Dangerous Goods.
No. 8 of 1873.
An Ordinance for the Amendment of the Law with respect to
the Carriage and Deposit of Dangerous Goods.
[9th July, 1873. ]
`HEREAS it is expedient to amend -the law with respect to the r~ca,nuie.
carriage and deposit of dangerous goods,: lie it enacted. by the
Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,
as follows:-
1. This Ordinance mny be cited as ' The Dangerous Goods Ordi
nance, 1873.'
182. ORDINAN Ch: No. 8 ok 1873:
Dwagerous Goods.
1nterpreta- 2. In the construction of this Ordinance, if not inconsistent
with the
tion clause.
(28.,f 3o-T'ic., context; the expression,'Dangerous Goods' shall mean any
of the goods
e. ea, a. 7.) or substances specified in sections 5 and G, or wllich for
the time being
' may be declared to be ' Dangerous Goods ' by. an order of the Governor
in Council under section 7; the expression 'Warehouse Owner' shall
include all persons or bodies of persons owning or managing any ware-
house; store, quay, pier, or other premises in which goods are deposited;'
nd term ' Carrier' shall include all persons or bodies of persons.
carrying goods or passengers for hire by land or water.
Repealing 3. Ordinance No. 12 of 1872 is hereby repealed.
Saving clause. 4. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to Hex
ships of war, or to the ships of war of any foreign nation, nor to Tiny
or dep6ts or other premises belonging, to Her Majesty's Government, or
to Her Majesty's military or naval authorities within the Volony:
Ceivtain-goods 'g: The hoods commonly known as Petroleum, Nitro-glycerine
and a~rtioles -.
to be a~eraea Glotioine. oil,-Gu`n Cotton; Fulminating Mercury, Dynamite,
~zg ~ ao v~,; nrid.Horsley's ,patent y131asting Powder shall be deemed to
be dun erous.
Definition o£ -
(3¢-* 35 Yia.,
o. 106,, s. 3.)
gd --,with' the meaning -of, this: Ord b4ance.
o6 s in
6. For the purposes of this Ordinance; the term 'Petroleum'includes
Kerosene oil, Rock oil, Rangoon oil, 13urrnah oil, oil made from
coal, schist, shale, peat, or other bituminous substance, and any
of petroleum, or any of the above mentioned . of1s.
:apphcation. `~. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time
to time
of. ordinance
to other :. . to make, revoke, and vary orders declaring that any
substances, other
(34 4, 35eYio.=,than-those enumerated in section 5, shall be deemed to be
dangerous goods.
e. 105, 3. i¢:7 ..,~ :within the meaning of this Ordinance, and during
the continuance of the
order, this Ordinance shall apply to the substances specified therein, and
'sl~a.11 be construed, and have effect as if throughout, it such
substances had-.
been: included in the enumeration of dangerous. goods contained~in
5, subject to the following qualifications:-
(L) Th:e .quantity of any substance to which this Ordinance is.
directed by, order- of the Governor in Council. to apply,
which may be kept without a licence, shall be suelil
quantity only as is specified in that behalf, in such order,
ox if .no such quantity is specified, no quantity may be-
kept without a licence ;'
ORDINANCE- IVs: 8 or 187,3:
Z?axgerous ,Goods
(2.) The label on. the vessel or package containing such sub-
' stance shall be such as may be specified in that behalf in
the order:
Provided always that no such order of the Governor in Council, nor any
revocation or variation thereof, shall come into force until the same
have been published in the Gazette.
8. It shall be lawful for the Governor to make, revoke and vary
bye-laws for regulating the place or places at which ships carrying
ous goods are to be moored in any of the harbors of the Colony, and are
to land their cargo, and for regulating the time and mode of, and the
precautions to be taken on such landing : Provided always that no such
bye-law or any revocation or variation thereof shall come into force until
the same shall have been published in the Gazette.
Where any ship or cargo is moored, landed, or otherwise dealt with
in contravention of any bye-law for the time being in force, the owner
master of such ship, or the owner of such cargo, as the case may be, shall
each incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars for
each day during which such contravention continues and it shall be lawful,
for the Harbor Master,or any other person acting under the orders of the
Harbor Master to cause such ship or cargo to be removed at the; expense
of the'owner thereof to such place as, may-be: in: conformity with the
bye=law, and all expenses incurred in such removal may be recovered in
the same manner in which penalties are by this Ordinance made recover-
9. ''fhe owner or master of every ship carrying a cargo any part of
which consists of dangerous goods t0 which this Ordinance applies, on
entering any harbor shall give notice of the nature of such cargo. to the
Harbor Master; and shall furnish him with a true copy of the manifest of
such dangerous goods.
If such notice is not given, and manifest furnished; the owner and
master of such ship shall each incur a penalty not exceeding the sum of
two thousand dollars, -unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the Court
before which the -case is tried that neither the owner nor the master
the nature of the goods to which the proceedings relate, nor could with.
reasonable diligence have obtained such knowledge.
10. Where any dangerous goods to which this Ordinance applies:-
(a.) Are sent or conveyed by land or water between any two
places in the Colony; or,
Bye-1&ws as
to ship
carrying .
34 cj 35 'Via., -
a. IoS, s. 4.,1
Notice by
owner or
master o£ ship
carrying dan
emus goods.
~34 4 35 Vac:,
a. 105, a.-5:]
Label on .
cases contain-
ing dangerous'
ORDINA\ CIaJ~ No. 8 of 187-3.
Dangerous Goods.
134 4- 35 Vi:,,
:x..103, x. R. )
(b.) Are sold or exposed for sale;
the vessel or case containing such dangerous goods shall have attached
thereto a label in conspicuous characters, in English and Chinese, stating
the description of the goods with the addition 'Dangerous,' and with the
addition :-
(a.) In the case, of a vessel or package sent or conveyed, of the
name and address of the sender
(b.) In the case of a vessel or package sold or exposed for sale,
of the name and address of the vendor.
