Police Force Consolidation.
No. 14 of 1887.
An Ordinance to consolidate and anriend the Law for the Establishinent
and Regulation of the Police Force of the Colony.
[11th June, 1887.]
la it enacted by the Governor of Hon
B gkong, Nvith tile advice of the
Le-islative CoLlncil thereof, as follows:---
. Preliminary.
1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as The Police Force
short. tatie.
Consolidation Ordinance, 1887.
~,,. a this Ordinance the expression subordinate officer shall meall
every member of the Police force above the rank of constable except the
Captain Superinteiident;(or adjutant: repealed by Ordinance No. 24 of
189] and the word pension shall include any allowance in the nature of a
pension or any gratuity on retirement.
3. 0 rdinances :~ o. 9 of 1862, except sections 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21,
No. 8 of 1869 and No. 7 of 1871 are hereby repealed but such repedils
not affect the past operation of the said Ordinances or anything done or
suffered thereunder or any appointment made or any right acquired under
the said Ordinances or any of them.
aI:DIIV'A NCE No. I4 of 1897.
Police .Force Consolidation.
Police force 4. The existing establishment of Police for the service of
the Colony
and salaries: m entioned in the 1 st schedule hereto shall as heretobefore
be under the
(No. 9of 1862,
H. 2 & s. 4.a command and control of a Captain Superintendent and the
t14.~ sQ 4.I] ~ thereof shall obey all such lawful commands as they may
from time to
time receive from the said Captain Superintendent.
Power to 5. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to
governor to
diminish or to increase or diminish the strength of the said force as may
to him
Polieace appear expedient. Provided always that the ways and means shall be
considered as heretofore in the estimates laid before the Legislative
Payment of Council and that the supply required for the payment of the
said estali-
1`orco to be -,
voted in hshment shall also be voted annually as heretofore and included
in the
estimates. annual appropriation Ordinances.
Agents to
enlist men
far the force,
8. It shall be lawful for the G~ov ernor from time to time to appoint
finch agents, with reasonable remuneration for their services, and repay-
ment of disbursements, as to him shall seem necessary, for the enlistment
in other portions of Her Majestfs Dominions, of fit and proper men for
service in the Police force for this Colony.
-Oath af
7, The Captain Superintendent, [and the: as amended by 0) di72a2ice
~l'tro. 20 of 1890 deputy superintendent, lo? ° adjutant: repealed by
vrxnce .No. 20 of 1890] shall, previous to entering on the duties of their
respective offices, take before the Governor the oath of allegiance and
official oath as set forth in Ordinance No. 4 of 1869 sections 2 and 3.
; : And the Captain Superintendent shall, during his' tenure of too
r nt to be 4 caffice, have and exercise all the powers of a Justice of the
Peace, with
_rust~r°~o~ r11d
regard to the Police force, or any member or nnwmbers thereof.
matters of
~ -
suboxdinz~t,e . $, All subordinate officers anal constables shall, before
officer' ana . ` b e examined, and approved b the Ca twin Superintendent
and Colonial
constables`ta , . , Y P be examined.
bid,: sSurgeon, and having been so examined and approved of accordinb g
to the
[I . 8.] 8.] 5 a
forms in 'the 3rd schedule hereto annexed shall go' before a Magistrate
11111d answer the questions, and subscribe; and take the oath or make the
declaration contained in the .3rd schedule lbtreto.
o. 14 of 1887.
Police Force Cozasolzclatio7a.
9. Every subordinate officer and constable shall, except as is here-
inafter mentioned, enaaae and bind himself to serve in the Police force
for the term of five years, during which tern he shall not be at liberty
to resign his office or to withdraw himself from the duties thereof,
as is hereinafter provided.
10. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time
to authorise the appointment of any number of constables for stx,ch
of less than five years and upon such special terms and conditions as lie
shall from time to tune deem expedient.
11. Livery constable so appointed under the preceding section shall
bind himself to serve for such period and upon such terms and conditions
as shall be agreed upon, and he shall not be at liberty to resin or with-
draw himself from the force before the expiration of the period of his
engagement, except as hereinafter provided.
1`2'. All the provisions of this Ordinance, except the provisions of
sections J, 1.;, 15, 16, 17 and 18 shall so far as the same be not incon-
sistent with the terms and conditions agreed upon, apply equally to con-
stables appointed under or in pursuance of section 1(l, but in case tiny
such constable shall be subsequently appointed under.or in pursuance of
sections S and 9 the whole of his time of service under his first appoint-
ment shall be reckoned in tile computation of his service for the purposes
of free passage bonus and pension as hereinafter provided for and in such
case sections lfi, 1? and 18 of this Ordinance shall apply to such consta-
13. In case tiny subordinate officer or constable, who ..shall have
completed his period of five years service, shall be desirous
in the Police Force, he shall be at liberty to engage and bind `himself
ti further term of five years on similar terms and condition; and shall
take the oath or make the declaration prescribed by section 8 of this
Ordinance: Provided always that his re-enlistment is approved by the
Captain Superintendent.
14, Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Governor
shall have power to grant permission. to resiarm, to any subordinate
or constable who may become unfit for further service from ill-health on
-the certificate of the .Colonial Surgeon to that effect, or in any
case brought to his notice by the Captain Superintendent, the Governor.
shall have power, to grant to an7 ;such officer or constable 'permission-,
to resign.
Officers and.
constables to
be errgraged .
for five years.
[Ibid, s. 9.3
Power to
enrol cansta- -
bles or limited
No. 7 a1871,
R. 2.1
under this
[Ibid, s. 8.]
Application of
Ordinance to
P ointed
U d) e r s. 10.
(Ord. No. 7 0
1,871, s. 4, c.]
Bonus and
pensions of
[I bid, s. ?.]
Renewal of .
service in .
force for
[ No. 9 of 1882,
stances in
which officer
may be
allowed to,
resin, err;
8 On
which :any
member of
Police Force
may resign.
[Ibid, s. 23.J
~la'ree passage
~iv. bonus after
five gears'
(No. s of 1.369,
1'rciv.isc> as to
uoti ce.
PeI1Si011s. .
[.Z'bid, s. 4.
~of pension.
ORDINANCE h'Q.~ X:4 vF IS87:
Police. ,farce Consolidation.
1.5. Any- subordinate officer or constable shall be entitled to claim
his discharge at any time upon his giving to the Captain Superintendent
three months' notice of his wish to withdraw, and haying a sum equiva-
lent to two months pay of the rank be may hold. at the tune of his giving
notice of withdrawal for each unexpired year of his term of appointment.
[Proviso added by Ordinance No. 20 o, f' X890. j
16. Every subordinate officer or constable shall at the termination
of each service of five years for which be may be engaged, but subject to
the proviso hereinafter contained, be entitled to a free passage from
Hongkong to the port nearest to the place at which he may have been
engaged for service, or in lieu thereof, or in case be shall have been
engaged in Hongkong, he shall be entitled to a sum by way of bonus
equal to three months' pay of the rank to which at the time he may
belong; provided always that be shall acquire no right to such free
passage or bonus unless be shall have given three months' previous notice
to the Captain Superintendent of his intention to leave the force at the
expiration of such service of five years, or unless be shall engage for a
further. period of five years inwhich case he shall be entitled to the
bonus, although be may not have given such notice.
1'~. It shall. be lawful far the Governor in:Couvcil from time to time
to regulate the general conditions upon which, and the manner in which
pensions are to be granted to members of the Police Force and to deter-
mine in each particular case whether a peiasion shall or shall not be
granted to any member of the .Police Force, and in the event of the Gov-
ernor in Council determining that a~pension shall be granted to any member
of the Police Force, to further determine the amount to be paid in respect
thereof and the terms on which and the mariner in which the same shall
be paid,
18. If within three years after the granting of a pension under this
Oidinance to any member of the Police Force it, be proved to the satis-
faction of the.Governor in. Council that theperson to whom such. pension
nay have been granted had been guilty of any corrupt practices in the
exeeution of his. office either, by receiving bribes or by inducing or
corn -
pel:Iing payment directly or indirectly of any valuable consideration to
him-self or to any other person by way of a bribe or by otherwise actin
. Z-1
corruptly in the execution- of or under-color of his office as a in ember
the Police, then in ev cry such case it shah be lawful for the Governor
,Palke .Force Gawo?adation.
in Council - to revoke: and annuli the grant of such pension (if any -be -
subsisting ) or to make such reduction therein as to the.said Governor ~in
council may appear fit.
19. The Captain Superintendent shall from time to time, make such
rules or regulations as he shall deem expedient for the general govern-
ment and discipline of the Police Force; but such rules or regulations
shall have no force or effect until they hay=e been approved by the Gov-
ernor in Council and published in the Gazette.
20. It shall be the duty of the Captain Superintendent from time
to time to make, as lie shall think fit, without reference to the
but subject to the Governor's disallowmoce or revisal, such ether depart,-.
mental orders for the carrying out of the daily routine of the force, and
for regulating the internal economy thereof.
21. Whenever any subordinate officer or constable shall resign the
service, or shall cease to bold and exercise his office, all power and
authority vested in bim by virtue thereof, shall forthwith ease and
determine to all intents and purposes whatever; and every such officer
or constable shall deliver over all and every the arms, ammunition,,
accoutrements, and other appointments whatsoever which shall-, have
been supplied to him`in such capacity, to the person and at the time and
place to be appointed by the Captain Superintendent and ,it shall be
l awful for any Justice of t he Peace to issue his warrant to search.,
fob -and
seize such arms, ammunition, horses, accoutrements; and other :appoint-
ments which shall not be so delivered over, wheresoever the same shall
be found.
