ORDINANCE No. ro of 1885.
Incorporation of the Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Church.
No. 10 of 1885.
An Ordinance for the Incorporation of the Vicar Apostolic of
the Roman Catholic Church in Hongkong.,
C 15th May), 1881.
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows :--
1. The Right Reverend 'JOHN TIMOLEONE RAIMONDI the Roman
Catholic Titular Bishop of Acantho and holding the ecclesiastical appoint-
ment of Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Church in Hongkong,
and his successors holding the said appointment or the Roman Catholic
dignitary for the time being having the supreme ecclesiastical jurisdic-
tion - in this Colony, in the Roman Catholic Church, shall be a body
corporate and shall for the purposes of this Ordinance have the name of
' The Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Church in Hongkong,' and
by that name shall have perpetual succession and shall and may sue and
be sued in all Courts of Justice and before all Magistrates in this
-and shall and may have and use a common seal, and the said seal may
from time to time break, change, alter, and make anew as to the said
corporation may seem fit, and the said corporation shall have,full power
to acquire, purchase, take, fold, and enjoy for the use of the Roman
Catholic Church in this Colony all lands, messuages, and tenements of
-'That nature or kind soever for a life or lives, or for a term of years,
also all manner of goods and chattels whatebever, and the said corporation
is hereby further empowered from time to time by deed under its seal to
mortgage, sell, or demise, grant, convey, or otherwise dispose of any,
lands; buildings, rnessuages, and tenements by this Ordinance vested, or
that, may hereafter be vested in the said corporation upon such terms as
the said corporation may see fit: Provided always that no lftnds,
inessuages, or tenements acquired with public money or, granted by the
-Government'of the Colony for any special purpose previous to the
passing of this Ordinance shall fe disposed of without the consent of the
,,Governor for the time being in Council.
2. The lands, buildings, messuages, and tenements in this Colony Lands,
now vested iii
-at the time of the, passing of this Ordinance vested or purporting to be
the saereA
vested in the Sacred Con regation'of the Propagation of the Faith or In
g t~ of the Propa.-
the said Right Reverend JOHN TImOLEONE RAIMONDI in, his own fight or bah,
B eh op
Vicar a i~a~-
t o lic of tn,~
Catholic .
Church in.
Hongkong to
be a body
Ordinance No. 10 of 1885.
Incorporation of the Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Church.
as trustee for or procurator of the said Sacred Congregation or
Reverend ..-; name,of the late Very Reverend Don LUIm AMBIzOSI as such
he vested in or in any other person or persons as procurator or agent or
as trustee or
the corpora I
Lion. trustees for the said Sacred Congr egition, and all rnonies,
securities for
money, goods, chattels, and effects whatsoever; the property of the said
Sacred Congregation, or standing in the name of the said Congregation or
purporting so to be are hereby transferred to and vested in the said
ration, but sub ject as regards the said lauds, buildings. messuages, and
tenements to the payment of the rents and the observance and perform-
ance of all the covenants, conditions, and reservations contained in the
Crown leases or under leases or mortgages under which the said lauds,
buildings, tenements are now or may hereafter be respectively held.
ztight$Sof the 3. Nothing herein contained shall affect or be deemed to
affect the
Crown rights of Her Majesty the 17e1° heirs or successors or of an bodies
reservsd.- b Queen, > _ y
politic or corporate, or other person or persons, except such as are men-
tioned in dais Ordinance and those, claiming by, from, or under them.
Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Chruch in Hongkong to be a body corporate.
Land, &c., now vested in Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith, Bishop
RAIMONDI and the late Reverend AMBROSI, to be vested in the corporation.
Rights of the Crown reserved.
Incorporation of the Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Church.
No. 10 of 1885.
An Ordinance for the Incorporation of the Vicar Apostolic of
the Roman Catholic Church in Hongkong.,
C 15th May), 1881.
