ORDINANCE No. 2 OF 1869.
Public Assemblages (Regulation of Traffic) Ordinance, 1869.
AN ORDINANCE to make further Provision for the Maintenance
of Order on the Occasion of Public Assemblages.
[30th September, 1869]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Public Assemblages(Regulation
of Traffic) Ordinance, 1869.
2. It shall be lawful for the Captain Superintendent of Police, from
time to time and as occasion may require, to make regulations for the
route to be observed by all carts, carriages, horses, and other animals,
chairs and other vehicles, and all persons, and for preventing obstruc-
tion of the roads, streets, and thoroughfares within the Colony, in all
times of public processions, public rejoicings, public ceremonials, spec-
tacles or illuminations, public assemblies or meetings, military reviews or
inspections, funerals, and all other cases where the presence of a large
number of persons may be probable or possible, and also to give directions
for keeping order and for preventing any obstruction of the thorough- farers in the immediate neighbourhood of Government or public buildings
and offices, the Supreme or other Court house or houses, the Police
Courts, the theatres and other places of public resort, the Cathedral, and
all other churches, chapels, or other places of public worship, and in
any cases where the roads, streets, or thoroughfares may be thronged or
be liable to be obstructed: Provided always that such regulations or
directions shall have no force or effect whatever unless and until they
are approved of by the Governor, and unless and until, after being so
approved, they are printedin English and Chinese characters and affixed
on or near the place or places, and on the occasion or occasions, to which
they severally refer or relate.
3. It shall be lawful for the Harbour Master in like manner to make
similar regulations and give similar directions with reference to the
route to be observed by boasts or other vessels and by persons, and
to the keeping of order and preventing of obstructions, in the Harbour of
Victoria or other waters of the Colony, on any such or similar occasions
as hereinbefore set forth which may occur within the sid harbour or
waters: Provided always that such regulations or directions shall have
no force or effect unless and until they are approved in manner aforesaid,
and unless and until they are printed in English and Chinese characters
and exhibited at the Harbour Master's Office and the Water Police
Stations and affixed at three public wharves.
4. The approval of the Governor shall be signified by the signature
fof the Governor being affixed to some draft or copy of the said regula-
tions and directions.
5. Any such regulations and directions may from time to time be
rescinded or revoked, varied or modified, with the approval of the
6. Every breach of any such regulations and directions, and every
violation or disregard thereof or disobedience therto, shall be a separate
offence, and shall be inquired of and dtermined by any Police Magis-
trate, and be punishable with a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars or
imprisonment not exceeding one month.
A.D. 1869. Ordinance No. 10 of 1869. Short title. Making of regulations, etc., for control of traffic on land on occasion of public assmeblage. Making of regulations, etc., for control of traffic in harbour on occasion of public assemblage. Signification of Governor's approval. Rescission, etc., of regulations, etc. Penalty for breach of regulations, etc.
Public Assemblages (Regulation of Traffic) Ordinance, 1869.
AN ORDINANCE to make further Provision for the Maintenance
of Order on the Occasion of Public Assemblages.
[30th September, 1869]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Public Assemblages(Regulation
of Traffic) Ordinance, 1869.
2. It shall be lawful for the Captain Superintendent of Police, from
time to time and as occasion may require, to make regulations for the
route to be observed by all carts, carriages, horses, and other animals,
chairs and other vehicles, and all persons, and for preventing obstruc-
tion of the roads, streets, and thoroughfares within the Colony, in all
times of public processions, public rejoicings, public ceremonials, spec-
tacles or illuminations, public assemblies or meetings, military reviews or
inspections, funerals, and all other cases where the presence of a large
number of persons may be probable or possible, and also to give directions
for keeping order and for preventing any obstruction of the thorough- farers in the immediate neighbourhood of Government or public buildings
and offices, the Supreme or other Court house or houses, the Police
Courts, the theatres and other places of public resort, the Cathedral, and
all other churches, chapels, or other places of public worship, and in
any cases where the roads, streets, or thoroughfares may be thronged or
be liable to be obstructed: Provided always that such regulations or
directions shall have no force or effect whatever unless and until they
are approved of by the Governor, and unless and until, after being so
approved, they are printedin English and Chinese characters and affixed
on or near the place or places, and on the occasion or occasions, to which
they severally refer or relate.
3. It shall be lawful for the Harbour Master in like manner to make
similar regulations and give similar directions with reference to the
route to be observed by boasts or other vessels and by persons, and
to the keeping of order and preventing of obstructions, in the Harbour of
Victoria or other waters of the Colony, on any such or similar occasions
as hereinbefore set forth which may occur within the sid harbour or
waters: Provided always that such regulations or directions shall have
no force or effect unless and until they are approved in manner aforesaid,
and unless and until they are printed in English and Chinese characters
and exhibited at the Harbour Master's Office and the Water Police
Stations and affixed at three public wharves.
4. The approval of the Governor shall be signified by the signature
fof the Governor being affixed to some draft or copy of the said regula-
tions and directions.
5. Any such regulations and directions may from time to time be
rescinded or revoked, varied or modified, with the approval of the
6. Every breach of any such regulations and directions, and every
violation or disregard thereof or disobedience therto, shall be a separate
offence, and shall be inquired of and dtermined by any Police Magis-
trate, and be punishable with a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars or
imprisonment not exceeding one month.
A.D. 1869. Ordinance No. 10 of 1869. Short title. Making of regulations, etc., for control of traffic on land on occasion of public assmeblage. Making of regulations, etc., for control of traffic in harbour on occasion of public assemblage. Signification of Governor's approval. Rescission, etc., of regulations, etc. Penalty for breach of regulations, etc.
A.D. 1869. Ordinance No. 10 of 1869. Short title. Making of regulations, etc., for control of traffic on land on occasion of public assmeblage. Making of regulations, etc., for control of traffic in harbour on occasion of public assemblage. Signification of Governor's approval. Rescission, etc., of regulations, etc. Penalty for breach of regulations, etc.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 2 of 1869
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PUBLIC ASSEMBLAGES (REGULATION OF TRAFFIC) ORDINANCE, 1869,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 13, 2025,