Passes for Chinese.
No. 14 of 1870.
An Ordinance to amend and consolidate the Law in relation to the Issue
of Passes for Chinese, and to provide for the better Security of the
Residents of the Colony.
(9th September, 1870.]
WHEREAS it is'expedient to amend and consolidate the law, in relation to
passes ' Preamble.
fox Chinese and to .provide for the better security o£ the residents of
Colony; Be it enacted by the Governor of 13onghong, with the advice of
the Legislative -
Council thereof, as follows:-
1. Sections 2, 8, 4, 5 and 11 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1857, and section 9
of Ordinance Repeauue:
No. 9 _of 1867, are hereby repealed. clause.
2. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, passes for Chinese shall
issued in such manner and in such form and for such periods, and under
such regulations,
as the Governor in Council may, from time to time, by any orders to be
published in
the Gazette prescribe and direct.
ORDINANCE No. 14 or 1810.
Passes for Chinese.
a 13. Until the publication in the Gazette of such orders by the Governor
in Council
and subject thereto, the provisions hereinafter contained as to the issue
of passes shall
be in force, and so far as they shall not be inconsistent with any such
orders, they shall
remain in force concurrently therewith unless expressly repealed or
suspended under
the provisions of section 1 of Ordinance No. 9 of 18x7.
Carriage of Passes.
$. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, it shall not be lawful
for any
Chinese (without reasonable excuse, the proof of which shall lie upon
him) to be at
large within the city of Victoria, between the hour of 9 in the evening
and sunrise
without a pass issued in conformity with this Ordinance.
Annual and Special Passes.
5. It shall be lawful for the Oolonial Secretary, in his discretion, upon
the applica-.
Lion of any Chinese resident in the Colony, to grant to such applicant an
annual pass
which shall be valid during the whole of the current year.
8. It shaly be lawful for the Colonial Secretary, in his discretion, upon
application of any iron, xeeident Chinese, to grant to the applicant a
special pass for
suah'period as he.'shall th'i~lfit.-
7, Annual and special. basses may be in the form 'provided in that behalf
in the
schedule to this Ordinance or in such other form and subject to such
conditions as
may be from time to time prescribed by the Governor in Council.
8, Applications for annual and special passes shall be made through the
General, who shall cause a book to be kept in his office, in which the
names and
~~ldlvesses of all.psrsons,tp whom annual or special passes may lae
granted, stall .ue
entered, together with such particulars as he may think expedient to
`9. It shall be.lawful for the Colonial Secretary in his discretion, to
cancel and call
-in_^-any, annual or ;special pass which shall have been granted by him
under this
`10. No annual or special pass granted by the Colonial Secretary shall `6e
transferable, and it shall not be lawful for any Chinese, other than the
person to whom
such pass shall have been granted, to use the same.
Quarterly .Passes.
11. It shall be lawful for the Superintendent of Police to issue to any
passes for°each quarter of the current year, and such passes may be in
the form provided
in that behalf in the schedule to this Ordinance, or in such other form
as may be fro;
time to time prescribed by the Governor in Council.
ORDINANCE No. 14 of 1 970.
Passes for Chknese.
12. The Superintendent of Police shall cause a register of passes to be
kept in his xeiisterofpW4,
to be kept.
office,' in which the following particulars shell be entered, that is to
1. The name and address of every person to whom passes have been issued
by him.
2. The number of passes issued.
3. The period for which the same were issued.
4. Any other particulars which he may think expedient to record.
13. No. applicant shall, without the order of a Magistrate; be entitled
to a greater
number of passes than the Superintendent of Police shall deem reasonable.
14. The Superintendent of Police may, upon reasonable grounds, refuse to
passes to any applicant, without the order of a Magistrate.
15. Passes issued by the Superintendent of Police may be lawfully used by
Chinese with the authority, of the person to whom the same shall. have
been issued.
16. It shall be lawful for the Superintendent of Police upon reasonable
to cancel and call in any pass issued by him: Provided always that every
aggrieved' by any such cancellation of a pass may apply for redress to a
Magistrate who may make such order thereon as the justice of the case may
1'7. Every Chinese who shall without reasonable excuse, ,the proof of
which s)iall Peh'~ity~rlfeia
at largb.dprltt~:.
