Section. ..................................Page
1. Short title......................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
2...........Interpretation ............. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
3...........Appointments ................. ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
4...........Application .................. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
PART 11.
5...........Exemption ......................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4
6....................Liability for compulsory service ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4
7.........................Power to require medical examination ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5
8................Medical examination .......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5
9................Provisional selection ........ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6
10...........................Grounds of objection to selection for service ... ... ... ... ... ... 6
11. Appointment and constitution of Tribunal to consider objections to
compulsory service ...................... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7
12. Reference of objections to Tribunal ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7
13................Powers of the Tribunal ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8
14. Calling up for service. Final notice ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8
15. Enrolment in Royal Hong Kong Regiment, Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary
Air Force, Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force and Essential
Services Corps ........................... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9
16.............................Restriction of quitting body into which called up ... ... ... ... ... 9
17..................Appeal before Tribunal .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10
18................Application of Part III ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10
19......................Power to order medical examination ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10
20......................Power of Director to order transfer ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11
21................Procedure for transfer ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11
22.Restriction on departure from the Colony of members of the Royal Hong
Kong Regiment, etc . .................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11
23. Service of document ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
24. Regulations ...................... 12
25. Penalties ........................ 12
26....................Commencement and suspension ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
Schedule ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13
To make Provision for compulsory service by citizens of the United
Kingdom and Colonies resident in Hong Kong in the Royal Hong
Kong Regiment, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the
Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force and the Essential
Services Corps, to provide for transfer of personnel from one of
such bodies to another and to regulate the conditions under
which certain members of such bodies may leave the Colony.
(Amended, 2 of 1959, Second Schedule, and 98 of 1970,
[14th September, 1951.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Compulsory Service
2. (1) In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires
'appellant' means a person who appeals in accordance with the
provisions of section 16 from a decision of the Director of
Manpower refusing him consent to quit the Royal Hong Kong
Regiment, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the Royal
Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force or the Essential Services Corps;
(Amended, 2 of 1959, Second Schedule, and 98 of 1970,
'Assistant Director' means a person appointed as Assistant Director of
Manpower for the Colony;
'Compulsory Service Tribunal' means the tribunal constituted by
section 11 ;
'Director' means the person appointed as Director of Manpower for the
'Essential Services Corps' means the Essential Services Corps as
constituted under the Essential Services Corps Ordinance;
'final notice' means a final notice issued by the Director of Manpower
in accordance with section 14;
'Fire Services Department' means the Fire Services Department as
constituted under the Fire Services Ordinance;
'medical notice' means a notice issued by the Director of Manpower in
accordance with section 7;
Note: This Ordinance has been suspended with effect from 5.8.61. by
G.N.A. 89/61.
'medical practitioner' means a person registered in accordance with the
provisions of the Medical Registration Ordinance and includes a
person exempted from such registration by virtue of section 29 of
that Ordinance;
'objector' means a person who objects in accordance with section 10
to being called up for service by the Director of Manpower in the
Royal Hong Kong Regiment, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air
Force, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force or the Essential
Services Corps; (Amended, 2 of 1959, Second Schedule, and 98 of
1970, Schedule)
'provisional notice' means a written notice issued by the Director of
Manpower in accordance with section 9;
'public interest' has the meaning assigned by regulation 2 of the
Emergency (Principal) Regulations;
'recognized religious denomination' means one recognized as such by
the Governor in Council;
'Royal Hong Kong Police Force' means the Royal Hong Kong Police
Force as constituted under the Police Force Ordinance; (Amended,
2 of 1959, Second Schedule, and 29 of 1969, s. 2)
'Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force' means the Royal Hong
Kong Auxiliary Police Force established under the Royal Hong
Kong Auxiliary Police Force Ordinance; (Added, 2 of 1959, Second
Schedule. Amended, 29 of 1969, s. 2)
'Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force' means the Royal Hong Kong
Auxiliary Air Force as constituted under the Royal Hong Kong
Auxiliary Air Force Ordinance; (Replaced, 98 of 1970, Schedule)
'Royal Hong Kong Regiment' means the Royal Hong Kong Regiment
as constituted under the Royal Hong Kong Regiment Ordinance.
