Section..................................... Page
1. Short title ............................ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
2. Interpretation ................ ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
3. Application of Ordinance .................. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
4. Pawnbrokers to obtain licence ............. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
5. Licences ............................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
6. Transfer of licence and substitution of premises ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
7. Grant or transfer of licence to bodies corporate or partnerships ... ... ... 4
8. Licence conditions ..................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4
9. Cancellation and refusal to renew ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4
10...........................Appeal and operation and elect of cancellation ... ... ... ... ... ... 5
11............Interest on loans ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
12....................................Details of loan to be entered in general book kept by pawnbroker ... ... 6
13..................Ticket to be given to borrower ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6
14..................Delivery of duplicate ticket ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6
15. Redelivery of goods on production of ticket and repayment ... ... ... ... 7
16. Pawnbroker to withhold goods in certain circumstances ... ... ... ... 7
17. Unredeemed goods to become the property, of pawnbroker ... ... ... ... 7
18.........................Information to be given by borrowers etc ... ... ... . ... ... 7
19.........................Goods pawned without authority of owner ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8
20.......................................Issue of search warrant for goods pawned without authority of owner 8
21..................................Prohibition on pawnbrokers when receiving goods in pawn ... ... ... 8
22..............................Liability of pawnbroker in respect of loss or damage ... ... ... ... ... 8
23. Powers of court in respect of goods pawned, whether lawfully or unlawfully 9
24...................Powers of entry and inspection ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11
25...................Servant, agent etc. of pawnbroker ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11
26. Regulations 11
27................Amendment of Schedules ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
28. [Spent] 12
29. Existing licences ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
30. Existing pawn agreements ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
First Schedule. Maximum Amount of Loan ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Second Schedule. Maximum
Monthly Rate of Simple Interest ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
To provide for the licensing ofpait,nbrokers andjor the regulation and
control of certain pait.nbroking transactions; to make certain
provisions in respect of goods pait,ned,- to provide for matters
connected ivith or incidental to the foregoing; and to repeal the
Paimbrokers Ordinance 1930.
[24 August 1984.1
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Pawnbrokers Ordin-
2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires-
'Commissioner' means the Commissioner of Police;
'duplicate ticket' means a duplicate ticket delivered under section 14;
'general booV means the general book kept by a pawnbroker under
section 12;
---goods-means any goods, article or other thing which may be given as
'licence' means a licence ranted under section 5,
'lunar month' means a Chinese lunar month.,
,,pawnbroker' means a person carrying on business by advancing on
interest, or for or in expectation of profit, gain or reward, any sum of
money on the security of goods taken by, such person in pawn;
,.prescribed' means prescribed by regulations made under section 26;
'proof of identity' has the meaning assigned to it in section 17B of the
Immigration Ordinance.,
'ticket' means a ticket delivered under section 13.
3. (1) Nothing in this Ordinance shall apply to a loan by a
pawnbroker of more than the sum specified in the First Schedule or
to the goods pawned as security for that loan, or to the pawnbroker
or borrower in relation to that loan or the goods so pawned. (2)
(a)2 or more loans are made by a pawnbroker to a borrower on
the security of the same goods pawned; and
(b)the total amount of the principal outstanding on all such loans
at any time exceeds the sum specified in the First Schedule,
nothing in this Ordinance shall apply to any of such loans, or to
the goods pawned as security therefor, or to the pawnbroker or
borrower in relation to any such loan or the goods so pawned.
(3) Notwithstanding anything in this Ordinance a person shall
not be deemed a pawnbroker by reason only of the fact of his
paying, advancing or lending any sum of more than the sum
specified in the First Schedule.
4. (1) No person shall carry on business as a pawnbroker
except under and in accordance with a valid licence.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an
ofrence and is liable to a fine of 550,000 and to imprisonment for 2
5. (1) The Commissioner may, upon application made to
him in the prescribed form and manner and upon payment of the
prescribed fee, grant a licence to a person to carry on business as a
(2) The Commissioner shall not grant a licence unless he is
(a)that the applicant is a fit and proper person to carry on
business as a pawnbroker;
(b)that the applicant has complied with the provisions of this
Ordinance and any regulations relating to the application,
(e)that in all the circumstances the grant of such licence is not
contrary to the public interest.
