ORDINANCE No. 13 of 1845.
Ghaut $erang-Lascars.
No. 13 of 1845.
An Ordinance to establish a licensed Ghaut Serana in the Colony of
Hongkong, and for the better Regulation of Lascars resorting thereto.
[25th October, 1845.
HEREAS it is expedient that lascars resorting to the said Colony should
according to usage, the aid and superintendence of a gbaut serang, and
that Legislative provision should be made as respects them and such
serang :-
[For inttrprettY
tion of S~Laacar;'
See Ord. No. 4 W
of 1846.1
No person to act ' 1. Be it therefore enacted and ordained by the
Governor of Hongkong, with the
as ghant sarasg,
or lodge orehip advice of the Legislative Council thereof, that from and
after the passing of this Ordi-
laecare without
licence. nanee no person shall act as a ghaut serang, or lodge, or ship,
or contract for the
shipping of lascaxs in, the said Island, or the harbour thereof, without
first having
obtained from the Colonial Secretary of said Island an annual licence for
that purpose,
in whose discretion it shall be to grant or disallow the same, and that a
sum of two
hundred dollars shall be payable on the issuing of every such licence,
and that every
person acting as ghaut serang, or lodging, or shipping, or contracting
for the shipping
of any lascar, without such licence, shall be liable, for each offence,
to a penalty not
exceeding one hundred dollars.
2. And be it further enacted and ordained, that every such licensed
serang shall
establish, for the use of said lascars, one or more boarding-houses, for
each of which
houses he shall take out and procure a separate licence from the said
Colonial Secretary,
which, however, shall be granted on payment of a fee of twenty-five
dollars; and that
when and so often as any person acting as such serang shall receive into
any of said
houses, as a boarder ox lodger, any lascar or other seaman, he shall,
within twenty-
four hours after the period of reception, cause the name of such lascar
or seaman to
be recorded in the office of the Registrar General, together with the
fact of his having
become such boarder or inmate of said house, and whereupon the said
Registrar shall
issue a certificate of such circumstances: Provided always, that previous
to or upon
said serang obtaining such licence, he shall submit, for the inspection
and approval of
the said Governor and Legislative Council, a table or scale of all the
charges which are
to be made against every such lasear, for boarding, lodging, or shipping;
and that no
greater sum shall be received or demanded, on the foot thereof, by such
serang; and
that a true copy or translation, in Hindostanee, of such approved table,
shall be hung
up in some conspicuous part of each of the boarding-houses herein
mentioned, as also
in the Harbour Master's office: And it is further provided, that in the
event of such
serang not complying with any of the directions or provisions of this
section, he shall
be liable to a penalty not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars for each
and sense
regletry of their
ia'nmtea to be
Ghent serang to
approval of the
Government in
Council, a scale of
changes, and
expose same for
public inspection.
Penalty on the 3. And be it further enacted and ordained, that the said
serang shall be liable to
knowingly & penalty not exceeding the sum of twenty-five dollars when and
so often as he shall
shipping an
Inefficient laecar, knowingly ship or supply an inefficient lascar as a
seaman on board any ship or vessel,
ORDINANCE No. 13 of 1845.
Ghaut Serang-Lasears.
4. And be it further enacted and ordained, that no master or owner of any
shall ship or receive on board his or their vessel any lascar, until the
Harbour Master
shall have inspected him, and attached his the Harbour Master's signature
to the
shipping agreement of every such lascar; and that every such master or
owner so
shipping a lascar seaman without such signature so attached shall for
etch offence be
liable to a penalty not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars.
5. And it is hereby further enacted and ordained, that all penalties
imposed by
this Ordinance shall be recoverable in a summary manner before the Marine
o£ the said Colony, and be applied to the public purposes thereof.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1852.]
Title [See Ord. No. 2 of 1848.]
[For interpretation of 'Lascar,' See Ord. No. 4 of 1864.]
No person to act as ghant serang, or lodge or ship lascars without licence.
Serang to establish boarding-houses, and cause registry of their inmates to be made.
Ghant serang to furnish, for approval of the Government in Council, a scale of charges, and expose same for public inspection.
Penalty on the serang for knowingly shipping an inefficient lascar.
No lascar to be shipped until the Harbour Master shall have inspected him and slgned the shipping agreement.
Penalties recoverable in a summary manner before the Marine Magistrate.
Ghaut $erang-Lascars.
No. 13 of 1845.
An Ordinance to establish a licensed Ghaut Serana in the Colony of
Hongkong, and for the better Regulation of Lascars resorting thereto.
[25th October, 1845.
