ORDINANCE No. 2-1 -op 1887.
Licensing. Consolidation.
No. 21 of 1887.
An Ordinance to consolidate the law relating to various Licences.
[ 10th July, 1 X87.3
Title. 13E it enacted by the Governor of IIongkona, with the advice of the Council thereof, as follows :--
short title , i. '.f his Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as The
Consolidation Ordinance, 188. ,
:oefinitim. . , 2. In the construction of this Ordinance the term public
vehicle shall
mean any chair, carriage, jinricksha, or other vehicle of any kind which
plies for hire; in the streets for the carriage of passengers, and the
licence shall mean a licence required by this Ordinance.
oove rnor 11t 3. The Governor in Council may from time to time make, and
Council may
make rebiila- made may alter, add to, or repeal regulations under this
ticnh. ,
(1. ) .Ii or the issue of licences, the forms thereof, the fees to be,
paid on such licences, their periods, conditions, and tile
` officers who are to issue them.
( 2. ) For the regulation of public vehicles and of traffic carried
on by means of such vehicles.
Existing 4. All re0OlUlations published under guy Ordinance repealed by
VUllti1l11C?Cl. Ordinance are hereby continued in force until they shall
be replaced by
iaew regulations made under.-this Ordinance.
5. All licences issiled under any Ordinance repealed by this Ordi-
nance shall continue in force till they shall expire, or be forfeited or
6. A licence shall be required for every
(1. ) Auctioneer.
( Z. ) Billiard table, skittle-a round, nine-pin or bowling-alley
` open to the public.
( 3. ) Ha~keu. .
( 4. ) Money chanter. -
( 5.) Public vehicle, and also for t:very bearer, drawer or driver
of a public vehicle.
(6.) Undertaker of Chinese fuuprals.
[ i~ of 4~i, r.]
[s of 5$. 11.E
[9 of fi r'. 7. _i
[5 of 81. 2.
[R of 58: 13.E
ORDINANCE No. 21 of 1887.
Licensing Consolidation.
7. Until further order shall be made by the Governor in Council .Issue of
under section 3, all licences shall be issued by the officers named in the
schedule hereto, on payment of the fees, and for the periods set forth ..
therein. The granting of all such licences shall be in the discretion of
the officers respectively named in the said schedule or in any Order in
Council by which such schedule may hereafter be varied. Any person ,
aggrieved by the refusal of a licence may appeal to the Governor who
may direct the proper officer to issue such licence.
$. Every person who shall act as an auctioneer or shall keep a
public billiard table, skittle-ground, nine-pin or bowling alley without a
licence shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding, two hundred dollars ;
and every person echo shall neglect to take out any other licence shall be
liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars.
9. The following acts shall be deemed to be offences under this offe,im.
[5 of 4:i. 5.1
(1. ) Any breach of the conditions of a licence. -,
(2.) Furnishing untrue particulars for any licence.
(3.) Using or attempting to use any licence or other document
granted in pursuance of regulations made under section
4, which has not been duly issued to the person so using
or attempting to use it.
(4. ) Refusal by any hirer of a public vehicle to pay the fare of ~;~ of
s.;. s.l,.
the same.
( 5. ) - Wilful inj ury to any public vehicle.
(6.) hl-treatment of any driver, bearer, or'drawer of any public Ibid.
10. Any person convicted of an offence against sub-sections 4, 5 and
6 of section 9.may be required by the convicting Magistrate to pay such
[r of 83. s.)compensation to the person aggrieved as to such Magistrate
shall seem
reasonable. Such compensation shall be payable in addition to any
penalty- imposed under this Ordinance.
Il. Every person convicted of an offence against this Ordinance or
against any regulation made thereunder for which no special penalty is
provided .shall be liable to a pen,alty not exceeding twenty-five dollars.
[See 14 0f 4.i.
21 64
Re,overy of
ORDINANCE No: 21. of 18'87.
Licensing Consolidation.
12. Any penalty imposed or` compensation awarded - under this Or-
dinance may be recovered in a summary tray before a Magistrate.
Forieit;1zre of 13. Any licence may be forfeited on the conviction of the
I icences.
psee s of :;8. thereof for any offence, if the officer who issued the
licence shall think fist.
14. The following Ordinances or portions thereof are repealed, but
such repeal shall not affect anything lawfully done or commenced to be
done under the said Ordinances, nor revive any Ordinance repealed by
them: - ,
Ordinance No. 11 of 1844, sections 38 and 39.