All dangerous goods to which this Ordinance applies which are sent,
conveyed, sold; or exposed for sale, in contravention of this section,
together with the vessel or package containing the same, be forfeited, and
in addition thereto the person sending, selling, or exposing for sale the
same,, shall for each offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-
five dollars.
11. Save as hereinafter mentioned, after the passing of this Ordinance,
as to a dangerous goods to which this Ordinance applies shall not be kept
s5 vje;, except in pursuance of a licence by, the Governor. Licences may be
r, ros; x. 7.l granted, for a limited time and may be subject to renewal
or not in
such manner as the Governor may deem expedient.
_ , . # There may be annexed to any such licence, such conditions as to the
mode of storage, the nature and situation o£ the premises in which, and
the nature of the goods with which such dangerous goods are to be stored,
the mode of carrying such dangerous goods within the Colony, and generally
- 'as to the safe beeping of such dangerous goods as may to the Governor
in Council seem expedient.
.1 1 Any licensee violating any o£ the conditions of his licence shall'be
deemed to be an unlicensed person. . There shall be charged, in respect
of each licence granted in pursuance o£ this Ordinance one dollar.
All dangerous goods kept in contravention of this section , shall,
together with the vessels or packages containing the same, be forfeited;
and in addition thereto the occupier of the place in which such goods are
so kept shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars a
day for each day during which such goods are so kept.
This section shall not apply to any such goods (except nitro glycerine)
either for private use or for sale, provided the following conditions are
ORDINANCE No. -8 of 1871. I1~,
Dangerous Goods,
(l.) That they are kept in separate glass, earthenware, or metal vessels
cases each of which contains not more than a pint or pound, and is
securely stopped or fastened,
(2.) That the aggregate amount kept, supposing the whole contents of the
vessels to be in bulk, does not exceed in the case of kerosene oil fifty
gallons, and in the case of petroleum and the other articles specified
three gallons, or fifteen pounds.
[Repeated by Ordinance No. 7 of 1884, and new words substituted.]
12. Any dealer who refuses to show to any officer authorized by
the r~;naity for
Governor every or any place, or all or any of the vessels or packages in
' information
and obatruct-
which dangerous, goods to which this Ordinance applies in his possession.
ing officer.
(34 ,j 35 Yic,
are kept, or to give him such assistance as he may require for examining
o. io5, 8. rs.l:
the same, or who wilfully obstructs any officer so authorized in the
execution of this Ordinance shall incur a penalty not exceeding one
hundred dollars.
13. Where any Magistrate is satisfied by information on oath that
there is reasonable ground to believe that any dangerous goods to which
this Ordinance applies are being kept, sent,,conve3,ed;` or exposed for
within the Colony in contravention of this Ordinance, at any place,
whether a building or not, or in any ship or vehicle, such Magistrate'
shall grant a 'warrant by virtue whereof it shall be lawful for any person
named in such warrant to enter the place, ship; or vehicle named in such
warrant, and every part thereof, and examine the same and search for
such goods therein, and.if any such goods be found therein, which are
kept, sent, conveyed, or exposed for sale in contravention of this
to seize and remove such goods or articles, and the vessels ,or packages
containing the satrie, and to detain such goods and vessels or packages
until a Magistrate has determined whether the wine are or not forfeited,
the proceedings for which forfeiture shall be commenced forthwith after
the seizure.
Any person seizing any dangerous goods to which this Ordinance ,
applies, in pursuance of this section, shall not be liable to any suit for
detaining the same, or for any loss or damage incurred in respect of such
goods, otherwise than by any wilful act or neglect while the same are so
Search far ..
~34 t 35-Y'2c.;:
c, TO&,=a. I3:~ .
Danger us
goods to be
.marked and
ia: - iotiea;given.
`~` ` - of their=
,,._., cba~acter
[29', f _30 Vir
e. Qb, s. 3. ]
Tiovistou for
case: of
absence of.
nature of
ood. ..-
29 3b Yic,,
ORDINANCE No. 8 0ir 1878.
Dangerous Goods.
Any person who, by himself or by any one in his employ or acting
by his direction, or with his consent, refuses or fails to admit into any
place occupied by or under the control of such person, any person
demanding to enter in pursuance of this section; or in any way obstructs
prevents any such person in or from making any such search, examination,
or seizure as authorized by this section, shall be liable to a penalty not
exceeding one hundred dollars, and to forfeit all such dangerous goods to
which this Ordinance applies, which are found in his possession or under
his control.
14. No person . shall deliver any dangerous goods to which this
Ordinance applies to any warehouse owner or carrier, or send or carry, or
cause to be sent or carried any= such goads to or from any part of the
Colony, or deposit such goods in. or on any warehouse, wharf, or quay,
unless the true name or description of such goods, with the addition of
the word 'Dangerous,' in English . and Chinese, is distinctly written,
printed, or marked on the outside of the package, nor in the case of
to or deposit-with any warehouse owner or carrier, without also giving
notice in writing to him of the , name or description of such goods, and
of their being dangerous. And any person who commits 'a breach of the
provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two
thousand dollars, or at the discretion of the Court to imprisonment .with
or without hard labor for any term not exceeding two years.
16, Provided always -as follows :-
(1.) Any person convicted of a breach of the last foregoing
section shall not be liable to im~irisonment, or to a.
penalty of more than one thousand dollars, if he shows'
to the satisfaction of the Court and jury before whom
he is convicted that he did not know the nature of the
goods to which the information relates ;
(.2.) Any person accused of having committed a breach of the
said section shall not be liable to be convicted thereof
if ,he shows to the satisfaction of the Court and jury
before whom he- is tried that he did not know the
nature of the goods to which the information relates;
.end that he could not, with .reasonable diligence, .have
obtained such knowledge.
ordered: -
'ORDI=NANCE No4 of 1873.
Danyerous Goods.
Order in Council of the 26th March, 1877, under ' The Dangerous Gods
Ordinance, 1873. (Gazette 31st March, 1877.)
