Companies (Registration) Ordinance, 1866.
AN ORDINANCE to enable Companies existing at the Commence-
ment of the Companies Ordinance, 1865, or thereafteer formed
under any other Ordinance or Letters Patent, to register
under the said Ordinance.[6th March, 1866]
WHEREAS it is expedient to extend the provisons of the Com-
panies Ordinance, 1865:
BE it therefore enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice
of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:
1. this Ordinace may be cited as the Companies (Registration)
Ordinance, 1866.
2.-(1.) The follwoing regualtions shall be observed with respect to
the registration of compnies in pursuance of this Ordinance; that is
to say, -
(a.) no company formed for the purpose of carrying on the business
of banking shall register in pursuance of this Ordinance;
(b.)no company having the liability of its memebers limited by
Ordinance or by letters patent, and not being a joint-stock com-
pany as hereinafter defined, shall register in pursuance of this
(c.) no company having the liability of its membners limited by
Ordinance or by letters patent shall register in pursunance of
this Ordinance as an unlimited company or as a company
limited by guarantee;
(d.) no company that is not a joint-stock company as hereinafter
defined shall register in pursuance of this Ordinance as a com-
pany limited by shares;
(e.) no company shall register in pursuance of this Ordinance un-
less an assent to its so registering is given by a majority of such
of its members as may be present, personally or by proxy, in
cases where proxies are allowed by the regulations of the
company, at some general meeting summoned for the purpose;
(f.) where a company not having the liability of its members
limited by Ordinance or by letters patent is about to register
as a limited company, the majoirty required to assent as afore-
said shall consist of not less than three fourths of the memebers
present, personally or by proxy, at such last-mentioned general
meeting; and
(g.) where a company is about to register as a company limited by
guarantee, the assent to its being so registered shall be accom-
panied by a resolution declaring that each member undertakes
to contribute to the asets of the company, in the event of the
same being would up during the time that he is a member or
within one year afterward, for payment of the debts and liabil-
ities of the company contracted before the time at which he
ceased to be a member, and of the costs, charges, and expenses
of winding up the company, and for the adjustment of the
rights of the contributories amongst themselves, such amount as
may be required, not exceeding a specified amount.
(2) in computing any majority under this section when a poll is
demanded, regard shall be had to the number of votes to which each
member is entitled, according to the rgulations of the company of
which he is a member.
(3)-(1) With the above exceptions and subject to the foregoing
regulations, every company existing at the commencement of the Com-
panies Ordinance, 1865, and consisting of seven or more members, and
any company thereafter formed in pursuance of any Ordinance other
than the Compnaies Ordinance, 1865, or of letters patent, or being other-
wise duly constituted by law, and consisting of seven or more members,
may at any time hereafter register itself under the Compnies Ordi-
nance, 1865, as an unlimited company, or a company limited by shares,
or a company limited guarantee.
(2) No such registration shall be invalid by reason that it has taken
place with a view to the company being would up.
4. For the purposes of this Ordinance, so far as the same relates to
the description of companies empowered to register as companies limited
by shares, a joint-stock company shall be deemed to be a company hav-
ing a permanent paid-up or nominal capital of fixed amount, divided
into shares, allso of fixed amount, or held and transferable as stock, or
divided and held parly in one way and partly in the other, and formed
on the principle of having for its member the holders of shares in such
capital or the holders of such stock, and no other persons; and such
company, when registered with limited liability under the Companies
Ordinance, 1865, shall be deemed to be a company limited by shares.
5. Previously to the registration in pursuance of this Ordinance of
any joint-stock company there shall be delivered to the Registrar of
Coimpanies the following documents; that is to say,-
(1) alist showing the names, addresses, andoccupations of all per-
sons who, on a day named in such list and not being more than
six clear days before the day of registration, were members of such
company, with the addition of the shares held by such eprsons
respectively, distinguishing, in cases where such shares are num-
bered, each share by its number;
(2) a compy of any Ordinance, royal charter, letters patent, deed of
settlement, contract of copartnery, or other instrument constitut-
ing or regulating the company; and,
(3) if any such joint-stock company is intended to be registered
as a limited company, the above list and copy shall be accompanied
by a statement specifying the following particulars; that is to
(a) the nominal capital of the company and the number of shares
into which it is divided;
(b) the number of shares taken and the amound paid on each
(c) the name of the company, iwht the addition of the word 'Li-
mited' as the last word thereof; and
(d) with the addition, in the case of a company intended to be
registered as a company limited by guarantee, of the resolution
declaring the amount of the guarantee.
