ORDINANCE N©. J or .1875.
11 Stores.
No. 9 of 1875.
An Ordinance for the more effectual Protection of Her Majesty's
Naval Stores.
[ I 3th J uly, 1 875. ]
BIi; it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
o,islat ' ~ il thereof, as follows:-
1. Council.
3. This Ordinance may be cited as ' The Naval Stores Ordinance, short
title, :'
fflOn~li0na, 1$7J.'
2. In this Ordinance:- rnterpreta.
Lion of terries.
«'rne Admi-
The term ''rhe Adqiirvlty ' means the Lord High Admiral
of the United Kingdom, or the Coalrnissioners for executing
the office of Lord Hiah Admiral, and shall be deemed to include
the officer in command of^lIer Majesty's naval forces in the
Colony. ~ -
The term 'I)caler in Marine Stores' means a person 11 Dealer in
dealing in buying and selling anchors, cables, nails, or old junk, Mere ='
old iron, or marine stores of any description.
The term ' Dealer in Old Metals ' shall wean any person « Dealer in
dealing in buying and selling old metal, scrap metal, broken
Old Metals.'.
metal, or partly manufactured metal hoods, or defaced or old
metal goods, and whether such person deals in such articles
only, or together with second hand hoods or marine stores;
and the term ' Old iVletal ' shall mean the said articles.
The term ' In Her Majesty's Service,' when. applied to « m Her
persons, applies also to persons in the employment of the service:'
The term ' Stores ' includes all goods and chattels and « stores.'
any single store or article.
31V'o person shall, after the commencement of this Ordinance, use Licence
carry on the
trade of a
dealer in ma-
rine stores or
old meal
or exercise the trade or business of a dealer in marine stores, or a
in, old metals, unless- he be the holder of a licence for that purpose.
9ranted by and held at the discretion
of the ,Governor on such. conditions as to fees and subject to such
tons as shall, froirr time to 'tinze, be prescribed by the Governor in
Licences to
be granted by
the Governor
subject, &c.
'YovaZ $5torea.,
Holder of ~ Every dealer in marine stores to whom a licence shall have
books, ago. granted shall keep a book or hooks fairly written, and shall
enter therein
an account of all such marine stares, or old metal, as he may, froth time
to time, become possessed of, stating in respect of each article the time
at which and the person from whom he purchased of received the came,
adding in the case of every such last mentioned person a description of
his'business and place of abode.
inspection of g, every person to whom such licence shall have been granted
.~«~as't~' whensoever thereunto required by any Superintendent or
Inspector of
Police, or by 'any other member of the Police force, bearing a written
order in that behalf under the hand of a Superintendent, produce for the
inspection of the party so requiring him all or any marine stores or old
' metal in his possession, or subject to his control, and all boobs .and
- papers relating to the same.
7. If any person acts in contravention of the provisions contained
in sec'tions 3, 5, on 6, or any regulation made under section 4, he shall
be liable, on summary conviction before a Magistrate, to a'penalty not
E exceeding two hundred dollars, or to be imprisoned for any term not
exceeding three months, with or without hard labour.
nrarxs in $. The marks described in the schedule to this Ordinance may be
appropriated applied in ot on stores therein described to denote Ides
Majesty's property
for Her
Majesty's in stores so marked.
stores. It shall be lawful for the Admiralty, their contractors, officers,
workmen, to apply the said marks, or any of them, in- or on any such
stores as are described in the said schedule. .
rmstRtion a If any person, without lawful authority (proof of which
acithority, -
shall lie on the party accused), applies any of the said marks in or on .
any such stores, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable
to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without -
hard labour. °
Obliteration ~, If any person, with intent to conceal Her- Aiajesty's
property' irt~
with intent to
conceal Her an yT stores, takes out, destroys, or oblitet%tes, wholly or
in part any such': .
~~it~;t~i ~v. mark as aforesaid, he shall be guilty of felony; and shall
be liable; in the
discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term not
exceeding four years, or to be imprisoned for any term ~ not exceeding,
two years, with or without hard labour,'' and with or without solitary.
OIL DIN ANCE No. 9 of 18 7 5.
Naval Stores.
10. If stores are found in the possession or keeping of a person
being in Her TNIajesty's service, or in the service of the Admiralty, or
being a dealer in marine stores, or in old metals, or a pawnbroker (within
the meaning of any enactments for the time being in force relating to
such dealers, or to pawnbrokers), and he is taken or summoned before a
Magistrate, and the Magistrate sees reasonable grounds for believing the
stores found to be or to have been Her Majesty's property, then if such
person does not satisfy the Magistrate that he came lawfully by the
stores found, he shall be liable, on summary conviction before a Magis-
trate, ,to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars.
