ORDINANCE -No. 3: of T8'73.
('hinese Emigrant Ship Fittings.
No: 3 of 1S73.
An Ordinance to make better Provision for the Regulation, Inspection
and Approval of the Fittings of Ships intended for the Conveyance
of Chinese Emigrants, to 'be embarked at Ports or Places out of
the Colony .
(f24th April, 18 i 3:1
WHEREAS it is expedient to make better provision for the regulation,
/, and approval of the.fittings of ships intended for the conveyance of
emigrants to be embarked at~ports.or places out of the Colony: Be it
enacted by the
governor of -Hongkong, with, the advice of the Legislative Council
thereof, as follows :_
1. This Ordinance may . be cited as the ' Chinese Emigrant Ship Fittings
dinance, 1873.' s
2. In the construction of this Ordinance, if not inconsistent with the
context, the
following terms and expressions shall have the meanings hereinafter
assigned to them, that is to say:-
The expression 'Chinese Passenger Ship' shall mean a ship defined by-;
audoomirig under the;provisions of the 'Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855
,Th6,esprosion 'G uiese Emigrant Ship' shall mean any ship not being-
ail Chinese Passenger 'Ship' lyinb in' the waters of the Colony, and
fitting-. .
out or intended to, be- used for, the conveyance of Chinese emigrants to
embarked at any port or place out of the Colony;
The term 'Fittings' shall include any article capable of being used as,
part of the tackle, apparel, furniture, or equipment of a ship;
The expression °`Prohibited Fittings' shall mean any fittings prohibited
by this Ordinance, or by a proclamation of the Governor;
The expression 'Emigration Officer' shall include any, person deputed
or authorized by the emigration officer to execute any power or perform.
duty vested,iu. or imposed upon him by- this Ordinance..
S. -Section 27 of 'Oidinh.nce No. 1 of 1862 is hereby repealed.
4-Before beginning to fit out any ship intended to be used for the
conveyance of
`Chinese: -emigrants to be embarked at any port or place out of the
Colons, a notice to'-;'
theft efFect shall be gii vemn writing to the, emigration oflioer, and
such notice shall be
signed by the owner. and master of such ship, or in the event of the
owner not being ;
resident within the ~oloiiy; b~ahe agent and'masteiwthereof,.arid in case
such notice-=
hall not have been givem,,;the;owuer end master, or the agent and master
of such
ship, as the case niay, be; shall' .be guilty of, an offence against this
Ordinance, and
shall be liable to the punishment hereinafter prescribed: Provided always
that where
'there shall be no agent of an absent owner in the Colony, the notice may
'-the master alone.,
0TD1NANCE 'No:'T:aii 1878.
Chinese Emigrant Mip.Fittinga.
5. The master of every ship arriving within the: waters of -the 'Colony
shall be fitted out, for the conveyance of Chinese emigrants shall,
within twenty-four
hours, report the same to the emigration officer, and in ease he shall
neglect so to do,
he shall be deemed guilty of an offence against this Ordinance,. and,
shall be liable to
the punishment hereinafter prescribed.
gx The fittings of every such ship shall .be subject to the approval of
the emigra-
tion.offioer, who is hereby empowered at all reasonable times to go on
board and search
and inspect such ship and her fittings, and to order any, fittings which
shall in his
opinion be objectionable, to be forthwith removed; and any person who
shall in any
way impede or attempt to impede the emigration officer in the execution
of 'this duty,
shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance, and shall be liable
to the punish-
ment hereinafter prescribed.
ltepart to-
Powers and
duties of
'7. No such ship shall clear out or proceed to sea until the master
thereof shall certificate or
have received from the emigration officer a certificate in the form
contained in the a eer.
schedule to this Ordinance, or in such other form as the Governor in
Council may,
from time to time, prescribe, and every such certificate shall,be liable
to a stamp duty
of twenty-five dollars.
$. ,All `barricades and gratings apparently intended to be used, or which
capable of being used for the purpose of confining Chinese emigrants
below decks, or
within any particular part of a ship shall be deemed to be prohibited
fittings within
the meaning of this jOrdinanoe.
