(Cap. 1102, section 6).
[25th May. 1962.]
1. These regulations may be cited as the St. Paul's College Council
2. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires
'Chairman' means the Chairman of the corporation;
'College' means the St. Paul's College.,
'corporation' means the St. Paul's College Council incorporated under
section 3 of the Ordinance.,
ttregulations' means the regulations of the corporation approved from
time to time. by its members for the time being in accordance with
the regulations for the time being in operation.
3. (1) The corporation shall be composed as follows
(a) ex officio members
(i) the Bishop for the time being of Victoria. Hong Kong,
who shall be Chairman;
(ii) the person for the time being occupying the position of
Principal of the College, who shall be the Secretary of the
(iii) the person for the time being occupying the position of
Chairman of the St. Paul's College Alumni Association;
(iv) the Vicar for the time being of the Parish in which the
College is situate;
(b) nominated members
(i) two persons nominated by the Synod of the Diocese of
Hong Kong and Macao, or by its Standing Committee;
(ii) three persons nominated by the St. Paul's College
Alumni Association;
(iii) one person nominated by the Master and Fellows of St.
John's College;
(iv) four lay representatives of the Chung Hua Sheng Kung
Hui, one each nominated by
(I) St. John's Cathedral;
(II) St. Paul's Church;
(III) St. Stephen's Church.
(IV) St. Mary's Church; and
(c) co-opted members-
such other persons not exceeding four in number, at any
time, as may be co-opted by the corporation from -time to time.
(2) For the purpose of the nomination mentioned in subparagraphs
(b) and (c) of paragraph (1), a copy of a Minute of the Synod of the
Diocese of Hong Kong and Macao, or of its Standing Committee, of the
St. Paul's College Alumni Association, of the Master and Fellows
Meeting at St. John's College, of the Vestries of the Churches specified,
and of the corporation respectively that the person has been nominated
a member of the corporation shall be sufficient evidence of the
(3) A member of the corporation, other than an ex officio member,
shall vacate office
(a)if he shall fail to attend three successive meetings of the
(b)if he ceases to reside in Hong Kong for six calendar months
without leave from the corporation; or
(c)at the expiration of one year from the date of his nomination,
but shall be eligible for re-nomination.
(4) A member of the corporation for the time being shall continue to
act, in spite of the expiration of his term of office, until his successor
shall have been appointed.
4. (1) There shall be at least three ordinary meetings of the
corporation in each year.
(2) A special meeting of the corporation may be called by the
Chairman at any time and shall be called at the request of at least three
members of the corporation.
(3) No meeting shall be valid unless at least six members of the
corporation are present in person, of whom one is either a person
nominated by the Synod of the Diocese of Hong Kong and Macao or
the Chairman. .
(4) All meetings of the corporation shall be held in Hong Kong,
either at the College or at such convenient place as shall be agreed upon
by the corporation, or named in the notice convening the meeting.
(5) The Chairman shall at every meeting or, in his absence, a
Chairman elected from amongst those present shall preside.
(6) At every Meeting the Principal, as Secretary of the corporation,
shall act as Secretary. In his absence the Acting Principal shall act as
Secretary, or the meeting may appoint a Secretary from amongst those
(7) The corporation may by resolution passed by two-thirds
majority of the members present at any such meeting from time
to time make and amend such regulations as they may at their
discretion deem desirable for the administration of the corporation
and the management of the premises and property of the corpora-
tion of whatever description:
Provided that no amendment be made to regulation 3. 4. 5, or
6 except with the prior consent of the Diocesan Synod of the
Diocese of Hong Kong and Macao, or of its Standing Committee.
(8) All other business brought before the meeting shall be
decided by a majority of votes of the members present and willing
to vote. and in case of an equality of votes the Chairman of the
meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
(9) Minutes of the proceedings of every meeting of the cor-
poration shall be entered in a book to be kept for that purpose and
after confirmation signed by the Chairman of such meeting or of
the following meeting, and shall when so entered and signed be
prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated.
(10) In the case of ordinary meetings, the Secretary of the
corporation shall decide the date on which it will be held, and he
shall send a notice to each member of the corporation at least
seven days before the holding of the meeting. In the case of special
meetings the Secretary shall likewise after receipt of the request
aforesaid send a notice to each memberof the corporation at least
seven days before the holding of the meeting.