For the purposes of this section, stores shall be deemed to be in the
possession or keeping of any person, if he knowingly has them in the
actual possession or keeping of any other person, or in any house,
lodging, apartment, field, of place, open or inclosed, whether occupied
by himself or not, and whether the same are so had for his own use or
benefit, or for the use or benefit of another.
11. It shall loot be lawful, for any person, without permission in
writing from the Admiralty, or from some person authori4d by the
Admiralty in that behalf (proof of which permission shall lie on the party
accused), to gather or search for stores, or to creep, sweep, or dredge,
the harbour of Victoria within one hundred yards .front any vessel belong-
ing to Her Majesty, or in Her Majesty's service, or from any mooring
place or anchoring place appropriated to such vessels, or from any
'moorings belonging to Her Majesty, or from any of Her Majesty's
wharves, or dock, victualling, or steam factory yards.
If any person acts in contravention of this provision, he shall
be liable, on summary conviction before a, Magistrate, to a penalty not
exceeding twenty-five dollars, or to be imprisoned for any term not
exceeding three months, with or without hard labour.
12. The following sections of .Ordinance No. 7 of 1865 being ' .An
Ordinance to- consolidate and amend the Enactments in force in this
Colony relating to Larceny and, other similar Offences,' shall be mcor-
porated -with this Ordinance, and shall, for the purposes of this
be read as if they were bZre re-enacted, namely; sections 81 to 83, 86,
and 90 to 99 all inclusive; and for this purpose the expression ' this
Ordinance,' when used in the said incorporated sections, shall be taken
to include the present Ordinance.
Penalty oil
dealer &c.,
found in
possession of
stores, and not
for them.
No U tiaut:ho'-
ized person to
creep, sweep,
&e., for stores
within 100
yards of any
of Her
Vessels, &c.
Sections 81,
82, 83, 86, 88,
90 to 99 of
No. 7 of 1865,
with this
Wot'to pre-
vent persons .
under this
ORDINANCE No. 9 0F 1875.
Natal Stores.
13. NOthin~ in this Ordinance shall prevent any person from being
indicted under this Ordinance or otherwise for any indictable offe4ice
made punishable on summary conviction by this Ordinance, or prevent
any person from being liabh: under any other Ordinance or otherwise to
any other or higher penalty or punishment than is provided for any
offence her this Ordinance so that no person bL punished twice; for the
. e offence.
14. '-'flee \ anal and Yictrx.illiiy Stores Ordinance (I3on~kon~ )
1867' is hereby repealed, but this repeal shall not affect any offence,
or think committed or done before the commencement of this Ordinance.
Marks appnopriaEed for filer Majesty's use in or opt Naval and
Yictualling Stores. -
.lKempe;i cordage and mire
Canvas, fearnought, hammocks, and sea-!
Candles, . . . . . .. . . . . ... .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . , . . . . .
.. . .. . . .
'Timber, metal, and other stores not before
enumerated . 1 The Broad Arrow:
White, black, or coloured worsted threads
laid up with the yarns and the wire
A blue line in a serpentine form.
A.louble tape in the warp.
Blue or red cotton threads in each wick.
or wicks of red cotton.
-Regulations made by the .r4d7ninistrator in n 'Council, the 14th,day of
October, 1876, under Ordinance No. 9 of 1875.
1, The fee for each licence to use or exercise the trade or business of a
dealer in
marine stores, or a dealer in old metals, shall be $15 per nwnsem,
payable in advance.
2. All persons who shall trade or deal in marine stores or old metals
shall have
their names with words ' Dealer in Marine Stores,.or Old Metals ' painted
distinctly, in
letters not less than 31 inches in length on a board to be hang up
conspicuously in front
of their shops.
ORDINANCE No.,9 of l8?5.
xVazal Stores.
3. The said houses may only be .open from the 1 st October to the 1 st
April from fi
a. ;r. to f r.-vr., and from the 1st April to the 1st October from 6 ax.
to i 1'.3r.
4. No article of metal, or, any marine store, shall be purchased from a.
child appar-
ently under 14 years of age.
