Regulation.................................. page
1. Citation.......................... ... ... - . ... ... ... ... ... ... A4
2...........Interpretation .................. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A4
3......................Qualification for inclusion in register ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 5
4...............................Requirements upon application for inclusion in rei-fister ... ... ... ... A 7
5. Authorized person or registered structural engineer not to act as contract t
without disclosure to client ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
6....................Delivery of notices, plans. etc. ... ... ... . ... ... ... .
7. Completion of notices, etc. and signature thereon . ... ... ... ... .... .
8...........................Prescribed plans in respect of building works ... ... ... ... ... ... A 8
9.........................Prescribed plans in respect of street works ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 11
10. Power of Building Authority to require additional plans. etc. - ... ... ... A 11
11.....................Plans to be submitted in duplicate ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 11
11A..............................Foundation plan to be submitted with site formation plan ... ... ... A 12
12. .....Plans to be signed by person who prepared them..........A12
13..........Ratio of plans ..................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 12
14.....................Plans to be clear and material thereof ... - ... ... ... ... ... A 13
15..............................Power of Building Authority to refuse to accept plans ... ... ... A 13
16........[Revoked] ............................ ... ... ... ... .. ... ... A 13
......... ...
17. Certificate to be submitted together with structural details ..........A13
18............Stabilitv certificate ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 13
18A. Certificate by authorized person to be submitted with plans ... ... A 14
19. Authorized person or registered structural engineer 'ho has prepared plans
submitted to Building Authority to notify Building Authority if he ceases to
be engaged .......................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 14
20. Notification to Building Authority before commencement of building works or
street works............................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 14
Regulation page
21. Building Authority to be notified of appointment of recistered lift contractor or
registered escalator contractor ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
22. Buildine Authority to be notified on chanbzc of authorized person. registered
structural engineer. etc. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 15
23. Authorized person or registered structural engineer to notify Building Authority
if he ceases to be appoi nied. etc. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 15
24. Duties of registered contractor m ho ceascs to be appointed ... ... ... ... A 15
25. Certificate to be given by registered contractor and authorized architect on
completion of building m orks ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 15
25A. Certificates as to supply of water ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 16
26. Certificate to be given by registered contraclor and authorized person on
completion of street works ... ... ... ... ... ... ... - ... ... ... A 18
27. Certificate to be given by reistered lift contractor or reeistered escalator
contractor on completion of lift works...........A 18
28. Certificate to he given by authorized person and registered contractor engaged
in respect ofemerbency work ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 18
29. Application for approval ... ... ... ... ... - ... ... ... ... A 18
30. Approval of plans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 19
31. Application for consent to commence ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 19
32. Consent to commencement ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... - ... A 19
32A. [Revoked] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 20
33. Alterations or additions to building works and street works ... ... ... ... A 20
34, Consent to the resumplion ofsuspended work ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 21
35. Duties imposed by this Part not to prejudice any. other duties imposed by
Ordinance or other regulations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 20
Authorized person or registered structural engineer
36. Duly of authorized person to supply copy of plans of building works or street
works to registered contractor ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 21
37. Duty ofauthorized person to supervise and inspect ... ... ... ... ... ... A -2 1
38. Duty of authorized person or registered structural engineer to submit to
Building Authority notice under regulation 24 ... ... ... ... ... ... A 21
39. Fees in respect of additional inspection upon completion of building works or
street works ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 21
Registered contractors
40. Duty of registered contractor to keep approved plans on site ... ... ... ... A 22
41. Duly of registered contractor to supervisc ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 22
Regulation Page
42. Fees ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A 22
43........Forms ............................. ... ... ... ... ... A 23
44. Duty of authorized person or registered structural engineer who has prepared
plans to supply to Building Authority such information as he may require A 23
45. Duty ofauthorized person, registered structural engineer. reeistered contractor.
etc. to notify Building Authority of change of business address ... ... A 21
46...................................Power of Building Authority to require new plans in certain cases ... A 24
47...................................Notice under section 25 of Ordinance to be accompanied by plan ... ... A 214
Schedule. Forms ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... - ... ... ... ... A 24
(Cap. 123, section 38)
[1 January 1960.]
1. These regulations may be cited as the Building (Adminis-
tration) Regulations.
2. In these regulations. unless the context otherwise
requires ---
-authorized persons' register--- means the register kept under section
3(1) of the Ordinance;
---bulk excavation' means all excavation except excavation for
ground investigation, public utility trenches. drains. sewers.
piles or caissons;
---geotechnical design assumption- means an assumption
(a) geological conditions'.
(b) groundwater and surfacewater conditions;
(c) site history;
(d) location and nature of services. utilities, drains and sewers;
(c) existing site formation;
foundations of existing buildings (whether on the site or
adjacent or nearby):
(g) shear strength of materials;
(h) effect of the proposed works; and
(i) any other geotechnical matters,
on the basis of which the margin of safety of any building, street
or natural, formed or man-made land is demonstrated to be
adequate in a submission to the Building Authority:
-Registration Committee' means the Authorized Persons' and
Structural Engineers' Registration Committee appointed under
section 3(5) of the Ordinance; formation plans' means the site formation plans prescribed in
regulation 8;
-structural engineers register' means the register kept under section
3(3) of the Ordinance,
-water authority' and -waterworks- have the meaning assigned to
them by section 2 of the Waterworks Ordinance.
3. (1) No person shall be included in list I in the authorized
persons' register unless he-
(a) is a corporate member of the Royal Institute of British
Architects; or
(b) is a corporate member of any other architects' association
or institution recognized by~the Registration Committee:
(c) is registered as an architect in the United Kingdom, or
(d) (i) has a university degree in architecture recognized by
the Registration Committee;
(ii) since obtaining such degree has had not less than 2
years practical experience in architecture. and
(iii) has passed an examination in professional practice
and practical experience as provided in regulation 4(1)(c).
he complies with paragraph (6).
(2) No person shall be included in list II in the authorized
persons' register unless he-
(a)is a corporate member of the Institution of Civil Engineers
or the Institution of Structural Engineers; or
(b) (i) is a corporate member of the Institution of Muni-
cipal Engineers; and---
(ii) has had such pratical experience in engineering as
may be approved by the Registration Committee; or
(c)is a corporate member of any other engineers' association
or institution recognized by the Registration Committee;
(d) (i) has a university degree in engineering recognized by
the Registration Committee;
(ii) since obtaining such degree has had not less than 4
years practical experience in engineering; and
(iii) has passed an examination in professional practice
and practical experience as provided in regulation 4(1)(c):
he complies with paragraph (6).
(3) No person shall be included in list III in the authorized
persons' register unless he--
(a)is a corporate member of the Royal Institution of Char-
tered Surveyors in the class of Fellow or Professional
Associate; and
(b)since his election to such corporate membership has had
such practical experience relative to building construction
as may be approved by the Registration Committee;
(4) No person shall he included in the structural engineers'
register unless he-
(a) is a corporate member of the Institution of Structural
Engineers; or
(b) (i) is a corporate member of the Institution of Civil
Engineers; and
(ii) has had such practical experience in structural
engineering as may be approved by the Registration Com-
mittee; or
(c) (i) is a corporate rrjember of any 6ther engineers' asso-
ciation recognized b9he Registration Committee. and
(ii) has had such practical experience in structural
engineering as may be approved by the Registration Com-
mittee; or
(d) (i) has a university degree related to structural en-
gineering recognized by the Registration Committee;
(ii) since obtaining such degree has had not less than 4
years practical experience in structural engineering and
(iii) has passed an examination in professional practice
and practical experience as provided in regulation 4(1)(c);
he complies with paragraph (6).
(5) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1), (2) and (3), a person who
has ha 15 years practical experience under a practising authorized
person may apply to be included in list I, II or III of the authorized
persons' register, as may be appropriate having regard to his
experience, if at the time of his application he-
(a) is employed in a responsible post by a practising author-
ized person;
(b) has attained the age of 35 years: and
(c) complies with paragraph (6).
(6) Every applicant under this regulation shall, for a continu-
ous period of 1 year within the 3 years preceding the date of his
application, have had such practical experiencep as the Registration
Committee considers appropriate in the case of is application.
4. (1) Every person making application to be included in the
authorized persons' register or structural engineers' register shall-
(a)produce, to the Registration Committee. documentary
evidence to prove compliance with the requirements of
regulation 3;
(b) satisfy the Registration Committee, at a professional inter-
view, of his suitability for inclusion in the authorized
persons' register or structural engineers' register, and
(c) (i) where the application is made under regulation
3(l)(d),or 3(2)(d) or 3(4)(d), pay the prescribed fee and
pass an examination in professional practice and practical
experience based upon such syllabus as the Registration
Committee sho from time to time specify; or
(ii) where the application is made under regulation
3(5), pay the prescribed fee and pass an examination based
upon such syllabuses as the Registration Committee shall.
from time to time, specify.
(2) Every professional interview shall be conducted by the
Registration Committee and every examination held by an examina-
tion board appointed by the Registration Committee and approved
by the Building Authority.
5. No authorized person or registered structural engineer
shall act as a contractor or deal in building materials or receive any
payment, commission, advantage or benefit of any kind whatsoever.
either directly or indirectly, from any contractor, sub-contractor or
supplier of building materials or other goods used in or in connexion
with any building works or street works without disclosing the fact,
in writing, to his client.
6. (1) Every notice, form, certificate, plan or other docu-
ment required by the Ordinance or regulations made thereunder to
be sent to the Building Authority shall be sent to him by post or by
delivering the same to his office during office hours.
(2) Where any plans submitted to the Building Authority for
his approval or the building works or street works shown thereon do
not comply with the provisions of the Ordinance or regulations, the
Building Authority may charge the authorized person or registered
structural engineer the prescribed fee in respect of every further
submission to the Building Authority of such plans:
Provided that such fee shall not be chargeable where the
Building Authority is satisfied that a further submission of any plans
was occasioned by a hona fide misinterpretation of the provisions of
the Ordinance or regulations.
7. Every notice, form, certificate or other document pre-
scribed for the purposes of the Ordinance and regulations shall be
clearly and correctly completed to supply the information required
therein and shall be duly signed.
8. (1) The plans and details set out hereunder are pre-
scribed, for the purposes of the Ordinance and regulations, in
respect of building works---
(a)plans of every floor and of the roof of the building. on
which there shall be shown full dimensions, the thickness
of walls. the position of all windows. soil fitments, waste
fitments and water storage tanks, and the intended use of
every part of the building;
(b) plans showing-
(i) all elevations of the building.