Number of~ sa(W
LO 110189a8(t,
rower to refuse
Such passes
Power -to cancel
such passes.
lie upon him, be found at lame between tie hour, :o£ xlinein.,the
eves%ngsar%i3, soilrise; tnenlgltrrwctt
or between such hours of the night as mad from time to tizne-borpecified
in that behalf
by any orders of the Governor in. Council, without a valid pass,iasued iu
with this Ordinance, or with a pass which he shall not be. lawfully
authalized:to use,-.
shall be liable- on summary conviction thereof before a Magistrate =to a
;fine. z~ot;.,
exceeding fifty dollars with or without imprisonment with hard labor,
not exceeding three months.
18, Every Chinese not being the lawful holder of a pass who shall without
.reasonable -excuse, the proof of which shall, lie upon' him, .carry any
deadly weapon
whatever about him, whether by night V day, shall be liable on summary
thereof, to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment
with hard
labor for any period not exceeding six months, and such weapon shall be
forfeited to
the Ciown. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1887.
19: Whosoever, with intent to defraud, shall forge or alter any pass, or
shall offer,
utter, dispose of, or put off any pass, lmowing the same to be foxged or
altered, shall
be-guiltyaf felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable at
the'discretiori of `the
Court to be imprisoned for' any term not exceeding two years; with
or-without hard
labor. ~
Penalty for beingr
found carrying -
deadly weapons
wttltoat a-pave:
Forgery, dyc Af
10 . 8 O
ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1870.
Passes for Chinese.
13aving posses-' . 20. Whosoever shall without reasonable excuse, the
proof of which shall lie upon
sLori of forged
i>aaa, him, have in his custody or possession a forged or counterfeit
pass, or a pass which shall
have been unlawfully altered, knowing the same to be forged or
counterfeit or to have
been so altered, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction
thereof, shall be
liable at the discretion of the Court to be imprisoned for any term not
exceeding two
years with or without hard labor; and the custody or possession of a
forged, counter-
feit, or altered pass, under this section, shall include such custody and
possession as-is
defined by section 1 of Ordinance No. 10 of 1865.
What shall be
custody or pos-
Stealing passes.
21. Whosoever shall steal or, for any unlawful purpose, take from its
place of
deposit for the time being, or from any person having the lawful custody
thereof, any'
pass issued under this Ordinance, or shall, without reasonable excuse,
the proof of
which shall lie upon him, receive such pass, knowing the same to have
been feloniously,
stolen or taken for any unlawful purpose as aforesaid, shall be guilty of
felony, and
being convicted thereof, shall be liable to be imprisoned for any term
not exceeding
two years with or without hard labor.
22. Whosoever shall without reasonable excuse, the proof of which shall
lie upon
him, refuse or neglect to return on demand, any pass which shall be
cancelled and
cilvlicl 'in under this' Ordinanrtq shall be liable on summary conviction
thereof before a
Magistrate, to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for every such
rower -to Qooarn. j 23. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council
whenever he shall deem it
or in_Council to
-order lanterns to . expedient by any order to be published in
theaiGazette from time to time to direct that
be carried at
night. , all Chinese, or all Chinese not being holders of annual ox
special passes, who may have
occasion to go about the city of Victoria after dark, shall within such
hours as shall be
specified in such order, carry or cause to be camxied with them a lighted
lamp or;
and every Chinese who, without reasonable cause, the proof of
which shall lie
upon him, shall be guilty of any violation of such order shall be liable
on summary'
conviction thereof before a Magistrate to a fine not exceeding, fifty
dollars, or to
imprisonment for any period not exceeding one month: Provided always that
requirements of any such order shall be deemed to be complied with, if
one lighted,
lamp or lantern shall be carried for any number of persons belonging to
the same
nn certain cases 24. If any Chinese who may be taken into custody by
reason of being found at
~oaymaybe' largo during such times as aforesaid without any pass, or
without a lighted lamp ox
,. ~ita0f~arged
~Utloutbail..: , - lantern in violation of any order o£ the Governor in
Council under the last preceding:
section, shall show to the satisfaction of the inspector or other officer
of Police taking
the charge, that he is the lawful owner of a valid pass granted or issued
under this
Ordinance, or of a valid certificate of registration as a servant granted
under Ordinance
ORDI\TAVCli; No. 14 of 1870.
