St. Paul's College.
No. 7 of 1875.
Any Ordinance to provide for the Devolution of the Site of St.
Paul's College, and to provide means for altering the
Statutes of the said. College.
[7th July, 1875.]
HERE A S, by Letters Patent dated the 11th day of May, 184;
Her Majesty did declare the city of Victoria, and all the territory
comprised within the island ofHonkonand its dependencies, to be the
Diocese of the Bishop named in the said -Letters Patent, and.of his sucees-
St. Paul's College.
sors, and to be called in all time the Diocese of-Victoria ; and did
the Church of St. John in the: said city to be a Cathedral Church, and
Bishop's See; and did appoint the Reverend George Smith, Doctor of
Divinity, to be ordained and consecrated Bishop of, the said See and
Diocese under the title of the Lord Bishop of Victoria
And whereas the statutes of St. Paul's College in Victoria were
approved by His Grace.the then Archbishop, of Canterbury, on the 15th
day, of October, 1849, and the said statutes provided amongst other
- That all property of every kind thereafter to be given, transferred,
or bequeathed to the purposes of the ,;college should be vested in the
Bishop of Victoria for the time being as constituted by Her Majesty°'s
Letters Patent a body corporate;
That the Government and enti-,e control of the college should be
vested in the Bishop of Victoria as ex o 'ccio warden, except so far as
jurisdiction or authority might be by him delegated to a sub-warden or
That it should be lawful for the Bishop of Victoria in conjunction
with the Archbishop of Canterbury for the tinge being to introduce such
a modification, alteration, or extension of the said statutes, as to them
jointly might seem fit
And whereas a Crown lease dated the 5th day of September, 1$51,
vas made between Her Majesty~of the one part, and the Right ILeverend
George Lord Bishop of Victoria, in the island of Hongkong, ex officio
warden, on behalf of the Church of England Missionary Institution known
as St. Paul's College of the other part, arid thereby the land therein
described (being inland lot No. seventy-six) with its appurtenances was
demised to the said Lord Bishop of Victoria, and his successors; being
:such Nvarden, to hold unto the said Lord IUishop of Victoria and
.successors being such warden fiat the, full term of nine hundred arid
ninety-nine years, commencing on the 19th;day of April, 1550, at the
yearly rent of one dollar
And in the said lease the said Lord Bishopsof Victoria as warden of
St: Paul'.s College, and for the wardens to be frc1n tiinesto
eovenan-ted with Her Majestyy to pay the said rent and all taxes, charges
.and impositions that should thereafter be'assessed or charged upon the
,aid, land. And -further that neither the sn'ei or warden, nor any.
413DIVANCE ~ No: T op 175.
St. Raul's College.
person, should during the said demise, use the said lands for any other
purpose than the promotion of the charitable designs and objects of the
said St. Paul's College, as they might be, from time to time, legally
established, without the previous licence of Her Majesty, her heirs,
successors, or assigns, signified by the Governor of the Colony, or other
person duly authorized in , that behalf
And whereas by Letters Patent dated the 14th clay of January, 186 7 ,
Fler Majesty did appoint the Reverend Charles Richard Alford, clerk,
master of arts, to be ordained and consecrated Lord Bishop of the said
See of Victoria, in succession to the said Bishop Smith, who had resigned:
And whereas by Letters Patent dated the Ist day of November, 1872,
after reciting the above mentioned Letters Patent, and that, the said See
and Bishopric had become vacant by the resignation of the said Bishop
Alford, Her Majesty was pleased to ftvol:e and determine the said recited
letters Patent of the 11th day of May, 1849, and of the 14th day of
,Jynuary, 1.867, and every clause, article, and thing therein contained
And whereas by the revocation of the said Letters Patent the said
fee and Bishopric of Victoria ceased to exist as theretofore constituted
And whereas it is therefore expedient to provide for the devolution
of the property comprised in the aforesaid Crown lease, andrto provide
means for altering the statutes of St. Paul's College to meet the state of
circumstances that now exists
And whereas the Right $reverendj John Shaw Burdon, doctor of
divinity, has been duly consecrared to be a Bishop of the Church of
England, and as such Bishop is residing and officiating in this Colony-,
ah d
as such Bishop and by the desire of His Grace the Archbishop of
4 Canterbury has undertaken the management of St. Paul's College and is
now discharging the duties of warden of the said college: Be it therefore
enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the ado~ice of the Legislative
Council thereof, as follows
1. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, the above recited
'Crown lease dated the 5th day of September, 1851, and all the portion-
of land therein -described-with its appurtenances, and St. Paul's College
and all other buildings erected on the said land shall vest in His Grace
the Archbishop of Canterbury !end his successors for all the unexpired
residue of the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years- cheated vby
The lease and
site of, St.
