Section..................................... Page
1. Short title ............................2
2. Interpretation .........................2
3. Establishment and composition of Midwives Board 2
4. Meetings of Board ......................4
5. Register of midwives ...................4
6. Correction of the register .............5
7. Qualification for registration .........6
8. Registration ...........................6
9. Certificate of registration ............7
10. Disciplinary powers of Board ...........7
11. Powers of Board with regard to obtaining evidence and the conduct of pro-
ceedings ...............................9
12.......................Penalty for failure to give evidence 9
13........................Appearance of counsel, etc . ............................................... 9
14......................Provisions relating to orders of Board 9
15.....................................Appeals 10
16.......................................Registration not to imply possession of medical qualifications 10
17.......................................Penalty for acts falsely implying registration 11
is. Prohibition of persons other than registered midwives attending for gain
women in childbirth except under medical supervision 11
19. Power of Board to prohibit registered midwives suffering from certain diseases
from attending women in childbirth .11
20. Power of Board to prohibit disqualified midwives, etc. from attending women
in childbirth ......................11
21. Prohibition of employment by registered midwives of unregistered substitutes 12
22. Requirements as to notice of intention to practise 12
23. Regulations 12
24. Directions to midwives 13
25. Exemption from registration 14
Toamend the law relating to midwives by incorporating more adequate provisions
for their registration and the better control of the practice of midwifery.
[9 December 1960]
Originally 57 of 1960 -- 61 of 1969, R. Ed. 1969, 38 of 1973, 92 of 1975, 28 of 1976, 6 of 1988, 67 of
Short title
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Midwives Registration Ordinance.
2. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires
'Board' means the Midwives Board of Hong Kong established under section 3;
---chairman'means the chairman of the Board and includes any person elected
to act as chairman under section 3(6C); (Amended, 6 of 1988,s.2)
'Director' means the Nursing Director of the Medical and Health Department;
101 (Amended, 6 of 1988, s. 2)
'member' means a member of the Board;
11 prescribed' means provided by regulations made under section 23;
'register' means the register of midwives kept in accordance with section 5, and
'registered' shall be construed accordingly;
'secretary' means the secretary of the Board.
Establishment and composition of Midwives Board
3. (1) There shall be established within Hong Kong a Board to be called the
Midwives Board of Hong Kong. (Amended, 67 of 1985, s. 16)
(2) The Board shall consist of
(a) the Director;
(b)one registered midwife in the public service of Hong Kong to be
nominated by the Director of Medical and Health Services and appointed
by the Governor; (Replaced, 6 of 1988, s. 3)
(c) the Supervisor of Midwives of the Medical and l Health Department
(d)one medical practitioner registered under the Medical Registration
Ordinance (Cap. 161) to be nominated by the University of Hong Kong
and appointed by the Governor;
(da) one medical practitioner registered under the Medical Registration
Ordinance to be nominated by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and
appointed by the Governor; (Added, 6 of 1988, s. 3)
(e)one registered midwife to be nominated by each hospital or group of
hospitals (other than a Government hospital or group of hospitals)
declared by the Board under regulations made under this Ordinance to be
a training school for midwives, and appointed by the Governor;
(Replaced, 28 of 1976, s. 2)
(f)3 registered midwives appointed by the Governor from a panel of at least 6
registered midwives nominated by the Hong Kong Midwives Association;
(Replaced, 61 of 1969, s. 2)
(g)one lay member who shall be appointed by the Governor. (Added, 6 of
1988, s. 3)
(3) No registered midwife in respect of whom the Board has made an order in
accordance with paragraphs (i) to (iv) of section 10(1) shall be eligible for
appointment by the Governor to the Board. (Added, 61 of 1969, s. 2)
(4) Any member appointed by the Governor shall hold office for a period of 3
years, or such lesser period as the Governor may appoint, and shall be eligible for re-
appointment from time to time.
