Protection of Women -- Emigration Abuses.
No. 2 of 1875.
An Ordinance for the better Protection of Chinese Women. arid Female
Children, and for the Repression of certain Abuses in relation to
Chinese Emigration.
[March 18th, 1875.]
WHEREAS it is expedient to make better provision for the punishment of
guilty of selling, purchasing, or &ooyifig into the- Colony, or unlawfully
detaining therein Chinese women and female children for the purpose of
ORDI NAN E No. 2 of 18 7 .
Protection of Women-Emigration Abuses.
and of decoying Chinese into or away from this Colony for the purpose of
or for any other purpose whatsoever:, Be it enacted' by the Governor of
with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :-
1. The. Ordinance No. 6 of 1873 is hereby repealed, but such repeal shall
not Eepeal.
affect :-
1. Any punishment incurred or to be incurred for any offence committed
before this Ordinance comes into operation.
2. Any proceedings for enforcing such punishment or prosecuting the
and all such proceedings may be had and taken as if the said Ordinance
were still in force.
2. Whosoever shall bring, lead, tale, decoy, or entice into the Colony
any woman Abduction of
a woman or
-or female child with intent to sell her for the purpose of prostitution,
or shall sell or _ -w°t~aln~nt &e.
purchase any woman or female child 'for the purpose aforesaid, or shall
derive any profit from the sale or purchase of any woman or female child
so sold or selling or
purchased as aforesaid, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof,
shall be liable to the punishments hereinafter provided.
3. Whosoever shall bring, lead, take, decoy, or entice into the Colony
any woman Bringing into
the Colony
or female child ' knowing that such woman or female child has been sold
or purchased women or child-
ren knowing
for the purpose of prostitution, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction ben to
sold a thereof shall be liable to the punishments hereinafter
provided. prostitution.
4: Whosoever shall detain any woman or female child in any place against
will, with the intent that she may become a prostitute, or for any other
whatsoever, or shall by,any false pretences, false representations, or
other fraudulent
means procure any woman or female child to have illicit carnal connection
with any
man, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall
be liable to the
punishments hereinaftef provided.
5. Whosoever shall receive, or harbor any woman or female child with
intent, that Receiving or
harboring with
such woman or female child should be wld~or purchased for the purpose of
prostitution, intent x.,.
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be
liable to the pun-
ishments hereinafter provided. ,
6, Whosoever shall receive or harbor any womal<l or female child knowing
such woman or female child has been sold or purchased whether within the
Colony or
el,sewhere for the purpose of,~prostitution shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof, shall be liable to the punishments hereinafter
7. Whosoever shall by force or fraud imprison. or detain any person
within the Unlawful im-
prisonment or
Colony, for the purpose of emigration, or for any other purpose
whatsoever, shall bedetention.
,guilty of a misdemeanor, and on,conviction thereof, shall be liable to
the punishments
hereinafter provided.
8. Whosoever shall by force, intimidation, or any fraudulent means bring,
lead, Decoying
persons into
take, decoy, or entice' any person, into or away from the Colony, for the
purpose of or away from
the Colony.
-emigration, or for any other - purpose whatsoever, shall be guilty of a
_and on-conviction thereof, shall be'liable to the punishments
hereinafter provided.
Detaining a
woman or female
child for purpose
of prostitution.
Receiving or
women or
children knw-
ing them to'
have been sold
for prostitution.
Ordinance No. 2 of 1875
The Protection of Women-Emigration Abuses.
9. Every person who shall be convicted of guy offence against the provisions of
this Ordinance shall be liable to be imprisoned fob any term not
exceeding two years-
with or without hard labor.
10. .A.11 offences against this Ordinance, may be
heard and determined-summarily
by two Magistrates 'sitting together, who shall constitute a
Court for this purpose
Provided that if, at the close of the investigation, [the accused
shall apply for a trial by-
e or: Rerpealed by Ordinance No. 8 of 1889] the Magistrates shall be of
opinion that
the case ought to be so tried, they may commit the accused for trial at
the Supreme;
11. The provisions of section 66 of Ordinance No. 4 of 1865 shall' apply
to every
summary conviction under this Ordinance.
