No. 3 of 180.
An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2 of 1847, entitled 'An
Ordinance to Provide for a Church in Victoria in the Island
of Hongkong,' and also to enable the Trustees of the said
Church to raise a Sum of Money not exceeding Two Thou-
sand Five Hundred Dollars.
[10th September, 1850.]
WHER EAS various circumstances have arisen since the passing of the
said Ordinance No. 2 of 1847, rendering it desirable that some of
the provisions therein contained should be amended.; and whereas a cer-
tain debt of in or about two thousand five hundred dollars is now due to
certain workmen and others for the building of .the said church after pay-
ment of the sum of six thousand nine hundred pounds sterling mentioned
in the said Ordinance No. -2 of 1847
1. Be .it therefore enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Gov-
ernor of Hongkong with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,
that the said church shall in future be known .and designated in all pro-
ceedings as the Cathedral Church at Victoria, or as Saint John's Cathedral
Church .at victoria,_and that from and after the passing of this.
the real estate or fee, in.the said chu rch and in all lands and
Provision for
renting the
portion of free
ORDINANCE No'. 3 qr 1.850. .
thereunto- belonging shall become and be vest®d in the existing trustees
of the said church and their successors for ever in trust for the purpose
of the said church.
Provision 2, And be it further enacted and ordained, that if at any time
p ~ t'the wu after, by reason of the non-attendance of voters; trustees
shall not be e1cGt,
of trustees
it be ed, in pursuance of the fourth section of the said Ordinance No, 2
of I$4Z,
e ~tbia
the preacri'h-_ an the last Thursday of each month of April in every year,
them and in
ea tune. tech ease it shall and may be lawful, at any time within the
month of May, to and for the two elected trustees of the preceding dear
or the survivor of them, or in the event o their death or absence from
Colony, to and for the Lord Bishop of Victoria, or in his absence to and-
for the Colonial Chaplain or Acting Colonial Chaplain, to nominate aid
appoint any two duly qualified persons to act as such trustees for the
current year of office,
Powers vested $, And be it further enacted and ordained, that the several
in the Colo-
nial Chaplain vested in the Colonial Chaplain by the fifth section of
the-said Ordinance
o t ~~e'~' No. 2 of 1.847, as chairman of the trustees for the said
cathedral church,
transferred to
the Bishop. be and are hereby vested in and transferred to the Bishop of
Victoria and
,.: , his suceesmrs, ox in his or their absence from the Colony, in the
Chaplain or Acting Colonial Chaplain for the time being. Provided
always, that in the event of any meeting of the said trustees being con-
vened, sad that the said bishop although within the Colony may not be
in attendance, then and in such case he may either depute the Colonial
Chaplain to attend as such chairman in his stead, or failing such deputa-
tion, that it may be lawful for the trustees present at such meeting to
elect a chairman from those members in attendance.
4. And be it further enacted and ordaiaed, that if at- any time it
shall appear to the trustees of the said church that the one-third part of
the sittings directed the seienth_.section of the said Ordinance No. 2
of 184 i , to be appropriated as free sittings for the use of the poorer
of the population, be an un~necessarily_,l;~r~e ~arop9rtiora, or that.
then and in such case it shall be lawful for the trustees to rent out and
set the excess of the said third for one year, and so an from year to
until it shall appear necessary to the trustees to again allot the said
proportion of a third to its original purpose. And that when and as. figOn
as four eligible sittings shall become vacant, the same shall be assigd
and set apart for the use o£ the said bishop .and his family.
Ordinance No. 3 of 1850.
5. And be it further enacted and ordained, that in all contracts or
suits, as specified in the fourteenth section of the acid Ordinance No. 2
1847, the trustees shall contract, sue and be sued in the name of ' The
TrusIttees of the Cathedral Church at Victoria,' or `-` The Trustees of
John's Cathedral Church at Victoria,' in lieu and stead of the
or styles employed in the said section.
g, And be it further enacted and ordained, that from and after the
passing of this Ordinance, the nineteenth section of the said Ordinance
No. 2 of 1847, be and the same is hereby repealed, and that only the
Lord Bishop of Victoria or some other clergyman duly authorized to offi-
ciate for or by him may sing or say the Common Prayer, administer the
sacraments, and preach any sermons within the said cathedral, and that
in his absence, such powers shall be vested in the Colonial or Acting Co-
lonial Chaplain of that period.