5 of 11 883.
.5 of 1845, All, except section 11.
8 of 1858, sections 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.
Description of Licence.
A-Lictioneer, ....................................
Public billiard table, skittle-ground,
nine-pin or bowling-alley, .........
Chinese money changer, .....................
Chinese undertaker, ,
Wheeled vehicle, ...........................
Sedan chair, ...
Driver, drawer, or bearer of any vehicle...
50 cts
30 ets
Granted by
Capt. Supt.
of Police.
ORDINANCE No. 21 of 1881.
Licensing Consolidation.
2165 1
Rules made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of' section 3
of Ordinance
21 of .1587, the 80th November, and gcazetted 10th December, 1887. .
I. Licences for public vehicles shall be issued by the Captain
Superintendent of
Police, who may, in his discretion, refuse to issue any licence. Not more
than 600
licences for jiurickshas shall be current at any one time. Every licence
shall be taken
out half-yearly or for the residue of the current half-year, and shall
expire on the thirty-
first day of May or on the thirtieth day of November, and the holder
thereof shall be
subject to the following rules.
[2, The following fees for licences shall be paid:-
(a.) For every wheeled vehicle, , ,
(b.) Fur every chair, , l.()0
(c.) For every clriver or bearer of a vehicle, 0.8 ) 0
Repealed by Rule of the 4th January, 188$.
3. No licence shall be transferable.
4. No holder oC' a licence for a vehicle shall let out his vehicle to any
bearer or
driver not being the holder of a lawful licence as bearer or driver.
5. Every licensed vehicle shall have thereto affixed, or painted thereon
in such
conspicuous places as the Captain Superintendent o£ Police directs, the
number of its
licence in figures not less than two.inches in length.
6. No jinrieksha licensed for the first time after the publication of
these rules
shall exceed 36 inches in breadth between the wheels, or shall have tires
to such wheels
of less breadth than 1~ inch. Such tires must be flat, not bevelled, and
the hood of
such jinricksha must afford a clear height from the upper side of the
cushion of 41
The driver or bearer of every licensed vehicle shall wear conspicuously a
distinguishing badge bearing the number of his own licence. Should such
badge be
made of leather or metal, or of both, the Captain Superintendent of
Police may demand
u, deposit of twenty-five cents for each laadge, such deposit to be
returned to the owner
on the expiry of his licence and the return of the badge.
8. For each jinricksha there shall be two licensed drivers, who need not,
both be in charge of the vehicle at the same time. '
9. Each licensed driver or hearer of a vehicle shall be photographed,
free of cost
to himself; one copy of such photograph shall be attached to his licence,
and one shall
be retained by the Captain Superintendent of Police.
10. The licensee of every vehicle shall attend with his vehicle at such
times and
places as may be directed by the Captain Superintendent of .Police for
the inspection
of each vehicle, and shall not leave such-place of inspection until
authorised .to do so
by the Captain Superintendent of Police.
ORDINANCE No.' 21'. op''1887.
Licensing. Consolidation.
11. The Captain Superintendent of Police may require the licensee of
to provide, and attach to such vehicle in such manner and in such place
as the Captain
Superintendent of Police may direct, a.list of the authorised fares for
such vehicle, of
such material and pattern as the Captain Superintendent of Police may
12. The Captain Superintendent of Police may refuse a licence in respect
of any
vehicle which in his opinion is not as to repairs or cleanliness in a
state fit for public
use, or for any misconduct on the part of the owner or driver or bearer.
If a licence
has been granted he may, for either of the above-mentioned reasons,
withdraw the
same and cause it to be forfeited.
13. The Captain Superintendent of Police may refuse a licence in respect
driver or bearer who in his opinion is improperly clothed. If a licence
has been granted
he may, in such case, withdraw the same and cause it to be forfeited.
14. Every person obtaining a licence for a vehicle shall give, upon
receiving his
licence, security in the sum of fifty, dollars by the bond of himself and
of some person
or persons to the satisfaction of the Captain Superintendent of Police,
for the appear-
ance at any time of the licensee and also of the driver or bearers of the
vehicle when
they shall respectively be thereunto required, and for his duly baying
all flues which
shall be imposed in respect o£ the vehicle or the driver or bearer
thereof, and all
damages which may be recovered for injuries committed in respect of the
vehicle or by
the driver or, bearer thereof; the bond to be in such form as the Captain
ent of Police shall require.
