by the colony on behalf
of a destitute person or of a vagrant, the following documents shall be
prima facie evidence fo the amout thereof and also that they have been
so incurred by the colony, namely, -
(a) as regards hospital charges , a written statement signed or
purporting to be signed by the principal civil medical officer
and ,
(b) as regards other costs and charges , including those of removal ,
if any , a written stateement thereof signed ro purplorting to be
signed by the colonial secretary.
26. any person, being apparently a vagrant , who refuses or fails to
accompany a police officer to or to appear before a magistrate when
required to do so for the purposes of this ordinance may be arrested
wihtout warrant , and shall, on conviction , before a magistrate, be liable
to imprisonment, with hard labour , for any term not exceedign one month.
27. any vagrant who escape from the police whilst committed to
their charge under this ordinance , or who leaves a house of detention
with out permission from the superintendent , or who, having with such
permission left a house of detention for a limited time or a specified
purpose , fails to return on the expiration of such time or when such
purpose has been accoplished ro proves to be impracticable , shall, on
conviction before a magistrate , be liable to imprisonment , with hard
labour , for any term not exceedign three months.
28.every person who enters into an agreement under section 17
and wilfully violates that agreement in any respect shall , on conviction
before a magistrate , be liable to imprisonment , with hard labour, for
any term not exceeding three months .
29. every person who asks for alms in a threatening or insolent
manner, or continues to ask for alms of any person after he has been
requried to desist , shall , on conviction before a magistrate , be liable to
imprisonment , wiht hard labor ,for any term not exceeding three
months .
30.-(1) the governor-in-council may from time to time make
rules , not beng inconsistent with this ordinance , for the guidance fo
officers in matters connected with it .
(2) all such rule shall be published in the gazette, and shall
thereupon have ht eforce of law.
between the coloial secretary of Hongkong of the one part and A.B,
of , ets, [the vagrant] of the order part: each of the parties hereto ( so far as
relates to the acts on his own part to be performed) hereby agrees wiht the
otehr of them as follows:-
1 the said A.B, shall embark on board such ship , and at such time , as
the superintendent of the house fo detention shall direct.
2. the said A.B, shall remain on board such ship until such ship shall
have arrived at the port fo *
3. The said A.B. shall not return to Hongkong until five years shall her
elapsed from the date fo such embarkation, unless he hsall be specially
permitted to return by the governor of hongkong.
4. the said colonisl secretary of honkong shall contract with the owner
of such ship or his agent for his subsistence during the voyage for which he shall,
embark as aforesaid.
in witness whereof the said colonial secretary of hongkong and the
said A,B. have hereunto set their hands the day adn year first above
colonial secretary
A.D. 1897. Ordinance No. 25 of 1897, with Ordinance No. 29 of 1899 incorporated.
Short title.
Interpretation of terms.
Provision of House of Detention, and appointment of officers thereof.
Superintendent of House Detention. Taking of vagrant before Magistrate. Power to Magistrate to declare person to be vagrant. Committal of vagrant to House of Detention. Power to detain vagrant on order of committal. Power to Magistrate to forward vagrant to place of employment. Duty of Magistrate to assist vagrant in seeking employment. Vagrant in charge to be treated as prisoner on remand. Scale of diet for vagrant detained. Regulations for government of vagrants. Punishment of vagrant for misconduct. Forwarding of weekly list of seamen vagrants to Harbour Master. Penalty on vagrant for refusing employment. Agreement by vagrant or other person to leave the Colony. Form of agreement. Schedule. Cost of removal of vagrant. Removal of vagrant from the Colony. Liability of certain persons to repay costs incurred by Government in respect of vagrant. Liability of shipmaster bringing destitute person into the Colony to repay costs and charges. No. 3 of 1897. Liability of owner, etc., in absence of shipmaster. Recovery of costs and charges. Evidence in proceeding under the Ordinance. Arrest of vagrant without warrant. Penalty on vagrant for escape. Breach of agreement under s. 17. Punishment of person asking alms in threatening manner, etc. Making of rules. Section 18.
A.D. 1897. Ordinance No. 25 of 1897, with Ordinance No. 29 of 1899 incorporated.
Short title.
Interpretation of terms.
Provision of House of Detention, and appointment of officers thereof.
Superintendent of House Detention. Taking of vagrant before Magistrate. Power to Magistrate to declare person to be vagrant. Committal of vagrant to House of Detention. Power to detain vagrant on order of committal. Power to Magistrate to forward vagrant to place of employment. Duty of Magistrate to assist vagrant in seeking employment. Vagrant in charge to be treated as prisoner on remand. Scale of diet for vagrant detained. Regulations for government of vagrants. Punishment of vagrant for misconduct. Forwarding of weekly list of seamen vagrants to Harbour Master. Penalty on vagrant for refusing employment. Agreement by vagrant or other person to leave the Colony. Form of agreement. Schedule. Cost of removal of vagrant. Removal of vagrant from the Colony. Liability of certain persons to repay costs incurred by Government in respect of vagrant. Liability of shipmaster bringing destitute person into the Colony to repay costs and charges. No. 3 of 1897. Liability of owner, etc., in absence of shipmaster. Recovery of costs and charges. Evidence in proceeding under the Ordinance. Arrest of vagrant without warrant. Penalty on vagrant for escape. Breach of agreement under s. 17. Punishment of person asking alms in threatening manner, etc. Making of rules. Section 18.
Short title.
Interpretation of terms.
Provision of House of Detention, and appointment of officers thereof.
Superintendent of House Detention. Taking of vagrant before Magistrate. Power to Magistrate to declare person to be vagrant. Committal of vagrant to House of Detention. Power to detain vagrant on order of committal. Power to Magistrate to forward vagrant to place of employment. Duty of Magistrate to assist vagrant in seeking employment. Vagrant in charge to be treated as prisoner on remand. Scale of diet for vagrant detained. Regulations for government of vagrants. Punishment of vagrant for misconduct. Forwarding of weekly list of seamen vagrants to Harbour Master. Penalty on vagrant for refusing employment. Agreement by vagrant or other person to leave the Colony. Form of agreement. Schedule. Cost of removal of vagrant. Removal of vagrant from the Colony. Liability of certain persons to repay costs incurred by Government in respect of vagrant. Liability of shipmaster bringing destitute person into the Colony to repay costs and charges. No. 3 of 1897. Liability of owner, etc., in absence of shipmaster. Recovery of costs and charges. Evidence in proceeding under the Ordinance. Arrest of vagrant without warrant. Penalty on vagrant for escape. Breach of agreement under s. 17. Punishment of person asking alms in threatening manner, etc. Making of rules. Section 18.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 9 of 1897
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“VAGRANCY ORDINANCE, 1897,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 9, 2025,