22. Whenever any subordi.ate officer or constable shell be guilty
of any neglect or violation of duty in his office, or shall neglect .or:
to obey or execute any warrant lawfully directed to be by hint executed,
.or shall be guilty of any disobedience to any rule or, regulation made
under section 19, or of any other misconduct as an officer or constable,
.,or who having duly enbqaed and bound himself .to serve in the Police
Force shale desert therefrom, or who being permitted to resin shall not
upon ceasing to belong to the force deliver up all arms, accoutrements,
-end appointments, whatsoever entrusted to hicn for. the performance of
his -Outy, he 9hall,aup.an conviction thereof before a, Magistrate in -a,
_~arywann~r, forfeit and pay a sum not, exceeding two hundred dollars,
for Govcrn-
ment and
clisGi plin c. .
On leaving
force, accou-
trements t<;
be given up:
[No. 9 of 1802,
s. 141 -
Penalty for
neglect of
duty or
of aim's on I
quitting forc'(3..-
~rvid, s. m.]
tendent on
Magistrate to
punish for
bre~.rhes of
r ]bid, s. 1(1.~
badges, and Inedu Is may
~za~t, R. 24.1:
ORDINANCE No. 14 of 1887~.
Police Force Consolidation.
and in default of payment thereof, be imprisoned with or without hard
labour, far guy term not exceeding six months; and every offender shall
- , -forfeitall pay during his imprisonment.
23. The Captain Superintendent [or the deputy superintendent: cc~
ayrzended by Ordinance No. 20 of 190) shall, in cases of breach of disci-
pline or neglect of duty by any constable upon proof thereof to his satis-
faction, have power to order the offender to forfeit and pay a sum not
exceeding twenty-five dollars, or award imprisonment for any term not
exceeding seven days with forfeiture of pay ; or, in his discretion; the
Captain Superintendent [or the deputy superintendent: as eznzended by
Ordinance No. 20 of 1890] may bring the offender before a Ma, gistrate
who shall have power to award imprisonment for any term not exceeding
fourteen days with or without hard labour, together with forfeiture of all
pay during such imprisonment. [Further amended by Ordinance Aro. 20
a f 1890.
~~~x tp,. 24. The Governor shall have power upon the representation
of the
Captain Superintendent to dismiss any subordinate officer or constable
for misconduct or neglect of duty, or to approve of the reduction of any
ser-acant or constable to a loner grade or- class in the force.
25. The Governor is hereby empowered to grant rewards to any
officers, subordinate officers or constables who shall distinguish
by extraordinary diligence zeal or, exertion , in the execution of their
duties, and the Captain Superintendent shall report to the Governor any
such officer, subordinate officer or constable who shall so distinouisli
himself, stating the nature of the service; and! the Governor shall have
power to grant distinctive badges or medals to officers or constables for
Jong and faithful or extraordinary services. '
Stktilblis: 411d 26, It shall be lawful for the Governor to direct
suitable stations
zirnit;uze to
.be Provided ' for the quarters and accommodation of tl-te Police force,
axed furniture
Force. s
for, Police
uitable for the same, to be provided, and to direct the erection, fitting
' c' 2''a up and furnishing of suitable premises as a place or places for
training, and drilling the Police Force as occasion may require.
Speet~l~ tfuty 27. It shall. be lawful for the: Governor, if he shall
think fit) upon
and expenses . '
thereof upon, the application of any householder, to appoint any member of
the Police
Force to do s ~ec:ial dut in and upon the remises of the a licant ; and
~.3pplication. 1 y p pp
f lb''~ Sv26v every householder who shall so avail hunself of the services
of any ' cons-
table shall pay to the Captain Superintendent for the songs the whole of
URDINAN0E No. 1.4 of 1887.
Police Force Consolidation.
the pay and allowances of such constable; and all sums which shall be
received by the Captain Super intendent~ for such special services, shall
paid by him into the Colonial Treasury forthwith, and be accounted for
Monthly; and every sung of n noaey due for such special services shall be
deemed,a debt due to the Crown, and shall be recoverable in lime manner
as other Crown debts in respect of rent and otherwise as therein Tnen-
1 Captain Superintendent.
1 Adjutant. 'Deputy Sztperintenclent: as (onended by Ord.
x,7'0. 20 of 1890.]
1 First clerk and accountant-.
1 Second clerk.
1. Third clerk.
1 Fourth clerk.
1 Indian interpreter.
7 Chinese sergeant interpreters,
Do. do. do.
Departmental Police.
4Governor : 1 Sergeant of Police.
6 Chinese constables and orderlies.
Treasurer 3 Indian cansta.bles.
.Surveyor General .... :. 2 Indian
constables for store.
. ' 3 Chinese
4 Do. <lo. for cemeteries,
Registrar Gen6al 1 Inspector of markets.
3 Inspectors for duty under the Contagious Diseases Ordi-
14 Police constables.
harbour Master 1 Chinese constable.
I European, constable (at Shipping Office.)
4 Chinese constables in charge at Aberdeen.
1 Police, (interpreter) at Harbour Masters' office.
Police i'urer.
z Jemadhar.
5 Sergeants.
ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1887.
.F'ol'ice Force Consolidation.
Gunpowder Depot
1 Indian sergeant.
4 Do. constables.
Supreme Court 2 Chinese Do.
Civil Hospital ... .... I Indian Do.
]Police Magistrates 1 European Do.
I Chinese Do.
European Force.-Land and ifiater.
1 Chief Inspector.
11 Inspectors.
11 Sergeants.
8$ Constables. -
(Allowance to 10, as acting sergeants.)
Indian force.
S Acting sergeants.
189 Constables.
170 Constables.
Chinese force.
Water Police.-Chinese.
$ Actin; Sergeants.
11$ Constables.
689 Total force of all ranks and
55 horse, Station, and,'~hair coolies.
O,DINANGE No. 14 of 188?':
Police .Force Consolidation.
Exarninatioa bf ca caudidak for tile HonykonrJ Police,
Name? ......
.Age? ............................................................
Height? .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . : .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . ..
. .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ..
Complexion? . . ... . ... ... ... .. ...... ... . ......
Eyes ?............................................................
Hair? ......................... .........
Particular marks ? ... ...... ... .. :. ... ... ... ... ...
Figure ? .. . .. . .. . . .. ... . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... . . . ...
... ... .. ... . ...
Parish, province, or district of ........
In or near the town of ... ... .. ... .. .... ... ... ... .. . ... ...
In the Colony, or country of °
Trade or calling? ... ... ... ... ... . . . .. : . ... . . . . ...
Religion'? ... .. ...... ...... ...... ... ... ......... .. ...
Read and write? .. . ..... ... . . . ... ... . . . . . .. . . .:.
Single or married ? .. . . . . ... .. . .. . . .. .. . ... .. . . . . .
... .. . .. .. .
Number of children ? .. .... .. .... . .. ... ... ... .. . . ... . . .,
Resideace ? .. .. ,_. ... .. . ... ... ... ..... . . .
What public service? , ............
Regiment, corps, &c. ? ... ... ... ... . ... .. . .. . , . . . .. . . .
... .. .
?length of service? . . . . . ... ... .. . . . . . . .
Amount of pension ? . ...............
When discharged ? . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . ... ... . ..
.. . .. .
With whom last employed? . ..... ; . . . . . .. .
And where? .. . ... . . . . . . . . . ... , . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . ..
... . . . .. .
If ever in,the Police service befbre? ,
Name, address, and profession of nearest relative,
Approved for medical examination.
Date, A 188
Signature of candidate.
Captain Superintendent of Police.
Surgeon's Certificate. .
I hereby certify that .I have, examined the, above candidate as to his
health aunt
bodily strength, and that I consider him .' -for Police e idntv.
. - Colo?iial Surgeon.1
ORDINANCE: No. -14'- `oF 1887.
Police .Force Consolidation.
Questions by Magistrate.
Questions to be but separately by the Magistrate to a person engaging or
into the service of the Police force, .
1. What is your name? ..~ ....... .
2. In what place were you born ? ... ... .. .:.. ... .:. ::. ::.:.:. .
.:. ... ...
3. What is your trade or calling? .'..'..:::.:-...:.
.:.:-.:::.::-...'..:..:.... ~ .. .
4. Are you married? ' ' '.:~ : _: ~: _ .
5. Are you ruptured or lame; have voa ever been subject to
fits, or have you any disability or disordeu which impedes
the free use of your limbs,' or unfits you'for ordiriary-
6. Do you belong to the: Army'or Navy br'Militia? '.' ' - ' ~ '
7. Have you ever served in the :Army or Navy, Militia or
Volunteers? : ' :. ::::: :.:.: ,
8. Are you willing to seine in the Police of Hongkong for
the term of from
T do make oath, that, the above questions, have been separately
put to me: than the answers .thereto, have ,been ,read. over tome, and
that they are
''the acme that T gave and are true.,
, , . , . , ,
I do also make oath that L will well. and faithfully serve Her .Majest.y,
Her Heirs
and Successors for the term of as of the
Police Force of Hongkong, and will. obey, all..orders of Her Majesty, Her
Heirs and
-Successors, and of all Magistrates and officers set over me. So help me
Sworn before me at Victoria, ~3opkong, this dad of
.Declarations in lieu of oath.
