No. 8 of 1870.
Public Buildings, & c.
An Ordinance for enabling the Governor in Council to make
Regulations for the Maintenance of goad Order and the
Protection of Property in Public Raildings, Gardens and
other Places.
[19th August, 1870.]
'~£IEREAS it is expedient to provide for the maintenance of gciod
~ order and the pre$ervation of property in public buildings and
gardens and other public places and for the better enjoyment.thereof by
persons frequenting the.same : Be it.enacted by the Governor of Hongkonb,
with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
1.- Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously or wantonly commit
;qtly :damage, .injury, or spoil to or upon any real or personal property
belonging to the Crown, the damage, injury, or spoil being to an amount
ORJDINANCE. No. '8- =of : 1-87,0:
Public Bualdinys,.,~r.
not exceeding twenty-five dollars, and for which. no punishment is now
provided by late, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon -summary
conviction thereof before a Magistrate shall be liable to a fine not
fifty dollars with or without imprisonment liot exceeding one month and
shall moreover pay such sum of money not exceeding twenty-five dollars
by way of compensation for the damage done, as the iVTagistrate shall
direct.,. - 3 -
2, It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time
to make such regulations as he may deem expedient far the maintenance .
of good order, and tile preservation of property in any public buildings,
,gardens, or other places open to the public, and for the better:
thereof by persons ,frequenting the same, and also from time to tune'to
repeal, amend, or vary such regulations or any part thereof: Provided
Proviso as to
' publication
always that n0 such regulation or any repeal, amendment, or variation in
thereof shall come into fore arid Act until the ~ same shall have been .
published in the Gazette. `
Power to
~na~;~ reo,
iaona. '
A copy of all regulations for the time being in force vender this oOV off:
Ordinance and gelatin; to.-:,iriy .public belildingy garden,,_or, other
h11 be exhibited ~at the entrance thereof, or id., sonic e4uispicuous
pace g,
WTI ><hin.the same.
4. It shall be lawful for any constable, and also for any custadrai
watchman, keeper,: or other, person' Vayahe Govern-meitt~in any=_y ~&~_
persona zflux
such public buildin11111s, gardens, or other places as-afovesaid:to..
eject and ~o~mit~i~:
r Of
remove therefrom any person vvho shall be found -cornmitting- therein _
a. reautation®
breach of. alit' o£ the `said regulations or any ov'ence-raow ;punishable
by afr0l~a~'
slaw, after having been previously warned to desist, and any person who
s)Mall.-use-abusive :larlguage to, ror assault, or use any. vrolerice
a.ily si%ch boiTSta>Jle' al .other .persoh =as aforesaid Wh1e in
tl~ execution
of :his duty, -or -o£ the powers vested'; in =him under this ,Oraimance
shall'~ ~~
on summary convict, ioil thereof befoxe ~a1Zabstrate be liable to a fine
mot;e~ceeding ole hundred dallars with° or, without imprisonment nat°
exceeding three months.
Every person who shall be charged=-by any such ~oel~table;_ penaityfor-
`- xefitaing to -
cizstodian, watchman, keeper, or other person us'coinmitting Ze-na,ni~.
,or with. .having committed within any such public.burldinb, garden, oi-
other -place as aforesaid a breach of any of the `said xeu.lations or any
ORl)I TNAXCE INo. 8 OF 1870.
Public Buildings, 4c.
offence now punishable by- law, and who shall refuse to give his name
and address if called upon so to do, shall on summary conviction thereof
before a Magistrate be liable to a fine not exceeding ten dollars in
addition to any sentence to which he may be liable for the offence with
Which he shall be charged, and whether he shall be found guilty of such
offence or not.
g:`Every person who shall commit a breach of any regulation in
force=for the time being under this Ordinance shall be guilty of a~,misde-
rneanor.. ant l shall be liable on summary conviction thereof before a
1Mgistrate, to a fine not exceeding; ten dollars for a first offence, and
every subsequent offence to a fine not exceeding' twenty-five dollars
with*or without imprisonment not exceeding one month.
7. Nothing in the last preceding section contained shall affect any
remedies aid other remedy or punishment which may be provided by law for
any act
via; u3shmi~nts. .~ ,
T..~...;.. ~s~nn~ of f.f11Q
>,~oo~ of , $; In all proceedings in any Court, the regulations in force
for the
~`t~¢~` trtne -being- :under- this. Ordinance shall be sufficiently proved
by the
production of -a copy of the gazette in which the same shall be published
and contained.
Regulations made by the Governor in Council for the maintenance of good
order and
the preservation of property in the public gardens, in pursuance of
section 2 of Ordinance 1~'0. 8 of 1870, on the 3rd May- IM
(gaxetted 4th of same month.)
It is strictly prohibited to pick or handle the flowers, or to do any
injury to any plant or
NA-Persons in charge of children are requested to take care that this
rule is observed.