(ii) the level of adjacent streets in relation to a known
datum and to the levels of the site and the building:
(iii) the width of every street adjacent to the site; and
(iv) the position. depth and construction of any well;
(ba)if so required by the Building Authority. a geotechnical
assessment of the adequacy of the site for the proposed
building works shall accompany the plans prescribed in
sub-paragraph (a). (b), (c) or (h) and the geotechnical
assessment shall include plans and sections of the proposed
site formation 'orks and foundation works,
(baa) in the schedule area, a demolition works plan showing---
(i) the existing nature of the site and surrounds (includ-
ing an accurate survey plan with ground level contours), all
affected buildings and structures, water services and all
necessary removal of ground.
(ii) the sequence, equipment and procedures for demoli-
tion works; and
(iii) the support to be provided to all buildings, structures
and land remaining at each stage of the demolition works,
and the demolition works plan shall be accompanied by
supporting documentation including-
(A) structural calculations for supports, and
(B) a stability report with calculations demonstrating
that the demolition works will not render inadequate the
margin of safety of, or cause damage to. any building.
street or land:
(bb) a site formation plan showing-
(i) all site formation works and associated surfacewater
drainage works incorporating the requirements of the
report prescribed in sub-sub-paragraph (E);
(ii) the existing nature of the site and the surrounds
(including accurate survey plan with ground level con-
tours, geological conditions, groundwater conditions and
surfacewater conditions) and particulars of structures,
foundations, public utilities, drains and sewers and other
services on and adjacent to the site;
(iii) safety precautions to be taken whilst carrying out
the building works during periods of heavy rainfall;
(iv) a schedule of the geotechnical design assumptions;
(v) the sequence of the building works and methods to
be employed;
(vi) if so required by the Building Authority, specifica-
tions and any other relevant particulars;
(vii) in the schedule area, the envelope of all bulk
excavation by means of cross-sections and horizontal plan
drawings marked up with levels above the Hong Kong
Principal Datum,
and the site formation plan shall be accompanied by
supporting documentation including-
(A) an explanatory guide to the submission;
(B) a report containing the results of a study including
topography, geology, groundwater, surfacewater, site his-
tory, public utilities, drains and sewers and other services,
and local geotechnical records;
(C) a report containing the results of ground investiga-
tion including comprehensive details of equipment and
procedures used;
(D) a report containing the results of site monitoring of
groundwater conditions;
(E) a report containing critical examination and inter-
pretation of sub-sub-paragraphs (B), (C) and (D), a
schedule of the geotechnical design assumptions, discus-
sion of anticipated geotechnical problems and an outline
of variations of the works which should be adopted if,
during the carrying out of the building works, a geotechni-
cal design assumption is revealed 9,s, being erroneous so
that compliance with regulation 27A of the Building (Con-
struction) Regulations could no longer be demonstrated
and containing geotechnical requirements for the design
and construction of the site formation works including
testing, inspecting and maintenance requirements;
(F) stability analyses stifficient to demonstrate com-
pliance with regulation 27A of the Building (Construction)
Regulations; design calculations for site formation works;
calculations of the effect of the building works on ground-
water conditions, the site and any building, structure and
land, and calculations for and consideration of all other
relevant geotechnical matters. All such analyses and calcu-
lations shall be paginated and prefaced by a comprehen-
O'le) sive index;
(c)one or more sections showing the foundations. the levels of
the site and the lowest floor of the building, the height of
the building, the clear height of every storey, the position
of windows and of the floors and the level of the roof of
every adjoining or adjacent building, the maximum grad-
ient boundary-to-boundary across the site, the maximum
depth of excavation, the maximum thickness of filling and
the volume of all excavation and all filling;
(d) a foundation plan showing the size and position of founda-
tion togehter with a full record of the site investigation
work undertaken and details of any grouting work to the
ground proposed to be carried out,
(e) a drainage plan, showing the size and depth of drains or
sewers, connexions to a public sewer or drain or nullah,
any other method for the disposal of drainage. the position
of disconnecting traps. and the means of ventilation:
(f) a block plan. showing the size and position of the building
and of other buildings in the immediate vicinity. and
neighbouring streets;
(g)where the position of the site is not clearly identifiable from
such block plan, a key plan showing the position of the
(h)a diagrammatic plan, with full dimensions and calcula-
tions, showing-
(i) the height, street shadow area, site coverage. plot
ratio and disposition of the building in accordance with
regulations 16, 19, 20 and 21 of the Building (Planning)
Regulations; and
(0 any open space required, by regulations 25. 27 and
28 of the Building (Planning) Regulations, for the building;
(i) plans showing structural details. together with one set of
full calculations including, where necessary, stress dia-
grams, for
(i) any building works involving the structural use of
timber, steel or reinfored concrete; or
(ii) any retaining wall constructed of masonry, brick-
work or plain reinforced concrete;
(j)in respect of any balcony, canopy, bridge or other projec-
tion over a street or unleased Crown land, plans showing
clearly the nature and dimension of such projection.
(k) details showing-
(i) the area of usable floor space, which expression shall
have the meaning assigned to it by regulation 3 of the
Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing,
Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations,
(ii) the number and type of soil fitments and waste
fitments to be provided in the building; and
(iii) the gross area of any balconies which project over a
street or Crown land; ,
(l) in the schedeled area, a ground investigation plan showing-
(i) the location, size and depth. or the criteria for
determining them, of all exploratory works including
boring, drilling, probing, testing, installation of and
measurement by instruments and sampling of soil and
rock, and the equipment and procedures for carrying out
the exploratory works;
(ii) the equipment and procedures for carrying out
laboratory testing and the criteria for selecting test
samples; and
(iii) if so required by the Building Authority, specifica-
tions, reporting format and any other relevant particulars;
(m)where regulation 72* of the Building (Planning) Regula-
tions applies, plans showing in detail the provision made
for disabled persons in accordance with that regulations.
(2) In this regulation, the expressions ---soil fitment- and
'waste fitment' have the meaning assigned to them by the Building
(Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing. Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations.
9. The plans set out hereunder are prescribed, for the pur-
poses of the Ordinance and regulations, in respect of street works-
(a)a key plan showing the site of the private street or access
(b) a layout plan;
(c) longitudinal sections, both vertical and horizontal;
(d) cross sections; and
(e) typical road sections,
10. The Building Authority may, where he considers it neces-
sary, require additional plans, enlarged details, other documents
and information regarding the supply of water, specifications of and
the use of any special materials, or such other particulars as he may
consider necessary.
11. (1) Every plan submitted to the Building Authority for his
approval shall be submitted in duplicate, and the Building Authority
may require the submission of such additional copies of any such plan
as he considers necessary.
(2) Every record of site investigation and all details of grouting
work proposed in connexion with plans submitted to theSuilding
Authority shall be submitted in duplicate.
IIA. In respect of building works in the scheduled area, the
foundation plan prescribed in regulation 8(1)(d) shall be subm*
to the Building Authority for his approval with the site form
plan prescribed in regulation 8(1)(bb).
12. (1) Every plan and all structural details, structural ca-
lations and stress diagrams submitted to the Building Authority
his approval shall be signed by the authorized person who prepare,.
the same and such signature shall be deemed to be an assumption
such authorized person of all responsibility for such plan, section
structural details or structural calculations, as the case may be.
(2) In the case of stru tural details and structural calculation
required by regulation 85 of the Building (Construction) Regula-
tions 1975 to be prepared and signed by a registered structural
engineer, such signature shall be deemed to be an assumption by
such registered structural engineer of all responsibility for such
structural details and structural calculations, as the case may be.
(3) Structural details and structural calculations prepared and
signed by a registered structural engineer shall be submitted to the
Building Authority for his approval by the authorized person
appointed to co-ordinate the building works or street works and
such submission shall not preclude subsequent communication
between the Building Authority and the registered structural
engineer but all correspondence between them shall be copied to
the authorized person.
13-(1) Plans and sections of building works shall be drawn to
a ratio of not less than 1: 100:
Provided that, in the case of very extensive building works. the
Building Authority may accept plans drawn to a ratio of not less
than 1:200.
(2)(a) Every key plan submitted in respect of street works
shall be drawn to a ratio of not less than 1:2 500.
(b)Every layout plan so submitted shall be drawn to a ratio of
not less than 1:200.
(c) Longitudinal sections so submitted shall-
(i) if horizontal, be drawn to a ratio of not less than
1:500; and
(ii) if vertical be drawn to a ratio of not less than 1:200.
(d)Cross sections so submitted shall be drawn to a ratio of not
less than 1:200.
(e)Typical road sections so submitted shall be drawn to a
ratio of not less than 1:50.
(3) Every block plan shall be drawn to a ratio of not less than
14. (1) Every plan submitted to the Building Authority for
his approval shall be drawn or reproduced in a clear and intelligible
manner on suitable and durable material.
(2) Engineering drawings shall not be reproduced, for submis-
sion to the Building Authority, on ferro-prussic prints.
(3) One copy of every plan shall be so coloured as to clearly
differentiate existing work from new work and one part of any new
work from the other parts thereof.
15. The Building Authority may refuse to accept plans from 2
or more authorized persons or registered structural engineers in
respect of works at the same premises.
16. [Revoked, L.N. 241/76]
17. (1) Where any building works will involve the structural
use of timber, steel or the structural use of reinforced concrete there
shall be submitted together with the plans showing the structural
details, a certificate in the prescribed form signed by the authorized
person who prepared the plans of such building works.
(2) In the case of structural details and calculations required
by regulation 85 of the Builling (Construction) Regulations 1975 to
be prepared and signed by a registered structural engineer, there
shall be submitted a certificate in the prescribed form signed by such
registered structural engineer an countersigned by the authorized
person appointed to co-ordinate the building works.
18. (1) Where any building works consist of repairs, altera-
tions or additions to any building, the authorized person who has
prepared the plans in respect of such building works shall, at the
time such plans are submitted to the Building Authority for his
approval, send to the Building Authority a certificate, in the pre-
scribed form, that he has inspected such building and that it is, in his
opinion, capable of bearing the loads and stresses which may be
increased or altered in any way by reason of such repairs, alterations
or additions.
(2) Where such building has been constructed in such a
manner as to require the services of a registered structural engineer
such certificate shall be signed by the registered structural engineer
and countersigned by the authorized person appointed in respect of
the building works.
18A. Where plans of any building works or street works are
submitted to the Building Authority for his approval there shall be
submitted, together with the plans, a certificate, which shall be in the
prescribed form, by the authorized persor~who prepared the plans
or under whose supervision the plans were prepared, that-
(a)the plans were prepared by him or under his supervision
or direction; and
(b)to the best of his knowledge and belief the plans comply in
all respects with the Ordinance and the regulations made
19. Where an authorized person or registered structural en-
gineer who has prepared any plans or other details of any building
works or street works, which have been submitted to the Building
Authority for his approval, ceases, for any reason, to act on behalf
of the person for whom such building works or street works are to be
carried out, he shall, in writing, within 7 days thereof, notify the
Building Authority that he has so ceased to act.
