Section Page
1. Short title ..........................2
2. Interpretation .......................2
3. Incorporation ........................2
4. Objects of the Assembly ..............3
5. Powers of the Assembly ...............3
6. Assembly to exercise powers in accordance with the constitution 3
7. Execution of documents ...............3
8. Vesting of properties, etc . .........4
9. Saying of employees of the company ...5
10. References in documents to the company 5
11. Dissolution of the company ..........5
12. Service of documents on the Assembly ............. 5
13. Saving ...............................5
First Schedule. Constitution .............6
Second Schedule. Properties vested ......10
To provide for the incorporation of the Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Hong
Kong and to provide for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.
[17 June 19881
Originally 42 of 1988
Short title
1. This Ordinance may be cited as The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of
Hong Kong Incorporation Ordinance.
2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires-
'Assembly' means the Spiritual Assembly for the time being elected by the
members of the Bana'i community of Hong Kong in accordance with the
'company' means the company incorporated under the Companies Ordinance (Cap.
32) and registered under that Ordinance by the name of 'The National Spiritual
Assembly of the Baha'is of Hong Kong';
tlconstitution' means the constitution of the Assembly as set forth in the First
Schedule and any amendments thereto made from time to time in accordance
with such constitution;
'contract of employment' means a contract of employment, whether express or
implied and, if express, whether oral or in writing;
,,employee' means
(a)in relation to the company, a person who works for the company under a
contract of employment; and
(b)in relation to the Assembly, a person who works for the Assembly under
a contract of employment and includes a person who was, immediately
before the commencement of this Ordinance, a person referred to in
paragraph (a).
3. The Assembly shall be a body corporate under the name of 'The Spiritual
Assembly of the Baha'is of Hong Kong' with exclusive right to use that name in
Hong Kong and in that name shall have perpetual succession and may sue and be
sued and shall have and may use a common seal.
Objects of the Assembly
4. The objects of the Assembly and its members shall be to administer the
affairs of the Cause of Baha'u'llah for the benefit of the Baha'is of Hong Kong
according to the principles of Baha'i affiliation and administration created and
established by Baha'u'Ilah, Founder of the Baha'i Faith, by 'Abdu'l-Baha, its
Interpreter and Exemplar, by shoghi Effendi, its Guardian and for the Assembly and
its members to carry out on behalf of themselves and their successors the sacred
Trust and religious standard established by Baha'u'llah for Baha'i administrative
bodies in the words: 'Be ye Trustees of the Merciful One among men' and to seek
the help of God and His guidance in order to fulfil that exhortation.
Powers of the Assembly
5. The Assembly shall have power-
(a)to acquire, take on lease, purchase, hold and enjoy property, movable or
immovable, and sell, let or otherwise dispose of or deal with such
(b) to enter into any contract;
(C)to apply for and receive sponsorships, receive gifts, whether on trust or
otherwise, and act as trustee of moneys or other property vested in it on
(d)to grant, sell, carvey assign, surrender, exchange, partition, yield up,
mortgage, demise, reassign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any lands,
buildings, messuages or tenements, mortgages, debentures, stocks,
shares, securities, goods or chattels vested in the Assembly on such
terms as the Assembly may deem fit; and
(e)generally to do all such other things as may appear to be incidental or
conducive to the furtherance of its objects.
Assembly to exercise powers in accordance
with the constitution
6. (1) The Assembly shall be subject to the control of the constitution and
shall exercise its powers in accordance with such constitution.
(2) The constitution of the Assembly may be amended at any time and from
time to time in accordance with its provisions for the time being in force.
(3) Any amendment of the constitution shall be effective upon-
(a)a copy thereof, certified by the Secretary of the Assembly or a member
thereof acting as Secretary, being lodged with the Registrar of
Companies; and
(b) such amendment being published in the Gazette..
Execution of documents
7. All documents requiring the seal of the Assembly shall be sealed with its
common seal in the presence of two members of the Assembly and shall be signed
by such two members and the Secretary for the time being, and such
signing shall be prima facie evidence that the said seal was duly affixed and that
the same is the lawful seal of the Assembly.