7. And be it further enacted and ordained, that it shall and may be
lawful to and for the trustees of the said cathedral church or the major
part of them, should they deem it expedient so to do, to take up and
with interest not exceeding the rate of nine per centum per annum, the
said sum of two thousand five hundred dollars, and to secure the re-pay-
ment of the same with interest as aforesaid by mortgaging or pledging
the rents and profits arising or to arise from the sittings in the said
cathedral church.
Chuurch in future to be designated the Cathedral Church of St. John.
Fee thereof vested in the trustees and their successors.
Provision when the annual election of trustees may not be made within the prescribed time.
Powers vested in the Colonial Chaplain as chairman of trustees transferred to the Bishop.
Provision for reting the unrequired portion of free sittings.
New corporate name or designation for the trustees.
Repeal of 19th section of Ordinace No. 2 of 1847. No clergyman to officiate in Cathedral Church without sanction from the bishop, or in his absence from Colonial Chaplain.
Power to trustees to borrow $2,500 for the payment of a debt.
No. 3 of 180.
An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2 of 1847, entitled 'An
Ordinance to Provide for a Church in Victoria in the Island
of Hongkong,' and also to enable the Trustees of the said
Church to raise a Sum of Money not exceeding Two Thou-
sand Five Hundred Dollars.
[10th September, 1850.]
WHER EAS various circumstances have arisen since the passing of the
said Ordinance No. 2 of 1847, rendering it desirable that some of
the provisions therein contained should be amended.; and whereas a cer-
tain debt of in or about two thousand five hundred dollars is now due to
certain workmen and others for the building of .the said church after pay-
ment of the sum of six thousand nine hundred pounds sterling mentioned
in the said Ordinance No. -2 of 1847
1. Be .it therefore enacted and ordained by His Excellency the Gov-
ernor of Hongkong with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,
that the said church shall in future be known .and designated in all pro-
ceedings as the Cathedral Church at Victoria, or as Saint John's Cathedral
Church .at victoria,_and that from and after the passing of this.
the real estate or fee, in.the said chu rch and in all lands and
Provision for
renting the
portion of free
ORDINANCE No'. 3 qr 1.850. .
thereunto- belonging shall become and be vest®d in the existing trustees
of the said church and their successors for ever in trust for the purpose
of the said church.
Provision 2, And be it further enacted and ordained, that if at any time
p ~ t'the wu after, by reason of the non-attendance of voters; trustees
shall not be e1cGt,
of trustees
it be ed, in pursuance of the fourth section of the said Ordinance No, 2
of I$4Z,
e ~tbia
the preacri'h-_ an the last Thursday of each month of April in every year,
them and in
ea tune. tech ease it shall and may be lawful, at any time within the
month of May, to and for the two elected trustees of the preceding dear
or the survivor of them, or in the event o their death or absence from
Colony, to and for the Lord Bishop of Victoria, or in his absence to and-
for the Colonial Chaplain or Acting Colonial Chaplain, to nominate aid
appoint any two duly qualified persons to act as such trustees for the
current year of office,
Powers vested $, And be it further enacted and ordained, that the several
in the Colo-
nial Chaplain vested in the Colonial Chaplain by the fifth section of
the-said Ordinance
o t ~~e'~' No. 2 of 1.847, as chairman of the trustees for the said
cathedral church,
transferred to
the Bishop. be and are hereby vested in and transferred to the Bishop of
Victoria and
,.: , his suceesmrs, ox in his or their absence from the Colony, in the
Chaplain or Acting Colonial Chaplain for the time being. Provided
always, that in the event of any meeting of the said trustees being con-
vened, sad that the said bishop although within the Colony may not be
in attendance, then and in such case he may either depute the Colonial
Chaplain to attend as such chairman in his stead, or failing such deputa-
tion, that it may be lawful for the trustees present at such meeting to
elect a chairman from those members in attendance.
