Auxiliary Police Force.
No. 7 of 1871.
An Ordinance enpower the Governor from time to time to enrol
Constables to the Police Force for Periods of less than Five Years,
upon special Terms and Conditions.
[11th September, 1871.]
linadace No. 9 of 1862, power is given to, the Governor- tq enrol
.police Force established thereunder for the period - o£ five
~~ oriditions in the said Ordinance specified and contained;
`' `to. ~! I npower the Governor from time to time to raise an
,.rollimg constables for periods of less than five years and
64' terms. and c~indti:ons as -hereinafter mentioned: Be it enacted by
of langl~ong; with ~he advice of -the Legislative Council thereof, as
.folloyve :- ,
~IL This' Ordinarice~may be cited as 'The Auxiliary Police Force
2,- I-t. shall be lawful for the ,Governoi from time to time to enrol in
the Police
Force of , the Colony;., any number , of constables for such periods of
less than f ve,
years and u-pan such special terms and conditions as he shall from time
to tFm;e Icei
$, Every constable enrolled in the Police Force under this Ordinance
shall lizxtlr
himself to serve for such period and upon such terms as shall be agreed
upon, and.-ho
shall not be at libeiwy to resign or withdraw himself from the force
before the expiration!
of the period of his engagement, except with the permission o£ the
Auxiliary Police Force
No. 7 of 1871.
4: Sections 9, 11, and 23 of Ordinance No, 9 of 1848, and the procisions of
Ordinance No. 8 of 1869 as to the great of a bonus or free passage and
-of ponskft~' r~dw: `.
shall not apply to constables enrolled under this Ordinance,
5. The forma contained in schedule B of OrdiAnce No. 9 of 1$G2 may lie v
tbrit~ Forma of echo-
£or the put-poses of this Ordinance, so as to meet the circumstances of
-each partiduiar
6. All the provisions. of Ordinance No. 9 of 1$62' not hefeinb9for~-
excepted, shall so far, as the same may net be inconsistent with tote
66'spetial terms -and
conditions agreed upon, or with the provisions hel'ein contained, bb
deemed to apply
to constables enrolled'undor this Ordinance.
'J. In case any constable enrolled in the auxiliary Police force
established under
this Ordinance, shall be subsequently by carolled in the Police Force
established under
Ordinance No. 9 0£ ~ 1862, the whole of his time of service in the
auxiliary Police
Force, shall be reckoned in the coinputation of his service for the
purposes of the
bonus and pensions to which he may become entitled under Ordinance No. 8
of 1869.
$. This Ordinance and Ordinance No. 9 of 1862, (subject to the exceptions
inbefore contained as to the application thereof to constables enrolled
under this
Ordinance,) shall be read together and construed as cue Ordinance.
[Repealecbby Ordinance No. U of 1887._
Short title.
Power to enrol constables for limited periods.
Enrolment under this Ordinance.
Such constables not entitled to persion, &c.
Forms of schdule B may be varied.
Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 how far applicable.
Service in auxiliary force to count in case of enrolment under Ordinance 9 of 1862.
No. 9 of 1862 and this Ordinance to be read together.
No. 7 of 1871.
An Ordinance enpower the Governor from time to time to enrol
Constables to the Police Force for Periods of less than Five Years,
upon special Terms and Conditions.
[11th September, 1871.]
linadace No. 9 of 1862, power is given to, the Governor- tq enrol
.police Force established thereunder for the period - o£ five
~~ oriditions in the said Ordinance specified and contained;
`' `to. ~! I npower the Governor from time to time to raise an
,.rollimg constables for periods of less than five years and
64' terms. and c~indti:ons as -hereinafter mentioned: Be it enacted by
of langl~ong; with ~he advice of -the Legislative Council thereof, as
.folloyve :- ,
~IL This' Ordinarice~may be cited as 'The Auxiliary Police Force
2,- I-t. shall be lawful for the ,Governoi from time to time to enrol in
the Police
Force of , the Colony;., any number , of constables for such periods of
less than f ve,
years and u-pan such special terms and conditions as he shall from time
to tFm;e Icei
$, Every constable enrolled in the Police Force under this Ordinance
shall lizxtlr
himself to serve for such period and upon such terms as shall be agreed
upon, and.-ho
shall not be at libeiwy to resign or withdraw himself from the force
before the expiration!
of the period of his engagement, except with the permission o£ the
Auxiliary Police Force
No. 7 of 1871.
4: Sections 9, 11, and 23 of Ordinance No, 9 of 1848, and the procisions of
Ordinance No. 8 of 1869 as to the great of a bonus or free passage and
-of ponskft~' r~dw: `.
shall not apply to constables enrolled under this Ordinance,
5. The forma contained in schedule B of OrdiAnce No. 9 of 1$G2 may lie v
tbrit~ Forma of echo-
£or the put-poses of this Ordinance, so as to meet the circumstances of
-each partiduiar
6. All the provisions. of Ordinance No. 9 of 1$62' not hefeinb9for~-
excepted, shall so far, as the same may net be inconsistent with tote
66'spetial terms -and
conditions agreed upon, or with the provisions hel'ein contained, bb
deemed to apply
to constables enrolled'undor this Ordinance.
'J. In case any constable enrolled in the auxiliary Police force
established under
this Ordinance, shall be subsequently by carolled in the Police Force
established under
Ordinance No. 9 0£ ~ 1862, the whole of his time of service in the
auxiliary Police
Force, shall be reckoned in the coinputation of his service for the
purposes of the
bonus and pensions to which he may become entitled under Ordinance No. 8
of 1869.
$. This Ordinance and Ordinance No. 9 of 1862, (subject to the exceptions
inbefore contained as to the application thereof to constables enrolled
under this
Ordinance,) shall be read together and construed as cue Ordinance.
[Repealecbby Ordinance No. U of 1887._
Short title.
Power to enrol constables for limited periods.
Enrolment under this Ordinance.
Such constables not entitled to persion, &c.
Forms of schdule B may be varied.
Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 how far applicable.
Service in auxiliary force to count in case of enrolment under Ordinance 9 of 1862.
No. 9 of 1862 and this Ordinance to be read together.
Short title.
Power to enrol constables for limited periods.
Enrolment under this Ordinance.
Such constables not entitled to persion, &c.
Forms of schdule B may be varied.
Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 how far applicable.
Service in auxiliary force to count in case of enrolment under Ordinance 9 of 1862.
No. 9 of 1862 and this Ordinance to be read together.
Short title.
Power to enrol constables for limited periods.
Enrolment under this Ordinance.
Such constables not entitled to persion, &c.
Forms of schdule B may be varied.
Ordinance No. 9 of 1862 how far applicable.
Service in auxiliary force to count in case of enrolment under Ordinance 9 of 1862.
No. 9 of 1862 and this Ordinance to be read together.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 7 of 1871
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“AUXILIARY POLICE FORCE ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 22, 2025,