(3) Every licence shall be in the prescribed form and shall
authorize the person to whom it is granted to carry on business as a
pawnbroker at the premises specified therein for a period of 12
months from the date on which it is granted.
(4) The Commissioner may, upon application made to him in
the prescribed form and manner and on payment of the prescribed
fee, renew a licence, and the provisions of section 9 shall have effect
in respect of any such application to renew.
(5) Any person who makes any false or misleading statement
or furnishes any false or misleading information in connexion with
any application to obtain or renew a licence under this section
commits an offence and is liable to a fine of S20,000 and to
imprisonment for 1 year.
6. (1) Except as provided in this section a licence shall not be
(2) The Commissioner may, on application to him in writing
by any person, and on sufficient cause being shown to his satisfac-
tion, permit the transfer of an existing licence until its expiration to
another person, and such transfer shall be endorsed on the licence.
(3) Where a licence is transferred under subsection (2), a
reference in section 8 or 9 to a person to whom the licence was
granted shall be construed as a reference to the person to whom the
licence has been transferred.
(4) Where a pawnbroker intends to transfer his business as a
pawnbroker from the premises specified in his licence to premises
not so specified, he may apply to the Commissioner, in writing, to
have the premises to which he intends to transfer such business
endorsed on his licence in substitution for the first-mentioned
(5) The Commissioner may, in his discretion, grant an applica-
tion for an endorsement under subsection (4) and if so granted, the
licence shall be endorsed accordingly.
7. (1) Where a body corporate or a partnership wishes to
obtain a licence under section 5 a person authorized in that behalf
shall apply as the representative of the body corporate or the
partnership and, if a licence is granted by the Commissioner, it shall
be expressed to be granted to that person on behalf of the body
corporate or the partnership, as the case may be.
(2) Where a licence is transferred to a body corporate or a
partnership under section 6. it shall be expressed to be transferred to
a person authorized in that behalf as the representative of the body
corporate or the partnership. as the case may be.
8. (1) A licence shall be subject to the prescribed conditions.
(2) Where a condition of a licence is contravened, the person
to whom the licence was granted commits an offence and is liable to
a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
9. The Commissioner may cancel or refuse to renew a licence
at any time if-
(a)he is satisfied that any false or misleading statement or
information was made or furnished in connexion with the
application to obtain or renew the licence; or
(b)the person to whom the licence was granted is convicted of
an offence under this Ordinance or any regulations made
thereunder; or
(c)a condition of the licence is contravened, whether or not
any person has been convicted of an offence under sec-
tion 8(2); or
(d)in his opinion the person to whom the licence was granted
has ceased to be a fit and proper person to carry on
business as a pawnbroker; or
(e) in his opinion the public interest so requires.
10, (1) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Commis-
sioner under section 5, 6 or 9 may appeal by way of petition to the
Governor within 28 days of the decision and on any such appeal
the Governor may confirm, vary or reverse the decision of the
(2) The operation of any decision to cancel a licence under
section 9, appealed against under subsection (1), shall be suspended
until the appeal has been heard and determined by the Governor.
(3) The cancellation of a licence shall not affect any agreement
for the loan of a sum of money on the security of any goods pawned
or other like agreement made by the pawnbroker as such, nor shall
he by reason only of the cancellation lose his lien on, or right to, any
goods or goods pawned or to the loan and profit thereon, but he
shall be allowed to pursue and wind up his business in respect of
goods which he has received before the cancellation.
11. (1) A pawnbroker may demand and take simple interest,
per lunar month, over and above the principal paid or advanced by
him upon any goods pawned with him, from the person applying to
redeem those goods before redelivering the same. at any rate not
exceeding that specified in the Second Schedule.
(2) The payment of principal and interest shall be accepted by
the pawnbroker in full satisfaction of all charges for or incidental to
the loan to which they relate.