6. Previously to the registration in pursuance of this Ordinance of
any company not being a joint-stock company there shall be delivered
to the Registrar of Companies a list showing the names, addresses, and
occupations of the directors or other managers, if any, of the company,
and also a copy of any Ordinance, letters patent, deed of settlement,
contract of copartnery, or other instrument constituting or regulation the
company, with the addition, in the case of a company intended to be re-
gistered as a company limited by guarantee, of the resolution declaring
the amount of guarantee.
7. Where a joint-stock company authorized to register in pursuance
of the Ordinance has had the whole or any portion of its capial converted
into stock, such company shall, as the capital so converted, instead of
delivering to the Registrar of Companies a statement of shares, deliver
to the Registrar a statement of the amount of stock belonging to the
company and the names of the persons who were holder of such stock,
on some day to be named in the statement, not more than six clear days
before the day of registration.
8. The list of members and directors and any other particulars relating
to the company hereby required to be delivered to the Registrar of Com-
panies shall be verified by a declaration of the directors of the company
delivering the same or any two of them, or of any two other principal
officers of the company, made in pursuance of the Statutory Declarations
Act, 1835, of the Imperial Parliament.
9. The Registrar of Companies may require such evidence as he thinks
necessary for the purpose of satisfying himself whether an existing com0
pany is os is not a joint-stock company as hereinbefore defined.
10. No fees shall be charged in respect of the registration in pursuance
of this Ordinance of any company in cases where such company is not
registered as a limited company, or where, previously to its being re-
gistered as a limited company, the liability of the shareholders was
limited by some other Ordinance or by letters patent.
11. The fees to be charged for the registration of any company in
pursuance of this Ordinance, except such companies as are by the last
preceding section exempted from payment of fees in respect of such re-
gistration, shall be the same as are payable fore registering a new com-
pany under the Tables B and C respectively in the First Schedule to the
Companies Ordinance, 1865.
12. Any company authorized by this Ordinance to register with li-
mited liability shall, for the purpose of obtaining registration with limited
liability, change its name, by adding thereto the word 'Limited'.
13. On compliance with the requisitions contained in this Ordi-
nance with respect to registration and on payment of such fees, if any,
as are payable under section 11, the Registrar of Companies shall certify
under his hand that the company so applying for registration is incor-
porated as a compny under the companies Ordinance, 1865, and, in the
case of a limited company, that it is limited, and therupon such com-
pany shall be incorporated and shall have perpetual succession and a
common seal, with power to hold lands.
14. A certificate of incorporation given at any time to any company
registered in pursuance of this Ordinance shall be conclusive evidence
that all the requisitions herein contained in respect of registration in
pursuance of this Ordinance have been complied with, and that the
company is authorized to be registered under the Companies Ordinance,
1865, as a limited or unlimited company, as the case may be, and the
date of incorporation mentioned in such certificate shall be deemed to be
the date at which the company is incorporated under the Companies
Ordinance, 1865.
15. All such property, real and personal, including all interests
and rights in, to, and out of property, real and personal, and including
obligations and things in action, as may belong to or be vested in the
company at the date of its registration in pursuance of this Ordinance
shall, on registraion, pass to and vest in the company as incorporated
under the Companies Ordinance, 1865, for all the estate and interest of
the company therein.
16. The registration in pursuance of this Ordinance of any company
shall not affect or prejudice the liability of such company to have
enforced against it, or its right to enforce, any debt or obligation
incurred or any contract entered into, by, or on behalf of such
company, previously to such registration.
17. All such actions, suits, and other legal proccedings as may, at
the time of the registration of any company registered in pursuance of
this Ordinance, have been commenced by or against such company, or
the public offer or any member thereof, may be continued in the same
manner as if such registration had not take place: Provided, neverthe-
less, that execution shall not issue against the effects of any individual
member of such company on any judgment, decree, or order obtained in
any action, suit, or proceeding so commenced as aforesaid; but in the
event of the property and effects of the company being insufficient to
satisfy such judgment, decree, or order, an order may be obtained for
winding up the company.