BE it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as follows :--
1. The Right Reverend 'JOHN TIMOLEONE RAIMONDI the Roman
Catholic Titular Bishop of Acantho and holding the ecclesiastical appoint-
ment of Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Church in Hongkong,
and his successors holding the said appointment or the Roman Catholic
dignitary for the time being having the supreme ecclesiastical jurisdic-
tion - in this Colony, in the Roman Catholic Church, shall be a body
corporate and shall for the purposes of this Ordinance have the name of
' The Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Church in Hongkong,' and
by that name shall have perpetual succession and shall and may sue and
be sued in all Courts of Justice and before all Magistrates in this
-and shall and may have and use a common seal, and the said seal may
from time to time break, change, alter, and make anew as to the said
corporation may seem fit, and the said corporation shall have,full power
to acquire, purchase, take, fold, and enjoy for the use of the Roman
Catholic Church in this Colony all lands, messuages, and tenements of
-'That nature or kind soever for a life or lives, or for a term of years,
also all manner of goods and chattels whatebever, and the said corporation
is hereby further empowered from time to time by deed under its seal to
mortgage, sell, or demise, grant, convey, or otherwise dispose of any,
lands; buildings, rnessuages, and tenements by this Ordinance vested, or
that, may hereafter be vested in the said corporation upon such terms as
the said corporation may see fit: Provided always that no lftnds,
inessuages, or tenements acquired with public money or, granted by the
-Government'of the Colony for any special purpose previous to the
passing of this Ordinance shall fe disposed of without the consent of the
,,Governor for the time being in Council.
2. The lands, buildings, messuages, and tenements in this Colony Lands,
now vested iii
-at the time of the, passing of this Ordinance vested or purporting to be
the saereA
vested in the Sacred Con regation'of the Propagation of the Faith or In
g t~ of the Propa.-
the said Right Reverend JOHN TImOLEONE RAIMONDI in, his own fight or bah,
B eh op
Vicar a i~a~-
t o lic of tn,~
Catholic .
Church in.
Hongkong to
be a body
Ordinance No. 10 of 1885.
Incorporation of the Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Church.
as trustee for or procurator of the said Sacred Congregation or
Reverend ..-; name,of the late Very Reverend Don LUIm AMBIzOSI as such
he vested in or in any other person or persons as procurator or agent or
as trustee or
the corpora I
Lion. trustees for the said Sacred Congr egition, and all rnonies,
securities for
money, goods, chattels, and effects whatsoever; the property of the said
Sacred Congregation, or standing in the name of the said Congregation or
purporting so to be are hereby transferred to and vested in the said
ration, but sub ject as regards the said lauds, buildings. messuages, and
tenements to the payment of the rents and the observance and perform-
ance of all the covenants, conditions, and reservations contained in the
Crown leases or under leases or mortgages under which the said lauds,
buildings, tenements are now or may hereafter be respectively held.
ztight$Sof the 3. Nothing herein contained shall affect or be deemed to
affect the
Crown rights of Her Majesty the 17e1° heirs or successors or of an bodies
reservsd.- b Queen, > _ y
politic or corporate, or other person or persons, except such as are men-
tioned in dais Ordinance and those, claiming by, from, or under them.
Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Chruch in Hongkong to be a body corporate.
Land, &c., now vested in Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith, Bishop
RAIMONDI and the late Reverend AMBROSI, to be vested in the corporation.
Rights of the Crown reserved.
Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Chruch in Hongkong to be a body corporate.
Land, &c., now vested in Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith, Bishop
RAIMONDI and the late Reverend AMBROSI, to be vested in the corporation.
Rights of the Crown reserved.
Vicar Apostolic of the Roman Catholic Chruch in Hongkong to be a body corporate.
Land, &c., now vested in Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith, Bishop
RAIMONDI and the late Reverend AMBROSI, to be vested in the corporation.
Rights of the Crown reserved.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 10 of 1885
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online