5. The name of every seller, the house number, name of street, and
district in which
lie dwells together with an intelligible description of the article and
time at which it yeas
sold, with price paid, shall be entered in the books'of the shop, which
shall be kept in
the form and manner hereinafter shown in form A-or in such other form as
the Governo
may direct.
g. No escapes through the roof of a licensed house shall be allowed.
7. No other trade oi, business shall be carried on in a licensed marine
or old metal
No. of
Date or Time.
Name of
Seller.( Business.
Residence and
No. of Street.
of Goods.'
Order of the Governor in Council of tlw 21st day of .tune, .l877.
Whereas by ' The Naval Stores Ordinance (Honbhong) I8 i 5,' it is enacted
that rio
person should, after the commencement of that Ordinance, use or exercise
the trade or
:business of~ a dealer ;in marine stores, or a dealer in old metals,-
unless he be a holder of
a licence for that,purpose; and that every such licence should, be
granted by and held at
the discretion of the Governor, on, such conditions as to fees, and
subject to such regula-
tion,s, as should, from' time to time, -be prescribed by the Governor in
Council, Now,
.therefor<eHis Excellency JoHrr PorE HrirrNEssy, Esquire, C.f~LG., in
Council, by virtue
of the,powers in that behalf ~y the recited Ordinance or otherwise in him
crested, is,
pleased to order,-that the regulations made by' His Excellency Sir
MACDONhELL in.Council, on the 28th day of September, 1867, under 'The
Naval and
--Victualling Stores Ordinance (Hongkong) 186i,' shall remain and
continue in force?
tinder the said recited Ordinance of 18'75, until further notice.
Ordinance No. 9 of 1875.
Naval Stores.
The following are the regulations which axe continued in force by the above Order
in Council :--
1. The fee for each licence to use or exercise the trade or business of a
in marine stores, or a dealer in old metals, shall be old per mensem, pay-
able in advance.
2. All persons who shall trade or deal in marine stores, or old metals,
have their names with the words 11 Dealer in Marine Stores, or Old
painted distinctly, in letters not less than 3-1 inches in length, on a
to be hung up conspicuously in front of their shops.
3. The said houses may only be open, from the 1st October -to the 1st
from G A.M. to S r.:rr.-; and from the 1 st April to the 1 st October,
from 5
A.M. to 7 r.3t.
4. No article of metal, or any marine stale, shall be purchased from a
` apparently under 14 years of ape.
5. The name of every seller, the house number, and district in which ho
together with an intelligible description of the article and time at
which it
was sold, with price paid, shall be entered in the books of the shop,
shalt 1>o kept in such form and manner as may, from time to time, be
directed by the Captain Superintendent of Police.
G. No escapes through tire roof oI a licensed house :-hall be allowed.
i . The proprietor of each licensed house shall be held responsible
for~arry breach
Of those reo111at14rIS, or of the Ordinance.
Short title.
Interpretation of terms.
'The Admiralty.'
'Dealer in Marine Stores.'
'In Her Majesty's Service.'
Licence to carry on the trade of a dealer in marine stores or old metal necessary.
Licences to be granted by the Governor subject, &c.
Holder of licence to keep books, &c.
Inspection of goods, books, &c.
Marks in schedule appropriated for Her Majesty's stores.
Imitation a misdemeanor.
Obliteration with intent to conceal Her Majesty's property, felony.
Penalty on dealer &c., found in possession of stores, and not accounting for them.
No unauthorized person to creep, sweep, &c., for stores within 100 yards of any of Her Majesty's vessels, &c.
Sections 81, 82, 83, 86, 88, 90 to 99 of Ordinance No. 7 of 1865, incorporated with this Ordinance.
Not to prevent persons being indicted under this Ordinance, &c.
11 Stores.
No. 9 of 1875.
An Ordinance for the more effectual Protection of Her Majesty's
Naval Stores.
[ I 3th J uly, 1 875. ]
BIi; it enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the
o,islat ' ~ il thereof, as follows:-
1. Council.
3. This Ordinance may be cited as ' The Naval Stores Ordinance, short
title, :'
fflOn~li0na, 1$7J.'
2. In this Ordinance:- rnterpreta.
Lion of terries.
«'rne Admi-
The term ''rhe Adqiirvlty ' means the Lord High Admiral
of the United Kingdom, or the Coalrnissioners for executing
the office of Lord Hiah Admiral, and shall be deemed to include
the officer in command of^lIer Majesty's naval forces in the
Colony. ~ -
The term 'I)caler in Marine Stores' means a person 11 Dealer in
dealing in buying and selling anchors, cables, nails, or old junk, Mere ='
old iron, or marine stores of any description.