Vesting of properties, etc.
8. (1) On and from the commencement of this Ordinance-
(a)all those pieces or parcels of land specified in the Second Schedule
which immediately prior to the commencement of this Ordinance were
vested in the company together with all rights, easements and appurte-
nances thereto shall vest in the Assembly for the unexpired residues of
the respective terms of years created by the Crown Leases or Condi-
tions of Grant specified opposite each such piece or parcel, subject to
the payment of the rent and performance and observance of the
covenants and conditions reserved by and contained in the said Crown
Leases and Conditions of Grant, and subject to such leases, tenancies,
easements and other rights as may be subsisting in relation to the
premises upon the commencement of this Ordinance;
(b)all moneys and liquidated and unliquidated claims that, immediately
before that commencement, were payable to or recoverable by the
company shall be moneys and liquidated and unliquidated claims
payable to or recoverable by the Assembly;
(c)all proceedings commenced before that commencement by the com-
pany and pending immediately before that commencement shall
be deemed to be proceedings pending by the -Assembly and all
proceedings so commenced by any person against the company and
pending immediately before the commencement shall be deemed to be
proceedings pending by that person against the Assembly;
(d)all contracts, agreements, arrangements and undertakings entered into
with, and all securities lawfully given to or by, the company and in
force immediately before that commencement shall be deemed to be
contracts, agreements, arrangements and undertakings entered into
with and securities given to or by the Assembly;
(e)the Assembly may, in addition to pursuing any other remedies or
exercising any other powers that may be available to it, pursue the
same remedies for the recovery of money and claims referred to in this
section and for the prosecution of actions and proceedings so referred
to as the company might have done but for this Ordinance;
the Assembly may enforce and realize any security or charge existing
immediately before that commencement in favour of the company and
may exercise any powers thereby conferred on the company as if the
security or charge were a security or charge in favour of the Assembly;
(g)all debts, money and claims, liquidated and unliquidated, that, im-
mediately before the commencement, were due or payable by, or
recoverable against, the company shall be debts due by, money
payable by and claims recoverable against, the Assembly.
(2) No stamp duty shall be payable in respect of any vesting under this
section of movable or immovable property.
Saving of employees of the company
9. Any person who was, immediately before the commencement of this
Ordinance, an employee of the company shall, on and from that commencement, be
an employee of the Assembly on the same terms and conditions as he was an
employee of the company immediately before that commencement.
References in documents to the company
10. (1) On and from the commencement of this Ordinance, a reference in any
document to the company or an employee of the company shall be a reference to
(a) in the case of the company, the Assembly; and
(b)in the case of an employee of the company, an employee of the
(2) For the purposes of this section 'document' does not include any
document which relates to the incorporation of the company.
Dissolution of the company
11. (1) On the commencement of this Ordinance, the company shall,
nothwithstanding to the contrary in its constitution governing the
g any provision winding up or dissolution of the company and
notwithstanding the provisions of any other Ordinance, be deemed to be dissolved
under section 291A(1) of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) as if, on that
commencement, the High Court had made an order under that section that the
company be struck off the register and dissolved and, accordingly, the Registrar of
Companies shall, on that commencement, or so soon thereafter as is possible, strike
the company off the register.
(2) For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that
(a) section 29 1 A(2) ofthe Companies Ordinance shall not apply; and
(b) section 291 B of the Companies Ordinance shall apply,
to the company.
Service of documents on the Assembly
12. The Assembly shall at all times have a fixed address for service of
documents on the Assembly and notice of such address or any change thereof
shall be forwarded to the Registrar of Companies.
13. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect or be deemed to affect the rights of
Her Majesty the Queen, Her Heirs or Successors or the rights of any body politic or
corporate or of any other persons except such as are mentioned or referred to in this
Ordinance and those claiming by, through, from or under them.