5. The functions of the corporation shall be-
(a)to provide and maintain all necessary buildings and lands,
furniture, equipment and apparatus for the use of the
(b)to take all measures necessary for raising funds and for
carrying on the work and administering the affairs of the
College and the corporation;
(c)to recommend to the Bishop for the time being of Vic-
toria. Hong Kong, a suitable candidate for the position
of Principal of the College;
(d)to appoint from amongst its members an Honorary
(e)to appoint an auditor for auditing the accounts of the
(f) to confirm all appointments of staff made by the Principal
and to terminate such appointments;
(g)to fix the salaries and emoluments of the Principal,
assistant masters, clerks, servants and any other persons
employed by the College;
(h)to fix the scale of fees and other charges to be paid by the
(i)to make, revoke and alter regulations for the procedure of the
corporation and for the management of the corporation.
6. (1) The Bishop for the time being of Victoria, Hong Kong, shall,
upon the recommendation of the corporation, appoint, or terminate the
appointment of the Principal, who shall be a member of the Chung Hua
Sheng Kung Hui, or a Church in communion therewith. During the
temporary absence of the Principal the corporation may appoint an
Acting Principal who shall, while acting, be a member of the corporation.
If the corporation shall have failed to recommend a person acceptable to
the Bishop for the time being of Victoria, Hong Kong, as the Principal of
the College within the period of six months from the date of vacancy of
the post the Bishop for the time being of Victoria, Hong Kong, shall
have the sole right to appoint the Principal to fill the vacancy.
(2) The Principal, or in his absence the Acting Principal, shall
be responsible for the appointment of all members of staff, such
appointment being subject to confirmation by the corporation.,
and for the internal management and discipline of the College and
shall present a report thereon to the corporation not later than
November in each year.
(3) The Principal, or in his absence the Acting Principal, shall be
responsible for the payment of all receipts of the College into the credit
of an account in an approved bank as soon as conveniently may be, and
all cheques on this account shall be signed as may be directed from time
to time by the corporation.
(4) The corporation may at any time and from time to time delegate
any of its powers and functions to the Principal.
7. (1) For the purposes of the Education Ordinance, the following
members of the corporation shall be registered as Managers of the
(a) the Bishop for the time being of Victoria, Hong Kong;
(b)the person for the time being occupying the position of
Principal of the College;
(c)the Vicar for the time being of the Parish in which the College
is situated.
(2) For the same purposes the Principal of the College shall also be
registered as Supervisor of the schools.
(3) The registered Managers and Supervisor are legally responsible
to Government for the administration of the schools, but in any case in
which they must act on behalf of the corporation.
they must comply with the regulations and decisions of the
8. (1) The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the general
supervision of the finances. He shall arrange for the accounts to be
audited by such person as shall be appointed for that purpose by the
corporation and shall present a report thereon to the corporation as
soon as possible after the close of the financial year.
(2) In every year whenever possible the corporation shall set aside
a sum to the credit of a reserve fund as provision for extension,
maintaining or replacing buildings, or for unforeseen circumstances.
9. (1) All cheques drawn on the banking accounts of the
corporation and all orders for payment, promissory notes, and other
negotiable instruments made or issued by the corporation shall be
signed by the Principal, or in his absence by the Acting Principal. and,
in addition, either by the Treasurer of the corporation or the Secretary of
the College. or by such other person or persons as the corporation shall
from time to time appoint.
(2) All other contracts and instruments entered into by the
corporation in the ordinary course of business shall be signed by the
Chairman and the Principal. or such other person or persons as the
corporation shall from time to time appoint.
16 of 1962. Schedule. Citation. Interpreation. Composition of the corporation. Proceedings of the corporation. Functions of the corporation. The Principal. Managers and Supervisor. (Cap. 279.) Finance. Signature of document.
16 of 1962. Schedule. Citation. Interpreation. Composition of the corporation. Proceedings of the corporation. Functions of the corporation. The Principal. Managers and Supervisor. (Cap. 279.) Finance. Signature of document.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“ST. PAUL'S COLLEGE COUNCIL REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed January 31, 2025,