Barricades and
prohibited; - .
9. It shall be lawful for the Governor, from time to time, by
proolamsttion to to'` other rrohwltet
inserted iu the Gtazette to prohibit the use or carriage in any ship of
arJ.yotlier descrip-
tion of fittings therein specified, and every such prohibition shall have
the same force
or effect as~if it were expressly enacted in this Ordinance.
10. All prohibited fittings wherever found within the Colony shall be
seized and
shall be forfeited to the Crown in manner hereinafter mentioned.
11. Whoever shall; without lawful excuse (the proof of which shall lie on
accused), manufacture, purchase, sell, or have in his possession any
prohibited fittings,
shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance,, and shall be
liable to the punish-
ment hereina.£teir:prescribed:
12. The offer, agent, or master of any ship intended for the conveyance
of Chinese
emigrants to be embarked at any port or place out of the Colony, who
shall knowingly
permit any prohibited fittings to 'be taken on board such ship, or to
remain therein
after the same have been taken on board, or who shall refuse to remove
forthwith any
fittings which the xemigration officer shall have ordered to be removed
shall be guilty
of an offence, against this Ordinance, and shall be liable to the
punishment hereinafter
prescribed,. and a11. such .last mxerltioned fittings - shall, in ease-
of such ,refusal as
aforesaid, -be=sei;red<and farfeitod:to-the iu the-case of
-prohibited fittings.
Seizure and
Untawftil posaes-
s1on, &c. of
Taking pro-
hibited fittings
nn board or
refusal to
remote the
without certi-
ficate or with
)'r»ndu'ent we
'ielnl of offences.
P'uniehment of
Proceedings for
forfeiture of
fittings. -
ORDINANCE No. 3 4 1878.
Ckineae Emigrant Ship Fittings:
13. If-any such ship shall leave or attempt to leave the waters of the
without the certificate required by section 7, or shall leave or attempt
to leave the
waters of the Colony, having -on board any prohibited fittings, or any
fittings which
the emigration officer shall have ordered to be removed, or any other
fittings of -a
similar kind and description, in every such case the master of such ship,
and the owner.
or agent if proved to have sanctioned such leaving` or attempting to
leave as aforesaid,
shall be deemed guilty of an offence against this Ordinance, and shall be
liable to the
punishment hereinafter prescribed, and all such fittings shall be seized
aud.forfeited toy
the Crown, whether the same be prohibited fittings or not.
14. If any person shall make or attempt to make any fraudulent use of w
certificate granted under this Ordinance, or shall forge, counterfeit,
alter, or. erase the
whole or any part thereof, or shall use or attempt to use any spurious or
certificate, the person so offending, and every person aiding and
abetting in such
offence, shall be liable to the punishment hereinafter prescribed.
15. 911 cases of violation or disobedience of, or default in compliance
with the
provisions of this Ordinance; may be heard and determined summarily by .
Magistrates sitting together, who shall constitute a Court for this
purpose: Provided;
that if at the close o£ the investigation, the accused shall apply for a
trial by jury, or
the Magistrates shall be of opinion that the caso.ought to be so tried,
they may commit
the accused for trial at the Su~reme Court.
18. On conviction of such offences, the respective offenders shall be
liable to the
following punishments:-
1. For every offence against sections 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12, a fine not
$500, and imprisonment with or without hard labor for any term not
exceeding six months, or either of such punishments, at the discretion
of the Court.
2. For every offence against sections 13 and 14, a fine not exceeding
' and innprisonment with or without hard labor for any term, not
Provided always that where a fine shall be i>rrposed for any offence
against sections 13-.:.
or 14, the Court may sentence the offender in default of payment~of such
fine, to
imprisonment with or without hard labor for any term not exceeding one
year in lieu ..
o£ such fine, and such imprisonment shall commence from the expiration of
any termv, '
of imprisonment, to which the offender may have been sentenced in
addition to the
exceeding one year, or either of such punishments, at the discretion, of
the Court.
