Distressed British Seamen.
No. 5 of 1869.
An Ordinance to provide for the Paymerit out of the Revenue of the
Colony of Expenses incurred in the Relief of Distressed British
Seamen belonging to ships registered in this Colony.
[24th; September, 1869.]
WHEREAS the expenses; incurred in tire relief of ,distressed British
belonging to ships registered in this Colony arcs. now borne by the
revenue`=under 'the provisions of .tlie °°Mei-cbant Shipping Act, 1854,':
and it is
vqedient -to provide that the'-same should, be boine in future by the
r6penue of this
Colony: Be it enacted bythe Governor -of Hongkong, with the advice -of
the Legisla-
tive.Gouucil thereof, as follows:-
No. 5 of 1869.
Distressed British Seamen.
1. From and after the passing of this Ordinance all expenses which shall
incurred under the provisions of the 'Merchant Shipping Act, 1854,' in
the relief ,off
distressed British seamen who at the time of such relief being granted
shall have last
served in a British ship registered in this Colon, shall be borne by the
revenue of
It shall be lawful for the Governor from time to time to order the
out of tiny monies forming part of or arising from the general revenue of
the Colony,
o£ all expenses which may be::incurred in the Colony after the date of
the passing..afs
this Ordinance for the relief of such British seamen as aforesaid under
the provisions
of the said .Act or of any regulations in that behalf which may be made
from time .to
time by the Governor in Council.
this Colony.
3. It shall be lawful for the Governor from time to time to order the
out of any such monies as aforesaid, of all sums which shall have been
expended under
the provisions of,the said Act by the Imperial Government or by the
Government of any
adjacent British Colony or by any British Consul, Vice-Consul or Consular
Agent in
any neighboring foreign country, in and about the relief (after the date
of the passing
of this Ordinance) of such British seamen as afofesaid, and such sums
shall be refunded
in such manner as the Governor shall think fit or as Her Majesty's
Principal Secretary'
o£ State for the Colonies for -the tinge being may direct.
[Re',pealed hy Ordinance No. 8 of 1879.]
Relief of seamen belonging to vessles registered in this Colony.
Governor may order payment of expenses incurred in the Colony for relief of such seamen put of monies forming part of General Revneue.
Govffernor may order re-payment of expenses incurred elsewhere than in the Colony in respect of such relief, out of such monies as aforesaid.
No. 5 of 1869.
An Ordinance to provide for the Paymerit out of the Revenue of the
Colony of Expenses incurred in the Relief of Distressed British
Seamen belonging to ships registered in this Colony.
[24th; September, 1869.]
WHEREAS the expenses; incurred in tire relief of ,distressed British
belonging to ships registered in this Colony arcs. now borne by the
revenue`=under 'the provisions of .tlie °°Mei-cbant Shipping Act, 1854,':
and it is
vqedient -to provide that the'-same should, be boine in future by the
r6penue of this
Colony: Be it enacted bythe Governor -of Hongkong, with the advice -of
the Legisla-
tive.Gouucil thereof, as follows:-
No. 5 of 1869.
Distressed British Seamen.
1. From and after the passing of this Ordinance all expenses which shall
incurred under the provisions of the 'Merchant Shipping Act, 1854,' in
the relief ,off
distressed British seamen who at the time of such relief being granted
shall have last
served in a British ship registered in this Colon, shall be borne by the
revenue of
It shall be lawful for the Governor from time to time to order the
out of tiny monies forming part of or arising from the general revenue of
the Colony,
o£ all expenses which may be::incurred in the Colony after the date of
the passing..afs
this Ordinance for the relief of such British seamen as aforesaid under
the provisions
of the said .Act or of any regulations in that behalf which may be made
from time .to
time by the Governor in Council.
this Colony.
3. It shall be lawful for the Governor from time to time to order the
out of any such monies as aforesaid, of all sums which shall have been
expended under
the provisions of,the said Act by the Imperial Government or by the
Government of any
adjacent British Colony or by any British Consul, Vice-Consul or Consular
Agent in
any neighboring foreign country, in and about the relief (after the date
of the passing
of this Ordinance) of such British seamen as afofesaid, and such sums
shall be refunded
in such manner as the Governor shall think fit or as Her Majesty's
Principal Secretary'
o£ State for the Colonies for -the tinge being may direct.
[Re',pealed hy Ordinance No. 8 of 1879.]
Relief of seamen belonging to vessles registered in this Colony.
Governor may order payment of expenses incurred in the Colony for relief of such seamen put of monies forming part of General Revneue.
Govffernor may order re-payment of expenses incurred elsewhere than in the Colony in respect of such relief, out of such monies as aforesaid.
Relief of seamen belonging to vessles registered in this Colony.
Governor may order payment of expenses incurred in the Colony for relief of such seamen put of monies forming part of General Revneue.
Govffernor may order re-payment of expenses incurred elsewhere than in the Colony in respect of such relief, out of such monies as aforesaid.
Relief of seamen belonging to vessles registered in this Colony.
Governor may order payment of expenses incurred in the Colony for relief of such seamen put of monies forming part of General Revneue.
Govffernor may order re-payment of expenses incurred elsewhere than in the Colony in respect of such relief, out of such monies as aforesaid.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 5 of 1869
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“DISTRESSED BRITISH SEAMEN ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 27, 2025, https://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/items/show/262.