Passes for Chinese.
No. 7 of 1866, and is in actual employ as such, or shall satisfy such
inspector or other ,-
officer that he has given his real name and address, it shall be lawful
for such inspector
or other officer, in his discretion, to discharge such person from
custody without bail.
25. Any orders made by the Governor in Council under this Ordinance shall
be ~Proofoforders
by Governor in
sufficiently proved in any Court of law by the production of a copy of
the Gazette in <;ounosl.
which the same shall be published.
26. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be applicable to women.
2'?. The city of Victoria for the purpose of this Ordinance shall be
deemed to
consist of the districts specified in section 3 of Ordinance No. 7 of
1866, subject to any
alteration thereof by the Governor in Council under section 4 of the said
[Amended, by Ordinance No. 6 of 1885.E
Application of
Ordinance to
City of Victoria
W fine d,
2$. This; Ordinance and Ordinance No. 9 of 1857, except 'so far as the
last: Construction of
mentioned Ordinance is hereby repealed, shall be read together and
construed as one
25. This Ordinance shall commence and take effect on such day as shall
hereafter, ('.on,u,encemeut
be fixed by proclamation under the hand of the Governor. of Ordinance.
(Purina of passes referred to do saetiona 7 and 11.)
Granted to
Fox 18 , -
This Pass is riot Transferable.
Same ire Chinese.
Saarto in Glzwaeratce.
&zinc in Hindostanee, 4-c.
Granted to
resil,iing at
ORDINANCE -No. 14',oir'1870.
Passes for Chinese.
... , . . QUARTERLY E'ASd-
Issued to A.. B. . - `
of No. ; fox the quarter specified;at the back hereof.
Supt,. of Police.
Quarter of 18
This Pass is valid only for the Quarter of. 18
Same in ONxeesc.
13ame in i7huzeratee.
[In force from the 1st OctoLer,1870, under proclamation of same date.
. Repealed by Ordinanee No. 13 of 1$88.
For order in Council under section 23 of the 8th September, 1871, see
Gazette 9th
of tlte'same month.
For Government lVotifacation as to use of passes with lamps of the 19th
September; ..°.
1871, see Gazette 23rd of the same month.
For order in Council under section 2 of the 24th July, 1875, see Gazette
31 st of Me,:
same month. -
For order iat Council under section 2 of the 25th March, 1885,-see
Grxette 28th of
the same month.
Same in Ilindoatanve, 4o.
Repealing clause.
Orders of Governor in Council as to issue of passes.
Until and subject to such order, the following provisions to be in force.
Passes to be carried by Chinese Between 9 P.M. adn sunrise.
Annual pass.
Special pass.
From and conditions of annual and special passes.
Application for annual or special passes.
Power to cancel annual or special passes.
Annual and special passes not transferable.
Quarterly passes.
Register of passes to be kept.
Number of passes to be issued.
Power to refuse passes.
Such passes transferable.
Power to cancel such passes.
Penalty for being at large during the night without a pass, &c.
Penalty for being found carrying deadly weapons without a psss.
Forgery, &c., of passes.
Having possession of forged pass.
What shall be custody or possession.
Stealing passes.
Failure to return cancelled pass.
Power to Governor in Council to order lanterns to be carried at night.
In certain cases perosns in custody may be discharged without bail.
No. 14 of 1870.
An Ordinance to amend and consolidate the Law in relation to the Issue
of Passes for Chinese, and to provide for the better Security of the
Residents of the Colony.
(9th September, 1870.]
WHEREAS it is'expedient to amend and consolidate the law, in relation to
passes ' Preamble.
fox Chinese and to .provide for the better security o£ the residents of
Colony; Be it enacted by the Governor of 13onghong, with the advice of
the Legislative -
Council thereof, as follows:-
1. Sections 2, 8, 4, 5 and 11 of Ordinance No. 9 of 1857, and section 9
of Ordinance Repeauue:
No. 9 _of 1867, are hereby repealed. clause.
2. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, passes for Chinese shall
issued in such manner and in such form and for such periods, and under
such regulations,
as the Governor in Council may, from time to time, by any orders to be
published in
the Gazette prescribe and direct.
ORDINANCE No. 14 or 1810.