1'7., The Supreme Court and the said Court of Magistrates shall have full
power ,.
And authority to heir and determine all crises of seizure of fittings,
and upon proof of
the legality' of the seizuie, .to- declare the: said fittings to be
forfeited to the Crown, and:
ORDINANCE .N0: -6 ~o>;t .1878.
Chinese Emigrant Ship Fittings. .
no fittiriga seized under this Ordinance, shall be deemed to be forfeited
to the Crown,
except under the sentence of one or the other of the said Courts.
18. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to affect the powers vested
in the Powers of.l'ulivt~
Superintendent and inspectors of Police by section 7 of Ordinance No. 14
of 1845.
19. Any action, or prosecution against any person for anything done in
pursuance t.;n,sa,tion or
or execution or intended execution of this Ordinance shall be commenced
within three
mouths after the thing~dono and not otherwise.
Notice in writing of every such action and of the cause thereof shall be
given to
the intended defendant ono month at least boFore.the commencement thereof.
In any such action the defendant may plead generally, or set up by way of
defence that the act complained of was done in pursuance or execution or
execution of this Ordinance and give this Ordinance and the special
matter in evidence
at any trial to be had thereupon.
The plaintiff shall not recover if tender of sufficient amends is made
before action
brought, or if after action brought a sufficient sum of money is paid
into Court by or
on behalf of the defendant.
If judgment is given for the defendant, or the plaintiff becomes non-suit
or dis-
continues the action after issue joined, or if on demurrer or otherwise
judgment is
given against the plaintiff, the defendant shall recover his f all costs
and shall have the
like remedy for the same as any defendant leas by law for costs in other
If judgment is given for the plaintiff, he shall not have costs against
the defendant
unless the Judge before whom the trial is had certifies his approbation
of the action.
20. No proceedings shall be instituted for any offence against the
provisions of Frusecutinn to
he by Attorney
this Ordinance, or for any forfeiture thereunder, except at the suit or
prosecution of, t,enotnl.
orwith the consent of the Attorney General.
Lmigratiun eflecn's certificate under 'the Chinese Emigrant Ship
Fittings Ordinance, T8i3.'
I, (A. B.), emigration officer of Hongkong, do hereby certify, that I
have inspected the fittings of
ship ' ' of which _ is master, bound
and that there are no prohibited or objectionable fittings on board., .
Dated at Hongkong, the day of
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 5 of 1874. See also Ord No. 8 of 18fi4.]
A, Ii.
Short title.
Interpratation clause.
[and see Ordinance, No. 1 of 1867.]
Repealing clause.
Notice to emigration officer.
Report to emigration officer.
Powers and duties of emigration officer.
Certificate of emigration officer.
Barricades and gratings prohibited.
Other prohibited fittings.
Seizure and forfeiture thereof.
Unlawful possession, &c. of prohibited fittings.
Taking prohibited fittings on board or refusal to remove the same.
Ship leaving without certificate or with prohibited fittings.
Fraudulent use of a certificate.
Trial of offences.
Punishment of offences.
Proceedings for forfeiture of fittings.
Powers of Police authorities.
Limitation of actions, &c.
Prosecution to be by Attorney General.
('hinese Emigrant Ship Fittings.
No: 3 of 1S73.
An Ordinance to make better Provision for the Regulation, Inspection
and Approval of the Fittings of Ships intended for the Conveyance
of Chinese Emigrants, to 'be embarked at Ports or Places out of
the Colony .
