Section...................................... page
1. Short title ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
2. Interpretation .......................... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
3. Power to raise and maintain a regiment .... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 4
4. Command .................................... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4
5. Commissioned officers .................. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4
6. Volunteers .............. .............. ... ... ... ... ... ... 4
7. Division of the Regiment .................. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5
8. Functions of the Regiment ............ ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ...
9. Provision for command and punishment '.hen on active service or under training
with H.M. forces ........................ ... ... ... ... 5
10. Right of volunteer to quit ............... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5
11. Delivery of arms, etc., by non-volunteers ... ... ... ... ... --- 6
12. Power of Governor to dispense with services ... ... ... ... ... ... 6
PART 111
13. Calling out of the Regiment ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6
14. Power of Service Commander to make limited call out ... ... ... ... ... ... 7
15. Pensions for disabled officers or members or for their dependants ... ... ... ... 7
16.....................Hospital treatment and pay ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9
17.....................Army Act and Queen's Regulations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9
18............Courts-martial .............. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9
19. Appeals from courts-martial 10
20. Discipline when not called out ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10
21. Failure to perform duty ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10
22. Failure to attend training 10
23..........Complaints .................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11
24. Obstructing officers or members 11
25. Penalty ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
section PART V page
26. Fraudulent misapplication ofpublic ot- service ice property ... ... ... ... ... 12
27. Return ofpublic or service ice property ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
28. Vesting and administration of service ice property ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
29. Application of Army Act and Queen's Regulations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
30. Summary remedies ... ... . ... ... ... .. ... . ... ... ... 13
31. Oath to be taken ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13
32. Power to make regulations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13
33. Power to make standing orders ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 14
34. Transitional provisions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 14
To provide for the establishment of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment
[18 December 1970.1
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Royal Hong Kong Regiment
2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires-
-active service- means, in addition to the meaning ascribed to it in
section 225 of the Army Act, service when called out under section
13 or 14 of this Ordinance;
-appointments' includes accoutrements and equipment of every kind
other than clothing;
---ArmyAct- means the Army Act, 1955;
-Commanding Officer--- means the Commanding Officer of the Regiment
appointed by the Governor under this Ordinance,
..enlist' and---enrol-have the same meaning,
---HomeGuard' means the Home Guard sub-unit of the Regiment;
,.member' means a warrant officer, non-commissioned officer or soldier
of the Regiment;
---officer-means a person holding a commission as an officer of the
'Order' means the Naval, Military and Air Forces etc. (Disablement and
Death) Service Pensions Order 1978; (Added, 15 of' 1981,s.2)
'public property' means any property belonging to the Government or
held for the purposes of the Government;
'Queen's Regulations' means the Queen's Regulations for the Army;
'Regiment' means the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers);
'Royal Warrant- means the Royal Warrant concerning pensions and
other grants in respect of disablement or death due to service in
the military forces during the 1914 World War and after 2
September 1939;
'Service Commander' means the Service Commander of the Regiment
specified under section 4,
1, service property' means any property of the Regiment..
'training' means the training prescribed for officers or members on duty,
other than active service, pursuant to an order of the Commanding
volunteer' means an officer or member of the Regiment enlisted under
section 6.
3. (1) The Governor may raise and maintain a regiment to be known
as the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers).
(2) The expenses of raising and maintaining the Regiment shall be
met from moneys provided by the Legislative Council.
(3) The Regiment shall be composed of officers and members who
shall be
(a)persons employed on the permanent uniformed staff of the
(b) persons enlisted in the Regiment as volunteers;
(c)persons enrolled in the Regiment under section 15 of the
Compulsory Service Ordinance, and
(d)persons posted to the reserve of officers and members
established under this Ordinance. (Amended, 16 of 1973, s. 2)
4. The Regiment shall be-
(a) under the supreme command of the Governor;
(b)under the operational command of the Service Commander,
who shall be the officer for the time being discharging the
duties of General or other Officer Commanding, Land Forces,
Hong Kong; and
(c)under the executive command of the Commanding Officer,
who shall be responsible to the Service Commander and
ultimately to the Governor for such matters as may be
5. (1) A person of any nationality may hold a commission.