20. Not less than 7 days before the commencement of any
building works or street works, the authorized person appointed in
respect of the building works or street works shall. in the prescribed
form, furnish to the Building Authority---
(a)a notification, signed by the authorized person, of the
appointment of the registered contractor in respect thereof
and of the date upon which the building works or street
works are to be commenced; and
(b)an acceptance of such appointmen4nd an undertaking of
responsibility for strict compliance with the provisions of
the Ordinance and regulations. signed by the registered
21. Before the commencement of any lift works or escalator
works, the person for whom such works are to be carried out shall,
in the prescribed form, notify the Building Authority of the name of
the registered lift contractor or registered escalator contractor
appointed in respect thereof.
22. (1) Where in accordance with the provisions of the
Ordinance, another authorized person or registered structural en-
gineer or registered contractor is appointed in respect of building
works or street works or another registered lift contractor or
registered escalator contractor is appointed in respect of lift works
or escalator works, the person for whom the building works. street
works, lift works or escalator works, as the case may be, are being
carried out shall, in writing, notify the Building Authority of the
name of such authorized person. registered structural engineer,
registered contractor, registered lift contractor or registered
escalator contractor within 7 days of his appointment.
(2) Where a registered contractor appointed in respect of
building works or street works or a registered lift contractor
appointed in respect of lift works or a registered escalator contractor
appointed in respect of escalator works has, during the carrying out
of any such works, become unable or unwilling to act. such works
shall cease until another registered contractor, registered lift con-
tractor or registered escalator contractor. as the case may be, has
been appointed and the Building Authority has been notified thereof
in accordance with paragraph (1).
23. (1) Where an authorized person or registered structural
engineer who has been appointed in respect of any building works or
street works ceases. for any reason, to be so appointed. he shall.
within 7 days thereof. notify the Building Authority in writing that
he has so ceased to be appolted.
(2) Where an authorized person or registered structural en-
gineer so appointed has nominated another authorized person or
registered structural engineer to act in his stead under section 4(2) of
the Ordinance. he shall. not later than 7 days thereafter, notify the
Building Authority in the prescribed form of such nomination.
24. Where a registered contractor appointed in respect of
building works or street works ceases, for any reason. to be so
appointed, he shall, within 7 days thereof, deliver to the authorized
person or registered structural engineer appointed in respect of the
building works or street works for submission to the Building
Authority in accordance with the provisions of regulation 38
notice, in the prescribed form, that he has so ceased to be appointed.
and shall, in such form, certify that the building works or street
works, as the case may be, carried out by him have been carried out
in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and regulations.
25. (1) Within 7 days of the completion of any building
works in respect of which he has been appointed, the registered
contractor shall, in the form prescribed for building works resulting
in a new building or not so resulting. as the case may be, certify that
the new building has been erected or the building works carried out
in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and regulations
and shall, within the said 7 days. deliver such certificate to the
authorized person or registered structural engineer, as the case may
be, appointed in respect of the building works.
(2) Within 14 days of the completion of any building works in
respect of which he has been appointed. the authorized person shall.
in the form prescribed for building works resulting in a new building
or not so resulting. as the case may be. delivered to him, in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1), by the registered
contractor appointed in respect thereof, certify that the new building
has been erected or the building works carried out in accordance
with the plans approved in respect thereof by the Building Authori-
ty, and that the new building or such building works, as the case may
be, are in his opinion structurally safe and shall. within the said 14
days, send such certificate to the Building Authority.
(3) Where the form prescribed for building works resulting in
a new building or not so resulting. as the case may be, is delivered to
the registered structural engineer appointed in respect of the build-
ing works, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1), by
the registered contractor appointed in respect thereof. the registered
structural engineer shall within 7 days of the receipt thereof certify
that the new building has been erected or the building works carrie~
out in accordance with the plans approved in respect thereof by the
Building Authority. and that the new building or such building works.
as the case may be. are in his opinion structurally safe. and shall
deliver such certificate to the authorized person who shall within 7
days of the receipt thereof send the same to the Building Authority.
25A. (1) On the completion of any new building in which
any water closet fitment. trough water closet. latrine fitment or
urinal has been provided in accordance with the Building (Standards
of Sanitary Fitments. Plumbing. Drainage Works and Latrines)
Regulations. the authorized person appointed in respect of the
building works shall send to the Building Authority together with
the certificate referred to in regulation 25(2) ---
(a)a certificate by the water authority to the effect that a per-
manent connexion to the building of a supply of water from
the waterworks has been made in accordance with regula-
tion 10A of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments.
Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations;
(15)where the Building Authority has under regulation
I OA(3)(b) of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments.
Plumbing. Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations
permitted the connexion to the building of a supply of
water from a well within the site of the building---
(1) a certificate by the authorized person appointed in
respect of the building works to the effect that a permanent
connexion to the building of a supply of water from a well
within the site of the building has been made in accordance
with regulation 1 OA of the Building (Standards of Sanitary
Fitments. Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regu-
lations, and
(ii) a certificate by the authorized person appointed in
respect of the building works in respect of such well in
accordance with regulation 177 of the Building (Con-
struction) Regulations 1975 or
(c) where the Building Authority has under regulation
1OA(3)(c) of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fit-
ments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regula-
tions permitted or directed the connexion to the building of
a supply of water other than a supply of water from the
waterworks or from a well within the site of the building. a
certificate from the authorized person appointed in respect
of the building works to the effect that a permanent
connexion to the building of such supply has been made in
accordance with regulation 1 OA of the Building (Standards
of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing. Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations.
(2) On the completion of any new building in which any waste
fitment or shower has been provided in accordance with the Building
(Standards of Sanitary Fitments. Plumbing. Drainage Works and
Latrines) Regulations. the authorized person appointed in respect of
the building works shall send to the Building Authority together
with the certificate referred to in regulation 25(2)--
(a)a certificate from the water authority to the effect that a per-
manent connexion to the building of a supply of water from
the waterworks has been made in accordance with regulation
10A of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments.
Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations;
(b)where the Building Authority has under regulation
1OA(3)(h) of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments,
Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations
permitted the connexion to the building of a supply of
water from a well within the site of the building---
(i) a certificate by the authorized person appointed in
respect of the building works to the effect that a permanent
connexion to the building of a supply of water from a well
within the site of the building has been made in accordance
with regulation I OA of the Building (Standards of Sanitary
Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regu-
lations; and
(ii) a certificate by the authorized person appointed in
respect of the building works in respect of such well in
accordance with regulation 177 of the Building (Construction)
Regulation 1975; or
(c)where the Building Authority has under regulation
1OA(3)(c) of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments,
Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations per-
mitted or directed the connexion to the building of a supply
of water other than a supply of water from the waterworks
or from a well within the site of the building. a certificate
by the authorized person appointed in respect of the build-
ing works to the effect that a permanent connexion to the
building of such supply has been made in accordance With
regulation 10A of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments.
Plumbing. Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations.
(3) The Water authority shall issue a certificate required under
this regulation within 10 days of receiving an application in Writing
26. (1) Within 7 days of the completion of any street works in
respect of which he has been appointed. the registered contractor
shall, in the prescribed form, certify that such works have been
carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and
regulations and shall, within the said 7 days, deliver such certificate
to the authorized person appointed in respect of the street works.
(2) Within 14 days of the completion of any street works in
respect of Which he has been appointed, the authorized person shall.
in the prescribed form delivered to him. in accordance With para-
graph (1 ). by the registered contractor appointed in respect thereof.
certify that such Works have been carried out in accordance With the
plans approved in respect thereof by the Building Authority and shall.
within the said )4 days. send such certificate to the Buildina Authority.
27. Within 14 days of the completion of any lift works or
escalator works. the registered lift contractor or registered escalator
contractor, respectively, appointed in respect thereof shall. in the
prescribed form, certify that the lift works or escalator works have
been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance
and regulations and shall, within the said 14 days send such
certificate to the Building Authority.
28. Every authorized person and registered contractor en-
gaged to supervise and carry out. respectively. any work of
emergency shall. Within 48 hours thereof. certify. on the forin
prescribei for the purposes of section 19 of the Ordinance. that
he has been so engaged.
29. (1) Save as provided in regulation 33. application for
approval of plans of building works or street works shall he made lill
the prescribed form and shall include a notice of appointment of an
authorized person or registered structural engineer in respect of the
works and the confirmation by the authorized person or registered
structural engineer of the appointment and shall be accompanied by
such documents as are required under these regulations.
(2) Subject to regulation 1 IA, any one or more of such plans
may be submitted for approval separately.
(3) Without prejudice to regulation 30(3), the submission of
further particulars or other plans consequent upon the refusal of the
Building Authority to give his approval under section 16(1)(i) or
(2)(1) of the Ordinance shall be deemed to be a fresh application in
respect of the plans which the Building Authority had refused to
30. (1) The approval of the Building Authority in res pect of
the plans submitted to him shall be signified by-
(a)notice in writing in the prescribed form served on the
person making application therefor: and
(b)the stamping, signing and dating of one copy of such plans.
other than structural calculations. which shall be returned
to the authorized person or registered structural engineer.
(2) The Building Authority may. upon application therefor.
give separate approval for any one or more of the plans submitted.
(3) For the purposes of section 15 of the Ordinance. the period
after which the Building Authority shall be deemed to have given his
approval of plans submitted to him shall be---
(a)in relation to plans which are submitted for the first time to
the Building Authority for approval. 60 day s from the date
on which the plans were submitted:
(b)in relation to plans which. having been previously submit-
ted to the Building Authority for approval. are submitted
to him again for approval so extensively revised as to
constitute, in the opinion of the Building Authoritv. a
major revision of such plans. 60 days from the date on
which the plans were last submitted,
(e)in relation to any other plans which. having been prev-
iously submitted to the Building Authority for approval.
are submitted to him again for approval. 30 days from the
date on which the plans were last submitted.
(4) If the Building Authority is of the opinion that plans
submitted to him again for approval constitute a major revision of
any plans previously submitted to him for approval. he shall notify
the appointed authorized person or registered structural engineer
accordingly, not later than 30 days from the date on which the plans
were last submitted.
(5)-(6) [Deleted, L.N. 233/82]
31. Application for the consent of the Building Authority for
the commencement of any building works or street works shown on
any approved plans shall be made in the prescribed form.
32. (1) The consent of the Building Authority to the com-
mencement of any building works or street works shall be signified
by notice in writing in the prescribed form served on the person
applying therefor.
(2) The Building Authority may give his consent to the com-
mencement of any part of any building works the plans of which
have been approved.