By virtue of the provisions of section i of the above mentioned
Ordinance, it is
1. That the goods commonly known as phosphorus shall be deemed to be
dangerous goods within the meaning of the said Ordinance.
2. That the quantity of phosphorus which may be kept without a licence,
not exceed one pound in weight.
3. That the- label on any vessel or package containing phosphorus, in
where a label is required by the said Ordinance, shall be similar to the
label required by section 10 of the said Ordinance, in respect of goods
are by the said Ordinance specifically declared to be dangerous.
Form of special licence to store petroleum oil made by the Governor under
the provisions of Ordinance vo. 8 of 1873, the Ph May, 1880.
(Gazette 5th Dray 1880.)
Whereas under « The Dangerous Goods Ordinance, 187 3;' it is provided
that petro-
leum oil as therein defined shall be deemed to be dangerous goods within
the meaning of
the Ordinance. And whereas it is by the said Ordinance provided that,
save as therein
mentioned, dangerous goods to which the Ordinance applied should not be
kept except
in pursuance of a licence by the Governor, and, that licences might be
granted for a
limited time and might be subject to renewal or not in such manner as the
might deem expedient, and that there might be annexed to such licence
such conditions
as therein mentioned as might to the Governor in Council seem expedient.
And whereas
have,applied to rue for a licence to store petroleum as
defined in the said Ordinance in their shops
Now therefore I, in pursuance of the powers and autho-
rities vested in me by the said recited Ordinance and of all other powers
and Authorities
me enabling in this behalf, do hereby license subject to renewal
carrying on business un(Jer the firm or style of '
to store petroleum oil as defined by the said Ordinance in their said
shop the quantity
thereof not to exceed forty gallons during the period of six months from
the date hereof
and subject also to the conditions hereunto annexed which have to ie in
Council seemed
ORDINANCE loo. 8 cF 1878.
Dangerous Goods.
The petroleum shall be kept in the original tins in which it has been
which tins shall be stored in a well sunk in the ground and lined with
brick provided
with a close fitting wooden cover lined with sheet iron for the purpose
of making the
well air tight and of extinguishing fire in case of the petroleum
N'.I3.-By section 12 of Ordinance No. 8 of 1813, it is provided that any
who refuses to show to any officer authorised by the Governor every or
any place, or all
or any 'of the vessels or packages in which dangerous goods to which this
applies in his possession are kept or to give him such assistance as he
may require for
examining the same, or who wilfully obstructs any officer so authorised
in the execution
of this Ordinance, shall incur a penalty not exceeding one hundred
dollars. ,
Colonial Secretary.
Conditions under which herosane may be stored, as sanctioned by the
m Council under sec. 11, para. Q, of Ordinance No. 8 of 1873,
on the 11th April, 1881. (Gazette 16th
April, 1881.)
1. No premises will be licensed for the storage of kerosine within the
City of.
Victoria, unless they are built on approved sites.
Q. Premises to be licensed must be built of brick or stone, and lave a
concrete floor.
The floor, and the walls to the height of the ddor-sill, must be
plastered with pare Port-
land cement. The promises mast be ventilated0by windows running along
both sides of
the building. The 'windows must be proteote<1 with wire-netting and
sunshades. The
roof must either have four thicknesses of tiles, or be double tiled and
have a plaster
ceiling. The door-sill must be at least three feet above the floor.
The premises must be surrounded by a' wall ten feet high, and not nearer
to the
building than ten feet. The gates or doors in the wall mast be built up
three feet higher
than the level-'of the, enclosed space.
3. No kerosine shall be stored above the window-sills.
4, No leaky or datriaged case shall be stowd in tire premises.
b. No lights, fire, or Lucifer matches are to be used or allowed within
the premise.
No articles'bF a combustible nature are to be stored in the premises
along ~i 6b
the articles mentioned in this licence.
ORDINANCE No. -8- of 1873:
Dangerous Goods.
7. The premises shall not be open between the hours of 6 P.m. and 6 n.rt.
October tO.J.1Zareb, both inclusive, nor between the hours of 7 P.m. and
5 AX. from April
to September, both inclusive.
8. The licensees of licensed premises shall notify to the Superintendent
of the Fire
Brigade, on the first of each month during the currency of tbeir licence,
the quantity of
kerosine stored therein.
9, Applications for the renewal of a licence must be sent in one mouth
before the
expiration of the licence, to enable the inspector of dangerous goods to
make his report
on the state of the premises.
Conditions under which Kerosine may be stared, as sanctioned by the
in Council, under Sec. 11 para. 2 of Ordinance No. 8 of 1873, an the
21st October, 1882. (Gazette of the same date.)
The kerosine shall be kept in the original tins in which it has been
imported, which
tins shall be stored in a well sunk in the ground and lined with brick
provided with a
close fitting wooden cover lined with sheet iron or a cover wholly of
sheet iron for-the
purpose of making the well air,. tight and of extinguishing fire.in
Regulations to be printed on all .Kerosene licences made by the Governor
Council, the 16th, April, 1884, under Ordinance No. 8 of 1873.
(Gazette 19th April, 1884.)
1. -All ventilators in kerosine .godowns to be provided with iron
shutters and metal
2. All soldering to be done in a sunken space, enclosed by a wall two
feet hi heiglot,
the floor to be constructed in Portland cement concrete, with a drain
leading to a 8rnall
well; to collect the waste oil. eSoldering elsewhere near a godown is
strictly prtihiliited.
3,. An open shed, with a tiled rood, to be provided for the storage of
damaged koro-
sine cases: The storage of these cases elsewhere is prohibited.
4: The sites for soldering purposes and sheds for the storage ef damaged
cases to be
approved by the Superintendent of the Fire~Brigade.
ORDINANCE: No. 8 of 1873.
Dangerous Goods.
By-laws made by the Governor, pursuant to section 8 of the Dangerous
Ordinance, 1873, on the 10th February, 1886.