(5) If any member appointed by the Governor is temporarily absent from Hong
Kong or is for any other reason unable to attend to the business of the Board, the
Governor may appoint an additional member during the absence or disability of that
member. (Amended, 67 of 1985, s. 16)
(6) The chairman of the Board shall-
(a) be elected by the members from amongst themselves;
(b)subject to subsection (6D) hold office for 3 years or until he ceases to
hold office as a member, whichever is the earlier; and
(c) be eligible for re-election. (Replaced, 6 of 1988, s. 3)
(6A) If the office of chairman becomes vacant due to effluxion of time, or as a
result of resignation or otherwise, the secretary shall convene a meeting of the
Board within 3 months of the occurrence of such vacancy for the purpose of
electing a chairman. (Added, 6 of 1988, s. 3)
(6B) The secretary shall preside at a meeting held under subsection (6A) until
the chairman is elected and assumes office, but he shall not have an original or a
casting vote. (Added, 6 of 1988, s. 3)
(6C) If the chairman is unable to perform the functions of his office for any
period due to absence from Hong Kong or any other reason, the members of the
Board shall at a meeting of the Board elect one of themselves to act in his place for
the duration of that period and notwithstanding any provision in this Ordinance the
secretary may, where necessary, convene a meeting for the purpose of such
election. (Added, 6 of 1988, s. 3)
(6D) The chairman may at any time resign his office by giving notice in writing
to the secretary. (Added, 6 of 1988, s. 3)
(7) There shall be a secretary of the Board and a legal adviser to the Board,
both of whom shall be appointed by the Governor.
Meetings of Board
4. (1) The Board shall meet at such times and in such places-
(a) as the chairman may from time to time appoint; or
(b)as may be requested in writing addressed to the chairman by not less than
5 members.
(2) At any meeting of the Board 5 members shall be a quorum.
(3) The validity of any proceedings of the Board shall not be affected by any
vacancy among the members of the Board or by any defect in the appointment
thereto of any member.
(4) All questions for determination at any meeting of the Board shall be decided
by a majority vote of the members present at such meeting and voting thereon:
Provided that nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent any
question for determination by the Board being so determined by a majority opinion
of the members upon circulation to them of papers relating thereto.
(5) The chairman at any meeting of the Board shall have an original vote and
also, if upon any question the votes shall be equally divided, a casting vote except
at an inquiry under section 10 at which he shall have only an original vote.
(6) The Board may make standing orders for regulating the procedure at, or in
connection with, its meetings.
Register of midwives
5. (1) The Board shall cause a register of midwives to be kept which shall
contain such particulars as may from time to time be prescribed.
(2) The roll kept in accordance with the provisions of the repealed Midwives
Ordinance* shall be deemed to be the register required to be kept, and
See Cap. 162, 1950 Ed.
to have been kept, by virtue of this section and shall continue to be maintained
in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance; and every woman whose
name appears thereon at the commencement of this Ordinance shall be deemed
to have been registered as a midwife in accordance with section 8 of this
(3) The register or a copy thereof shall be open to inspection free of
charge during usual business hours by any person upon application in writing
addressed to the secretary.
(4) Each entry in the register shall include, with respect to the woman
to whom the entry relates, an indication of the manner in which she became
entitled to registration as a midwife.
(5) The Board shall cause to be published in the Gazette in relation to
successive periods, in such manner as the Board may think fit and at intervals of
not more than 12 months, lists of all women whose names have been entered in,
removed from or restored to the register during these periods. (Replaced, 38 of
(6) A certificate purporting to be under the seal of the Board and signed
by the chairman or secretary of the Board stating that a woman is or was at
any date or is not or was not at any date duly registered shall be evidence in
all courts of law of the facts stated in such certificate until the contrary is
proved. (Replaced, 38 of 1973, s. 2)
(7) Any person who wilfully makes, or causes to be made, any falsification
in any matter relating to the register, or the registration of any name therein,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine
of $1,000 and to imprisonment for 3 months.
Correction of the register
6. (1) The secretary may from time to time amend the register as to
the address or other relevant particulars relating to any woman whose name
appears thereon upon his being satisfied that such amendment is necessary for
the purpose of preserving the accuracy of the register.
(2) Subject to the provisions of section 14, the secretary shall add to or
delete from the register the name of any woman whose name the Board directs
shall be added thereto or deleted therefrom, as the case may be.
