(Cap. 108, section 7)
[29 August 1975.]
1. These regulations may be cited as the Betting Duty Regulations.
2. In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires-
'Board' means the Hong Kong Lotteries Board established under
section 4A of the Ordinance;
'cash-sweep' means any cash-sweep conducted by a club with the
permission of the Chief Secretary under section 2 of the Ordinance;
'Collector' means the Collector of Stamp Revenue;
-lottery- means any lottery conducted by the Board under a licence
granted under section 4D of the Ordinance;
'totalizator' and 'pari-mutuel' means any totalizator or pari-mutuel
conducted by a club with the permission of the Chief Secretary
under section 3 of the Ordinance.
3. (1) The secretary of every club conducting a cash-sweep, a
totalizator or pari-mutuel in the Colony shall draw up for the Collector a
statement showing
(a)the number of tickets sold and the amounts received in
respect of the totalizator or pari-mutuel betting on each race;
(b) the number and value of cash-sweep tickets sold;
(e)the number and value of cash-sweep chances allocated
otherwise than by ticket in respect of each race.
(2) In the case of cash-sweeps conducted by a club organizing the
race in respect of which the cash-sweep is held and in the case of bets
on any totalizator or pari-mutuel, the statement shall be drawn up and
delivered within 15 days after the day on which the race is held.
(3) In all other cases the statement shall be drawn up and delivered
within 3 days after the day on which the race is held and before any
money is distributed among the contributors or subscribers.
(4) The duty charged under section 6 of the Ordinance on bets or
cash-sweeps shall be paid to the Collector in such manner as may be
agreed between the club conducting such betting or cash-sweeps and
the Collector or, in default of such agreement, as may be determined by
the Collector.
(5) [Deleted, 31 of 1981, s. 65]
(6) The Collector or any person authorized by him in writing for the
purpose may require the secretary of a club conducting a cash-sweep, a
totalizator or pari-mutuel in the Colony to produce at such place and at
such reasonable time as he may direct any books, accounts, vouchers,
lists, counterfoils or other documents relating to any cash-sweep,
totalizator or pari-mutuel.
(7) Any person who contravenes this regulation and for which no
other penalty is provided shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable
on conviction to a fine of $1,000.
(8) Where the treasurer, or a steward or any member of the
committee of management of any club consents to or connives at the
commission of an offence under paragraph (7), such treasurer, steward
or member shall be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be
liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
4. (1) The Secretary of the Board shall, within 15 days after the day
on which a lottery is held, draw up and deliver to the Collector a
statement showing the number of tickets sold and the amounts received
in respect of the bets made on the lottery.
(2) The Board shall account to the Collector for the amount of duty
charged on the proceeds of the lottery under section 6 of the
Ordinance.. and such duty shall be delivered to the Collector together
with the statement under paragraph (1).
(3) The Collector or any person authorized by him in writing for the
purpose may require the Secretary of the Board to produce at such place
and at such reasonable time as he may direct any books, accounts,
vouchers. lists, counterfoils or other documents relating to any lottery.
5. Duty required to be paid under the Ordinance shall be
recoverable as a debt due to the Crown.
6. The Collector may specify the form of the statements to be used
under these regulations.
L.N. 204/75. 31 of 1981. Citation. Interpretation. Collection of betting duty in respect of cash-sweeps, totalizators and pari-mutuels. 31 of 1981, s. 65. Collection of duty in respect of lotteries. Duty to a debt to the Crown. Collector may specify form of statements.
L.N. 204/75. 31 of 1981. Citation. Interpretation. Collection of betting duty in respect of cash-sweeps, totalizators and pari-mutuels. 31 of 1981, s. 65. Collection of duty in respect of lotteries. Duty to a debt to the Crown. Collector may specify form of statements.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“BETTING DUTY REGULATIONS,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 14, 2025,