Paul's Col-
lege to vest in.
the Archbis-
hop of Canter-
bury and his .
ORDINANCE loo. ! . of 187.
,St. Paul's college.
said lease; upon and for the trusts, intents and purposes in the said
ezlwessed and declared, and subject to the covenants and conditions
therein contained, and the said Archbishop and his successors shall be-
deemecl to be the lessees of the said land as fully and effectually and
the same extent as if they h,Ld been originally named as lessees in the
said lease.
Bishop ' `~'7. The Right Reverend John Shaw Burdoi), the Bishop
is hereby famed Warden of St. Paul's College in Victoria, and by virtue-
Warden oi'
St. Paul's of such nomination may lawfully exercise and perform all the
powers and
College. duties conferred and imposed upon the Warden by the above recited
1>t~r~erty to statutes of the said college, and all hrororty belonging to
the college
Y`,r;r' him. (other than the land comprised in the aforesaid lease) shall,
upon the
passing of this Ordinance, vest in tllesaid Bishop as such Warden.
Alteration or 3, The Archbishop of Canterbury in conjunction with the
r1', eXi:;e'ng
Stnrvrv,>. Warden and the Colonial Secretary of the' Colony, or with
either of them _
in the absence or inability of the other, may alter the existing statutes-
of the college in such manner as they jointly think fit ; but so neverthe-
less that provision be made for the appointment and removal of future
murders, for the vesting of all property (other than the land comprised
in the aforesaid lease) belonging to or that may come to the college, and
for altering the statutes of the college; as occasion may, froth time to
Toe Bishop
ztjay resign or
be removed.
ment. Short
$, The Bishop afor esa,id may resign the twardenship by letter to thc-
Archbishop of Canterbury, an~ may be removed in the same manner as.-
wardens to be appointed under the statutes wheft altered.
If <L v.zeauey ~. In the event of a vacancy is the wnrdenship occurring
before the
occur before
the >tztures statutes are altered, all property belonging to the college
(other than the
proare rU land comprised in the aforesaid Iease) shc~tl thereupon vest'in
the .Colonia,i
vest in the
Colonial Secretary, to be by him transferred to such person as the
statutes when:
altered may direct.
, This Ordinance shall commence o$ the passing thereof, and u nay-
be cited for all purposes as 'The St. Paul's College Ordinance, 187 5.' _,
ORDINANCE No. ? of 1875.
St. Paul's College.
Statutes, Qs xraodified on the 26th. July, 1875, under Ordinance No. 7 of
of the Missionary Institution at Hongkong called St. Paul's
- College. Gaxetted 10th January, 1876.
A missionary college having been founded at Victoria, in the island of
principally by the pious liberality of a 'Brother and Sister' and by a
grant from the
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, aided by sums from various
donors and the status of the Episcopate in Hongkong having recently
undergone a
change which renders an alteration of the college statutes inevitable,
the following
modified statutes for the general government and internal regulation of
the institution
.are now promulgated in the place of the original statutes which received
the sanction
.of His Grace the Loi'd Archbishop of Canterbury upon the 15th day of
October, 1$49.