(f24th April, 18 i 3:1
WHEREAS it is expedient to make better provision for the regulation,
/, and approval of the.fittings of ships intended for the conveyance of
emigrants to be embarked at~ports.or places out of the Colony: Be it
enacted by the
governor of -Hongkong, with, the advice of the Legislative Council
thereof, as follows :_
1. This Ordinance may . be cited as the ' Chinese Emigrant Ship Fittings
dinance, 1873.' s
2. In the construction of this Ordinance, if not inconsistent with the
context, the
following terms and expressions shall have the meanings hereinafter
assigned to them, that is to say:-
The expression 'Chinese Passenger Ship' shall mean a ship defined by-;
audoomirig under the;provisions of the 'Chinese Passengers' Act, 1855
,Th6,esprosion 'G uiese Emigrant Ship' shall mean any ship not being-
ail Chinese Passenger 'Ship' lyinb in' the waters of the Colony, and
fitting-. .
out or intended to, be- used for, the conveyance of Chinese emigrants to
embarked at any port or place out of the Colony;
The term 'Fittings' shall include any article capable of being used as,
part of the tackle, apparel, furniture, or equipment of a ship;
The expression °`Prohibited Fittings' shall mean any fittings prohibited
by this Ordinance, or by a proclamation of the Governor;
The expression 'Emigration Officer' shall include any, person deputed
or authorized by the emigration officer to execute any power or perform.
duty vested,iu. or imposed upon him by- this Ordinance..
S. -Section 27 of 'Oidinh.nce No. 1 of 1862 is hereby repealed.
4-Before beginning to fit out any ship intended to be used for the
conveyance of
`Chinese: -emigrants to be embarked at any port or place out of the
Colons, a notice to'-;'
theft efFect shall be gii vemn writing to the, emigration oflioer, and
such notice shall be
signed by the owner. and master of such ship, or in the event of the
owner not being ;
resident within the ~oloiiy; b~ahe agent and'masteiwthereof,.arid in case
such notice-=
hall not have been givem,,;the;owuer end master, or the agent and master
of such
ship, as the case niay, be; shall' .be guilty of, an offence against this
Ordinance, and
shall be liable to the punishment hereinafter prescribed: Provided always
that where
'there shall be no agent of an absent owner in the Colony, the notice may
'-the master alone.,
0TD1NANCE 'No:'T:aii 1878.
Chinese Emigrant Mip.Fittinga.
5. The master of every ship arriving within the: waters of -the 'Colony
shall be fitted out, for the conveyance of Chinese emigrants shall,
within twenty-four
hours, report the same to the emigration officer, and in ease he shall
neglect so to do,
he shall be deemed guilty of an offence against this Ordinance,. and,
shall be liable to
the punishment hereinafter prescribed.
gx The fittings of every such ship shall .be subject to the approval of
the emigra-
tion.offioer, who is hereby empowered at all reasonable times to go on
board and search
and inspect such ship and her fittings, and to order any, fittings which
shall in his
opinion be objectionable, to be forthwith removed; and any person who
shall in any
way impede or attempt to impede the emigration officer in the execution
of 'this duty,
shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance, and shall be liable
to the punish-
ment hereinafter prescribed.
ltepart to-
Powers and
duties of
'7. No such ship shall clear out or proceed to sea until the master
thereof shall certificate or
have received from the emigration officer a certificate in the form
contained in the a eer.
schedule to this Ordinance, or in such other form as the Governor in
Council may,
from time to time, prescribe, and every such certificate shall,be liable
to a stamp duty
of twenty-five dollars.
$. ,All `barricades and gratings apparently intended to be used, or which
capable of being used for the purpose of confining Chinese emigrants
below decks, or
within any particular part of a ship shall be deemed to be prohibited
fittings within
the meaning of this jOrdinanoe.
Barricades and
prohibited; - .
9. It shall be lawful for the Governor, from time to time, by
proolamsttion to to'` other rrohwltet
inserted iu the Gtazette to prohibit the use or carriage in any ship of
arJ.yotlier descrip-
tion of fittings therein specified, and every such prohibition shall have
the same force
or effect as~if it were expressly enacted in this Ordinance.
10. All prohibited fittings wherever found within the Colony shall be
seized and
shall be forfeited to the Crown in manner hereinafter mentioned.
