Regulation page
1........Citation ....................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A3
2........Interpretation ................. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A3
3........Application ........ . ........ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A4
4. Application for approval as surveyor. competent person. controller. operator A 4
5..................................Grounds for approval of surveyor. competent person or operator ... ... A 4
PART 111
6. Owner of aerial ropeway, to supply manuals ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 5
7...............Records to be kept .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 5
8. Operational personnel..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 7
9. Duties of operational personnel ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 8
10. Pre-operational examinations and tests ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 8
11. Requirements as to speed. load. etc . ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 8
12. Certain occurrences to be reported ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 8
13.........................Prohibited goods, and prohibition on smokiniz ... ... ... ... ... ... A 9
14............Prohibited persons ........ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A9
15..................Operation in inclement weather ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A9
16............Operation at night ........ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 10
17..............Control of passengers ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A10
18..............................Aerial ropeway not to be operated during maintenance ... ... ... ... A 10
19..............Maintenance schedules ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 10
20.....................Annual and quarterly examinations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 11
21.....................Prohibition on use of certain ropes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 12
22. Visual examination of carrying-hauling rope ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 12
Regulaflon page
23. Examination ofearrying-haulin.g ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 13
24. Prohibition on spliced rope... ... ... ... ... ... A 13
25. Counterweight and counterweight travel ... ... 1 .. ... ... ... ... ... A 13
26. Cars ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... A 14
27. Communication systems ... ... ... ... . ... ... A 14
28. Electrical systems ... ... ... ... A 15
29. Stations ... ... ... ... . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 15
30. Notices to be posted in stations ... ...
31..............Rescue of passengers ........
32..............Tests of rescue equipment ... ... . ... ... ... A 16
33...................Location of rescue equipment ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 16
34............................Competent person to issue instructions to operators ...
35...................Line to be free from obstructions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 16
36..............Responsibility for keys ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 17
37.........................Provision of first aid facilities 1. ... ... ... . ... A 17
38...................Protection of persons employed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 17
39............................Offences and penalties relating to competent persons ... ... ... ... ... A 18
40..........................Offences and penalties relating to controllers ... ... ... ... ... ... A 18
41.......................Offences and penalties relating to owners ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 18
42..............................Offences and penalties relating to surveyors and others ... ... ... ... A 18
43..........................Owner to cause regulations to be complied with ... ... ... ... ... ... A 18
First Schedule Fees ........................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 19
Second Schedule Contents of First Aid Boxes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 19
Third Schedule.......Penalties for Offences ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 20
(Cap. 211, section 28)
[Parts 1 and 11: 14 October 1977.
Parts III. IV. V,
VI, VII and VIII: 1 December 1977.1
1. These regulations may be cited as the Aerial Ropeways
(Operation and Maintenance) Regulations.
2. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires-
'competent person', in relation to any duty required to be performed
by him under these regulations, means a person who
(a)is employed by the owner of an aerial ropeway as a
competent person pursuant to regulation 8(1); and
(b) has been approved under regulation 5;
'controller', in relation to any duty required to be performed by him
under these regulations, means a person who
(a)is employed by the owner of an aerial ropeway as a controller
pursuant to regulation 8(1); and
(b) has been approved under regulation 5;
'defectograph' means any apparatus for, the detection of broken wires
in a rope;
,,operator', in relation to any duty required to be performed by him
under these regulations, means a person who
(a)is employed by the owner of an aerial ropeway as an operator
pursuant to regulation 8(1); and
(b) has been approved under regulation 5;
',station' means any terminal station or intermediate station;
'surveyor', in relation to the carrying out of any test or examination
required to be performed by him under these regulations, means a
person who
(a)not being employed by the owner of an aerial ropeway, is
appointed by the owner to carry out any test or examination;
(b) has been approved under regulation 5(1);
'work car' means a car which is used, or adapted for use, along the line
for the repair or maintenance of an aerial ropeway or its equipment.
3. These regulations shall apply to continuously circulating
monocable ropeways with detachable grips, in operation on or after the
commencement of these regulations.
4. An application for the approval of any person as a surveyor,
competent person, controller or operator shall be made in writing to the
Director and shall be accompanied by a full-face photograph of the
applicant and the appropriate fee specified in the First Schedule.
5. (1) Where, on an application for the approval of a person as a
surveyor, the Director is satisfied that, by reason of the applicant's
training, qualifications and practical experience, he is competent to carry
out the tests and examinations required by these regulations to be
carried out by a surveyor, he shall approve that person as a surveyor.
(2) Where, on an application for the approval of a person as a
competent person, the Director is satisfied that, by reason of the
applicant's training, qualifications and practical experience, he is
competent to perform the duties required by these regulations to be
performed by a competent person, he shall approve that person as a
competent person.