1. St. Paul's College at Victoria is primarily founded for the object of
traifiiry a
-body of native clergy and Christian teachers for the propagation of the
Gospel in China.
:according to the principles of the United Church of England and Ireland,
and under
the immediate control of a warden . appointed by His Grace the ,
Archbishop of
Canterbury. It shall, however, be lawful to admit to the benefits o£ the
college such
students, European as well as Native, as being educated inCconformity
with the doctrine
and discipline of the Church of England, shall afford, in the judgment of
the warden,
the hope of their diffusing through their example and influence the
blessing of
-Christianity and civilization.
2. All sums of money and boobs already given and property of every kind
to be given, transferred, or bequeathed to the purposes of the college,
shall be vested,
for the benefit of the said college, in the Archbishop of Canterbury and
his successors
and in the warden of the college for the time being, and in the
Archbishop alone during
a vacancy in.the office of warden.
3. The present warden of the college is the Right Reverend John Shaw
,'Bishop: he may resign his office by letter to the Archbishop of
Canterbury: and may
be removed at any time by .writing under the hand of the Archbishop. The
Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being shall have the nomination and
of all future wardens: and the wardens so appointed array resign their
office by letter
,as aforesaid, and may in life manner be removed at any time by writing
under the
hand of the Archbishop.
ORDINANCE ~ No..I .'OF, 1,.x7..-5.:
fit. Paul's College.
4.. The government and entire control of the college is vested in the
except so far as any jurisdiction or authority may be by liim.delegated
to a sub-warden
or ethers. Upon questions of grave importance, a reference may
nevertheless be made
to the Archbishop of Canterbury, whose decision shall be final. The
warden shall
forward to the Archbishop annual reports of the progress 'of the college,
and. of the
state of the buildings, foods, and other property.
fi. The course of instruction shall be carried on under the
superintendence of the
warden by tutors, English and Chinese-the former to be in holy orders or
at least
``communicants of the Church of England. AU such officers as that of
sub-warden or
tutor are in the appointment of the warden. The stipend of such offices
shall be
defrayed from the funds of the college, or froth anyendowment specially
for their support, aASisted by such payments for tuition as the students
m:1y hereafter
be expected to contribute or by such annual grants as the local British
Government or
tiny public society may be willing to mane.
6. The course of educatioiz shall ordinarily comprise the usual branches
instruction in languages, literature, science, divinity and sacred
history, together ivitlir
the study of the language and literature of China.
7. Ina.swuclz as, occasion nay arise in future years for altering the
statutes of the,
college and for providing a more detailed system of statutes than, is now
necessary, it
shall 1>e lawful for the Archbishop of Canterbury, for the time being in
with the warden of the college front, time to time to alter and repeal
the existing
statutes of the college and to frame new statutes if they thinly fit,
either in addition to,
or in substitution for, guy statutes then in force.
Acting Colmiccl ,Secretary.
In pursuance of the-powers vested in, us by 11 St. Paul's College
Ordinance, 187x,'
ive have modified the existix~g statutes of the college in manner above
appearing: and
we do declare that the statutes above written are the statutes of St.
Paul's' College,.
-and that they shall continue so to be until altered in manner
hereinbefore prescribed.
A* ~'r. EiANTTJAIts.
The lease and site of St. Paul's College to vest in the Archbishop of Canterbury and his successors.
Bishop Burdon named Warden of St. Paul's College.
Property to vest in him.
Alteration of the existing statutes.
The Bishop may resign or be removed.
If a vacancy occur before the statutes are altered, property to vest in the Colonial Secretary.
Short title.
St. Paul's College.
No. 7 of 1875.
Any Ordinance to provide for the Devolution of the Site of St.
Paul's College, and to provide means for altering the
Statutes of the said. College.
[7th July, 1875.]