(2) An officer shall be commissioned by the Governor, on the
recommendation of the Service Commander, and no commission shall be
deemed to be vacated by the death or retirement from office of the
Governor by whom it was granted.
6. (1) The Governor may enlist a person of any nationality as a
volunteer in the Regiment.
(2) A person applying for enlistment in the Regiment shall comply
with such requirements for enlistment as may be prescribed.
7. (1) The Regiment shall consist of-
(a) a Regimental Headquarters sub-unit;
(b) a Home Guard sub-unit; and
(c) such other sub-units as the Governor may determine.
(2) The establishment of the Regiment shall be determined by the
8. The Regiment shall be employed in the defence of the Colony,
the maintenance of public order and with such other duties as may be
defined by the Governor.
9. (1) When an officer or member is serving with Her Majesty's
regular forces or is undergoing training with such forces, officers of Her
Majesty's regular forces shall have, in relation to an officer or member of
the Regiment, such powers of command and punishment as they would
have if they were officers of the same rank in the Regiment.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorize an officer
of the Regiment to exercise any powers of punishment over members of
Her Majesty's regular forces.
10. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance. a volunteer may
quit the Regiment upon
(a) giving to the Commanding Officer not less than 28 days'
notice in writing of his intention to quit the Regiment;
(b)delivering up in good order (fair wear and tear excepted) any
arms, appointments and clothing which are public property or
service property and are in his possession; and
(c) paying any money due from him under this Ordinance.
(2) A volunteer shall, if he quits the Regiment in accordance with
subsection (1), thereupon be struck off the strength of the Regiment by
the Commanding Officer.
(3) A volunteer may, if the Commanding Officer refuses to strike him
off the strength of the Regiment, appeal to the Governor through the
normal service channels.
(4) The Governor may, on an appeal under subsection (3), confirm
the refusal of the Commanding Officer or order him to strike the
volunteer off the strength of the Regiment.
(5) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Ordinance, a
volunteer shall be deemed, on enlistment, to have engaged himself to
serve in the Regiment for such period as may be prescribed, A volunteer
who quits, or is discharged from, the Regiment before the expiration of
his period of service shall pay to the Commanding Officer such sum as
he may order not exceeding 5 100.
(6) No sum shall be payable under subsection (5) by a volunteer
who quits the Regiment for any cause which the Commanding Officer
considers reasonable and bona fide.
(7) Subsection (5) shall not relieve a volunteer from the obligation
to comply with the provisions of subsection (1) if he wishes to quit the
(8) No volunteer shall quit the Regiment during any period when
the Regiment or any part thereof is called out under section 13, except
with the prior approval in writing of the Governor.
11. (1) An officer or member, other than a volunteer, who obtains
permission, in such manner as may be prescribed, to quit the Regiment
(a)deliver up in good order (fair wear and tear excepted) any
arms, appointments and clothing which are public property or
service property and are in his possession; and
(b) pay any money due from him under this Ordinance.
(2) An officer or member shall, if he quits the Regiment in
accordance with subsection (1), thereupon be struck off the strength of
the Regiment by the Commanding Officer.
12. The Governor may at any time-
(a)disband or discontinue the services of the Regiment or an,,
part thereof. or
(b) dispense with the services of any officer or member.
PART 111
13. (1) The Governor may by notice in the Gazette call out the
Regiment or any part thereof on active service.
(2) Every officer or member so called out shall assemble at such
place and at such time as may be directed by the Commanding Officer.
(3) An officer or member so called out shall be deemed to be called
out from the time at which he reports at the place directed by the
Commanding Officer. An officer or member who fails to report at the
place and time so directed shall be liable to be charged with desertion
unless, within 4 days, he satisfies the Commanding Officer that he had
reasonable excuse for his failure to report as directed.
