To provide for the incorporation of the Directors of the
Chinese Young Men's Christian Association of Hong
[27th May, 1932.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Chinese Young
Men's Christian Association Ordinance.
2. In this Ordinance-
constitution' means the constitution of the Chinese Young
Men's Christian Association of Hong Kong as set out
in the Schedule hereto, or any amended constitution
approved by the Governor which may be made there-
3. (1) The directors of the Chinese Young Men's
Christian Association of Hong Kong, and their successors
in office as hereinafter defined, shall be a body corporate,
hereinafter called the corporation, and shall have the name
of 'The Directors of. the Chinese Voting 31en's Christian
Association of Hong Kong', and in that name shall have
perpetual succession, and shall and may sue and be sued
in all courts in the Colony and shall and may have and
use a common seal.
(2) Directors, whether appointed in immediate suces-
sion to any of the first directors or not, shall be appointed
in accordance with the constitution, and shall for the time
being be deemed to be successors in office of the first
directors and to be members of the corporation.
4. (1) The corporation shall have power to acquire,
accept leases of, purchase, take, hold and enjoy any lands,
buildings, messuages or tenements of what nature or kind
soever and wheresoever situated, and also to invest moneys
upon mortgage of any lands, buildings, messuages, or
tenements, or upon the mortgages, debentures, stocks,
funds, shares or securities of any corporation or company,
and also to purchase, acquire and possess steam-launches,
boats and other goods and chattels of what nature and
kind soever.
(2) The corporation shall further have power by deed
under its seal to grant, sell, convey, assign, surrender,
exchange, partition, yield tip, mortgage, demise, reassign,
transfer or otherwise dispose of any lands, buildings,
messuages, tenements, mortgages, debentures, stocks,
funds, shares or securities, steam-launches, boats, or other
goods and chattels, which are for the time being vested in
or belonging to the corporation upon such terms as to the
corporation may seem fit.
5. All deeds and other instruments requiring the cor-
porate seal of the corporation shall be sealed in the presence
of two of the directors and shall be signed by two of the
6. All matters of internal management, including any
amendment of the constitution, shall be settled and carried
out in accordance with the constitution.
7. Nothing in this Ordinance shall affect or be deemed
to affect the rights of His Majesty the King, his Heirs or
Successors, or the rights of any body politic or corporate or
of any other persons except such as are mentioned in this
Ordinance and those claiming by, from or under them.
SCHEDULE. [ s. 2.1]
Paragraph 1. The name of the Association shall be the
'Chinese Young Men's Christian Association of Hong Kong'.
Paragraph 2. The object and purpose of the Association shall
be the development of Christian character and the cultivation of the
Christian spirit of service among young men, in accordance with the
teachings of Jesus Christ.
Paragraph 3. The Association shall engage in no political
movement, and shall not permit its name or premises to be used for
political agitation or meetings.
Paragraph 4. Membership in the Association shall be open to
men of the Chinese race who are Christians and are over eighteen
years of age.
Paragraph 5. The procedure for admission to membership in
the Association shall be as follows-
(a) the candidate shall apply in person for membership;
(b) the candidate shall be recommended by a member or a
secretary of the Association;
(c) every application shall be considered by the Membership
committee and, if approved, the applicant shall become a
member forthwith.
Paragraph 6. The duties, responsibilities and privileges of a
member of the Association shall be as follows-
(a) to make plans for the carrying out of the objects and
purposes of the Association and to work for the extension
of its several activities;
(b) to share in the performance of all work and voluntary
service of the Association;
(c) to be responsible for securing funds to defray the expenses
of the Association.
Paragraph 7. Any member of the Association shall be eligible
for electing, or being elected to, the Board of Directors.
Paragraph 8. The Board of Directors may, as circumstances
permit, accept other persons as associate members, who may partici-
pate in the activities of the Association.
Paragraph 9. All members of the Association who are resident
in Hong Kong shall be invited to attend the general meetings of the
Association and twenty-five members present shall constitute a
Paragraph 10. There shall be a regular general meeting of
the Association annually, at such time and place as the Board of
Directors may decide. Special general meetings may be called by
the Board of Directors, or upon the request of more than ten
Paragraph 11. The duties and powers of the general meeting
shall include the following-
(a)to see that the objects and purposes of the Association are
carried out;
(b) to adopt a general programme for the Association;
(c) to elect a Board of Directors;
(d)to amend, when necessary, the powers and duties of the
Board of Directors;
(c) to consider and adopt the report of the Board of Directors.
Paragraph 12. The Board of Directors of the Association shall
be duly elected at the regular annual general meeting of members,
in accordance with the constitution.