(3) The period referred to in section 15 of the Ordinance in
connexion with consent being deemed to have been given shall be 28
(4)-(5) [Deleted, L.N. 233`82]
32A. [Reroked, L.N. 233/82)
33. (1) Where it is desired to alter or add to any building
works or street works for the commencement of which consent has
been given, application shall be made in writing to the Building
Authority and shall be accompanied by-
(a) plans showing the alterations or additions; and
(b)the prescribed consent form relating to the building works
or street works.
(2) The provisions of section 15 of the Ordinance shall apply
to such an application, and the period within which consent is to be
deemed to have been given shall be 28 days.
(3) The Building Authority may give his approval of plans
submitted under this regulation and may consent to the commence-
ment of the building works or street works shown therein, and he
shall signify such approval and consent---
(a)on the plans submitted in the manner prescribed by regula-
tion 30; and
(b)by adding such plans to the list of plans in the prescribed
form of consent.
34. Where under the provisions of section 20 of the Ordinance
the Building Authority renews his consent for the commencement of
any building works or street works he shall endorse a note of such
renewal on the prescribed form of consent relating to the building
works or street works.
35. The duties imposed, by the regulations in this Part. upon
an authorized person or registered structural engineer or a registered
contractor appointed in respect of building works or street works
shall be without prejudice to any duties imposed upon such
authorized person or registered structural engineer or contractor by
any other provision of the Ordinance or regulations.
Authorized person or registered structural engineer
36. (1) The authorized person appointed In respect of any
building works or street works shall supply to the registered contrac-
tor appointed in respect thereof a copy, stamped, signed and dated,
in accordance with regulation 30, by the Building Authority, of
every plan approved by the Building Authority in respect of the
building works or street works, as the case may be.
(2) Where the structural details have been prepared by a
registered structural engineer and approved by the Building Author-
ity it shall be the responsibility of the authorized person to ensure
that the registered contractor is supplied with a copy thereof.
37. (1) The authorized person appointed in respect of any
building works or street works shall give such periodical supervision
and make such inspections as may be necessary to ensure that such
works are being carried out in general accordance with the pro-
visions of the Ordinance and regulations and with the plans
approved in respect thereof by the Building Authority and with any
order made or condition imposed, pursuant to any provision of the
Ordinance or regulations in that behalf, by the Building Authority.
(2) Where a registered structural engineer has been appointed
in respect of such works the registered structural engineer shall be
responsible for such periodical supervision of the structural works
and shall make such inspections of the same as may be necessary to
ensure that they are being carried out in general accordance with the
provisions of the Ordinance and regulations and with the plans
approved in respect thereof by the Building Authority and with any
order made or condition imposed, pursuant to any provision of the
Ordinance or regulations in that behalf, by the Building Authority.
38. The authorized person or registered structural engineer
appointed in respect of any building works or street works shall
submit to the Building Authority, within 7 days of his receipt
thereof, any notice to the Building Authority-delivered to him, in
accordance with the provisions of regulation 24, by the registerd
contractor appointed in respect thereof.
39. Where, on the completion of any building works or street
works, more than one inspection thereof is. in the opinion of the
Building Authority, necessary by reasonof any contravention of the
provisions of the Ordinance or regulations or by any incorrect
information, the authorized person or registered structural engineer
appointed in respect thereof may be required to pay the prescribed
fee in respect of every such additional inspection.
Registered contractors
40. The registered contractor appointed in respect of building
works shall keep on the site of the building works, and shall produce
to the Building Authority at such times as he requires, all plans of
the building works supplied to him, in accordance with the provi-
sions of regulation 36, by the authorized person or registered
structural engineer appointed in respect thereof.
41. The registered contractor appointed In respect of building
works or street works shall, during the carrying out thereof, give
continuous supervision thereto to ensure that the building works or
street works, as the case may be, are carried out in accordance with
the provisions of the Ordinance and regulations and with the plans
approved in respect thereof and with any order made or condition
imposed, pursuant to any provision of the Ordinance or regulations
in that behalf. by the Building Authority.
42. The fees set out in the Table hereunder are prescribed for
the purposes of the Ordinance and regulations-
By whom payable Amount
1. (a) For inclusion of name in Authorized person $500
the authorized persons' or registered
register or the structural structural engineer.
engineers' register or both
(b) For retention of name in Authorized person $100 per annum
either one or both reuisters. or registered payable on the 1st
structural engineer. January in each year.
(c) Restoration of name to Authorized person $250
either one or both registers. or registered
structural engineer.
2. For inclusion in the Registered $100
contractors register of the contractor.
name of a registered contractor.
3. For inclusion in the register of Registered lift $100
lift contractors of the name of a contractor.
registered lift contractor.
4. For inclusion in the register of Registered $100
escalator contractors of the escalator
name of a registered escalator contractor.
4A. For inclusion in the register of Registered $100
ventilation contractors of the ventilation contractor.
name of a registered ventilation
5. On the granting of a permit
under section 42 of the
(a) to project a balcony or Permittee.
balconies over a street or
Crown land where-
By whom payable Amount
(i) the number of floors $32
with balconies does Per square
not exceed 4; metre of
(ii) the number of floors $43 gross a rea of
with balconies are balcony over
more than 4, but does the street or
not exceed 10; Crown land
(iii) the number of floors $54
with balconies are
more than 10.
(b) [Deleted by L.N. 63, 65]
6. For an examination under -
(a) regulation 4(1)(c)(i); Applicant $300
(b) regulation 4(1)(c)(ii) Applicant. $750
7. For the purposes of regulation Authorized person $400
6(2). or registered
structural engineer.
8. For the purposes of regulation Authorized person $200
39. or registered
structural engineer.
9. For the purposes of regulation Registered $50
73(5) of the Building (Standards contractor.
of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing,
Drainage Works and Latrines)
10. For a certified copy, issued Applicant. $25
under section 36 of the
Ordinance of any document.
43. The forms in the Schedule are prescribed for use under the
Ordinance and regulations.
44. Every authorized person or registered structural engineer
who has prepared any plans which have been submitted to the
Building Authority for his approval shall supply to the Building
Authority such information as he may require with regard to such
plans or to the building works or street works shown thereon.
45. Every authorized person, registered structural engineer,
registered contractor, registered lift contractor, registered escalator
contractor and registered ventilation contractor shall notify the
Building Authority of any change in the address at which he carries
on business, within 14 days thereof.
46. Where several alterations have been made to the original
design of a building and such alterations have been shown on
amended plans submitted to the Building Authority for his approv-
al, the Building Authority may require new plans to be delivered to
him showing the building as it has been completed.
47. Every notice under section 25 of the Ordinance shall be
accompanied by a block plan showing the size and position of the
building, the number of the lot on which it is erected and its
relationship to adjoining buildings.
(Chapter 123)
Section 3
Application lor inclusion in ihe *ciiithop.i--i,dpej-.yop?s'
regisler register
............... . 19 ......
To the Buildings Ordinance Authorized Persons and Structural EnRincers Registra-
tion Committee.
1 hereby apply to he included in-
(a) *the authorized persons' register on
*list ]-as an architect:
*list 1 1-as an engineer;
*list Ill-as a surveyor: or
(b) *the structural engineers' register.
1 . Name and address in full: ............................................................
............. ....... 1 1 ......................................................................
2. Age: .........Date of birth: Nationality:
3. Professional Qualifications and date obtained.
........................ ............................ ......................................................
...................... 1 .1
4. Concise account of education and professional training. with the necessary
dales, giving references to past and present employers. and a statement of the
principal works on which the candidate has been engaged. and capacity in which he
was employed on such works:
.....................1 .1 ........ .......................
. 1 ....................1 ........................................ 1
...........................1 ....... ..............................
5. Original Indenture. Articles or Agreement and specimen of applicant's
designs and works to he submitted for examinationt:
.......................... 1 ..--
.............................1 ..................................... .......... ........ 1
- Delete
FORyi 2
(Chapter 123)
Section 8
Applicalionffir in
.................. 1 ..... ~ 19
To the Building Authority.
1 We hereby apply to he included in the res-,i\tcr of contraciors.
1 . Registered name of company or firm:
2. Registered address of company or firm:
3. Date of registration of company or
firm as a building contractor.
4.Number of Business Registration Certificate
(current certificate to be attached).
5.Full names and addresses of all directors
or partners (active or inactive).
6.Name and address of bankers. persons.
firms or guarantors. to whom reference
may be made.
7.Names of principal technical staff and
length of consecutive service with the
8. Address of office & telephone number(s),
9. Address of yard(s) & telephone number(s).
10. Recommendation by an authorized person.
..................1 1 1
S~zl?(ltlil-e (if fill ill or
Name of cizithoi-i~edpervo~i in
hlock- letters.
(Chapter 123)
Section 8
ale ofregislered
Office of the Building Authority.
.............................................. 19 ......
Certificate No.: ........................
1 hereby certify that ...........................................................................
of (address) ............................. *
has have been included in the contractors' register kepi under section 8 of the
Buildines Ordinance.
pro. Building Authority
(Chapter 123)
Section 8
To the Building Authority, ........ 19
I We hereby apply to be included in the register of lift contractors.
1. Registered name ofcompany or firm:
2. Registered address of company or firm;
3. Names of lift manufacturers whom
applicant represents:
4.Qualifications and experience of applicant
and or names. qualifications and experience
of technical staff.
(Chapter 123)
Section 8
Certificate of registration of registered life contractor
Office of the Building Authority.
........................ . 19
Certificate No.: ........................
I hereby certify that .......
of (address) ..........................................................................................
has have been included in the recister of lift contractors kept under section 8 of the
Buildings Ordinance.
pro. Building Authority
(Chapter 123)
Section 8
Application for inclusion in the register of of escalator contractors
To the Building Authority,
I/We hereby apply to be included in the register of escalator contractors.
1 . Registered name of company or firm:
2. Registered address of company or firm:
3.Names of escalator manufacturers whom
applicant represents:
4.Qualifications and experience of applicant
and or names, qualifications and experience
of technical staff.
............. ....... ............
Form 7
(Chapter 123)
Section 8
Certificate of registration of registered escalator contractor
Office of the Building Authority.
Certificate No.: ..........
I hereby certify that -
of (address) .....
has have been included in the register of escalator contractors kept under section 8 of
the Buildings Ordinance.
pro. Building Authority
FoRm 7A
(Chapter 123)
Section 8
Application for inclusion in the register of ventilation contractors
To the Buildinp Authority,
I/ We herchy apply to be included in the register of ventilation contractors.
1 . Registered name of company or firm:
2. Registered address of company or firm:
3. Names of manufacturers of ventilation systems
whom applicant represents:
4. Qualifications and experience of applicant
and or names, qualifications and experience
of technical stafr.