15. The fares to be charged for public vehicles shall be such sums as the
Superintendent of Police shall, by a table of fares to be set up in some
place in his office, from time to time direct, and a copy thereof shall
be inserted in
every licence to be granted under these rules and it shall be also
affixed in a conspicuous
place on every such vehicle. Such table of fares, or any alteration of
the same, shall,
before the same shall come into operation, be approved by the Governor in
16. The driver or bearer of a licensed vehicle shall not without
reasonable cause
refuse, when unemployed, to accept hire.
17. The driver or bearer of a licensed vehicle shall not demand more than
authorised fare for the hire of his vehicle.
1$. The driver or bearer of a licensed vehicle shall travel with
reasonable speed.
19. The driver or bearer of a licensed vehicle shall not leave-his fare
before the
completion of the engagement of such fare.
20. The driver or bearer of a licensed vehicle shall not use insulting
language or
behave rudely.
21. The driver or bearer of a licensed vehicle shall not sit or lie in,
or in any way
occupy his own vehicle.
22, Every licensed vehicle, when plying. for hire or engaged after eibht
o'clock at
night, shall carry a lamp of such description 'as the
Captain.Superintender t of Police
shall direct.
ORDINANCE :No:= 21 .aF 188?:
Licensing G''oasoladation.
All properly left in any vehicle shall be taken forthwith to the Central
Police Station and handed over to the Police authorities, who shall cause
the gaols to
be publicly advertised in the usual manner, and if claimed, the same
shall be handed
over to the owner claiming it, subject to a deduction of five per cent,
on the value (to
be given to t4e driver bringing the sane to the Police) to be ascertained
in case of
difference by the Captain Superintendent of Police; and if the same shall
be unclaimed
at the expiration of three months from the elate of the loss, the Captain
-shall, as-soon thereafter as conveniently inky be, cause the said goods
to be sold in
such manner as he shall think best, and the Captain Superintendent shall
deduct out
of the procteds of each sale a sum equivalent to ten per cent. on the
proceeds of the
sale of such roods, and shall pay the amount to the driver or bearer who
shall have
brought the said goods, and subject thereto the said proceeds shall be
paid into the
24. The persistent solicitation of ]passengers is strictly forbidden, as
is also
obstruction to the free transit of passengers, especially at hotels, or
the wharves, or
other landing places.
25. No licensed owner, bearers drawer, or driver of a licensed vehicle,
shall use
his vehicle, for the carriage of animals, merchandise, or goods other
than personal
28. No licensed owner, bearer, drawer or driver of a licensed vehicle
knowingly permit his vehicle to be used for the conveyance of any person
from a dangerously infectious disoase ; and for the purpose o this
condition knowledge
shall be presumed unless disproved by such owner, bearer, drawer or
27. The licensed owner, bearer, drawer or driver, of any licensed vehicle
way have been used for the conveyance of any person suffering from a
infectious disease, shall cause such vehicle to be thoroughly disinfected
to the satisfaction
of the Captain Superintendent of Police before it is again offered for
28. No licensed owner, bearer, drawer or driver o£ a licensed vehicle
shall allow
his vehicle to be used for the conveyance of a corpse.
Half hour,_ ! 10 cents. One hour, 20 cents.
Three hours, . . . . ~0
Day (6 A.M. to 6 p.m.) $1.
If the trip is extended beyond Victoria, half fare extra. IL-BEYOND
Hour, : : 0.60 cents.-, Six. hours, , . 1.50
'Three hours, . ... ... . ~ 1.00 Day (6 A.M. to 6 r.rz.), .. , .. ... $2.OU
ORDINANCE No. 21 of 1887.
Licensing Consolidation.
...05 cents.
Quarter hour, Hour, . 15 cents.
Half hour, ...... ........... .... 10
NOTE.-Victoria. extends from Mount Davis to Causeway, Bay and up to the
of Robinson Road. If the vehicle is discharged beyond these limits half
fare extra is
to be allowed for the return journey. Extra bearers or drivers and extra
hours to be
paid proportionate sums.
Rule made by the Governor in Cowncil under the provisions of section 3 of
21 of 1887 (Tlze Licensing Consolidation Ordinance, I887), tlae Ph and
- gazetted 21st January, 188&.
The following rule shall be substituted for rule 2 made by the Governor in
surnJ Council on the* lath day of November, 1837, and published in the
Hongkong Govern-
ment Gazette on the 10th day of December, 1887 :--
2, The following fees for licences shall be paid:
,(a.) For every wheeled vehicle $18.00
(U.) For every clmir, 1.00
(c.) For every driver or bearer of a vehicle, 0.30
This rule shall have effect from and after the lst day of June, 1888.
