(Cap. 362, section 4)
[1 April 1989]
L.N.98 of 1988 - R. Ed. 1988
1. Citation
This order may be cited as the Trade Descriptions (Marking) (Platinum) Order.
2. Interpretation
(1) In this order, unless the context otherwise requires-
'fineness' means the number of parts by weight of platinum in 1000 parts by
weight of alloy;
'platinum' has the meaning given to it under the Trade Descriptions
(Definition of Platinum) Regulations (Cap. 362 sub. leg.);
',standard of fineness' means any one of the standards of fineness specified in
Schedule 1.
(2) For the purpose of construing markings relating to the fineness of platinum, a
description which
(a)consists of the letters 'PT' and arabic numerals indicating that an article, or
metal in an article, is so many parts per 1000; or
(b)indicates that an article, or metal in an article, is ')V- n k- ' (Chuk Pak
shall be presumed to be an indication that the article or metal is of platinum, and that its
fineness is that specified in Schedule 1 for that number of parts.
3. Prohibition on supply of unmarked articles
No person shall supply or offer to supply an article of platinum in the course of any
trade or business unless it is marked in accordance with this order.
4. Marking of articles
(1) Subject to subparagraph (3), every article of platinum that is supplied or offered for
supply in the course of any trade or business shall bear a mark consisting of
(a) the letters 'PT' and arabic numerals; or
(b) the Chinese characters ')?-- n:il:' (Chuk Pak Kam), according to
the fineness of the article being a standard of fineness specified in Schedule 1.
(2) Each letter, number or character of the mark specified in subparagraph (1)
shall not be smaller than 0.5 mm in size.
(3) This paragraph shall not apply to any article specified in Schedule 2.
5. Articles of differing fineness
(1) Subject to subparagraph (4), where an article mentioned in paragraph 4
consists of different parts which are of different finenesses of platinum, then either
(a) each part shall be marked as if it were a separate article; or
(b)one mark shall be affixed which shall be that of the fineness of the
article as a whole.
(2) Where an article mentioned in paragraph 4 consists of difrerent parts one or
more of which are platinum and another or others are of another metal, the part or
parts of which are platinum shall be marked under paragraph 4 and the other part or
parts shall be described in the invoice or receipt supplied under paragraph 6.
(3) The solder used in an article shall not be less than 95% by weight of gold,
platinum, palladium or silver or a combination of 2 or more of them, and shall not be
less than 50% by weight of gold, platinum or palladium or a combination of 2 or
more of them.
(4) Where the solder of an article constitutes not more than 5% of the finished
article, the finished article may be marked with the standard of fineness of the main
6. Supply to be accompanied by written particulars
(1) Any person who, in the course of trade or business, supplies any article of
platinum shall, at the time of supply, deliver to the person to whom the article is
supplied an invoice or receipt which shall contain
(a) the full name and address of the supplier;
(b) details of the mark required under paragraph 4, and
where appropriate
(i) a description of the parts of the article of platinum and a description
of the parts of other metal;
(ii) a description of the parts of the article of different finenesses; and
(iii)a description of any article or parts of any article exempted by
Schedule 2.
(2) A supplier shall retain a copy of the invoice or receipt issued under
subparagraph (1) for a period of not less than 3 years after the date of issue.
7. Notice to be displayed
(1) No article made of platinum shall be supplied or offered for supply in the
course of trade or business unless there is displayed prominently to all customers at
the point of supply or offer to supply a notice in the form specified in Schedule 3.
(2) The notice shall be not less than 210 mm x 297 mm in size and the letters,
figures and characters shall be not less than 5 mm in height.
8. Surface treated articles
If an article with a surface treatment of platinum is marked with words
describing the treatment which include 'platinum', the other words in the
description shall be not less prominent than the word 'platinum'.
SCHEDULE 1 [paras. 2 &
The standards of fineness (that is the number of parts by weight of platinum in 1000 parts
by weight of alloy) are
Standard Fineness, not less than
Chuk Pak Kam (X 990
PT 990 990
PT 950 950
PT 900 900
PT 850 850
SCHEDULE 2 [paras. 4(3) &
1. Any coin which is, or was formerly, current coin of Hong Kong or any other territory.
2. Any article which has been used, or is intended to be used, for medical, dental, veterinary,
scientific or industrial use.
3. Any article of platinum thread.
4. Any raw material (including any bar, plate, sheet, foil, wire, strip or tube) or bullion.
5. Any article or part of an article which is so small or thin as to render the marking of it
impracticable, and which is less than 2 grams in weight.
6. Any article manufactured more than 100 years ago, provided that this is so stated in the
invoice or receipt required by paragraph 6(1).
(Chapter 362)
In accordance with the Trade Descriptions
(Marking) (Platinum) Order, every article made of
platinum that is supplied or offered for supply in
the course of trade or business shall bear a mark
indicating the fineness of the platinum content and
a detailed invoice or receipt shall be issued by the
supplier in respect of every article supplied.
Standards of Fineness
The standards of fineness (that is the number
of parts by weight of platinum in 1000 parts by
of alloy) are-
Standard not less than
Chuk Pak Kam 990
PT 990 990
PT 950 950
PT 900 900
PT 850 850
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“TRADE DESCRIPTIONS (MARKING) (PLATINUM) ORDER,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 8, 2025,