(3) Where, on an application for the approval of a person as a
controller or operator, the Director is satisfied that, by reason of the
applicant's training and practical experience, he is competent to perform
the duties required by these regulations to be performed by an operator,
he shall approve that person as a controller or operator, as the case may
(4) Where the Director approves a person as a surveyor,
competent person, controller or operator, he shall issue that person with
a certificate of approval, which in the case of an operator, may limit the
duties which that operator may perform and which may be subject to
such conditions as the Director thinks fit.
(5) Where the Director has issued an operator with a limited
certificate of approval under paragraph (4), the operator shall not, in the
operation of the aerial ropeway. perform any duties for which he has not
been approved.
(6) Where paragraph (5) is contravened. the operator commits an
(7) The Director may, on application by an operator holding a
limited certificate of approval and on payment of the fee specified in the
First Schedule, amend that certificate by altering the duties which that
operator may perform. varying the conditions or by removing all the
limitations or conditions.
(8) The Director may revoke a certificate of approval issued to a
surveyor, competent person, controller or operator if the holder thereof
has been convicted of any offence under these regulations.
PART 111
6. (1) The owner of an aerial ropeway shall, within the period
specified in paragraph (2), supply to the Director
(a)an operation manual prepared by the designer or manufacturer
of the ropeway describing the function and operation of the
components of the ropeway and instructions for the safe
usage of the ropeway, and
(b)a maintenance manual prepared by the designer or
manufacturer describing the recommended maintenance
procedures for the ropeway, including types of lubricants
required and the frequency of application, definitions and
measurements to determine excessive wear, the recommended
frequency of servicing of specific components and the
periodic inspections to be carried out.
(2) The manuals referred to in paragraph (1) shall be supplied-
(a)in the case of a new aerial ropeway, before the Director gives
approval, under section 16 of the Ordinance, to the
commencement of operation;
(b)in the case of an existing aerial ropeway, within 3 months after
the commencement of this Part.
(3) Where the designer or manufacturer of an aerial ropeway
amends the operation manual or maintenance manual prepared by him,
the owner of the aerial ropeway shall notify the Director of such
amendment as soon as reasonably possible after he receives the
amendment from the designer or manufacturer.
7. (1) The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall
keep and maintain an operational log, which shall be made up daily, and
which shall contain the following information
(a) the date;
(b)the names and duties of those operating the ropeway and the
number of hours on duty:
(e) the operating hours of the ropeway;
(d)the ambient temperature and the wind and weather condlitions
at 2-hourly intervals;
(e)confirmation of compliance with daily inspections required
under regulation 10,.
the readings of all installed instruments at 2-hourly intervals,
(i) the main drive voltage current and frequency;
(ii) the reduction gear lubricating oil pressure;
(iii) the brake system hydraulic pressures and the brake
actuating or hold-off current;
(iv) the line supervision current; and
(v) the counterweight movement;
(g)details of any accident, malfunction or abnormal occurrence,
(i) fire;
(ii) landslide;
(iii) faulty clamping or unclamping of detachable grips on
the rope;
(iv) the tripping of any line supervision switch; and
(v) the tripping of the---cardoor closed- switch;
(h)the location of sub-station, operating and safety circuit
bridging keys;
(i)the record of the 2-hourly inspection, during normal
operations, of the line by the workcar
(j) details of any rescue operation or practice thereof,
(k)any other information or occurrences which may be required
by the Director.
(2) The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall also
keep and maintain the following records
(a)a wire rope log giving the following information in respect of
each rope
(i) the approved specification;
(ii) a certified copy of the manufacturer's report on the test
of the rope;
(iii) the date the rope was installed;
(iv) a copy of a splicing certificate for each splice given by
the person carrying out the splice;
(v) a record of lubrication including the type of lubricant
and the date on which it was applied;
(Vi) a record of all visual examinations and reports thereon
and all defectograph readings. including the master record:
(vii) any other information which may, be required by the
Director; and
(h) a maintenance log which shall-
(i) show the execution of any maintenance work carried
(ii) state the components serviced, the condition of such
components and the replacement of components, and
(iii) include the names of the persons carrying out the
maintenance work.
(3) On being requested to do so by the Director, a competent
person shall produce any record kept and maintained by him under
paragraph 1 or (2) for inspection.
(4) All logs and records required to be kept and maintained under
this regulation shall be in such form as shall, from time to time. be
approved by the Director.
8. (1 The owner ner of an aerial ropeway shall riot operate the
ropeway unless he has at all times in his employ a competent person to
be in charge of the ropeway and such number of controllers and other
operators and of such grades, experience or training as the Director
shall approve and unless the duties of such controllers and other
operators have been approved by the Director.
