Weights and Measures.
No. 8 of 1885.
An Ordinance entitled The Weights and Measures Ordinance,
[2nd March, 1885.]
Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as ~follows:--
~-~;, ~ The Governor shall cause to 'be deposited and safely kept in:
Weights a'`t the Colonial Treasury such weights anal measures of the
standards in
measures to be
`t, ~°~ited use in the United Kingdom and of such Chinese weights and
in the '1`reasu- ~yo e~l~copies nna as are specified in the schedule to
this Ordinance, and the weights and
3 ~los ~~ ibe measures so deposited shall be the standard weights and measures of
this Colony.
ORDINANCE No. 8 of. 1885.
Weights and Measures.
The Governor shall cause to be made copies and models of the
several *ei6(rhts and measures so deposited, and such copies and model
shall be submitted to the Colonial Treasurer, who shall cause the same
to be, verified, -and, if approved, stamped, or marked in such manner as
the Colonial . Treasurer may from time to tine determine to shew that
the~same have been verified and approved. .
Copies and models after being so verified and approved shall be
deposited with the Police Magistrates, who shall keep the same for the
purposes of reference as hereinafter directed.
~~W.~ If any copies or ynodels deposittrd with a Police Magistrate are
destroyed, defaced or injured, they shall be replaced by others of the
weight or measure duly verified and approved.
~,. ,~, Any person wishing to compare any weight or measure with the
copy -or model deposited with alPolice,IMaaistrate shall be allowed access
to such copy or model for the purpose of making such comparison, at
reasonable times to be appointed by theLpolicelMagistrate in his
The comparison shall be made in the Magistrate's presence, and the Ma-
gistrate, .on being satisfied that the weight or measure brought for com-
parison corresponds truly~to the copy or model, shall stamp or mark the
same in such manner as the Colonial Treasurer may from tune to time
determine to- shew that the same has been compared and approved.
~3`~ such person shall defray all expenses of conveying his weights and
measures to or from the Police Court, or shall deposit with the examiner
one dollar.if such weights and measures are on shore, or two dollars if
they are on board a ship in the harbour, to defray such expenses.
Magistrate to
verify weights
and measures.
^~ ,$, The Governor shall from time to time appoint proper persons to
. of examiners.
be examiners of weights and measures, and may at -pleasure remove any
persons so appointed.
~ A. It shall be the duty of,examiners of weights and measures lo enter
may seize
the business premises of any persons who se moods wei(Y t or audulent
-.:i~ . .. t.c .~ ~ tf ~eights nn( 1, ve-.
measure and'examine the weights and measures ound on such premises,
~Ieasur s.
and seize an of such weights or.measures as appear to be fraudulently
y a stamped or not to be ~.accordinb to or not to agree with the standard,
weights or measures of the Colony
o person shall buy e or sell or otherwise deal by.any weights or eah~ ngs
by ~
- other but ,
measures other than such as are according .to and agree with the
standard, standard
- ~ . weights and
weights and measures of the Colony.
Weights and Measures.
No -person: shall buy 6r, sell` or~ otherwise : deal=: by: any measure of
longth or by any steelyard:which is not made. conformably to the.-regu-
lations contained in the schedule of this Ordinance.
6. Any person who falsifies or wilfully injures any copies or mo-
dels of standard weights or measures deposited with a Police Maaistrate,
or buys or sells or otherwise deals by, or upon whose business premises
are found any weights or measures fraudulently stamped or marked or
not according to and agreeing with the standard weights and measures
of the Colony, or who obstructs any examiner of weights and measures
in the` discharge of his duty as such, Rhall be liable under this
oEsummary conviction before a Police Magistrate to a penalty not eX-
ceeding two hundred dollars for each offence, apart from and in addition
to any other penalty or liability to which such person may be subject ire,
respect, of such offence. All weights and measures duly seized by an
examiner of weights and nneasures~ Lender the provisions of this Ordinance
shall be forfeited to the Crown.
Weight's alla 7, .Nothiy in this Ordinance shall apply to the buying or
oaeasnrcs for
dealing in or dealing in medicines- or precious metals or precious stones
nor, to
medicines or
metals or pre.
cions stones
not Within
Ordinance 22
of 1$44 '
weights or measures employed in relation thereto.
8. Ordinance 22 of ls44-is hereby repealed, provided that such re-
peal shall net affect the past operation of such Ordinance or. any
or punishment incurred thereunder.
9. This Ordinance shall come into operation on the first day of
April, 1885. ° .
Weights . ~'
I .Fam (candareen)=0.138: oz. avoirdupois.