(4) An officer or member who has been called out shall remain
called out until he is stood down from active service by order of the
(5) Notwithstanding subsection (4), the Commanding Officer may
direct any officer or member who has been called out
(a) to stand down from active service. and
(b)to report back for active service at such place and at such
time as may be directed.
(6) On receipt of a direction under paragraph (a) of subsec-
tion (5), the officer or member shall be deemed to have ceased to be
on active service and, if a direction is made under paragraph (b) of
that subsection, the officer or member shall, on reporting brick in
accordance with such direction, be deemed to have been called out
on active service in pursuance of a new notice by the Governor
under subsection (1).
14. (1) The Service Commander may, with the prior approval
of the Governor, order a limited call out of the Regiment or any part
thereof or of any officer or member.
(2) Every officer or member so called out shall assemble at
such place and at such time as may be directed by the Commanding
(3) An officer or member so called out shall be deemed to be
called out from the time at which he reports at the place directed by
the Commanding Officer.
(4) An officer or member who has been called out shall remain
called out until he is stood down from active service by order of the
Service Commander, with the prior approval of the Governor.
(5) Notwithstanding subsection (4), the Commanding Officer
may direct any officer or member, who has been called out,-
(a) to stand down from active service., and
(b)to report back for active service at such place and at such
time as may be directed.
(6) On receipt of a direction under paragraph (a) of subsection
(5), the officer or member shall be deemed to have ceased to be on
active service and, if a direction is made under paragraph (b) of that
subsection, the officer or member shall, on reporting back in
accordance with such direction, be deemed to have been called out
on active service in pursuance of a new order under subsection (1).
15. (1) Where an officer or member is disabled and a Pensions
Assessment Board is of the opinion that the disablement is due to an
injury which-
(a) is attributable to service; or
(b)existed before or arose during service and has been and
remains aggravated thereby.
the officer or member may be awarded a pension. gratuity. allow-
ance or other payment in accordance with the provisions of the
Order applicable to his rank and appropriate to the Regiment.
(2) Where an officer or member dies and a Pensions Assess-
ment Board is of the opinion that the death was due to or hastened
(a) an injury which was attributable to service; or
(b)the aggravation by service of an injury which existed before or
arose during service,
the dependants of the deceased officer or member may be awarded a
pension, gratuity. allowance or other payment in accordance with the
provisions of the Order applicable to the deceased's rank and
appropriate to the Regiment.
(3) A pension, gratuity, allowance or other payment awarded under
this section shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the
Order in force at the date of the service in respect of which the pension,
gratuity, allowance or other payment is awarded, irrespective of whether
the officer or member was, at such time, in service.
(4) A pension, gratuity, allowance or other payment awarded under
this section
(a)shall be paid from moneys provided by the Legislative
(b)shall not be assignable, transferable or liable to be attached,
sequestered or levied upon for or in respect of any debt or
claim whatsoever, other than a debt due to the Government.
(5) The Governor in Council may make regulations for all or any of
the following matters
(a) the establishment of a Pensions Assessment Board-
(i) with power to award a pension, gratuity, allowance or
other payment under this section; and
(ii) for the purpose of exercising or performing such
powers, duties or functions as may be conferred or imposed
on it in connexion therewith;
(b)such modification of the Order as may be considered
necessary for the purposes of this section;
(c)the establishment of a Pensions Appeal Tribunal to which an
appeal may be made against any award or refusal of a pension,
gratuity, allowance or other payment, or against any decision
or assessment of the degree of disablement by a Pensions
Assessment Board, or against any variation of such award,
decision or assessment;
(d) the making, conduct and hearing of appeals;
(e) the submission and admissibility of evidence in appeals;
the representation of the parties to an appeal and, in
particular, the representation of an appellant who for any
reason is unable to attend or conduct his appeal;
(g)the payment of travelling expenses, fees and allowances to
members of a Pensions Appeal Tribunal, witnesses.