(2) The Director may, if in his opinion the safe operation of an aerial
ropeway so requires, vary his approval given under paragraph (1) either
as regards the number of controllers and other operators to be
employed on the ropeway or as regards their grades. experience or
(3) For the purpose of securing the Director's approval under
paragraph (1). the owner of an aerial ropeway shall submit to the
(a)in the case of a new aerial ropeway, not less than 2 months
before the date on which the owner proposes to commence
(b)in the case of an existing ropeway. within 1 month after the
commencement of this Part,
a notice in writing giving the name of the competent person. the
proposed numbers and grades of the controllers and other operators to
be employed in the operation of the ropeway and details of the
proposed duties and hours of work of each controller and operator.
(4) When an aerial ropeway is in operation. the competent person
in charge of that ropeway shall ensure that there is on duty such
number of controllers and other operators as the Director has approved
under paragraph (1).
9. (1) A controller appointed by the owner of an aerial ropeway
(a)be subject to the supervision of the competent person in
charge of the ropeway;
(b) while on duty, be responsible for-
(i) ensuring that all operators perform their duties
(ii) the safe operation of the ropeway, and
(iii) discharging such other duties as may be imposed on
him by or under these regulations.
(2) The duties of operators shall be such as have been approved
by the Director under regulation 8(1).
10. Every day before the commencement of operation of an aerial
ropeway fir the carriage of members of the public. the controller on duty
at that time -shall carry out a visual examination
or test of such indication. control and safety devices as may be required
by; the Director.
11. The controller on duty when an aerial ropeway is in operation
shall ensure that
(a)the ropeway is not operated at a speed in excess of that
approved by the Director.
(b)a ropeway car does not carry a number of passengers in
excess of that approved by the Director and does not carry a
load in excess of the maximum permitted by the Director, and
(c)the number of cars carried on the ropeway at any one time
does not exceed the maximum approved by the Director.
12. (1 The controller on duty when an aerial ropeway is in
operation shall forthwith report to the Director the happening of any of
the following occurrences
(a)the death of or injury to any person occurring within the site
of the ropeway,
(b) the breakage of any rope;
(c)the failure of the main drive (other than by reason of the
failure of the main power supply). auxiliary drive or standby
drive systems:
(d) the failure of any detachable grip:
(e) any rescue operation required along the line;
(f) any fire;
(g) any landslide.. or
(h)any other occurrence as may be required from time to time by the
(2) Paragraph (1) shall not derogate from a provision in any other
enactment requiring the happening of any, occurrence specified in that
paragraph to be reported to any person.
13. (1 The controller on duty when an aerial ropeway is in operation
shall ensure that there is not carried on the ropeway
(a)any arms or ammunition except those carried by members of Her
Majesty's forces or by. any public officer while on duty:
(b) any dangerous goods within the meaning of the Dangerous
Goods Ordinance:
(c) any livestock or pets: or
(d)a any object likely. to cause inconvenience or annoyance to 1111
passenger on the ropeway or prejudice the safe operation of the
(2) No person shall smoke in any, car on an aerial ropeway.
14. The controller on duty when an aerial ropeway is in operation shall
ensure that there is not carried on the ropeway
(a) any person whom he believes or is given reasonable cause
to believe is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
(b)any person whom he believes or is given reasonable cause to believe is
suffering from a contagious disease;
(c)any person whom he believes or is given reasonable cause to believe
may prejudice the safety of the ropeway; or
(d)any person suffering from physical or mental handicap whom he
believes or is given reasonable cause to believe would be likely to
prejudice the safety of the ropeway, unless special arrangements have
been made, with the approval of the Director, for the carriage of such
15. (1) Upon the hoisting at the Royal Observatory of the No. 3 visual
storm warning. the controller on duty shall
(a)stop the operation of the aerial ropeway after all passengers being
carried thereon have been carried to the nearest station at which
transport is available., and
(b) ensure that-
(i) all rope-retaining devices on sheave trains are placed in
the 'rope safe- position;
(ii) all cars are parked in stations under shelter.
(2) The controller on duty when an aerial ropeway is in operation
may stop the operation of the ropeway if the weather conditions are
such as to prejudice the safe operation of the ropeway.
(3) Where the wind conditions are such as to cause the cars on a
ropeway to oscillate violently, the controller on duty shall reduce the
speed of the ropeway.
16. Except with the prior approval of the Director, the owner of an
aerial ropeway shall not permit the ropeway to be operated after sunset
and before sunrise.
17. The owner of an aerial ropeway shall ensure that arrangements
are made at each station on an aerial ropeway for the marshalling and
control of persons using or intending to use the ropeway so as to
provide for safe and orderly embarkation and disembarkation.
18. The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall
ensure that
(a)the ropeway is not operated when any work is being carried
out on any trestle, and
(b)the ropeway is not operated for the carriage of members of the
public when any other repair or maintenance work is being
carried out.