The term ' Dealer in Old Metals ' shall wean any person « Dealer in
dealing in buying and selling old metal, scrap metal, broken
Old Metals.'.
metal, or partly manufactured metal hoods, or defaced or old
metal goods, and whether such person deals in such articles
only, or together with second hand hoods or marine stores;
and the term ' Old iVletal ' shall mean the said articles.
The term ' In Her Majesty's Service,' when. applied to « m Her
persons, applies also to persons in the employment of the service:'
The term ' Stores ' includes all goods and chattels and « stores.'
any single store or article.
31V'o person shall, after the commencement of this Ordinance, use Licence
carry on the
trade of a
dealer in ma-
rine stores or
old meal
or exercise the trade or business of a dealer in marine stores, or a
in, old metals, unless- he be the holder of a licence for that purpose.
9ranted by and held at the discretion
of the ,Governor on such. conditions as to fees and subject to such
tons as shall, froirr time to 'tinze, be prescribed by the Governor in
Licences to
be granted by
the Governor
subject, &c.
'YovaZ $5torea.,
Holder of ~ Every dealer in marine stores to whom a licence shall have
books, ago. granted shall keep a book or hooks fairly written, and shall
enter therein
an account of all such marine stares, or old metal, as he may, froth time
to time, become possessed of, stating in respect of each article the time
at which and the person from whom he purchased of received the came,
adding in the case of every such last mentioned person a description of
his'business and place of abode.
inspection of g, every person to whom such licence shall have been granted
.~«~as't~' whensoever thereunto required by any Superintendent or
Inspector of
Police, or by 'any other member of the Police force, bearing a written
order in that behalf under the hand of a Superintendent, produce for the
inspection of the party so requiring him all or any marine stores or old
' metal in his possession, or subject to his control, and all boobs .and
- papers relating to the same.
7. If any person acts in contravention of the provisions contained
in sec'tions 3, 5, on 6, or any regulation made under section 4, he shall
be liable, on summary conviction before a Magistrate, to a'penalty not
E exceeding two hundred dollars, or to be imprisoned for any term not
exceeding three months, with or without hard labour.
nrarxs in $. The marks described in the schedule to this Ordinance may be
appropriated applied in ot on stores therein described to denote Ides
Majesty's property
for Her
Majesty's in stores so marked.
stores. It shall be lawful for the Admiralty, their contractors, officers,
workmen, to apply the said marks, or any of them, in- or on any such
stores as are described in the said schedule. .
rmstRtion a If any person, without lawful authority (proof of which
acithority, -
shall lie on the party accused), applies any of the said marks in or on .
any such stores, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable
to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without -
hard labour. °
Obliteration ~, If any person, with intent to conceal Her- Aiajesty's
property' irt~
with intent to
conceal Her an yT stores, takes out, destroys, or oblitet%tes, wholly or
in part any such': .
~~it~;t~i ~v. mark as aforesaid, he shall be guilty of felony; and shall
be liable; in the
discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term not
exceeding four years, or to be imprisoned for any term ~ not exceeding,
two years, with or without hard labour,'' and with or without solitary.
OIL DIN ANCE No. 9 of 18 7 5.
Naval Stores.
10. If stores are found in the possession or keeping of a person
being in Her TNIajesty's service, or in the service of the Admiralty, or
being a dealer in marine stores, or in old metals, or a pawnbroker (within
the meaning of any enactments for the time being in force relating to
such dealers, or to pawnbrokers), and he is taken or summoned before a
Magistrate, and the Magistrate sees reasonable grounds for believing the
stores found to be or to have been Her Majesty's property, then if such
person does not satisfy the Magistrate that he came lawfully by the
stores found, he shall be liable, on summary conviction before a Magis-
trate, ,to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars.
For the purposes of this section, stores shall be deemed to be in the
possession or keeping of any person, if he knowingly has them in the
actual possession or keeping of any other person, or in any house,
lodging, apartment, field, of place, open or inclosed, whether occupied
by himself or not, and whether the same are so had for his own use or
benefit, or for the use or benefit of another.
11. It shall loot be lawful, for any person, without permission in
writing from the Admiralty, or from some person authori4d by the
Admiralty in that behalf (proof of which permission shall lie on the party
accused), to gather or search for stores, or to creep, sweep, or dredge,
the harbour of Victoria within one hundred yards .front any vessel belong-
ing to Her Majesty, or in Her Majesty's service, or from any mooring
place or anchoring place appropriated to such vessels, or from any
'moorings belonging to Her Majesty, or from any of Her Majesty's
wharves, or dock, victualling, or steam factory yards.