appellants. and representatives and attendants of appellants;
(h)the payment of medical expenses reasonably incurred by an
appellant for the purposes of an appeal;
(i)the recording and proving of decisions of a Pensions Appeal
(j)the appointment and payment of such staff as may be
necessary to enable a Pensions Appeal Tribunal properly to
fulfil its functions;
(k)generally for the better carrying out of the provisions of this
(6) For the purposes of this section-
'dependant' shall be construed in the same way as in the Order:
Provided that 'wife'.---widow-and---child-shall have the
meanings assigned to them in section 18(3) of the Pensions
---injury-includes wound and disease;
---service'means service with the Regiment when on active service or
under training.
(Replaced, 16 of 1973, s. 3. Amended. 15 of 1981 s. 2)
16. An officer or member who sustains injuries or contracts an
illness, when on active service or in training, shall
(a)be granted such free medical and hospital treatment as may be
prescribed or, if it is not prescribed, as may be directed by the
Commanding Officer in Routine Orders;
(b)during the period of disability or illness, receive the full pay
which he is eligible to receive while undergoing training, until
he is granted a pension, gratuity, allowance or other payment
under section 15. (Amended, 16 of 1973, s. 4)
17. The Army Act and the Queen's Regulations shall, in so far as
this Ordinance does not so provide, apply in relation to the
administration, discipline, trial and punishment of
(a)officers and members on the permanent staff at all times; and
(b)other officers and members when on active service or under
as it applies to persons subject to military law under that Act and
holding a corresponding rank.
18. (1) An officer or member who is to be tried by courtmartial may
be brought before a court-martial convened by the Service Commander.
(2) The Commanding Officer may order an officer or member to
attend at any time and place in the Colony for the purpose of any court-
martial or any, board of inquiry or for any other purpose which may
seem proper to the Commanding Officer.
(3) The Commanding Officer may in writing authorize a police
officer not below the rank of inspector to arrest and hand over to the
Commanding Officer. or to such person as may be authorized by him to
act on his behalf. any officer or member who refuses or neglects to
comply, with an order given under subsection (2).
19. An officer or member convicted by court-martial may. whether
or not he has pleaded guilty, at his trial, appeal to the Court of Appeal
against conviction and sentence as if he had been convicted by the
District Court.
20. (1) The Commanding Officer may discharge from the Regiment
an officer or member. who is not on active service, for any offence.
misconduct or other cause.
(2) An officer or member who is aggrieved by his discharge under
subsection (1) may appeal to the Governor. who may cancel or confirm
the discharge or give such other directions with reference
thereto as he may think fit.
(3) The Commanding Officer may deal summarily with a charge in
respect of any offence for which he may award any summary
(4) An officer or member who. when on duty with the Regirnent or
when wearing the uniform of the Regiment, commits any offence against
this Ordinance. may be placed under arrest by an officer or member of
equal or superior rank.
(5) An officer or member shall riot be kept under arrest under
subsection (4) for a period longer than that during which he would have
been on duty with the Regiment or would have been in uniform.
(6) The release of an officer or member from arrest under this
section shall not prejudice any subsequent disciplinary proceedings
under this section.
(7) An arrest under this section shall be forthwith reported to the
Commanding Officer.
21. Any officer or member who without reasonable excuse (the
proof whereof shall lie upon him) fails to report for duty at any time or
place when lawfully ordered so to do. or leaves such duty before he is
permitted to do so. shall be guilty, of an offence.
22. (1) Without prejudice to the powers of the Commanding Officer
to deal summarily with offences. any officer or member who--
(a)fails without reasonable excuse to attend the training which he is
required to attend; or
(b)fails to carry out his training diligently or to discharge an\. duty
lawfully assigned to- him in -the course of such training,
shall be guilty of an offence.
(2) No prosecution for an offence aginst this section shall be commenced
without the consent of the Commanding Officer.