(Gazette 13th February, 1886.)
1. Any vessel arriving at this port having on board any of the goods
specified and
included in sections 5 and 6 of the said Ordinance, or any other
substances declared to be.=
dangerous in and by any order of the Governor in Council in force for the
time being,-
made in. pursuance of section 7 of the said Ordinance,-and any vessel
about to take on
board any such goods and substances for exportation, shall hoist a Red
Flag at the fore-
top-gallant mast-head, and shall keep it flying until such goods or
substances are removed
from or received into the vessel.
2. Every such, vessel as aforesaid shall anchor at such place in the
harbour as shall
be pointed out by the Harbour Master, or his deputy ; but such anchorage
shall not be.
within five hundred yards of any other vessel, and the said vessel shall
not be removed
therefrom without the permission of the Harbour Master.
3. The transhipment of any of the goods or substances aforesaid shall not
take place
between the hours of 6 P.m. and 6 n.nt., from October to March both
inclusive, nor
between the hours of 7 P.m. and 5 A.M., from April to September both
inclusive, without
Vthe.w~citten permission of the Harbour Master.
¢: The aforesaid goods ox substances shall not be landed elsewhere than
at a
Government gunpowder depot excepting such as may be kept in pursuance of
a licence=
by the Governor as provided in section 11 of the above named Ordinance.
5. When any of the goods or substances aforesaid are being transhipped,
or landed, they shall be conveyed in a covered boat or vessel, on board
of which there
shall be no lights or fires; and the boat or vessel carrying such
articles shall display a
Red Flag, and shall proceed without delay or interruption to or from the
depot or other
licensed place of landing and the vessel discharging or receiving such
goods or substances..
6. The cargo of every such boat or vessel employed in such transhipment
shall, on
her arrival at the depot be immediately discharged by the owners or
consignees of such
cargo and shall be then delivered into the depot, and if the owner or
consignee of such
cargo shall fail in so doing, it shall be lawful for the Harbour Master
or his deputy, to-
havq the same discharged and delivered into the depot at the expense of
the said owner
or consignee.
7. At the time of such transhipment, the owner or consignee of the same.
attend at the depbt, or shall send a responsible representative instead,
and any question
which may arise as to the number or weight of cases received at or
delivered out, of the
depot shall be decided at the time by such owner or his representative
and the officer in
charge of the dep6t, who shall, if necessary, refer the same to the
Harbour Master.
NOTE.-For By-Laws made by the Governor in Council, pursuant to 'The
Goods Ardinance, 1873,' on the 20th September, 1873, see Gazette of tlte-
same date.
Dangerous Goods.
No. 8 of 1873.
16. Where goods are delivered, sent, carried, or deposited in con= A. to
ure of such '
_travention of section 14, the same shall be forfeited, and shall be
disposed' goods.9 of in such manner as the Governor directs, whether any
person is liable 4:2s$s ~ j `f ~'
to be convicted of a breach of the said section or not.
1'l. N o warehouse owner, or carrier shall be bound to receive or Refusal
-carry any dangerous goods to which this Ordinance applies. [zs 4so t70.,
r. as, p. a:] -
18. All offences and penalties under this Ordinance, (excepting summary
those specified and imposed by section 14,) lnay be prosecuted and for
oftencce, .
recovered summarily before a Police Magistrate in manner provided by
~'e'nlti`' se..
Ordinance No. 10 of 1844.
19. All offences and penalties specified and imposed by section 14
may be prosecuted and recovered summarily before two Magistrates
sitting together, who shall constitute a Court for this purpose: Provided
that if at the close of the investigation, the accused shall apply, for a
trial by jury, or the Magistrates sball be of opinion that the case ought
to be so tried, they may commit the accused for trial at the Supreme
20. Nothing in this Ordinance contained- shall be deemed to afffect
the provisions of Ordinances No. 1 of 1848, and No. 4 of 1867.
Short title.
Interpratation clause.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 7.]
Repealing clause.
Saving clause.
Certain goods and articles to be deemed dangerous.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 1.]
Definition of petroleum.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 3.]
Application of Ordinance to other substances.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 14.]
Bye-laws as to ship carrying dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 4.]
Notice by owner or master of ship carrying dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 5.]
Label on vessels or cases containing dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 6.]
Regulations as to storage of dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 7.]
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 8.]
Penalty for refusing information and obstructing officer.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 12.]
Search for dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 13.]
Dangerous goods to be marked and notice given of thier charater.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 3.]
Provision for case of absence of knowledge of nature of goods.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 4.]
1187A 1187B 1187C 1187D 1187
As to forfeiture of such goods.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 5.]
Refusal of goods.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 6.]
Summary proceedings for offences, penalties, &c.
Offences, &c., against section 14.
[See No. 3 of 1873, s. 15.]
Ordinances No. 1 of 1848 & No. 4 of 1867.
No. 8 of 1873.
An Ordinance for the Amendment of the Law with respect to
the Carriage and Deposit of Dangerous Goods.
[9th July, 1873. ]
`HEREAS it is expedient to amend -the law with respect to the r~ca,nuie.
carriage and deposit of dangerous goods,: lie it enacted. by the
Governor of Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof,
as follows:-
1. This Ordinance mny be cited as ' The Dangerous Goods Ordi
nance, 1873.'
182. ORDINAN Ch: No. 8 ok 1873:
Dwagerous Goods.
1nterpreta- 2. In the construction of this Ordinance, if not inconsistent
with the
tion clause.
(28.,f 3o-T'ic., context; the expression,'Dangerous Goods' shall mean any
of the goods
e. ea, a. 7.) or substances specified in sections 5 and G, or wllich for
the time being
' may be declared to be ' Dangerous Goods ' by. an order of the Governor
in Council under section 7; the expression 'Warehouse Owner' shall
include all persons or bodies of persons owning or managing any ware-
house; store, quay, pier, or other premises in which goods are deposited;'
nd term ' Carrier' shall include all persons or bodies of persons.
carrying goods or passengers for hire by land or water.
