Legislative Council Witnesses.
No. 26 of 1886.
An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance for enabling the Legislative
Council and any Committee thereof to compel the attendance of
and to administer Oaths to Witnesses. Y
[14th December, 1886.]
E it enacted by the Governor of Honnokon~, with the advice of the
Leblslative Council thereof, as follows:-
1: -
This Ordinance may be cited for ail purposes as (('fhe Le~isla.tive ;hoL
Council Witnesses Ordinance, 1886.'
ORDINANCE-No. 26 0V~ 18BG.
Legislative Council Witnesses.
Examination ~'~' . The Legislative Council of the Colony and any committee
of witnesses
on oath. of may administer an oath to- any wvitr.iess examined before such
s3, ~ i.~ or committee and for that purpose shall have all such and the
like powers,
rights, and privileges, as are now- possessed or exerciseable by the House
of 'Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland or any
committee thereof, in respect of,- .
(a.) The enforcing the attendance of witnesses.
(b.) The punishing persons guilty of contempt.
False 3. Any person examined as aforesaid, who wilfully gives false evi-
[s4 & 35 v. e. dente, shall be liable to the penalties of perjury. Any
witness to be
83, s. 2.]
examined under this Ordinance who, being a Christian, conscientiously
objects to take an oath, may make his solemn affirmation and declaration
if the words following :-
' I, A. B., do solemnly, sincerely, and truly affirm and declare
that the taking of any oath is according to my religious
belief unlawful and I do also solemnly, sincerely, and truly
affirm and declare, &c.'
Any witness to be examined under this Ordinance who is not a
`Christian, may in lieu of an oath make the following declaration which
shall be duly interpreted to-every such witness ignorant of the English
language: ' `I, A. B., do solemnly, sincerely, and truly,declare that the
id ence which I am about to give shall be the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.'
Any solemn a
CD and declaration or declaration alone as
aforesaid shall be of the same force and effect and shall entail the carne
consequences as an oath taken in the usual form.
Any oath or affirmation and declaration or declaration alone as
-< aforesaid. may be administered by the presiding member of the said
. Covneil or any. committee thereof..
Short title.
[34 & 35 V. c. 83, s. 4.]
Examination of witnesses on oath.
[34 & 35 V. c. 83 s. 1.]
False evidence.
[34 & 35 V. c. 83, s. 2.]
Declaration in lieu of oath.
No. 26 of 1886.
An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance for enabling the Legislative
Council and any Committee thereof to compel the attendance of
and to administer Oaths to Witnesses. Y
[14th December, 1886.]
E it enacted by the Governor of Honnokon~, with the advice of the
Leblslative Council thereof, as follows:-
1: -
This Ordinance may be cited for ail purposes as (('fhe Le~isla.tive ;hoL
Council Witnesses Ordinance, 1886.'
ORDINANCE-No. 26 0V~ 18BG.
Legislative Council Witnesses.
Examination ~'~' . The Legislative Council of the Colony and any committee
of witnesses
on oath. of may administer an oath to- any wvitr.iess examined before such
s3, ~ i.~ or committee and for that purpose shall have all such and the
like powers,
rights, and privileges, as are now- possessed or exerciseable by the House
of 'Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland or any
committee thereof, in respect of,- .
(a.) The enforcing the attendance of witnesses.
(b.) The punishing persons guilty of contempt.
False 3. Any person examined as aforesaid, who wilfully gives false evi-
[s4 & 35 v. e. dente, shall be liable to the penalties of perjury. Any
witness to be
83, s. 2.]
examined under this Ordinance who, being a Christian, conscientiously
objects to take an oath, may make his solemn affirmation and declaration
if the words following :-
' I, A. B., do solemnly, sincerely, and truly affirm and declare
that the taking of any oath is according to my religious
belief unlawful and I do also solemnly, sincerely, and truly
affirm and declare, &c.'
Any witness to be examined under this Ordinance who is not a
`Christian, may in lieu of an oath make the following declaration which
shall be duly interpreted to-every such witness ignorant of the English
language: ' `I, A. B., do solemnly, sincerely, and truly,declare that the
id ence which I am about to give shall be the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.'
Any solemn a
CD and declaration or declaration alone as
aforesaid shall be of the same force and effect and shall entail the carne
consequences as an oath taken in the usual form.
Any oath or affirmation and declaration or declaration alone as
-< aforesaid. may be administered by the presiding member of the said
. Covneil or any. committee thereof..
Short title.
[34 & 35 V. c. 83, s. 4.]
Examination of witnesses on oath.
[34 & 35 V. c. 83 s. 1.]
False evidence.
[34 & 35 V. c. 83, s. 2.]
Declaration in lieu of oath.
Short title.
[34 & 35 V. c. 83, s. 4.]
Examination of witnesses on oath.
[34 & 35 V. c. 83 s. 1.]
False evidence.
[34 & 35 V. c. 83, s. 2.]
Declaration in lieu of oath.
Short title.
[34 & 35 V. c. 83, s. 4.]
Examination of witnesses on oath.
[34 & 35 V. c. 83 s. 1.]
False evidence.
[34 & 35 V. c. 83, s. 2.]
Declaration in lieu of oath.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 26 of 1886
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL WITNESSES ORDINANCE, 1886,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 7, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/513.