No. 6' of 1887.
An Ordinance to regulate the carrying and possession of arms.
[17th March, 1887.]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkona, with the advice of the
Council thereof, as `follows ;-
1. This Ordinance may he cited as The Arins Ordinance, 1887.
2. In this Ordinance the expression a?-as includes any description of
firearms, . ordinance 22,
of 1889., sec: Y:-
also any sword, cutlass, spear, pike, bayonet, dagger, or other deadly
weapon, also any
part of any arms as so defined. [Repsalef by Ordinance No: 4 of 1889 and new section
ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1887.
Penalty forbefng 3, Every person who shall without reasonable excuse, the
proof of which shall
Pound carrying
desdlyweapons. lie upon him, carry any arms about him, whether by night or
day, shall be liable on
'Ordinance 14 crPI8iU,seC. is summary conviction thereof, to a fine not
exceeding one . hundred dollars, or to
altered.] y .~ a~
imprisonment with or without hard labour for any period not exceediub six
slid each weapon shall be forfeited to the Crown. ,
Provided that this section shall nut apply, to officers in any Naval and
service, officers in the Government service, Justices of the Peace,
special or common
jurors. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 4 of 1889 aid new section substituted.
GovernormaY 4, The Governor in Council may from time to time at discretion
grant licences to
grant licence
to parry arms. carry arms subject to such conditions to be s ecificd in
the licence as to the Governor
Y o]l E84, see. 3 3 in Council may seem fit, and may 'from time to tune at
discretion revoke any such
Police may
arrest wlt1ont
warrant any
person carrying
Ordinance E -22
of:lssa, sec:4:1.
:Provided that this section shall not prevent the, owner of any trading
or fishing
junk who has given security to the, Flarbour Master under section 38 of
Ordinance $
of 1$79 from ltaving without licence on hoard of his junk such arms as
are reasonably
necessary for the protection of such junk on the high seas. [Repealed by
No. 4 of 188.9 and view section substituted.
5. Any person carrying or reasonably suspected of carrying any arms in
travention of this.Ordinanee maybe arrested without warrant by any Police
and conveyed as soon as reascrably can he, before a Magistrate in order
to his being
dealt with according to law.
`; .xmpoxtersor - 6, All importers of, and dealers in vrn°.s shall l:e
bound t.o register their names
doalerp !n arms
to register and places V£ business at the Registrar General's Office, and
shall take out a licence,
for which an annual sum of five dollars shall be charged ; and all
importers of, or
dealers in arms not registering their names and taking out such licence
shall be liable,
on summary conviction thereof, to a fine not exceeding one hundred
dollars, or to
imprisonment not exceeding one.montb.
7, All importers of; and dealers in arms shall be. bound on or before the
day of every month to furnish to the Re~;istxar General a statement
spewing the
number and description of arms remaining in their possession on the last
day of the
preceding month. .
8. Any person mahix.b a false return of ams under this Ordine'xice, shall
on con-
viction thereof before a Magistrate be liable to a fine not exceeding
fifty dollars or to
imprisonment clot exceeding ten days. ' ,
penalty for 9. All importers of, and dealers in arms failing on refusing
to make such return
maze such. ` Shall be deemed to be in possession of all arms found in
their house, store or go'down
contrary to the provisions.of this Ordinance, and shall k;e liable on
summary conviction
thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or to imprisonment
not exceeding
one month. `'
ORDINANCE No. s OF 1887.
10. Upon the trial of any information for furnishing such false return
therarer of
Magistrate may if he thinks fit, issue a warrant to search any house,
store or place
where such arms are alleged to be kept or stored, and any Police officer
to whom the
said warrant- is directed may with or Avithout assistance and using force
if necessary
enter any house, store or place in the said warrant mentioned and search
for such arms.
11. A Magistrate may by warrant authorise any person named in such
warrant va lstratemay
issue warrant for,
to search in any houses, buildings, ships, vessels or places for any arms
suspected to be searcliofarms.
[ Aid, sec. 6
therein in contravention of this Ordinance. altered.]
The person so named in such warrant with such constables and other
persons as
he calls to his assistanca, uiay at any time enter into any house,
building, ship, vessel
or place and there execute the warrant, and in case admittance is refused
or is not
obtained within a reasonable time after it is first demanded, such
persons may enter
by force in order to execute such warrant. The person executing such
*arrant shall,
before executing the same if so desired produce the said warrant.