If any person acts in contravention of this provision, he shall
be liable, on summary conviction before a, Magistrate, to a penalty not
exceeding twenty-five dollars, or to be imprisoned for any term not
exceeding three months, with or without hard labour.
12. The following sections of .Ordinance No. 7 of 1865 being ' .An
Ordinance to- consolidate and amend the Enactments in force in this
Colony relating to Larceny and, other similar Offences,' shall be mcor-
porated -with this Ordinance, and shall, for the purposes of this
be read as if they were bZre re-enacted, namely; sections 81 to 83, 86,
and 90 to 99 all inclusive; and for this purpose the expression ' this
Ordinance,' when used in the said incorporated sections, shall be taken
to include the present Ordinance.
Penalty oil
dealer &c.,
found in
possession of
stores, and not
for them.
No U tiaut:ho'-
ized person to
creep, sweep,
&e., for stores
within 100
yards of any
of Her
Vessels, &c.
Sections 81,
82, 83, 86, 88,
90 to 99 of
No. 7 of 1865,
with this
Wot'to pre-
vent persons .
under this
ORDINANCE No. 9 0F 1875.
Natal Stores.
13. NOthin~ in this Ordinance shall prevent any person from being
indicted under this Ordinance or otherwise for any indictable offe4ice
made punishable on summary conviction by this Ordinance, or prevent
any person from being liabh: under any other Ordinance or otherwise to
any other or higher penalty or punishment than is provided for any
offence her this Ordinance so that no person bL punished twice; for the
. e offence.
14. '-'flee \ anal and Yictrx.illiiy Stores Ordinance (I3on~kon~ )
1867' is hereby repealed, but this repeal shall not affect any offence,
or think committed or done before the commencement of this Ordinance.
Marks appnopriaEed for filer Majesty's use in or opt Naval and
Yictualling Stores. -
.lKempe;i cordage and mire
Canvas, fearnought, hammocks, and sea-!
Candles, . . . . . .. . . . . ... .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . , . . . . .
.. . .. . . .
'Timber, metal, and other stores not before
enumerated . 1 The Broad Arrow:
White, black, or coloured worsted threads
laid up with the yarns and the wire
A blue line in a serpentine form.
A.louble tape in the warp.
Blue or red cotton threads in each wick.
or wicks of red cotton.
-Regulations made by the .r4d7ninistrator in n 'Council, the 14th,day of
October, 1876, under Ordinance No. 9 of 1875.
1, The fee for each licence to use or exercise the trade or business of a
dealer in
marine stores, or a dealer in old metals, shall be $15 per nwnsem,
payable in advance.
2. All persons who shall trade or deal in marine stores or old metals
shall have
their names with words ' Dealer in Marine Stores,.or Old Metals ' painted
distinctly, in
letters not less than 31 inches in length on a board to be hang up
conspicuously in front
of their shops.
ORDINANCE No.,9 of l8?5.
xVazal Stores.
3. The said houses may only be .open from the 1 st October to the 1 st
April from fi
a. ;r. to f r.-vr., and from the 1st April to the 1st October from 6 ax.
to i 1'.3r.
4. No article of metal, or, any marine store, shall be purchased from a.
child appar-
ently under 14 years of age.
5. The name of every seller, the house number, name of street, and
district in which
lie dwells together with an intelligible description of the article and
time at which it yeas
sold, with price paid, shall be entered in the books'of the shop, which
shall be kept in
the form and manner hereinafter shown in form A-or in such other form as
the Governo
may direct.
g. No escapes through the roof of a licensed house shall be allowed.
7. No other trade oi, business shall be carried on in a licensed marine
or old metal
No. of
Date or Time.
Name of
Seller.( Business.
Residence and
No. of Street.
of Goods.'
Order of the Governor in Council of tlw 21st day of .tune, .l877.
