To provide for the management of the Yan Chai Hospital andfor the
incorporation of the Board of Directors of the Hospital.
[12 October 1962.1
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Yan Chai Hospital
2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires
'Board of Directors' means the Board of Directors for the time being of
the hospital;
'constitution' means the constitution of the hospital;
'hospital' means the Yan Chai Hospital.
3. (1) There shall be established a Board of Directors of the
hospital, which shall consist of such persons, not being less than 15
nor more than 40 in number, as may be nominated by the Secretary for
Health and Welfare.
(2) The Secretary for Health and Welfare may at any time remove
from office any person nominated under subsection (1), and may
nominate some other person to fill the vacancy caused by the removal
of such person from office.
(3) The Secretary for Health and Welfare shall approve a
constitution, which shall thereafter govern, subject to the provisions of
this Ordinance, all matters concerning the appointment, resignation or
removal of members of the Board of Directors and all other matters
concerning the financing, construction and management of the hospital.
(4) A copy of the constitution, signed by the chairman of the
Board of Directors, shall be filed with the Registrar of Companies.
(Amended, L.N. 370181, L.N. 14183 and L.N. 18183)
4. [Repealed, 26 of 1978, s. 21
5. The Board of Directors, hereinafter called the corporation, shall
be a body corporate subject to the constitution and shall have
perpetual succession in the name of the 'Yan Chai Hospital', and in
that name may sue and be sued and shall have and may use a common
6. (1) The corporation shall have power to acquire, accept leases
of, purchase, take, hold and enjoy any lands, buildings, messuages or
tenements of what nature or kind soever and whereso-
ever situate in the Colony, and also to invest money on mortgage of any
lands, buildings, debentures, stocks, funds, shares or securities of any
corporation or company carrying on business or having an office in the
Colony and also to purchase and acquire all goods and chattels of what
nature or kind soever. (Amended, 74 of 1974, s. 3)
(2) The corporation shall further have power to grant, sell, convey,
assign, surrender, exchange, partition, yield up, mortgage, demise,
reassign, transfer or otherwise dispose of any lands, buildings,
messuages or tenements, mortgages, debentures, stocks, shares,
securities, goods or chattels vested in the corporation on such terms as
to the corporation may deem fit.
(3) The powers conferred by this section shall only be exercised for
the purpose of endowing, supporting, maintaining, carrying on or
otherwise promoting or furthering the work of the corporation as
specified in the articles of the constitution.
7. (1) The corporation may from time to time amend the constitution
by resolution passed by a majority of not less than three-quarters of the
directors for the time being:
Provided that the consent in writing of the Secretary for Health and
Welfare shall be obtained prior to the introduction of any such
resolution. (Amended. L.N. 370181, L.N. 14183 and L.N. 18183)
(2) A copy, signed by the chairman of the Board of Directors, of
every such amendment shall within 7 days after the passing of the
resolution effecting the same be filed with the Registrar of Companies.
8. The constitution shall make provision for the appointment of an
executive committee, which shall be responsible for the day to day
administration of the hospital; and the corporation shall be deemed to
have delegated to such executive committee upon appointment in
accordance with the constitution such of its powers and functions as
are necessary to enable such committee to carry on efficiently such day
to day administration and may in addition thereto delegate to such
committee such other of its powers and functions as it may consider
9. Any deed, document or other instrument requiring the seal of the
corporation shall be sealed with its common seal in the presence of 2
members of the Board of Directors and shall also be signed by them and
such signing shall be taken as sufficient prima facie evidence of the due
sealing of such deed, document or other instrument.
10. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect or be deemed to affect the
rights of Her Majesty the Queen, Her Heirs or Successors, or the rights
of any body politic or corporate or of any other persons except such as
are mentioned in this Ordinance and those claiming by, from or under
Originally 41 of 1962. L.N. 94/74. 74 of 1974. 26 of 1978. L.N. 370/81. L.N. 14/83. L.N. 18/83. Short title. Interpretation. Establishment of Board of Directors and approval of constitution. Incorporation. Powers of the corporation. Amendment of constitution. Executive committee. Use of common seal. Saving.
Originally 41 of 1962. L.N. 94/74. 74 of 1974. 26 of 1978. L.N. 370/81. L.N. 14/83. L.N. 18/83. Short title. Interpretation. Establishment of Board of Directors and approval of constitution. Incorporation. Powers of the corporation. Amendment of constitution. Executive committee. Use of common seal. Saving.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“YAN CHAI HOSPITAL ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/3583.