Paragraph 13. The Board of Directors shall consist of fifteen
members, who shall serve without emolument for a term of three
years, and of whom five shall retire each year but, being eligible,
may be re-elected.
Paragraph 14. The Board of Directors shall, at least two weeks
before the regular annual general meeting of the Association, publish
a list of candidates for election, who have been selected by a
nominating committee, Additional nominations may be made by
three or more members, but the names of such nominees must be
sent to the general secretary for publication, at least one week before
the date of the regular annual general meeting at which the election
will be held.
Paragraph 15. Apart from the retiring directors, who are
eligible for re-election, as aforesaid, the nominating committee may
select not more than ten members, who are over twenty years of age,
and who must possess the following qualifications-
(a) membership of the Association;
(b) belief in the purposes of the Association and a willingness
to promote its welfare;
(c) willingness to share in the financial burden of the Associa-
tion, by raising funds for its support.
Paragraph 16. Casual vacancies in the Board of Directors shall
be filled by the Board, and a director thus appointed shall serve for
the unexpired term of his predecessor.
Paragraph 17. The Board of Directors, at its first meeting
after the regular annual general meeting of members, shall appoint
annually from its own members a chairman, vice-chairman, recording
secretary and treasurer. The chairman and vice-chairman, respec-
tively, shall also assume the offices of president and vice-president of
the association.
Paragraph 18. The Board of Directors shall hold regular
monthly meetings, except in August, and five members shall
constitute a quorum. Special meetings of the Board may be called
at the discretion of the chairman.
Paragraph 19. The government of the Association shall be
vested in the Board of Directors, who shall have the following powers
and duties-
(a)to carry out the objects and purposes of the Association,
as set out in paragraph 2 of this constitution;
(b) to execute the decisions of the Association;
(c) to adopt a programme of activities for the Association;
(d) to adopt measures for the extension of the Association;
(e)to adopt a budget and supervise the finances of the
(f)to appoint and discharge secretaries of the Association
and to regulate the committees;
(g)to cancel the membership of any member for his misconduct,
or for his breach of any articles or regulations of the
(h)to establish branch associations in the various districts of
Hong Kong;
(i)to act as trustees of the Association in the holding of real
and other immovable property;
(j) to enact and promulgate regulations, not contrary to the
constitution, for the management of branches, departments,
and other sections of the Association.
Paragraph 20. Any measure or resolution adopted by a general
meeting of members but considered by the Board of Directors as
impracticable or requiring modification may be referred back to
a general meeting for reconsideration, but a majority of -those
present at such general meeting may over-ride the veto of the
Paragraph 21. The chairman, vice-chairman, recording secre-
tary and treasurer of the Board of Directors, together with the
chairman of the committee of a branch and the general secretary
of the Association, shall constitute the executive committee of the
Association. The powers and duties of the executive committee
shall be governed by regulations of the Association.
Paragraph 22. The Board of Directors may from time to time
delegate part of its duties to committees.
Paragraph 23. The chairman of each committee shall be
appointed by the president of the Association.
Paragraph 24. The number in each committee, their terms of
office and duties shall be governed by regulations or resolutions
of the Association.
Paragraph 25. The president and the general secretary of the
Association shall be ex officio members of every committee.
Paragraph 26. The secretaries shall administer the affairs of
the Association, in accordance with the principles and policy as
provided by the constitution and regulations.
Paragraph 27. The appointment of secretaries and their duties
shall be governed by the regulations and other rules of the Associa-
Paragraph 28. Members of the Association, resident in Hong
Kong, may organize branches of the Association in accordance with
the constitution of the Association and subject to the approval of
the Board of Directors.
Paragraph 29. Amendments to this constitution, except para-
graphs 2, 3, 4 and 7, may be made at any general meeting held
under paragraph 10, provided that the proposed amendment shall
have been sent in writing to the general secretary for examina-
tion by the Board of Directors, and publication at least one month
before the next general meeting, and that it shall be passed at
such general meeting by a two-thirds majority of all members
present at the meeting; and provided also that no such amendment
shall be effective until the constitution as so amended is approved
by the Governor.
Paragraph 30. The contents of this Schedule may be cited as
the Chinese Young Men's Christian Association Constitution.
16 of 1932. Short title. Interpretation. Schedule. Incorporation. Powers of corporation. execution of documents. Internal management. Saving. [Sch, cont.] [Sch, cont.]
16 of 1932. Short title. Interpretation. Schedule. Incorporation. Powers of corporation. execution of documents. Internal management. Saving. [Sch, cont.] [Sch, cont.]
Subsequent Cap No.
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CHINESE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed February 24, 2025,