Crown Fees.
No. 17 of 1870.
An Ordinance to empower the Governor in Council to reduce,
vary, and in certain cases to remit and refund the Amount.
of Fees payable for the Use of the Government of the
[11th November, 1874.]
~HEREAS in certain cases no provision has been made for they
reduction and variation of fees payable to the use of the Govern-
ment of the Colony, by the provisions of the Ordinances imposing such:
fees, and it is expedient to vent in the Governor in Council the powers
- hereinafter mentioned: Be it enacted-by the Governor of F-Iongkonn, with
the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as.follocvs:-
ORDINANCE 'No., 1? of L3r0.
Crown Fees.
1. This Ordinance may be cited as ''rhe Crown ,Fees Ordinance, , 'Short
N. Wherever under or by virtue of any Ordinance of the~Le islature
of Hongkonb, any= fees are or 'shall be made payable to a public officer
the use of the Gov ernment df the Colony, and ' no power is or shall be
given' by, such Ordinance to the Governor in Council, front time to time,
to reduce or vary the amesint of such fees, such power shall be deemed to
be vested in the Governor in Council by virtue of this Ordinance: Pro-
vided always that the provisions of this section shall not extend to fees
the amount of which a Judge has pourer to re ;elate by any rifle.or order,
of his Court.
3. -No fees shall be varied under this Ordinance so as to exceed the
original amount thereof.
4. Every reduction or, variation under this Ordinance in the amount
.of any fees, shall be made by' an order of the Governor in Council to be
published in the Gazette, and shall not take effect until the date of the
publication thereof as aforesaid.
~, It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, if he shall in
his' rower to - ,
remit or
discretion thick fit, in any particular, etvse and on any special ground;
to refnrid fees i
remit the payment of any such fees as afbresaid, or to order the amount
special cases.
thereof, if paid, to be refunded.
NOTE.-For order made by the Governor in Council, the. 9th April, 1878,
under section 4 of ,
' The Crown Fees Ordinance, X 870,' as to fees in schedule B of.' The
Passengers Ordinance, X87X,' see Gazette 12th April, 1878.
1'olror .to
Governor in
council to
reduce, vary
and remit fees
payable to the
tt,qe of the
Amount of
fees originally
fixed not to
be exceeded.
Power to be
exercised by
order in
Council to he
published in
the Gazette.
Order by the Governor in Council, under section 2 of Ordinance No. 17 of
the 12th of February, 1874. [Gazette 14th February, 1874.E
The~feeof one dollar payable to the officiating minister for a
certificate of baptism
-under section 9 of Ordinance No. 7 of I8M for registering births and
deaths in Hong-
kong'; and the like fee of one dollar payable under the same section to
the Registrar'
General or Registrar for registering the particulars of such baptism and
recording the
same upon the certificate, is hereby reduced to ten cents in each case.
Order by the Administwator in Council, the 8th of July, 18 75, under the
of section 2 of Ordinance No. 17 of 1870. Gazette 10th July, z875.]
The fee to be paid into the Colonial Treasury for a licence to keep's
billiard table
.or bowling alley, shall hereafter be fifty dollars:
No. 17 of 1870.
Crown Fees.
Order by the Admi7aiebrator in Council, the 24th of July, 1875, under the
of section 2, of Ordinance No. 1 7 of 1870. [Gazette 31st July, 1875.
The fee for a passport issued under the hand of the Governor shah, until
notice, be two dollars.
.Regulations by the Governor in Council, under the Spirit Licences
21 of 1886, and under the Crown :Fees Ordincync~;' 17 , of 1870, the 23rd
July, and gazetted 24th July, 1880.
1. Intoxicating liquors bottled in the Colony may be sold under a
licence, although the bottles are not contained in cases, provided not
less than twelve
quart bottles or twenty-four pint bottles of any one liquor are sold at
one time.
2, Whenever no special provision has been made in the 'Spirit Licences
1886,, for the transfer of any licence, such licence may be transferred
by the endorse-
n%nt of the officer who issued it, or by the issue of a fresh licence by
The fee of X10 for each licence for an eating-house imposed by section 31
vernarned 0-ridinarice is hereby remitted in the case of eating-houses
for Cliinesaw
Short Title.
Power to Governor in Council to reduce, vary and remit fees payable to the use of the Government.
Amount of fees originally fixed not to be exceeded.
Power to be exercised by order in Council to be published in the Gazette.
Power to remit or refund fees in special cases.
No. 17 of 1870.
An Ordinance to empower the Governor in Council to reduce,
vary, and in certain cases to remit and refund the Amount.
of Fees payable for the Use of the Government of the
[11th November, 1874.]
