Section Page
1. Short title ..........................2
2. Interpretation .......................2
3. Establishment and vesting of fund ....3
4. Objects of the fund ..................3
5. Establishment of committee ...........3
6. Standing orders of committee .........4
7. Secretary ............................4
8. Power to solicit and take donations and bequests 4
9. Borrowing powers .....................5
10. Accounts ............................5
11. Investments .........................5
12. Cost of administration ..............5
13. Saving ..............................5
establish a trust fund for the training of social workers.
[18 August 19611
Originally 34 of 1961 R. Ed. 1964, L.N. 226176, L.N. 16177,15 of1988
(a)The United Kingdom Committee For World Refugee Year has given to the
Government the sum of $2,200,000.00 to inaugurate a fund to be applied in
the provision of training facilities for social workers and for persons
desirous of becoming social workers;
(b)of the said sum of $2,200,000.00, the sum of $19,939.06 has been expended
for such purpose, leaving a balance of $2,180,060.94; and
(c) it is considered expedient to vest the said balance of $2,180,060.94 in
the Director of Social Welfare Incorporated as trustee and to provide
for the administration, by a committee appointed for that purpose, of
the said balance and of any further sums added thereto:
Short title
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Social Work Training Fund Ordinance.
2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires-
'committee' means the Social Work Training Fund Committee established by
section 5;
'fund' means the Social Work Training Fund established by section 3,
'secretary' means the secretary of the committee appointed under section 7;
,,social work' means any activity which, in the opinion of the committee, is
concerned with the maintenance or improvement of the social and personal
well-being, recreation or conditions of living of persons resident in Hong Kong
but does not include any training or activity necessary for the purpose of
obtaining registration under the provisions of the Dentists Registration
Ordinance (Cap. 156), the Medical Registration Ordinance (Cap. 161), the
Midwives Registration Ordinance (Cap. 162), the Nurses Registration
Ordinance (Cap. 164), or the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279); (Amended 15 of
1988 s. 4)
,social worker' means a person who is trained for or employed in or engaged in any
social work;
'trustee' means the Director of Social Welfare Incorporated as trustee of the fund.
Establishment and vesting of fund
3. (1) There is hereby established a trust fund to be known as the Social Work
Training Fund which is hereby vested in the Director of Social Welfare
Incorporated, a body corporate incorporated under and by virtue of the Director of
Social Welfare Incorporation Ordinance (Cap. 1096), as trustee.
(2) The fund shall consist of-
(a)the sum of $2,180,060.94 being the balance of the sum paid to the
Government by The United Kingdom Committee For World Refugee Year,
together with any interest thereon up to the date of coming into operation
of this Ordinance; and
(b)any further donations or bequests at any time made to the fund and
accepted by the committee.
Objects of the fund
4. (1) The trustee shall hold and stand possessed of the fund subject to such
direction and control by the committee as is provided in this Ordinance and subject
to and in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance upon trust to apply the
income thereof and, subject as is hereinafter provided, to apply the capital thereof--
(a)in making grants to individuals for the purpose of study and training as
social workers, including payment of passages, travel and subsistence
allowances and other incidental expenses;
(b) in improving existing training facilities for social workers;
(c)in running of courses for social workers and payment of any necessary
expenses in connection therewith;
(d)in the training of persons for social work in Hong Kong and in obtaining
advice about such training; and
(e)for any other purpose connected therewith, designed to improve the
training and skill of social, workers in Hong Kong. (Amended 15 of
(2) The trustee, subject to the direction of the committee, may apply for such
purposes any income of the fund and any capital of the fund which has been
obtained by the accumulation of income in any previous year but may not apply
any other part of the capital of the fund for any such purpose without the prior
consent of the Governor.
Establishment of committee
5. (1) For the management of the fund, there shall be established a committee to
be known as the Social Work Training Fund Committee which shall consist of
(a)the Director of Social Welfare who shall be the Chairman of the
(b) (Repealed 15 of 1988 s. 2)
(c) the Director of Education or his nominee; and
(d)such other members not exceeding 3 as may be appointed by the
(2) A member appointed by the Governor shall hold office for 3 years or such
lesser period as may be stipulated by the Governor from the date of his appointment
and may be reappointed or removed by the Governor at his pleasure.
(3) If a member appointed under subsection (1)(d) is absent from Hong Kong,
the Governor may appoint another person to replace such member during his
absence. (Amended 15 of 1988 s. 4)
(4) The quorum necessary for the transaction of business by the committee
may be fixed by standing orders made under section 6 and unless so fixed shall be 3
members. (Amended 15 of 1988 s. 2)
Standing orders of committee
6. (1) The committee may make standing orders-
(a)governing the procedure of the committee in the transaction of business;
(b) for the maintenance of good order at meetings of the committee; and
(c) generally for matters relating to the administration and management of the
fund and the discharge of the duties of the committee.
(2) A copy of every standing order made under subsection (1) shall be
furnished to the Chief Secretary and every standing order shall be subject to
disallowance by the Governor. (AmendedL.N. 226176)
(3) All questions arising at any meeting of the committee shall be decided by a
majority of votes of members present and, in the case of an equality of votes, the
Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his original vote.
7. (1) There shall be a secretary to the committee who shall be appointed by
the Governor.
(2) The secretary shall summon such meetings of the committee as may be
required of which he shall give to each member thereof not less than 7 days' notice
with an agenda.
(3) The secretary shall maintain minutes of each meeting of the committee.
Power to solicit and take donations and bequests
8. The committee may solicit and accept on behalf of the trustee donations and
bequests to the fund.
Borrowing powers
9. The trustee may borrow such sums of money at such rates of interest
and subject to such terms or conditions as the committee may direct for the
furtherance of any of the purposes specified in section 4, and, with the prior
consent of the Governor, may charge the capital and assets of the fund as
security for the repayment thereof.
10. (1) The trustee shall cause proper accounts to be kept of all transac-
tions of the fund and shall cause to be prepared for every period of 12 months
ending on 31 March in each year, a statement of the accounts of the fund, which
statement shall include an income and expenditure account and balance sheet
and shall be signed by the trustee.
(2) The accounts of the fund and the signed statement of the accounts
shall be audited by an auditor appointed by the Governor and the auditor shall
certify such statement subject to such report, if any, as he may think fit.
(3) A copy of the signed and audited statement of accounts together with
the auditor's report, if any, and a report by the trustee on the administration of
the fund during the period covered by the audited accounts shall be laid upon
the table of the Legislative Council not later than 31 December next following
the end of such period or so soon thereafter as the Governor in his absolute
discretion may allow. (Amended 15 of 1988 s. 3)
11. The trustee may invest any moneys in such investments, whether or
not such investments are trust investments, as the committee may direct subject,
in the case of investments which are not trust investments, to the prior approval
of the Financial Secretary and may remit moneys comprised in the fund through
the Director of Accounting Services to the Crown Agents for investment in the
name of the trustee.
(AmendedL.N. 16177)
Cost of administration
12. The cost of the administration of the fund shall be a charge on the
general revenue of Hong Kong:
Provided that the Financial Secretary may direct that an annual supervi-
sion fee to be determined by him shall be charged against the income of the fund
and paid into the general revenue of Hong Kong.
(Amended 15 of 1988 s. 4)
13. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect or be deemed to affect the rights
of Her Majesty the Queen, Her Heirs or Successors, or the rights of any body
politic or corporate or of any other persons except such as are mentioned in this
Ordinance and those claiming by, from or under them.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“SOCIAL WORK TRAINING FUND ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 1, 2025,