:. h :.- do solemnly, sinceielyand ~ truly declare; that the~above
questions have been. separately. put to me: that.the answers thereto have
been read over
to me, and that they are the same that'T have and are true..
ORDINANCE No. 14 of .1887.
Police Foxce Consolidation.
I do also solemnly, sincerely and truly declare that I will well and
faithfully serve
Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors for the term of
of the Police Force of Hongkong, and will observe 4int1 obey all orders
of Her Majesty,
Her Heirs and Successors, and of all Magistrates and officers set over me.
Declared before me at Victoria, Hongkong this day of
188 a
Regulations made, by the Capfaira Superintendent of Police under the
provisions of section 1
of Ordinance 14 of 188 f, for the general government and discipline of
the Police Force,
on the 28th June, 1887, ccp2nroved by the Governor in Council on the 1st
July, and
gcrxetted 3rd SeptPiraber, 1887.
1. No subordinate officer or constable shall take directly or indiroetly
any gra-
tuity or reward whatsoever without the permission o£ the Captain
Superintendent of
2. No subordinate officer or constable shall take either -money or goods,
or money's
worth; or anything whatsoever as a bribe from any person or persons,
directly or
indirectly, and he shall not suffer any person or persons to take money,
or mbney's
«ortb, or anything whatsoever as a bribe on his behalf, or in his
interest, or to be
placed to his credit, or that of any relative or friend for his benefit.
3. No subordinate officer or constable shall take fruit or any article
payment from any hawker, stall, or shop., ,,
4. No subordinate officer or constable shal,L sell, pawn, lose by
neglect, make away
with, or wilfully damage, his arms, accoutrements, or any article of
clothing or equip-
ment, the property o£ the Government, that he may be put in possession of.
[b. Subordinate officers and constables are to report to the Captain
Superintendent of Police, if they
have reason to suspect the existence of a public gambling or gaming
house, but they are on no accoun t,
themselves to go in or to send any one else for the purpose of obtaining
They will on no account enter any gambling or gaming house except under
special permission, oi-
ly authority of a warrant under the signature of a Justice of the Peace,
or in pursuit of a person whom
they have power to apprehend. Repealed byRegzclatinn -of t7ae 30th
6. Aggravated cases of drunkenness such; as dr unk on or for duty, drunk
disorderly, or riotous, drunk and resisting escort, &.e.;, may be
punished by a Magistrate
or Captain Superintendent accordingJo the nature and degree of the
offence. . --
(~RDI&-Ah'C.~ ~~ No. 14 =oF __~897.
Police Foree-. Gomo7idation.
,Regulation made, by the Captain B~uperintendent of Police,- pursuant to
section 19 of
Ordinance 14 of 1887, approved by the Governor in Council 80th November,
and gazetted 24th December, 188 7.
The following regulation shall be substituted for rule 5 of the
Regulations approved
by the Governor in Council on the 1st July, 1887:-
- 5. Inspectors are to report to the Captain Superintendent of Police if
they have
reason to suspect the existence of a public gambling or gaming-house, but
they are on
no account themselves, without the instructions of a superior officer, to
go in or send
any one else for the purpose of obtatning,proo£
Regulation vZade the 10th January, 1888, by tare Captain Superintendent
of Police,
pursuant to section 19 of Ordinance 14 of 1887, approved by the Governor
Council the 12th and gazettecl,14th January, 1888.
7. All recruits -on joining the Police Force will be vaccinated unless
the ,Colonial
Surgeon exempts them.
The same role will apply to all. men re-engaging.
Leave regiclations vzade,lny the Ccprain Superintendent of Police,
pursuant to secti~qa 1.9
of the Police Consolidation Ordinance, 1887, (No. 1'4 of 1887,) approved
by the
Governor in Council 20th August,- and gazetted lot December, 1888.
.Leave at the e:.pairation of five years' service.
1. Any European member of the Police force may, after each period of
service, on claming his, return passage, under § 16 of Ordinance 14 of
188'7, apply
through the -Captain Superintendent of Police to His Excellency the
Govern or for
permission. to i:eturia-to.the service within a period not exceeding nine-
2: Should this application be approved, the applicant gill-receive half
pay, during
his absence, and a certificate entitling him to a return passage to the
Colony within
the period specified; subieet to lily passing a s6ts6ctoryf~ W eclicah
th~tee: md~nths-before° fhe, elpirati.6ri;Lof; his'- leave=ass to
leis:fitu-ess 0Rretui=u to':aIMpica l
climate. ,~ --. - ,.
ORDINANCE Ira. 14 of 1887. 2117
Police Force Ccrn.Widaiion.
3. The applicant shall enter into a bond for the refund of the~half pay,
or the
-,difference between his pension and half pay as the case may be, drawn
after his leaving
the Colony, in case he does not return at the period specified.'
4. This period znay nevertheless be- extended by the Secretary of State
for the
Colonies, on such ground as relay to him be satisfactory, and such
extension shall be
-deemed to be leave originally granted within the meaning of the above
sections 1, 2,
and 3, anything therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
5. Such leave shall enable the applicant t0 count 1115 previous service
as regards
the time of service required before a pension is granted, and each period
o£ two months
.On leave shall count as one month's service towards the computation of a
6. On the applicant's return to the Colony, he shall be reinstated in his
,position in the force, and he will be sworn in for a further period of
five years' service
under §§ 8 and 13 of Ordinance 14 of 1887.
7, If at the expiration of five years' service leave is refused on the
ground that
the applicant's service cannot then be spared, he shall be allowed leave
at the earliest
suitable date, and the tinge elapsing between the expiration of the above
mentioned five
-years' service and the date of his going on leave, shall be calculated
towards the period
of five years, service to be served by him on his return from such leave.
If th©.time of
.year at which a period of five years' service expires is on
consideration of health
unsuitable for leave to be taken, the applicant may, by permission, go on
leave at any
time within six months from such expiration of service, and this'interval
shall count
towards his next period of five years' service. -
. 8. The period of time spent on leave. will not count towards the
calculation of
time constituting any term of five years' service for bonus or passage.
. 1. I;eave of absence will' be granted to Indians, after each period of
five years'
service, subject to the following conditions:--
a. That the applicant's previous character has been good.
b. Thai the leave does not exceed six months, except on special authority.
c. That the period on leave counts towards the time of service, necessary
I)ension, in the proportion of two months' leave counting as one month's
service, and will enable him to count his previous service towards the
period of service required before a pension is granted.
d. Tbat half pay is granted for the period on leave,, and the return
passage of
. vthe applicant defrayed. These amounts will 1>e paid oil the applicant's
return to the Colony and re=enlistment.
.e: The number, of men -on, Dave will.be limited at the discretion of His
Excellency the Gloverijor.
OhDINA\C i No. 14 vF 1887.
.Police Force Consolidation.
On the applicant's return he will be sworn in under §§ 8 and 13 of
24 of 1$$'l, for a.further period of five yews' service, and re-instated
his relative position.
III. '.embers of the force who are drawinD allowance for huowledae of
ill be allowed to draw half the allowance when on half hay leave.
Additional Police Regulation under section 19 of Ordinance 14 of 188f,.
alprovecd of by the Governor in Council on the 10th day of
` January; 1891. (Gazette 14111 February, 1891.)
The amount of sick leave allowed to officers of the civil service having
racently regulated by the Right Honourable the Secretary of State. for
the Colonies,,
the following regulation as to'the subordinate members of the Police
Force is approved.
Any subordinate officer detained in hospital, or absent from duty,
otherwise than
for injuries received on duty, for a period of more than 80 days in one
year, will for
each day's detention or absence after that period be allowed half pay
only, ,without
f urther hospital stoppages.
Pension regulations made on the 10th and gaze`tted 28th February, 1891.
The following regulations, concerning the general conditions upon which
superannuation allowances, or other relief are to be granted, under
section 17 of Ordi-
nance No. 14 of 1887 to subordinate officers or constables. of the Police
Force, are
authorized by His Excellency the Governor in Council, this loth day, of
1, Subject to the exceptions and provisions hereinafter contained; a
pension- will
be granted to any subordinate officer or constable of the Police Force,
wlw has completed
fifteen years' service, at a rate not exceeding 2060th' of the annual pay
of his rank,.
provided he shall have beau in receipt of the same. for the last three
years; otherwise,.
the pension shall be calculated upon the average amount of pay received
by such perso;3
dhring the three years next preceding the commencement of such ~
pellsion. Further.
for every full and complete year's service~after fifteen years, an
addition to the annual
pension of .1/60th_ :part of the average a nnual Tay of his , zanlx shall
be made for,- each
-additional year of such service.
ORDINANCE No. 14 of 1887.
I'oliee Force Consoldation.
2. Any subordinate officer or constable of the Police Force who may be
after serving ten complete years and under fifteen years, nay (provided
that such
invaliding be not the consequence of intemperate or vicious habits) be
granted a
pension not exceeding 15/60's of the average annual hay of his rank
during the past
three years' service, and 1/60t' for each fill and complete year's
service after ten years.