11. Whoever shall; without lawful excuse (the proof of which shall lie on
accused), manufacture, purchase, sell, or have in his possession any
prohibited fittings,
shall be guilty of an offence against this Ordinance,, and shall be
liable to the punish-
ment hereina.£teir:prescribed:
12. The offer, agent, or master of any ship intended for the conveyance
of Chinese
emigrants to be embarked at any port or place out of the Colony, who
shall knowingly
permit any prohibited fittings to 'be taken on board such ship, or to
remain therein
after the same have been taken on board, or who shall refuse to remove
forthwith any
fittings which the xemigration officer shall have ordered to be removed
shall be guilty
of an offence, against this Ordinance, and shall be liable to the
punishment hereinafter
prescribed,. and a11. such .last mxerltioned fittings - shall, in ease-
of such ,refusal as
aforesaid, -be=sei;red<and farfeitod:to-the iu the-case of
-prohibited fittings.
Seizure and
Untawftil posaes-
s1on, &c. of
Taking pro-
hibited fittings
nn board or
refusal to
remote the
without certi-
ficate or with
)'r»ndu'ent we
'ielnl of offences.
P'uniehment of
Proceedings for
forfeiture of
fittings. -
ORDINANCE No. 3 4 1878.
Ckineae Emigrant Ship Fittings:
13. If-any such ship shall leave or attempt to leave the waters of the
without the certificate required by section 7, or shall leave or attempt
to leave the
waters of the Colony, having -on board any prohibited fittings, or any
fittings which
the emigration officer shall have ordered to be removed, or any other
fittings of -a
similar kind and description, in every such case the master of such ship,
and the owner.
or agent if proved to have sanctioned such leaving` or attempting to
leave as aforesaid,
shall be deemed guilty of an offence against this Ordinance, and shall be
liable to the
punishment hereinafter prescribed, and all such fittings shall be seized
aud.forfeited toy
the Crown, whether the same be prohibited fittings or not.
14. If any person shall make or attempt to make any fraudulent use of w
certificate granted under this Ordinance, or shall forge, counterfeit,
alter, or. erase the
whole or any part thereof, or shall use or attempt to use any spurious or
certificate, the person so offending, and every person aiding and
abetting in such
offence, shall be liable to the punishment hereinafter prescribed.
15. 911 cases of violation or disobedience of, or default in compliance
with the
provisions of this Ordinance; may be heard and determined summarily by .
Magistrates sitting together, who shall constitute a Court for this
purpose: Provided;
that if at the close o£ the investigation, the accused shall apply for a
trial by jury, or
the Magistrates shall be of opinion that the caso.ought to be so tried,
they may commit
the accused for trial at the Su~reme Court.
18. On conviction of such offences, the respective offenders shall be
liable to the
following punishments:-
1. For every offence against sections 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12, a fine not
$500, and imprisonment with or without hard labor for any term not
exceeding six months, or either of such punishments, at the discretion
of the Court.
2. For every offence against sections 13 and 14, a fine not exceeding
' and innprisonment with or without hard labor for any term, not
Provided always that where a fine shall be i>rrposed for any offence
against sections 13-.:.
or 14, the Court may sentence the offender in default of payment~of such
fine, to
imprisonment with or without hard labor for any term not exceeding one
year in lieu ..
o£ such fine, and such imprisonment shall commence from the expiration of
any termv, '
of imprisonment, to which the offender may have been sentenced in
addition to the
exceeding one year, or either of such punishments, at the discretion, of
the Court.
1'7., The Supreme Court and the said Court of Magistrates shall have full
power ,.
And authority to heir and determine all crises of seizure of fittings,
and upon proof of
the legality' of the seizuie, .to- declare the: said fittings to be
forfeited to the Crown, and:
ORDINANCE .N0: -6 ~o>;t .1878.
Chinese Emigrant Ship Fittings. .
no fittiriga seized under this Ordinance, shall be deemed to be forfeited
to the Crown,
except under the sentence of one or the other of the said Courts.
18. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to affect the powers vested
in the Powers of.l'ulivt~
Superintendent and inspectors of Police by section 7 of Ordinance No. 14
of 1845.
