(Cap. 107, sections 31 and 34).
[14th May, 1902.]
1. These rules may be cited as the Use of Electric Power on the
Tramway Rules.
2. In the following rules, unless the context otherwise requires
'current' means an electric current exceeding one-thousandth part of
one ampere;
'energy' means electrical energy;
'generator' means the dynamo or dynamos or other electrical apparatus
used for the generation of energy;
'motor' means any electric motor carried on a car and used for the
conversion of energy;
'pipe' means any gas or water pipe, or other metallic pipe, structure or
'wire' means any wire or apparatus used for telegraphic, telephonic,
electrical signalling or other similar purposes.
3. Any dynamo used as a generator shall be of such pattern and
construction as to be capable of producing a continuous current
without appreciable pulsation.
4. One of the two conductors used for transmitting energy from the
generator to the motors shall be in every case insulated from earth, and
is hereinafter referred to as the 'line'; the other may be insulated
throughout or may be uninsulated in such parts and to such extent as is
provided In the following rules, and is hereinafter referred to as the
5. Where any rails, on which cars run, or any conductors laid
between or within three feet of such rails, form any part of a return such
part may be uninsulated. All other returns or parts of a return shall be
insulated, unless of such sectional area as will reduce the difference of
potential between the ends of the Uninsulated portion of the return
below the limit laid down in rule 9.
6. When any uninsulated conductor laid between or within three feet
of the rails forms any part of a return, it shall be electrically connected to
the rails at distances apart not exceeding one hundred feet by means of
copper strips having a sectional area of at least one-sixteenth of a square inch,
or by other means of equal conductivity.
7. When any part of a return is uninsulated it shall be connected
with the negative terminal of the generator, and in such case the
negative terminal of the generator shall also be directly connected,
through the current indicator hereinafter mentioned, to two separate
earth connexions which shall be placed not less than twenty yards apart:
Provided that in place of such two earth connexions the company
may make- one connexion to a main for water supply of not less than
three inches internal diameter, with the consent of the owner thereof
and of the person supplying the water, and provided that where, from
the nature of the soil or for other reasons, the company can show to the
satisfaction of an inspecting officer of the Government that the earth
connexions herein specified cannot be constructed and maintained
without undue expense, the provisions of this rule shall not apply. The
earth connexions referred to in this rule shall be constructed, laid and
maintained so as to secure electrical contact with the general mass of
earth, and so that an electro-motive force not exceeding four volts shall
suffice to produce a current of at least two amperes from one earth
connexion to the other through the earth, and a test shall be made at
least once in every month to ascertain whether this requirement is
complied with. No portion of either earth connexion shall be placed
within six feet of any pipe except a main for water supply of not less
than three inches internal diameter metallically connected to the earth
connexions with the consents hereinbefore specified.
8. When the return is partly or entirely uninsulated the company
shall in the construction and maintenance of the tramway
(a)so separate the uninsulated return from the general mass of
earth and from any pipe in the vicinity;
(b) so connect together the several lengths of the rails;
(c)adopt such means for reducing the difference produced by the
current between the potential of the uninsulated return at any
other point; and
(d)so maintain the efficiency of the earth connexions specified in
the preceding rules,
as to fulfil the following conditions-
(i) that the current- passing from the earth connexions
through the indicator to the generator shall not at any
time exceed either two amperes per mile of single tram-
way line, or five per cent of the total current output of
the station,
(ii)that if at any time and at any place a test be made by
connecting a galvanometer or other current-indicator to the
uninsulated return to any pipe in the vicinity, it shall always
be possible to reverse the direction of any current
indicated by interposing a battery of three Leclanche cells
connected in series if the direction of the current is from the
return to the pipe, or by interposing one Leclanche cell if the
direction of the current is from the pipe to the return.
In order to provide a continuous indication that condition (i) is
complied with, the company shall place in a conspicuous position a
suitable properly connected and correctly marked currentindicator and
shall keep it connected during the whole time that the line is charged.