(3) The Board may direct that the name of any woman be removed from
the register who-
(a) dies;
(b)has left Hong Kong without giving to the secretary notice of intention
to return;
(c)has not supplied the secretary with an address in Hong Kong at which
notices from the Board may be served upon her:
Provided that-
(i) this paragraph shall not apply to any registered midwife in the
service of the Government; and
(ii) any woman who fails to acknowledge within 12 months after
the date of dispatch the receipt of a registered letter or a telegram
addressed to her at her last address as recorded in the register shall be
deemed not to have supplied the secretary with an address under this
paragraph; or
(d)requests, by notice in writing to the secretary, that her name be so
removed. (Added, 61 of 1969, s. 3. Amended, 67 of 1985, s. 16)
Qualification for registration
7. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, no woman shall be
qualified to be registered under this Ordinance unless she has satisfied the
Board that she-
(a) has attained the age of 21 years; and
(b) is a woman of good character;
and in addition thereto-
(e)has completed such training as may be prescribed and has passed such
examinations as may be required by the Board; or
(d)is a certified midwife within the meaning of the Midwives Act 1951
(1951 c. 53 U.K.); or
(e)is a certified midwife within the meaning of the Midwives (Scotland)
Act 1951 (1951 e. 54 U.K.); or
(f)is duly certified as a midwife by the Joint Nursing and Midwives
Council for Northern Ireland; or
(g)possesses a certificate to practise as a midwife issued by such certifying
body, other than the above, as may be recognized by the Board from
time to time.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (1), the Board may
require any applicant for registration to prove her competency in midwifery by
examination conducted by examiners appointed by the Board, and, if required,
to undergo such further training as the Board may specify. (Amended, 28 of
8. (1) Any woman who considers herself qualified to be registered as a
midwife may apply in the manner prescribed to the secretary for registration.
(2) The name of a woman qualified to be registered in accordance
with section 7 who has complied with subsection (1) and with any regula-
tions relating thereto shall, subject to payment of the prescribed fee and to
subsection (3), be entered upon the register by the Board. (Replaced, 67
of 1985, s. 16)
(3) If, after due inquiry in accordance with regulations made under
section 23 into any case referred to it by the Preliminary Investigation
Committee, the Board is satisfied that a woman applying under subsection (1)
has in Hong Kong or elsewhere-
(a) been convicted of an offence punishable with imprisonment; or
(b) been guilty of unprofessional conduct,
the Board may, in its discretion, refuse to enter the name of that woman upon
the register. (Added, 67 of 1985, s. 16)
(4) Such provisions of section 10 as are capable of application to an
inquiry held for the purposes of this section shall apply to any such inquiry,
and any such provision may be construed with such modifications not affecting
the substance as may be necessary to render it applicable.
Certificate of registration
9. (1) When the name of any woman is registered under section 8, the
secretary shall issue to her a certificate in the form prescribed.
(2) If any certificate issued under subsection (1) is lost or destroyed or if
for any other reason a woman to whom such certificate was issued requires a
duplicate thereof, the secretary, upon being satisfied as to the loss or destruction
of the original certificate or as to the propriety of the reason for which the
duplicate is otherwise required, shall, upon payment of the fee prescribed, issue
to such woman a certified copy of the original certificate.
(3) Any certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of the repealed
Midwives Ordinance* shall be deemed to have been validly issued in accordance
with the provisions of this Ordinance.
(4) If the name of any registered midwife is removed from the register by
order of the Board made under section 10, such midwife shall forthwith return
to the secretary the certificate and any certified copy thereof issued to her in
accordance with the provisions of this section or, if such certificate or such
copy has been lost or destroyed, she shall deliver to the secretary a statement
in writing signed by her to that effect.
(5) If any midwife fails to comply with any of the provisions of sub-
section (4) she shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary
conviction to a fine of $250.
Disciplinary powers of Board
10. (1) If, after due inquiry in accordance with regulations made
under section 23 into any case referred to it by the Preliminary Investigation
Committee established by such regulations, the Board is satisfied that any
registered midwife-
(a)has been convicted, in Hong Kong or elsewhere, of any offence
punishable with imprisonment;
See Cap. 162, 1950 Ed.