19. Any action, or prosecution against any person for anything done in
pursuance t.;n,sa,tion or
or execution or intended execution of this Ordinance shall be commenced
within three
mouths after the thing~dono and not otherwise.
Notice in writing of every such action and of the cause thereof shall be
given to
the intended defendant ono month at least boFore.the commencement thereof.
In any such action the defendant may plead generally, or set up by way of
defence that the act complained of was done in pursuance or execution or
execution of this Ordinance and give this Ordinance and the special
matter in evidence
at any trial to be had thereupon.
The plaintiff shall not recover if tender of sufficient amends is made
before action
brought, or if after action brought a sufficient sum of money is paid
into Court by or
on behalf of the defendant.
If judgment is given for the defendant, or the plaintiff becomes non-suit
or dis-
continues the action after issue joined, or if on demurrer or otherwise
judgment is
given against the plaintiff, the defendant shall recover his f all costs
and shall have the
like remedy for the same as any defendant leas by law for costs in other
If judgment is given for the plaintiff, he shall not have costs against
the defendant
unless the Judge before whom the trial is had certifies his approbation
of the action.
20. No proceedings shall be instituted for any offence against the
provisions of Frusecutinn to
he by Attorney
this Ordinance, or for any forfeiture thereunder, except at the suit or
prosecution of, t,enotnl.
orwith the consent of the Attorney General.
Lmigratiun eflecn's certificate under 'the Chinese Emigrant Ship
Fittings Ordinance, T8i3.'
I, (A. B.), emigration officer of Hongkong, do hereby certify, that I
have inspected the fittings of
ship ' ' of which _ is master, bound
and that there are no prohibited or objectionable fittings on board., .
Dated at Hongkong, the day of
[Repealed by Ordinance No. 5 of 1874. See also Ord No. 8 of 18fi4.]
A, Ii.
Short title.
Interpratation clause.
[and see Ordinance, No. 1 of 1867.]
Repealing clause.
Notice to emigration officer.
Report to emigration officer.
Powers and duties of emigration officer.
Certificate of emigration officer.
Barricades and gratings prohibited.
Other prohibited fittings.
Seizure and forfeiture thereof.
Unlawful possession, &c. of prohibited fittings.
Taking prohibited fittings on board or refusal to remove the same.
Ship leaving without certificate or with prohibited fittings.
Fraudulent use of a certificate.
Trial of offences.
Punishment of offences.
Proceedings for forfeiture of fittings.
Powers of Police authorities.
Limitation of actions, &c.
Prosecution to be by Attorney General.
Short title.
Interpratation clause.
[and see Ordinance, No. 1 of 1867.]
Repealing clause.
Notice to emigration officer.
Report to emigration officer.
Powers and duties of emigration officer.
Certificate of emigration officer.
Barricades and gratings prohibited.
Other prohibited fittings.
Seizure and forfeiture thereof.
Unlawful possession, &c. of prohibited fittings.
Taking prohibited fittings on board or refusal to remove the same.
Ship leaving without certificate or with prohibited fittings.
Fraudulent use of a certificate.
Trial of offences.
Punishment of offences.
Proceedings for forfeiture of fittings.
Powers of Police authorities.
Limitation of actions, &c.
Prosecution to be by Attorney General.
Short title.
Interpratation clause.
[and see Ordinance, No. 1 of 1867.]
Repealing clause.
Notice to emigration officer.
Report to emigration officer.
Powers and duties of emigration officer.
Certificate of emigration officer.
Barricades and gratings prohibited.
Other prohibited fittings.
Seizure and forfeiture thereof.
Unlawful possession, &c. of prohibited fittings.
Taking prohibited fittings on board or refusal to remove the same.
Ship leaving without certificate or with prohibited fittings.
Fraudulent use of a certificate.
Trial of offences.
Punishment of offences.
Proceedings for forfeiture of fittings.
Powers of Police authorities.
Limitation of actions, &c.
Prosecution to be by Attorney General.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 3 of 1873
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CHINESE EMIGRANT SHIP FITTINGS ORDINANCE, 1873,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 1, 2025,