HERE A S, by Letters Patent dated the 11th day of May, 184;
Her Majesty did declare the city of Victoria, and all the territory
comprised within the island ofHonkonand its dependencies, to be the
Diocese of the Bishop named in the said -Letters Patent, and.of his sucees-
St. Paul's College.
sors, and to be called in all time the Diocese of-Victoria ; and did
the Church of St. John in the: said city to be a Cathedral Church, and
Bishop's See; and did appoint the Reverend George Smith, Doctor of
Divinity, to be ordained and consecrated Bishop of, the said See and
Diocese under the title of the Lord Bishop of Victoria
And whereas the statutes of St. Paul's College in Victoria were
approved by His Grace.the then Archbishop, of Canterbury, on the 15th
day, of October, 1849, and the said statutes provided amongst other
- That all property of every kind thereafter to be given, transferred,
or bequeathed to the purposes of the ,;college should be vested in the
Bishop of Victoria for the time being as constituted by Her Majesty°'s
Letters Patent a body corporate;
That the Government and enti-,e control of the college should be
vested in the Bishop of Victoria as ex o 'ccio warden, except so far as
jurisdiction or authority might be by him delegated to a sub-warden or
That it should be lawful for the Bishop of Victoria in conjunction
with the Archbishop of Canterbury for the tinge being to introduce such
a modification, alteration, or extension of the said statutes, as to them
jointly might seem fit
And whereas a Crown lease dated the 5th day of September, 1$51,
vas made between Her Majesty~of the one part, and the Right ILeverend
George Lord Bishop of Victoria, in the island of Hongkong, ex officio
warden, on behalf of the Church of England Missionary Institution known
as St. Paul's College of the other part, arid thereby the land therein
described (being inland lot No. seventy-six) with its appurtenances was
demised to the said Lord Bishop of Victoria, and his successors; being
:such Nvarden, to hold unto the said Lord IUishop of Victoria and
.successors being such warden fiat the, full term of nine hundred arid
ninety-nine years, commencing on the 19th;day of April, 1550, at the
yearly rent of one dollar
And in the said lease the said Lord Bishopsof Victoria as warden of
St: Paul'.s College, and for the wardens to be frc1n tiinesto
eovenan-ted with Her Majestyy to pay the said rent and all taxes, charges
.and impositions that should thereafter be'assessed or charged upon the
,aid, land. And -further that neither the sn'ei or warden, nor any.
413DIVANCE ~ No: T op 175.
St. Raul's College.
person, should during the said demise, use the said lands for any other
purpose than the promotion of the charitable designs and objects of the
said St. Paul's College, as they might be, from time to time, legally
established, without the previous licence of Her Majesty, her heirs,
successors, or assigns, signified by the Governor of the Colony, or other
person duly authorized in , that behalf
And whereas by Letters Patent dated the 14th clay of January, 186 7 ,
Fler Majesty did appoint the Reverend Charles Richard Alford, clerk,
master of arts, to be ordained and consecrated Lord Bishop of the said
See of Victoria, in succession to the said Bishop Smith, who had resigned:
And whereas by Letters Patent dated the Ist day of November, 1872,
after reciting the above mentioned Letters Patent, and that, the said See
and Bishopric had become vacant by the resignation of the said Bishop
Alford, Her Majesty was pleased to ftvol:e and determine the said recited
letters Patent of the 11th day of May, 1849, and of the 14th day of
,Jynuary, 1.867, and every clause, article, and thing therein contained
And whereas by the revocation of the said Letters Patent the said
fee and Bishopric of Victoria ceased to exist as theretofore constituted
And whereas it is therefore expedient to provide for the devolution
of the property comprised in the aforesaid Crown lease, andrto provide
means for altering the statutes of St. Paul's College to meet the state of
circumstances that now exists
And whereas the Right $reverendj John Shaw Burdon, doctor of
divinity, has been duly consecrared to be a Bishop of the Church of
England, and as such Bishop is residing and officiating in this Colony-,
ah d
as such Bishop and by the desire of His Grace the Archbishop of
4 Canterbury has undertaken the management of St. Paul's College and is
now discharging the duties of warden of the said college: Be it therefore
enacted by the Governor of Hongkong, with the ado~ice of the Legislative
Council thereof, as follows
1. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, the above recited
'Crown lease dated the 5th day of September, 1851, and all the portion-
of land therein -described-with its appurtenances, and St. Paul's College
and all other buildings erected on the said land shall vest in His Grace
the Archbishop of Canterbury !end his successors for all the unexpired
residue of the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years- cheated vby
The lease and
site of, St.