(Chapter 123)
Section 8
Cerifficate of registration of registered ventilation contractor
Office of the Buildine Authority
..... 19
Certificate No.: ........................
I hereby certify, that . .................................
of (address) ............. ........................................
has have been included in the register of ventilation contractors kept under section 8
of the Buildings Ordinance.
pro. Building Authority
(Chapter 123)
Section 18(6)
Authority to enter building
Office of the Building Authority.
............ . . 19
............................. is hereby authorized
to enter ...................
(here specify the building to which the authorization relates)-
*(a)for the purpose of ascertaining what shoring may he required for the
building for the purpose specified in *paragraph (a) *paragraph (b) of
section 18(1) of the Buildings Ordinance. or of ascertaining the manner in
which shoring for the building may be affixed:
*(b)for the purpose of erecting shoring for the building pursuant to section
18(1) of the Buildings Ordinance. or of maintaining such shoring in good
order or of inspecting the same.
............ ........................
pro. Building Authority
Note: By virtue of the provisions of section 18(6)(b) of the Buildines Ordinance.
this authorization also authorizes any servant or agent of ......................
and any servant of ................ agent, to enter the building for the
purpose specified above.
* Delete whichever is inapplicable.
(Chapter 123)
Section 4(1)
Regulation 29
Application for approval of plans of building works and or street works*
Notice of appoitment of authorized person
(*architect engineer surveyor) as co-ordinator:
Notice of appointment of registered structural engineer
as consultant to appointed authorized person
............... ~ 19 ......
To the Building Authority.
I We* ............................................
Name of applicant in block letters.
in accordance with the provisions of regulation 29 of the Building (Administration)
(a) apply for your approval of the ......................................................
plans submitted herewith:
(b) certify that the said plans have been prepared by Mr. .. ....................
authorized person of .................................................................
(c) give you notice that *I We have appointed the said Mr . ........................
........................... authorized person to be the co-ordinator in respect of these works:
(d)certify that the structural elements *have been will be designed and the
detaifs prepared by Mr . ...............................................................
registered structural engineer of . ......................................................
....................................................................................................; and
(Address of registered structural engineers
(e) give you notice that *I We have appointed the said Mr . ........................
..................................... consultant to
the appointed authorized person in respect of the above described works.
2. Particulars of the building works and or street works*-
(To be completed as appropriate).
(a) Number and name of street and locality ..........................................
(b) Lot number with details of any section or subsection of the lot ...............
(c) Name and address of the owner ......................................................
(d) Name and address of any duly authorized agent of the owner ...............
(e) Number of any, licence or permit relating to the proposed building works or
site .....................................
f) The date on which the tenure of the lot will expire in any case in which the
unexpired portion of the lease is less than 10 years ..............................
(a) Width of street or streets upon which the building abuts or fronts
(b) The intended use of the building or parts thereof on completion of the
building works .................
(c)Details of any conditions of sale. any particular lease cosenants affecting the
height. design, type or use of the building which may be erected on the lot or
permit area ............................................
(a) Widthofstrect or streets for which access istobcobtained
(b) Whether the street works are for construction of an access road or a private
street ..............................................................
(c)If an access road. state the number ofseparate building of flats (with total
floor areas) for which it is intended to proside access ...........................
(d) Details of any conditions of sale and any particular lease covenants affecting
the street works ........................................................................
Signature of applicant.
.................... ..................... 19
I confirm that I have been appointed as the authorized person to he the
co-ordinator in respect of the above described works.
Signature of authorized person.
............... 19
I confirm that I have been appointed as the registered structural engineer to be
the consultant to the appointed authorized person in respect of the above described
Signature of registered structural engineer.
........................................ . 19
* Delete whichever is inapplicable.
Regulation 17
Certificate of Authorized Person
(*Architect Engineer Surveyor)
*Registered Structural Engineer
............... . 19 ......
To the Building Authority.
In accordance with the provision of regulation 17 of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations. I We* hereby certify that the structural details and calculations
attached hereto relating to building works and or street works* at-
(a) number and name of street and locality ..........................................
(h) lot number with details of any section or subsection of the lot ...............
have been prepared under . ............
* my supervision or direction
* the supervision or direction of the undersigned .............
(Name of registered structural engineer)
as required by regulation 85 of the Building (Construction) Regulations 1975.
I further certify that such structural details and calculations comply in all
respects with the relevant provisions of-
* (i) the Buildings Ordinance. Chapter 123. and regulations made thereunder.
* (ii) Permit No . ...................... issued under section 42 of the
Buildings Ordinance dated ............................................................
............ ...........................................................
This certificate is subject to a modification given applied for* in respect of
regulations ..................................................................
of the Building (Construction) Regulations.
..................................... 1
Signature of registered structural engineer
who prepared the structural details etc.
Signature of authorized person
- Delete whichever is inapplicable.
Regulation 18
Cerifficate qf Authorized Person
(*Architect Engineer Surveyor)
Regisitered Structural Engineer
........................... . 19 ......
To the Building Authority,
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 18 of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations. I . ....................................................
*authorized person /registered structural engineer hereby certify that I have inspected
the building known as (No. and name of street) .............................................
...........................: on (Lot No. Permit Area No.) ..............................
and in my opinion it is capable of bearing the loads and stresses which may he
increased or altered in any way by reason of the building works shown on the
accompanying plans.
Signature of registered structural engineer
Signature of authorized person
* Delete whichever is inapplicable.
Regulation 18A
Certificate of authorized person
.. ............ 19
To the Building Authority,
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 18A of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations, I hereby certify that-
(1) The plans attached hereto relating to building works and or street works*
(a) number and name of street and locality
(b) lot number with details of any section or subsection of the lot .........
have been prepared by me or undar my supervision or direction and haie
been signed by me as required by regulation 12 of the said Regulations.
(2)To the best of my knowledge and belief such plans comply in all respects
with the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance and the regulations made
.. ...................................................
Signature of authorized person.
* Delete whichever is inapplicable.
(Chapter 123)
Section 14
Regulation 30(1)(a)
Approval of phins
B.O.O. Ref. No . .............
To: ................................
........................... ............. ............
Office of the Building Authority.
The ..................................................
................................................................ --- .......
pla ns attached hereto. on which I have signified by approval, are hereby approved.
(No. and Name of Street) ........ ...............
on (Lot No. Permit Area No.) ..................................................................
2. Your attention is drawn to section 14(2) of the Buildings Ordinance, which
provides that the giving by the Building Authority of his approval to ans, plans shall
not exempt any person from the necessity of obtaining the consent of the Building
Authority to the commencement and carrying out of the .................................
works shown on such plans. This approial does NOT authorized the commencement
or carrying out of any ............... -
pro. Building Authority
(Chapter 123)
Section 14
Regulation 31
Application for consent to the commencement and carrying out of
building works or part of building works or of street works
................................... . 19
To the Building Authority,
I We. (name of applicant in block letters)
apply for your consent to the commencement and carrying out of the following works
(here specify the typc of work. e.g. building works or street works or. if the
application is in respect of part only of building works. specify the part in respect of
which the application is made) . ...............................................................
at ( No. and name of street) .................................. ........................... .........
on (Lot No. Permit Area No.) .....................
2. The following plans of the above works have been approved by you-
Plans. Date of notice of approxal. B.O.O. Ref. No.
3. * The certificate, Form 10. required by, regulation 17 of the Building (Admin-
istration) Regulations. in connexion with the proposed structural use of steel and or
reinforced concrete, was submitted on 19
4.* The certificate (stability, certificates) required by regulation 18 of the
Building (Administration) Regulations was submitted on ... ..............................
19 ......
.............. ...
signature of applicant
..................... ................. 19
- Delete if not appilcable.
(Chapter 123)
Section 14
Regulation 32
Consent to the commencement and out of building works or
part of any building works or of street works
Permit No . ....................................
B.O.O. Ref. No . ..............................
Office of the Building Authority.
......................... 19
I hereby consent to the commencement and carrying out of the following
.... .......................................................................................................
at (No. and name of street) ........................................................................
on (Lot No./Permit Area No.) ..................................................................
2. The above works are to be carried out in accordance
with the following plans. which have been approved by me and which have been
returned to Mr ............. authorized person, and in compli-
ance with the Buildings Ordinance and the regulations made thereunder, and in
accordance with Permit No . issued under section 42 of the
Buildings Ordinance.
Plans. Date of notice of approval. B.O.O. Ref. No.
3. Your attention is drawn to the provisions of section 14(2) of the Buildings
Ordinance. and before commencing the above ............. works you
should ascertain that they will not contravene the provisions of any enactment or the
requirements of any authority or the terms or conditions of any Crown lease, licence
or permit.
pro, Building Authority
(Chapter 123)
Section 20
Application for renewal of consent to ihe carrying out of
building works of street works
............... 19......
To the Building Authority.
In accordance with the provisions of section 20 of the Buildings Ordinance. I we
(name of applicant in block letters) ............................................................
hereby apply for the renewal of your consent dated .....................................
Permit No . ...B.O.O. Ref. No .
to the carrying out of the ........................................................................
works therein specified relating to-
(a) number and name of street and locality ................ ................
............. .................................
(b) lot number with details of any. section or subsection of the lot ...............
I attach hereto Permit No . .........................
Signature of applicant.
Regulation 20
Notice of appointment of registered contractor, undertaking by
registered contractor and notice of commencement
of building works or street works
....................................... . 19
To the Building Authority,
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 20 of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations-
(a) I/we .
authorized person appointed in respect of the building street* works at-
(i) number and name of street and locality .... ...............................
(ii) lot number with detail of any section or subsection of the lot
to the carrying out of which you have renewed* your consent by Permit No.
.............................B.O.O. Ref. No.
on ....................................................... 19
hereby give you notice that the person for whom the building works street
works* are to he carried out ha appointed .......................................
.............................. ....
(Name of registered contractor).
of ................ .........................................
to be registered contractor in respect thereof and that the said works will be
commenced/resumed* on ............................................................
............ 19
Signature of authorized person
(b)............I/We, the said .......................................................
registered contractor. registration certificate number ...........................
................................confirm that I we have been appointed to carry
out the above described building street* works and I we hereby undertake
to carry out the above works in strict compliance with the Buildings
Ordinance and regulations made thereunder.
.................................... ................
Signalure of registered contractor.
Delete whichever is inapplicable.
Regulation 21
Notice of *appointment of registered lift contractor
or registered escalator
........................................... . 19
To the Building Authority.
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 21 of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations. I/we*
Name of person for whom
hereby give you notice
life works or escalator works are to be carried on)
that I we* have appointed ..............
registered lift contractor registered escalator or contractor* of ..............................
.............. ........................
in respect of the lift works escalator works* which are to he carried out at-
(a) number and name of street and locality ..........................................