18.-(1) When a company is registered in pursuance of this Ordi-
nace, all provisions contained in any Ordinance, letters patent, deed of
settlement, contract of copartnery, or other instrument costituting or
regulating the company, including, in the case of a company registered
of the guarantee, shall be deemed to be conditions and regulations of the
company, in the same manner and with the same incidients as if they
were contained in a registered memorandum of association and articles
of association; and all the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1865,
shall apply to such company, and to the members, contributories, and
creditors thereof, in the same manner in all respects as if it had been
formed thereunder, subject to the following provisions; that is to say,-
(a) Table A in the First Schedule to the Companies Ordinance,
1865, shall not, unless adopted by special resolution, apply to
any company registered in pursuance of this Ordinance;
(b) the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1865, relating to
the numbering of shares shall not apply to any joint-stock com-
pany whose shares are not numbered;
(c) no company shall have power to alter any provision contained
in any Ordinance relating to the company;
(d) no company shall have power, without the sanction of the
Governor, to alter any provision contained in any letters patent
relating to the company;
(e) in the event of the company being wound up, every person
shall be a contributory, in respect of the debts and liabilities of
the company contracted prior to registration, who is liable, at
law or in equity, to pay or contribute to the payment of any
debt or liability of the company contracted prior to registration;
or to pay or contribute to the payment of any sum for the ad-
justment of the rights of the member amongst themselves in
respect of any such debt or liability; or to pay or contribute to the payment of the cost, charges, and expenses of winding up
the company, so far as relates to such debts or liabilites as
aforesaid; and everu such contributory shall be liable to con-
tribute to the assets of the company, in the course of the wind-
ing-up, all sums due from him in respect of any such liability
as aforesaid; and in the event of the death, bankruptey, or in-
solvency of any such contributory as last aforesaid, or the mar-
riage of any such contributory , being a female, the provisions
of the Companies Ordinance, 1865, with respect to the repre-
sentatives, heirs, and devises of deceased contributories, and
with respect to the assignees of bankrupt or insolvent contrib-
utories and to the husbands of married contributories, shall
apply; and
(f) nothing herein contained shall authorize any company to alter
any such provisions contained in any letters patent, deed of
settlement, contract of copartnery, or other instrument consti-
tuting or regulating the company as would, if such company
had originally been formed under the Companies Ordinance,
1865, have been contained in the memorandum of association,
and are not authorized to be altered by the Companies Ordin-
ance, 1865.
(2) Nothing herein contained shall derogate from any power of alter0
ing its constitution or regulations which may be vested in any com-
pany registering in pursuance of this Ordinance by virtue of any Ordi-
nance, letters patent, deed of settlement, contract of copartnery, or
other instrument constituting or regulating the company.
19. The Court may, at any time after the presentation of a petition
for winding up a company registered in pursuance of this Ordinance
and before making an order fro winding up the company, on the appli-
cation by motion of any creditor of the company, restrain further pro-
ceedings in any action, suit, or legal proceeding against any contribu-
tory of the company, as well as against the company as hereinbefore
provided, on such terms as the Court thinks fit.
20. Where an order has been made for winding up a company regis-
tered in pursuance of this Ordinance, in addition to the provisions here-
inbefore contained, it is hereby further provided that no action, suit, or
any contributory of the company in respect of any debt of the company,
except with the leave of the Court and subject ot such terms as the
Court may impose.
A.D. 1866. Ordinance No. 3 of 1866. Short title. Regulations as to registration of companies. Companies capable of being registered. No. 1 of 1865. Definition of joint-stock company. No. 1 of 1865. Requirements for registration of joint-stock companies. Requirements for regulation of companies not being joint-stock companies. Power for company to register amount of stock instead of shares. Authentication of statement of company. 5 & 6 Will. 4 c. 62. Requiring evidence as to nature of company. Exemption of certain companies. from payment of fees. Registration fees. No. 1 of 1865. Requirement as to change of name on registration. Certificate of registration of company. No. 1 of 1865. Effect of certificate. No. 1 of 1865. Transfer of property of company on registration. No. 1 of 1865. Registration not to affect obligations incurred previously to registration. Continuation of existing actions and suits by and against company. Effect of registration. No. 1 of 1865. Power for the Court in winding up to restrain proceedings. Effect of order for winding up company.
Companies (Registration) Ordinance, 1866.
AN ORDINANCE to enable Companies existing at the Commence-
ment of the Companies Ordinance, 1865, or thereafteer formed
under any other Ordinance or Letters Patent, to register
under the said Ordinance.[6th March, 1866]
WHEREAS it is expedient to extend the provisons of the Com-
panies Ordinance, 1865:
BE it therefore enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice
of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:
1. this Ordinace may be cited as the Companies (Registration)
Ordinance, 1866.