Paul's Col-
lege to vest in.
the Archbis-
hop of Canter-
bury and his .
ORDINANCE loo. ! . of 187.
,St. Paul's college.
said lease; upon and for the trusts, intents and purposes in the said
ezlwessed and declared, and subject to the covenants and conditions
therein contained, and the said Archbishop and his successors shall be-
deemecl to be the lessees of the said land as fully and effectually and
the same extent as if they h,Ld been originally named as lessees in the
said lease.
Bishop ' `~'7. The Right Reverend John Shaw Burdoi), the Bishop
is hereby famed Warden of St. Paul's College in Victoria, and by virtue-
Warden oi'
St. Paul's of such nomination may lawfully exercise and perform all the
powers and
College. duties conferred and imposed upon the Warden by the above recited
1>t~r~erty to statutes of the said college, and all hrororty belonging to
the college
Y`,r;r' him. (other than the land comprised in the aforesaid lease) shall,
upon the
passing of this Ordinance, vest in tllesaid Bishop as such Warden.
Alteration or 3, The Archbishop of Canterbury in conjunction with the
r1', eXi:;e'ng
Stnrvrv,>. Warden and the Colonial Secretary of the' Colony, or with
either of them _
in the absence or inability of the other, may alter the existing statutes-
of the college in such manner as they jointly think fit ; but so neverthe-
less that provision be made for the appointment and removal of future
murders, for the vesting of all property (other than the land comprised
in the aforesaid lease) belonging to or that may come to the college, and
for altering the statutes of the college; as occasion may, froth time to
Toe Bishop
ztjay resign or
be removed.
ment. Short
$, The Bishop afor esa,id may resign the twardenship by letter to thc-
Archbishop of Canterbury, an~ may be removed in the same manner as.-
wardens to be appointed under the statutes wheft altered.
If <L v.zeauey ~. In the event of a vacancy is the wnrdenship occurring
before the
occur before
the >tztures statutes are altered, all property belonging to the college
(other than the
proare rU land comprised in the aforesaid Iease) shc~tl thereupon vest'in
the .Colonia,i
vest in the
Colonial Secretary, to be by him transferred to such person as the
statutes when:
altered may direct.
, This Ordinance shall commence o$ the passing thereof, and u nay-
be cited for all purposes as 'The St. Paul's College Ordinance, 187 5.' _,
ORDINANCE No. ? of 1875.
St. Paul's College.
Statutes, Qs xraodified on the 26th. July, 1875, under Ordinance No. 7 of
of the Missionary Institution at Hongkong called St. Paul's
- College. Gaxetted 10th January, 1876.
A missionary college having been founded at Victoria, in the island of
principally by the pious liberality of a 'Brother and Sister' and by a
grant from the
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, aided by sums from various
donors and the status of the Episcopate in Hongkong having recently
undergone a
change which renders an alteration of the college statutes inevitable,
the following
modified statutes for the general government and internal regulation of
the institution
.are now promulgated in the place of the original statutes which received
the sanction
.of His Grace the Loi'd Archbishop of Canterbury upon the 15th day of
October, 1$49.
1. St. Paul's College at Victoria is primarily founded for the object of
traifiiry a
-body of native clergy and Christian teachers for the propagation of the
Gospel in China.
:according to the principles of the United Church of England and Ireland,
and under
the immediate control of a warden . appointed by His Grace the ,
Archbishop of
Canterbury. It shall, however, be lawful to admit to the benefits o£ the
college such
students, European as well as Native, as being educated inCconformity
with the doctrine
and discipline of the Church of England, shall afford, in the judgment of
the warden,
the hope of their diffusing through their example and influence the
blessing of
-Christianity and civilization.