Repealing 3. Ordinance No. 12 of 1872 is hereby repealed.
Saving clause. 4. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to Hex
ships of war, or to the ships of war of any foreign nation, nor to Tiny
or dep6ts or other premises belonging, to Her Majesty's Government, or
to Her Majesty's military or naval authorities within the Volony:
Ceivtain-goods 'g: The hoods commonly known as Petroleum, Nitro-glycerine
and a~rtioles -.
to be a~eraea Glotioine. oil,-Gu`n Cotton; Fulminating Mercury, Dynamite,
~zg ~ ao v~,; nrid.Horsley's ,patent y131asting Powder shall be deemed to
be dun erous.
Definition o£ -
(3¢-* 35 Yia.,
o. 106,, s. 3.)
gd --,with' the meaning -of, this: Ord b4ance.
o6 s in
6. For the purposes of this Ordinance; the term 'Petroleum'includes
Kerosene oil, Rock oil, Rangoon oil, 13urrnah oil, oil made from
coal, schist, shale, peat, or other bituminous substance, and any
of petroleum, or any of the above mentioned . of1s.
:apphcation. `~. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time
to time
of. ordinance
to other :. . to make, revoke, and vary orders declaring that any
substances, other
(34 4, 35eYio.=,than-those enumerated in section 5, shall be deemed to be
dangerous goods.
e. 105, 3. i¢:7 ..,~ :within the meaning of this Ordinance, and during
the continuance of the
order, this Ordinance shall apply to the substances specified therein, and
'sl~a.11 be construed, and have effect as if throughout, it such
substances had-.
been: included in the enumeration of dangerous. goods contained~in
5, subject to the following qualifications:-
(L) Th:e .quantity of any substance to which this Ordinance is.
directed by, order- of the Governor in Council. to apply,
which may be kept without a licence, shall be suelil
quantity only as is specified in that behalf, in such order,
ox if .no such quantity is specified, no quantity may be-
kept without a licence ;'
ORDINANCE- IVs: 8 or 187,3:
Z?axgerous ,Goods
(2.) The label on. the vessel or package containing such sub-
' stance shall be such as may be specified in that behalf in
the order:
Provided always that no such order of the Governor in Council, nor any
revocation or variation thereof, shall come into force until the same
have been published in the Gazette.
8. It shall be lawful for the Governor to make, revoke and vary
bye-laws for regulating the place or places at which ships carrying
ous goods are to be moored in any of the harbors of the Colony, and are
to land their cargo, and for regulating the time and mode of, and the
precautions to be taken on such landing : Provided always that no such
bye-law or any revocation or variation thereof shall come into force until
the same shall have been published in the Gazette.
Where any ship or cargo is moored, landed, or otherwise dealt with
in contravention of any bye-law for the time being in force, the owner
master of such ship, or the owner of such cargo, as the case may be, shall
each incur a penalty not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars for
each day during which such contravention continues and it shall be lawful,
for the Harbor Master,or any other person acting under the orders of the
Harbor Master to cause such ship or cargo to be removed at the; expense
of the'owner thereof to such place as, may-be: in: conformity with the
bye=law, and all expenses incurred in such removal may be recovered in
the same manner in which penalties are by this Ordinance made recover-
9. ''fhe owner or master of every ship carrying a cargo any part of
which consists of dangerous goods t0 which this Ordinance applies, on
entering any harbor shall give notice of the nature of such cargo. to the
Harbor Master; and shall furnish him with a true copy of the manifest of
such dangerous goods.
If such notice is not given, and manifest furnished; the owner and
master of such ship shall each incur a penalty not exceeding the sum of
two thousand dollars, -unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the Court
before which the -case is tried that neither the owner nor the master
the nature of the goods to which the proceedings relate, nor could with.
reasonable diligence have obtained such knowledge.
10. Where any dangerous goods to which this Ordinance applies:-
(a.) Are sent or conveyed by land or water between any two
places in the Colony; or,
Bye-1&ws as
to ship
carrying .
34 cj 35 'Via., -
a. IoS, s. 4.,1
Notice by
owner or
master o£ ship
carrying dan
emus goods.
~34 4 35 Vac:,
a. 105, a.-5:]
Label on .
cases contain-
ing dangerous'
ORDINA\ CIaJ~ No. 8 of 187-3.
Dangerous Goods.
134 4- 35 Vi:,,
:x..103, x. R. )
(b.) Are sold or exposed for sale;
the vessel or case containing such dangerous goods shall have attached
thereto a label in conspicuous characters, in English and Chinese, stating
the description of the goods with the addition 'Dangerous,' and with the
addition :-
(a.) In the case, of a vessel or package sent or conveyed, of the
name and address of the sender
(b.) In the case of a vessel or package sold or exposed for sale,
of the name and address of the vendor.
All dangerous goods to which this Ordinance applies which are sent,
conveyed, sold; or exposed for sale, in contravention of this section,
together with the vessel or package containing the same, be forfeited, and
in addition thereto the person sending, selling, or exposing for sale the
same,, shall for each offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-
five dollars.
11. Save as hereinafter mentioned, after the passing of this Ordinance,
as to a dangerous goods to which this Ordinance applies shall not be kept
s5 vje;, except in pursuance of a licence by, the Governor. Licences may be
r, ros; x. 7.l granted, for a limited time and may be subject to renewal
or not in
such manner as the Governor may deem expedient.
_ , . # There may be annexed to any such licence, such conditions as to the
mode of storage, the nature and situation o£ the premises in which, and
the nature of the goods with which such dangerous goods are to be stored,
the mode of carrying such dangerous goods within the Colony, and generally
- 'as to the safe beeping of such dangerous goods as may to the Governor
in Council seem expedient.
.1 1 Any licensee violating any o£ the conditions of his licence shall'be
deemed to be an unlicensed person. . There shall be charged, in respect
of each licence granted in pursuance o£ this Ordinance one dollar.