2.-(1.) The follwoing regualtions shall be observed with respect to
the registration of compnies in pursuance of this Ordinance; that is
to say, -
(a.) no company formed for the purpose of carrying on the business
of banking shall register in pursuance of this Ordinance;
(b.)no company having the liability of its memebers limited by
Ordinance or by letters patent, and not being a joint-stock com-
pany as hereinafter defined, shall register in pursuance of this
(c.) no company having the liability of its membners limited by
Ordinance or by letters patent shall register in pursunance of
this Ordinance as an unlimited company or as a company
limited by guarantee;
(d.) no company that is not a joint-stock company as hereinafter
defined shall register in pursuance of this Ordinance as a com-
pany limited by shares;
(e.) no company shall register in pursuance of this Ordinance un-
less an assent to its so registering is given by a majority of such
of its members as may be present, personally or by proxy, in
cases where proxies are allowed by the regulations of the
company, at some general meeting summoned for the purpose;
(f.) where a company not having the liability of its members
limited by Ordinance or by letters patent is about to register
as a limited company, the majoirty required to assent as afore-
said shall consist of not less than three fourths of the memebers
present, personally or by proxy, at such last-mentioned general
meeting; and
(g.) where a company is about to register as a company limited by
guarantee, the assent to its being so registered shall be accom-
panied by a resolution declaring that each member undertakes
to contribute to the asets of the company, in the event of the
same being would up during the time that he is a member or
within one year afterward, for payment of the debts and liabil-
ities of the company contracted before the time at which he
ceased to be a member, and of the costs, charges, and expenses
of winding up the company, and for the adjustment of the
rights of the contributories amongst themselves, such amount as
may be required, not exceeding a specified amount.
(2) in computing any majority under this section when a poll is
demanded, regard shall be had to the number of votes to which each
member is entitled, according to the rgulations of the company of
which he is a member.
(3)-(1) With the above exceptions and subject to the foregoing
regulations, every company existing at the commencement of the Com-
panies Ordinance, 1865, and consisting of seven or more members, and
any company thereafter formed in pursuance of any Ordinance other
than the Compnaies Ordinance, 1865, or of letters patent, or being other-
wise duly constituted by law, and consisting of seven or more members,
may at any time hereafter register itself under the Compnies Ordi-
nance, 1865, as an unlimited company, or a company limited by shares,
or a company limited guarantee.
(2) No such registration shall be invalid by reason that it has taken
place with a view to the company being would up.
4. For the purposes of this Ordinance, so far as the same relates to
the description of companies empowered to register as companies limited
by shares, a joint-stock company shall be deemed to be a company hav-
ing a permanent paid-up or nominal capital of fixed amount, divided
into shares, allso of fixed amount, or held and transferable as stock, or
divided and held parly in one way and partly in the other, and formed
on the principle of having for its member the holders of shares in such
capital or the holders of such stock, and no other persons; and such
company, when registered with limited liability under the Companies
Ordinance, 1865, shall be deemed to be a company limited by shares.
5. Previously to the registration in pursuance of this Ordinance of
any joint-stock company there shall be delivered to the Registrar of
Coimpanies the following documents; that is to say,-
(1) alist showing the names, addresses, andoccupations of all per-
sons who, on a day named in such list and not being more than
six clear days before the day of registration, were members of such
company, with the addition of the shares held by such eprsons
respectively, distinguishing, in cases where such shares are num-
bered, each share by its number;
(2) a compy of any Ordinance, royal charter, letters patent, deed of
settlement, contract of copartnery, or other instrument constitut-
ing or regulating the company; and,
(3) if any such joint-stock company is intended to be registered
as a limited company, the above list and copy shall be accompanied
by a statement specifying the following particulars; that is to
(a) the nominal capital of the company and the number of shares
into which it is divided;
(b) the number of shares taken and the amound paid on each
(c) the name of the company, iwht the addition of the word 'Li-
mited' as the last word thereof; and
(d) with the addition, in the case of a company intended to be
registered as a company limited by guarantee, of the resolution
declaring the amount of the guarantee.
6. Previously to the registration in pursuance of this Ordinance of
any company not being a joint-stock company there shall be delivered
to the Registrar of Companies a list showing the names, addresses, and
occupations of the directors or other managers, if any, of the company,
and also a copy of any Ordinance, letters patent, deed of settlement,
contract of copartnery, or other instrument constituting or regulation the
company, with the addition, in the case of a company intended to be re-
gistered as a company limited by guarantee, of the resolution declaring
the amount of guarantee.