Passes for Chinese.
a 13. Until the publication in the Gazette of such orders by the Governor
in Council
and subject thereto, the provisions hereinafter contained as to the issue
of passes shall
be in force, and so far as they shall not be inconsistent with any such
orders, they shall
remain in force concurrently therewith unless expressly repealed or
suspended under
the provisions of section 1 of Ordinance No. 9 of 18x7.
Carriage of Passes.
$. From and after the passing of this Ordinance, it shall not be lawful
for any
Chinese (without reasonable excuse, the proof of which shall lie upon
him) to be at
large within the city of Victoria, between the hour of 9 in the evening
and sunrise
without a pass issued in conformity with this Ordinance.
Annual and Special Passes.
5. It shall be lawful for the Oolonial Secretary, in his discretion, upon
the applica-.
Lion of any Chinese resident in the Colony, to grant to such applicant an
annual pass
which shall be valid during the whole of the current year.
8. It shaly be lawful for the Colonial Secretary, in his discretion, upon
application of any iron, xeeident Chinese, to grant to the applicant a
special pass for
suah'period as he.'shall th'i~lfit.-
7, Annual and special. basses may be in the form 'provided in that behalf
in the
schedule to this Ordinance or in such other form and subject to such
conditions as
may be from time to time prescribed by the Governor in Council.
8, Applications for annual and special passes shall be made through the
General, who shall cause a book to be kept in his office, in which the
names and
~~ldlvesses of all.psrsons,tp whom annual or special passes may lae
granted, stall .ue
entered, together with such particulars as he may think expedient to
`9. It shall be.lawful for the Colonial Secretary in his discretion, to
cancel and call
-in_^-any, annual or ;special pass which shall have been granted by him
under this
`10. No annual or special pass granted by the Colonial Secretary shall `6e
transferable, and it shall not be lawful for any Chinese, other than the
person to whom
such pass shall have been granted, to use the same.
Quarterly .Passes.
11. It shall be lawful for the Superintendent of Police to issue to any
passes for°each quarter of the current year, and such passes may be in
the form provided
in that behalf in the schedule to this Ordinance, or in such other form
as may be fro;
time to time prescribed by the Governor in Council.
ORDINANCE No. 14 of 1 970.
Passes for Chknese.
12. The Superintendent of Police shall cause a register of passes to be
kept in his xeiisterofpW4,
to be kept.
office,' in which the following particulars shell be entered, that is to
1. The name and address of every person to whom passes have been issued
by him.
2. The number of passes issued.
3. The period for which the same were issued.
4. Any other particulars which he may think expedient to record.
13. No. applicant shall, without the order of a Magistrate; be entitled
to a greater
number of passes than the Superintendent of Police shall deem reasonable.
14. The Superintendent of Police may, upon reasonable grounds, refuse to
passes to any applicant, without the order of a Magistrate.
15. Passes issued by the Superintendent of Police may be lawfully used by
Chinese with the authority, of the person to whom the same shall. have
been issued.
16. It shall be lawful for the Superintendent of Police upon reasonable
to cancel and call in any pass issued by him: Provided always that every
aggrieved' by any such cancellation of a pass may apply for redress to a
Magistrate who may make such order thereon as the justice of the case may
1'7. Every Chinese who shall without reasonable excuse, ,the proof of
which s)iall Peh'~ity~rlfeia
at largb.dprltt~:.
Number of~ sa(W
LO 110189a8(t,
rower to refuse
Such passes
Power -to cancel
such passes.
lie upon him, be found at lame between tie hour, :o£ xlinein.,the
eves%ngsar%i3, soilrise; tnenlgltrrwctt
or between such hours of the night as mad from time to tizne-borpecified
in that behalf
by any orders of the Governor in. Council, without a valid pass,iasued iu
with this Ordinance, or with a pass which he shall not be. lawfully
authalized:to use,-.
shall be liable- on summary conviction thereof before a Magistrate =to a
;fine. z~ot;.,
exceeding fifty dollars with or without imprisonment with hard labor,
not exceeding three months.
18, Every Chinese not being the lawful holder of a pass who shall without
.reasonable -excuse, the proof of which shall, lie upon' him, .carry any
deadly weapon
whatever about him, whether by night V day, shall be liable on summary
thereof, to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment
with hard
labor for any period not exceeding six months, and such weapon shall be
forfeited to
the Ciown. [Repealed by Ordinance No. 6 of 1887.