HEREAS it is expedient that lascars resorting to the said Colony should
according to usage, the aid and superintendence of a gbaut serang, and
that Legislative provision should be made as respects them and such
serang :-
[For inttrprettY
tion of S~Laacar;'
See Ord. No. 4 W
of 1846.1
No person to act ' 1. Be it therefore enacted and ordained by the
Governor of Hongkong, with the
as ghant sarasg,
or lodge orehip advice of the Legislative Council thereof, that from and
after the passing of this Ordi-
laecare without
licence. nanee no person shall act as a ghaut serang, or lodge, or ship,
or contract for the
shipping of lascaxs in, the said Island, or the harbour thereof, without
first having
obtained from the Colonial Secretary of said Island an annual licence for
that purpose,
in whose discretion it shall be to grant or disallow the same, and that a
sum of two
hundred dollars shall be payable on the issuing of every such licence,
and that every
person acting as ghaut serang, or lodging, or shipping, or contracting
for the shipping
of any lascar, without such licence, shall be liable, for each offence,
to a penalty not
exceeding one hundred dollars.
2. And be it further enacted and ordained, that every such licensed
serang shall
establish, for the use of said lascars, one or more boarding-houses, for
each of which
houses he shall take out and procure a separate licence from the said
Colonial Secretary,
which, however, shall be granted on payment of a fee of twenty-five
dollars; and that
when and so often as any person acting as such serang shall receive into
any of said
houses, as a boarder ox lodger, any lascar or other seaman, he shall,
within twenty-
four hours after the period of reception, cause the name of such lascar
or seaman to
be recorded in the office of the Registrar General, together with the
fact of his having
become such boarder or inmate of said house, and whereupon the said
Registrar shall
issue a certificate of such circumstances: Provided always, that previous
to or upon
said serang obtaining such licence, he shall submit, for the inspection
and approval of
the said Governor and Legislative Council, a table or scale of all the
charges which are
to be made against every such lasear, for boarding, lodging, or shipping;
and that no
greater sum shall be received or demanded, on the foot thereof, by such
serang; and
that a true copy or translation, in Hindostanee, of such approved table,
shall be hung
up in some conspicuous part of each of the boarding-houses herein
mentioned, as also
in the Harbour Master's office: And it is further provided, that in the
event of such
serang not complying with any of the directions or provisions of this
section, he shall
be liable to a penalty not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars for each
and sense
regletry of their
ia'nmtea to be
Ghent serang to
approval of the
Government in
Council, a scale of
changes, and
expose same for
public inspection.
Penalty on the 3. And be it further enacted and ordained, that the said
serang shall be liable to
knowingly & penalty not exceeding the sum of twenty-five dollars when and
so often as he shall
shipping an
Inefficient laecar, knowingly ship or supply an inefficient lascar as a
seaman on board any ship or vessel,
ORDINANCE No. 13 of 1845.
Ghaut Serang-Lasears.
4. And be it further enacted and ordained, that no master or owner of any
shall ship or receive on board his or their vessel any lascar, until the
Harbour Master
shall have inspected him, and attached his the Harbour Master's signature
to the
shipping agreement of every such lascar; and that every such master or
owner so
shipping a lascar seaman without such signature so attached shall for
etch offence be
liable to a penalty not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars.
5. And it is hereby further enacted and ordained, that all penalties
imposed by
this Ordinance shall be recoverable in a summary manner before the Marine
o£ the said Colony, and be applied to the public purposes thereof.
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1852.]
Title [See Ord. No. 2 of 1848.]
[For interpretation of 'Lascar,' See Ord. No. 4 of 1864.]
No person to act as ghant serang, or lodge or ship lascars without licence.
Serang to establish boarding-houses, and cause registry of their inmates to be made.
Ghant serang to furnish, for approval of the Government in Council, a scale of charges, and expose same for public inspection.
Penalty on the serang for knowingly shipping an inefficient lascar.
No lascar to be shipped until the Harbour Master shall have inspected him and slgned the shipping agreement.
Penalties recoverable in a summary manner before the Marine Magistrate.
Title [See Ord. No. 2 of 1848.]
[For interpretation of 'Lascar,' See Ord. No. 4 of 1864.]
No person to act as ghant serang, or lodge or ship lascars without licence.
Serang to establish boarding-houses, and cause registry of their inmates to be made.
Ghant serang to furnish, for approval of the Government in Council, a scale of charges, and expose same for public inspection.
Penalty on the serang for knowingly shipping an inefficient lascar.
No lascar to be shipped until the Harbour Master shall have inspected him and slgned the shipping agreement.
Penalties recoverable in a summary manner before the Marine Magistrate.
[For interpretation of 'Lascar,' See Ord. No. 4 of 1864.]
No person to act as ghant serang, or lodge or ship lascars without licence.
Serang to establish boarding-houses, and cause registry of their inmates to be made.
Ghant serang to furnish, for approval of the Government in Council, a scale of charges, and expose same for public inspection.
Penalty on the serang for knowingly shipping an inefficient lascar.
No lascar to be shipped until the Harbour Master shall have inspected him and slgned the shipping agreement.
Penalties recoverable in a summary manner before the Marine Magistrate.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 13 of 1845
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“GHAUT SERANG AND LASCARS ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed November 8, 2024,