3. Any subordinate officer or constable of the Police Force who clay be
as aforesaid before the -completion of ten years' service may lie granted
a gratuity not
exceeding one month's pay for each complete year's service.
4. Subject to the I exceptions and prow isiops hereinafter contained, a
peusion will
be Granted to any subordinate officer or constable of -the Police Force
who joined
previous to the pith September, 1884, (excepting those who have joined
under or
have -accepted an agreement to serve fifteen years' before becoming
entitled to a pen.
sion) who has served ten years, at the rate of 15/60th' of the annual pay
of his rank,
provided he shall have been in receipt of the sane for the last three
years; otherwise,
the pension shall be calculated upon the average amount of pay received
by such
person during the three years next preceding the commencement of such
Further, for every full and complete year's service after ten years, an
addition to the
annual pension of 1/60'' part of the average annual pay of his rank sball
be made for
each additional year of such service.
5. Extra hay for acting appointments will in no case be taken into
iq determining the amounts of pension or gratuity.
6. Time spent on leave with half salary, provided it does*not exceed
1/6t' of resi-
dent service, shall be reckoned for pension purposes at the rate of one
mouth for every
two months of such leave, but absence without salary or beyond 1/6th of
..service shall not be reckoned at all.
7. A11 pensions granted shall be payable in Hongli-ow, or London, or in
principal towns of British India.
$. Full, pensions or gratuities will be granted only- on `the applicant's
having been uniformly good.
9. Should the applicant's conduct not have been uniformly good, a
pension or gratuity will be granted. Should his conduct have been
decidedly bad, no
pension or gratQity will be paid.
10 A commuted payment, calculated at five times the amount of the annual
pension, may be granted in lieu of a pension, if the applicant should be
unable- to
draw, his- pension at any of the places before mentioned, or on the
application of the
grantee, at the discretion of His Excellency the Governor.
11. If any person receiving a pensiU under these regulations should be
-to fill any office in any public departanent, such pension shall cease
to be raid for any
ORDINANCE- 1'o. 14 QF 1887.
Police Force Consolida-tioa.
p` period subsequent to such appointment if the annual amount of the
profits of the office-
to which he shall be appointed shall be equal to those of, the office
formerly held by,
. him; and in case it shall not be equal to those of his former office,
then no more of
.' such pension shall be paid to hitn than what with the salary of his new
3 , shall be equal to the profits of his former office.
3:. I-.
- 12. A pension is granted only on the condition that it becomes
forfeited, and
ma be withdrawn b His Excellency the Governor, in any of the following
y y y y
;_~- (a.) On the conviction of the grantee fox any indictable offence.
' (b.) . On his knowingly associating with thieves or suspected persons.
~-- (c.) On his refusing to give information and assistance to the Police
;. in his power, for the detection and apprehension of criminals, and for
the suppression of any disturbance of the public peace.
(d.) If he enter into or continue to carry on any business, occupation,
;° * employment, which shall be, in the opinion of .His. Excellency the,
Governor, disgraceful in itself or injurious to thQ public; or in which
tae shall make use of the fact of his former employment in the Police
?y, -:---in a manner which His Excellency the Governor considers to be
creditable and improper.
13. It shall, however, be in the discretion of the Governor in Council to
grant a..
j= special rate of pension to any subordinate officer or constable of the
Police Force who-
t1 .[
. may
be compelled to quit the public service by reason of severe bodily injury,
' occasioned. without his own fault, in the discharge of his public duty.
', In every such case the amount of pension shall be made to vary partly
in propQx-
Lion to the number of years served by the injured man, and partly in
proportion tot
the severity of the injury. The portion of the pension earned by length
of service
shall be calculated at the rate of 1/60t~ of the salary and emoluments of
the sufferer'
at the time when the injury or accident occurred,, for each year of
service completed
by hiin at the time he- retires, whether the number of years served be
more or.less,
than 10, but no number of years service shall be allowed to give a claim
to pension .of-
more than 40/6011h5 in respect of service only,; and in every such case a
medical certi-
ficate shall be furnished stating:
(a.) Whether the capacity of the sufferer to contribute towards his own,
support is slightly impaired, impaired, materially impaired, or totally
.. r , destroyed, and
(b.) Whether such incapacity is lihely to be peraianeut: ,
(c.), Whether the retirement is to belattributed solely. and
inimediat.el~ -m the
_ injuries received.. n
Ordinance No. 14 of 1887.
Police Force Consolidation.
An addition to the pension of the sufferer, on account of the injury may,
their be
made on the followino, scale
(a.) `then the capacity is certified to be slightly impaired not exceeding
6/60th' of the pay and emoluments;
(b.) Whep impaired not exceedin,- 1260th'
(c.) When materially impaired not exceeding 1$/60tt';
(d.) When totally destroyed riot exceeding 2~,1/60°'`9 .
But in no case, however, shall the total amount of the pension exceed the
full amount
of the pay and emoluments of the sufferer at the tine when the injury
NL0Tr.-For sitl)erseded regulations see infra.
Pension reyralatioras under s. 17 of 22nad llfay, 1888, Gazette 2nd
,Tune, 1888.
under s. 1 9 of 31st Slay, 1888, Gazette 23rd June, 1888.
wider x.19 o f 17th July, 1888, Gazette 28th of same month.
Short title.
Police force establishment and salaries.
[No. 9 of 1862, s. 2 & s. 4.]
[10 Geo. IV. c. 44, s. 4.]
Power to Governor to diminish or increase Police force.
[Ibid, s. 3.]
Payment of force to be voted in annual estimates.
[Ibid, s. 5.]
Agents to enlist men for the force.
[Ibid, s. 6.]
Oath of Captain Superintendent.
[Ibid, s. 7.]
Captain Superintendent to be a Justice of the Peace in relation to matters of Police.
Subordinate officers and constables to be examined.
[Ibid, s. 8.]
Officers and constables to be engaged for five years.
[Ibid, s. 9.]
Power to enrol constables for limited periods.
[No. 7 of 1871, s. 2.]
Enrolment under this Ordinance.
[Ibid, s. 3.]
Application of Ordinance to constables appointed under s. 10.
[Ord. No. 7 of 1871, s. 4, 6.]
Bonus and pensions of same.
[Ibid, s. 7.]
Renewal of service in force for further period.
[No. 9 of 1862, s. 11.]
Circumstances in which officer may be allowed to resign, or may be dismissed.
[Ibid, s. 22.]
Terms on which any member of Police Force may resign.
[Ibid, s. 23.]
Free passage or bonus after five years' service.
[No. 8 of 17869, s. 3.]
Proviso as to notice.
[Ibid, s. 4.]
Revocation of pension.
[Ibid, s. 5.]
Regulation for Government and discipline.
Departmental orders.
On leaving force, accoutrements to be given up.
[No. 9 of 1862, s. 14.]
Penalty for neglect of duty or non-delivery of arms on quitting force.
[Ibid, s. 15.]
Captain Superintendent or Magistrate to punish of breaches of discipline.
[Ibid, s. 16.]
Dismissal for misconduct.
Rewards, badges, and medals may be given for extraordinary services.
[Ibid, s. 24.]
Stations and furniture to be provided for Police Force.
[Ibid, s. 25.]
Special duty and expenses thereof upon householder's application.
[Ibid, s. 26.]
Police Force.
No. 14 of 1887.
An Ordinance to consolidate and anriend the Law for the Establishinent
and Regulation of the Police Force of the Colony.
[11th June, 1887.]
la it enacted by the Governor of Hon
B gkong, Nvith tile advice of the
Le-islative CoLlncil thereof, as follows:---
. Preliminary.
1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as The Police Force
short. tatie.
Consolidation Ordinance, 1887.
~,,. a this Ordinance the expression subordinate officer shall meall
every member of the Police force above the rank of constable except the
Captain Superinteiident;(or adjutant: repealed by Ordinance No. 24 of
189] and the word pension shall include any allowance in the nature of a
pension or any gratuity on retirement.
3. 0 rdinances :~ o. 9 of 1862, except sections 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21,
No. 8 of 1869 and No. 7 of 1871 are hereby repealed but such repedils
not affect the past operation of the said Ordinances or anything done or
suffered thereunder or any appointment made or any right acquired under
the said Ordinances or any of them.
aI:DIIV'A NCE No. I4 of 1897.
Police .Force Consolidation.
Police force 4. The existing establishment of Police for the service of
the Colony
and salaries: m entioned in the 1 st schedule hereto shall as heretobefore
be under the
(No. 9of 1862,
H. 2 & s. 4.a command and control of a Captain Superintendent and the
t14.~ sQ 4.I] ~ thereof shall obey all such lawful commands as they may
from time to
time receive from the said Captain Superintendent.
Power to 5. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to
governor to
diminish or to increase or diminish the strength of the said force as may
to him
Polieace appear expedient. Provided always that the ways and means shall be
considered as heretofore in the estimates laid before the Legislative
Payment of Council and that the supply required for the payment of the
said estali-
1`orco to be -,
voted in hshment shall also be voted annually as heretofore and included
in the
estimates. annual appropriation Ordinances.
Agents to
enlist men
far the force,
8. It shall be lawful for the G~ov ernor from time to time to appoint
finch agents, with reasonable remuneration for their services, and repay-
ment of disbursements, as to him shall seem necessary, for the enlistment
in other portions of Her Majestfs Dominions, of fit and proper men for
service in the Police force for this Colony.
