Printing Regulation.
No. 2 of 1844.
An Ordinance to regulate the printing of books and papers, and the
keeping of printing presses within the Colony of Hongkong.
[28th February, 1844.]
BE it enacted, that from and after the first day of April now next ensuing, no
printed periodical work whatever, containing public news or comments on public
news, shall be published within the Colony of Hongkong, except in conformity with
the rules hereinafter laid down.
(1.) The printer and the publisher of. every suet periodical work shall appear
before the Chief Magistrate of Police at Hongkong, and shall make and subscribe
in duplicate the following declaration ' I A. B. declare that I am the printer
' (or publisher, or printer and publisher) of the periodical work intitled
' and printed (or published,
'or printed and publislied) at Hongkong,'
and the last blank .in this form of declaration shall be filled up with a true and precise
account of the premise where the printing or publication is conducted.
(2.) As often as the place of printing or publication is changed a new declaration
shall be necessary.
(3.) As often as the printer or the publisher, who shall have made such
as is aforesaid, sball leave the Colony of Hongkong, a new declaration
from a printer
,or publisher resident within the said Colony shall be necessary.
2. And .be it enacted, ,that whoever shall print or publish any such
work as is berpinbefore prescribed, without conforming to the rules
hereinbefore laid
down, or whoever sball print or publish, or shall cause, to be printed or
published, any
such periodinal work, knowing that the said rules have not been observed
with respect
to that work, shall on conviction be punished with fine, to an amount not
three thousand dollars, and imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
3. And be it enacted, that each of the two originals, ,of every
declaration so
made and subscribed as is aforesaid, shall be authenticated by the
signature and seal
of the said Chief Magistrate of Police; and one of the said originals
shall be, deposited
among the, records of the office, of the said Chief Magistrate, and the
other original
shall be deposited among the records of such Supreme Court of Judicature as may
perron cfeslng to
be prioter or
pa~lieher jo
make dealsration
ORDINAINCE No. -2 of 184.
Printing Regulation,
hereafter be established in Hongkong, and the officer, in charge of each
original, shall
allow any person to inspect that original, on payment of a fee of one
dollar, and shall
give to any person applying a copy of the said declaration, on payment of
a fee of two
copyotaecaarar ¢, And be it enacted, that in any legal proceeding
whatever, as well civil as cri_
tion Ib e
evidence. urinal, the production of a copy of such a declaration as is
aforesaid, attested by the
seal of such Magistrate or Court, as are ,empowered by this Ordinance to
have the
custody of such declarations, shall be held (unless, the contrary be
proved) to be sufii.
cient evidence, as against the person whose )lame shall be subscribed to
such declaration,
lat the said person was printer or publisher or,printer and publisher
(according as
the words o£ the said declaration of every portion of every
periodical work
whereof the title shall correspond with the title of the periodical work
mentioned in
the said declaration. ,
$, Provided always, that any person who may have subscribed any such
tion as is aforesaid, and who may subsequently cease to be the printer or
publisher of
the periodical work mentioned in such declaration, may appear before such
Magistrate as aforesaid, and make anal subscribe in duplicate the
following declaration.
'° p .A:. B. declare that : have ceased to be the printer (or publisher,
or printer
4 and publisher) of the periodical work -entitled
'° a ' and each original of the latter declaration shall be
authenticated by the signature and seal of the said Chief Magistrate, and
one original
of the said latter declaration shall be filed along with each original of
the former
declaration, and the officer in charge of each original of the latter
declaration shall
allow any person applying to inspect that original, on payment of a fee
of one dollar,
and shall give to any person applying a copy of the said latter
declaration, attested by
the seal of the Magistrate or Court having custody of the original, on
payment of a fee
of two dollars.
And be it enacted, that in all trials in which a copy attested as is
aforesaid of
the former declaration shall have been put in evidence, it shall be
lawful to put in
evidence a copy attested as is aforesaid of the latter declaration, and
the former deelar.
anon. shall not be taken to be evidence, that the declarant was, at any
period subse-
quent to the date of the latter declaration, printer or publisher of the
periodical work
therein mentioned.
ZCop of such
ration to be
Every book or
paper t9 pdntain
name ofprfnter
or publisher and
p?ace of printing
or pnbltcattop.'
Declaration by
the-possessor of
any printing
'l. And be it enacted that every hook or paper, printed after the passing
publishing o£ this Ordinance, within the Colony of Hongkong, shall have
printed on, it
at the end thereof the name of the printer and of the publisher, and the
place of printing
and of publication, and whoever shall print or publish any book or paper,
than in, conformity with this rule, shall on conviction be punished by
fine, to an amount
not exceeding three thousand dollars, and by imprisouzxtant for a term
not exceeding
two years.
