(Cap. 107, section 39).
[1st February, 1916.]
Rules made by the company.
1. These rules shall extend and apply to all cars used on the
tramways and to all places in respect of which the company has for the
time being power to make rules.
2. (1) All tickets issued by the company are issued on the
conditions that these rules are to be observed.
(2) Monthly tickets issued by the company may be issued upon
such terms, consistent with the Ordinance and any rules made
thereunder, as the company may from time to time impose.
(3) Every person to whom a monthly ticket is issued shall sign the
monthly ticket in ink before using it.
(4) Every person using a monthly ticket shall, at the request of an
uniformed inspector of the company, furnish such inspector with a
specimen of his signature to enable the inspector to compare the same
with the signature appearing on the monthly ticket produced by such
3. No person shall travel or attempt to travel as a passenger on a
car in any class if a notice has been put up in the said car stating that
the accommodation in that class is fully taken up.
4. No person shall travel or attempt to travel on the top of any car
in excess of the number of passengers for which seating accommodation
is provided on the top of such car.
5. No passenger shall enter or depart from a car from that side
which is on the right hand of the motorman.
6. No person shall converse with the driver of any car while such
driver is on duty.
7. No passenger shall take any luggage on a car of a description
calculated in the opinion of the conductor to annoy or inconvenience
other passengers. All personal and other luggage shall be carried by the
passenger unless the conductor requires it to be put in some particular
place in which case the passenger shall comply with the requirements of
the conductor.
8. No passenger shall smoke so as to cause nuisance or
inconvenience to other passengers.
9. No person shall spit inside or upon any car.
10. No passenger or other person shall while travelling in or
upon any car play or perform on any musical instrument.
11. No person in a state of intoxication or affected with any
infectious or contagious disease shall enter or mount or attempt
to enter or mount any car. Any such person found on any car
shall leave on request, and in default of compliance, may be re-
moved by or under the direction of the conductor.
12. No person shall swear or use obscene or offensive language
whilst in or upon any car or commit any nuisance in or upon
or against any car or any premises or property of the company or
interfere with the comfort of any passenger.
13. No person whose dress or clothing might in the opinion
of the conductor soil or injure the seats or fittings of a car or the
dress or clothing of any passenger, and no person who in the
opinion of the conductor might for any other reason be offensive
to passengers, shall be entitled to enter or remain in or on any car
and shall leave on request. Any such person may be prevented
from entering any car and shall not enter any car if requested not
to do so by the conductor; and if found in or on any car shall on
the request of the conductor leave the car upon the fare, if pre-
viously paid, being returned.
14. Every passenger shall upon demand pay to the conductor
the fare legally demandable for the journey and accept a ticket
corresponding thereto, but this rule shall not apply to a monthly
ticket holder or to Government postmen and policemen on duty
and in uniform.
15. Every passenger shall when required show the ticket or
monthly ticket given to him covering the journey he is travelling
on, or any free pass held by him, to the conductor or to any duly
authorized servant of the company and shall also, when required,
either deliver up any such ticket or pass for inspection or pay the
fare legally demandable for the distance travelled over by such
16. (1) No person shall use or attempt to use a monthly
ticket which does not bear his signature in ink.
(2) No person to whom a monthly ticket has been issued
shall sell or transfer or attempt to sell or transfer the monthly ticket
issued to him, to any other person.
(3) No person to whom a monthly ticket has been issued shall
knowingly permit any other person to use such monthly ticket.
17. If a person to whom a monthly ticket has been issued is
convicted of any offence against these rules, the monthly ticket issued
to him shall be forfeited, and no compensation shall be payable to him or
to any other person in respect of such forfeiture.
18. The company, in its absolute discretion, may decline to issue a
monthly ticket to any person or to renew a monthly ticket already issued
to any person.
19. Any reference in these rules to the holder of a monthly ticket
shall be deemed to refer to and include any person to whom and in
whose name the company issues a monthly ticket and whose name
appears on the face thereof.
20. Tickets shall only be available for the car on which they are
issued. Every passenger who leaves a car for any reason and resumes
his journey by another car shall pay a fresh fare from the point at which
he enters the second car.
21. No passenger or any other person not being an official or
servant of the company shall travel on the front, back, steps or sides of
a tramcar or elsewhere than in or upon that space, or a part thereof,
within the tramcar provided for the accommodation of passengers. Any
person travelling in contravention of this rule shall immediately cease so
to do upon request by the conductor or motorman of the tramcar or any
other official of the company or by any police officer in uniform.
22. No person except a passenger or intending passenger shall
enter or mount any car.
23. No person shall enter. mount or leave or attempt to enter, mount
or leave any car whilst in motion.
24. No person shall take a dog or other animal into or on any car
except by permission of the conductor. Any dog or other animal taken
into or on any car which becomes a nuisance or annoyance to
passengers or which interferes with or gets in the way of the driver or
the driving or controlling apparatus of the car shall be removed by the
person incharge of such dog or other animal from the car immediately
upon request of the conductor, and in default of compliance with such
request, may be removed by or under the direction of the conductor.
25. No person shall enter, get upon or travel in or on any car with
loaded firearms or with any article, instrument or imple
ment which may in the opinion of the conductor be dangerous
or offensive to any passenger.
26. No person shall stand in such a position on the car as
to hamper the motorman in any way or shall touch any part of
the controlling gear of any car.
27. No passenger shall stand on the platform of a car after
being requested to go inside by the conductor. No passenger
shall stand or travel in any exit passage-way.
28. Any person who requires change to be given him before
he is able to pay his right fare shall, if the conductor is unable to
give him change, upon request immediately leave the car.
29. No person shall wilfully obstruct or impede any officer
or servant of the company in the execution of his duty upon or in
connexion with any car or tramway of the company.
30. The conductor of each car shall enforce or prevent a
breach of these rules to the best of his ability.
31. If the conductor has reason to believe that any person
has committed a breach of any rule made by the company, he
shall be entitled to ask such person for his name and address in
Hong Kong and any such person shall on demand forthwith furnish
to the conductor his true name and his true address in Hong Kong.
32. Any person offending against or committing a breach of
any of these rules shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred
33. In these rules, 'conductor' includes any officer or servant
in the employment of the company and having charge either tem-
porarily or otherwise of a car and also includes an inspector of
the company.
34. These rules may be cited as the Prevention of Nuisances
and Regulation of Travelling Rules.
Supp. to Gazette 31.12.1915, p. 540. G.N. 67/46. G.N. 112/47. G.N.A. 93/56. G.N.A. 93/56. (Cap. 107.) G.N.A. 93/56. G.N.A. 93/56. G.N.A. 93/56. G.N. 67/46. G.N. 112/47.
Supp. to Gazette 31.12.1915, p. 540. G.N. 67/46. G.N. 112/47. G.N.A. 93/56. G.N.A. 93/56. (Cap. 107.) G.N.A. 93/56. G.N.A. 93/56. G.N.A. 93/56. G.N. 67/46. G.N. 112/47.
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“PREVENTION OF NUISANCES AND REGULATION OF TRAVELLING RULES,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 15, 2025,