(Replaced, 98 of 1970, Schedule)
(2) A person residing in the Colony shall be deemed to be
ordinarily resident therein unless he falls within the exemption contained
in paragraph (i) of section 5.
3. (1) The Governor. may, by notification in the Gazette, appoint by
name or office, an officer to be Director of Manpower, and officers to be
styled Assistant Directors of Manpower.
(2) The powers and discretions vested in the Director hereunder
and duties required to be discharged by him may be exercised by an
Assistant Director.
(3) In relation to public officers, the powers of the Director under
this Ordinance shall be exercised in accordance with arrangements
approved by the Colonial Secretary.
4. Subject to the further provisions of this Ordinance, this
Ordinance shall apply to all citizens of the United Kingdom and
Colonies Who are ordinarily resident in the Colony and who, being male,
have attained the age of eighteen and have not attained the age of sixty
or being female have attained the age of twentyone and have not
attained the age of fifty.
5. The following persons shall be exempted from the provisions of
this Part--
(a) the Governor;
(b)the Chief Justice, the Puisne Judges, members of the Executive
or Legislative Councils and the United Kingdom Trade
(c)members of Her Majesty's Regular naval, military or air forces
and their wives;
(d)members of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force or of the Fire
Services Department;
(e)members of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment, the Royal Hong
Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary
Police Force or the Essential Services Corps other than
persons who become members by virtue of the provisions
hereof; (Amended, 2 of 1959, Second Schedule, and 98 of
1970, Schedule)
(f)persons in holy orders and ministers of recognized religious
(g) patients in mental hospitals;
(h) persons who are blind;
(i)persons who can prove that they have been residing in the
Colony for a temporary purpose only and that residence for
such temporary purpose will not or is unlikely to continue for
a period of more than three months.
6. Subject to the provisions of section 5, all persons to whom this
Ordinance applies shall be liable to be called up for service in the Royal
Hong Kong Regiment, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the
Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force or the Essential Services
Provided that no such person shall be liable to be called up for
service or to continue to serve in
(a)the Royal Hong Kong Regiment or the Royal Hong Kong
Auxiliary Air Force after he has attained the age of forty-five
(b)the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force or the Essential
Services Corps after attaining the age of sixty
years in the case of a male person and after attaining the age
of fifty years in the case of a female person.
(Amended, 2 of 1959, Second Schedule, and 98 of 1970,
7. (1) The Director may from time to time cause to be served upon
any person who appears to him to be liable to be called up for service as
aforesaid a written notice signed by the Director hereinafter called a
'medical notice' calling upon him to submit himself for medical
examination by a board of medical practitioners at such time and place
as he may specify therein.
(2) Any person who fails to comply with the requirements of a
medical notice shall be guilty of an offence.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) and (2), a
person who claims that he is a person to whom this Ordinance does not
apply or that he is by virtue of section 5 a person exempted from the
provisions of this Part, may, within seven days of the service upon him
of a medical notice, lawfully object in writing to the Director to
complying with such medical notice until such claim has been
determined and in such event, unless the Director is satisfied that the
claim is valid, in which case he shall allow it, he shall refer such claim to
the Secretary of the Compulsory Service Tribunal and it shall thereafter
be dealt with in like manner as if it were an objection under section 10
and as if such claimant were an objector, save that the Compulsory
Service Tribunal shall have power if it disallows the claim to order the
claimant to submit himself for medical examination by a board of medical
practitioners at such time and place as may be specified in such order
and that failure to comply with any such order shall constitute an
(4) The procedure prescribed by subsection (3) shall not be
available to any person who wishes or may wish to object on the
ground specified in paragraph (b) or (e) of subsection (1) of section 10
and if such objection is subsequently advanced it shall be disregarded.