8. And be it enacted, that after the first day of April now next ensuing
no person
shall within the Colony of Hongkong keep in Ws possession any gross for
the printing
ORDINANCE No. 2 of 1844.
Printing Regulation.
of books or papers, who shall not have made and subscribed the following
before the Chief Magistrate of Police at Hongkong; and whoever shall keep
in his
possession any such press, without making such a declaration, shall on
conviction be
punished by fine, to au amount, not exceeding three thousand dollars, and
by imprison:
ment for a term not exceeding two years.
'I A. B. declare that I have a press for printing at
' and this last blank shall be filled up with a true and precise
description of the premises where such press may lie.
9. And be it enacted, that any person who shall, in making any
declaration under ranianment and
the authority of this Ordinance knowingly, affirm an untruth shall on
convict oiT penalty any Ube
y ~ 13 ~i declaration.
thereof be punished by fine, to an amount not exceeding three thousand
4ollars, aim
imprisoned for a term not exceeding two years.
Repealed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1886.
No newspaper to be published save in accordance with the rules hereinafter mentioned.
Printer and publisher to make declaration.
New declaration on change of residence.
New declararion on former printer or publisher leaving the Colony.
Punishment and penalty for non-observance of above rules.
Declaration to be deposited in office of Chief Magistrate and in the Supreme Court.
Copy of declaration to be evidence.
Perosn ceasing to be printer or publisher to make declaration thereof.
Copy of such declaration to be admitted as evidence.
Every book or paper to contain name of printer or publisher and place of printing or publication.
Declaration by the possessor of any printing press.
Punishment and penalty for making any false declaration.
No. 2 of 1844.
An Ordinance to regulate the printing of books and papers, and the
keeping of printing presses within the Colony of Hongkong.
[28th February, 1844.]
BE it enacted, that from and after the first day of April now next ensuing, no
printed periodical work whatever, containing public news or comments on public
news, shall be published within the Colony of Hongkong, except in conformity with
the rules hereinafter laid down.
(1.) The printer and the publisher of. every suet periodical work shall appear
before the Chief Magistrate of Police at Hongkong, and shall make and subscribe
in duplicate the following declaration ' I A. B. declare that I am the printer
' (or publisher, or printer and publisher) of the periodical work intitled
' and printed (or published,
'or printed and publislied) at Hongkong,'
and the last blank .in this form of declaration shall be filled up with a true and precise
account of the premise where the printing or publication is conducted.
(2.) As often as the place of printing or publication is changed a new declaration
shall be necessary.
(3.) As often as the printer or the publisher, who shall have made such
as is aforesaid, sball leave the Colony of Hongkong, a new declaration
from a printer
,or publisher resident within the said Colony shall be necessary.
2. And .be it enacted, ,that whoever shall print or publish any such
work as is berpinbefore prescribed, without conforming to the rules
hereinbefore laid
down, or whoever sball print or publish, or shall cause, to be printed or
published, any
such periodinal work, knowing that the said rules have not been observed
with respect
to that work, shall on conviction be punished with fine, to an amount not
three thousand dollars, and imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
3. And be it enacted, that each of the two originals, ,of every
declaration so
made and subscribed as is aforesaid, shall be authenticated by the
signature and seal
of the said Chief Magistrate of Police; and one of the said originals
shall be, deposited
among the, records of the office, of the said Chief Magistrate, and the
other original
shall be deposited among the records of such Supreme Court of Judicature as may
perron cfeslng to
be prioter or
pa~lieher jo
make dealsration
ORDINAINCE No. -2 of 184.
Printing Regulation,
hereafter be established in Hongkong, and the officer, in charge of each
original, shall
allow any person to inspect that original, on payment of a fee of one
dollar, and shall
give to any person applying a copy of the said declaration, on payment of
a fee of two
copyotaecaarar ¢, And be it enacted, that in any legal proceeding
whatever, as well civil as cri_
tion Ib e
evidence. urinal, the production of a copy of such a declaration as is
aforesaid, attested by the
seal of such Magistrate or Court, as are ,empowered by this Ordinance to
have the
custody of such declarations, shall be held (unless, the contrary be
proved) to be sufii.
cient evidence, as against the person whose )lame shall be subscribed to
such declaration,
lat the said person was printer or publisher or,printer and publisher
(according as
the words o£ the said declaration of every portion of every
periodical work
whereof the title shall correspond with the title of the periodical work
mentioned in
the said declaration. ,
$, Provided always, that any person who may have subscribed any such
tion as is aforesaid, and who may subsequently cease to be the printer or
publisher of
the periodical work mentioned in such declaration, may appear before such
Magistrate as aforesaid, and make anal subscribe in duplicate the
following declaration.