The owner of any such pipe may require the company to permit him
at reasonable times and intervals to ascertain by test that the conditions
specified in (ii) are complied with as regards his pipe.
9. When the return is partly or entirely uninsulated a continuous
record shall be kept by the company of the difference of potential during
the working of the tramway between the points of the uninsulated return
farthest from and nearest to the generating station. If at any time such
difference of potential exceeds the limit of seven volts, the company
shall take immediate steps to reduce it below that limit.
10. Every electrical connexion with any pipe shall be so arranged as
to admit of easy examination, and shall be tested by the company at
least once in every three months.
11. Every line and every insulated return or part of a return
except anyfeeder shall be constructed in sections not exceeding
one-half of a mile in length, and means shall be provided for
insulating each such section for purposes of testing.
12. The insulation of the line and of the return when insulated, and
of all feeders and other conductors, shall be so, maintained that the
leakage current shall not exceed one-hundredth of an ampere per mile of
tramway. The leakage current shall be ascertained daily before or after
the hours of running when the line is fully charged. If at any time it
should be found that the leakage current exceeds one half of an ampere per mile of tram-
way, the leak shall be localized and removed as soon as practicable
and the running of the cars shall be stopped unless the leak
is localized and removed within twenty-four hours:
Provided that where both line and return are placed within a
conduit this regulation shall not apply.
13. The insulation resistance of all continuously insulated cables
used for lines, for insulated returns, for feeders, or for other purposes,
and laid below the surface of the ground, shall
not be permitted to fall below the equivalent of ten megohms for
a length of one mile. A test of the insulation resistance of all
such cables shall be made at least once in each month.
14. Where in any case in any part of the tramway the line is erected
overhead and the return is laid on or under the ground, and where any
wires have been erected or laid before the construction of the tramway
in the same or nearly the same direction as such part of the tramway, the
company shall, if required so to do by the owners of such wires or any
of them, permit such owners to insert and maintain in the company's line
one or more induction-coils or other apparatus approved by the
company for the purpose of preventing disturbance by electric
induction. In any case in which the company withholds its approval of
any such apparatus the owners may appeal to the Governor in Council,
who may, if he thinks fit, dispense with such approval.
15. Any insulated return turn shall be placed parallel to and at a
distance not exceeding three feet from the line inches the line and return are
both erected overhead, or eighteen inches when they are both laid
16. In the disposition, connexions and working of feeders the
company shall take all reasonable precautions to avoid injurious
interference with any existing wires.
17. The company shall so construct and maintain its system as to
secure good contact between the motors and the line and return
18. The company shall adopt the best means available to prevent
the occurrence of undue sparking at the rubbing or rolling contacts in
any place and in the construction and use of its generator and motors.
19. In working the cars the current shall be varied as required by
means of a rheostat containing at least twenty sections or by some other
equally efficient method of gradually varying resistance.
20. The company shall, so far as may be applicable to its system of
working, keep records as specified below. These records shall, if and
when required, be forwarded for the information of the Governor in
Daily records.
Number of cars running.
Maximum working current.
Maximum working pressure.
Maximum current from the earth connexions (see rule 8(i)
Leakage current (see rule 12).
Fall of potential in return (see rule 9).
Monthly records.
Condition of earth connexions (see rule 7).
Insulation resistance of insulated cables (see rule 13).
Quarterly record.
Conductance of joints to pipes (see rule 10).
Occasional records.
Any test made under the provisions of rule 8(ii).
Localization and removal of leakage, stating time occupied.
Particulars of any abnormal occurrence affecting the electric
working of the tramway.
21. Any person who acts in contravention of rules 3 to 13 and 15 to
20 shall be liable to a fine of twenty-five dollars, and also in the case of a
continuing offence to a further fine of ten dollars for every day after the
first during which such offence continues.
10 of 1902. Schedule. G.N.A. 75/51. G.N.A. 75/51.
10 of 1902. Schedule. G.N.A. 75/51. G.N.A. 75/51.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“USE OF ELECTRIC POWER ON THE TRAMWAY RULES,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 14, 2025,