1 Tsin- (mace) -0:135 -
1. Leung (tael) _ 1*
1 Kan (catty), ._ 13 mss. u
1 Tam (piaul) .= 133
send' tlielollo-wing weights, . viz.,: 2,' 3, 4; 5; taels ; 10, I i; 2();
30, 40; 50; t.ael$ ; 100; 200;
300, 400, 500, 1-OQ, taels.
.ORDINANCE, N6, 8. oF :1
W.eat,s .amt Heoses. ..
11 ~ Length,.
I Click (foot) equal to 1 English inches, divided into 10 Tsiin or
inches, and eael;
inch into 10 Fan or tenths.
Ounces avoirdupois:
7 'Pounds avoirdupoi,*.
8 ,, 14
1 Pound 28
3 Pounds °56
4 3)
t iY OZ. Troy.
I b' » »
i 6 >~ »
the vessel.
I Yard divided into feet and incl;es.
I Half Gill.
1 Gill.
1 Half Pint.
1 Pint.
1 Quart.
-J AU OZ. Troy.
1 Ounce
=? Ounces
1 Half Gallon.
I .Gallon.
1 Peck.
1 Half Bushel.
1 Bushel.
The contents of each measure to be not heaped; but flat and level with
the rim or
Measures of length, if made of wood or bamboo, shall (except yard
measures imported
from the United Kingdom) be tipped .at the -ends - with metal to the
satisfaction .of the
examiner of weights and measures, or, in case of doubt, of a Police
decision shall be final.
Standard weights and measures to deposited in the Treasury, copies and models of which to be deposited with the Magistrates.
Magistrate to verify weights and measures.
Appointment of examiners.
Examiners may seize fraudulent weights and measures.
Dealings by other but standard weights and measures prohibited.
Falsifing weights and measures or having possession of fraudulent weights and measures.
Weights and measures for dealing in medicines or precious meatals or precious stones not within this Ordinance.
Ordinance 22 of 1844 repealed.
No. 8 of 1885.
An Ordinance entitled The Weights and Measures Ordinance,
[2nd March, 1885.]
Be it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
Legislative Council thereof, as ~follows:--
~-~;, ~ The Governor shall cause to 'be deposited and safely kept in:
Weights a'`t the Colonial Treasury such weights anal measures of the
standards in
measures to be
`t, ~°~ited use in the United Kingdom and of such Chinese weights and
in the '1`reasu- ~yo e~l~copies nna as are specified in the schedule to
this Ordinance, and the weights and
3 ~los ~~ ibe measures so deposited shall be the standard weights and measures of
this Colony.
ORDINANCE No. 8 of. 1885.
Weights and Measures.
The Governor shall cause to be made copies and models of the
several *ei6(rhts and measures so deposited, and such copies and model
shall be submitted to the Colonial Treasurer, who shall cause the same
to be, verified, -and, if approved, stamped, or marked in such manner as
the Colonial . Treasurer may from time to tine determine to shew that
the~same have been verified and approved. .
Copies and models after being so verified and approved shall be
deposited with the Police Magistrates, who shall keep the same for the
purposes of reference as hereinafter directed.
~~W.~ If any copies or ynodels deposittrd with a Police Magistrate are
destroyed, defaced or injured, they shall be replaced by others of the
weight or measure duly verified and approved.
~,. ,~, Any person wishing to compare any weight or measure with the
copy -or model deposited with alPolice,IMaaistrate shall be allowed access
to such copy or model for the purpose of making such comparison, at
reasonable times to be appointed by theLpolicelMagistrate in his
The comparison shall be made in the Magistrate's presence, and the Ma-
gistrate, .on being satisfied that the weight or measure brought for com-
parison corresponds truly~to the copy or model, shall stamp or mark the
same in such manner as the Colonial Treasurer may from tune to time
determine to- shew that the same has been compared and approved.
~3`~ such person shall defray all expenses of conveying his weights and
measures to or from the Police Court, or shall deposit with the examiner
one dollar.if such weights and measures are on shore, or two dollars if
they are on board a ship in the harbour, to defray such expenses.
Magistrate to
verify weights
and measures.
^~ ,$, The Governor shall from time to time appoint proper persons to
. of examiners.
be examiners of weights and measures, and may at -pleasure remove any
persons so appointed.
~ A. It shall be the duty of,examiners of weights and measures lo enter
may seize
the business premises of any persons who se moods wei(Y t or audulent
-.:i~ . .. t.c .~ ~ tf ~eights nn( 1, ve-.
measure and'examine the weights and measures ound on such premises,
~Ieasur s.
and seize an of such weights or.measures as appear to be fraudulently
y a stamped or not to be ~.accordinb to or not to agree with the standard,
weights or measures of the Colony
o person shall buy e or sell or otherwise deal by.any weights or eah~ ngs
by ~
- other but ,
measures other than such as are according .to and agree with the
standard, standard
- ~ . weights and
weights and measures of the Colony.