'° p .A:. B. declare that : have ceased to be the printer (or publisher,
or printer
4 and publisher) of the periodical work -entitled
'° a ' and each original of the latter declaration shall be
authenticated by the signature and seal of the said Chief Magistrate, and
one original
of the said latter declaration shall be filed along with each original of
the former
declaration, and the officer in charge of each original of the latter
declaration shall
allow any person applying to inspect that original, on payment of a fee
of one dollar,
and shall give to any person applying a copy of the said latter
declaration, attested by
the seal of the Magistrate or Court having custody of the original, on
payment of a fee
of two dollars.
And be it enacted, that in all trials in which a copy attested as is
aforesaid of
the former declaration shall have been put in evidence, it shall be
lawful to put in
evidence a copy attested as is aforesaid of the latter declaration, and
the former deelar.
anon. shall not be taken to be evidence, that the declarant was, at any
period subse-
quent to the date of the latter declaration, printer or publisher of the
periodical work
therein mentioned.
ZCop of such
ration to be
Every book or
paper t9 pdntain
name ofprfnter
or publisher and
p?ace of printing
or pnbltcattop.'
Declaration by
the-possessor of
any printing
'l. And be it enacted that every hook or paper, printed after the passing
publishing o£ this Ordinance, within the Colony of Hongkong, shall have
printed on, it
at the end thereof the name of the printer and of the publisher, and the
place of printing
and of publication, and whoever shall print or publish any book or paper,
than in, conformity with this rule, shall on conviction be punished by
fine, to an amount
not exceeding three thousand dollars, and by imprisouzxtant for a term
not exceeding
two years.
8. And be it enacted, that after the first day of April now next ensuing
no person
shall within the Colony of Hongkong keep in Ws possession any gross for
the printing
ORDINANCE No. 2 of 1844.
Printing Regulation.
of books or papers, who shall not have made and subscribed the following
before the Chief Magistrate of Police at Hongkong; and whoever shall keep
in his
possession any such press, without making such a declaration, shall on
conviction be
punished by fine, to au amount, not exceeding three thousand dollars, and
by imprison:
ment for a term not exceeding two years.
'I A. B. declare that I have a press for printing at
' and this last blank shall be filled up with a true and precise
description of the premises where such press may lie.
9. And be it enacted, that any person who shall, in making any
declaration under ranianment and
the authority of this Ordinance knowingly, affirm an untruth shall on
convict oiT penalty any Ube
y ~ 13 ~i declaration.
thereof be punished by fine, to an amount not exceeding three thousand
4ollars, aim
imprisoned for a term not exceeding two years.
Repealed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1886.
No newspaper to be published save in accordance with the rules hereinafter mentioned.
Printer and publisher to make declaration.
New declaration on change of residence.
New declararion on former printer or publisher leaving the Colony.
Punishment and penalty for non-observance of above rules.
Declaration to be deposited in office of Chief Magistrate and in the Supreme Court.
Copy of declaration to be evidence.
Perosn ceasing to be printer or publisher to make declaration thereof.
Copy of such declaration to be admitted as evidence.
Every book or paper to contain name of printer or publisher and place of printing or publication.
Declaration by the possessor of any printing press.
Punishment and penalty for making any false declaration.
No newspaper to be published save in accordance with the rules hereinafter mentioned.
Printer and publisher to make declaration.
New declaration on change of residence.
New declararion on former printer or publisher leaving the Colony.
Punishment and penalty for non-observance of above rules.
Declaration to be deposited in office of Chief Magistrate and in the Supreme Court.
Copy of declaration to be evidence.
Perosn ceasing to be printer or publisher to make declaration thereof.
Copy of such declaration to be admitted as evidence.
Every book or paper to contain name of printer or publisher and place of printing or publication.
Declaration by the possessor of any printing press.
Punishment and penalty for making any false declaration.
Printer and publisher to make declaration.
New declaration on change of residence.
New declararion on former printer or publisher leaving the Colony.
Punishment and penalty for non-observance of above rules.
Declaration to be deposited in office of Chief Magistrate and in the Supreme Court.
Copy of declaration to be evidence.
Perosn ceasing to be printer or publisher to make declaration thereof.
Copy of such declaration to be admitted as evidence.
Every book or paper to contain name of printer or publisher and place of printing or publication.
Declaration by the possessor of any printing press.
Punishment and penalty for making any false declaration.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 2 of 1844
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PRINTING REGULATION ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025,