Conditions o, f' licences for chairs in the Hill District, as defined by
Ordinance 15 of 1888,
fixed by Regulation made by the Governor in. Council under section 3 of
Ordinance 21 of 1887, on the 12th and gazetled 23rd June, 1888.
The fares to be charged for licensed chairs in the Hill District, as
defined by
Ordinance lS of 1888, to be as follows:-
With ^ ,
2 bearers. With 4 bearers.
Half hour, t , $0.15
One hour, ~ 0.30 $0.60
Three hours, 0.75 . . 1.00 ,
Sip. hours, , ...... 1.00 ~ ~ 1.50
Day (6 A.bI: to 6 P.m,,) . . 1.50 2.00
ORDINANCE No; 21 OF 1887.
Licensing. Consolidation.
- Regulations made by the Govet-nor in Council under section 3 of The
C022S Olidation Ordinance, 1887, on the 16th and gazetted 18th 3lay,188g.
1. Every licence to an undertaker of Chinese funerals shall be issued
subject to
the condition that every grave be dug to a depth throughout of not less
than six
English feet from the ordinary surface of the ground to the.uppermost
side of the
corpse or coffin therein deposited.
2. Every such licence shall be in English and Chinese, and shall be in
the follow-
ing form:-
The bearer of
is licensed to undertake and perform burials of Chinese dead in the
cemeteries allotted
for that purpose. This licence is issued subject to the condition that
every ;rave be
dug to a depth throughout of not less than six English feet from the
ordinary surface
of the ground to the uppermost side of the corpse or coffin therein
deposited, and will.
expire on the - day of 188
Fee $10.
Registrar Gene)-al.
NOTE.--To be printed in Chinese as well as in English.
.Additional condition to be inserted in Hawkers' Licences made by the
Governor w.
Council, on the 29th day' of May, 1890, in pursuance of 'section 3 of
l1ro. 21 o f 1887, and gazetted 14th June, 1890.
The licensee shall not hawk any wares within the limits from the various
prescribed by the street notices.
Additional rules made by the Governor in Council under the provisions
of section 3 of Ordinance No. 21 of 1887, on the 3rd and
gazetted the 10th of January, 1891.
. 1. Licences for jinrickshas to ply for hire in British Kowloon shall be
issued by
the Captain Superintendent of Police, ~vho may, in his discretion, refuse
to issue any
licence. 4
Ordinance No. 21 of 1887.
Licensing Consolidation.
Every licence shall be taken out half-yearly or for the residue of the
current half.
year, and shall expire on the thirty-first day of May or on the thirtieth
day of Novem-
ber; a fee of six dollars shall be paid for each licence and the holder
thereof shall be
subject to the rules Nos. 3 to 28 both inclusive of the rules made by the
Governor in
Council on the 30th day, of November, 1887, and published in the
Government Gazette.
of the 10th December, 1887, prodded that all .property left in any
vehicle shall .b$
forthwith taken to the Police Station at Yaumati instead of the Central
Police Station.
as required by No. 23 of the above mentioned rules.
Fees for j inriclcs7ras with single driver licensed under these rules,
,fixed by the Captain
Supeiintendent of Police and approved by the Governor in Council.
Quarter of an hour, : ... 6 cents.
Half hour, , 10
Hour, ............... IS
Every subsequent hour , .... 10 ....' 2162
Short title.
Governor in Council may make regulations.
Existing regulations continued.
Existing licences continued.
[5 of 45. 7.]
[5 of 45. 7.]
[8 of 58. 11.]
[9 of 67. 7.]
[8 of 58. 13.]
Issue of licences.
[5 of 45. 8.]
[5 of 83. 8.]
[5 of 83. 8.]
[See 14 of 45. 34.]
Recovery of penalties.
Forfeiture of licences.
[See 8 of 58. 12.]
[* 30th]
ORDINANCE No. 2-1 -op 1887.
Licensing. Consolidation.
No. 21 of 1887.
An Ordinance to consolidate the law relating to various Licences.
