ORDINANCE No. 9 OF 1869.
Crown Debts uNder Fire hundred Dollars.
No. 9 of 1869.
An Ordinance to empower the Colonial Treasurer to recover in the Court
of Summary Jurisdiction Grown Debts under Five hundred Dollars
for Rent and for certain Assessments and Fees.
[24th September, 1869.]
WHEREAS it is desirable to male provision for the mono speedy recovery- of
Crown debts under five hundred dollars for runt and for assessments and
payable under tho0rdinances hereinafter mentioned: Be it enacted by the
Governor of
Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as folloNca:
1. Sections 4 and 9 of 'The Police and Lighting Irate Amendment
1867' are hereby repealed.
2. Whenever any person shall have made default in the payment of any sum
mnoney not exceeding five hundred dollars due or payable byhim to the
Crown in
respect of rent or of any assessment for police, lighting, castor or fire
brigade rates,'
under Ordinances No. 12 of 1860, No. 9 of 186?, No. 5 of 1863, No. 11 of
1867 and
~No4, of 1868, or in respect of spirit licence fees or guy imtalmont
thereof under
4ldnances No. 11 of 18A and No. 10 of 1868,.sucli sum may be sued for and
by the Colonial Treasurer in the Court of -Summary Jurisdiction, .az'd a
Recovery of
Crown ;ent,
police, hghtinq,
castor and fire -
brigade ratesand
rltiritlicence fees
by the Colonial
(See Ord, ho. l -
of 1871 sects. Re-,
07 and Ord. Nit:
14 o f 1878
puiporting to be unider the baud of the Cala ~ Treasurer and setting
forth .that such k `~
sum is duo ox fl aliIe to the Crown, and hU ~ihe pers.oA-so,.1k
`ayme nt thereof, and. specifying, jthe mature and artlcillars of
the ~°slialhke,prvm~ : '~ ~~M `~
;facie evidence of the f'iets' eortifiotl therein and `~o~ the' signs
7.'rea~urer thereto: r
3: In all cases under this Ordinance the CoU'rt may award interest at the
12 per cent:- per am'nuul- upon tile sum recovered from, the day
w)'en'>?he eailie'J~eoaAhe
due.or payable.
4. In all cases under this Ordinance service of the summons to appear to
a 'plairit
shall be deemed to have been duly made if it shall appear to the
satisfaction of the
Court that the same was left at the defendant's dace: of resi4ece olz
liuainess, or in
,case the same should not be known-then on, the tenement orypremises in
respect of
which the cIaim is made.
5. In all matters under this Ordinance the Colonial' Treasurer shall sue
as :: kywhui»6lontea
Colonial 2'rea.s.urer, but may :be represented- in tllerCourt by any
person whom be shall
.-appoint in that~behalf..
- 6: Nothing herein contained shall affect any, other remedy of the Crown
for the
recovery of such sums as aforesaid.
,[Repealed Lry Ordinance .'10. 18 of 1875:
1er muy
Repealing clause.
Recovery of Crown rent, police, lighting, water and fire brigade rates and spirit licence fees by the Colonial Treasurer.
[See Ord. No. 1 of 1871 sects. 36, 37 and Ord. No. 14 of 1873 sects. 15 to 18.]
Court may award interest.
Service of summons to plaint.
By whom Colonial Treasurer may appear.
Saving of other remedies of the Crown.
Crown Debts uNder Fire hundred Dollars.
No. 9 of 1869.
An Ordinance to empower the Colonial Treasurer to recover in the Court
of Summary Jurisdiction Grown Debts under Five hundred Dollars
for Rent and for certain Assessments and Fees.
[24th September, 1869.]
WHEREAS it is desirable to male provision for the mono speedy recovery- of
Crown debts under five hundred dollars for runt and for assessments and
payable under tho0rdinances hereinafter mentioned: Be it enacted by the
Governor of
Hongkong, with the advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as folloNca:
1. Sections 4 and 9 of 'The Police and Lighting Irate Amendment
1867' are hereby repealed.
2. Whenever any person shall have made default in the payment of any sum
mnoney not exceeding five hundred dollars due or payable byhim to the
Crown in
respect of rent or of any assessment for police, lighting, castor or fire
brigade rates,'
under Ordinances No. 12 of 1860, No. 9 of 186?, No. 5 of 1863, No. 11 of
1867 and
~No4, of 1868, or in respect of spirit licence fees or guy imtalmont
thereof under
4ldnances No. 11 of 18A and No. 10 of 1868,.sucli sum may be sued for and
by the Colonial Treasurer in the Court of -Summary Jurisdiction, .az'd a
Recovery of
Crown ;ent,
police, hghtinq,
castor and fire -
brigade ratesand
rltiritlicence fees
by the Colonial
(See Ord, ho. l -
of 1871 sects. Re-,
07 and Ord. Nit:
14 o f 1878
puiporting to be unider the baud of the Cala ~ Treasurer and setting
forth .that such k `~
sum is duo ox fl aliIe to the Crown, and hU ~ihe pers.oA-so,.1k
`ayme nt thereof, and. specifying, jthe mature and artlcillars of
the ~°slialhke,prvm~ : '~ ~~M `~
;facie evidence of the f'iets' eortifiotl therein and `~o~ the' signs
7.'rea~urer thereto: r
3: In all cases under this Ordinance the CoU'rt may award interest at the
12 per cent:- per am'nuul- upon tile sum recovered from, the day
w)'en'>?he eailie'J~eoaAhe
due.or payable.
4. In all cases under this Ordinance service of the summons to appear to
a 'plairit
shall be deemed to have been duly made if it shall appear to the
satisfaction of the
Court that the same was left at the defendant's dace: of resi4ece olz
liuainess, or in
,case the same should not be known-then on, the tenement orypremises in
respect of
which the cIaim is made.
5. In all matters under this Ordinance the Colonial' Treasurer shall sue
as :: kywhui»6lontea
Colonial 2'rea.s.urer, but may :be represented- in tllerCourt by any
person whom be shall
.-appoint in that~behalf..
- 6: Nothing herein contained shall affect any, other remedy of the Crown
for the
recovery of such sums as aforesaid.
,[Repealed Lry Ordinance .'10. 18 of 1875:
1er muy
Repealing clause.
Recovery of Crown rent, police, lighting, water and fire brigade rates and spirit licence fees by the Colonial Treasurer.
[See Ord. No. 1 of 1871 sects. 36, 37 and Ord. No. 14 of 1873 sects. 15 to 18.]
Court may award interest.
Service of summons to plaint.
By whom Colonial Treasurer may appear.
Saving of other remedies of the Crown.
Repealing clause.
Recovery of Crown rent, police, lighting, water and fire brigade rates and spirit licence fees by the Colonial Treasurer.
[See Ord. No. 1 of 1871 sects. 36, 37 and Ord. No. 14 of 1873 sects. 15 to 18.]
Court may award interest.
Service of summons to plaint.
By whom Colonial Treasurer may appear.
Saving of other remedies of the Crown.
Repealing clause.
Recovery of Crown rent, police, lighting, water and fire brigade rates and spirit licence fees by the Colonial Treasurer.
[See Ord. No. 1 of 1871 sects. 36, 37 and Ord. No. 14 of 1873 sects. 15 to 18.]
Court may award interest.
Service of summons to plaint.
By whom Colonial Treasurer may appear.
Saving of other remedies of the Crown.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 9 of 1869
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CROWN DEBTS UNDER FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 27, 2025,