Infants Custody.
No. 4 of 1886.
An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to the Custody of
[10th March, 1886.]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hon(rkong, with the advice of the
v Council thereof, as follows :-
islatie C ,
1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as Tlie hafants Cus-
tody Ordinance, 1886.
2. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance it shrill be
lawful for the Supreme Court upon the petition presented in a summary
way of the mother (by her next friend if necessary) of any infant or
infants under the age of sixteen years to order that the petitioner shall
have access to such infant or infants at such tire and subject to such
regulations as the Court shall deem proper or to order that such infant
or infants shall be delivered to the mother and remain in or under her
custody or control or shall if already in her custody or under her control
remain therein until such infant or infants shall attain such age not
exceeding sixteen years as the Court shall direct; and farther, to order
that such custody or control shall be subject to such regulations as
regards access by the father or .guardian of such infant or infants and
otherwise as the Court shall deem proper.
3. No agreement contained in any separation deed made between
the father and mother of an infant or infants shall be or be deemed to be
invalid by reason only of its providing that the father of such infant or
infants shall give up the custody or control thereof to the mother: Pro-
vided always that no Court shall enforce any such agreement if the Court
shall be of opinion that it will - not be for the benefit of the infant or
infantĀ§ to give effect thereto.
Short title.
Supreme Court may order mother to have access to and custody of infants under 16 years.
[36 V. c. 12, s. 1.]
Separation deed agreement to give up custody.
[36 V. c. 12 s. 2.]
No. 4 of 1886.
An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to the Custody of
[10th March, 1886.]
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hon(rkong, with the advice of the
v Council thereof, as follows :-
islatie C ,
1. This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as Tlie hafants Cus-
tody Ordinance, 1886.
2. From and after the commencement of this Ordinance it shrill be
lawful for the Supreme Court upon the petition presented in a summary
way of the mother (by her next friend if necessary) of any infant or
infants under the age of sixteen years to order that the petitioner shall
have access to such infant or infants at such tire and subject to such
regulations as the Court shall deem proper or to order that such infant
or infants shall be delivered to the mother and remain in or under her
custody or control or shall if already in her custody or under her control
remain therein until such infant or infants shall attain such age not
exceeding sixteen years as the Court shall direct; and farther, to order
that such custody or control shall be subject to such regulations as
regards access by the father or .guardian of such infant or infants and
otherwise as the Court shall deem proper.
3. No agreement contained in any separation deed made between
the father and mother of an infant or infants shall be or be deemed to be
invalid by reason only of its providing that the father of such infant or
infants shall give up the custody or control thereof to the mother: Pro-
vided always that no Court shall enforce any such agreement if the Court
shall be of opinion that it will - not be for the benefit of the infant or
infantĀ§ to give effect thereto.
Short title.
Supreme Court may order mother to have access to and custody of infants under 16 years.
[36 V. c. 12, s. 1.]
Separation deed agreement to give up custody.
[36 V. c. 12 s. 2.]
Short title.
Supreme Court may order mother to have access to and custody of infants under 16 years.
[36 V. c. 12, s. 1.]
Separation deed agreement to give up custody.
[36 V. c. 12 s. 2.]
Short title.
Supreme Court may order mother to have access to and custody of infants under 16 years.
[36 V. c. 12, s. 1.]
Separation deed agreement to give up custody.
[36 V. c. 12 s. 2.]
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 4 of 1886
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“INFANTS CUSTODY ORDINANCE, 1886,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 4, 2025,