(b)has been guilty, in Hong Kong or elsewhere, of unprofessional
(c) has obtained registration by fraud or misrepresentation;
(d) was not at the time of registration qualified to be registered;
(e)has contravened any prohibition imposed under the provisions of
section 19; or
has failed to comply with any direction of the Board issued under
section 24,
the Board, in its discretion, may-
(i) order that the name of such midwife be removed from the register;
(ii)order that the name of such midwife be removed from the register for
such specified period as it may think fit;
(iii) order that such midwife be reprimanded; or
(iv) postpone judgment on the case for any period not exceeding 2 years,
and may, in any case, make such order as the Board thinks fit with regard to the
payment of costs of the secretary or of any complainant or of the registered
midwife. (Amended, 61 of 1969, s. 4 and 67 of 1985, s. 16)
(2) Any costs awarded in pursuance of subsection (1) may be recovered
as a civil debts. (Replaced, 38 of 1973, s. 3)
(3) For the purposes of section 8 and this section, -unprofessional
conduct' means an act or omission of a registered midwife which could be
reasonably regarded as disgraceful or dishonourable by registered midwives of
good repute and competency.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the Board to
inquire into the question whether a registered midwife was properly convicted
but the Board may consider any record of the case in which such conviction was
recorded and any other evidence which may be available and is relevant as
showing the nature and gravity of the offence.
(5) In any inquiry under this section as to whether a midwife has been
guilty of unprofessional conduct, any finding of fact which is shown to have
been made in any matrimonial proceedings in a court of the Commonwealth
having unlimited jurisdiction in civil matters, or on appeal from a decision in
such proceedings, shall be conclusive evidence of the fact found.
(6) Within 30 days after the expiration of the time within which an appeal
against an order made by the Board, in accordance with the provisions of
subsection (1), may be made to the Court of Appeal in accordance with the
provisions of section 15, or if such appeal has been made, within 30 days after
the decision of the Court of Appeal affirming or varying such order, the Board
shall cause the order or the order as so varied, as the case may be, to be
published in the Gazette, and may cause an account of the proceedings at the
inquiry at which such order was made to be so published together with
sufficient particulars to acquaint the public with the nature of the offence to
which the order relates.(Amended, 92 of 1975, s. 59)
Powers of Board with regard to obtaining evidence and the
conduct of proceedings
11. (1) For the purpose of any inquiry under section 8 or 10 the Board
shall have the following powers-
(a) to take evidence and examine witnesses on oath;
(b)to summon any person to attend the inquiry to give evidence or to
produce any document or other thing in his possession and to examine
him as a witness or to require him to produce any document or other
thing in his possession;
(c)to admit or exclude the public or any member of the public from the
(d) to admit or exclude the press from the inquiry; and
(e)to award any person summoned to attend the inquiry such sum
or sums as in the opinion of the Board may have been reasonably
expended by him by reason of his attendance.
(2) Summonses to witnesses may be in such form as may be prescribed
and shall be signed by the chairman or secretary.
Penalty for failure to give evidence
12. Any person who, being summoned to attend as a witness or to
produce any document or other thing at any inquiry held in accordance with the
provisions of section 10, refuses or neglects to do so or to answer any question
put to him by or with the leave of the Board shall be guilty of an offence and
shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $1,000 and to imprisonment
for 3 months:
Provided that no person shall be required to answer any question or
produce any document or other thing which, in the opinion of the Board, may
tend to incriminate himself, and every witness shall, in respect of any evidence
given by him before the Board, be entitled to the same privileges to which he
would be entitled if he were giving evidence before a court of justice.
Appearance of counsel, etc.
13. The complainant in any inquiry held in accordance with the provisions
of section 10 and the woman whose conduct is the subject of such inquiry shall
be entitled to be represented by counsel or solicitor or by a friend throughout
the inquiry.