No person is allowed to walk on the grass.
S. Chinese mechanics and labourers are forbidden to use the gardens #s a
4. No sedan chairs (except when required fur the use of invalids) are
allowed to be carried
into the gardens.
6. No dogs are allowed in the gardens.
6. Smoking is strictly prohibited on the'terraces.
7. The gardens will be open from 5 A.m. to 8 P.m. from April 1st, to
September 30th, wind
from 6 A.m. to 7 P.m. from October 1st, to hlaxch 31st.
No. 8 of 1870.
Public Buildings, & c.
Regulations made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of
IV& 8 of 1870 the 20th may, 188?', (gcxzetted 21st of same month.)
1. No wheeled vehicle or horses shall be allowed on the Promenade known
as Kennedy Road.
2. In no case shall more than two chairs be allowed to go abreast on this
3. No kites shall be flown from this road.
Regulations made by the Governor in Council, the 22nd July, 1887, under
provisions of section 2 of Ordinance No. 8 of 1870, for the nzainten'nnce
of good order at the Recreatioix Ground at Taiplinyshan,
(gazetted 23rd July, 1887.)
1. Government Notification No. 100 of cJeh June, 1874, is hereby
2. No hawkers shall be allowed. to enter the Recreation Ground at
Trip°ingshan- for the
purpose of selling wares, goods, or articles of food.
3. No booths, sunshades, or mat fonts shall be erected thereon without
the consent of the
Registrar General, who is hereby authorized to issue the necessary
psrmita for the same.
NOM =For repealed regulations of 9th June, 1874, see Gazette ISM of the same month.
Penalty for committing malicious injuries to Crown.
property not exceeding $25.
Power to make regulations.
Proviso as to publication in the Gazette.
Copy of regulations to be conspicously exhibited.
Constables and others may remove persons found committing a breach of the regulations after warning.
Penalty for refusing to give name amd address.
Penalty for breach of regulations.
Saving of other remedies and punishments.
Proof of regulations.
Public Buildings, & c.
An Ordinance for enabling the Governor in Council to make
Regulations for the Maintenance of goad Order and the
Protection of Property in Public Raildings, Gardens and
other Places.
[19th August, 1870.]
'~£IEREAS it is expedient to provide for the maintenance of gciod
~ order and the pre$ervation of property in public buildings and
gardens and other public places and for the better enjoyment.thereof by
persons frequenting the.same : Be it.enacted by the Governor of Hongkonb,
with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:-
1.- Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously or wantonly commit
;qtly :damage, .injury, or spoil to or upon any real or personal property
belonging to the Crown, the damage, injury, or spoil being to an amount
ORJDINANCE. No. '8- =of : 1-87,0:
Public Bualdinys,.,~r.
not exceeding twenty-five dollars, and for which. no punishment is now
provided by late, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon -summary
conviction thereof before a Magistrate shall be liable to a fine not
fifty dollars with or without imprisonment liot exceeding one month and
shall moreover pay such sum of money not exceeding twenty-five dollars
by way of compensation for the damage done, as the iVTagistrate shall
direct.,. - 3 -
2, It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time
to make such regulations as he may deem expedient far the maintenance .
of good order, and tile preservation of property in any public buildings,
,gardens, or other places open to the public, and for the better:
thereof by persons ,frequenting the same, and also from time to tune'to
repeal, amend, or vary such regulations or any part thereof: Provided
Proviso as to
' publication
always that n0 such regulation or any repeal, amendment, or variation in
thereof shall come into fore arid Act until the ~ same shall have been .
published in the Gazette. `
Power to
~na~;~ reo,
iaona. '
A copy of all regulations for the time being in force vender this oOV off:
Ordinance and gelatin; to.-:,iriy .public belildingy garden,,_or, other
h11 be exhibited ~at the entrance thereof, or id., sonic e4uispicuous
pace g,
WTI ><hin.the same.
4. It shall be lawful for any constable, and also for any custadrai
watchman, keeper,: or other, person' Vayahe Govern-meitt~in any=_y ~&~_
persona zflux
such public buildin11111s, gardens, or other places as-afovesaid:to..
eject and ~o~mit~i~:
r Of
remove therefrom any person vvho shall be found -cornmitting- therein _
a. reautation®
breach of. alit' o£ the `said regulations or any ov'ence-raow ;punishable
by afr0l~a~'
slaw, after having been previously warned to desist, and any person who
s)Mall.-use-abusive :larlguage to, ror assault, or use any. vrolerice
a.ily si%ch boiTSta>Jle' al .other .persoh =as aforesaid Wh1e in
tl~ execution
of :his duty, -or -o£ the powers vested'; in =him under this ,Oraimance
shall'~ ~~
on summary convict, ioil thereof befoxe ~a1Zabstrate be liable to a fine
mot;e~ceeding ole hundred dallars with° or, without imprisonment nat°
exceeding three months.
