. )
(Cap. 177, section 7B(1) )
[19 June 19871
L.N. 170 of 1987, L.N. 171 of 1987, L.N. 218 of 1987, L.N. 269 of 1987, L.N. 344 of 1987, L.N.
379 of 1987, R. Ed. 1987, L.N. 1 of 1988, L.N. 42 of 1988, L.N. 116 of 1988, L.N. 152 of
1988, L.N. 187 of 1988, L.N. 232 of 1988, L.N. 252 of 1988, L.N. 293 of 1988, R. Ed.
1988, L.N. 1 of 1989, L.N. 64 of 1989, L.N. 88 of 1989, L.N. 117 of 1989, L.N. 124 of
1989, L.N. 148 of 1989, L.N. 177 of 1989, L.N. 199 of 1989, L.N. 245 of 1989, L.N. 290 of
1989, L.N. 296 of 1989, L.N. 325 of 1989, L.N. 336 of 1989, L.N. 342 of 1989, L.N. 371 of
1989, L.N. 377 of 1989, L.N. 409 of 1989
1. Citation
This order may be cited as the Registration of Persons (Application for New
Identity Cards) (Consolidation) Order.
2. Male persons required to apply for new identity cards
All male persons who are holders of valid identity cards issued before 1 July
1987, or issued after that date as a result of an application made before that date,
bearing a date of birth
(a) in 1967 or 1968 shall apply within the period commencing 1 July
1987 and ending 28 August 1987; (L.N. 170 of 1987)
(b) in 1965 or 1966 shall apply within the period commencing 1
September 1987 and ending 10 October 1987; (L.N.269 of 1987)
(c) in 1963 or 1964 shall apply within the period commencing 12
October 1987 and ending 28 November 1987; (L.N. 344 of 1987)
(d) in 1961 or 1962 shall apply within the period commencing 30
November 1987 and ending 16 January 1988; (L.N. 379 of 1987)
(e) in 1959 or 1960 shall apply within the period commencing 18
January 1988 and ending 5 March 1988; (L.N. 1 of 1988)
(f) in 1957 or 1958 shall apply within the period commencing 7
March 1988 and ending 23 April 1988; (L.N. 42 of 1988)
(g) in 1955 or 1956 shall apply within the period commencing 25
April 1988 and ending 4 June 1988; (L.N.116 of 1988)
(h) in 1953, 1954 or 1969 shall apply within the period commencing 6
June 1988 and ending 23 July 1988;(L.N. 152 of 1988)
(i)in 1949, 1950, 1951 or 1952 shall apply within the period commencing 3
July 1989 and ending 2 September 1989; (L.N. 199 of 1989)
(j)in 1945, 1946, 1947 or 1948 shall apply within the period commencing 4
September 1989 and ending 21 October 1989; (L.N. 296 of 1989)
(k)in 1941, 1942, 1943 or 1944 shall apply within the period
commencing 23 October 1989 and ending 25 November 1989;
(L.N. 336 of 1989)
(1)in 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939 or 1940 shall apply within the period
commencing 27 November 1989 and ending 13 January 1990,
(L.N. 371 of 1989)
in accordance with the Registration of Persons Regulations (Cap. 177 sub. leg.)
for new identity cards at one of the new identity card issue offices specified in
Schedule 3 to those regulations.
3. Female persons required to apply for new identity cards
All female persons who are holders of valid identity cards issued before 1
July 1987, or issued after that date as a result of an application made before
that date, bearing a date of birth-
(a)in 1967, 1968 or 1969 shall apply within the period commencing
25 July 1988 and ending 26 August 1988; (L.N. 187 of 1988)
(b)in 1965 or 1966 shall apply within the period commencing 30
August 1988 and ending 1 October 1988; (L.N. 232 of 1988)
(c) in 1963 or 1964 shall apply within the period commencing 3
October 1988 and ending 12 November 1988; (L.N. 252 of 1988)
(d)in 1960, 1961 or 1962 shall apply within the period commencing
14 November 1988 and ending 14 January 1989; (L.N. 293 of
(e) in 1957, 1958 or 1959 shall apply within the period commencing
16 January 1989 and ending 11 March 1989; (L.N. 1 of 1989)
(f)in 1954, 1955 or 1956 shall apply within the period commencing
13 March 1989 and ending 6 May 1989; (L.N. 64 of 1989)
(g)in 1951, 1952 or 1953 shall apply within the period commencing 8
May 1989 and ending 1 July 1989, (L.N. 124 of 1989)
in accordance with the Registration of Persons Regulations (Cap. 177 sub. leg.)
for new identity cards at one of the new identity card issue offices specified in
Schedule 3 to those regulations.
4.Members of Immigration Service required
to apply for new identity cards
All members of the Immigration Service who are holders of valid identity
cards issued before 1 July 1987, or issued after that date as a result of an
application made before that date, shall apply in accordance with the
Registration of Persons Regulations (Cap. 177 sub. leg.) for new identity cards
at one of the new identity card issue offices specified in Schedule 3 to those
regulations within the period commencing 1 July 1987 and ending 11 July 1987.
(L.N. 171 of 1987)
5. Police officers required to apply for new identity cards
All police officers who are holders of valid identity cards issued before 1 July
1987, or issued after that date as a result of an application made before that date,
shall apply in accordance with the Registration of Persons Regulations (Cap. 177
sub. leg.) for new identity cards at one of the new identity card issue offices
specified in Schedule 3 to those regulations within the period commencing 13 July
1987 and ending 10 October 1987.
(L.N. 218 of 1987)
6. Persons required to apply for new identity cards
All persons who are holders of valid identity cards (except valid identity cards
issued to persons under the age of 18 years) issued before 1 July 1987, or issued
after that date as a result of an application made before that date, bearing a date of
(a) of April 1989 shall apply within the period commencing 1 April
1989 and ending 29 April 1989; (L.N. 88 of 1989)
(b) of May 1989 shall apply within the period commencing 1 May
1989 and ending 31 May 1989;
(c) of June 1989 shall apply within the period commencing 1 June
1989 and ending 30 June 1989; (L.N. 148 of 1989)
(d) of July 1989 shall apply within the period commencing 1 July
1989 and ending 31 July 1989; (L.N. 177 of 1989)
(e) of August 1989 shall apply within the period commencing
1 August 1989 and ending 31 August 1989; (L.N. 245 of 1989)
(f) of September 1989 shall apply within the period commencing
1 September 1989 and ending 30 September 1989; (L.N. 290 of
(g) of October 1989 shall apply within the period commencing
2 October 1989 and ending 31 October 1989; (L.N. 325 of 1989)
(h) of November 1989 shall apply within the period commencing
1 November 1989 and ending 30 November 1989; (L.N. 342 of
(i) of December 1989 shall apply within the period commencing
1 December 1989 and ending 30 December 1989; (L.N. 377 of
(j) of January 1990 shall apply within the period commencing
2 January 1990 and ending 31 January 1990, (L.N. 409 of 1989) in
accordance with the Registration of Persons Regulations (Cap. 177 sub. leg.) for new
identity cards at one of the new identity card issue offices specified in Schedule 3 to
those regulations.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“REGISTRATION OF PERSONS (APPLICATION FOR NEW IDENTITY CARDS) (CONSOLIDATION) ORDER,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 24, 2025,