(3) An officer or member shall not be liable to prosecution for an offence
against this section if the offence is committed in the year during which he
attains the prescribed age of compulsory retirement.
(4) A volunteer, other than a person referred to in subsection (3). who
quits the Regiment without completing the prescribed
training in any year shall forfeit the sum of $100:
Provided that the Commanding Officer may exempt from liability any
volunteer ,k.lio in his opinion has quit the Regiment for a resonable and bona
fide cause and used reasonable diligence in his training
before he quit the Regiment.
23. (1) An officer or member shall have a right to present his
complaint with regard to any matter concerning the Regiment to tile Service
Commander through the Commanding Officer.
(2) An officer or member -who is not satisfied with the manner in which a
complaint made by him under subsection (1) has been dealt with. may require
the Service Commander to forward his complaint to the Governor.
24. (1) Any person who wilfully obstructs an officer or member in the
performance or his duty, under this Ordinance shall be guilty of an offence.
(2) Any employer who. without reasonable excuse-
(a)prevents an officer or member who is his employee from performing
any duty required of the officer or member under this Ordinance;
(b)reduces, or makes any deduction from, the salary or wages of such an
employee by reason of the performance by the employee of any such
duty. otherwise than as is permitted by subsection (3);
(c)dismisses the employee. by reason of the performance by. the
employee of any such duty, otherwise than in accordance with the
conditions of his contract of employment.
shall be guilty of an offence.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2) an employer may make deductions
from the salary or wages of an employee in respect of any period when the
employee is absent from his employment on active service or under training.
25. Any person who is guilty of an offence against section 21, 22 or 24
shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $1,000
26. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of section 44 of the Army Act.
any officer or member who fraudulently misapplies any public or service
property shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine
of $1,000
(2) The court may order a person convicted of an offence under this
section to pay to the Regiment the value of the public or service property in
respect of which he is convicted, as assessed by the Commanding Officer.
27. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of section 46 of the Army Act.
any office or member who fails to deliver up in good condition (fair wear and
tear excepted) any public or service property in his possession when lawfully
required to do so shall be guilty if an offence and shall be liable on conviction to
a fine of $1,000.
(2) The court may order a person convicted of an offence under this
section to pay to the Regiment the value of the public or service property in
respect of which lie is convicted, as assessed by the Commanding Officer.
28. (1) The ownership of all service property, and the administration
thereof, shall vest in the Commanding Officer who shall be deemed to be a
corporation sole with perpetual succession for this purpose.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1). the Commander Officer
(a)recover. under section 30, any, subscription or other money, due from
an officer or member: and
(b) enter into a contract or execute a conveyance of property.
29. The Army Act and the Queen's Regulations. in so far as they apply to
the Regiment and to officers and members. shall be construed
(a)so that any, power or duty vested in or imposed upon the Arms,
Board of the Defence Council by, the Army, Act or the Queen's
Regulations shall be vested in, exercised or performed by. the
(b)so that references in the Army Act or the Queen's Regulations
to the Secretary of State or the Defence Council shall be
references to the Governor; and
(c)with such adaptations, modifications or exceptions consistent
with this Ordinance as may be necessary.
30. (1) Any money due from an officer or member under this
Ordinance may be recovered summarily as a civil debt.
(2) In proceedings under subsection (1) the complaint may. be in
the name of the Commanding Officer. who may, appoint any, person to
conduct the proceedings.
31. (1) An officer or member shall. on his enlistment in the
Regiment, or as soon afterwards as may be. whether or not he was a
member of the former Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps or the
former Royal Hong Kong Defence Force. make the appropriate form of
oath or declaration prescribed in subsection (2).
(2) The form of oath or declaration shall be---
(a) for an officer or member who is a British subject---
'I s,,ear that 1 will be faithful and bear true allegiance
to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second. Her Heirs and
Sucessors. according to law, and that 1 will faithfully serve as
an officer (or a member) in accordance with the provisions of
the Royal Hong Kon. Regiment Ordinance. Chapter 199. and
(b) for an officer or member who is not a British subject-
'I -ear that 1 will faithfully serve as an officer (or
a member) in accordance with the provisions of the Royal
Hong Kong Regiment Ordinance. Chapter 199.'
