No person to
retail cigars, che-
roots, snuff, or
tobacco, without
a licence for that
Penalties oa
ed for tbe~fnn ln-
gement or vlol'a-
tion of this Ordl-
ORDINANCE No. 3 of 1845.
Tobacco, Sfc. Licensing.
No. 3 of I845.
Title, An Ordinance for Licensing the Retail of Tobacco and Snuff, within
Colony of Hongkong, and the waters thereof.
[ 7th July, 1845. ]
preamble. ~ '~rHEREAS it is expedient to make further provision towards
defraying the civil
expenses of the Colony of Hongkong.
I. Be it thereof enacted and ordained by the Governor of Hongkong, with
,advice of the Legislative Council thereof, that from and after the first
day of October
nest, no person or persons shall sell, or barter, or retail cigars,
cheroots, snuff, or
tobacco, manufactured or unmanuFactured, in less quantities or weights
than those
hereinafter specified, without first duly having had and obtained such
licence as is
hereinafter directed for that purpose: That is to say; No person shall
vend, sell, or
barter cigars and cheroots in less number than one thousand thereof at a
time, or
snuff in a smaller quantity than 1 1b. weight, or tobacco, manufactured
or unmanufac-
tured, (except prepared in the state of snug,) in a smaller or less
quantity than 2 Its.
weight thereof at a time, without such licence for that purpose.
Licence how to 2. And it is hereby provided, that every such licence shall
be obtained from, and
be ranted, and
particulars thera- granted by, the Colonial Secretary, on payment of a fee
of twenty dollars, who shall
duly register the issuing thereof, and that the said licence shall
continue and be in
force from the day of the issuing thereof for a period of twelve months
from the date
of its being issued, which shall be duly specified in the said licence.
3. And be it further enacted and ordained, that if from and after the
time limited
for this Ordinance to come into operation and effect, any unlicensed
person or persons
shall sell, vend, barter, or retail cigars, cheroots, snuff, or tobacco,
manufactured or
unmanufactured, in less quantities or weights at a time than as above
prescribed and
mentioned, he or they, for every such offence, shall be liable to a
penalty not exceeding
two hundred dollars, to be recovered in a summary manner before any
Magistrate of
Police, and in default of said penalty being paid after conviction, the
same shall be
levied by distress.aud sale of the offender's goods and chattels, and if
there be no suf-
ficient distress, every such offender shall be liable to imprisonment for
a period not
exceeding one calendar month. Provided always, that in case any such
shall take place and be had on the.evideuce of any common or public
informer, he or.
she shall be entitled to ono moiety of said penalty.
[Repeated by Ordinance No. .9 of t85$.j
No person to retall cigars, cheroots, snuff, or tobacco, without a licence for that purpose.
Licence how to be granted, and particulars thereof.
Penalties imposed for the infringement or violation of this Ordinance.
retail cigars, che-
roots, snuff, or
tobacco, without
a licence for that
Penalties oa
ed for tbe~fnn ln-
gement or vlol'a-
tion of this Ordl-
ORDINANCE No. 3 of 1845.
Tobacco, Sfc. Licensing.
No. 3 of I845.
Title, An Ordinance for Licensing the Retail of Tobacco and Snuff, within
Colony of Hongkong, and the waters thereof.
[ 7th July, 1845. ]
preamble. ~ '~rHEREAS it is expedient to make further provision towards
defraying the civil
expenses of the Colony of Hongkong.
I. Be it thereof enacted and ordained by the Governor of Hongkong, with
,advice of the Legislative Council thereof, that from and after the first
day of October
nest, no person or persons shall sell, or barter, or retail cigars,
cheroots, snuff, or
tobacco, manufactured or unmanuFactured, in less quantities or weights
than those
hereinafter specified, without first duly having had and obtained such
licence as is
hereinafter directed for that purpose: That is to say; No person shall
vend, sell, or
barter cigars and cheroots in less number than one thousand thereof at a
time, or
snuff in a smaller quantity than 1 1b. weight, or tobacco, manufactured
or unmanufac-
tured, (except prepared in the state of snug,) in a smaller or less
quantity than 2 Its.
weight thereof at a time, without such licence for that purpose.
Licence how to 2. And it is hereby provided, that every such licence shall
be obtained from, and
be ranted, and
particulars thera- granted by, the Colonial Secretary, on payment of a fee
of twenty dollars, who shall
duly register the issuing thereof, and that the said licence shall
continue and be in
force from the day of the issuing thereof for a period of twelve months
from the date
of its being issued, which shall be duly specified in the said licence.
3. And be it further enacted and ordained, that if from and after the
time limited
for this Ordinance to come into operation and effect, any unlicensed
person or persons
shall sell, vend, barter, or retail cigars, cheroots, snuff, or tobacco,
manufactured or
unmanufactured, in less quantities or weights at a time than as above
prescribed and
mentioned, he or they, for every such offence, shall be liable to a
penalty not exceeding
two hundred dollars, to be recovered in a summary manner before any
Magistrate of
Police, and in default of said penalty being paid after conviction, the
same shall be
levied by distress.aud sale of the offender's goods and chattels, and if
there be no suf-
ficient distress, every such offender shall be liable to imprisonment for
a period not
exceeding one calendar month. Provided always, that in case any such
shall take place and be had on the.evideuce of any common or public
informer, he or.
she shall be entitled to ono moiety of said penalty.
[Repeated by Ordinance No. .9 of t85$.j
No person to retall cigars, cheroots, snuff, or tobacco, without a licence for that purpose.
Licence how to be granted, and particulars thereof.
Penalties imposed for the infringement or violation of this Ordinance.
No person to retall cigars, cheroots, snuff, or tobacco, without a licence for that purpose.
Licence how to be granted, and particulars thereof.
Penalties imposed for the infringement or violation of this Ordinance.
No person to retall cigars, cheroots, snuff, or tobacco, without a licence for that purpose.
Licence how to be granted, and particulars thereof.
Penalties imposed for the infringement or violation of this Ordinance.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 3 of 1845
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“TOBACCO, & ETC. LICENSING ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed January 22, 2025,