(3) No agreement for the loan of a sum of money on the
security of goods pawned shall be enforceable in any case where the
pawnbroker demands or takes simple interest in excess of the rate
specified in the Second Schedule, or demands or takes compound
interest, or any payment other than principal and interest and in any
such case-
(a)the borrower or owner of the goods shall be entitled to
redeem the goods without payment of interest or any
charges for or incidental to the loan; and
(b)the pawnbroker shall be entitled to recover the amount of
the loan.
(4) No pawnbroker shall in relation to any loan-
(a)demand or take simple interest in excess of the rate
specified in the Second Schedule;
(b) demand or take compound interest; or
(c)demand or take any payment other than principal, interest
or the prescribed sum for expenses under section 14.
(5) Any pawnbroker who contravenes subsection (4) commits
an offence and is liable to a fine of $20,000 and to imprisonment for
1 year.
12. (1) A pawnbroker shall keep a general book in the pre-
scribed form and shall in respect of every loan, enter or cause to be
entered the details as specified in the form, before advancing any
money on loan.
(2) Any pawnbroker who contravenes subsection (1) commits
an offence and is liable to a fine of 55,000.
13. (1) A pawnbroker shall on the date of advancing any
money on loan deliver to the borrower a ticket in the prescribed
(2) Any pawnbroker who contravenes subsection (1) commits
an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
14. (1) If a ticket is lost or mislaid by or fraudulently taken or
obtained from the borrower or the owner of the goods and the goods
are still unredeemed or unsold, the pawnbroker, shall, on the
application of any person-
(a)producing his proof of identity and representing himself to
be the borrower or the owner of the goods; and
(b) tendering the prescribed sum for expenses; and
(e)making and leaving with the pawnbroker a statutory
declaration in the prescribed form, setting forth the cir-
cumstances of such loss,
deliver to him a duplicate of such ticket.
(2) A pawnbroker is hereby authorized to take a statutory
declaration in the prescribed form for the purposes of this section.
(3) Any person who makes a statutory declaration under this
section which is false or misleading in any material particular
commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $20,000 and to
imprisonment for 1 year.
(4) Subject to subsection (5), any pawnbroker who, in respect
of any goods which are still unredeemed or unsold-
(a)refuses or fails to take the statutory declaration of a person
who has complied with paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsec-
tion (1); or
(b)refuses or fails to deliver a duplicate ticket to a person
who has complied with paragraphs (a), (b) and (e) of
subsection (1),
commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $10,000 and to
imprisonment for 6 months.
(5) A pawnbroker does not commit an offence under subsec-
tion (4) if he proves that he believed with reasonable cause that such
person was not the borrower or the owner of the goods, as the case
may be.
15. (1) Subject to section 16, upon the tender by a person of
a ticket or duplicate ticket together with the full amount then due
for principal and interest within 4 lunar months from the date of
advancing any money on loan, the pawnbroker shall deliver up to
that person the goods to which the ticket or duplicate ticket and the
loan relate.
(2) Any pawnbroker who contravenes subsection (1) commits
an offence and is liable to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for
6 months.
16. (1) Notwithstanding section 15, a pawnbroker shall with-
hold delivery of the goods pawned where on or before the tender to
him of a ticket or a duplicate ticket under that section he has-
(a)been given notice in writing by the borrower or the owner
of the goods not to deliver the same;
(b)been given notice in writing by any police officer not below
the rank of sergeant that the goods have been or are
suspected to have been unlawfully pawned, or
(e)received an application in respect of the goods under
section 14 from any person representing himself to be the
borrower or the owner of the goods.
(2) Any pawnbroker who contravenes subsection (1) commits
an offence and is liable to a fine of S5,000.
17. (1) Subject to this Ordinance and to any other law, goods
pawned shall, upon the expiration of 4 lunar months from the date
of advancing any money on loan, become, if they are not earlier
redeemed, the property of the pawnbroker.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), if before the expiration of
4 lunar months from the date of advancing any money on loan, the
borrower wishes to continue the loan, the pawnbroker shall allow
him to do so on his paying the interest then due and in any such case
a new ticket shall be delivered to the borrower, a new entry shall be
made in the general book and for the purposes of section 15 and this
section, the date of advancing any money on loan shall be deemed to
be the day the new ticket is delivered.