-Oath af
7, The Captain Superintendent, [and the: as amended by 0) di72a2ice
~l'tro. 20 of 1890 deputy superintendent, lo? ° adjutant: repealed by
vrxnce .No. 20 of 1890] shall, previous to entering on the duties of their
respective offices, take before the Governor the oath of allegiance and
official oath as set forth in Ordinance No. 4 of 1869 sections 2 and 3.
; : And the Captain Superintendent shall, during his' tenure of too
r nt to be 4 caffice, have and exercise all the powers of a Justice of the
Peace, with
_rust~r°~o~ r11d
regard to the Police force, or any member or nnwmbers thereof.
matters of
~ -
suboxdinz~t,e . $, All subordinate officers anal constables shall, before
officer' ana . ` b e examined, and approved b the Ca twin Superintendent
and Colonial
constables`ta , . , Y P be examined.
bid,: sSurgeon, and having been so examined and approved of accordinb g
to the
[I . 8.] 8.] 5 a
forms in 'the 3rd schedule hereto annexed shall go' before a Magistrate
11111d answer the questions, and subscribe; and take the oath or make the
declaration contained in the .3rd schedule lbtreto.
o. 14 of 1887.
Police Force Cozasolzclatio7a.
9. Every subordinate officer and constable shall, except as is here-
inafter mentioned, enaaae and bind himself to serve in the Police force
for the term of five years, during which tern he shall not be at liberty
to resign his office or to withdraw himself from the duties thereof,
as is hereinafter provided.
10. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time
to authorise the appointment of any number of constables for stx,ch
of less than five years and upon such special terms and conditions as lie
shall from time to tune deem expedient.
11. Livery constable so appointed under the preceding section shall
bind himself to serve for such period and upon such terms and conditions
as shall be agreed upon, and he shall not be at liberty to resin or with-
draw himself from the force before the expiration of the period of his
engagement, except as hereinafter provided.
1`2'. All the provisions of this Ordinance, except the provisions of
sections J, 1.;, 15, 16, 17 and 18 shall so far as the same be not incon-
sistent with the terms and conditions agreed upon, apply equally to con-
stables appointed under or in pursuance of section 1(l, but in case tiny
such constable shall be subsequently appointed under.or in pursuance of
sections S and 9 the whole of his time of service under his first appoint-
ment shall be reckoned in tile computation of his service for the purposes
of free passage bonus and pension as hereinafter provided for and in such
case sections lfi, 1? and 18 of this Ordinance shall apply to such consta-
13. In case tiny subordinate officer or constable, who ..shall have
completed his period of five years service, shall be desirous
in the Police Force, he shall be at liberty to engage and bind `himself
ti further term of five years on similar terms and condition; and shall
take the oath or make the declaration prescribed by section 8 of this
Ordinance: Provided always that his re-enlistment is approved by the
Captain Superintendent.
14, Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Governor
shall have power to grant permission. to resiarm, to any subordinate
or constable who may become unfit for further service from ill-health on
-the certificate of the .Colonial Surgeon to that effect, or in any
case brought to his notice by the Captain Superintendent, the Governor.
shall have power, to grant to an7 ;such officer or constable 'permission-,
to resign.
Officers and.
constables to
be errgraged .
for five years.
[Ibid, s. 9.3
Power to
enrol cansta- -
bles or limited
No. 7 a1871,
R. 2.1
under this
[Ibid, s. 8.]
Application of
Ordinance to
P ointed
U d) e r s. 10.
(Ord. No. 7 0
1,871, s. 4, c.]
Bonus and
pensions of
[I bid, s. ?.]
Renewal of .
service in .
force for
[ No. 9 of 1882,
stances in
which officer
may be
allowed to,
resin, err;
8 On
which :any
member of
Police Force
may resign.
[Ibid, s. 23.J
~la'ree passage
~iv. bonus after
five gears'
(No. s of 1.369,
1'rciv.isc> as to
uoti ce.
PeI1Si011s. .
[.Z'bid, s. 4.
~of pension.
ORDINANCE h'Q.~ X:4 vF IS87:
Police. ,farce Consolidation.
1.5. Any- subordinate officer or constable shall be entitled to claim
his discharge at any time upon his giving to the Captain Superintendent
three months' notice of his wish to withdraw, and haying a sum equiva-
lent to two months pay of the rank be may hold. at the tune of his giving
notice of withdrawal for each unexpired year of his term of appointment.
[Proviso added by Ordinance No. 20 o, f' X890. j
16. Every subordinate officer or constable shall at the termination
of each service of five years for which be may be engaged, but subject to
the proviso hereinafter contained, be entitled to a free passage from
Hongkong to the port nearest to the place at which he may have been
engaged for service, or in lieu thereof, or in case be shall have been
engaged in Hongkong, he shall be entitled to a sum by way of bonus
equal to three months' pay of the rank to which at the time he may
belong; provided always that be shall acquire no right to such free
passage or bonus unless be shall have given three months' previous notice
to the Captain Superintendent of his intention to leave the force at the
expiration of such service of five years, or unless be shall engage for a
further. period of five years inwhich case he shall be entitled to the
bonus, although be may not have given such notice.
1'~. It shall. be lawful far the Governor in:Couvcil from time to time
to regulate the general conditions upon which, and the manner in which
pensions are to be granted to members of the Police Force and to deter-
mine in each particular case whether a peiasion shall or shall not be
granted to any member of the .Police Force, and in the event of the Gov-
ernor in Council determining that a~pension shall be granted to any member
of the Police Force, to further determine the amount to be paid in respect
thereof and the terms on which and the mariner in which the same shall
be paid,
18. If within three years after the granting of a pension under this
Oidinance to any member of the Police Force it, be proved to the satis-
faction of the.Governor in. Council that theperson to whom such. pension
nay have been granted had been guilty of any corrupt practices in the
exeeution of his. office either, by receiving bribes or by inducing or
corn -
pel:Iing payment directly or indirectly of any valuable consideration to
him-self or to any other person by way of a bribe or by otherwise actin
. Z-1
corruptly in the execution- of or under-color of his office as a in ember
the Police, then in ev cry such case it shah be lawful for the Governor
,Palke .Force Gawo?adation.
in Council - to revoke: and annuli the grant of such pension (if any -be -
subsisting ) or to make such reduction therein as to the.said Governor ~in
council may appear fit.
19. The Captain Superintendent shall from time to time, make such
rules or regulations as he shall deem expedient for the general govern-
ment and discipline of the Police Force; but such rules or regulations
shall have no force or effect until they hay=e been approved by the Gov-
ernor in Council and published in the Gazette.
20. It shall be the duty of the Captain Superintendent from time
to time to make, as lie shall think fit, without reference to the
but subject to the Governor's disallowmoce or revisal, such ether depart,-.
mental orders for the carrying out of the daily routine of the force, and
for regulating the internal economy thereof.
21. Whenever any subordinate officer or constable shall resign the
service, or shall cease to bold and exercise his office, all power and
authority vested in bim by virtue thereof, shall forthwith ease and
determine to all intents and purposes whatever; and every such officer
or constable shall deliver over all and every the arms, ammunition,,
accoutrements, and other appointments whatsoever which shall-, have
been supplied to him`in such capacity, to the person and at the time and
place to be appointed by the Captain Superintendent and ,it shall be
l awful for any Justice of t he Peace to issue his warrant to search.,
fob -and
seize such arms, ammunition, horses, accoutrements; and other :appoint-
ments which shall not be so delivered over, wheresoever the same shall
be found.
22. Whenever any subordi.ate officer or constable shell be guilty
of any neglect or violation of duty in his office, or shall neglect .or:
to obey or execute any warrant lawfully directed to be by hint executed,
.or shall be guilty of any disobedience to any rule or, regulation made
under section 19, or of any other misconduct as an officer or constable,
.,or who having duly enbqaed and bound himself .to serve in the Police
Force shale desert therefrom, or who being permitted to resin shall not
upon ceasing to belong to the force deliver up all arms, accoutrements,
-end appointments, whatsoever entrusted to hicn for. the performance of
his -Outy, he 9hall,aup.an conviction thereof before a, Magistrate in -a,
_~arywann~r, forfeit and pay a sum not, exceeding two hundred dollars,
for Govcrn-
ment and
clisGi plin c. .
On leaving
force, accou-
trements t<;
be given up:
[No. 9 of 1802,
s. 141 -
Penalty for
neglect of
duty or
of aim's on I
quitting forc'(3..-
~rvid, s. m.]
tendent on
Magistrate to
punish for
bre~.rhes of
r ]bid, s. 1(1.~
badges, and Inedu Is may
~za~t, R. 24.1:
ORDINANCE No. 14 of 1887~.
Police Force Consolidation.
and in default of payment thereof, be imprisoned with or without hard
labour, far guy term not exceeding six months; and every offender shall
- , -forfeitall pay during his imprisonment.
23. The Captain Superintendent [or the deputy superintendent: cc~
ayrzended by Ordinance No. 20 of 190) shall, in cases of breach of disci-
pline or neglect of duty by any constable upon proof thereof to his satis-
faction, have power to order the offender to forfeit and pay a sum not
exceeding twenty-five dollars, or award imprisonment for any term not
exceeding seven days with forfeiture of pay ; or, in his discretion; the
Captain Superintendent [or the deputy superintendent: as eznzended by
Ordinance No. 20 of 1890] may bring the offender before a Ma, gistrate
who shall have power to award imprisonment for any term not exceeding
fourteen days with or without hard labour, together with forfeiture of all
pay during such imprisonment. [Further amended by Ordinance Aro. 20
a f 1890.