19. (1) The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall.
within the period specified in paragraph (5), submit for the approval of
the Director a written schedule of the systematic maintenance of all
parts of the ropeway. which schedule shall include intervals between
the inspection, lubrication and adjustment of
(a)all ropes and cables. including an examination for broken
wires and the gauging of circumferences.
(b) all sheave trains. sheaves. bushes. pins and all bearings.
(c)the drive system. including auxiliary and stand-by drive
systems and generators:
(d) the communication systems.
(e) all electric circuits. controls and switchgear
all cars, including hangers. detachable grips and car doors;
(g) trestle structures and foundations.
(h) earthing cables; and
(i) station buildings.
(2) The Director may require any. maintenance schedule submitted
to him under paragraph (1) to be amended before he approves it.
(3) Where the Director has approved any maintenance schedule,
he may require the competent person in charge of the aerial ropeway to
amend that schedule.
(4) Where the Director has approved a maintenance schedule
submitted to him under paragraph 1 the competent person in charge
of the aerial ropeway to which the schedule relates
(a)shall not permit any deviation therefrom without the approval
of the Director; and
(b)shall ensure that the ropeway is maintained in accordance with
that schedule. as from time to time amended.
(5) A maintenance schedule under paragraph (1) shall be submitted-
(a)in the case of a new aerial ropeway. within 1 month after the
commencement of operations, or
(b)in the case of an existing aerial ropeway. within 1 month after
the commencement of this Part.
20. (1) The owner of an aerial ropeway shall ensure that the
examination specified in paragraph (3) are carried out by a surveyor at
least once every 12 months, the first such examinations being carried
out not later than 14 months from the date of the Director's approval,
under section 16 of the Ordinance, of the commencement of operation.
(2) The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall
carry out the examinations specified in paragraph (3) at least once every
3 months, but shall not carry out such examinations on a day on which
a surveyor is carrying out such examinations for the purposes of
paragraph (1).
(3) For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and (2) the surveyor or
competent person shall examine
(a)all ropes, including gauging the circumference. visual
examinations over the whole length and defectograph
readings over the entire length of the carrying-hauling rope;
(b)the car hangers and detachable grips, including the actuating and
checking mechanisms;
(c)the sheave trains, sheaves, bushes, pins and beams located on
(d)the sheaves, bushes and pins at the incoming and outgoing trains
located at stations:.
(e)the main auxiliary and stand-by drives and braking systems;
all electric circuits, controls, switchgear and earthing arrangements;
(g)car door locking devices and cars for deformation. broken or loose
windows and size of apertures,
(h)trestles and foundations. including torque loaded bolts on trestle
(i) car carriage and rope speed synchronizing equipment; and
(J)any other apparatus. device or machinery as may be required by the
(4) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1 and (2) the Director may require the
examinations referred to in paragraph (3) to be carried
out at any time if, in his opinion. the condition of the ropeway or any part
thereof is such as to require examination.
(5) The owner of an aerial ropeway shall ensure that a report of every
examination required under this regulation, prepared by the surveyor or
competent person making the examination. is sent to the Director as soon as
reasonably possible after such examination is completed.
21. The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall ensure that
no rope shall be used in the operation of the ropeway
(a)the diameter of which when first installed is reduced by 10 per cent;
(b)in which the number of broken wires in any length equal to 30 timed
the diameter of the rope exceeds 10 per cent of the total number of
22. (1) Subject to paragraph (2), the competent person in charge of an
aerial ropeway shall examine visually the carryinghauling rope--
(a)in the case of a new aerial ropeway. prior to the cornmencement of
operations and thereafter at intervals not exceeding one month,
(b)In the case of an existing aerial ropeway at intervals not exceeding
one month.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the Director may, where
deterioration or other changes affecting the strength of the
carryinghauling rope have set in, require the competent person in charge
of the aerial ropeway to examine visually that rope at such intervals as
the Director may determine.
(3) For the purposes of conducting the examinations under
paragraphs (1) and (2) the competent person shall ensure that the
carrying- hauling rope is run at a speed not exceeding 0.3 m a second.
23. (1) The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall
examine the carrying-hauling rope with a defectopgraph
(a)in the case of a new aerial ropeway, on the completion of the
splicing of the rope and within the first 50 hours of running or,
in the case of an existing aerial ropeway, not later than one
month after the commencement of this Part;
(b) after any occurrence which may have damaged the rope.
(c)after the shortening of the rope or after any other splicing
operation; and
(d)at such other times or in such other circumstances as the
Director may require.