All dangerous goods kept in contravention of this section , shall,
together with the vessels or packages containing the same, be forfeited;
and in addition thereto the occupier of the place in which such goods are
so kept shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars a
day for each day during which such goods are so kept.
This section shall not apply to any such goods (except nitro glycerine)
either for private use or for sale, provided the following conditions are
ORDINANCE No. -8 of 1871. I1~,
Dangerous Goods,
(l.) That they are kept in separate glass, earthenware, or metal vessels
cases each of which contains not more than a pint or pound, and is
securely stopped or fastened,
(2.) That the aggregate amount kept, supposing the whole contents of the
vessels to be in bulk, does not exceed in the case of kerosene oil fifty
gallons, and in the case of petroleum and the other articles specified
three gallons, or fifteen pounds.
[Repeated by Ordinance No. 7 of 1884, and new words substituted.]
12. Any dealer who refuses to show to any officer authorized by
the r~;naity for
Governor every or any place, or all or any of the vessels or packages in
' information
and obatruct-
which dangerous, goods to which this Ordinance applies in his possession.
ing officer.
(34 ,j 35 Yic,
are kept, or to give him such assistance as he may require for examining
o. io5, 8. rs.l:
the same, or who wilfully obstructs any officer so authorized in the
execution of this Ordinance shall incur a penalty not exceeding one
hundred dollars.
13. Where any Magistrate is satisfied by information on oath that
there is reasonable ground to believe that any dangerous goods to which
this Ordinance applies are being kept, sent,,conve3,ed;` or exposed for
within the Colony in contravention of this Ordinance, at any place,
whether a building or not, or in any ship or vehicle, such Magistrate'
shall grant a 'warrant by virtue whereof it shall be lawful for any person
named in such warrant to enter the place, ship; or vehicle named in such
warrant, and every part thereof, and examine the same and search for
such goods therein, and.if any such goods be found therein, which are
kept, sent, conveyed, or exposed for sale in contravention of this
to seize and remove such goods or articles, and the vessels ,or packages
containing the satrie, and to detain such goods and vessels or packages
until a Magistrate has determined whether the wine are or not forfeited,
the proceedings for which forfeiture shall be commenced forthwith after
the seizure.
Any person seizing any dangerous goods to which this Ordinance ,
applies, in pursuance of this section, shall not be liable to any suit for
detaining the same, or for any loss or damage incurred in respect of such
goods, otherwise than by any wilful act or neglect while the same are so
Search far ..
~34 t 35-Y'2c.;:
c, TO&,=a. I3:~ .
Danger us
goods to be
.marked and
ia: - iotiea;given.
`~` ` - of their=
,,._., cba~acter
[29', f _30 Vir
e. Qb, s. 3. ]
Tiovistou for
case: of
absence of.
nature of
ood. ..-
29 3b Yic,,
ORDINANCE No. 8 0ir 1878.
Dangerous Goods.
Any person who, by himself or by any one in his employ or acting
by his direction, or with his consent, refuses or fails to admit into any
place occupied by or under the control of such person, any person
demanding to enter in pursuance of this section; or in any way obstructs
prevents any such person in or from making any such search, examination,
or seizure as authorized by this section, shall be liable to a penalty not
exceeding one hundred dollars, and to forfeit all such dangerous goods to
which this Ordinance applies, which are found in his possession or under
his control.
14. No person . shall deliver any dangerous goods to which this
Ordinance applies to any warehouse owner or carrier, or send or carry, or
cause to be sent or carried any= such goads to or from any part of the
Colony, or deposit such goods in. or on any warehouse, wharf, or quay,
unless the true name or description of such goods, with the addition of
the word 'Dangerous,' in English . and Chinese, is distinctly written,
printed, or marked on the outside of the package, nor in the case of
to or deposit-with any warehouse owner or carrier, without also giving
notice in writing to him of the , name or description of such goods, and
of their being dangerous. And any person who commits 'a breach of the
provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding two
thousand dollars, or at the discretion of the Court to imprisonment .with
or without hard labor for any term not exceeding two years.
16, Provided always -as follows :-
(1.) Any person convicted of a breach of the last foregoing
section shall not be liable to im~irisonment, or to a.
penalty of more than one thousand dollars, if he shows'
to the satisfaction of the Court and jury before whom
he is convicted that he did not know the nature of the
goods to which the information relates ;
(.2.) Any person accused of having committed a breach of the
said section shall not be liable to be convicted thereof
if ,he shows to the satisfaction of the Court and jury
before whom he- is tried that he did not know the
nature of the goods to which the information relates;
.end that he could not, with .reasonable diligence, .have
obtained such knowledge.
ordered: -
'ORDI=NANCE No4 of 1873.
Danyerous Goods.
Order in Council of the 26th March, 1877, under ' The Dangerous Gods
Ordinance, 1873. (Gazette 31st March, 1877.)
By virtue of the provisions of section i of the above mentioned
Ordinance, it is
1. That the goods commonly known as phosphorus shall be deemed to be
dangerous goods within the meaning of the said Ordinance.
2. That the quantity of phosphorus which may be kept without a licence,
not exceed one pound in weight.
3. That the- label on any vessel or package containing phosphorus, in
where a label is required by the said Ordinance, shall be similar to the
label required by section 10 of the said Ordinance, in respect of goods
are by the said Ordinance specifically declared to be dangerous.
Form of special licence to store petroleum oil made by the Governor under
the provisions of Ordinance vo. 8 of 1873, the Ph May, 1880.
(Gazette 5th Dray 1880.)
Whereas under « The Dangerous Goods Ordinance, 187 3;' it is provided
that petro-
leum oil as therein defined shall be deemed to be dangerous goods within
the meaning of
the Ordinance. And whereas it is by the said Ordinance provided that,
save as therein
mentioned, dangerous goods to which the Ordinance applied should not be
kept except
in pursuance of a licence by the Governor, and, that licences might be
granted for a
limited time and might be subject to renewal or not in such manner as the
might deem expedient, and that there might be annexed to such licence
such conditions
as therein mentioned as might to the Governor in Council seem expedient.