~~~x tp,. 24. The Governor shall have power upon the representation
of the
Captain Superintendent to dismiss any subordinate officer or constable
for misconduct or neglect of duty, or to approve of the reduction of any
ser-acant or constable to a loner grade or- class in the force.
25. The Governor is hereby empowered to grant rewards to any
officers, subordinate officers or constables who shall distinguish
by extraordinary diligence zeal or, exertion , in the execution of their
duties, and the Captain Superintendent shall report to the Governor any
such officer, subordinate officer or constable who shall so distinouisli
himself, stating the nature of the service; and! the Governor shall have
power to grant distinctive badges or medals to officers or constables for
Jong and faithful or extraordinary services. '
Stktilblis: 411d 26, It shall be lawful for the Governor to direct
suitable stations
zirnit;uze to
.be Provided ' for the quarters and accommodation of tl-te Police force,
axed furniture
Force. s
for, Police
uitable for the same, to be provided, and to direct the erection, fitting
' c' 2''a up and furnishing of suitable premises as a place or places for
training, and drilling the Police Force as occasion may require.
Speet~l~ tfuty 27. It shall. be lawful for the: Governor, if he shall
think fit) upon
and expenses . '
thereof upon, the application of any householder, to appoint any member of
the Police
Force to do s ~ec:ial dut in and upon the remises of the a licant ; and
~.3pplication. 1 y p pp
f lb''~ Sv26v every householder who shall so avail hunself of the services
of any ' cons-
table shall pay to the Captain Superintendent for the songs the whole of
URDINAN0E No. 1.4 of 1887.
Police Force Consolidation.
the pay and allowances of such constable; and all sums which shall be
received by the Captain Super intendent~ for such special services, shall
paid by him into the Colonial Treasury forthwith, and be accounted for
Monthly; and every sung of n noaey due for such special services shall be
deemed,a debt due to the Crown, and shall be recoverable in lime manner
as other Crown debts in respect of rent and otherwise as therein Tnen-
1 Captain Superintendent.
1 Adjutant. 'Deputy Sztperintenclent: as (onended by Ord.
x,7'0. 20 of 1890.]
1 First clerk and accountant-.
1 Second clerk.
1. Third clerk.
1 Fourth clerk.
1 Indian interpreter.
7 Chinese sergeant interpreters,
Do. do. do.
Departmental Police.
4Governor : 1 Sergeant of Police.
6 Chinese constables and orderlies.
Treasurer 3 Indian cansta.bles.
.Surveyor General .... :. 2 Indian
constables for store.
. ' 3 Chinese
4 Do. <lo. for cemeteries,
Registrar Gen6al 1 Inspector of markets.
3 Inspectors for duty under the Contagious Diseases Ordi-
14 Police constables.
harbour Master 1 Chinese constable.
I European, constable (at Shipping Office.)
4 Chinese constables in charge at Aberdeen.
1 Police, (interpreter) at Harbour Masters' office.
Police i'urer.
z Jemadhar.
5 Sergeants.
ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1887.
.F'ol'ice Force Consolidation.
Gunpowder Depot
1 Indian sergeant.
4 Do. constables.
Supreme Court 2 Chinese Do.
Civil Hospital ... .... I Indian Do.
]Police Magistrates 1 European Do.
I Chinese Do.
European Force.-Land and ifiater.
1 Chief Inspector.
11 Inspectors.
11 Sergeants.
8$ Constables. -
(Allowance to 10, as acting sergeants.)
Indian force.
S Acting sergeants.
189 Constables.
170 Constables.
Chinese force.
Water Police.-Chinese.
$ Actin; Sergeants.
11$ Constables.
689 Total force of all ranks and
55 horse, Station, and,'~hair coolies.
O,DINANGE No. 14 of 188?':
Police .Force Consolidation.
Exarninatioa bf ca caudidak for tile HonykonrJ Police,
Name? ......
.Age? ............................................................
Height? .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . : .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . ..
. .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ..
Complexion? . . ... . ... ... ... .. ...... ... . ......
Eyes ?............................................................
Hair? ......................... .........
Particular marks ? ... ...... ... .. :. ... ... ... ... ...
Figure ? .. . .. . .. . . .. ... . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... . . . ...
... ... .. ... . ...
Parish, province, or district of ........
In or near the town of ... ... .. ... .. .... ... ... ... .. . ... ...
In the Colony, or country of °
Trade or calling? ... ... ... ... ... . . . .. : . ... . . . . ...
Religion'? ... .. ...... ...... ...... ... ... ......... .. ...
Read and write? .. . ..... ... . . . ... ... . . . . . .. . . .:.
Single or married ? .. . . . . ... .. . .. . . .. .. . ... .. . . . . .
... .. . .. .. .
Number of children ? .. .... .. .... . .. ... ... ... .. . . ... . . .,
Resideace ? .. .. ,_. ... .. . ... ... ... ..... . . .
What public service? , ............
Regiment, corps, &c. ? ... ... ... ... . ... .. . .. . , . . . .. . . .
... .. .
?length of service? . . . . . ... ... .. . . . . . . .
Amount of pension ? . ...............
When discharged ? . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . ... ... . ..
.. . .. .
With whom last employed? . ..... ; . . . . . .. .
And where? .. . ... . . . . . . . . . ... , . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . ..
... . . . .. .
If ever in,the Police service befbre? ,
Name, address, and profession of nearest relative,
Approved for medical examination.
Date, A 188
Signature of candidate.
Captain Superintendent of Police.
Surgeon's Certificate. .
I hereby certify that .I have, examined the, above candidate as to his
health aunt
bodily strength, and that I consider him .' -for Police e idntv.
. - Colo?iial Surgeon.1
ORDINANCE: No. -14'- `oF 1887.
Police .Force Consolidation.
Questions by Magistrate.
Questions to be but separately by the Magistrate to a person engaging or
into the service of the Police force, .
1. What is your name? ..~ ....... .
2. In what place were you born ? ... ... .. .:.. ... .:. ::. ::.:.:. .
.:. ... ...
3. What is your trade or calling? .'..'..:::.:-...:.
.:.:-.:::.::-...'..:..:.... ~ .. .
4. Are you married? ' ' '.:~ : _: ~: _ .
5. Are you ruptured or lame; have voa ever been subject to
fits, or have you any disability or disordeu which impedes
the free use of your limbs,' or unfits you'for ordiriary-
6. Do you belong to the: Army'or Navy br'Militia? '.' ' - ' ~ '
7. Have you ever served in the :Army or Navy, Militia or
Volunteers? : ' :. ::::: :.:.: ,
8. Are you willing to seine in the Police of Hongkong for
the term of from
T do make oath, that, the above questions, have been separately
put to me: than the answers .thereto, have ,been ,read. over tome, and
that they are
''the acme that T gave and are true.,
, , . , . , ,
I do also make oath that L will well. and faithfully serve Her .Majest.y,
Her Heirs
and Successors for the term of as of the
Police Force of Hongkong, and will. obey, all..orders of Her Majesty, Her
Heirs and
-Successors, and of all Magistrates and officers set over me. So help me
Sworn before me at Victoria, ~3opkong, this dad of
.Declarations in lieu of oath.
:. h :.- do solemnly, sinceielyand ~ truly declare; that the~above
questions have been. separately. put to me: that.the answers thereto have
been read over
to me, and that they are the same that'T have and are true..
ORDINANCE No. 14 of .1887.
Police Foxce Consolidation.
I do also solemnly, sincerely and truly declare that I will well and
faithfully serve
Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors for the term of
of the Police Force of Hongkong, and will observe 4int1 obey all orders
of Her Majesty,
Her Heirs and Successors, and of all Magistrates and officers set over me.
Declared before me at Victoria, Hongkong this day of
188 a
Regulations made, by the Capfaira Superintendent of Police under the
provisions of section 1
of Ordinance 14 of 188 f, for the general government and discipline of
the Police Force,
on the 28th June, 1887, ccp2nroved by the Governor in Council on the 1st
July, and
gcrxetted 3rd SeptPiraber, 1887.
1. No subordinate officer or constable shall take directly or indiroetly
any gra-
tuity or reward whatsoever without the permission o£ the Captain
Superintendent of
2. No subordinate officer or constable shall take either -money or goods,
or money's
worth; or anything whatsoever as a bribe from any person or persons,
directly or
indirectly, and he shall not suffer any person or persons to take money,
or mbney's
«ortb, or anything whatsoever as a bribe on his behalf, or in his
interest, or to be
placed to his credit, or that of any relative or friend for his benefit.
3. No subordinate officer or constable shall take fruit or any article
payment from any hawker, stall, or shop., ,,
4. No subordinate officer or constable shal,L sell, pawn, lose by
neglect, make away
with, or wilfully damage, his arms, accoutrements, or any article of
clothing or equip-
ment, the property o£ the Government, that he may be put in possession of.