4. And be it further enacted and ordaiaed, that if at- any time it
shall appear to the trustees of the said church that the one-third part of
the sittings directed the seienth_.section of the said Ordinance No. 2
of 184 i , to be appropriated as free sittings for the use of the poorer
of the population, be an un~necessarily_,l;~r~e ~arop9rtiora, or that.
then and in such case it shall be lawful for the trustees to rent out and
set the excess of the said third for one year, and so an from year to
until it shall appear necessary to the trustees to again allot the said
proportion of a third to its original purpose. And that when and as. figOn
as four eligible sittings shall become vacant, the same shall be assigd
and set apart for the use o£ the said bishop .and his family.
Ordinance No. 3 of 1850.
5. And be it further enacted and ordained, that in all contracts or
suits, as specified in the fourteenth section of the acid Ordinance No. 2
1847, the trustees shall contract, sue and be sued in the name of ' The
TrusIttees of the Cathedral Church at Victoria,' or `-` The Trustees of
John's Cathedral Church at Victoria,' in lieu and stead of the
or styles employed in the said section.
g, And be it further enacted and ordained, that from and after the
passing of this Ordinance, the nineteenth section of the said Ordinance
No. 2 of 1847, be and the same is hereby repealed, and that only the
Lord Bishop of Victoria or some other clergyman duly authorized to offi-
ciate for or by him may sing or say the Common Prayer, administer the
sacraments, and preach any sermons within the said cathedral, and that
in his absence, such powers shall be vested in the Colonial or Acting Co-
lonial Chaplain of that period.
7. And be it further enacted and ordained, that it shall and may be
lawful to and for the trustees of the said cathedral church or the major
part of them, should they deem it expedient so to do, to take up and
with interest not exceeding the rate of nine per centum per annum, the
said sum of two thousand five hundred dollars, and to secure the re-pay-
ment of the same with interest as aforesaid by mortgaging or pledging
the rents and profits arising or to arise from the sittings in the said
cathedral church.
Chuurch in future to be designated the Cathedral Church of St. John.
Fee thereof vested in the trustees and their successors.
Provision when the annual election of trustees may not be made within the prescribed time.
Powers vested in the Colonial Chaplain as chairman of trustees transferred to the Bishop.
Provision for reting the unrequired portion of free sittings.
New corporate name or designation for the trustees.
Repeal of 19th section of Ordinace No. 2 of 1847. No clergyman to officiate in Cathedral Church without sanction from the bishop, or in his absence from Colonial Chaplain.
Power to trustees to borrow $2,500 for the payment of a debt.
Chuurch in future to be designated the Cathedral Church of St. John.
Fee thereof vested in the trustees and their successors.
Provision when the annual election of trustees may not be made within the prescribed time.
Powers vested in the Colonial Chaplain as chairman of trustees transferred to the Bishop.
Provision for reting the unrequired portion of free sittings.
New corporate name or designation for the trustees.
Repeal of 19th section of Ordinace No. 2 of 1847. No clergyman to officiate in Cathedral Church without sanction from the bishop, or in his absence from Colonial Chaplain.
Power to trustees to borrow $2,500 for the payment of a debt.
Chuurch in future to be designated the Cathedral Church of St. John.
Fee thereof vested in the trustees and their successors.
Provision when the annual election of trustees may not be made within the prescribed time.
Powers vested in the Colonial Chaplain as chairman of trustees transferred to the Bishop.
Provision for reting the unrequired portion of free sittings.
New corporate name or designation for the trustees.
Repeal of 19th section of Ordinace No. 2 of 1847. No clergyman to officiate in Cathedral Church without sanction from the bishop, or in his absence from Colonial Chaplain.
Power to trustees to borrow $2,500 for the payment of a debt.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 3 of 1850
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CHURCH ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed November 16, 2024,