19: Whosoever, with intent to defraud, shall forge or alter any pass, or
shall offer,
utter, dispose of, or put off any pass, lmowing the same to be foxged or
altered, shall
be-guiltyaf felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable at
the'discretiori of `the
Court to be imprisoned for' any term not exceeding two years; with
or-without hard
labor. ~
Penalty for beingr
found carrying -
deadly weapons
wttltoat a-pave:
Forgery, dyc Af
10 . 8 O
ORDINANCE No. 14 OF 1870.
Passes for Chinese.
13aving posses-' . 20. Whosoever shall without reasonable excuse, the
proof of which shall lie upon
sLori of forged
i>aaa, him, have in his custody or possession a forged or counterfeit
pass, or a pass which shall
have been unlawfully altered, knowing the same to be forged or
counterfeit or to have
been so altered, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction
thereof, shall be
liable at the discretion of the Court to be imprisoned for any term not
exceeding two
years with or without hard labor; and the custody or possession of a
forged, counter-
feit, or altered pass, under this section, shall include such custody and
possession as-is
defined by section 1 of Ordinance No. 10 of 1865.
What shall be
custody or pos-
Stealing passes.
21. Whosoever shall steal or, for any unlawful purpose, take from its
place of
deposit for the time being, or from any person having the lawful custody
thereof, any'
pass issued under this Ordinance, or shall, without reasonable excuse,
the proof of
which shall lie upon him, receive such pass, knowing the same to have
been feloniously,
stolen or taken for any unlawful purpose as aforesaid, shall be guilty of
felony, and
being convicted thereof, shall be liable to be imprisoned for any term
not exceeding
two years with or without hard labor.
22. Whosoever shall without reasonable excuse, the proof of which shall
lie upon
him, refuse or neglect to return on demand, any pass which shall be
cancelled and
cilvlicl 'in under this' Ordinanrtq shall be liable on summary conviction
thereof before a
Magistrate, to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for every such
rower -to Qooarn. j 23. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council
whenever he shall deem it
or in_Council to
-order lanterns to . expedient by any order to be published in
theaiGazette from time to time to direct that
be carried at
night. , all Chinese, or all Chinese not being holders of annual ox
special passes, who may have
occasion to go about the city of Victoria after dark, shall within such
hours as shall be
specified in such order, carry or cause to be camxied with them a lighted
lamp or;
and every Chinese who, without reasonable cause, the proof of
which shall lie
upon him, shall be guilty of any violation of such order shall be liable
on summary'
conviction thereof before a Magistrate to a fine not exceeding, fifty
dollars, or to
imprisonment for any period not exceeding one month: Provided always that
requirements of any such order shall be deemed to be complied with, if
one lighted,
lamp or lantern shall be carried for any number of persons belonging to
the same
nn certain cases 24. If any Chinese who may be taken into custody by
reason of being found at
~oaymaybe' largo during such times as aforesaid without any pass, or
without a lighted lamp ox
,. ~ita0f~arged
~Utloutbail..: , - lantern in violation of any order o£ the Governor in
Council under the last preceding:
section, shall show to the satisfaction of the inspector or other officer
of Police taking
the charge, that he is the lawful owner of a valid pass granted or issued
under this
Ordinance, or of a valid certificate of registration as a servant granted
under Ordinance
ORDI\TAVCli; No. 14 of 1870.
Passes for Chinese.
No. 7 of 1866, and is in actual employ as such, or shall satisfy such
inspector or other ,-
officer that he has given his real name and address, it shall be lawful
for such inspector
or other officer, in his discretion, to discharge such person from
custody without bail.
25. Any orders made by the Governor in Council under this Ordinance shall
be ~Proofoforders
by Governor in
sufficiently proved in any Court of law by the production of a copy of
the Gazette in <;ounosl.
which the same shall be published.
26. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be applicable to women.