8. (1) A board of medical practitioners, after completion of every
medical examination authorized by section 7 shall grade the person
examined as physically fit or unfit for service in all or any of the
(a)the Royal Hong Kong Regiment; (Replaced, 98 of 1970,
(b)the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force; (Replaced, 98 of
1970, Schedule)
(c) the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force; and
(Amended, 2 of 1959, Second Schedule)
(d) the Essential Services Corps,
and shall at the same time record any limitations as to the physical
fitness of such person to perform any particular duties within such
bodies and in particular in the case of the grading of the person as fit for
duties within the Essential Services Corps, shall classify him according
to the categories prescribed by the Essential Services Corps (General)
Regulations or any regulations replacing or amending the same.
(2) Such board shall report its findings as aforesaid to the Director
who shall notify in writing the person examined accordingly.
(3) The Governor in Council may by regulation provide for the
manner in which boards of medical practitioners for the purposes of
section 7 and this section are to be constituted:
Provided that until such regulations are made and save and insofar
as they do not otherwise provide boards of medical practitioners shall
consist of such number of medical practitioners possessing such
qualifications as the Director shall after consultation with the Director of
Medical and Health Services deem necessary to conduct adequately such
medical examinations as may from time to time be required for grading
the fitness of persons served with a medical notice.
9. The Director may provisionally select for service in the Royal
Hong Kong Regiment, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the
Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force or the Essential Services
Corps any person who has been found upon medical examination as
aforesaid to be physically fit for service in such body, and shall cause
to be served upon such person a written notice, hereinafter called a
'provisional notice' notifying such person accordingly and of his right
to object to such selection in accordance with the provisions of section
(Amended, 2 of 1959, Second Schedule, and 98 of 1970,
10. (1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (4) of section 7, any
person provisionally selected for service in accordance with section 9
may object to such selection on any one or more of the following
(a)that he is a person to whom this Ordinance does not apply or
that he is a person exempted from the provisions of this Part;
(b)that the obligations imposed by such service would in all the
circumstances of the case entail undue hardship for him;
(c) that he is physically unfit to perform such service;
(d)that he could more usefully serve in a body other than that for
which he has been provisionally selected and is in fact fit to
serve in such other body; and
(e)in the case of a person provisionally selected for service in the
Royal Hong Kong Regiment or the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary
Air Force that he conscientiously objects to undergoing
military training or to performing combatant duties. (Amended,
98 of 1970, Schedule)
(2) Any such objection shall be made in writing to the Director
within seven days of the date of service upon such person of the
provisional notice.
11. (1) There shall be a Compulsory Service Tribunal to hear and
determine objections under section 10, including claims under section 7.
Such Tribunal shall consist of a judge of the Supreme Court to be
appointed by the Chief Justice as occasion may require assisted by two
assessors selected by the Governor from a panel constituted by him for
the purposes of this Ordinance.
(2) After the hearing of an objection or claim and such summing up
of the evidence and explanation of matters of law as the judge shall
consider necessary or expedient, the judge shall require each of the
assessors to state his opinion orally and shall record such opinion. The
judge shall then give his decision, but in so doing shall not be bound to
conform to the opinion of the assessors.
(3) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) and to the
provisions of section 13, the Chief Justice may make rules prescribing
the procedure for hearing and determining all matters which may be
referred to the Compulsory Service Tribunal by virtue of this Ordinance
and for all matters incidental thereto, including rules supplementing the
matters prescribed by this section and by section 13.
(4) Any rules made under subsection (3) shall, unless they specify
a later date as the date from which they shall come into force, in which
case they shall take effect as from such specified date, come into force
upon publication in the Gazette:
Provided that section 34 of the Interpretation and General Clauses
Ordinance shall apply to any such rules.
(5) The Governor shall further appoint a person to act as Secretary
to the Compulsory Service Tribunal.
12. (1) The Director shall refer every objection made under section
10 to the Secretary:
Provided that if the Director is satisfied that the objection is valid
and should be wholly allowed, he may reply directly to the objector
wholly allowing the objection without reference to the Compulsory
Service Tribunal.
(2) The Secretary shall give the objector seven days' notice in
writing of the hearing of the objection.
(3) The objector may, if he so desires be present at the hearing of
his objection and he or any duly authorized barrister or solicitor entitled
to practise in the Colony shall be entitled to be heard.