Weights and Measures.
No -person: shall buy 6r, sell` or~ otherwise : deal=: by: any measure of
longth or by any steelyard:which is not made. conformably to the.-regu-
lations contained in the schedule of this Ordinance.
6. Any person who falsifies or wilfully injures any copies or mo-
dels of standard weights or measures deposited with a Police Maaistrate,
or buys or sells or otherwise deals by, or upon whose business premises
are found any weights or measures fraudulently stamped or marked or
not according to and agreeing with the standard weights and measures
of the Colony, or who obstructs any examiner of weights and measures
in the` discharge of his duty as such, Rhall be liable under this
oEsummary conviction before a Police Magistrate to a penalty not eX-
ceeding two hundred dollars for each offence, apart from and in addition
to any other penalty or liability to which such person may be subject ire,
respect, of such offence. All weights and measures duly seized by an
examiner of weights and nneasures~ Lender the provisions of this Ordinance
shall be forfeited to the Crown.
Weight's alla 7, .Nothiy in this Ordinance shall apply to the buying or
oaeasnrcs for
dealing in or dealing in medicines- or precious metals or precious stones
nor, to
medicines or
metals or pre.
cions stones
not Within
Ordinance 22
of 1$44 '
weights or measures employed in relation thereto.
8. Ordinance 22 of ls44-is hereby repealed, provided that such re-
peal shall net affect the past operation of such Ordinance or. any
or punishment incurred thereunder.
9. This Ordinance shall come into operation on the first day of
April, 1885. ° .
Weights . ~'
I .Fam (candareen)=0.138: oz. avoirdupois.
1 Tsin- (mace) -0:135 -
1. Leung (tael) _ 1*
1 Kan (catty), ._ 13 mss. u
1 Tam (piaul) .= 133
send' tlielollo-wing weights, . viz.,: 2,' 3, 4; 5; taels ; 10, I i; 2();
30, 40; 50; t.ael$ ; 100; 200;
300, 400, 500, 1-OQ, taels.
.ORDINANCE, N6, 8. oF :1
W.eat,s .amt Heoses. ..
11 ~ Length,.
I Click (foot) equal to 1 English inches, divided into 10 Tsiin or
inches, and eael;
inch into 10 Fan or tenths.
Ounces avoirdupois:
7 'Pounds avoirdupoi,*.
8 ,, 14
1 Pound 28
3 Pounds °56
4 3)
t iY OZ. Troy.
I b' » »
i 6 >~ »
the vessel.
I Yard divided into feet and incl;es.
I Half Gill.
1 Gill.
1 Half Pint.
1 Pint.
1 Quart.
-J AU OZ. Troy.
1 Ounce
=? Ounces
1 Half Gallon.
I .Gallon.
1 Peck.
1 Half Bushel.
1 Bushel.
The contents of each measure to be not heaped; but flat and level with
the rim or
Measures of length, if made of wood or bamboo, shall (except yard
measures imported
from the United Kingdom) be tipped .at the -ends - with metal to the
satisfaction .of the
examiner of weights and measures, or, in case of doubt, of a Police
decision shall be final.
Standard weights and measures to deposited in the Treasury, copies and models of which to be deposited with the Magistrates.
Magistrate to verify weights and measures.
Appointment of examiners.
Examiners may seize fraudulent weights and measures.
Dealings by other but standard weights and measures prohibited.
Falsifing weights and measures or having possession of fraudulent weights and measures.
Weights and measures for dealing in medicines or precious meatals or precious stones not within this Ordinance.
Ordinance 22 of 1844 repealed.
Standard weights and measures to deposited in the Treasury, copies and models of which to be deposited with the Magistrates.
Magistrate to verify weights and measures.
Appointment of examiners.
Examiners may seize fraudulent weights and measures.
Dealings by other but standard weights and measures prohibited.
Falsifing weights and measures or having possession of fraudulent weights and measures.
Weights and measures for dealing in medicines or precious meatals or precious stones not within this Ordinance.
Ordinance 22 of 1844 repealed.
Standard weights and measures to deposited in the Treasury, copies and models of which to be deposited with the Magistrates.
Magistrate to verify weights and measures.
Appointment of examiners.
Examiners may seize fraudulent weights and measures.
Dealings by other but standard weights and measures prohibited.
Falsifing weights and measures or having possession of fraudulent weights and measures.
Weights and measures for dealing in medicines or precious meatals or precious stones not within this Ordinance.
Ordinance 22 of 1844 repealed.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 8 of 1885
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ORDINANCE, 1885,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/474.