FIRST SCHEDULE [ss. 2 and 61
1. In this constitution, unless the context otherwise requires-
'Assembly' means the Spiritual Assembly for the time being elected by the members of the
Baha'i community of Hong Kong in accordance with the constitution;
'authorized area' means a locality the boundaries of which have been or from time to time may
be defined or redefined by the Assembly;
local spiritual assembly' means the assembly elected by voting members in any authorized area
by the Baha'is resident therein and recognized by the Assembly;
'recognized' means
(a)in relation to a person, recognized by the Assembly as a member in good standing ofthe
Baha'i Faith by virtue of possessing the qualifications set out in paragraph 3;
(b)in relation to a local spiritual assembly, recognized by the Assembly as duly and validly
elected by voting members from within its authorized area;
'Trust' means the exhortation of Baha'u'llah that the elected members ofthe Assembly shall
strive to achieve the exalted religious standard established by Baha'u'llah: 'Be ye Trustees of
the Merciful One among men';
voting member' means any person ofthe age of 21 or over recognized by either the Assembly
or a local spiritual assembly, including citizens of foreign countries whose transfers to the
Baha'i community of Hong Kong have been recognized by the Assembly.
Powers of
2. The Assembly, in the fulfilment of its sacred duties under this Trust, shall have exclusive
jurisdiction and authority over all the activities and affairs of the Baha'i Faith throughout Hong
Kong, including paramount authority in the administration of this Trust. It shall endeavour to
stimulate, unify and co-ordinate the manifold activities of the local spiritual assemblies and of
individual Baha'is in Hong Kong and by all possible means assist them to promote the oneness of
mankind. It shall be charged with determining whether local spiritual assemblies shall be
recognized, the scrutiny of all membership rolls, the calling ofthe Annual Meeting or special
meetings and the seating of delegates to the Annual Meeting and their apportionment among the
various electoral districts. It shall appoint all regional Baha'i committees and shall supervise the
publication and distribution of Baha'i literature, the reviewing of all writings pertaining to the
Baha'i Faith, the construction and administration of the Mashriqu'l-AdlIkar and its accessory
activities, and the collection and disbursement of all funds for the carrying on of this Trust. It
shall decide whether any matter lies within its own jurisdiction or within the jurisdiction of any
local spiritual assembly. It shall, in such cases as it considers suitable and necessary, entertain
appeals from the decisions of local spiritual assemblies and shall have the right of final decision
in all cases where the qualification of an individual or group for continued voting rights and
membership in the Baha'i Faith, community or institution is in question. It shall furthermore
represent the Baha'is of Hong Kong in all their co-operative and spiritual activities with the
Baha'is of other lands, and shall constitute the sole electoral body of Hong Kong in the election
of the Universal House of Justice provided for in the Sacred Writings of the Baha'i Faith. Above
all, the Assembly shall ever seek to attain that station of unity in devotion to the Revelation of
Baha'u'llah: which will attract the confirmations of the Holy Spirit and enable the Assembly to
serve the founding of the Most Great Peace. In all its deliberations and action the Assembly shall
have constantly before it as Divine guide and standard the utterance of Baha'u'llah:
'It behooveth them (i.e., members of spiritual assemblies) to be the trusted ones of the
Merciful among men and to regard themselves as the guardians appointed of God for all that
dwell on earth. It is incumbent upon them to take counsel together and to have regard for
the interests of the servants of God, for His sake, even as they regard their own interests,
and to choose that which is meet and seemly.'
3. The Baha'is of Hong Kong, for whose benefit this Trust is established shall consist of all
persons of the age of 15 years or over resident in Hong Kong who are accepted by the'
Assembly as possessing the qualifications of Baha'i faith and practice required under the
following standard set forth by the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith
'Full recognition of the station of the Bad, the Forerunner, Baha'u'llah, the Author and
of 'Abdu'l-Baha, the True Exemplar of the Baha'i religion; unreserved acceptance of, and
submission to, whatsoever has been revealed by their Pen; loyal and steadfast adherence to
every clause of 'Abdu'I-Baha's sacred Will; and close association with the spirit as well as the
form of Baha'i administration throughout the world.'