(4) The Director may be represented at the hearing of any objection
before the Compulsory Service Tribunal by any person duly appointed
by him in writing for such purpose, or may, subject to any rules made
under section 11(3), by writing under his hand addressed to the
Secretary of the Compulsory Service Tribunal, make his reply to any
objection lodged under section 10, including any claim lodged under
section 7.
13. (1) The Compulsory Service Tribunal shall have the following
powers, that is to say--
(a) to hear evidence on oath, to order persons to attend and
give evidence, and to produce documents, in like manner as in
proceedings in the Supreme Court, and the like powers of
punishment as are conferred upon the Supreme Court
by section 31 and 32 of the Supreme Court Ordin-
(b)to refer any objection made on the ground of physical fitness
to a board of not less than three medical practitioners to be
constituted in his discretion by the Director of Medical and
Health Services as often as may be required by any reference
hereunder and to take into account the findings of such board
in determination of such objection;
(c) wholly to allow the objection;
(d)if it thinks that the objector should serve in a body different
from that for which he has been selected, to substitute such
service therefor;
(e)to defer the calling up for service of the objector for such
period as it may consider appropriate;
(f) to dismiss the objection;
(2) The decision of the Compulsory Service Tribunal hereunder
shall be final and shall be communicated in writing by the Secretary to
the objector and to the Director:
Provided that an appeal shall lie to the Full Court against any
decision imposing punishment upon a witness for non-attendance
or upon a person for conter. t before the Tribunal or for perjury
in like manner as if such #ecision had been a decision of the
Supreme Court under secqon 31 or 32 of the Supreme Court
14. (1) The Director may cause to be served on any person liable to
be called up for service under this Part upon whom a provisional notice
has been served and who has not within the
prescribed period objected thereto or whose objection has been
dismissed by the Compulsory Service Tribunal, a written notice,
hereinafter called a 'final notice', calling him up for service in
the body for which he was provisionally selected:
Provided that no such notice may be served upon any person
the calling up for service of whom has been deferred under para-
graph (e) of subsection (1) of section 13 until the period for which
such calling up has been deferred has elapsed.
(2) The Director may likewise cause to be served a final
notice upon a person for whom the Compulsory Service Tribunal
has substituted a form of service different from that for which
such person was provisionally selected calling him up for service
in such substituted body.
(3) The final notice shall require the person on whom it is
served to present himself at such place and time (not earlier than
the seventh day after the date of service of the notice) and to such
authority as may be specified in the final notice.
(4) Any person who contravenes the provisions of a final
notice shall be guilty of an offence.
15. (1) Every person upon whom a final notice has been
served calling him up for service in the Royal Hong Kong Regi-
ment, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the Royal Hong
Kong Auxiliary Police Force or the Essential Services Corps shall,
on the date specified on the notice to present himself to authority,
so present himself and shall enrol in the said Regiment, Force or
Corps mentioned in such notice in the manner specified in the
Ordinances and regulations respectively relating to such Regiment,
Force or Corps. (Amended, 2 of 1959, Second Schedule, and 98
of 1970, Schedule)
(2) Every person who shall have been transferred to the
Royal Hong Kong Regiment, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary
Air Force, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force or the
Essential Services Corps under the provisions of sections 20 and
21 shall enrol in the said Regiment, Force or Corps in the manner
specified in the Ordinances and regulations respectively relating to
such Regiment, Force or Corps. (Amended, 2 of 1959, Second
Schedule, and 98 of 1970, Schedule)
(3) Any person who fails to enrol himself in accordance with
the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence.
16. (1) No person who is called up for service by virtue of
the provisions of this Ordinance in the Royal Hong Kong Regi-
ment, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the Royal Hong
Kong Auxiliary Police Force or the Essential Services Corps, shall
quit such Regiment, Force or Corps, without the previous consent
in writing of the Director and any attempt to quit without such
consent shall be void and of no effect. For the purposes of this
subsection, 'quit' shall not include dismissal or any power of discharge
or retirement or to dispense with the services of any person exercisable
independently of the will of the person dismissed, discharged, retired or
whose services are dispensed with, but shall include any voluntary
retirement, resignation or leaving other than retirement or resignation on
the grounds of age permitted under the law applicable to the Regiment,
Force or Corps to which such person belongs. (Amended, 2 of 1959,
Second Schedule, and 98 of 1970, Schedule)
(2) Any person who is dissatisfied with a decision of the Director
refusing him consent to quit the Royal Hong Kong Regiment, the Royal
Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police
Force or the Essential Services Corps may appeal from such decision to
the Compulsory Service Tribunal constituted under section 11.