Every person who shall be charged=-by any such ~oel~table;_ penaityfor-
`- xefitaing to -
cizstodian, watchman, keeper, or other person us'coinmitting Ze-na,ni~.
,or with. .having committed within any such public.burldinb, garden, oi-
other -place as aforesaid a breach of any of the `said xeu.lations or any
ORl)I TNAXCE INo. 8 OF 1870.
Public Buildings, 4c.
offence now punishable by- law, and who shall refuse to give his name
and address if called upon so to do, shall on summary conviction thereof
before a Magistrate be liable to a fine not exceeding ten dollars in
addition to any sentence to which he may be liable for the offence with
Which he shall be charged, and whether he shall be found guilty of such
offence or not.
g:`Every person who shall commit a breach of any regulation in
force=for the time being under this Ordinance shall be guilty of a~,misde-
rneanor.. ant l shall be liable on summary conviction thereof before a
1Mgistrate, to a fine not exceeding; ten dollars for a first offence, and
every subsequent offence to a fine not exceeding' twenty-five dollars
with*or without imprisonment not exceeding one month.
7. Nothing in the last preceding section contained shall affect any
remedies aid other remedy or punishment which may be provided by law for
any act
via; u3shmi~nts. .~ ,
T..~...;.. ~s~nn~ of f.f11Q
>,~oo~ of , $; In all proceedings in any Court, the regulations in force
for the
~`t~¢~` trtne -being- :under- this. Ordinance shall be sufficiently proved
by the
production of -a copy of the gazette in which the same shall be published
and contained.
Regulations made by the Governor in Council for the maintenance of good
order and
the preservation of property in the public gardens, in pursuance of
section 2 of Ordinance 1~'0. 8 of 1870, on the 3rd May- IM
(gaxetted 4th of same month.)
It is strictly prohibited to pick or handle the flowers, or to do any
injury to any plant or
NA-Persons in charge of children are requested to take care that this
rule is observed.
No person is allowed to walk on the grass.
S. Chinese mechanics and labourers are forbidden to use the gardens #s a
4. No sedan chairs (except when required fur the use of invalids) are
allowed to be carried
into the gardens.
6. No dogs are allowed in the gardens.
6. Smoking is strictly prohibited on the'terraces.
7. The gardens will be open from 5 A.m. to 8 P.m. from April 1st, to
September 30th, wind
from 6 A.m. to 7 P.m. from October 1st, to hlaxch 31st.
No. 8 of 1870.
Public Buildings, & c.
Regulations made by the Governor in Council under the provisions of
IV& 8 of 1870 the 20th may, 188?', (gcxzetted 21st of same month.)
1. No wheeled vehicle or horses shall be allowed on the Promenade known
as Kennedy Road.
2. In no case shall more than two chairs be allowed to go abreast on this
3. No kites shall be flown from this road.
Regulations made by the Governor in Council, the 22nd July, 1887, under
provisions of section 2 of Ordinance No. 8 of 1870, for the nzainten'nnce
of good order at the Recreatioix Ground at Taiplinyshan,
(gazetted 23rd July, 1887.)
1. Government Notification No. 100 of cJeh June, 1874, is hereby
2. No hawkers shall be allowed. to enter the Recreation Ground at
Trip°ingshan- for the
purpose of selling wares, goods, or articles of food.
3. No booths, sunshades, or mat fonts shall be erected thereon without
the consent of the
Registrar General, who is hereby authorized to issue the necessary
psrmita for the same.
NOM =For repealed regulations of 9th June, 1874, see Gazette ISM of the same month.
Penalty for committing malicious injuries to Crown.
property not exceeding $25.
Power to make regulations.
Proviso as to publication in the Gazette.
Copy of regulations to be conspicously exhibited.
Constables and others may remove persons found committing a breach of the regulations after warning.
Penalty for refusing to give name amd address.
Penalty for breach of regulations.
Saving of other remedies and punishments.
Proof of regulations.
Penalty for committing malicious injuries to Crown.
property not exceeding $25.
Power to make regulations.
Proviso as to publication in the Gazette.
Copy of regulations to be conspicously exhibited.
Constables and others may remove persons found committing a breach of the regulations after warning.
Penalty for refusing to give name amd address.
Penalty for breach of regulations.
Saving of other remedies and punishments.
Proof of regulations.
Penalty for committing malicious injuries to Crown.
property not exceeding $25.
Power to make regulations.
Proviso as to publication in the Gazette.
Copy of regulations to be conspicously exhibited.
Constables and others may remove persons found committing a breach of the regulations after warning.
Penalty for refusing to give name amd address.
Penalty for breach of regulations.
Saving of other remedies and punishments.
Proof of regulations.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 8 of 1870
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PUBLIC BUILDING, & c. ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 25, 2025,