~HEREAS in certain cases no provision has been made for they
reduction and variation of fees payable to the use of the Govern-
ment of the Colony, by the provisions of the Ordinances imposing such:
fees, and it is expedient to vent in the Governor in Council the powers
- hereinafter mentioned: Be it enacted-by the Governor of F-Iongkonn, with
the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as.follocvs:-
ORDINANCE 'No., 1? of L3r0.
Crown Fees.
1. This Ordinance may be cited as ''rhe Crown ,Fees Ordinance, , 'Short
N. Wherever under or by virtue of any Ordinance of the~Le islature
of Hongkonb, any= fees are or 'shall be made payable to a public officer
the use of the Gov ernment df the Colony, and ' no power is or shall be
given' by, such Ordinance to the Governor in Council, front time to time,
to reduce or vary the amesint of such fees, such power shall be deemed to
be vested in the Governor in Council by virtue of this Ordinance: Pro-
vided always that the provisions of this section shall not extend to fees
the amount of which a Judge has pourer to re ;elate by any rifle.or order,
of his Court.
3. -No fees shall be varied under this Ordinance so as to exceed the
original amount thereof.
4. Every reduction or, variation under this Ordinance in the amount
.of any fees, shall be made by' an order of the Governor in Council to be
published in the Gazette, and shall not take effect until the date of the
publication thereof as aforesaid.
~, It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, if he shall in
his' rower to - ,
remit or
discretion thick fit, in any particular, etvse and on any special ground;
to refnrid fees i
remit the payment of any such fees as afbresaid, or to order the amount
special cases.
thereof, if paid, to be refunded.
NOTE.-For order made by the Governor in Council, the. 9th April, 1878,
under section 4 of ,
' The Crown Fees Ordinance, X 870,' as to fees in schedule B of.' The
Passengers Ordinance, X87X,' see Gazette 12th April, 1878.
1'olror .to
Governor in
council to
reduce, vary
and remit fees
payable to the
tt,qe of the
Amount of
fees originally
fixed not to
be exceeded.
Power to be
exercised by
order in
Council to he
published in
the Gazette.
Order by the Governor in Council, under section 2 of Ordinance No. 17 of
the 12th of February, 1874. [Gazette 14th February, 1874.E
The~feeof one dollar payable to the officiating minister for a
certificate of baptism
-under section 9 of Ordinance No. 7 of I8M for registering births and
deaths in Hong-
kong'; and the like fee of one dollar payable under the same section to
the Registrar'
General or Registrar for registering the particulars of such baptism and
recording the
same upon the certificate, is hereby reduced to ten cents in each case.
Order by the Administwator in Council, the 8th of July, 18 75, under the
of section 2 of Ordinance No. 17 of 1870. Gazette 10th July, z875.]
The fee to be paid into the Colonial Treasury for a licence to keep's
billiard table
.or bowling alley, shall hereafter be fifty dollars:
No. 17 of 1870.
Crown Fees.
Order by the Admi7aiebrator in Council, the 24th of July, 1875, under the
of section 2, of Ordinance No. 1 7 of 1870. [Gazette 31st July, 1875.
The fee for a passport issued under the hand of the Governor shah, until
notice, be two dollars.
.Regulations by the Governor in Council, under the Spirit Licences
21 of 1886, and under the Crown :Fees Ordincync~;' 17 , of 1870, the 23rd
July, and gazetted 24th July, 1880.
1. Intoxicating liquors bottled in the Colony may be sold under a
licence, although the bottles are not contained in cases, provided not
less than twelve
quart bottles or twenty-four pint bottles of any one liquor are sold at
one time.
2, Whenever no special provision has been made in the 'Spirit Licences
1886,, for the transfer of any licence, such licence may be transferred
by the endorse-
n%nt of the officer who issued it, or by the issue of a fresh licence by
The fee of X10 for each licence for an eating-house imposed by section 31
vernarned 0-ridinarice is hereby remitted in the case of eating-houses
for Cliinesaw
Short Title.
Power to Governor in Council to reduce, vary and remit fees payable to the use of the Government.
Amount of fees originally fixed not to be exceeded.
Power to be exercised by order in Council to be published in the Gazette.
Power to remit or refund fees in special cases.
Short Title.
Power to Governor in Council to reduce, vary and remit fees payable to the use of the Government.
Amount of fees originally fixed not to be exceeded.
Power to be exercised by order in Council to be published in the Gazette.
Power to remit or refund fees in special cases.
Short Title.
Power to Governor in Council to reduce, vary and remit fees payable to the use of the Government.
Amount of fees originally fixed not to be exceeded.
Power to be exercised by order in Council to be published in the Gazette.
Power to remit or refund fees in special cases.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 17 of 1870
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CROWN FEES ORDINANCE, 1870,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 24, 2025,