[b. Subordinate officers and constables are to report to the Captain
Superintendent of Police, if they
have reason to suspect the existence of a public gambling or gaming
house, but they are on no accoun t,
themselves to go in or to send any one else for the purpose of obtaining
They will on no account enter any gambling or gaming house except under
special permission, oi-
ly authority of a warrant under the signature of a Justice of the Peace,
or in pursuit of a person whom
they have power to apprehend. Repealed byRegzclatinn -of t7ae 30th
6. Aggravated cases of drunkenness such; as dr unk on or for duty, drunk
disorderly, or riotous, drunk and resisting escort, &.e.;, may be
punished by a Magistrate
or Captain Superintendent accordingJo the nature and degree of the
offence. . --
(~RDI&-Ah'C.~ ~~ No. 14 =oF __~897.
Police Foree-. Gomo7idation.
,Regulation made, by the Captain B~uperintendent of Police,- pursuant to
section 19 of
Ordinance 14 of 1887, approved by the Governor in Council 80th November,
and gazetted 24th December, 188 7.
The following regulation shall be substituted for rule 5 of the
Regulations approved
by the Governor in Council on the 1st July, 1887:-
- 5. Inspectors are to report to the Captain Superintendent of Police if
they have
reason to suspect the existence of a public gambling or gaming-house, but
they are on
no account themselves, without the instructions of a superior officer, to
go in or send
any one else for the purpose of obtatning,proo£
Regulation vZade the 10th January, 1888, by tare Captain Superintendent
of Police,
pursuant to section 19 of Ordinance 14 of 1887, approved by the Governor
Council the 12th and gazettecl,14th January, 1888.
7. All recruits -on joining the Police Force will be vaccinated unless
the ,Colonial
Surgeon exempts them.
The same role will apply to all. men re-engaging.
Leave regiclations vzade,lny the Ccprain Superintendent of Police,
pursuant to secti~qa 1.9
of the Police Consolidation Ordinance, 1887, (No. 1'4 of 1887,) approved
by the
Governor in Council 20th August,- and gazetted lot December, 1888.
.Leave at the e:.pairation of five years' service.
1. Any European member of the Police force may, after each period of
service, on claming his, return passage, under § 16 of Ordinance 14 of
188'7, apply
through the -Captain Superintendent of Police to His Excellency the
Govern or for
permission. to i:eturia-to.the service within a period not exceeding nine-
2: Should this application be approved, the applicant gill-receive half
pay, during
his absence, and a certificate entitling him to a return passage to the
Colony within
the period specified; subieet to lily passing a s6ts6ctoryf~ W eclicah
th~tee: md~nths-before° fhe, elpirati.6ri;Lof; his'- leave=ass to
leis:fitu-ess 0Rretui=u to':aIMpica l
climate. ,~ --. - ,.
ORDINANCE Ira. 14 of 1887. 2117
Police Force Ccrn.Widaiion.
3. The applicant shall enter into a bond for the refund of the~half pay,
or the
-,difference between his pension and half pay as the case may be, drawn
after his leaving
the Colony, in case he does not return at the period specified.'
4. This period znay nevertheless be- extended by the Secretary of State
for the
Colonies, on such ground as relay to him be satisfactory, and such
extension shall be
-deemed to be leave originally granted within the meaning of the above
sections 1, 2,
and 3, anything therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
5. Such leave shall enable the applicant t0 count 1115 previous service
as regards
the time of service required before a pension is granted, and each period
o£ two months
.On leave shall count as one month's service towards the computation of a
6. On the applicant's return to the Colony, he shall be reinstated in his
,position in the force, and he will be sworn in for a further period of
five years' service
under §§ 8 and 13 of Ordinance 14 of 1887.
7, If at the expiration of five years' service leave is refused on the
ground that
the applicant's service cannot then be spared, he shall be allowed leave
at the earliest
suitable date, and the tinge elapsing between the expiration of the above
mentioned five
-years' service and the date of his going on leave, shall be calculated
towards the period
of five years, service to be served by him on his return from such leave.
If th©.time of
.year at which a period of five years' service expires is on
consideration of health
unsuitable for leave to be taken, the applicant may, by permission, go on
leave at any
time within six months from such expiration of service, and this'interval
shall count
towards his next period of five years' service. -
. 8. The period of time spent on leave. will not count towards the
calculation of
time constituting any term of five years' service for bonus or passage.
. 1. I;eave of absence will' be granted to Indians, after each period of
five years'
service, subject to the following conditions:--
a. That the applicant's previous character has been good.
b. Thai the leave does not exceed six months, except on special authority.
c. That the period on leave counts towards the time of service, necessary
I)ension, in the proportion of two months' leave counting as one month's
service, and will enable him to count his previous service towards the
period of service required before a pension is granted.
d. Tbat half pay is granted for the period on leave,, and the return
passage of
. vthe applicant defrayed. These amounts will 1>e paid oil the applicant's
return to the Colony and re=enlistment.
.e: The number, of men -on, Dave will.be limited at the discretion of His
Excellency the Gloverijor.
OhDINA\C i No. 14 vF 1887.
.Police Force Consolidation.
On the applicant's return he will be sworn in under §§ 8 and 13 of
24 of 1$$'l, for a.further period of five yews' service, and re-instated
his relative position.
III. '.embers of the force who are drawinD allowance for huowledae of
ill be allowed to draw half the allowance when on half hay leave.
Additional Police Regulation under section 19 of Ordinance 14 of 188f,.
alprovecd of by the Governor in Council on the 10th day of
` January; 1891. (Gazette 14111 February, 1891.)
The amount of sick leave allowed to officers of the civil service having
racently regulated by the Right Honourable the Secretary of State. for
the Colonies,,
the following regulation as to'the subordinate members of the Police
Force is approved.
Any subordinate officer detained in hospital, or absent from duty,
otherwise than
for injuries received on duty, for a period of more than 80 days in one
year, will for
each day's detention or absence after that period be allowed half pay
only, ,without
f urther hospital stoppages.
Pension regulations made on the 10th and gaze`tted 28th February, 1891.
The following regulations, concerning the general conditions upon which
superannuation allowances, or other relief are to be granted, under
section 17 of Ordi-
nance No. 14 of 1887 to subordinate officers or constables. of the Police
Force, are
authorized by His Excellency the Governor in Council, this loth day, of
1, Subject to the exceptions and provisions hereinafter contained; a
pension- will
be granted to any subordinate officer or constable of the Police Force,
wlw has completed
fifteen years' service, at a rate not exceeding 2060th' of the annual pay
of his rank,.
provided he shall have beau in receipt of the same. for the last three
years; otherwise,.
the pension shall be calculated upon the average amount of pay received
by such perso;3
dhring the three years next preceding the commencement of such ~
pellsion. Further.
for every full and complete year's service~after fifteen years, an
addition to the annual
pension of .1/60th_ :part of the average a nnual Tay of his , zanlx shall
be made for,- each
-additional year of such service.
ORDINANCE No. 14 of 1887.
I'oliee Force Consoldation.
2. Any subordinate officer or constable of the Police Force who may be
after serving ten complete years and under fifteen years, nay (provided
that such
invaliding be not the consequence of intemperate or vicious habits) be
granted a
pension not exceeding 15/60's of the average annual hay of his rank
during the past
three years' service, and 1/60t' for each fill and complete year's
service after ten years.
3. Any subordinate officer or constable of the Police Force who clay be
as aforesaid before the -completion of ten years' service may lie granted
a gratuity not
exceeding one month's pay for each complete year's service.
4. Subject to the I exceptions and prow isiops hereinafter contained, a
peusion will
be Granted to any subordinate officer or constable of -the Police Force
who joined
previous to the pith September, 1884, (excepting those who have joined
under or
have -accepted an agreement to serve fifteen years' before becoming
entitled to a pen.
sion) who has served ten years, at the rate of 15/60th' of the annual pay
of his rank,
provided he shall have been in receipt of the sane for the last three
years; otherwise,
the pension shall be calculated upon the average amount of pay received
by such
person during the three years next preceding the commencement of such
Further, for every full and complete year's service after ten years, an
addition to the
annual pension of 1/60'' part of the average annual pay of his rank sball
be made for
each additional year of such service.
5. Extra hay for acting appointments will in no case be taken into
iq determining the amounts of pension or gratuity.
6. Time spent on leave with half salary, provided it does*not exceed
1/6t' of resi-
dent service, shall be reckoned for pension purposes at the rate of one
mouth for every
two months of such leave, but absence without salary or beyond 1/6th of
..service shall not be reckoned at all.
7. A11 pensions granted shall be payable in Hongli-ow, or London, or in
principal towns of British India.
$. Full, pensions or gratuities will be granted only- on `the applicant's
having been uniformly good.
9. Should the applicant's conduct not have been uniformly good, a
pension or gratuity will be granted. Should his conduct have been
decidedly bad, no
pension or gratQity will be paid.
10 A commuted payment, calculated at five times the amount of the annual
pension, may be granted in lieu of a pension, if the applicant should be
unable- to
draw, his- pension at any of the places before mentioned, or on the
application of the
grantee, at the discretion of His Excellency the Governor.
11. If any person receiving a pensiU under these regulations should be
-to fill any office in any public departanent, such pension shall cease
to be raid for any
ORDINANCE- 1'o. 14 QF 1887.
Police Force Consolida-tioa.
p` period subsequent to such appointment if the annual amount of the
profits of the office-
to which he shall be appointed shall be equal to those of, the office
formerly held by,
. him; and in case it shall not be equal to those of his former office,
then no more of
.' such pension shall be paid to hitn than what with the salary of his new
3 , shall be equal to the profits of his former office.