Provisions relating to orders of Board
14. (1) The secretary shall cause a copy of any order made under section
10(1) or of any decision of the Board to refuse to enter the name of an applicant
upon the register under section 8(3) to be served, as soon as may be after the
making thereof, upon the woman concerned, either personally or by registered
post addressed to her at the last address known to the secretary. (Amended, 67
of 1985, s. 16)
(2) The secretary shall not remove the name of any midwife from the register
before the expiration of 30 days after the service upon her of the copy of the order
referred to in subsection (1), or, in the case of an appeal against such order, until
after the determination of the appeal.
(3) Any midwife whose name is removed from the register in accordance with
the provisions of this Ordinance, or whose name prior to the commencement of this
Ordinance was removed in accordance with the provisions of the repealed Midwives
Ordinance*, from the roll of certified midwives kept in accordance with that
Ordinance, may apply to the Board for restoration of her name to the register, and
the Board, in its discretion, and after such inquiry and subject to such conditions as
it may consider expedient, may either allow or refuse the application, and, if it allows
the application, shall direct the secretary to restore the name of the applicant to the
register and thereupon the secretary shall restore the name accordingly.
15. (1) Any woman who considers herself aggrieved by any decision of the
Board to refuse to enter her name upon the register under section 8 or by any order
made in accordance with the provisions of section 10 may appeal therefrom to the
Court of Appeal and the Court of Appeal may affirm, vary or reverse the decision of
the Board, and may exercise any power which the Board might have exercised.
(Amended, 67 of 1985, s. 16)
(2) The decision of the Court of Appeal upon any appeal made under
subsection (1) shall be final.
(3) The procedure in relation to appeals under this section shall be subject to
any rules of court made under the Supreme Court Ordinance (Cap. 4):
Provided that the Court of Appeal shall not hear any such appeal unless notice
thereof has been given to the court within 30 days after the service upon the
appellant in accordance with section 14 of a copy of the order to which the appeal
(Amended, 92 of 1975, s. 59)
Registration not to imply possession of medical qualifications
16. Registration under this Ordinance shall not confer upon any woman any
right or title to be registered under the Medical Registration Ordinance (Cap. 161), or
to assume a name, title or designation implying that she is by law recognized as a
medical practitioner or that she is authorized to grant a medical certificate or a
certificate of death or to undertake the charge of any case of abnormality or disease
in connection with parturition.
* See Cap. 162, 1950 Ed.
Penalty for acts falsely implying registration
17. Any woman who, not being a registered midwife, uses the name or title of
midwife, either alone or in combination with any other expression, or uses any name,
title, description, uniform or badge implying that she is a registered midwife or is a
person specially qualified to practise midwifery or is recognized by law as a midwife,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of
$1,000 and to imprisonment for 3 months.
Prohibition of persons other than registered midwives
attending for gain women in childbirth except under
medical supervision
18. If any person, being either a male person or a woman who is not a registered
midwife, receives any remuneration for attending a woman in childbirth otherwise
than under the direction and personal supervision of a registered medical
practitioner within the meaning of the Medical Registration Ordinance (Cap. 161),
that person shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
to a fine of $2,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months:
Provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply in the case of any
person who, while undergoing training with a view to becoming a registered medical
practitioner within the meaning of the Medical Registration Ordinance, or a
registered midwife under this Ordinance, attends a woman in childbirth as part of a
course of practical instruction in midwifery recognized by the Board.
Power of Board to prohibit registered midwives suffering
from certain diseases from attending women in childbirth
19. (1) If any registered midwife contracts any infectious disease within the
meaning of the Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Ordinance (Cap. 141), which,
in the opinion of the Board, is likely to endanger the health of any woman attended
by her in the course of her practice, the Board may prohibit such registered midwife
from attending women in childbirth in any capacity during the continuance of such
(2) Any contravention of a prohibition imposed under this section shall
constitute a ground for disciplinary proceedings under section 10.
Power of Board to prohibit disqualified midwives, etc. from
attending women in childbirth
20. (1) Where the Board orders that the name of any registered midwife be
removed from the register under section 10 or refuses to enter the name of any
applicant for registration upon the register under section 8, the Board may prohibit
her from attending in any capacity women in childbirth. (Amended, 67 of 1985, s. 16)
(2) Any woman who acts in contravention of a prohibition imposed under this
section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a
fine of $2,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months, unless she proves that she acted in
a case of emergency.