(3) Any pawnbroker who contravenes subsection (2) commits
an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
18. (1) A person applying to a pawnbroker to pawn goods or
to redeem goods pawned shall at the time of his application provide
the pawnbroker with information to the satisfaction of the pawn-
broker as to-
(a) his proof of identity; and
(b) his place of residence; and
(c)if he is not the owner, the name and place of residence of
the owner of the goods; and
(d)in the case of an application to redeem goods, the circum-
stances under which his application is made.
(2) Any person applying to pawn goods or to redeem goods
pawned who provides false information under this section commits
an offence and is liable to a fine of $20,000 and to imprisonment for
1 year.
19. (1) No person shall pawn goods owned by another with-
out being duly authorized or employed by the owner of the goods in
that behalf.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an
offence and is liable to a fine of $20,000 and to imprisonment for 1
20. A magistrate shall, upon written information on oath
being laid before him that there are probable grounds for believing
that any goods have been pawned without the authority of their
owner, issue his warrant for searching any place where the goods
may appear to him to be; and if any of the goods are discovered
upon such search, the person executing the warrant shall take them
or cause them to be taken into safe keeping.
21. (1) No pawnbroker shall receive in pawn any goods-
(a)from any person unless he has first inspected proof of
identity of the borrower; or
(b) from any person who is under the age of 17 years; or
(c)having upon them any mark or sign indicating them to be
or to have been the property of the Crown, the Urban
Council or any other statutory body or authority.
(2) No pawnbroker shall demand or accept as security any-
(a)identity card issued under the Registration of Persons
Ordinance, passport, warrant card, or other document
establishing the identity or nationality of the holder;
(b) bank savings or deposit account book; or
(c)photograph, whether developed or not, of the borrower or
owner of the goods or of any member of the family of the
borrower or owner of the goods.
(3) Any pawnbroker who contravenes subsection (1) or (2)
commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000 and to
imprisonment for 6 months.
22. (1) A pawnbroker shall make good all loss or damage
accruing to a borrower or owner of goods pawned where-
(a)before the period for redemption thereof has elapsed the
goods have by the default, neglect or misfeasance of the
pawnbroker been-
(i) stolen, lost or improperly disposed of, or
(ii) destroyed, damaged or impaired in value; or
(b) he has failed to comply with section 16.
(2) In subsection (1) 'the period for redemption' means, in
relation to any goods pawned, the period of 4 lunar months from the
date, as determined under section 17, of advancing any money on
loan on the security of those goods.
(3) An pawnbroker who contravenes subsection (1) commits
an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
(4) In any proceedings before a court or magistrate, whether
or not for an offence under this section, such court or magistrate
shall allow and award to the borrower or owner of the goods an
amount in satisfaction of such loss or damage, from which shall be
deducted the amount of principal and interest then due in respect of
the loan to which the goods relate.
(5) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1) or (4) the
liability of a pawnbroker for loss or damage under this section shall
not exceed, in respect of any one article pawned, the sum specified
in the First Schedule.
23. (1) Where in any proceedings before a court or mag-
(a)it appears that any goods have been unlawfully pawned
with a pawnbroker; or
(b)a person has been convicted of an offence under this
Ordinance and it appears that any goods brought before
the court or magistrate by which he is convicted in con-
nexion with the offence have been pawned with a pawn-
broker, whether or not the pawnbroker is the person so
the court or magistrate shall dispose of the goods in the manner
provided by this section.