(3) An oath or declaration under this section shall be made before
an officer or a justice of the peace.
32. (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations providing for
the constitution, general government. discipline and training of the
Regiment and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality
hereof, may make regulations providing for
(a)the terms of service, the appointment, duties, rank, promotion,
seniority, transfer, leave. resignation and release from service
of officers;
(b)the enlistment, rank, posting, transfer, leave. promotion,
reduction, discharge, dismissal and terms of service of
(c)the establishment of a reserve of officers and members and
matters relating thereto;
(d) standards of efficiency of officers and members,
(e)offences and the officers who may deal with offenders and
award punishment;
the hospital and medical treatment of officers and members;
(g)anything which under this Ordinance is to be or may be
prescribed., and
(h)generally for the better carrying out of the provisions of this
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Service Commander may,
with the approval of the Governor. make regulations for the Regiment for
the purposes of this Ordinance, provided that such regulations are not
inconsistent with any regulations made under subsection (1).
33. The Commanding Officer may, with the approval of the Service
Commander. make such standing orders of a routine nature as are
necessary for the purposes of this Ordinance.
34. The Hong Kong Regiment, raised and maintained as a military
unit of the Royal Hong Kong Defence Force under the repealed Royal
Hong Kong Defence Force Ordinance. shall be deemed to be the Royal
Hong Kong Regiment for the purposes of this Ordinance as if it were
raised and maintained under this Ordinance.
Originally 98 of 1970. 16 of 1973. 15 of 1981. Short title. Interpretation. (1955 c. 18) (S.I. 1978/1525.) Power to raise and maintain a regiment. (Cap.246.) Command. Commissioned officers. Volunteers. Division of the Regiment. Functions of the Regiment. Provision for command and punishment when on active service or under training with H.M. forces. Right of volunteer to quit. Delivery of arms, etc., by non-volunteers. Power of Governor to dispense with services. Calling out or the Regiment. Power of Service Commander to make limited call out. Pensions for disabled officers or members or for their dependants. (Cap. 89.) Hospital treatment and pay. Army Act and Queen's Regulations. Courts-martial. Appeals from courts-martial. Discipline when not called out. Failure to perform duty, Failure to attend training. Complaints. Obstructing officers or members. Penalty. Fraudulent misapplication of public or service property. Return of public or service property. Vesting and administration of service property. Application of Army Act and Queen's Regulations. Summary remedies. Oath to be taken. Power to make regulations. Power to male standing orders. Transitional provisions. (Cap. 199, 1967 Ed.)
Originally 98 of 1970. 16 of 1973. 15 of 1981. Short title. Interpretation. (1955 c. 18) (S.I. 1978/1525.) Power to raise and maintain a regiment. (Cap.246.) Command. Commissioned officers. Volunteers. Division of the Regiment. Functions of the Regiment. Provision for command and punishment when on active service or under training with H.M. forces. Right of volunteer to quit. Delivery of arms, etc., by non-volunteers. Power of Governor to dispense with services. Calling out or the Regiment. Power of Service Commander to make limited call out. Pensions for disabled officers or members or for their dependants. (Cap. 89.) Hospital treatment and pay. Army Act and Queen's Regulations. Courts-martial. Appeals from courts-martial. Discipline when not called out. Failure to perform duty, Failure to attend training. Complaints. Obstructing officers or members. Penalty. Fraudulent misapplication of public or service property. Return of public or service property. Vesting and administration of service property. Application of Army Act and Queen's Regulations. Summary remedies. Oath to be taken. Power to make regulations. Power to male standing orders. Transitional provisions. (Cap. 199, 1967 Ed.)
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“ROYAL HONG KONG REGIMENT ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 23, 2025,