[ 10th July, 1 X87.3
Title. 13E it enacted by the Governor of IIongkona, with the advice of the Council thereof, as follows :--
short title , i. '.f his Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as The
Consolidation Ordinance, 188. ,
:oefinitim. . , 2. In the construction of this Ordinance the term public
vehicle shall
mean any chair, carriage, jinricksha, or other vehicle of any kind which
plies for hire; in the streets for the carriage of passengers, and the
licence shall mean a licence required by this Ordinance.
oove rnor 11t 3. The Governor in Council may from time to time make, and
Council may
make rebiila- made may alter, add to, or repeal regulations under this
ticnh. ,
(1. ) .Ii or the issue of licences, the forms thereof, the fees to be,
paid on such licences, their periods, conditions, and tile
` officers who are to issue them.
( 2. ) For the regulation of public vehicles and of traffic carried
on by means of such vehicles.
Existing 4. All re0OlUlations published under guy Ordinance repealed by
VUllti1l11C?Cl. Ordinance are hereby continued in force until they shall
be replaced by
iaew regulations made under.-this Ordinance.
5. All licences issiled under any Ordinance repealed by this Ordi-
nance shall continue in force till they shall expire, or be forfeited or
6. A licence shall be required for every
(1. ) Auctioneer.
( Z. ) Billiard table, skittle-a round, nine-pin or bowling-alley
` open to the public.
( 3. ) Ha~keu. .
( 4. ) Money chanter. -
( 5.) Public vehicle, and also for t:very bearer, drawer or driver
of a public vehicle.
(6.) Undertaker of Chinese fuuprals.
[ i~ of 4~i, r.]
[s of 5$. 11.E
[9 of fi r'. 7. _i
[5 of 81. 2.
[R of 58: 13.E
ORDINANCE No. 21 of 1887.
Licensing Consolidation.
7. Until further order shall be made by the Governor in Council .Issue of
under section 3, all licences shall be issued by the officers named in the
schedule hereto, on payment of the fees, and for the periods set forth ..
therein. The granting of all such licences shall be in the discretion of
the officers respectively named in the said schedule or in any Order in
Council by which such schedule may hereafter be varied. Any person ,
aggrieved by the refusal of a licence may appeal to the Governor who
may direct the proper officer to issue such licence.
$. Every person who shall act as an auctioneer or shall keep a
public billiard table, skittle-ground, nine-pin or bowling alley without a
licence shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding, two hundred dollars ;
and every person echo shall neglect to take out any other licence shall be
liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars.
9. The following acts shall be deemed to be offences under this offe,im.
[5 of 4:i. 5.1
(1. ) Any breach of the conditions of a licence. -,
(2.) Furnishing untrue particulars for any licence.
(3.) Using or attempting to use any licence or other document
granted in pursuance of regulations made under section
4, which has not been duly issued to the person so using
or attempting to use it.
(4. ) Refusal by any hirer of a public vehicle to pay the fare of ~;~ of
s.;. s.l,.
the same.
( 5. ) - Wilful inj ury to any public vehicle.
(6.) hl-treatment of any driver, bearer, or'drawer of any public Ibid.
10. Any person convicted of an offence against sub-sections 4, 5 and
6 of section 9.may be required by the convicting Magistrate to pay such
[r of 83. s.)compensation to the person aggrieved as to such Magistrate
shall seem
reasonable. Such compensation shall be payable in addition to any
penalty- imposed under this Ordinance.
Il. Every person convicted of an offence against this Ordinance or
against any regulation made thereunder for which no special penalty is
provided .shall be liable to a pen,alty not exceeding twenty-five dollars.
[See 14 0f 4.i.
21 64
Re,overy of
ORDINANCE No: 21. of 18'87.
Licensing Consolidation.
12. Any penalty imposed or` compensation awarded - under this Or-
dinance may be recovered in a summary tray before a Magistrate.
Forieit;1zre of 13. Any licence may be forfeited on the conviction of the
I icences.
psee s of :;8. thereof for any offence, if the officer who issued the
licence shall think fist.
14. The following Ordinances or portions thereof are repealed, but
such repeal shall not affect anything lawfully done or commenced to be
done under the said Ordinances, nor revive any Ordinance repealed by
them: - ,
Ordinance No. 11 of 1844, sections 38 and 39.
5 of 11 883.
.5 of 1845, All, except section 11.
8 of 1858, sections 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.
Description of Licence.
A-Lictioneer, ....................................
Public billiard table, skittle-ground,
nine-pin or bowling-alley, .........
Chinese money changer, .....................
Chinese undertaker, ,
Wheeled vehicle, ...........................
Sedan chair, ...
Driver, drawer, or bearer of any vehicle...
50 cts
30 ets
Granted by
Capt. Supt.
of Police.
ORDINANCE No. 21 of 1881.
Licensing Consolidation.