(2) The court or magistrate may, in respect of any goods to
which subsection (1) applies, of its or his own motion or upon
(a)on proof of ownership of the goods, make, subject to
subsection (3), an order for the delivery or non-delivery
thereof to the owner-
(i) on payment to the pawnbroker of the amount of the
loan advanced by him thereon and the interest due; or
(ii) on payment to the pawnbroker of any part of such
loan or interest; or
(iii) without payment to the pawnbroker of any part of
such loan or interest,
as may seem just in all the circumstances;
(b)if ownership of the goods cannot be established or where
the owner cannot be found, make an order that the goods
be sold or retained in the possession of the Commissioner;
(c) make an order that the goods be forfeited to the Crown.
(3) In the making of an order under subsection (1)(a), the
court or magistrate shall take into account the conduct of the
owner and of the pawnbroker and consider whether the fault or
carelessness of either party has caused or contributed to the unlaw-
ful pawning of the goods and shall as regards the apportionment
between them of any loss or damage-
(a) in the case where the court or magistrate finds-
(1) that no fault or carelessness in their conduct; or
(ii) that equal fault or carelessness in their conduct,
has caused or contributed to the unlawful pawning of the
goods, apportion the loss or damage in equal shares;
(b)in the case where the court or magistrate finds that the fault
or carelessness in the conduct of the owner or of the
pawnbroker, as the case may be, has caused or contributed
to the unlawful pawning of the goods in the whole or in the
greater part, apportion the loss or damage in such whole or
greater part, having regard to their respective shares in the
responsibility for such unlawful pawning.
(4) Where any person claims ownership of the goods, no order
shall be made by the court or magistrate under subsection (2)
unless the pawnbroker and the alleged owner have been given an
opportunity of being heard.
(5) Any order made by the court or magistrate under subsec-
tion (2) shall bar any civil remedy which the owner or any other
person would have had for the recovery of the goods, and the owner
shall not be entitled to claim the return of the goods except under the
terms of such order.
(6) No order for the delivery. sale or forfeiture of goods shall
be made under subsection (2) unless the court or magistrate is
satisfied that the goods will not be required as an exhibit in any
(7) Where under subsection (2)(b) a court or magistrate orders
the sale or retention of goods, and no person commences proceed-
ings to establish his ownership of or entitlement to the goods, or the
proceeds of sale thereof, within 6 months from the date such order is
made, the goods or the proceeds of sale shall become the property of
the Crown.
(8) An order made under subsection (2), other than an order
for retention of goods, shall not be carried out until the period
allowed for making an appeal against the order has expired. or
where such an appeal is duly made, until the appeal has been finally
determined or abandoned.
(9) In this section 'owner' includes-
(a)any person having ownership of goods at the time of
(b)any person having ownership of goods pawned without his
authorization; and
(c)any person from whom the pawner obtained the goods by
fraudulent, unlawful or illegal means.
24. (1) A police officer of the rank of sergeant or above or any
person authorized in writing by the Commissioner in that behalf
may on production of his authority (if required)-
(a) enter and inspect at any reasonable time any premises-
(i) specified in a licence; or
(ii) which are reasonably suspected by him to be prem-
ises where the business of pawnbroking is carried on ;
(b)require the production of, inspect or examine any goods.
documents or records on the premises;
(c) take copies of any such documents or records; and
(d)make such inquiries from any person on the premises in
relation to such goods, documents or records as he thinks
(2) Any person who in connexion with an inspection under
subsection (1)-
(a)fails without reasonable excuse to produce any goods,
documents or records referred to in that subsection when
required to do so by any police officer or person authorized
under that subsection;
(b)furnishes to such police officer or person any information
which is false or misleading in any material particular; or
(c)otherwise hinders or impedes such police officer or person
in the performance of his duties or the exercise of his
powers under that subsection,
commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $10,000 and to
imprisonment for 6 months.
25. For the purposes of this Ordinance anything done or
omitted by the servant or agent of a pawnbroker in the course of or
in relation to the business of the pawnbroker shall be deemed to be
done or omitted (as the case may be) by the pawnbroker; and
anything by this Ordinance authorized to be done by a pawnbroker
may be done by his servant or agent.
