ORDINANCE No. 5 OF 1870.
Crown Fees Ordinance, 1870.
AN ORDINANCE to empower the Governor-in-Council to reduce,
vary, and in certain cases to remit and refund the Amount
of Fees payable for the Use of the Governmnet of the Colony.
[11th November, 1870.]
WHEREAS in certain cases no provision has been made by the
Ordinances imposing fees payable to the use of the Government
of the Colony for the rduction and variation of such fees, and its is ex-
pedient to vest in the Governor-in-Council the powers hereinafter
BE it therefore enacted by the Gonvernor of Hongkong, with the advice
of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Crown Fees Ordinance, 1870.
2. Wherever, under or by virtue of any Ordinance, any fees are made
payable to a public officer for the use ofd ht Government of the Colony,
and no pwer is given by such Ordinance to the Governor-in-Council
from time to time to rduce or vary the amount of such fees, such
power shall be deemed to be vested in the Governor-in-Council by virtue
of this Ordinance: Provided always that the provisions of this section
shall not extend to fees the amount of which a Judge thas power to
regulate by any rule or order of his Court.
3. No fees shall be varied under this Ordinance so as to exceed the
original amount thereof.
4. Every reduction or variation under this Ordinance in the amount
of any fees shall be made by an order of the Governor-in-Council to be
published in The Gazette, and shall not take effect until the date of the
publication thereof as aforesaid.
5. It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, if he, in his dis-
cretion, thinks fit, in any particular case and on any special ground, to
remit the payment of any such fees as aforesaid or to order the amount
thereof, if paid, to be refuended.
A.D. 1870. Ordinance No. 17 of 1870. Short title. Power to Governor-in-Council to reduce or vary fees payable to use of Government. Restriction on power of variation. Mode of making reduction or variation. Power to remit or refund fees in special case.
Crown Fees Ordinance, 1870.
AN ORDINANCE to empower the Governor-in-Council to reduce,
vary, and in certain cases to remit and refund the Amount
of Fees payable for the Use of the Governmnet of the Colony.
[11th November, 1870.]
WHEREAS in certain cases no provision has been made by the
Ordinances imposing fees payable to the use of the Government
of the Colony for the rduction and variation of such fees, and its is ex-
pedient to vest in the Governor-in-Council the powers hereinafter
BE it therefore enacted by the Gonvernor of Hongkong, with the advice
of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Crown Fees Ordinance, 1870.
2. Wherever, under or by virtue of any Ordinance, any fees are made
payable to a public officer for the use ofd ht Government of the Colony,
and no pwer is given by such Ordinance to the Governor-in-Council
from time to time to rduce or vary the amount of such fees, such
power shall be deemed to be vested in the Governor-in-Council by virtue
of this Ordinance: Provided always that the provisions of this section
shall not extend to fees the amount of which a Judge thas power to
regulate by any rule or order of his Court.
3. No fees shall be varied under this Ordinance so as to exceed the
original amount thereof.
4. Every reduction or variation under this Ordinance in the amount
of any fees shall be made by an order of the Governor-in-Council to be
published in The Gazette, and shall not take effect until the date of the
publication thereof as aforesaid.
5. It shall be lawful for the Governor-in-Council, if he, in his dis-
cretion, thinks fit, in any particular case and on any special ground, to
remit the payment of any such fees as aforesaid or to order the amount
thereof, if paid, to be refuended.
A.D. 1870. Ordinance No. 17 of 1870. Short title. Power to Governor-in-Council to reduce or vary fees payable to use of Government. Restriction on power of variation. Mode of making reduction or variation. Power to remit or refund fees in special case.
A.D. 1870. Ordinance No. 17 of 1870. Short title. Power to Governor-in-Council to reduce or vary fees payable to use of Government. Restriction on power of variation. Mode of making reduction or variation. Power to remit or refund fees in special case.
Subsequent Cap No.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 5 of 1870
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CROWN FEES ORDINANCE, 1870,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 15, 2025,