(2) Where a carrying-hauling rope has been subjected to stoppage
due to faulty unclamping of the detachable grip or has been subjected
to derailment or any other occurrence which may have resulted in
broken wires, the competent person shall, immediately after such
stoppage, derailment or other occurrence, examine such rope both
visually and by means of a defectograph
(3) The competent person shall, within 3 days of taking any
defectograph readings under paragraph (1). send to the Director
(a)a full copy of the defectograph readings taken under
paragraph (1)(a);
(b)where defectograph readings taken under paragraph (1)(b),
(c) or (d) show, in relation to any section of the rope, a change
from previous readings, a copy of those readings and of the
previous readings.
24. The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall not
use in such ropeway any carrying-hauling rope which contains more
than 2 splices.
25. (1) The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall
ensure that
(a)the counterweight keeps the carrying-hauling rope under
constant tension:
(b) the counterweight has clear and unobstructed travel;
(e)the counterweight does not touch or rest on the bottom
of the counterweight space under the worst operational
conditions and that sufficient clearance is provided and
maintained at all times; and
(d)the space in which the counterweight travels is protected,
as far as reasonably possible, from the ingress of water.
dirt, rubbish and other foreign matter and is so guarded as
to prevent the entry of unauthorized persons.
(2) Every day before the operation of the ropeway commences,
the controller on duty at that time shall inspect the space in which a
counterweight travels.
(3) The competent person shall ensure that the aerial ropeway
is not operated unless-
(a)clear and unobstructed travel is provided for the counter-
weight; and
(b)the counterweight space is in a clean condition and free of
26. (1) The owner of an aerial ropeway shall not permit the
operation of any car on that ropeway if-
(a) the car door locking system is not In safe working order;
(b) any part thereof is deformed or broken; or
(c) it has any opening which exceeds 170 mm in width.
(2) The owner of an aerial ropeway shall post up in every car
on that ropeway. and keep in good condition, notices in English and
(a) warning of fires and prohibiting smoking;
(b)stating the maximum number of passengers permitted to
be carried;
(c.) stating the maximum weight permitted to be carried.
(d) prohibiting the carriage of livestock or pets;
(e) stating the goods which may not be carried in the car; and
warning that stoppages may occur due to the operation of
automatic controls and that there is no cause for alarm.
27. (1) The controller on duty when an aerial ropeway is in
operation shall not operate the ropeway unless sufficient of the
ropeway's communications systems are available to provide safe
and effective communication at all times.
(2) The owner of an aerial ropeway shall ensure that not less
than one station is connected with the public telephone system.
28. The owner of an aerial ropeway shall ensure that all electric
circuits, overload devices, circuit breakers, switchgear and safety
devices are kept in a safe and proper state of repair and are examined in
accordance with these regulations and good electrical engineering
29. The owner of an aerial ropeway shall ensure that-
(a)the interior of every station on that ropeway is adequately lit
when the ropeway is In operation,
(b)all rails and barriers used for the marshalling and control of
passengers are kept at all times in a good state of repair;
(c)all areas within a station are kept in a good state of repair and
in a clean and orderly condition and that all floors within a
station are kept dry, and in a non-slippery
(d)all toilet facilities within a station are kept in a clean and
sanitary condition., and
(e)all guards and other devices for the protection of persons
employed on the ropeway and of the public are kept in a safe
state of repair and are not removed.
30. The owner *of an aerial ropeway shall post up in a
conspicuous place in each station and keep in good condition
(a)notices, in English and Chinese containing the matters set out
in regulation 26(2) and in addition, warning of mechanical and
electrical dangers; and
(b)notices. in English and Chinese and either with a red or yellow
background warning of the dangers of fire.
31. (1) The owner of an aerial ropeway shall not operate that
ropeway unless the equipment provided for and the method of the
rescue of passengers have been approved by the Director and shall
ensure that all rescue equipment is kept in a safe state of repair.
(2) The owner shall ensure that, at all times when the aerial
ropeway is in operation, there is on duty a sufficient number of persons
trained in the rescue of passengers.
(3) The competent person incharge of an aerial ropeway shall carry
out practice rescue operations on an aerial ropeway at such intervals as
may be required by the Director.
32. (1) The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall
test all rescue equipment
(a)to twice the normal rescue load immediately prior to any
practice rescue operation., and
(b)once a year to the manufacturer's recommended proof loading.
(2) The competent person shall. Immediately after any practice
rescue operation, examine all rescue equipment and shall ensure that all
damaged equipment is repaired forthwith and then tested to the
manufacturer's recommended proof loading.
(3) Where any rescue equipment has been used in the rescue of
passengers from an aerial ropeway the competent person shall inspect
all such equipment and shall repair or replace such equipment if
necessary before the ropeway resumes operation.
33. The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall
ensure that rescue equipment is located at suitable points along the
length of the ropeway and that the equipment is sufficiently protected
from deterioration by the action of weather, loss by stealing or damage.