7. Where a joint-stock company authorized to register in pursuance
of the Ordinance has had the whole or any portion of its capial converted
into stock, such company shall, as the capital so converted, instead of
delivering to the Registrar of Companies a statement of shares, deliver
to the Registrar a statement of the amount of stock belonging to the
company and the names of the persons who were holder of such stock,
on some day to be named in the statement, not more than six clear days
before the day of registration.
8. The list of members and directors and any other particulars relating
to the company hereby required to be delivered to the Registrar of Com-
panies shall be verified by a declaration of the directors of the company
delivering the same or any two of them, or of any two other principal
officers of the company, made in pursuance of the Statutory Declarations
Act, 1835, of the Imperial Parliament.
9. The Registrar of Companies may require such evidence as he thinks
necessary for the purpose of satisfying himself whether an existing com0
pany is os is not a joint-stock company as hereinbefore defined.
10. No fees shall be charged in respect of the registration in pursuance
of this Ordinance of any company in cases where such company is not
registered as a limited company, or where, previously to its being re-
gistered as a limited company, the liability of the shareholders was
limited by some other Ordinance or by letters patent.
11. The fees to be charged for the registration of any company in
pursuance of this Ordinance, except such companies as are by the last
preceding section exempted from payment of fees in respect of such re-
gistration, shall be the same as are payable fore registering a new com-
pany under the Tables B and C respectively in the First Schedule to the
Companies Ordinance, 1865.
12. Any company authorized by this Ordinance to register with li-
mited liability shall, for the purpose of obtaining registration with limited
liability, change its name, by adding thereto the word 'Limited'.
13. On compliance with the requisitions contained in this Ordi-
nance with respect to registration and on payment of such fees, if any,
as are payable under section 11, the Registrar of Companies shall certify
under his hand that the company so applying for registration is incor-
porated as a compny under the companies Ordinance, 1865, and, in the
case of a limited company, that it is limited, and therupon such com-
pany shall be incorporated and shall have perpetual succession and a
common seal, with power to hold lands.
14. A certificate of incorporation given at any time to any company
registered in pursuance of this Ordinance shall be conclusive evidence
that all the requisitions herein contained in respect of registration in
pursuance of this Ordinance have been complied with, and that the
company is authorized to be registered under the Companies Ordinance,
1865, as a limited or unlimited company, as the case may be, and the
date of incorporation mentioned in such certificate shall be deemed to be
the date at which the company is incorporated under the Companies
Ordinance, 1865.
15. All such property, real and personal, including all interests
and rights in, to, and out of property, real and personal, and including
obligations and things in action, as may belong to or be vested in the
company at the date of its registration in pursuance of this Ordinance
shall, on registraion, pass to and vest in the company as incorporated
under the Companies Ordinance, 1865, for all the estate and interest of
the company therein.
16. The registration in pursuance of this Ordinance of any company
shall not affect or prejudice the liability of such company to have
enforced against it, or its right to enforce, any debt or obligation
incurred or any contract entered into, by, or on behalf of such
company, previously to such registration.
17. All such actions, suits, and other legal proccedings as may, at
the time of the registration of any company registered in pursuance of
this Ordinance, have been commenced by or against such company, or
the public offer or any member thereof, may be continued in the same
manner as if such registration had not take place: Provided, neverthe-
less, that execution shall not issue against the effects of any individual
member of such company on any judgment, decree, or order obtained in
any action, suit, or proceeding so commenced as aforesaid; but in the
event of the property and effects of the company being insufficient to
satisfy such judgment, decree, or order, an order may be obtained for
winding up the company.