2165 1
Rules made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of' section 3
of Ordinance
21 of .1587, the 80th November, and gcazetted 10th December, 1887. .
I. Licences for public vehicles shall be issued by the Captain
Superintendent of
Police, who may, in his discretion, refuse to issue any licence. Not more
than 600
licences for jiurickshas shall be current at any one time. Every licence
shall be taken
out half-yearly or for the residue of the current half-year, and shall
expire on the thirty-
first day of May or on the thirtieth day of November, and the holder
thereof shall be
subject to the following rules.
[2, The following fees for licences shall be paid:-
(a.) For every wheeled vehicle, , ,
(b.) Fur every chair, , l.()0
(c.) For every clriver or bearer of a vehicle, 0.8 ) 0
Repealed by Rule of the 4th January, 188$.
3. No licence shall be transferable.
4. No holder oC' a licence for a vehicle shall let out his vehicle to any
bearer or
driver not being the holder of a lawful licence as bearer or driver.
5. Every licensed vehicle shall have thereto affixed, or painted thereon
in such
conspicuous places as the Captain Superintendent o£ Police directs, the
number of its
licence in figures not less than two.inches in length.
6. No jinrieksha licensed for the first time after the publication of
these rules
shall exceed 36 inches in breadth between the wheels, or shall have tires
to such wheels
of less breadth than 1~ inch. Such tires must be flat, not bevelled, and
the hood of
such jinricksha must afford a clear height from the upper side of the
cushion of 41
The driver or bearer of every licensed vehicle shall wear conspicuously a
distinguishing badge bearing the number of his own licence. Should such
badge be
made of leather or metal, or of both, the Captain Superintendent of
Police may demand
u, deposit of twenty-five cents for each laadge, such deposit to be
returned to the owner
on the expiry of his licence and the return of the badge.
8. For each jinricksha there shall be two licensed drivers, who need not,
both be in charge of the vehicle at the same time. '
9. Each licensed driver or hearer of a vehicle shall be photographed,
free of cost
to himself; one copy of such photograph shall be attached to his licence,
and one shall
be retained by the Captain Superintendent of Police.
10. The licensee of every vehicle shall attend with his vehicle at such
times and
places as may be directed by the Captain Superintendent of .Police for
the inspection
of each vehicle, and shall not leave such-place of inspection until
authorised .to do so
by the Captain Superintendent of Police.
ORDINANCE No.' 21'. op''1887.
Licensing. Consolidation.
11. The Captain Superintendent of Police may require the licensee of
to provide, and attach to such vehicle in such manner and in such place
as the Captain
Superintendent of Police may direct, a.list of the authorised fares for
such vehicle, of
such material and pattern as the Captain Superintendent of Police may
12. The Captain Superintendent of Police may refuse a licence in respect
of any
vehicle which in his opinion is not as to repairs or cleanliness in a
state fit for public
use, or for any misconduct on the part of the owner or driver or bearer.
If a licence
has been granted he may, for either of the above-mentioned reasons,
withdraw the
same and cause it to be forfeited.
13. The Captain Superintendent of Police may refuse a licence in respect
driver or bearer who in his opinion is improperly clothed. If a licence
has been granted
he may, in such case, withdraw the same and cause it to be forfeited.
14. Every person obtaining a licence for a vehicle shall give, upon
receiving his
licence, security in the sum of fifty, dollars by the bond of himself and
of some person
or persons to the satisfaction of the Captain Superintendent of Police,
for the appear-
ance at any time of the licensee and also of the driver or bearers of the
vehicle when
they shall respectively be thereunto required, and for his duly baying
all flues which
shall be imposed in respect o£ the vehicle or the driver or bearer
thereof, and all
damages which may be recovered for injuries committed in respect of the
vehicle or by
the driver or, bearer thereof; the bond to be in such form as the Captain
ent of Police shall require.
15. The fares to be charged for public vehicles shall be such sums as the
Superintendent of Police shall, by a table of fares to be set up in some
place in his office, from time to time direct, and a copy thereof shall
be inserted in
every licence to be granted under these rules and it shall be also
affixed in a conspicuous
place on every such vehicle. Such table of fares, or any alteration of
the same, shall,
before the same shall come into operation, be approved by the Governor in
16. The driver or bearer of a licensed vehicle shall not without
reasonable cause
refuse, when unemployed, to accept hire.
17. The driver or bearer of a licensed vehicle shall not demand more than
authorised fare for the hire of his vehicle.