3:. I-.
- 12. A pension is granted only on the condition that it becomes
forfeited, and
ma be withdrawn b His Excellency the Governor, in any of the following
y y y y
;_~- (a.) On the conviction of the grantee fox any indictable offence.
' (b.) . On his knowingly associating with thieves or suspected persons.
~-- (c.) On his refusing to give information and assistance to the Police
;. in his power, for the detection and apprehension of criminals, and for
the suppression of any disturbance of the public peace.
(d.) If he enter into or continue to carry on any business, occupation,
;° * employment, which shall be, in the opinion of .His. Excellency the,
Governor, disgraceful in itself or injurious to thQ public; or in which
tae shall make use of the fact of his former employment in the Police
?y, -:---in a manner which His Excellency the Governor considers to be
creditable and improper.
13. It shall, however, be in the discretion of the Governor in Council to
grant a..
j= special rate of pension to any subordinate officer or constable of the
Police Force who-
t1 .[
. may
be compelled to quit the public service by reason of severe bodily injury,
' occasioned. without his own fault, in the discharge of his public duty.
', In every such case the amount of pension shall be made to vary partly
in propQx-
Lion to the number of years served by the injured man, and partly in
proportion tot
the severity of the injury. The portion of the pension earned by length
of service
shall be calculated at the rate of 1/60t~ of the salary and emoluments of
the sufferer'
at the time when the injury or accident occurred,, for each year of
service completed
by hiin at the time he- retires, whether the number of years served be
more or.less,
than 10, but no number of years service shall be allowed to give a claim
to pension .of-
more than 40/6011h5 in respect of service only,; and in every such case a
medical certi-
ficate shall be furnished stating:
(a.) Whether the capacity of the sufferer to contribute towards his own,
support is slightly impaired, impaired, materially impaired, or totally
.. r , destroyed, and
(b.) Whether such incapacity is lihely to be peraianeut: ,
(c.), Whether the retirement is to belattributed solely. and
inimediat.el~ -m the
_ injuries received.. n
Ordinance No. 14 of 1887.
Police Force Consolidation.
An addition to the pension of the sufferer, on account of the injury may,
their be
made on the followino, scale
(a.) `then the capacity is certified to be slightly impaired not exceeding
6/60th' of the pay and emoluments;
(b.) Whep impaired not exceedin,- 1260th'
(c.) When materially impaired not exceeding 1$/60tt';
(d.) When totally destroyed riot exceeding 2~,1/60°'`9 .
But in no case, however, shall the total amount of the pension exceed the
full amount
of the pay and emoluments of the sufferer at the tine when the injury
NL0Tr.-For sitl)erseded regulations see infra.
Pension reyralatioras under s. 17 of 22nad llfay, 1888, Gazette 2nd
,Tune, 1888.
under s. 1 9 of 31st Slay, 1888, Gazette 23rd June, 1888.
wider x.19 o f 17th July, 1888, Gazette 28th of same month.
Short title.
Police force establishment and salaries.
[No. 9 of 1862, s. 2 & s. 4.]
[10 Geo. IV. c. 44, s. 4.]
Power to Governor to diminish or increase Police force.
[Ibid, s. 3.]
Payment of force to be voted in annual estimates.
[Ibid, s. 5.]
Agents to enlist men for the force.
[Ibid, s. 6.]
Oath of Captain Superintendent.
[Ibid, s. 7.]
Captain Superintendent to be a Justice of the Peace in relation to matters of Police.
Subordinate officers and constables to be examined.
[Ibid, s. 8.]
Officers and constables to be engaged for five years.
[Ibid, s. 9.]
Power to enrol constables for limited periods.
[No. 7 of 1871, s. 2.]
Enrolment under this Ordinance.
[Ibid, s. 3.]
Application of Ordinance to constables appointed under s. 10.
[Ord. No. 7 of 1871, s. 4, 6.]
Bonus and pensions of same.
[Ibid, s. 7.]
Renewal of service in force for further period.
[No. 9 of 1862, s. 11.]
Circumstances in which officer may be allowed to resign, or may be dismissed.
[Ibid, s. 22.]
Terms on which any member of Police Force may resign.
[Ibid, s. 23.]
Free passage or bonus after five years' service.
[No. 8 of 17869, s. 3.]
Proviso as to notice.
[Ibid, s. 4.]
Revocation of pension.
[Ibid, s. 5.]
Regulation for Government and discipline.
Departmental orders.
On leaving force, accoutrements to be given up.
[No. 9 of 1862, s. 14.]
Penalty for neglect of duty or non-delivery of arms on quitting force.
[Ibid, s. 15.]
Captain Superintendent or Magistrate to punish of breaches of discipline.
[Ibid, s. 16.]
Dismissal for misconduct.
Rewards, badges, and medals may be given for extraordinary services.
[Ibid, s. 24.]
Stations and furniture to be provided for Police Force.
[Ibid, s. 25.]
Special duty and expenses thereof upon householder's application.
[Ibid, s. 26.]
Police Force.
Short title.
Police force establishment and salaries.
[No. 9 of 1862, s. 2 & s. 4.]
[10 Geo. IV. c. 44, s. 4.]
Power to Governor to diminish or increase Police force.
[Ibid, s. 3.]
Payment of force to be voted in annual estimates.
[Ibid, s. 5.]
Agents to enlist men for the force.
[Ibid, s. 6.]
Oath of Captain Superintendent.
[Ibid, s. 7.]
Captain Superintendent to be a Justice of the Peace in relation to matters of Police.
Subordinate officers and constables to be examined.
[Ibid, s. 8.]
Officers and constables to be engaged for five years.
[Ibid, s. 9.]
Power to enrol constables for limited periods.
[No. 7 of 1871, s. 2.]
Enrolment under this Ordinance.
[Ibid, s. 3.]
Application of Ordinance to constables appointed under s. 10.
[Ord. No. 7 of 1871, s. 4, 6.]
Bonus and pensions of same.
[Ibid, s. 7.]
Renewal of service in force for further period.
[No. 9 of 1862, s. 11.]
Circumstances in which officer may be allowed to resign, or may be dismissed.
[Ibid, s. 22.]
Terms on which any member of Police Force may resign.
[Ibid, s. 23.]
Free passage or bonus after five years' service.
[No. 8 of 17869, s. 3.]
Proviso as to notice.
[Ibid, s. 4.]
Revocation of pension.
[Ibid, s. 5.]
Regulation for Government and discipline.
Departmental orders.
On leaving force, accoutrements to be given up.
[No. 9 of 1862, s. 14.]
Penalty for neglect of duty or non-delivery of arms on quitting force.
[Ibid, s. 15.]
Captain Superintendent or Magistrate to punish of breaches of discipline.
[Ibid, s. 16.]
Dismissal for misconduct.
Rewards, badges, and medals may be given for extraordinary services.
[Ibid, s. 24.]
Stations and furniture to be provided for Police Force.
[Ibid, s. 25.]
Special duty and expenses thereof upon householder's application.
[Ibid, s. 26.]
Police Force.
Short title.
Police force establishment and salaries.
[No. 9 of 1862, s. 2 & s. 4.]
[10 Geo. IV. c. 44, s. 4.]
Power to Governor to diminish or increase Police force.
[Ibid, s. 3.]
Payment of force to be voted in annual estimates.
[Ibid, s. 5.]
Agents to enlist men for the force.
[Ibid, s. 6.]
Oath of Captain Superintendent.
[Ibid, s. 7.]
Captain Superintendent to be a Justice of the Peace in relation to matters of Police.
Subordinate officers and constables to be examined.
[Ibid, s. 8.]
Officers and constables to be engaged for five years.
[Ibid, s. 9.]
Power to enrol constables for limited periods.
[No. 7 of 1871, s. 2.]
Enrolment under this Ordinance.
[Ibid, s. 3.]
Application of Ordinance to constables appointed under s. 10.
[Ord. No. 7 of 1871, s. 4, 6.]
Bonus and pensions of same.
[Ibid, s. 7.]
Renewal of service in force for further period.
[No. 9 of 1862, s. 11.]
Circumstances in which officer may be allowed to resign, or may be dismissed.
[Ibid, s. 22.]
Terms on which any member of Police Force may resign.
[Ibid, s. 23.]
Free passage or bonus after five years' service.
[No. 8 of 17869, s. 3.]
Proviso as to notice.
[Ibid, s. 4.]
Revocation of pension.
[Ibid, s. 5.]
Regulation for Government and discipline.
Departmental orders.
On leaving force, accoutrements to be given up.
[No. 9 of 1862, s. 14.]
Penalty for neglect of duty or non-delivery of arms on quitting force.
[Ibid, s. 15.]
Captain Superintendent or Magistrate to punish of breaches of discipline.
[Ibid, s. 16.]
Dismissal for misconduct.
Rewards, badges, and medals may be given for extraordinary services.
[Ibid, s. 24.]
Stations and furniture to be provided for Police Force.
[Ibid, s. 25.]
Special duty and expenses thereof upon householder's application.
[Ibid, s. 26.]
Police Force.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 14 of 1887
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“POLICE FORCE CONSOLIDATION ORDINANCE, 1887,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 9, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/532.