(Cap. 245, sections 36(1) and 39(4))
[7 December 1984.]
1. This order may be cited as the Military Installations Closed
Areas Order.
2. The areas and buildings specified in the First Schedule are
declared to be closed areas.
3. The authority or person named in the second column of the
Second Schedule is specified as the authority or person who may
appoint any person to guard a closed area shown opposite such
authority or person in the third column of that Schedule.
(All map references are taken from Edition I-GSGS, Series L. 8811).
Item Location Remarks
1 Depot and Earth Station. Area enclosed by perimeter fence at
Chung Hom Kok KV 11305930: KV 11325937:
KV 11405944: KV 11555951:
KV 11585951: KV 11615949:
KV 11595944: KV 11615941:
KV 11605937: KV 11635934:
KV 11605927: KV 11305930.
Lei Yue Mun Barracks The area enclosed by perimeter fence from
KV 14506591: KV 14506600:
KV 14556605.
Thence North along Westside of MOD
road to the main gate at KV 14506635.
Then North to KV 14536667:
KV 14646667: KV 14656680:
KV 14746683: KV 14686694:
KV 14676698: KV 14680700: then along
the jetty and landing ramp Eastwards
along the coastline to a point on the
South boundary at KV 15156560. Then
Westwards to KV 15056558:
V 14886563: KV 14806560:
14656560. Then North along the top
of stop East of Chai Wan Road to the
starting point at KV 14506591.
3. H.M.S. TamarArea enclosed by wall and sea frontage at
KV 07366707: KV 07656704:
KV 07826692: KV 07786686:
KV 0784668 1: KV 07786673: Harcourt
Road through KV 07346696:
KV 07366708.
4. RHKR(V) Headquarters, The area enclosed by the perimeter wall
Happy Valley and fence from KV 09106613 NE along
Morrison Hill Road to KV 09286631 then
South to KV 09296623 then around the
Stadium to KV 09226622 and
KV 09236615 then West along Sports
Road to KV 09106613.
Item Location Remarks
5. Stanley Fort Stanley Peninsular South of perimeter
fence at KV 12325826: KV 12405827:
KV 12685846: KV 13125842.
6. Gun Club Hill Barracks The area enclosed by perimeter wall/fence/
gateway at junction Chatham Road
South/Austin Road KV 08886931:
junction Chatham Road South/Gascoigne
Road at KV 09016959: KV 08546967:
KV 08746935: KV 08886931.
7. British Military Hospital,Grid reference KV 088701: Wylie Road:
Kings Park KV 089699: Retaining wall: KV 090698:
KV 091698: Princess Margaret Road:
Wylie Road.
8. Sham Shui Po Camp Area NW of Lai Chi Kok Road enclosed
by perimeter fence at KV 07007252:
KV 07137239: KV 07257252:
KV 07107265: KV 07007252.
9. Erskine Camp Area enclosed by perimeter fence at
KV 17307342: KV 17507336:
KV 17617325: KV 17387320:
KV 17307342: KV 17367314:
KV 17317309: KV 17257315:
KV 17327322: KV 17367314.
10. Sek Kong Airfield and Camp Area enclosed by perimeter fence at
JV 98118467: JV 98458469:
JV 98648461: JV 98768463:
JV 98768471: Sek Kong Au Tau Road
JV 99648478: Stream: KV 00128397:
KV 00058381: Drainage Ditch:
JV 98678406: JV 98588443:
JV 98308453: JV 98218467.
11. Dill's Corner Camp Area enclosed by perimeter fence at
KV 0 1409184: KV 0 1339205:
KV 01559206: KV 01409184.
12. Bowring camp Area enclosed by perimeter fence at
HQ 0665816 1: HQ 06608180:
HQ 06708183: HQ 06758168:
HQ 06718160: HQ 06658161:
HQ 06818159: HQ 06898163:
HQ 07048152: HQ 07058131:
HQ 06958122: HQ 06808128:
HQ 06818159.
13. Perowne Barracks Area enclosed by perimeter wall/fence at
HQ 07747746: HQ 07737771:
HQ 07847782: HQ 07967782:
HQ 08177770: HQ 08157748:
HQ 07997740: Road HQ 07747746.
14. Gordon Hard Area enclosed by perimeter fence at
HQ 07207761: HQ 07277768:
Road HQ 07457745: HQ 07407740:
Coastline: HQ 07207761.
15. Cassino Lines Area enclosed by perimeter fence at
JV 99158940: JV 99188949:
JV 99278947:JV 99258955:
JV 99228957: JV 99119013:
JV 99399011:JV 99329044:
JV 99569041:JV 99568978:
JV 99478978:JV 99398938:
JV 99158940.
Item Location Remarks
16. Lo Wu Camp Area enclosed by perimeter fence at
KV 02389373: KV 02569329:
KV 02799334: KV 02739320:
KV 02859318: KV 02539303:
KV 02369280: KV 02389373.
17. Bunna LinesArea bounded by KV 07079165:
KV 07069175: KV 07309180:
KV 07329170: KV 07369178:
KV 07509177: KV 07559168:
KV 07609170: KV 07609190:
KV 07819188: KV 07879176:
KV 07729161: KV 08029157:
KV 08029143: KV 07329138.
18. Gallipoli LinesArea enclosed by perimeter fence at
KV 06709230: KV 06659245:
KV 06559250: KV 07109300:
KV 07209245: KV 07009255:
KV 06989240: KV 07059230:
Road: KV 07259215: KV 06809182:
KV 06559182: KV 06709230.
19. Crest Hill Observation Post Buildings centred on KV 02269380 and
KV 02129370.
20. Sandy Ridge Observation Military Buildings at KV 03759463.
21. Sha Tau Kok Observation Military Buildings at KV 12429660.
22. Lone Tree Hill Feature, KV 143963 as enclosed by barbed wire.
Sha Tau Kok
23. Tam Mi Ammunition Store JV 97728887 as enclosed by perimeter
24. Man Kam To Feature RHKP and military occupied buildings
around KV 043956.
25. Stonecutters Island Coastline following general line
KV 04137137: KV 04827186:
KV 05387138: KV 05707164:
KV 05887143: KV 05357074:
KV 04807127: KV 04277108:
KV 04137137 and the area of water up
to a distance of 100 yards from any
part of the shore at low water-mark
of Stonecutters Island.
26. Royal Naval Coast-watching Perimeter fence around GQ 93856415.
Station, Tai 0
Item Authority or Person Closed Area
1. The Commanding Officer of The closed area described in item 4 of the
the Royal Hong Kong First Schedule.
Regiment (The Volunteers)
L.N. 398/84. Citation. Declaration of closed areas. First Schedule. Specification of authority or person to appoint guards. Second Schedule.
L.N. 398/84. Citation. Declaration of closed areas. First Schedule. Specification of authority or person to appoint guards. Second Schedule.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“MILITARY INSTALLATIONS CLOSED AREAS ORDER,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 28, 2025,