18.-(1) When a company is registered in pursuance of this Ordi-
nace, all provisions contained in any Ordinance, letters patent, deed of
settlement, contract of copartnery, or other instrument costituting or
regulating the company, including, in the case of a company registered
of the guarantee, shall be deemed to be conditions and regulations of the
company, in the same manner and with the same incidients as if they
were contained in a registered memorandum of association and articles
of association; and all the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1865,
shall apply to such company, and to the members, contributories, and
creditors thereof, in the same manner in all respects as if it had been
formed thereunder, subject to the following provisions; that is to say,-
(a) Table A in the First Schedule to the Companies Ordinance,
1865, shall not, unless adopted by special resolution, apply to
any company registered in pursuance of this Ordinance;
(b) the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1865, relating to
the numbering of shares shall not apply to any joint-stock com-
pany whose shares are not numbered;
(c) no company shall have power to alter any provision contained
in any Ordinance relating to the company;
(d) no company shall have power, without the sanction of the
Governor, to alter any provision contained in any letters patent
relating to the company;
(e) in the event of the company being wound up, every person
shall be a contributory, in respect of the debts and liabilities of
the company contracted prior to registration, who is liable, at
law or in equity, to pay or contribute to the payment of any
debt or liability of the company contracted prior to registration;
or to pay or contribute to the payment of any sum for the ad-
justment of the rights of the member amongst themselves in
respect of any such debt or liability; or to pay or contribute to the payment of the cost, charges, and expenses of winding up
the company, so far as relates to such debts or liabilites as
aforesaid; and everu such contributory shall be liable to con-
tribute to the assets of the company, in the course of the wind-
ing-up, all sums due from him in respect of any such liability
as aforesaid; and in the event of the death, bankruptey, or in-
solvency of any such contributory as last aforesaid, or the mar-
riage of any such contributory , being a female, the provisions
of the Companies Ordinance, 1865, with respect to the repre-
sentatives, heirs, and devises of deceased contributories, and
with respect to the assignees of bankrupt or insolvent contrib-
utories and to the husbands of married contributories, shall
apply; and
(f) nothing herein contained shall authorize any company to alter
any such provisions contained in any letters patent, deed of
settlement, contract of copartnery, or other instrument consti-
tuting or regulating the company as would, if such company
had originally been formed under the Companies Ordinance,
1865, have been contained in the memorandum of association,
and are not authorized to be altered by the Companies Ordin-
ance, 1865.
(2) Nothing herein contained shall derogate from any power of alter0
ing its constitution or regulations which may be vested in any com-
pany registering in pursuance of this Ordinance by virtue of any Ordi-
nance, letters patent, deed of settlement, contract of copartnery, or
other instrument constituting or regulating the company.
19. The Court may, at any time after the presentation of a petition
for winding up a company registered in pursuance of this Ordinance
and before making an order fro winding up the company, on the appli-
cation by motion of any creditor of the company, restrain further pro-
ceedings in any action, suit, or legal proceeding against any contribu-
tory of the company, as well as against the company as hereinbefore
provided, on such terms as the Court thinks fit.
20. Where an order has been made for winding up a company regis-
tered in pursuance of this Ordinance, in addition to the provisions here-
inbefore contained, it is hereby further provided that no action, suit, or
any contributory of the company in respect of any debt of the company,
except with the leave of the Court and subject ot such terms as the
Court may impose.
A.D. 1866. Ordinance No. 3 of 1866. Short title. Regulations as to registration of companies. Companies capable of being registered. No. 1 of 1865. Definition of joint-stock company. No. 1 of 1865. Requirements for registration of joint-stock companies. Requirements for regulation of companies not being joint-stock companies. Power for company to register amount of stock instead of shares. Authentication of statement of company. 5 & 6 Will. 4 c. 62. Requiring evidence as to nature of company. Exemption of certain companies. from payment of fees. Registration fees. No. 1 of 1865. Requirement as to change of name on registration. Certificate of registration of company. No. 1 of 1865. Effect of certificate. No. 1 of 1865. Transfer of property of company on registration. No. 1 of 1865. Registration not to affect obligations incurred previously to registration. Continuation of existing actions and suits by and against company. Effect of registration. No. 1 of 1865. Power for the Court in winding up to restrain proceedings. Effect of order for winding up company.
A.D. 1866. Ordinance No. 3 of 1866. Short title. Regulations as to registration of companies. Companies capable of being registered. No. 1 of 1865. Definition of joint-stock company. No. 1 of 1865. Requirements for registration of joint-stock companies. Requirements for regulation of companies not being joint-stock companies. Power for company to register amount of stock instead of shares. Authentication of statement of company. 5 & 6 Will. 4 c. 62. Requiring evidence as to nature of company. Exemption of certain companies. from payment of fees. Registration fees. No. 1 of 1865. Requirement as to change of name on registration. Certificate of registration of company. No. 1 of 1865. Effect of certificate. No. 1 of 1865. Transfer of property of company on registration. No. 1 of 1865. Registration not to affect obligations incurred previously to registration. Continuation of existing actions and suits by and against company. Effect of registration. No. 1 of 1865. Power for the Court in winding up to restrain proceedings. Effect of order for winding up company.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 1 of 1866
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“COMPANIES (REGISTRATION) ORDINANCE, 1866,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed January 22, 2025,