Those residing in the area of jurisdiction of any local spiritual assembly recognized by the
Assembly may declare their faith to, and be enrolled by, the local spiritual assembly; those living
outside any such area of local Baha'i jurisdiction shall be enrolled in such manner as shall be
prescribed by the Assembly.
Composition of the
4. The Assembly shall consist of nine members chosen from among the voting members of
the Baha'i community of Hong Kong, who shall be elected by the voting members in the manner
hereinafter provided, and who shall hold office for the term of one year, or until their successors
are elected.
Officers of the
5. The officers of the Assembly shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and
Treasurer and such other officers as may be found necessary for the proper conduct of its
affairs. The officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the entire membership of the
Assembly taken by secret ballot.
Meetings and transaction of business by circulation of
6. The first meeting of a newly-elected Assembly shall be called by the member elected to
membership by the highest number of votes or, in case two or more members have received the
same highest number of votes, then by the member selected by lot from among of those
Members; and this member shall preside until the permanent Chairman shall be chosen. All
subsequent meetings shall be called by the Secretary of the Assembly at the request of the
Chairman -or, in his absence or incapacity, of the Vice-Chairman, or of any three members of
the Assembly; provided, however, that the Annual Meeting of the Assembly shall be held at a
time and place to be fixed by a majority vote of the Assembly, as hereinafter provided. The
Assembly may transact any of its business by circulation of papers amongst members (whether
any such member is inside or outside H Hong Kong), and a resolution in writing which is
approved in writing by not less than five members of the Assembly shall be as valid and effectual
as if it had been passed by a meeting of the Assembly.
7. Five members of the Assembly present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum, and a
majority vote of those present and constituting a quorum shall be sufficient for the conduct of
business, except as otherwise provided in this constitution, and with due regard to the principle
of unity and cordial fellowship involved in the institution of a Baha'i spiritual assembly. The
decisions and transactions of the Assembly shall be recorded at each meeting by the Secretary,
who shall supply copies of the minutes to the Assembly members after each meeting, and
preserve the minutes in the official records of the Assembly.
Local spiritual
8. (1) Whenever in any authorized area, the number of voting members exceeds nine, they
shall on 2 1st April of any year convene and elect by plurality vote a local administrative body
of nine members, to be known as the Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of that community.
Every such local spiritual assembly shall be elected annually thereafter upon each successive 21st
April.. The members shall hold office for the term of one year or until their successors are
elected and qualified. When, however, the number of Baha'is in any such authorized area is
exactly nine, they shall on April 21st of any year, or in successive years, constitute themselves
the local spiritual assembly by joint declaration. Upon the recognition of such declaration by the
Secretary of the Assembly, the said body of nine shall become established with the rights,
privileges and duties of a local spiritual assembly.
(2) Each newly-elected local spiritual assembly shall at once proceed in the manner-
indicated in paragraphs 5 and 6 to the election of its officers, who shall consist of a Chairman,
Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, and such other officers as the Assembly finds necessary
for the conduct of its business and the fulfilment of its spiritual duties. Immediately thereafter
the Secretary chosen shall transmit to the Secretary of the Assembly the names of the members
of the newly-elected local spiritual assembly and a list of its officers.
(3) The general powers and duties of a local spiritual assembly shall be as set forth in the
writings of Balia'u'llah,'Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi.
(4) Among its more specific duties, a local spiritual assembly shall have jurisdiction of all
Baha'i activities and affairs within the local community, subject, however, to the exclusive and
paramount authority of the Assembly as defined herein.
(5) Vacancies in the membership of a local spiritual assembly shall be filled by election at a
special meeting of the voting members then living within that authorized area duly called for
that purpose by the Assembly. In the event that the number of vacancies exceeds four, making a
quorum of the local spiritual assembly impossible, the election shall be held under the supervision
of the Assembly.
(6) The business of the local spiritual assembly shall be conducted in like manner as
provided for the deliberations of the Assembly in paragraph 6.