26. (1) The Governor in Council may by regulation provide
(a)the manner in which applications for licences shall be
(b)the form of applications for licences, licences, the general
book and tickets;
(e) the fees payable on the grant or renewal of licences;
(d) the conditions subject to which licences are granted;
(e)limiting the number of pawnbrokers' licences that may be
allowed in any area;
the hours during which the business of pawnbroking may
be carried on;
(g) the storage and safe custody of goods pawned; and
(h) anything that is to be or may be prescribed.
(2) Any regulation made under this section may provide that a
contravention thereof shall be an offence and may provide penalties
for such offence not exceeding a fine of 5 10,000 and imprisonment
for 6 months.
27. The Governor may by order amend all or any of the
28. [Spepit]
29. (1) A licence which was granted to a pawnbroker under
section 8 of the repealed Ordinance and remained in force iminedi-
ately before the commencement of this Ordinance shall continue in
force after such commencement and have effect according to its
tenor as if it were a licence granted under section 5 of this Ordinance.
(2) A licence which was granted to a pawnbroker under
section 8 of the repealed Ordinance and which was, immediately
before the commencement of this Ordinance, suspended, shall upon
the ending of the period of suspension after the commencement of
this Ordinance continue in force and have effect according to its*
tenor as if it were a licence granted under section 5 of this Ordinance.
(3) In this section -repealed Ordinance- means the Pawn-
brokers Ordinance 1930 repealed by section 28.
30. This Ordinance shall not apply to any loan made before
the commencement of this Ordinance, or to any goods pawned as
security for any such loan.
FIRST SCHEDULE [ss. 3 & 22.]
3 1/2 per cent per lunar month
Originally 10 of 1984. L.N. 284/84. Short title. Interpretation. (Cap. 115.) Application of Ordinance. First Schedule. Pawnbrokers to obtain licence. Licences. Transfer of licence and substitution of premises. Grant or transfer of licence to bodies corporate or partnerships. Licence conditions. Cancellation and refusal to renew. Appeal and operation and effect of cancellation. Interest on loans. Second Schedule. Details of loan to be entered in general book kept by pawnbroker. Ticket to be given to borrower. Delivery of duplicate ticket. Redelivery of goods on production of ticket and repayment. Pawnbroker to withhold goods in certain circumstances. Unredeemed goods to become the property of pawnbroker. Information to be given by borrowers etc. Goods pawned without authority of owner. Issue of search warrant for goods pawned without authority of owner. Prohibition on pawnbrokers when receiving goods in pawn. (Cap. 177.) Liability of pawnbroker in respect of loss or damage. First Schedule. Powers of court in respect of goods pawned, whether lawfully or unlawfully. Powers of entry and inspection. Servant, agent etc. of pawnbroker. Regulations. Amendment of Schedules. Existing licences. (Cap. 166, 1970 Ed.) (Cap. 166, 1970 Ed.) Existing pawn agreements.
Originally 10 of 1984. L.N. 284/84. Short title. Interpretation. (Cap. 115.) Application of Ordinance. First Schedule. Pawnbrokers to obtain licence. Licences. Transfer of licence and substitution of premises. Grant or transfer of licence to bodies corporate or partnerships. Licence conditions. Cancellation and refusal to renew. Appeal and operation and effect of cancellation. Interest on loans. Second Schedule. Details of loan to be entered in general book kept by pawnbroker. Ticket to be given to borrower. Delivery of duplicate ticket. Redelivery of goods on production of ticket and repayment. Pawnbroker to withhold goods in certain circumstances. Unredeemed goods to become the property of pawnbroker. Information to be given by borrowers etc. Goods pawned without authority of owner. Issue of search warrant for goods pawned without authority of owner. Prohibition on pawnbrokers when receiving goods in pawn. (Cap. 177.) Liability of pawnbroker in respect of loss or damage. First Schedule. Powers of court in respect of goods pawned, whether lawfully or unlawfully. Powers of entry and inspection. Servant, agent etc. of pawnbroker. Regulations. Amendment of Schedules. Existing licences. (Cap. 166, 1970 Ed.) (Cap. 166, 1970 Ed.) Existing pawn agreements.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PAWNBROKERS ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 9, 2025,