To provide for the incorporation of the Financial Secretary under the
title of The Financial Secretary Incorporated.
(Replaced, 33 of 1939, Supp. Schedule; G.N. 840/40. Amend-
ed, L.N. 180/85)
[17 October 1930.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Financial Secretary
Incorporation Ordinance.
(Amended, L.N. 180/85)
2. The person for the time being performing the duties of the office
of Financial Secretary shall be a corporation sole, hereinafter called the
corporation, and shall have the name of 'The Financial Secretary,
Incorporated', and by that name shall have perpetual succession, with
a capacity to acquire, whether as purchaser, mortgagee or otherwise,
and hold in that name lands, government securities, shares in any
private or public company, debentures, stocks, funds, securities for
money and real and personal property of every description, to grant,
sell, convey. assign, surrender, exchange, partition, yield up, mortgage,
demise, reconvey, reassign, transfer or otherwise deal with and dispose
of any property of any nature whatsoever, to execute deeds, using an
official seal, to enter into engagements binding on himself and his
successors in office and to do all other acts necessary or expedient to
be done in the execution of the duties of his office.
(Amended, 33 of 1939, Supp. Schedule; G.N. 840/40; 18 of
1957, Third Schedule; 2 of 1965, s. 2 and L.N. 180/85)
3. Notwithstanding any change in the occupant of the corporation,
whether on account of death, departure on leave, return from leave,
temporary employment elsewhere, resumption of duties, new
appointment or other cause whatsoever, and notwithstanding the nature
of the property or rights, all property and rights whatsoever, transferred
to the corporation, or to any occupant of the corporation as such, in any
manner whatsoever, shall vest or remain vested in the corporation so as
to be capable of being dealt with by the occupant of the corporation for
the time being and shall not vest in any occupant in his natural or
personal capacity or pass to the personal representative of any
4. The occupant of the corporation for the time being may in
writing delegate to any public officer, either generally or for any
particular occasion and by name or by reference to a public office, such
of his powers and functions under this Ordinance as he considers
necessary (except this power of delegation).
(Added, 2 of 1965, s. 3)
5. Any deed purporting to be sealed with the said official seal and
to be signed by or on behalf of the occupant of the corporation for the
time being, and any other documents, instruments and writings
purporting to be so signed, shall be receivable in evidence of the
particulars stated in such document.
(Amended, 2 of 1965, s. 4)
6. If any question arises as to who is or was at any time the
occupant of the corporation for the time being, a certificate under the
hand of the Chief Secretary shall be conclusive evidence for all
purposes whatsoever as to the person who is or was the occupant.
7. (1) Where at any time by reason of the death of any person,
being a person to whom, as Governor or as an officer of the Government
of the Colony, any property of any nature whatsoever has been
transferred for and on behalf of the said Government, the legal estate or
any interest in such property has passed or passes on such death to the
personal representative of such person, it shall be lawful for the
Governor at any time to declare such legal estate or interest vested in
the corporation and thereupon such legal estate or interest shall vest
accordingly without any conveyance, assignment or transfer.
(2) In like manner where at any time the legal estate or any interest
in any property of any nature whatsoever is held or possessed for and
on behalf of the said Government by any person who, having held office
in the Colony as a Governor or as a Government officer, has vacated his
office otherwise than by death, it shall be lawful for the Governor at any
time to declare such legal estate or interest vested in the corporation
and thereupon such legal estate or interest shall vest accordingly
without any conveyance, assignment or transfer. (Amended, 25 of 1930,
s. 4(7))
(3) A certificate under the hand of the Chief Secretary shall be
conclusive evidence for all purposes whatsoever as to the interest of the
Government of the Colony, as to any such death or vacating of office, as
to the making by the Governor of any such declaration and as to the
vesting of the legal estate or interest in the property therein mentioned
in the corporation.
Originally 15 of 1930. (Cap. 278, 1950.) 25 of 1930. 33 of 1939. 18 of 1957. 2 of 1965. L.N. 180/85. Short title. Incorporation of the Financial Secretary, and powers. 1876 c. 18. S. 1. Property and rights transferred to corporation to vest or remain vested in corporation and not to pass to personal representative of occupant. Power of Financial Secretary to delagate powers. Deeds, etc., to be receivable in evidence. 1876 c. 18, s. 1. Evidence as to the identity of the occupant of the corporation. Vesting of legal estate or interest in corporation in certain cases.
Originally 15 of 1930. (Cap. 278, 1950.) 25 of 1930. 33 of 1939. 18 of 1957. 2 of 1965. L.N. 180/85. Short title. Incorporation of the Financial Secretary, and powers. 1876 c. 18. S. 1. Property and rights transferred to corporation to vest or remain vested in corporation and not to pass to personal representative of occupant. Power of Financial Secretary to delagate powers. Deeds, etc., to be receivable in evidence. 1876 c. 18, s. 1. Evidence as to the identity of the occupant of the corporation. Vesting of legal estate or interest in corporation in certain cases.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“FINANCIAL SECRETARY INCORPORATION ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 3, 2025,