(7) The local spiritual assembly shall pass upon and approve the qualifications of each
member of the Baha'i community before such member shall be admitted as a voting member or
thereafter removed as a voting member; but where an individual is dissatisfied with the ruling of
the local spiritual assembly upon his status as a voting member, such individual may appeal from
the ruling to the Assembly, which shall thereupon take jurisdiction of and finally decide the case.
(8) On or before the 1st November of each year the Secretary of each local spiritual
assembly shall send to the Secretary of the Assembly a duly certified list of the voting members
of the local Baha'i community for the information and approval of the Assembly.
(9) All matters arising within a local Baha'i community which are of purely local interest
and do not affect the interest of the Baha'i Faith in the area of Hong Kong as a whole shall be
under the primary jurisdiction of the local spiritual assembly of that authorized area; but the
decision whether a particular matter involves the interest and welfare of the entire Baha'i
community of Hong Kong or other Baha'i communities shall rest with the Assembly.
(10) Any member of a local Baha'i community may appeal from a decision of his local
spiritual assembly to the Assembly, which shall determine whether it shall take jurisdiction of the
matter or leave it to the local spiritual assembly for reconsideration. In the event that the
Assembly assumes jurisdiction of the matter, its findings shall be final.
(11) Where any dissension exists within a local Baha'i community of such character that it
cannot be remedied by the efforts of the local spiritual assembly, this condition shall be referred
by the local spiritual assembly for consideration to the Assembly, whose action in the matter
shall be final.
(12) All questions arising between two or more local spiritual assemblies, or between
members of difrerent Baha'i communities, shall be submitted to the Assembly, which shall have
original and final jurisdiction in all such matters.
(13) The sphere of jurisdiction of a local spiritual assembly, with respect to residential
qualification of membership, and voting rights of a believer in any Baha'i community, shall be
the locality included within the authorized area.
(14) All differences of opinion concerning the sphere of jurisdiction of any local spiritual
assembly or concerning the affiliation of any Baha'i or group of Baha'is in Hong Kong shall be
referred to the Assembly, whose decision in the matter shall be final.
Annual Convention
9. (1) The members of the Assembly shall be elected at an annual meeting to be known as
the Annual Convention of the Baha'is of Hong Kong. This Convention shall be held at a time
and place to be fixed by the Assembly. The Annual Convention shall be composed jointly of
representatives chosen by the Baha'is of each authorized area, under the principle of
proportionate representation, and the members of the Assembly.
(2) Notice of the Annual Convention shall be given by the Assembly sixty days in advance
in the Annual Convention Call which sets forth the number of delegates assigned to the various
authorized areas in proportion to the number of Baha'is resident in each such area, up to a total
number of at least 38 delegates for the Baha'is of Hong Kong or such larger number of delegates
as the Assembly shall from time to time establish.
(3) All delegates to the Annual Convention shall be elected by plurality vote by the voting
members resident in the authorized area at times and places set by the Assembly. Baha'is who for
illness or other unavoidable reasons are unable to be present at the election in person shall have
the right to transmit their ballots to the meeting by mail. The meeting held in each authorized
area for
the election of delegates shall be called by the Assembly and conducted by the Baha'is present
under whatever procedure may be uniformly laid down by said body. Immediately after the
meeting a certified report of the election containing the name and address of each delegate shall
be transmitted to the Assembly.
(4) All delegates to be seated at the Annual Convention must be recognized Baha'is, voting
members and residents of the authorized area represented by them.
(5) The rights and privileges of a delegate may not be assigned nor may they be exercised
by proxy.
(6) The recognition and seating of delegates to the Annual Convention shall be vested in
the Assembly.
(7) Delegates unable to be present in person at the Annual Convention shall have the right
to transmit their ballots for election of the members of the Assembly under whatever procedure
is adopted by the Assembly.
(8) If in any year the Assembly shall consider that it is impracticable or unwise to assemble
together the delegates to the Annual Convention, the Assembly shall provide ways and means
by which the annual election and the other essential business of the Annual Convention may be
conducted by mail.