34. (1) Subject to paragraph (2). the competent person in charge of
an aerial rope' ay shall prepare and issue to each controller and
operator written instructions on the action to be taken by operators
(a)where there is such stoppage of the ropeway as may be
specified in the instructions,
(b)on any occasion on which the auxiliary or stand-by drives are
(c) in the event of a rescue of passengers., and
(d) on the occasion of any fire or accident.
(2) Any instructions prepared by the competent person under
paragraph (1) shall be approved by the Director before they are issued.
35. The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall
ensure that
(a) all trees and vegetation growing. along the route of the
ropeway are trimmed so as to give the minimum clearance p
required under the Code of Practice.
(b)rocks, stones and earth do not accumulate beneath the
ropeway line in such quantities as to reduce the minimum
clearance required under the Code of Practice: and
(c)adequate provision is made for rescue teams to work on, and
for rescued persons to be lowered down any hillside on which
loose rocks. loose stones or loose earth exist.
36. (1 Subject to paragraph (4) the competent person in charge of
an aerial ropeway shall prepare and issue to each controller and
operator written instructions concerning the safe-keeping of sub-station
keys, operating keys and safety circuit bridging keys.
(2) When an aerial ropeway is in operation the competent person
shall retain possession of the safety circuit bridging keys at all times.
(3) The competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway shall
ensure that all sub-station keys. operating keys and safety circuit
bridging keys are kept in safe custody when hen not 'in use.
(4) Any instructions prepared by the competent person under
paragraph (1) shall be approved by the Director before they are issued.
37. (1) The owner of an aerial ropeway shall provide and maintain
at each station a first aid box containing the items specified in the
Second Schedule.
(2) The owner shall at all times ensure that-
(a)the items in the box are maintained in a serviceable and
sanitary condition;
(b)all materials for dressings in the box are those designated in,
and are of a grade not lower than the standards specified by,
the British Pharmaceutical Code or by any supplement to it,
(c)nothing except appliances and requisites for first aid are kept
in a first aid box,
(d)each first aid box is clearly and legibly marked AID' and and
(e)when the aerial ropeway is in operation there are on duty at
the ropeway at least 2 persons trained in first aid.
38. The owner of an aerial ropeway shall ensure that protection
against injury of all persons employed in the operation of the ropeway
is provided by
(a)the placing of notices, in English and in Chinese, warning
against mechanical and electrical dangers; and
(b)the issue of safety belts to be worn when working at a height.
39. Any competent person in charge of an aerial ropeway who
contravenes, or fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with a
requirement of the Director under. regulation 7(1), (2), (3) or (4). 8(4), 18,
19(1), (3) or (4), 20(2) or (4), 21, 22(1), (2) or (3), 23(1), (2) or (3), 24, 25(1)
or (3), 31(3) 32(1), (2) or (3), 33, 34(1) 35 or 36(1), (2) or (3) commits an
offence against that regulation and is liable to the penalty set out in the
2nd. 3rd and 4th columns of Part 1 of the Third Schedule opposite the
reference to that regulation in the 1st column thereof.
40. Any controller who contravenes, or fails, without reasonable
excuse, to comply with a requirement of the Director under, regulation
10, 11, 12(1), 13(1), 14, 15(1) or (3), 25(2) or 27(1) commits an offence
against that regulation and is liable to the penalty set out in the 2nd, 3rd
and 4th columns of Part 11 of the Third Schedule opposite the reference
to that regulation in the 1st column thereof.
41. Any owner of an aerial ropeway who contravenes. or falls.
without reasonable excuse. to comply with a requirement of the Director
under. regulation 6(1) or (3). 8(1) or (3), 16, IT 20(1), (4) or (5). 26(1) or (2).
27(2). 28. 29(a), (b). (c), (d) or (e). 30, 31(1) or (2), 37(1) or (2) or 38
commits an offence against that regulation and is liable to the penalty
set out in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th columns of Part 111 of the Third Schedule
opposite the reference to that regulation in the 1st column thereof.
42. (1) Any surveyor. competent person or controller who delivers
to the Director or to the owner of an aerial ropeway, any report or makes
any entry in a record which is to his knowledge false in a material
particular or which he does not believe to be true commits an offence
and is liable to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
(2) Any operator who commits an offence under regulation 5(6) is
liable to a fine of $2,000.
(3) Any person who contravenes regulation 13(2) commits an
offence and is liable to a fine of SI $1,000.
43. (1) The owner of an aerial ropeway shall cause every
requirement or obligation imposed upon
(a)a competent person by or under each of the regulations set
out in regulation 39: and
(b)a controller by or under each of the regulations set out in
regulation 40.
to be complied with.