Any arms, carried, had or found under circumstances which contravene;
this Ordi-
nance, may be forthwith seized and shall be forfeited to Her M%jesty.
12. The Governor may establish a central store or magazine for the safe
and storing of all arms and ammunitions, and shall give notice in the
Gazette of such selection and of the situation of the said store or
13. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council during the continuance
of any
proclamation issued under the provisions of The Peace Preservation
Ordinance of 18$6,'
to order the removal to the said central store of. all arms in the
possession of any
importers or dealers in arms, or of such arms only as in the opinion of
the said
Governor in Council are not in safe keeping or custody. All orders made
under this
section shall forthwith be published in the Government Gazette.
14. Any person refusing after the publication of such order, to deliver
up any Penalty for
arms, the removal of which to the said central store shall have been
ordered by section deliver up arms.
13 of this Ordinance, shall on conviction' before a Magistrate be liable
to a fine not
exceeding five hundred dollars, or to imprisonment for any period -not
exceeding six
months with or without hard labour.
Magistrate to.
Issue warrant to
search far ,yes:
*t2w,). vo
15. The Governor in .Council map from time to time hake and when
made,rower of Governor to
revoke, alter or add to all rules or regulation`s necessary for carrying
out this make rules.
18. The following Ordinance is hereby repealed:-
Ordinance 14 of 1870, section 1$.
'All repealed by Ordinance l10; 14 0, f 1889,]
Arms found or
carried to be
Governor may
establish central
store, for arms,
Governor may
order removal
to central store
of all arms.
[See Ord. No. 4 of 1889.]
Ordinance 22 of 1884, sec. 2.
Penalty for being found carrying deadly weapons.
[Ordinance 11 of 1870, sec. 18 altered.]
Governor may grant licence to carry arms.
[Ordinance 22 of 1884, sec. 3.]
Police may arrest without warrant any person carrying arms.
[Ordinance 22 of 1884, sec. 4.]
Importers or dealers in arms to register themselves.
All importers of or dealers in arms to furnish return every month.
Penalty for refusing to make such returns.
Power of Magistrate to issue warrant to search for arms.
Magistrate may issue warrant for search of arms.
[Ibid, sec. 5 altered.]
Arms found or carried to be forfeited.
Governor may establish central store for arms, &c.
Governor may order removal to central store of all arms.
*[No. 15]
Penalty for refusing to deliver up arms.
Power of Governor to make rules.
[See Ord. No. 4 of 1889.]
Ordinance 22 of 1884, sec. 2.
Penalty for being found carrying deadly weapons.
[Ordinance 11 of 1870, sec. 18 altered.]
Governor may grant licence to carry arms.
[Ordinance 22 of 1884, sec. 3.]
Police may arrest without warrant any person carrying arms.
[Ordinance 22 of 1884, sec. 4.]
Importers or dealers in arms to register themselves.
All importers of or dealers in arms to furnish return every month.
Penalty for refusing to make such returns.
Power of Magistrate to issue warrant to search for arms.
Magistrate may issue warrant for search of arms.
[Ibid, sec. 5 altered.]
Arms found or carried to be forfeited.
Governor may establish central store for arms, &c.
Governor may order removal to central store of all arms.
*[No. 15]
Penalty for refusing to deliver up arms.
Power of Governor to make rules.
[See Ord. No. 4 of 1889.]
Ordinance 22 of 1884, sec. 2.
Penalty for being found carrying deadly weapons.
[Ordinance 11 of 1870, sec. 18 altered.]
Governor may grant licence to carry arms.
[Ordinance 22 of 1884, sec. 3.]
Police may arrest without warrant any person carrying arms.
[Ordinance 22 of 1884, sec. 4.]
Importers or dealers in arms to register themselves.
All importers of or dealers in arms to furnish return every month.
Penalty for refusing to make such returns.
Power of Magistrate to issue warrant to search for arms.
Magistrate may issue warrant for search of arms.
[Ibid, sec. 5 altered.]
Arms found or carried to be forfeited.
Governor may establish central store for arms, &c.
Governor may order removal to central store of all arms.
*[No. 15]
Penalty for refusing to deliver up arms.
Power of Governor to make rules.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 6 of 1887
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“ARMS ORDINANCE, 1887,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 11, 2025,