Punishment of - 12, Whenever any person shall be convicted before the
Supreme Court'of any
whipping on
yecona and offence against the provisions of this Ordinance, if it shall
be proved that the offender
convictions. has been convicted either before the Su. reme Covert or
before two ~Ma is-
Form of tneor previously p ' g
mutton and
proceedings, trates sitting together, of an offence under the same or any
other section of this--
Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the Court, in its discretion, to direct
that, in addition
to the ~unishrnent hereinbefore prescribed, the offender, if a male, be
once, twice, or-
thrice publicly or privately whipped, subject to the provisions contained
in section I
of Ordinance No. 8 of 1868; and all the provisions of section 94 of
Ordinance No.. 7
of 1865 relating to the form of information for a subsequent offence and
thereon, shaft apply to offences punishable under this Ordinance. ,
[Repealed by Ordinasnce No. 19 of 1889.]
[Made applicable to women and children whether of Chinese origin or not, see Ord. No. 7 of 1887, see also No. 9 of 1887.]
Abduction of a woman or female child with intent, &c.
Selling or purchasing.
Bringing into the Colony women or children knowing them to have been sold for prostitution.
Detaining a woman or female child for purpose of prostitution.
Receiving or harboring with intent, &c.
Receiving or harboring women or children knowing them to have been sold for prostitution.
Unlawful imprisonment or detention.
Decoying persons into or away form the Colony.
Punishment for offences.
Trial of offences.
[As to powers of one Magistrate see Ord. No. 8 of 1889.]
Summary convictions.
Punishment of whipping on second and subsequent convictions.
Form of information and proceedings.
No. 2 of 1875.
An Ordinance for the better Protection of Chinese Women. arid Female
Children, and for the Repression of certain Abuses in relation to
Chinese Emigration.
[March 18th, 1875.]
WHEREAS it is expedient to make better provision for the punishment of
guilty of selling, purchasing, or &ooyifig into the- Colony, or unlawfully
detaining therein Chinese women and female children for the purpose of
ORDI NAN E No. 2 of 18 7 .
Protection of Women-Emigration Abuses.
and of decoying Chinese into or away from this Colony for the purpose of
or for any other purpose whatsoever:, Be it enacted' by the Governor of
with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :-
1. The. Ordinance No. 6 of 1873 is hereby repealed, but such repeal shall
not Eepeal.
affect :-
1. Any punishment incurred or to be incurred for any offence committed
before this Ordinance comes into operation.
2. Any proceedings for enforcing such punishment or prosecuting the
and all such proceedings may be had and taken as if the said Ordinance
were still in force.
2. Whosoever shall bring, lead, tale, decoy, or entice into the Colony
any woman Abduction of
a woman or
-or female child with intent to sell her for the purpose of prostitution,
or shall sell or _ -w°t~aln~nt &e.
purchase any woman or female child 'for the purpose aforesaid, or shall
derive any profit from the sale or purchase of any woman or female child
so sold or selling or
purchased as aforesaid, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof,
shall be liable to the punishments hereinafter provided.
3. Whosoever shall bring, lead, take, decoy, or entice into the Colony
any woman Bringing into
the Colony
or female child ' knowing that such woman or female child has been sold
or purchased women or child-
ren knowing
for the purpose of prostitution, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction ben to
sold a thereof shall be liable to the punishments hereinafter
provided. prostitution.
4: Whosoever shall detain any woman or female child in any place against
will, with the intent that she may become a prostitute, or for any other
whatsoever, or shall by,any false pretences, false representations, or
other fraudulent
means procure any woman or female child to have illicit carnal connection
with any
man, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall
be liable to the
punishments hereinaftef provided.
5. Whosoever shall receive, or harbor any woman or female child with
intent, that Receiving or
harboring with
such woman or female child should be wld~or purchased for the purpose of
prostitution, intent x.,.
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be
liable to the pun-
ishments hereinafter provided. ,
6, Whosoever shall receive or harbor any womal<l or female child knowing
such woman or female child has been sold or purchased whether within the
Colony or
el,sewhere for the purpose of,~prostitution shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof, shall be liable to the punishments hereinafter
7. Whosoever shall by force or fraud imprison. or detain any person
within the Unlawful im-
prisonment or
Colony, for the purpose of emigration, or for any other purpose
whatsoever, shall bedetention.
,guilty of a misdemeanor, and on,conviction thereof, shall be liable to
the punishments
hereinafter provided.
8. Whosoever shall by force, intimidation, or any fraudulent means bring,
lead, Decoying
persons into
take, decoy, or entice' any person, into or away from the Colony, for the
purpose of or away from
the Colony.