(b) lot number with details of any section or subsetion of the lot ...............
...................... ...................
Signature of registered lift contractor or
registered escalator contractor.
I/ We* confirm that I/ we* have bee appointed.
Signature of registered lift contractor or
registered escalator contractor.
* Delete whichever is inapplicable.
Regulation 24
Nofice from a registered contractor on ceasing to be appointed
in respect of building works or street works
............... . 19
To the Building Authority.
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 24 of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations. I we ................................................................
registered contractor. of (address) .............................
hereby give you notice that I we have ceased to be appointed in respect of the
................ works (here state whether building works or street works) at
(No. and name of street) ...........................................................................
on (Lot No. Permit Area No.) to the carrying out of which you gave
your consent on .19 .Permit No .
B.O.O. Ref. No .
I/ We certify that the works carried out by me, us have
been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance and
regulations made thereunder.
Signature of registered contractor.
. . . 19
In accordance with the provisions of regulation .... of the Building
(Administration) Regulations. I submit the above notice and certificate.
Signature of authorized person
................. . 19 ......
(Chapter 123)
Section 21
Cerifficate on completion of part of building works and application
for temporary occupation permit in respect of such part
... . 19---
To the Building Authority,
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 25 of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations, I/we ...........................................................................
certify that part namely . .........................................................
(Describe part which is completed)
of a new building being erected at-
(a) number and name of street and locality .... .....................................
(b) lot number with details of any section or subsection of the lot ...............
......................... ---
in respect of which you consented to the carrying out of the building works on
.......................................19 has been erected in
accordance with the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance and regulations made
No. of registration certificate ...............................................................
Signature of registered contractor.
................. 19
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 25 of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations, I .................................................................................
registered structural engineer of ...... ..................................................
( Address)
certify that the above new building has been erected in accordance with the plans
approved by you and are, in my opinion, structurally safe (B.O.O. Ref. No . ).
Signature of registered structural engineer.
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 25 of the Building (Adminisira-
tion) Regulations, I .................................................................................
authorized person of .....................................................
certify that the above described part of the above-mentioncd new building has been
erected in accordance with the plans approved by you and is. in my opinion.
structurally safe (B.O.O. Ref. No . ).
2. I request that a temporary occupation permit be issued to .....................
...... .............
to occupy and use such part of the said new building for the purposes stated below--
Signature of authroized person.
Regulation 25
Certificate on completion of building works resulting in a new building
and application for permit to occupy such building
..................................... 19 ......
To the Building Authority.
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 25 of the Building (Adminis-
tration) Regulations. I we .......
registered contractor, of (address) ......................
certify that the new building erected at (No. and name of street) ........................
............................on (Lot No. Permit Area No.) ..............
in respect of which you consented to the carrying out of building works on
..............:.: 19 has been erected in accordance with the
provisions of the Buildings Ordinance and regulations made thereunder.
No. of registration catificate ................................................................
Signature of registered contractor.
............. . 19
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 25 of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations. I registered structural engi-
neer. of ................................................................................................
...................................................... ..........................................................
certify that the structural elements of the above new buildine have been erected in
accordance with the plans approved by you and are. in my opinion. structurally safe
(B.O.O. Ref. No. ........................ ).
... ................. ...........
Signature of registered structural engineer.
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 25 of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations, I authorized person, of
(address) certify that the above new build-
ing has been erected in accordance with the plans approved by you and is in my
opinion, structurally safe (B.O.O. Ref. No . ....... ).
2. I request that a permit be issued to ................................................
to occupy and use the said new building for the purposes stated below-
......................... .
3. Total cost of the buildine works $..............................
Signature of authorized person
............... 19.....
FORm 21
Regulations 25 and 26
Cerifficare on completion of building works not resulting in
a new building or of street works
............... . 19 ......
To the Building Authority.
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 25 26 of the Building (Adminis-
tration) Regulations, I/we ..............................
registered contractor, of (address) ...............................................................
certify that the works (here state whether building works or street
works) carried out at (No. and name of street) .............................................
on (Lot No.Termit Area No.) to the carrying out of which
you gave your consent on ....19 .Permit No.
..............................B.O.O. Ref. No . have been carried out in
accordance with the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance and regulations made
No. of registration certificate ... ...................
Signature of registered contractor.
..................... .................... . 19
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 25 of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations, I registered structural engi-
neer of ................................................................................................
certify that the structural elements of the above building have been erected in
accordance with the plans approved by you and are. in my opinion. structurally safe
(B.O.O. Ref. No . ).
. .................
Signature of registered structural engineer.
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 25 26 of the Building
(Administration) Regulations, I ..................................................................
authorized person, of (address) ..................................................................
certify that the above .. ............ works have been
carried out in accordance with the plans approved by you and are. in my opinion.
structurally safe (B.O.O. Ref. No . ).
2. Total cost of the building works $.....................
signature of authorized person
............... . 19 ......
FORm 22
(Chapter 123)
Section 21
Permit to occupy a new building
Permit No . .......................................
B.O.O. Ref. No . ..............................
To: ..................
Office of the Building Authority.
I hereby permit the occupation of the new building (No. and name of street)
............................... . on (Lot No. Permit Area No.)
............for the following purposes:-
pro. Building Authority
Regulation 27
Cerlificate on completion of lift works or escalator works
........................................... 19 ......
To the Building Authority,
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 27 of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations. I we .................................. .........................
registered lift contractor registered escalator contractor. certify that the lift works es-
calator works carried out by me us a
(a) number and name of street and locality ..........................................
............... ..
(b) lot number with details of any section or subsection of the lot ...............
...............................*---* ........................................... ...........
have been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance
and regulations made thereunder.
Signature of registered lift contractor
registered escalator contractor.
FORm 24
(Chapter 123)
Section 21
Permit for temporary occupation of part of a new building
Permit No .....................................
B.O.O. Ref. No . ..............................
To: .....-
Office of the Building Authority.
............... 1 . 19
I hereby permit the temporary occupation of the part known as ............
............... 1
of the new building at-
(a) number and name of street and locality ..........................................
(b) lot number with details of any section or subsection of the lot .........
.. ..............................................................................................
for the following purposes-
2. This permit is granted subject to the following conditions~
pro. Building Authority
(Chapter 123)
Section 21
Notice of revocation of permit for temporary occupation
qf part of a new building
Permit No . ....................................
B.O.O. Ref. No . ..............................
To: ................................................
Office of the Building Authority.
TAKE NOTICE THAT in exercise of the powers conferred on me by
section 21(3) of the Buildings Ordinance. I hereby revoke the permit for the
temporary occupation of the part known as .............................................
of the new building at-
(a) number and name of street and locality ..........................................
................ .......
(b) lot number with details of any section or subsection of the lot ...............
which was issued by me on the 19
2. Your attention is drawn to the provisions of section 21 of the Buildings
Ordinance which provides that any person who occupies any part of a new building
after the expiry of 7 days froni the date of the revocation of the temporary
occupation permit in respect of such part shall be guilty of an offience.
Dated this of 19
................ ............... .............
pro. Building Authority.
FORm 26
(Chapter 123)
Section 19
Regulation 28
Notice to the Building Authority in respect of urgent works
required as a result of an accident or an emergency
............... 19
To the Building Authority.
In accordance with the provisions of section 19 of the Buildings Ordinance. I we
hereby give notice that there state date. place and nature of accident or emergency)
.................................................................. ................ 1
I/We have engaged Mr . authorized person. to
supervise and registered contractor. to carry
out ....... works (here state whether building works or street works)
necessitated by the above accident or emergency.
Signature of person for whom the work is
to be carried out.
In accordance with regulation 28 of the Building (Administration) Regulations.
I hereby certify that I have been engaged to supervise the above emergency works.
.................... .................................
Signature of authorized person.
................. 19
In accordance with regulation 28 of the Building (Administration) Regulations.
I hereby certify that I have been engaged to carry out the above emergency works.
Signature of registered contractor
. . . 19
No. of Registration Certificate .................................
FORm 27
(Chapter 123)
Section 26
Order by the Building Authority
Order No . .................................................
B.O.O. Ref. No . .......................................
To: ...........................................................
Office of the Building Authority.
. . . . 19
I am of the opinion that the building known asi building works at* (No. and
name of street) .. ...............................................
on (Lot No. ) ....................has have*
been rendered dangerous/is/are* liable to become dangerous*.
2. In exercise of the powers vested in me by section 26 of the Buildings Ordin-
ance. I hereby declare that such building is/ building works are* dangerous liable to
become dangerous* and I hereby order you as owner to carry out. within a period
expiring on .......the following works.
pro. Budding Authority
N.B.Where any building works are required to be carried out in connexion with this
order, the consent of the Building Authority must be obtained. in accordance
with the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance. to the commencement and
carrying out thereof.
* Delete whichever is inapplicable.
(Chapter 123)
Section 27A
Order by the Building Authority
Order No . .................................................
B.O.O. Ref. No . .......................................
To: ...........................................................
Office of the Building Authority.
............................... 19
Owner of land at .................................................................................................
Person referred to in section 27A*.
..................... .
I am of the opinion that natural. formed or man-made land an earth-retaining
structure on (Lot No.) ................................................................................................
has been rendered so dangerous is liable to become so dangerous* that it will collapse
or be likely to collapse, either totally or partially. and thereby cause risk of injury to
persons or damage to property.
2. In exercise of the powers vested in me by section 27A of the Buildings
Ordinance, I hereby declare that such natural. formed or man-made land, earth-
retaining structure* is danQcrous liable to become dangerous* and I hereby order
you as the owner of the land structure* person who under the terms of a Crown lease
is under an obligation to maintain the land/structure* to carry out, within a period
commencing on ..........................................................................................................
and expiring on ... ........................................................................................................
the following works.
pro. Building Authority
the consent of the Building Authority must be obtained, in accordance with the
provisions of the Buildings Ordinance. to the commencement and carrying out
* Delete whichever is inapplicable.
(Chapter 123)
Section 25
Nolice to the Building Authority of intended material
change in the use of a building
...... .............. 19
To the Building Authority.
In accordance with the provisions of section 25 of the Buildings Ordinance,
I/we hereby give notice of intended material change in the use of the building known
as (No. and name of street) ........................................................................................
............................................ on (Lot No. Permit Area No.)
I attach hereto a block plan as required by regulation 47 of the Building (Administra-
tion) Regulations.
2. Particulars-
(a) Name of occupier.
(b) Description of present use.
(c) Description of intended use.
(d)Number of persons of each sex who will occupy the building after change of
3. State whether it is intended to carry out any building works.
...................... ............
Statement of capacity,
in which signatory signs ................................................