2'?. The city of Victoria for the purpose of this Ordinance shall be
deemed to
consist of the districts specified in section 3 of Ordinance No. 7 of
1866, subject to any
alteration thereof by the Governor in Council under section 4 of the said
[Amended, by Ordinance No. 6 of 1885.E
Application of
Ordinance to
City of Victoria
W fine d,
2$. This; Ordinance and Ordinance No. 9 of 1857, except 'so far as the
last: Construction of
mentioned Ordinance is hereby repealed, shall be read together and
construed as one
25. This Ordinance shall commence and take effect on such day as shall
hereafter, ('.on,u,encemeut
be fixed by proclamation under the hand of the Governor. of Ordinance.
(Purina of passes referred to do saetiona 7 and 11.)
Granted to
Fox 18 , -
This Pass is riot Transferable.
Same ire Chinese.
Saarto in Glzwaeratce.
&zinc in Hindostanee, 4-c.
Granted to
resil,iing at
ORDINANCE -No. 14',oir'1870.
Passes for Chinese.
... , . . QUARTERLY E'ASd-
Issued to A.. B. . - `
of No. ; fox the quarter specified;at the back hereof.
Supt,. of Police.
Quarter of 18
This Pass is valid only for the Quarter of. 18
Same in ONxeesc.
13ame in i7huzeratee.
[In force from the 1st OctoLer,1870, under proclamation of same date.
. Repealed by Ordinanee No. 13 of 1$88.
For order in Council under section 23 of the 8th September, 1871, see
Gazette 9th
of tlte'same month.
For Government lVotifacation as to use of passes with lamps of the 19th
September; ..°.
1871, see Gazette 23rd of the same month.
For order in Council under section 2 of the 24th July, 1875, see Gazette
31 st of Me,:
same month. -
For order iat Council under section 2 of the 25th March, 1885,-see
Grxette 28th of
the same month.
Same in Ilindoatanve, 4o.
Repealing clause.
Orders of Governor in Council as to issue of passes.
Until and subject to such order, the following provisions to be in force.
Passes to be carried by Chinese Between 9 P.M. adn sunrise.
Annual pass.
Special pass.
From and conditions of annual and special passes.
Application for annual or special passes.
Power to cancel annual or special passes.
Annual and special passes not transferable.
Quarterly passes.
Register of passes to be kept.
Number of passes to be issued.
Power to refuse passes.
Such passes transferable.
Power to cancel such passes.
Penalty for being at large during the night without a pass, &c.
Penalty for being found carrying deadly weapons without a psss.
Forgery, &c., of passes.
Having possession of forged pass.
What shall be custody or possession.
Stealing passes.
Failure to return cancelled pass.
Power to Governor in Council to order lanterns to be carried at night.
In certain cases perosns in custody may be discharged without bail.
Repealing clause.
Orders of Governor in Council as to issue of passes.
Until and subject to such order, the following provisions to be in force.
Passes to be carried by Chinese Between 9 P.M. adn sunrise.
Annual pass.
Special pass.
From and conditions of annual and special passes.
Application for annual or special passes.
Power to cancel annual or special passes.
Annual and special passes not transferable.
Quarterly passes.
Register of passes to be kept.
Number of passes to be issued.
Power to refuse passes.
Such passes transferable.
Power to cancel such passes.
Penalty for being at large during the night without a pass, &c.
Penalty for being found carrying deadly weapons without a psss.
Forgery, &c., of passes.
Having possession of forged pass.
What shall be custody or possession.
Stealing passes.
Failure to return cancelled pass.
Power to Governor in Council to order lanterns to be carried at night.
In certain cases perosns in custody may be discharged without bail.
Repealing clause.
Orders of Governor in Council as to issue of passes.
Until and subject to such order, the following provisions to be in force.
Passes to be carried by Chinese Between 9 P.M. adn sunrise.
Annual pass.
Special pass.
From and conditions of annual and special passes.
Application for annual or special passes.
Power to cancel annual or special passes.
Annual and special passes not transferable.
Quarterly passes.
Register of passes to be kept.
Number of passes to be issued.
Power to refuse passes.
Such passes transferable.
Power to cancel such passes.
Penalty for being at large during the night without a pass, &c.
Penalty for being found carrying deadly weapons without a psss.
Forgery, &c., of passes.
Having possession of forged pass.
What shall be custody or possession.
Stealing passes.
Failure to return cancelled pass.
Power to Governor in Council to order lanterns to be carried at night.
In certain cases perosns in custody may be discharged without bail.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 14 of 1870
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PASSES FOR CHINESE ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 24, 2025,