-emigration, or for any other - purpose whatsoever, shall be guilty of a
_and on-conviction thereof, shall be'liable to the punishments
hereinafter provided.
Detaining a
woman or female
child for purpose
of prostitution.
Receiving or
women or
children knw-
ing them to'
have been sold
for prostitution.
Ordinance No. 2 of 1875
The Protection of Women-Emigration Abuses.
9. Every person who shall be convicted of guy offence against the provisions of
this Ordinance shall be liable to be imprisoned fob any term not
exceeding two years-
with or without hard labor.
10. .A.11 offences against this Ordinance, may be
heard and determined-summarily
by two Magistrates 'sitting together, who shall constitute a
Court for this purpose
Provided that if, at the close of the investigation, [the accused
shall apply for a trial by-
e or: Rerpealed by Ordinance No. 8 of 1889] the Magistrates shall be of
opinion that
the case ought to be so tried, they may commit the accused for trial at
the Supreme;
11. The provisions of section 66 of Ordinance No. 4 of 1865 shall' apply
to every
summary conviction under this Ordinance.
Punishment of - 12, Whenever any person shall be convicted before the
Supreme Court'of any
whipping on
yecona and offence against the provisions of this Ordinance, if it shall
be proved that the offender
convictions. has been convicted either before the Su. reme Covert or
before two ~Ma is-
Form of tneor previously p ' g
mutton and
proceedings, trates sitting together, of an offence under the same or any
other section of this--
Ordinance, it shall be lawful for the Court, in its discretion, to direct
that, in addition
to the ~unishrnent hereinbefore prescribed, the offender, if a male, be
once, twice, or-
thrice publicly or privately whipped, subject to the provisions contained
in section I
of Ordinance No. 8 of 1868; and all the provisions of section 94 of
Ordinance No.. 7
of 1865 relating to the form of information for a subsequent offence and
thereon, shaft apply to offences punishable under this Ordinance. ,
[Repealed by Ordinasnce No. 19 of 1889.]
[Made applicable to women and children whether of Chinese origin or not, see Ord. No. 7 of 1887, see also No. 9 of 1887.]
Abduction of a woman or female child with intent, &c.
Selling or purchasing.
Bringing into the Colony women or children knowing them to have been sold for prostitution.
Detaining a woman or female child for purpose of prostitution.
Receiving or harboring with intent, &c.
Receiving or harboring women or children knowing them to have been sold for prostitution.
Unlawful imprisonment or detention.
Decoying persons into or away form the Colony.
Punishment for offences.
Trial of offences.
[As to powers of one Magistrate see Ord. No. 8 of 1889.]
Summary convictions.
Punishment of whipping on second and subsequent convictions.
Form of information and proceedings.
[Made applicable to women and children whether of Chinese origin or not, see Ord. No. 7 of 1887, see also No. 9 of 1887.]
Abduction of a woman or female child with intent, &c.
Selling or purchasing.
Bringing into the Colony women or children knowing them to have been sold for prostitution.
Detaining a woman or female child for purpose of prostitution.
Receiving or harboring with intent, &c.
Receiving or harboring women or children knowing them to have been sold for prostitution.
Unlawful imprisonment or detention.
Decoying persons into or away form the Colony.
Punishment for offences.
Trial of offences.
[As to powers of one Magistrate see Ord. No. 8 of 1889.]
Summary convictions.
Punishment of whipping on second and subsequent convictions.
Form of information and proceedings.
[Made applicable to women and children whether of Chinese origin or not, see Ord. No. 7 of 1887, see also No. 9 of 1887.]
Abduction of a woman or female child with intent, &c.
Selling or purchasing.
Bringing into the Colony women or children knowing them to have been sold for prostitution.
Detaining a woman or female child for purpose of prostitution.
Receiving or harboring with intent, &c.
Receiving or harboring women or children knowing them to have been sold for prostitution.
Unlawful imprisonment or detention.
Decoying persons into or away form the Colony.
Punishment for offences.
Trial of offences.
[As to powers of one Magistrate see Ord. No. 8 of 1889.]
Summary convictions.
Punishment of whipping on second and subsequent convictions.
Form of information and proceedings.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 2 of 1875
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PROTECTION OF WOMEN -- EMIGRATION ABUSES ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 23, 2025,