(2) Subject to paragraph (3), any owner of an aerial ropeway who
contravenes paragraph (1) commits an offence (whether or not any
other person is also convicted of the offence) and is liable
(a)where the contravention relates to any of the regulations set
out in regulation 39. to the penalty set out in the 2nd, 3rd and
4th columns of Part IV of the Third Schedule opposite the
reference to that regulation in the 1st column thereof, and
(b)where the contravention relates to any of the regulations set
out in regulation 40, to the penalty set out in the 2nd, 3rd and
4th columns of Part V of the Third Schedule opposite the
reference to that regulation in the I st column thereof.
(3) The owner of an aerial ropeway shall not be convicted of an
offence under paragraph (2) if he satisfies the court that he took all such
precautions to prevent the non-compliance as the court considers
reasonable in the circumstances.
FIRST SCHEDULE [regs. 4 5(7).]
1 Application for approval under regulation 4 as-
(a) a surveyor ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... $1,200
(h) a competent person ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... S 250
(c) a controller ... ... ... ... ... ... .1 . ... ... ... S 225
(d) an operator ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... S 100
2. Application under regulation 5(7) by an operator holding a limited
certificate ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... S 150
(a)A copy of a leaflet issued by the Director of Medieal and Health Set,
giving advice on first-aid treatment.
(e)A sufficient number of medium-sized sterilized unmedicated dressings for
injured hands or feet.
(d)A sufficient number of large sterilized unmedicated dressings for other
injured parts of the body.
(e)A sufficient number of waterproof adhesive wound dressings of assorted
(f)A sufficient number of triangular bandages of unbleached calico, the
longest side of each bandage measuring not less than M inches and each of
the other sides of each bandage measuring not less than
(g) A sufficient supply of rolls of zinc oxide adhesive plaster. each roll to be
least 4,
(h) A sufficient number of 1~ packets of absorbent cotton wool. (i)
A pressure bandage. (j) A sufficient number of safety pins.
THIRD SCHEDULE [regs. 39. 40. 41 43.1
Period of
Regulation Aniount offinej,17pl.i for each da.i. on
solll77efit which the offence
70) i S2.000 3 months
7(2) S2.000 3 mon 1 hs
7(3) S2.000 3 months
7(4) S2.000 3 months
8(4) S5.000 6 months
18 S5.000 6 months S50
19(1) S2-000 3 months
)90) S1000 3 months
19(4) S5M0 6 month.,
20(2) S5.000 6 months
20(4) S5.000 6 months
21 S5.000 6 month,,, S50
22(1) S5.000 6 months
22(2) S5.000 6 months
22(3) S5.00C1 6 month,-,
23(1) S~ 6 month,.,
13(2) s~.((( 6 ill~)11til,~
23(11) S2.000 flionths
24 S5.~ 6 months S50
25(1) S5.000 6 months S50
25(3) S5.000 6 months S50
31(3) S~.000 6 months
32(1) s:, 000 6 month,,
32(2) S~.000 6 months
32(3) 6 month,,,
33 6 months S50
34(1) 0(1) 6 niontlis
35 6 month,,
36(1) 6 months
36(21 s~.((0 6 months
36(3 1 S:, (M 6 nionths
P~,1-i~)tl ol1M. cach da I. oil
Regulation AP?7o]lllt offille i) lit'll 1 1 s.hich the otence
copiti nues
10 S5.000 6 months
11 S5.0(0 6 months
12(1) S2.000 3 months
13(1) s~.((( 6 months
14 S51.~ 6 month,.,
15(1) s~.((( 6 months
15(3) si.000 6 months
2S(2) S5.000 6 months
27(1) 6 month,-,
PART 111
Additional line
Period of' for each dell- 011
Regulation Aniount o 'fine
hich the o
6(1) 510.0006 months
6(3) 510.0006 months
8(1) S10,000 6 months S 100
8(3) S10,000 6 months
16 S50,000 2 years
1 VC-ar 5 500
17 520,000
20(1) S50.000 2 years
20(4) S20,000 1 year
20(5) S10.000 6 months
26(1) 520,000 1 year S 500
26(2) S 5.000
27(2) S10.000 6 months
28 S50,000 21 Years SLOO0
9(a) S10,0M S 100
29(h) S WO
9(c) S 5,000
9(d) 5 5.000
9(e) S20,000 1 year S 500
30 S 5,000
31(1) S50,000 2 Years S1.000
31(2) S50M0 2 ~cars S 1 MO
37(1) 5 5,000
37(2) S 5.000
38 510,000 6 months
Additional fine
Period ol
Regulation Amount o r each da i. on
.1 fine imprisolunent it hich the o,ff~tice
conti nues
7(1) S10,000 6 months
7(2) S10,000 6 months
7(3) S10,000 6 months
7(4) S10,000 6 months
8(4) S10,000 6 months
is S20,000 1 year S 500
19(1) S10,000 6 months
19(3) 510,000 6 months
19(4) S2U00 1 year
20(2) S20,000 1 year
20(4) S20,000 'Ca
21 S50,000 2 ~ears S1.000
22(1) S20,000 1 year
22(2) 520.000 '1 yea'r'