FORm 29
(Chapter 123)
Section 42
Application to the Building Authority for modification of and or
exemption from the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance
and/or regulations made thereunder
.................. . 19 ......
To the Building Authority,
Pursuant to the provisions of section 42 of the Buildines Ordinance. I
hereby make application for a modification of and or exemption from the provisions
(a) (here specify any sections of the Buildings Ordinance) ................................
(b) (here specify any regulations made under the Buildings Ordinance) ......
........... .....................
2. I note hereunder the special circumstances in connexion with my proposals
in support of this application-
(Chapter 123)
Section 42
Permit under section 42
Permit No. ...............................................
B.O.O. Ref. No . .......................................
Office of the Building Authority.
............... 19
In exercise of the powers vested in me by section 42 of the Buildings
Ordinance. I hereby grant modification of and or exemption from the provisions of-
in respect of proposed ................--- works at (No. and name of street)
.............. on (Lot No./Permit Area No.)
2. This permit is granted subject to the following conditions:-
.......................... .......................................
Building Authority
FORm 31
Regulation 51
Application for permit to erect a temporary building
.....................19 ......
To the Building Authority.
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 51 of the Building (Plan-
ning) Regulations, I/we hereby make application for permission to erect a temporary
building at (No. and name of street) ...................................
.. ........on (Lot No. Permit Area No.) ---
in the position indicated on the accompanying plan.
(a) Name and address of owner.
(h) Description of intended use.
(c) Estimated time for which proposed temporary building will be required.
(d)Estimated number of persons of each sex who will occupy the proposed
temporary building when erected.
(e)Details of construction and of water closet and ablution facilities of
proposed temporary building.
Signature of applicant.
FORm 32
Regulation 51
Permit to erect a lemporary huilding
Permit No . ...............................................
B.O.O. Ref. No . .......................................
To: ...........................................................
Office of the Building Authority.
I hereby permit the erection of a temporary building at (No. and name of
street) ............................................ on (Lot No. Permit
Area No.) accordance with the plans submitted by
Mr . .............authorized person.
2. This permit is issued subject to the following conditions-
(a)the work shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Part VII
of the Building (Planning) Regulations:
(b)a]) precautions against fire shall be taken to the satisfaction of the Director
of Fire Services;
(c.) the maximum number of persons to be accommodated shall he ...............
............... :
(d) this permit shall be returned to the above offlice on expin:
(e)this permit may be cancelled at any time without compensation by. the
service of a notice in writing on the permittee by the Building Authority:
upon expiry or cancellation of this permit, the temporary building shall be
removed forthwith.
3................This permit is valid until ..........................
pro. Building Authority
Regulation 53
Application for permit to erect a contractor's shed
............... . 19 ......
To the Building Authority,
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 53 of the Building (Planning)
Regulations, I/we hereby make application for a permit to erect a contractor's shed,
in connexion with building works to be carried out at (No. and name of street)
.......... on (Lot No. Permit Area No.)
.. in the situation shown and as dimensioned on the
accompanying plan.
(a) Estimated time for which the shed is required.
(b) Description of intended use.
(c) If intended for habitation state number of persons to be accommodated.
(d) Details of construction, latrine water-closet and kitchen accommodation.
No. of Registration Certificate ..............................
signature of registered contractor
......................... ---
Regulation 53
Permit to erect a contrator's shed
Permit No . .
B.O.O. Ref. No . .......................................
To: .........................................
Office of the Building Authority.
..................... . 19
I hereby permit the erection of it contractor's shed at (No. and name of
street) ......on (Lot No. Permit
Area No.) .................. in the position indicated on the plan submitted.
2. This permit is issued subject to the following conditions-
(a) the size of the shed is to be
(b)the work shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Part VII
of the Building (Planning) Regulations:
(c)all precautions against fire shall he taken to the satisfaction of the Director
of Fire Services:
(d) the maximum number of persons to be accommodated shall be ......
--- ............................:
(e) this permit shall be handed to the person in charge of the work;
(f) this permit may be cancelled at any time without compensation by the
service of a notice in writing on the permittee by the Building Authority; and
(g) upon expiry or cancellation of this permit, the contractor's shed shall be
removed forthwith.
3. This permit is valid until .............................................
.. ..............
pro. Building Authority
Regulation 64
Application for permil to erect hoardings
covered walkways or gantries
............... . 19
To the Building Authority,
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 64 of the Building (Plan-
ning) Regulations, I/we hereby apply for a permit to erect *hoardings. covered
walkways or gantries in connexion with building works to be carried out at (No. and
name of street) ............................................................................................................
on (Lot No./Permit Area No.) in the situation shown and as
dimensioned on the accompanying block plan.
2. Estimated time for which the *hoardings. covered walkways or gantries. are
required .......................................
............. --- ............................
Statement of capacity in which
signatory signs.
Signature of applicant.
* Delete whichever is inapplicable,
Regulation 65
Permit to erect hoardings. covered walkways or gantries
Permit No . ...............................................
B.O.O. Ref. No . .......................................
To: ..............---
Office of the Building Authority.
. ........ 19
I hereby permit the erection of *hoardings. covered walkways or gantries at
(No, and name of street) ...................................................... 1
on (Lot No./Permit Area No.) ..........................................
in the position indicated on the plan submitted.
2. This permit is issued subject to the following conditions-
(a)the work shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Part IX of
the Building (Planning) Regulations;
(b)the permittee must inform the China Light & Power Company Limited or
the Hong Kong Electric Company Limited. as the case may be, and the
Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited. in writing, at their main offices.
of his intention to erect a hoarding or covered walkway, 72 hours before
work is commenced, and must ensure that no cable will be affected;
(e)no hole shall be opened in any public footpath or carriageway unless an
Excavation Permit has been issued by the Chief Engineer, Highways Office
(d) covered walkways shall be kept clear and unobstructed at all times.,
(e)the hoardings, covered walkways or gantries shall be removed immediately
upon completion of work or expiry or cancellation of this permit;
(f) this permit shall be handed to the person in charge of the work, and
(g)this permit may be cancelled by the Building Authority at any time, without
compensation. by the service of a notice in writing on the permittee.
3. This permit is valid until ..................................................................
...... ............. ... ...........................................
pro. Building Authorit-i..
*Delete whiche~er is inapplicable.
**Insert name of Highav Region (Hong Kong. Ko.loon or Ne% Territories).
attached permit will obstruct. wholly or partially, any traffic sign or notice.
any traffic light. any metered parking space. or any other Government fixture
of a similar nature. the Commissioner for Transport should be advised
FORm 37
Regulation 8(3)
Notice as to person appoiniedfin. purposes t?f'regul
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 8(3) of the Building (Demolition
Works) Regulations, it is hereby notified that the demolition and all works incidental
thereto being carried on on this site have been placed under the supervision of Mr.
...... 1
Regislered contraclor appointed in
respect ofilte demolition trorks.
FORm 38
(Chapter 123)
Section 4(2)
Regulation 23(2)
Nafice (?1*Proi;iiiiatiopi h). auihf;ri--edpervon or registered
sirurtural engineer ofanother aLiihot.i::ed person or registered
structural engineer to act in hisstead
during ipiahilit.i. to ac/
............... . 19 ......
*Building~'Strect works at (address) ............................................................................
on (Lot'Permit No.) ............ ...............
B.O.O. Ref. No . ....................................
To the Building Authority.
Part 1
In accordance with the provisions of regulation 23(2) of the Building (Adminis-
tration) Regulations, 1 hereby notify you that 1 ha~e, under section 4(2) of the
Buildings Ordinance. nominated ...................
an *authorized person ' /registered structural engineer. to act in my stead during the
period of my *iiinessl'temporary absence from Hong Kong as from *---*
............................ 19 until further notice in respect of the above *building
street works.
of 111ral
*S~giiciiiii-(, ol
f in he t*(jifiiit,i..~gii
ol the plonlinalion ofa registered
structural engineer ).
Part 11
1 confirm that 1 will act in the stead of ................................................................
*authorized persow registered structural engineer in respect of the above *building
street works as from ........................... 19 until further notice.
...................................................... ---
* Delete whichever i, inapplicable.
(Chapter 123)
Section 2813(1)
Application for awhorization lo carr - v ow and or*
mainiain groundivater drainage 11,0P.AS
........... . 19
To the Building Authority.
In accordance with the prox isions of section 28B(1) of the Buildings Ordinance.
1 we* (name of applicant in block letters) .............................................
hereby apply for an order of authorization to carry out and;maintain* the
grour~dwater drainage works set out in plans approved on ........................................
19 ...................under B.O.O. Ref. No . .....................................................
1 .Particulars ol' the groundx% ater drainage ' orks and specified period of required
maintenance ........................................................................................................
2.Name and address of person s* whose objections or want of agreement prevents
carrying out and maintenance* of the works ......................................................
3, Particulars ofattempts to reach agreement
4. Nature and Lrounds of objection s* if known to applicant .................................
................................ :
5. Estimated duration oi'carr,~ins-, out (if works maintenance* of works ................
6~ Name and address ofperson by x% hom works are to he carried out maintained*
........... 1 .1
...................................... .............
of Applicapn.
FORxi 40
(Chapter 123)
Section 28(2)
Norice h r Building Authorily of applicaflon for aulliori:atioe? to
carrY oul and maintain* groundii ater works
Notice No . ...............................................
B.O.O. Ref. No . .......................................
To: .........
Person referred to in section 2813(2)
Office of the Building Authority.
........................................ . 19
1 hereby give notice that 1 have received an application from . ......................
in respect of building works at .............................................. .............................
for an order under section 2811(4) ofthe Buildings Ordinance authorizing the carr,
out and,~maintenance* of groundwater drainage works at -- ................
2. The application may be inspected at ............................................................
between the hours of on
3. Objections to the application maybe made in writing tome and must reach
me before ..................................................................................................
pro. Btiii(lio~z Awhorit.r.
* Delete whichever i% mapplicable,
FoRm. 41
(Chapter 123)
Section 2813(4)
Order f?f awhorization to carj, i, oul
groundivaler drainage ii.i)rk,%
B.O.O. Ref. No. . ......................................
To: ...........................................................
0111ce of the Building Auihoril-,.
. .... . 191
In exercise of the powers vested in me by section 2813(4) of the Buildings
Ordinance. 1 hereby authorize you to carry out and maintain* the groundwater
drainage works at ............................................................................................ -
............................. 1 1 -- .......
Particulars .............................. .................................
BY order.
Buildings Ordinance. this order enables you. any ser%ant or agent of yours
and any servant of your agent to enter upon the land specified above for the
purpose specified above.
Delete whichever is inapplicable.
FORxi 42
(Chapter 123)
Section 2813(5)
Notice (;1*~iieliiori:uii(~nof aiitlr4)rizaiion to carrl' out
and niaintain* groundwater drainage works
Notice No . ...............................................