And whereas
have,applied to rue for a licence to store petroleum as
defined in the said Ordinance in their shops
Now therefore I, in pursuance of the powers and autho-
rities vested in me by the said recited Ordinance and of all other powers
and Authorities
me enabling in this behalf, do hereby license subject to renewal
carrying on business un(Jer the firm or style of '
to store petroleum oil as defined by the said Ordinance in their said
shop the quantity
thereof not to exceed forty gallons during the period of six months from
the date hereof
and subject also to the conditions hereunto annexed which have to ie in
Council seemed
ORDINANCE loo. 8 cF 1878.
Dangerous Goods.
The petroleum shall be kept in the original tins in which it has been
which tins shall be stored in a well sunk in the ground and lined with
brick provided
with a close fitting wooden cover lined with sheet iron for the purpose
of making the
well air tight and of extinguishing fire in case of the petroleum
N'.I3.-By section 12 of Ordinance No. 8 of 1813, it is provided that any
who refuses to show to any officer authorised by the Governor every or
any place, or all
or any 'of the vessels or packages in which dangerous goods to which this
applies in his possession are kept or to give him such assistance as he
may require for
examining the same, or who wilfully obstructs any officer so authorised
in the execution
of this Ordinance, shall incur a penalty not exceeding one hundred
dollars. ,
Colonial Secretary.
Conditions under which herosane may be stored, as sanctioned by the
m Council under sec. 11, para. Q, of Ordinance No. 8 of 1873,
on the 11th April, 1881. (Gazette 16th
April, 1881.)
1. No premises will be licensed for the storage of kerosine within the
City of.
Victoria, unless they are built on approved sites.
Q. Premises to be licensed must be built of brick or stone, and lave a
concrete floor.
The floor, and the walls to the height of the ddor-sill, must be
plastered with pare Port-
land cement. The promises mast be ventilated0by windows running along
both sides of
the building. The 'windows must be proteote<1 with wire-netting and
sunshades. The
roof must either have four thicknesses of tiles, or be double tiled and
have a plaster
ceiling. The door-sill must be at least three feet above the floor.
The premises must be surrounded by a' wall ten feet high, and not nearer
to the
building than ten feet. The gates or doors in the wall mast be built up
three feet higher
than the level-'of the, enclosed space.
3. No kerosine shall be stored above the window-sills.
4, No leaky or datriaged case shall be stowd in tire premises.
b. No lights, fire, or Lucifer matches are to be used or allowed within
the premise.
No articles'bF a combustible nature are to be stored in the premises
along ~i 6b
the articles mentioned in this licence.
ORDINANCE No. -8- of 1873:
Dangerous Goods.
7. The premises shall not be open between the hours of 6 P.m. and 6 n.rt.
October tO.J.1Zareb, both inclusive, nor between the hours of 7 P.m. and
5 AX. from April
to September, both inclusive.
8. The licensees of licensed premises shall notify to the Superintendent
of the Fire
Brigade, on the first of each month during the currency of tbeir licence,
the quantity of
kerosine stored therein.
9, Applications for the renewal of a licence must be sent in one mouth
before the
expiration of the licence, to enable the inspector of dangerous goods to
make his report
on the state of the premises.
Conditions under which Kerosine may be stared, as sanctioned by the
in Council, under Sec. 11 para. 2 of Ordinance No. 8 of 1873, an the
21st October, 1882. (Gazette of the same date.)
The kerosine shall be kept in the original tins in which it has been
imported, which
tins shall be stored in a well sunk in the ground and lined with brick
provided with a
close fitting wooden cover lined with sheet iron or a cover wholly of
sheet iron for-the
purpose of making the well air,. tight and of extinguishing fire.in
Regulations to be printed on all .Kerosene licences made by the Governor
Council, the 16th, April, 1884, under Ordinance No. 8 of 1873.
(Gazette 19th April, 1884.)
1. -All ventilators in kerosine .godowns to be provided with iron
shutters and metal
2. All soldering to be done in a sunken space, enclosed by a wall two
feet hi heiglot,
the floor to be constructed in Portland cement concrete, with a drain
leading to a 8rnall
well; to collect the waste oil. eSoldering elsewhere near a godown is
strictly prtihiliited.
3,. An open shed, with a tiled rood, to be provided for the storage of
damaged koro-
sine cases: The storage of these cases elsewhere is prohibited.
4: The sites for soldering purposes and sheds for the storage ef damaged
cases to be
approved by the Superintendent of the Fire~Brigade.
ORDINANCE: No. 8 of 1873.
Dangerous Goods.
By-laws made by the Governor, pursuant to section 8 of the Dangerous
Ordinance, 1873, on the 10th February, 1886.
(Gazette 13th February, 1886.)
1. Any vessel arriving at this port having on board any of the goods
specified and
included in sections 5 and 6 of the said Ordinance, or any other
substances declared to be.=
dangerous in and by any order of the Governor in Council in force for the
time being,-
made in. pursuance of section 7 of the said Ordinance,-and any vessel
about to take on
board any such goods and substances for exportation, shall hoist a Red
Flag at the fore-
top-gallant mast-head, and shall keep it flying until such goods or
substances are removed
from or received into the vessel.
2. Every such, vessel as aforesaid shall anchor at such place in the
harbour as shall
be pointed out by the Harbour Master, or his deputy ; but such anchorage
shall not be.
within five hundred yards of any other vessel, and the said vessel shall
not be removed
therefrom without the permission of the Harbour Master.
3. The transhipment of any of the goods or substances aforesaid shall not
take place
between the hours of 6 P.m. and 6 n.nt., from October to March both
inclusive, nor
between the hours of 7 P.m. and 5 A.M., from April to September both
inclusive, without
Vthe.w~citten permission of the Harbour Master.