Whereas by ' The Naval Stores Ordinance (Honbhong) I8 i 5,' it is enacted
that rio
person should, after the commencement of that Ordinance, use or exercise
the trade or
:business of~ a dealer ;in marine stores, or a dealer in old metals,-
unless he be a holder of
a licence for that,purpose; and that every such licence should, be
granted by and held at
the discretion of the Governor, on, such conditions as to fees, and
subject to such regula-
tion,s, as should, from' time to time, -be prescribed by the Governor in
Council, Now,
.therefor<eHis Excellency JoHrr PorE HrirrNEssy, Esquire, C.f~LG., in
Council, by virtue
of the,powers in that behalf ~y the recited Ordinance or otherwise in him
crested, is,
pleased to order,-that the regulations made by' His Excellency Sir
MACDONhELL in.Council, on the 28th day of September, 1867, under 'The
Naval and
--Victualling Stores Ordinance (Hongkong) 186i,' shall remain and
continue in force?
tinder the said recited Ordinance of 18'75, until further notice.
Ordinance No. 9 of 1875.
Naval Stores.
The following are the regulations which axe continued in force by the above Order
in Council :--
1. The fee for each licence to use or exercise the trade or business of a
in marine stores, or a dealer in old metals, shall be old per mensem, pay-
able in advance.
2. All persons who shall trade or deal in marine stores, or old metals,
have their names with the words 11 Dealer in Marine Stores, or Old
painted distinctly, in letters not less than 3-1 inches in length, on a
to be hung up conspicuously in front of their shops.
3. The said houses may only be open, from the 1st October -to the 1st
from G A.M. to S r.:rr.-; and from the 1 st April to the 1 st October,
from 5
A.M. to 7 r.3t.
4. No article of metal, or any marine stale, shall be purchased from a
` apparently under 14 years of ape.
5. The name of every seller, the house number, and district in which ho
together with an intelligible description of the article and time at
which it
was sold, with price paid, shall be entered in the books of the shop,
shalt 1>o kept in such form and manner as may, from time to time, be
directed by the Captain Superintendent of Police.
G. No escapes through tire roof oI a licensed house :-hall be allowed.
i . The proprietor of each licensed house shall be held responsible
for~arry breach
Of those reo111at14rIS, or of the Ordinance.
Short title.
Interpretation of terms.
'The Admiralty.'
'Dealer in Marine Stores.'
'In Her Majesty's Service.'
Licence to carry on the trade of a dealer in marine stores or old metal necessary.
Licences to be granted by the Governor subject, &c.
Holder of licence to keep books, &c.
Inspection of goods, books, &c.
Marks in schedule appropriated for Her Majesty's stores.
Imitation a misdemeanor.
Obliteration with intent to conceal Her Majesty's property, felony.
Penalty on dealer &c., found in possession of stores, and not accounting for them.
No unauthorized person to creep, sweep, &c., for stores within 100 yards of any of Her Majesty's vessels, &c.
Sections 81, 82, 83, 86, 88, 90 to 99 of Ordinance No. 7 of 1865, incorporated with this Ordinance.
Not to prevent persons being indicted under this Ordinance, &c.
Short title.
Interpretation of terms.
'The Admiralty.'
'Dealer in Marine Stores.'
'In Her Majesty's Service.'
Licence to carry on the trade of a dealer in marine stores or old metal necessary.
Licences to be granted by the Governor subject, &c.
Holder of licence to keep books, &c.
Inspection of goods, books, &c.
Marks in schedule appropriated for Her Majesty's stores.
Imitation a misdemeanor.
Obliteration with intent to conceal Her Majesty's property, felony.
Penalty on dealer &c., found in possession of stores, and not accounting for them.
No unauthorized person to creep, sweep, &c., for stores within 100 yards of any of Her Majesty's vessels, &c.
Sections 81, 82, 83, 86, 88, 90 to 99 of Ordinance No. 7 of 1865, incorporated with this Ordinance.
Not to prevent persons being indicted under this Ordinance, &c.
Short title.
Interpretation of terms.
'The Admiralty.'
'Dealer in Marine Stores.'
'In Her Majesty's Service.'
Licence to carry on the trade of a dealer in marine stores or old metal necessary.
Licences to be granted by the Governor subject, &c.
Holder of licence to keep books, &c.
Inspection of goods, books, &c.
Marks in schedule appropriated for Her Majesty's stores.
Imitation a misdemeanor.
Obliteration with intent to conceal Her Majesty's property, felony.
Penalty on dealer &c., found in possession of stores, and not accounting for them.
No unauthorized person to creep, sweep, &c., for stores within 100 yards of any of Her Majesty's vessels, &c.
Sections 81, 82, 83, 86, 88, 90 to 99 of Ordinance No. 7 of 1865, incorporated with this Ordinance.
Not to prevent persons being indicted under this Ordinance, &c.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 9 of 1875
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“NAVAL STORES ORDINANCE (HONGKONG), 1875,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 24, 2025,