22(3) S20,000 1 Year
S20,000 1 year
23(2) S20,000 1 year
23(3) S 1 U00 6 months
24 S50,000 2 years SLOO0
25(1) 520,000 1 year S 500
25(3) S20.000 1 year S500
Regulation Ainount of finePeriod of for each da v on
-isonmentwhich the offence
Conti Pities
31(3) SM0006 months
32(1) S20.0001 year
32(2) S20M01 year
S20.0001 year
33 S20.000 1 year S 500
34(1) S20.000 1 Year
35 S20.000 1 year
36(1) S20.000 1 year
36(2) S20.000 1 year
36(3) S20.000 1 Year
Re~gulationAniount of Illic Period of Jor each da v on
which the offence
S2(M01 war
S%.~1 -year
12(1) SIUM6 months
13(1) SI(.~1 year
14 S20.0001 year
15(1) S20.0001 year
15(3) S20M01 year
25(2) S20.0001 year
27(1) S20.0001 year
L.N. 243/77. L.N. 240/81. L.N. 276/77. Citation. Interpretation. L.N. 240/81. Application. Application for approval as surveyor, competent person, controller, operator. First Schedule. Grounds for approval of surveyor, competent person or operator. First Schedule. Owner of aerial ropeway to supply manuals. Records to be kept. Operational personnel. Duties of operational personnel. Pre-operational examinations and tests. L.N. 240/81. Requirements as to speed, load, etc. Certain occurrences to be reported. Prohibited goods, and prohibition on smoking. (Cap. 295.) L.N. 240/81. Prohibited persons. Operation in inclement weather. Operation at night. L.N. 240/81. Control of passengers. Aerial ropeway not to be operated during maintenance. Maintenance schedules. L.N. 240/81. Annual and quarterly examinations. L.N. 240/81. Prohibition on use of certain ropes. Visual examination of carrying-hauling rope. Examination of carrying-hauling. Prohibition on spliced rope. Counterweight and counter-weight travel. Cars. Communication systems. L.N. 240/81. Electrical systems. Stations. Notices to be posted in stations. Rescue of passengers. Tests of rescue equipment. Location of rescue equipment. Competent person to issue instructions to operators. Line to be free from obstructions. Responsibility for keys. Provision of first aid facilities. Second Schedule. Protection of persons employed. L.N. 240/81. Offences and penalties relating to competent persons. Third Schedule. Offences and penalties relating to controllers. Third Schedule. Offences and penalties relating to owners. Third Schedule. Offences and penalties relating to surveyors and others. Owner to cause regulations to be complied with. Third Schedule. Third Schedule. L.N. 240/81.
L.N. 243/77. L.N. 240/81. L.N. 276/77. Citation. Interpretation. L.N. 240/81. Application. Application for approval as surveyor, competent person, controller, operator. First Schedule. Grounds for approval of surveyor, competent person or operator. First Schedule. Owner of aerial ropeway to supply manuals. Records to be kept. Operational personnel. Duties of operational personnel. Pre-operational examinations and tests. L.N. 240/81. Requirements as to speed, load, etc. Certain occurrences to be reported. Prohibited goods, and prohibition on smoking. (Cap. 295.) L.N. 240/81. Prohibited persons. Operation in inclement weather. Operation at night. L.N. 240/81. Control of passengers. Aerial ropeway not to be operated during maintenance. Maintenance schedules. L.N. 240/81. Annual and quarterly examinations. L.N. 240/81. Prohibition on use of certain ropes. Visual examination of carrying-hauling rope. Examination of carrying-hauling. Prohibition on spliced rope. Counterweight and counter-weight travel. Cars. Communication systems. L.N. 240/81. Electrical systems. Stations. Notices to be posted in stations. Rescue of passengers. Tests of rescue equipment. Location of rescue equipment. Competent person to issue instructions to operators. Line to be free from obstructions. Responsibility for keys. Provision of first aid facilities. Second Schedule. Protection of persons employed. L.N. 240/81. Offences and penalties relating to competent persons. Third Schedule. Offences and penalties relating to controllers. Third Schedule. Offences and penalties relating to owners. Third Schedule. Offences and penalties relating to surveyors and others. Owner to cause regulations to be complied with. Third Schedule. Third Schedule. L.N. 240/81.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“AERIAL ROPEWAYS (OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE) REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 15, 2025,