Prohibition of employment by registered midwives of
unregistered substitutes
21. Any registered midwife who knowingly employs as her substitute any
woman who is not a registered midwife shall be guilty of an offence and shall be
liable on summary conviction to a fine of $2,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
Requirements as to notice of intention to practise
22. (1) Every registered midwife, before holding herself out as a practising
midwife or commencing to practise as a midwife or, having ceased to practise as a
midwife for any period exceeding 5 years, before recommencing so to practise shall
(a) give notice in writing to the secretary of her intention so to do, and
(b) pay the prescribed fee,
and shall thereafter give a like notice and pay a like fee in the month of January in
each year during which she continues to practise.
(2) If any registered midwife omits to give notice as required by subsection (1),
or knowingly makes or causes or procures any other person to make a false
statement in any such notice, she shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on
summary conviction to a fine of $500.
(3) Any registered midwife who has ceased to practise as a midwife for any
period exceeding 5 years may be prohibited by the Board from recommencing to
practise until she has undergone such course of instruction or training or
successfully proved her competency in midwifery by such examination conducted
by examiners appointed by the Board as the Board, in its discretion, may consider
(4) Any woman who acts in contravention of a prohibition imposed under
subsection (3) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary
conviction to a fine of 52,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months, unless she proves
that she acted in a case of emergency.
(5) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any registered midwife
employed in the service of the Government or in the service of any institution
prescribed for the purposes of this section by regulations. (Amended, 61 of
23. The Governor in Council may by regulation provide for-
(a) the procedure to be adopted at meetings of the Board;
(b) the duties of the legal adviser to the Board;
(c)the nature of the particulars to be entered in the register and the mode in
which it shall be kept;
(d)the fees to be paid in connection with registration, re-registration,
certificates of registration and notices of intention to practise;
(e)the manner in which applications for registration or re-registration
shall be made;
examinations and courses of training in midwifery and fees to be paid
in connection therewith;
(g)the receipt of complaints or information about any registered midwife
or any applicant for registration and the establishment and functions
of a committee to be known as the Preliminary Investigation Commit-
tee to make a preliminary investigation into any such complaint or
information and to determine whether or not there shall be an inquiry
under section 10;
(h)the prohibition of a member of the Preliminary Investigation Commit-
tee who is also a member of the Board from attending any meeting of
the Board whilst it is inquiring under section 10 into a complaint or
information, in the preliminary investigation of which she took part;
(i) the procedure to be followed in relation to-
(i) the submission of complaints and information to the Prelimi-
nary Investigation Committee;
(ii) the preliminary investigation of any complaint or information
by the Preliminary Investigation Committee;
(iii) the formulation of charges arising out of complaints and
(iv) the reference to the Board by the Preliminary Investigation
Committee of cases arising out of complaints and information;
(v) inquiries held by the Board under section 10;
(j) matters relating to the conduct of the practice of midwifery;
(k)any matter which by this Ordinance is required or permitted to be
prescribed; and
(1) generally giving effect to the provisions of this Ordinance.
(Amended, 61 of 1969, s.6)
Directions to midwives
24. (1) The Board may from time to time issue free of charge to
registered midwives directions in writing, not being inconsistent with any of the
provisions of this Ordinance or of any regulations made thereunder, relating to
the conduct and the practice in midwifery:
Provided that-
(a)one copy of every such direction shall be sent to each registered
midwife at her registered address who is for the time being carrying on
practice in Hong Kong; and (Amended, 67 of 1985, s. 16)
(b)copies are obtainable free of charge on request at every training school
for midwives.
(2) Failure to comply with any direction issued in accordance with
subsection (1) shall constitute a ground for disciplinary proceedings under
section 10.
Exemption from registration
25. The following persons shall be exempted from registration and shall
be deemed to be registered midwives-
(a)persons serving on full pay in Her Majesty's armed forces as midwives
while acting in the discharge of their duty; and
(b)persons in full time employment by the Government as midwives while
acting in the discharge of their duty.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“MIDWIVES REGISTRATION ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 12, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/2736.