1$. The driver or bearer of a licensed vehicle shall travel with
reasonable speed.
19. The driver or bearer of a licensed vehicle shall not leave-his fare
before the
completion of the engagement of such fare.
20. The driver or bearer of a licensed vehicle shall not use insulting
language or
behave rudely.
21. The driver or bearer of a licensed vehicle shall not sit or lie in,
or in any way
occupy his own vehicle.
22, Every licensed vehicle, when plying. for hire or engaged after eibht
o'clock at
night, shall carry a lamp of such description 'as the
Captain.Superintender t of Police
shall direct.
ORDINANCE :No:= 21 .aF 188?:
Licensing G''oasoladation.
All properly left in any vehicle shall be taken forthwith to the Central
Police Station and handed over to the Police authorities, who shall cause
the gaols to
be publicly advertised in the usual manner, and if claimed, the same
shall be handed
over to the owner claiming it, subject to a deduction of five per cent,
on the value (to
be given to t4e driver bringing the sane to the Police) to be ascertained
in case of
difference by the Captain Superintendent of Police; and if the same shall
be unclaimed
at the expiration of three months from the elate of the loss, the Captain
-shall, as-soon thereafter as conveniently inky be, cause the said goods
to be sold in
such manner as he shall think best, and the Captain Superintendent shall
deduct out
of the procteds of each sale a sum equivalent to ten per cent. on the
proceeds of the
sale of such roods, and shall pay the amount to the driver or bearer who
shall have
brought the said goods, and subject thereto the said proceeds shall be
paid into the
24. The persistent solicitation of ]passengers is strictly forbidden, as
is also
obstruction to the free transit of passengers, especially at hotels, or
the wharves, or
other landing places.
25. No licensed owner, bearers drawer, or driver of a licensed vehicle,
shall use
his vehicle, for the carriage of animals, merchandise, or goods other
than personal
28. No licensed owner, bearer, drawer or driver of a licensed vehicle
knowingly permit his vehicle to be used for the conveyance of any person
from a dangerously infectious disoase ; and for the purpose o this
condition knowledge
shall be presumed unless disproved by such owner, bearer, drawer or
27. The licensed owner, bearer, drawer or driver, of any licensed vehicle
way have been used for the conveyance of any person suffering from a
infectious disease, shall cause such vehicle to be thoroughly disinfected
to the satisfaction
of the Captain Superintendent of Police before it is again offered for
28. No licensed owner, bearer, drawer or driver o£ a licensed vehicle
shall allow
his vehicle to be used for the conveyance of a corpse.
Half hour,_ ! 10 cents. One hour, 20 cents.
Three hours, . . . . ~0
Day (6 A.M. to 6 p.m.) $1.
If the trip is extended beyond Victoria, half fare extra. IL-BEYOND
Hour, : : 0.60 cents.-, Six. hours, , . 1.50
'Three hours, . ... ... . ~ 1.00 Day (6 A.M. to 6 r.rz.), .. , .. ... $2.OU
ORDINANCE No. 21 of 1887.
Licensing Consolidation.
...05 cents.
Quarter hour, Hour, . 15 cents.
Half hour, ...... ........... .... 10
NOTE.-Victoria. extends from Mount Davis to Causeway, Bay and up to the
of Robinson Road. If the vehicle is discharged beyond these limits half
fare extra is
to be allowed for the return journey. Extra bearers or drivers and extra
hours to be
paid proportionate sums.
Rule made by the Governor in Cowncil under the provisions of section 3 of
21 of 1887 (Tlze Licensing Consolidation Ordinance, I887), tlae Ph and
- gazetted 21st January, 188&.
The following rule shall be substituted for rule 2 made by the Governor in
surnJ Council on the* lath day of November, 1837, and published in the
Hongkong Govern-
ment Gazette on the 10th day of December, 1887 :--
2, The following fees for licences shall be paid:
,(a.) For every wheeled vehicle $18.00
(U.) For every clmir, 1.00
(c.) For every driver or bearer of a vehicle, 0.30
This rule shall have effect from and after the lst day of June, 1888.
Conditions o, f' licences for chairs in the Hill District, as defined by
Ordinance 15 of 1888,
fixed by Regulation made by the Governor in. Council under section 3 of
Ordinance 21 of 1887, on the 12th and gazetled 23rd June, 1888.
The fares to be charged for licensed chairs in the Hill District, as
defined by
Ordinance lS of 1888, to be as follows:-
With ^ ,
2 bearers. With 4 bearers.