(Amended, 2 of 1959, Second Schedule, and 98 of 1970, Schedule)
(3) Such person shall within seven days of service upon of the
decision of the Director forward to the Director a statement in writing
notifying the Director of his dissatisfaction with his decision and the
grounds therefor.
17. (1) The provisions of sections 12 and 13, other than paragraph
(e) of subsection (1) of section 13, shall apply to appeals made under
section 16 as though the words 'appeal' and 'appellant' were
substituted for the words 'objection' and 'objector' respectively.
(2) The Compulsory Service Tribunal shall further have power to
release an appellant from service for such period as it may specify.
(Replaced, 42 of 1953, s. 2)
18. The provisions of this Part shall apply to citizens of the United
Kingdom and the Colonies who are members of the Royal Hong Kong
Regiment, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the Royal Hong
Kong Auxiliary Police Force or the Essential Services Corps, whether
they have become such members by virtue of the provisions of this
Ordinance or otherwise.
(Amended, 2 of 1959, Second Schedule, and 98 of 1970,
19. (1) The Commanding Officer of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment
or the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the Commissioner of the
Essential Services Corps and the Commissioner of Police may require
any member of the body under his
command to submit himself for such medical examination as the
Director of Medical and Health Services may consider
necessary or desirable.
(2) The power conferred upon the Commissioner of the Essential
Services Corps by subsection (1) shall so far as it concerns members of
the Auxiliary Fire Service Unit, members of the Civil Aid Services Unit
and members of the Auxiliary Medical Service Unit be exercised by the
respective Unit Controllers thereof.
(3) No person to whom this Part applies shall be required under this
section to submit himself to medical examination more than once in
every two years.
(4) Any person who fails to comply with a requirement made under
this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine of
one thousand dollars.
(Added, 42 of 1953, s. 2)
20. The Director may in the public interest order the transfer of any
person who is a member of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment, the Royal
Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police
Force or the Essential Services Corps from one body to another.
(Replaced, 98 of 1970, Schedule)
21. The procedure for making an order for transfer under section 20
shall commence with the serving of a medical notice under subsection
(1) of section 7 in like manner as if the person served were not a member
of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air
Force, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force or the Essential
Services Corps, as the case may be, save that such notice shall state
that it is given under this section. Thereafter the provisions of
subsection (2) of section 7 and of sections 8 to 14 shall apply mutatis
mutandis and with the following modifications
(a)the order for transfer shall be contained in the final notice
served on the person intended to be transferred;
(b)the person intended to be transferred shall be deemed to be a
member of the Regiment, Force or Corps from which he is being
transferred until he has enrolled in the body in which he is
directed by the final notice to enrol.
(Amended, 2 of 1959, Second Schedule, and 98 of 1970,
22. (1) No citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies who is a
member, whether by virtue of the provisions of this Ordinance or
otherwise, of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment, the Royal Hong Kong
Auxiliary Air Force, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force or the
Essential Services Corps, shall, as from such date as
shall be ordered by the Governor in Council, depart from the
Colony to any destination outside it other than to such places as
may be specified in such order, except under the authority of a
written permit granted by the Director of Immigration or by a
person authorized by him in that behalf. Permits shall be granted
or refused in accordance with such directions as may from time to
time be given by the Governor. (Amended, 2 of 1959, Second
Schedule, and 98 of 1970, Schedule)
(2) The written permit referred to in subsection (1) shall be
in the form of an endorsement of the travel document of the
person desiring to depart from the Colony and such endorsement
shall be in the form prescribed in the Schedule.