2. All sums of money and boobs already given and property of every kind
to be given, transferred, or bequeathed to the purposes of the college,
shall be vested,
for the benefit of the said college, in the Archbishop of Canterbury and
his successors
and in the warden of the college for the time being, and in the
Archbishop alone during
a vacancy in.the office of warden.
3. The present warden of the college is the Right Reverend John Shaw
,'Bishop: he may resign his office by letter to the Archbishop of
Canterbury: and may
be removed at any time by .writing under the hand of the Archbishop. The
Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being shall have the nomination and
of all future wardens: and the wardens so appointed array resign their
office by letter
,as aforesaid, and may in life manner be removed at any time by writing
under the
hand of the Archbishop.
ORDINANCE ~ No..I .'OF, 1,.x7..-5.:
fit. Paul's College.
4.. The government and entire control of the college is vested in the
except so far as any jurisdiction or authority may be by liim.delegated
to a sub-warden
or ethers. Upon questions of grave importance, a reference may
nevertheless be made
to the Archbishop of Canterbury, whose decision shall be final. The
warden shall
forward to the Archbishop annual reports of the progress 'of the college,
and. of the
state of the buildings, foods, and other property.
fi. The course of instruction shall be carried on under the
superintendence of the
warden by tutors, English and Chinese-the former to be in holy orders or
at least
``communicants of the Church of England. AU such officers as that of
sub-warden or
tutor are in the appointment of the warden. The stipend of such offices
shall be
defrayed from the funds of the college, or froth anyendowment specially
for their support, aASisted by such payments for tuition as the students
m:1y hereafter
be expected to contribute or by such annual grants as the local British
Government or
tiny public society may be willing to mane.
6. The course of educatioiz shall ordinarily comprise the usual branches
instruction in languages, literature, science, divinity and sacred
history, together ivitlir
the study of the language and literature of China.
7. Ina.swuclz as, occasion nay arise in future years for altering the
statutes of the,
college and for providing a more detailed system of statutes than, is now
necessary, it
shall 1>e lawful for the Archbishop of Canterbury, for the time being in
with the warden of the college front, time to time to alter and repeal
the existing
statutes of the college and to frame new statutes if they thinly fit,
either in addition to,
or in substitution for, guy statutes then in force.
Acting Colmiccl ,Secretary.
In pursuance of the-powers vested in, us by 11 St. Paul's College
Ordinance, 187x,'
ive have modified the existix~g statutes of the college in manner above
appearing: and
we do declare that the statutes above written are the statutes of St.
Paul's' College,.
-and that they shall continue so to be until altered in manner
hereinbefore prescribed.
A* ~'r. EiANTTJAIts.
The lease and site of St. Paul's College to vest in the Archbishop of Canterbury and his successors.
Bishop Burdon named Warden of St. Paul's College.
Property to vest in him.
Alteration of the existing statutes.
The Bishop may resign or be removed.
If a vacancy occur before the statutes are altered, property to vest in the Colonial Secretary.
Short title.
The lease and site of St. Paul's College to vest in the Archbishop of Canterbury and his successors.
Bishop Burdon named Warden of St. Paul's College.
Property to vest in him.
Alteration of the existing statutes.
The Bishop may resign or be removed.
If a vacancy occur before the statutes are altered, property to vest in the Colonial Secretary.
Short title.
The lease and site of St. Paul's College to vest in the Archbishop of Canterbury and his successors.
Bishop Burdon named Warden of St. Paul's College.
Property to vest in him.
Alteration of the existing statutes.
The Bishop may resign or be removed.
If a vacancy occur before the statutes are altered, property to vest in the Colonial Secretary.
Short title.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 7 of 1875
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“ST. PAUL'S COLLEGE ORDINANCE, 1875,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 24, 2025,