Half hour, t , $0.15
One hour, ~ 0.30 $0.60
Three hours, 0.75 . . 1.00 ,
Sip. hours, , ...... 1.00 ~ ~ 1.50
Day (6 A.bI: to 6 P.m,,) . . 1.50 2.00
ORDINANCE No; 21 OF 1887.
Licensing. Consolidation.
- Regulations made by the Govet-nor in Council under section 3 of The
C022S Olidation Ordinance, 1887, on the 16th and gazetted 18th 3lay,188g.
1. Every licence to an undertaker of Chinese funerals shall be issued
subject to
the condition that every grave be dug to a depth throughout of not less
than six
English feet from the ordinary surface of the ground to the.uppermost
side of the
corpse or coffin therein deposited.
2. Every such licence shall be in English and Chinese, and shall be in
the follow-
ing form:-
The bearer of
is licensed to undertake and perform burials of Chinese dead in the
cemeteries allotted
for that purpose. This licence is issued subject to the condition that
every ;rave be
dug to a depth throughout of not less than six English feet from the
ordinary surface
of the ground to the uppermost side of the corpse or coffin therein
deposited, and will.
expire on the - day of 188
Fee $10.
Registrar Gene)-al.
NOTE.--To be printed in Chinese as well as in English.
.Additional condition to be inserted in Hawkers' Licences made by the
Governor w.
Council, on the 29th day' of May, 1890, in pursuance of 'section 3 of
l1ro. 21 o f 1887, and gazetted 14th June, 1890.
The licensee shall not hawk any wares within the limits from the various
prescribed by the street notices.
Additional rules made by the Governor in Council under the provisions
of section 3 of Ordinance No. 21 of 1887, on the 3rd and
gazetted the 10th of January, 1891.
. 1. Licences for jinrickshas to ply for hire in British Kowloon shall be
issued by
the Captain Superintendent of Police, ~vho may, in his discretion, refuse
to issue any
licence. 4
Ordinance No. 21 of 1887.
Licensing Consolidation.
Every licence shall be taken out half-yearly or for the residue of the
current half.
year, and shall expire on the thirty-first day of May or on the thirtieth
day of Novem-
ber; a fee of six dollars shall be paid for each licence and the holder
thereof shall be
subject to the rules Nos. 3 to 28 both inclusive of the rules made by the
Governor in
Council on the 30th day, of November, 1887, and published in the
Government Gazette.
of the 10th December, 1887, prodded that all .property left in any
vehicle shall .b$
forthwith taken to the Police Station at Yaumati instead of the Central
Police Station.
as required by No. 23 of the above mentioned rules.
Fees for j inriclcs7ras with single driver licensed under these rules,
,fixed by the Captain
Supeiintendent of Police and approved by the Governor in Council.
Quarter of an hour, : ... 6 cents.
Half hour, , 10
Hour, ............... IS
Every subsequent hour , .... 10 ....' 2162
Short title.
Governor in Council may make regulations.
Existing regulations continued.
Existing licences continued.
[5 of 45. 7.]
[5 of 45. 7.]
[8 of 58. 11.]
[9 of 67. 7.]
[8 of 58. 13.]
Issue of licences.
[5 of 45. 8.]
[5 of 83. 8.]
[5 of 83. 8.]
[See 14 of 45. 34.]
Recovery of penalties.
Forfeiture of licences.
[See 8 of 58. 12.]
[* 30th]
Short title.
Governor in Council may make regulations.
Existing regulations continued.
Existing licences continued.
[5 of 45. 7.]
[5 of 45. 7.]
[8 of 58. 11.]
[9 of 67. 7.]
[8 of 58. 13.]
Issue of licences.
[5 of 45. 8.]
[5 of 83. 8.]
[5 of 83. 8.]
[See 14 of 45. 34.]
Recovery of penalties.
Forfeiture of licences.
[See 8 of 58. 12.]
[* 30th]
Short title.
Governor in Council may make regulations.
Existing regulations continued.
Existing licences continued.
[5 of 45. 7.]
[5 of 45. 7.]
[8 of 58. 11.]
[9 of 67. 7.]
[8 of 58. 13.]
Issue of licences.
[5 of 45. 8.]
[5 of 83. 8.]
[5 of 83. 8.]
[See 14 of 45. 34.]
Recovery of penalties.
Forfeiture of licences.
[See 8 of 58. 12.]
[* 30th]
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 21 of 1887
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“LICENSING CONSOLIDATION ORDINANCE, 1887,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025,