115, section 13c(2))
12 June 198 1.1
1. These rules may be cited as the Immigration (Vietnamese
Refugee Centres) (Departure Centre) Rules.
2. These rules apply to the Vietnamese Refugee Centres specified
in the Schedule.
3. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires
'centre' means a Vietnamese Refugee Centre to which these rules
.,centre manager' means the public officer appointed by the
Superintendent of Detention Camps to manage the centre;
'dormitory building' includes all parts of a building which are set aside
for sleeping purposes;
'resident' means a Vietnamese refugee who has been directed to reside
in a centre;
'Superintendent of Detention Camps' Ineans. the public officer
appointed by the Secretary for Security- to be the Superintendent
of Detention Camps;
'temporary leave card' means a temporary leave card issued under rule
4. A resident shall reside in the centre and shall 'not remain outside
the centre overnight.
5. A resident shall not leave the centre other than with the
permission of the centre manager in accordance with rule 6.
6. (1) The centre manager may grant leave of absence from the
centre to a resident for any period of time and upon such conditions as
the centre manager considers appropriate.
(2) The terms of leave granted under paragraph (1) shall be
endorsed on a temporary leave card signed by the centre manager.
(3) A temporary leave card issued under this rule may be
withdrawn at any time by the centre manager.
7. On entering or leaving a centre, a resident shall produce his
Vietnamese Refugee Card and temporary leave pass for inspection
by the public officer on duty at the gate.
8. A child under the age of 12 years who is a resident shall not
leave a centre unless he is accompanied by a person authorized by
the centre manager.
9. No resident, unless he has permission in writing from the
Superintendent of Detention Camps, may enter or leave a centre
between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.
10. A resident shall not receive any visitor except with the
prior permission of the centre manager given in his discretion.
11. A resident shall report forthwith to the senior public officer
on duty in the reception unit at the centre any loss or defacement of
or damage to a temporary leave pass issued to the resident.
12. A resident shall not-
(a) use a temporary leave pass issued to another person;
(b)permit another person to use a temporary leave pass issued
to the resident;
(c) deliberately deface or damage a temporary leave pass; or
(d)permit another person to deface or damage a temporary
leave pass issued to the resident.
13. A resident shall comply with any lawful and reasonable
instruction of any public officer on duty.
14. (1) A resident shall not do any act or incite any other
person to do any act prejudicial to the good order and security of the
(2) A resident shall not-
(a) fight;
(b) assault any other person. or
(c) incite any person to fight,
in a centre.
15. A resident shall carry out cleaning and any other reason-
able duties assigned to him by any public officer on duty.
16. A resident shall not incite any person to disobey any lawful
and reasonable instruction of any public officer on duty.
17. A resident shall not organize any political activity in the
l& A resident shall not occupy any bed space other than that
allocated to him by the senior public officer on duty in the reception
unit at the centre.
19. A resident shall not engage in commercial activities within
the centre.
20. (1) A resident may at any time complain to the centre
manager or such other person authorized by the centre manager
regarding the treatment received by him or any other resident.
(2) The centre manager shall, as soon as practicable after a
complaint has been made, record and investigate the complaint and
advise the resident who made the complaint of his findings.
21. A resident shall not make excessive or unnecessary noise
inside the centre after 11 p.m. or before 7 a.m.
22. A resident shall not bring into or consume in the centre any
alcoholic drink.
23. A resident shall not engage in any gambling in the centre.
24. A resident shall not smoke inside a dormitory building.
25. A resident shall not cook any food in the centre.
26. A resident shall comply with the reasonable instructions of
any public officer on duty in respect of the use of any electrical
27. A resident shall not alter, dismantle, remove, tamper with
or damage any fixture, fitting or other installation in the centre.
28. A resident shall not sell or offer for sale cooked or otherwise
prepared food inside the centre.
29. A resident shall dispose of refuse in refuse bins or such other
collection point as may be provided within the centre.
30. A resident shall not spit in a centre.
31. A resident shall not urinate or defaecate other than in. toilets
provided in the centre.
32. A resident shall, within 3 days of its occurrence, report to the
centre manager any
(a) birth;
(b) death; or
(c) marriage,
that occurs within his family residing in the centre.
33. A resident shall attend at the appointed time and place for all
interviews, documentation procedures and medical examinations as may
be required by the centre manager, an official of the United Nations
High Commission for Refugees, any official representing any other
organization processing the resettlement of refugees or any Immigration
34. Any resident who breaches rule 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14(1),14(2),15,16,17,18,19,21, 22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31, 32 or 33 after
due inquiry and upon being afforded the opportunity to exculpate
himself may be ordered to be separately confined for a period not
exceeding 7 days which penalty may be imposed by the centre manager.
35. (1) A resident may within 48 hours of the imposition of a
penalty by a centre manager under rule 34 give notice of appeal against
the penalty.
(2) A notice under paragraph (1) shall-
(a) be in writing;
(b) be directed to the Superintendent of Detention Camps;
(e) be served on the centre manager;
(d)set out the grounds for appeal against the finding and penalty;
(e) be signed by the resident.
(3) The Superintendent of Detention Camps shall forthwith
consider the appeal and serve a copy of his findings on the resident.
(4) The Superintendent of Detention Camps may require the
attendance of a resident when he considers an appeal under this rule by
that resident.
(5) The decision of the Superintendent of Detention Camps on an
appeal shall be final.
SCHEDULE (rule 2.)
Areas A and B of the Argyle Street Army Camp 3.
Ma Tau Wai Detention Centre. L.N. 183/81. L.N. 217/81. Citation. Application. Schedule. Interpretation. Resident to reside in centre. Permission to leave. Temporary leave of absence. Inspection of pass. Children under 12 years to be accompanied. Centre to close at midnight. Restriction on visitors. Loss etc., of card to be reported. Dealings in passes prohibited. Resident to obey instructions. Fighting, etc. Cleaning, etc. Inciting disobedience. No political activities. Resident to occupy space allocated. Prohibition on commercial activities. Complaints, etc. No noise after 11 p.m. No alcoholic drinks. No gambling. Restriction on smoking. Prohibition on cooking. Electrical appliances. No alteration etc., to centre. Prohibition on selling food. Disposal of refuse. No spitting. Use of toilets. Reporting on changes in family. Resident to attend interviews, etc. Offences. Appeals. L.N. 217/81.
L.N. 183/81. L.N. 217/81. Citation. Application. Schedule. Interpretation. Resident to reside in centre. Permission to leave. Temporary leave of absence. Inspection of pass. Children under 12 years to be accompanied. Centre to close at midnight. Restriction on visitors. Loss etc., of card to be reported. Dealings in passes prohibited. Resident to obey instructions. Fighting, etc. Cleaning, etc. Inciting disobedience. No political activities. Resident to occupy space allocated. Prohibition on commercial activities. Complaints, etc. No noise after 11 p.m. No alcoholic drinks. No gambling. Restriction on smoking. Prohibition on cooking. Electrical appliances. No alteration etc., to centre. Prohibition on selling food. Disposal of refuse. No spitting. Use of toilets. Reporting on changes in family. Resident to attend interviews, etc. Offences. Appeals. L.N. 217/81.
Subsequent Cap No.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“IMMIGRATION (VIETNAMESE REFUGEE CENTRES) (DEPARTURE CENTRE) ORDER,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 25, 2025,