(3) Any person to whom this section applies who departs or
attempts to depart from the Colony without compliance with the
requirement of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.
23. Any order, notice or other document issued for the pur-
pose of carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance may be
served either by being delivered personally to the person to whom
it is addressed or by leaving it with some adult at such person's
last known residence or place of business or by sending it by
registered post to such person at his last known residence or place
of business.
24. The Governor in Council may by regulation prescribe
forms and provide generally for the carrying into effect of the
provisions of this Ordinance.
25. Any person who is guilty of an offence against section 7,
14, 15 or 22 shall be liable to a fine of five thousand dollars and
to imprisonment for two years.
26. (1) This Ordinance shall come into operation on such
date as the Governor in Council may appoint by proclamation
published in the Gazette and may be suspended from time to time
by the Governor in Council by further proclamation published in
the Gazette.
(2) Upon the suspension of this Ordinance by further proc-
lamation issued under subsection (1), any person who has been
called up for service by virtue of any direction issued pursuant to
section 6 and who is at the time of such further proclamation
still serving in the Royal Hong Kong Regiment, the Royal Hong
Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police
Force, or the Essential Services Corps shall be deemed for all
purposes not to have been so called up for service but to have
voluntarily enrolled in such Regiment, Force or Corps, as the case
may be, and shall be deemed to have been continuously serving
as a volunteer therein with effect from the date of such direction.
(Replaced, 22 of 1961, s. 2. Amended, 98 of 1970, Schedule)
SCHEDULE. [s. 22(2).]
(Name or names of person departing) ....................................................
is permitted to depart from the Colony by .......
Valid for ..................................
No . .................................
Dated ..............................
(Signed) ...................................................
Director of Immigration.
Originally 24 of 1951. 42 of 1953. 2 of 1959. 22 of 1961. 29 of 1969. 98 of 1970. G.N.A. 149/51. Short title. * Interpretation. (Cap. 197.) (Cap. 95.) (Cap. 161.) (Cap. 241, sub. leg.) (Cap. 232.) (Cap. 233.) (Cap. 198.) (Cap. 199.) Appointments. Application. Exemption. Liability for compulsory service. Power to require medical examination. Medical examination. (Cap. 197, sub. Leg.) Provisional selection. Grounds of objection to selection for service. Appointment and constitution of Tribunal to consider objections to compulsory service. (Cap. 1.) Reference to objections to Tribunal. Powers of the Tribunal. (Cap. 4.) (Cap. 4.) Calling up for service. Final notice. Enrolment in Royal Hong Kong Regiment, Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air force, Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force and Essential Services Corps. Restriction of quitting body into which called up. Appeal before Tribunal. Application of Part III. Power to order medical examination. Power of Director to order transfer. Procedure for transfer. Restriction on departure from the Colony of members of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment, etc. Schedule. Service of document. Regulation. Penalties. Commencement and suspension.
Originally 24 of 1951. 42 of 1953. 2 of 1959. 22 of 1961. 29 of 1969. 98 of 1970. G.N.A. 149/51. Short title. * Interpretation. (Cap. 197.) (Cap. 95.) (Cap. 161.) (Cap. 241, sub. leg.) (Cap. 232.) (Cap. 233.) (Cap. 198.) (Cap. 199.) Appointments. Application. Exemption. Liability for compulsory service. Power to require medical examination. Medical examination. (Cap. 197, sub. Leg.) Provisional selection. Grounds of objection to selection for service. Appointment and constitution of Tribunal to consider objections to compulsory service. (Cap. 1.) Reference to objections to Tribunal. Powers of the Tribunal. (Cap. 4.) (Cap. 4.) Calling up for service. Final notice. Enrolment in Royal Hong Kong Regiment, Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air force, Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force and Essential Services Corps. Restriction of quitting body into which called up. Appeal before Tribunal. Application of Part III. Power to order medical examination. Power of Director to order transfer. Procedure for transfer. Restriction on departure from the Colony of members of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment, etc. Schedule. Service of document. Regulation. Penalties. Commencement and suspension.
Subsequent Cap No.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“COMPULSORY SERVICE ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 29, 2025,