¢: The aforesaid goods ox substances shall not be landed elsewhere than
at a
Government gunpowder depot excepting such as may be kept in pursuance of
a licence=
by the Governor as provided in section 11 of the above named Ordinance.
5. When any of the goods or substances aforesaid are being transhipped,
or landed, they shall be conveyed in a covered boat or vessel, on board
of which there
shall be no lights or fires; and the boat or vessel carrying such
articles shall display a
Red Flag, and shall proceed without delay or interruption to or from the
depot or other
licensed place of landing and the vessel discharging or receiving such
goods or substances..
6. The cargo of every such boat or vessel employed in such transhipment
shall, on
her arrival at the depot be immediately discharged by the owners or
consignees of such
cargo and shall be then delivered into the depot, and if the owner or
consignee of such
cargo shall fail in so doing, it shall be lawful for the Harbour Master
or his deputy, to-
havq the same discharged and delivered into the depot at the expense of
the said owner
or consignee.
7. At the time of such transhipment, the owner or consignee of the same.
attend at the depbt, or shall send a responsible representative instead,
and any question
which may arise as to the number or weight of cases received at or
delivered out, of the
depot shall be decided at the time by such owner or his representative
and the officer in
charge of the dep6t, who shall, if necessary, refer the same to the
Harbour Master.
NOTE.-For By-Laws made by the Governor in Council, pursuant to 'The
Goods Ardinance, 1873,' on the 20th September, 1873, see Gazette of tlte-
same date.
Dangerous Goods.
No. 8 of 1873.
16. Where goods are delivered, sent, carried, or deposited in con= A. to
ure of such '
_travention of section 14, the same shall be forfeited, and shall be
disposed' goods.9 of in such manner as the Governor directs, whether any
person is liable 4:2s$s ~ j `f ~'
to be convicted of a breach of the said section or not.
1'l. N o warehouse owner, or carrier shall be bound to receive or Refusal
-carry any dangerous goods to which this Ordinance applies. [zs 4so t70.,
r. as, p. a:] -
18. All offences and penalties under this Ordinance, (excepting summary
those specified and imposed by section 14,) lnay be prosecuted and for
oftencce, .
recovered summarily before a Police Magistrate in manner provided by
~'e'nlti`' se..
Ordinance No. 10 of 1844.
19. All offences and penalties specified and imposed by section 14
may be prosecuted and recovered summarily before two Magistrates
sitting together, who shall constitute a Court for this purpose: Provided
that if at the close of the investigation, the accused shall apply, for a
trial by jury, or the Magistrates sball be of opinion that the case ought
to be so tried, they may commit the accused for trial at the Supreme
20. Nothing in this Ordinance contained- shall be deemed to afffect
the provisions of Ordinances No. 1 of 1848, and No. 4 of 1867.
Short title.
Interpratation clause.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 7.]
Repealing clause.
Saving clause.
Certain goods and articles to be deemed dangerous.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 1.]
Definition of petroleum.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 3.]
Application of Ordinance to other substances.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 14.]
Bye-laws as to ship carrying dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 4.]
Notice by owner or master of ship carrying dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 5.]
Label on vessels or cases containing dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 6.]
Regulations as to storage of dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 7.]
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 8.]
Penalty for refusing information and obstructing officer.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 12.]
Search for dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 13.]
Dangerous goods to be marked and notice given of thier charater.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 3.]
Provision for case of absence of knowledge of nature of goods.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 4.]
1187A 1187B 1187C 1187D 1187
As to forfeiture of such goods.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 5.]
Refusal of goods.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 6.]
Summary proceedings for offences, penalties, &c.
Offences, &c., against section 14.
[See No. 3 of 1873, s. 15.]
Ordinances No. 1 of 1848 & No. 4 of 1867.
Short title.
Interpratation clause.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 7.]
Repealing clause.
Saving clause.
Certain goods and articles to be deemed dangerous.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 1.]
Definition of petroleum.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 3.]
Application of Ordinance to other substances.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 14.]
Bye-laws as to ship carrying dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 4.]
Notice by owner or master of ship carrying dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 5.]
Label on vessels or cases containing dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 6.]
Regulations as to storage of dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 7.]
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 8.]
Penalty for refusing information and obstructing officer.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 12.]
Search for dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 13.]
Dangerous goods to be marked and notice given of thier charater.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 3.]
Provision for case of absence of knowledge of nature of goods.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 4.]
1187A 1187B 1187C 1187D 1187
As to forfeiture of such goods.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 5.]
Refusal of goods.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 6.]
Summary proceedings for offences, penalties, &c.
Offences, &c., against section 14.
[See No. 3 of 1873, s. 15.]
Ordinances No. 1 of 1848 & No. 4 of 1867.
Short title.
Interpratation clause.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 7.]
Repealing clause.
Saving clause.
Certain goods and articles to be deemed dangerous.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 1.]
Definition of petroleum.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 3.]
Application of Ordinance to other substances.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 14.]
Bye-laws as to ship carrying dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 4.]
Notice by owner or master of ship carrying dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 5.]
Label on vessels or cases containing dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 6.]
Regulations as to storage of dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 7.]
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 8.]
Penalty for refusing information and obstructing officer.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 12.]
Search for dangerous goods.
[34 & 35 Vic., c. 105, s. 13.]
Dangerous goods to be marked and notice given of thier charater.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 3.]
Provision for case of absence of knowledge of nature of goods.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 4.]
1187A 1187B 1187C 1187D 1187
As to forfeiture of such goods.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 5.]
Refusal of goods.
[29 & 30 Vic., c. 69, s. 6.]
Summary proceedings for offences, penalties, &c.
Offences, &c., against section 14.
[See No. 3 of 1873, s. 15.]
Ordinances No. 1 of 1848 & No. 4 of 1867.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 8 of 1873
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“DANGEROUS GOODS ORDINANCE, 1873,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 1, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/319.