B.O.O. Ref. No . .......................................
To: ...........................................................
Person referred to in section 28B(5)
Office of the Building Authority.
........ 1 . 19
1 hereby give You notice that. in the exercise ofthe powers vested in me by section
2813(4) of the Builaings Ordinance. 1 have authorized refused to authorize* .............
..................................................................................... to carry out and maintain* the
following groundwater drainage works at ..................................................................
~a'r-t,ic''u''l'a'r' s* .**------* *---* * - -
*2. Your attention is drawn to section 40(3) of the Buildings Ordinance which
makes it an ofTence for any person to interfere in any way with groundwater drainage
works carried out in accordance with plans approved under section 28A of that
pro. Building Authorit.i..
*Note:BY virtue of the provisions of subsections (6) and (7) of section 28B of the
Buildings Ordinance. the authorization referred to above also enables any
servant or agent of .......................................................................................
and any servant of ............*s agent,
to enter upon the land specified above for the purpose specified above.
* Delete %hicheicr is inapplicable.
G.N.A. 82/59. G.N.A. 103/59. G.N.A. 2/60. G.N.A. 97/61. G.N.A.76/62. L.N. 136/64. L.N. 63/66. L.N. 51/69. L.N. 59/71. L.N. 152/71. L.N. 121/73. L.N. 159/73. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 10/75. L.N. 241/76. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 310/76. L.N. 135/79. L.N. 75/81. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 153/84. L.N. 362/84. L.N. 36/85. Citation. Interpretation. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 75/81. L.N. 75/81. L.N. 63/66. (Cap. 102.) Qualification for inclusion in register. L.N. 188/74. Requirements upon application for inclusion in register. L.N. 188/74. Authorized person or registered structural engineer not to act as contractor, etc. without disclosure to client. L.N. 188/74. Delivery of notices, plans, etc. L.N. 63/66. L.N. 188/74. Completion of notices, etc. and signature thereon. Prescribed plans in respect of building works. L.N. 75/81. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) L.N. 75/81. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 51/69. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) L.N. 188/74. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 362/84. L.N. 362/84. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) [*In operation on 1.8.85] Prescribed plans in respect of street works. Power of Building Authority to require additional plans, etc. Plans to be submitted in duplicate. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 241/76. Foundation plan to be submitted with site formation plan. L.N. 233/82. Plans to be signed by person who prepared them. L.N. 188/74. (L.N. 9/75.) Ratio of plans. L.N. 294/76. Plans to be clear and material thereof. L.N. 241/76. Power of Building Authority to refuse to accept plans. L.N. 188/74. Certificate to be submitted together with structural details. L.N. 188/74. Form 10. (L.N. 9/75.) Stability certificate. L.N. 188/74. Form 11. Certificate by authorized person to be submitted with plans. L.N. 10/75. L.N. 241/76. Form 11A. Authorized person or registered structural engineer who has prepared plans submitted to Building Authority to notify Building Authority if he ceases to be engaged. L.N. 188/74. Notification to Building Authority before commencement of building works or street works. Form 16. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. Building Authority to be notified of appointment of registered lift contractor or registered escalator contractor. Form 17. Building Authority to be notified on change of authorized person, registered structural engineer, etc. L.N. 188/74. Authorized person or registered structural engineer to notify Building Authority if he ceases to be appointed, etc. L.N. 51/69. L.N. 188/74. Form 38. Duties of registered contractor who ceases to be appointed. L.N. 188/74. Form 18. Certificate to be given by registered contractor and authorized architect on completion of building works. Forms 20 & 21. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 188/74. Certificates as to supply of water. L.N. 63/66. L.N. 188/74. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) (L.N. 9/75.) (L.N. 9/75.) Certificate to be given by registered contractor and authorized person on completion of street works. L.N. 188/74. Form 21. Certificate to be given by registered lift contractor or registered escalator contractor on completion of lift works or escalator works. Form 23. Certificate to be given by authorized person and registered contractor engaged in respect of emergency work. L.N. 188/74. Form 26. Application for approval. Form 9. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 121/73. L.N. 152/71. Approval of plans. L.N. 188/74. Form 12. L.N. 121/73. Application for consent to commence. Form 13. Consent to commencement. Form 14. L.N. 136/64. Alterations or additions to building works and street works. Consent to the resumption of suspended work. L.N. 188/74. Duties imposed by this Part not to prejudice any other duties imposed by Ordinance or other regulations. L.N. 188/74. Duty of authorized person to supply copy of plans of building works or street works to registered contractor. L.N. 188/74. Duty of authorized person to supervise and inspect. L.N. 188/74. Duty of authorized person or registered structural engineer to submit to Building Authority notice under regulation 24. L.N. 188/74. Fees in respect of additional inspection upon completion of building works or street works. L.N. 188/74. Duty of registered contractor to keep approved plans on site. L.N. 188/74. Duty of registered contractor to supervise. Fees. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 310/76. L.N. 59/71. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 10/75. Forms. Schedule. Duty of authorized person or registered structural engineer who has prepared plans to supply to Building Authority such information as he may require. L.N. 188/74. Duty of authorized person, registered structural engineer, registered contractor, etc. to notify Building Authority of change of business address. L.N. 59/71. L.N. 188/74. Power of Building Authority to require new plans in certain cases. Notice under section 25 of Ordinance to be accompanied by plan. [reg. 43.] L.N. 188/74. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 59/71. L.N. 136/64. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 10/75. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 10/75. L.N. 241/76. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. G.N.A. 97/61. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 188/74. G.N.A. 103/59. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 10/75. G.N.A. 103/59. G.N.A. 97/61. G.N.A. 97/61. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 153/84. L.N. 153/84. L.N. 188/74. G.N.A. 103/59. L.N. 36/85. G.N.A. 76/62. L.N. 51/69. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82.
G.N.A. 82/59. G.N.A. 103/59. G.N.A. 2/60. G.N.A. 97/61. G.N.A.76/62. L.N. 136/64. L.N. 63/66. L.N. 51/69. L.N. 59/71. L.N. 152/71. L.N. 121/73. L.N. 159/73. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 10/75. L.N. 241/76. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 310/76. L.N. 135/79. L.N. 75/81. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 153/84. L.N. 362/84. L.N. 36/85. Citation. Interpretation. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 75/81. L.N. 75/81. L.N. 63/66. (Cap. 102.) Qualification for inclusion in register. L.N. 188/74. Requirements upon application for inclusion in register. L.N. 188/74. Authorized person or registered structural engineer not to act as contractor, etc. without disclosure to client. L.N. 188/74. Delivery of notices, plans, etc. L.N. 63/66. L.N. 188/74. Completion of notices, etc. and signature thereon. Prescribed plans in respect of building works. L.N. 75/81. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) L.N. 75/81. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 51/69. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) L.N. 188/74. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 362/84. L.N. 362/84. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) [*In operation on 1.8.85] Prescribed plans in respect of street works. Power of Building Authority to require additional plans, etc. Plans to be submitted in duplicate. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 241/76. Foundation plan to be submitted with site formation plan. L.N. 233/82. Plans to be signed by person who prepared them. L.N. 188/74. (L.N. 9/75.) Ratio of plans. L.N. 294/76. Plans to be clear and material thereof. L.N. 241/76. Power of Building Authority to refuse to accept plans. L.N. 188/74. Certificate to be submitted together with structural details. L.N. 188/74. Form 10. (L.N. 9/75.) Stability certificate. L.N. 188/74. Form 11. Certificate by authorized person to be submitted with plans. L.N. 10/75. L.N. 241/76. Form 11A. Authorized person or registered structural engineer who has prepared plans submitted to Building Authority to notify Building Authority if he ceases to be engaged. L.N. 188/74. Notification to Building Authority before commencement of building works or street works. Form 16. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. Building Authority to be notified of appointment of registered lift contractor or registered escalator contractor. Form 17. Building Authority to be notified on change of authorized person, registered structural engineer, etc. L.N. 188/74. Authorized person or registered structural engineer to notify Building Authority if he ceases to be appointed, etc. L.N. 51/69. L.N. 188/74. Form 38. Duties of registered contractor who ceases to be appointed. L.N. 188/74. Form 18. Certificate to be given by registered contractor and authorized architect on completion of building works. Forms 20 & 21. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 188/74. Certificates as to supply of water. L.N. 63/66. L.N. 188/74. (Cap. 123, sub. leg.) (L.N. 9/75.) (L.N. 9/75.) Certificate to be given by registered contractor and authorized person on completion of street works. L.N. 188/74. Form 21. Certificate to be given by registered lift contractor or registered escalator contractor on completion of lift works or escalator works. Form 23. Certificate to be given by authorized person and registered contractor engaged in respect of emergency work. L.N. 188/74. Form 26. Application for approval. Form 9. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 121/73. L.N. 152/71. Approval of plans. L.N. 188/74. Form 12. L.N. 121/73. Application for consent to commence. Form 13. Consent to commencement. Form 14. L.N. 136/64. Alterations or additions to building works and street works. Consent to the resumption of suspended work. L.N. 188/74. Duties imposed by this Part not to prejudice any other duties imposed by Ordinance or other regulations. L.N. 188/74. Duty of authorized person to supply copy of plans of building works or street works to registered contractor. L.N. 188/74. Duty of authorized person to supervise and inspect. L.N. 188/74. Duty of authorized person or registered structural engineer to submit to Building Authority notice under regulation 24. L.N. 188/74. Fees in respect of additional inspection upon completion of building works or street works. L.N. 188/74. Duty of registered contractor to keep approved plans on site. L.N. 188/74. Duty of registered contractor to supervise. Fees. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 310/76. L.N. 59/71. L.N. 294/76. L.N. 10/75. Forms. Schedule. Duty of authorized person or registered structural engineer who has prepared plans to supply to Building Authority such information as he may require. L.N. 188/74. Duty of authorized person, registered structural engineer, registered contractor, etc. to notify Building Authority of change of business address. L.N. 59/71. L.N. 188/74. Power of Building Authority to require new plans in certain cases. Notice under section 25 of Ordinance to be accompanied by plan. [reg. 43.] L.N. 188/74. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 59/71. L.N. 136/64. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 10/75. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 10/75. L.N. 241/76. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. G.N.A. 97/61. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 188/74. G.N.A. 103/59. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 10/75. G.N.A. 103/59. G.N.A. 97/61. G.N.A. 97/61. G.N.A. 97/61. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 153/84. L.N. 153/84. L.N. 188/74. G.N.A. 103/59. L.N. 36/85. G.N.A. 76/62. L.N. 51/69. L.N. 188/74. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82. L.N. 233/82.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“BUILDING (ADMINISTRATION) REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 24, 2025,