(9) The presiding officer of the Assembly present at the Annual Convention shall call
together the delegates, who after roll call shall proceed to the permanent organization of the
meeting, electing by ballot a Chairman, a Secretary and such other officers as are necessary for
the proper conduct of the business of the Annual Convention.
(10) The principal business of the Annual Convention shall be consultation on Baha'i
activities, plans and policies, and the election of the nine members of the Assembly. Members
of the Assembly, whether or not elected delegates, may take a full part in the consultation and
discussion but only delegates may participate in the election of Annual Convention officers or
in the annual election of the members of the Assembly. All action by the delegates, other than
the organization of the Annual Convention and the election of the Assembly, shall constitute
advice and recommendation for consideration by the Assembly, final decision on all matters
concerning the affairs of the Baha'i Faith in Hong Kong being vested solely in that body.
(11) The general order of business to be taken up at the Annual Convention shall be
prepared by the Assembly in the form of an agenda, but any matter pertaining to the Baha'i
Faith introduced by any of the delegates may upon motion and vote be taken up as part of the
Convention deliberations.
(12) The election of the members of the Assembly shall be by plurality vote of the
delegates recognized by the outgoing Assembly, i.e., the members elected shall be the nine
persons receiving the greatest number of votes on the first ballot cast by delegates present at the
Annual Convention and delegates whose ballots have been transmitted to the Secretary of the
Assembly by mail. In case, by reason of a tie vote or votes, the full membership is not
determined on the first ballot, then one or more additional ballots shall be taken on the persons
tied until all nine members are elected.
(13) All business transacted at the Annual Convention shall be recorded and preserved in
the records of the Assembly.
(14) Vacancies in the membership of the Assembly shall be filled by a plurality vote of the
delegates composing the Annual Convention which elected the Assembly, the ballot to be taken
by correspondence or in any other manner decided upon by the Assembly.
Power to vest in the
10. Whatever functions and powers are not specifically attributed to local spiritual
assemblies in this constitution shall be considered vested in the Assembly, which body is
authorized to delegate such discretionary functions and powers as it deems necessary and
advisable to the local spiritual assemblies within its jurisdiction.
Method of selection of
11. In order to preserve the spiritual character and purpose of Baha'i elections, the practice
of nominations or any other electoral method detrimental to a silent and prayerful election shall
not prevail, so that each elector may vote for none but those whom prayer and reflection have
inspired him to uphold.
Duties of members of
12. Among the most outstanding and sacred duties incumbent upon those who have been
called upon to initiate, direct and co-ordinate the affairs of the Baha'i Faith as members of local,
regional or national spiritual assemblies are to win by every means in their power the confidence
and affection of those whom it is their privilege to serve; to investigate and acquaint themselves
with the considered views, the prevailing sentiments and the personal convictions of those
whose welfare it is their solemn obligation to promote; to purge their deliberations and the
general conduct of their affairs of self-contained aloofness, the suspicion of secrecy, the stifling
atmosphere of dictatorial assertiveness and of every word and deed that may savour of
partiality, self-centredness and prejudice; and while retaining the sacred right of final decision in
their hands, to invite discussion, ventilate grievances, welcome advice, and foster the sense of
inter-dependence and co-partnership, of understanding and mutual confidence between
themselves and all other Baha'is.
Amendment of the
13. This constitution may be amended by majority vote of the Assembly at any of its
regular or special meetings, provided that at least fourteen days prior to the date fixed for the
said meeting a copy of the proposed amendment or amendments is mailed to each member of
the Assembly by the Secretary.
Item Description Held Under
1. 1/720th equal and undivided share of and in Conditions of Re-Grant
Kowloon Inland Lot No. 8219 and the Extension No. 7135 and Conditions of
thereto Extension No. 8555
2. Lot 1703 in Lamma Demarcation District 3 New Grant No. 4466
3. 40/960th equal undivided shares of and in the Crown Lease dated
Remaining Portion of Section P of Inland Lot 23rd July 1902
No. 1149 and the Remaining Portion of Inland
Lot No. 1149
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“THE SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY OF THE BAHA'IS OF HONG KONG INCORPORATION ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 17, 2025,