ORDINANCE No. 11 of 1565.
Criminal Enactments Repeal.
No. 11 of 1865.
An Ordinance to repeal certain Enactments which have been consolidated
Title. a
in several Ordinances relatinj to Criminal Offences. .
[14th June, 1865.]
THEREAS by virtue of Ordinance No. 6 of 184fi, and Ordinance No. 2 of
1846, Preamble.
divers acts and parts of acts of the Imperial Parliament made and passed
prior to the fifth day o£ April, one thousand eight hundred and
forty-three, are in
force in this Colony, notwithstanding the same have been repealed by the
Parliament; and whereas by six several Ordinances, relating respectively
to offences
against the person, malicious injuries to property, larceny, forgery,
coining, and acces-
sories and abettors, a large portion of the matter contained in the said
acts and parts
of acts, as also in several local enactments, has been consolidated and
amended; and
it is therefore expedient to limit the operation of the Ordinances
firstly herein-before
mentioned, so as to exclude therefrom the acts and parts of acts so
repealed, and to
repeal the said local enactments to the extent specified in the schedule,
hereto annexed
Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Honghong, with the advice
of the;
Legislative Council thereof, as follows:
1. Section 4 of Ordinance No. 6 of 184, and section 3 of Ordinance No. 2
of 1846,
shall, after the coming into operation of this Ordinance, be so construed
as not to in-
clude as of force in this Colony any Acts or parts of Acts of the
Imperial Parliament
made and passed prior to the fifth day of April, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-
three, and which are enumerated in the schedule annexed to the Act of the
session of
the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth years of Her present Majesty, chapter
and which said Acts or parts of Acts are thereby repealed.
2. The Ordinances mentioned in the schedule hereto annexed shall, after
the Ordinances in
coming into operation of this Ordinance, be repealed to the extent
specified in the said repealed.
3. Provided, that every offence, which shall have been wholly or partly
before this Ordinance comes into operation, shall be dealt with, inquired
of, tried,
determined and punished, and every penalty in respect of any such offence
shall be
recovered in the same manner as if this Ordinance had not been passed;
and that every
act duly done, and every warrant or other instrument duly made or granted
before this
Ordinance comes into operation, shall continue and be of the same force
and effect as
if this Ordinance had not been passed; and that every right, liability,
privilege, and
protection in respect of any matter or thing committed or done before
this Ordinance
comes into operation, shall continue to be of the same force and effect
as if this Ordi-
nance lead not been passed; and that every action, prosecution, and other
which shall have been commenced before this Ordinance comes into
operation, or shall
thereafter be commenced, in respect of alq such matter or thing, may be
continued, and defended in the same manner as if this Ordinance had not
been passed.
Section 4 of Or.
dt»ance No. 8.
of 1845, and
section 3 of
Ordinance No.
2, of 173:13, how.
to be construed.
Previous sections.
net to affect
offences, &rs.,
before the
of this Ordi-
Criminal Enactments Repeal.
No. 11 of 1865.
No. 3 of 1854.
No. 3 of 1866.
No. 5 of 1856.
No. 4 of 1860.
No. 9 of 1880.
No. 12 of 1882.
An Ordinance to declare certain lets of the Imperial
Parliament to be in force in this Colony.
An Ordinance to declare certain Acts of the Imperial
Parliament to be in force in the Colony of Hongkong.
An Ordinance for the amendment of procedure in civil
and criminal cases.
An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to cheques,
or drafts on bankers, and to amend the law of false
An Ordinance to make better provision for the punish-
ment of frauds committed by trustees, bankers, and
other persons intrusted with property.
An Ordinance to amend the form in which sentence of
death is passed.
(Repealed by Ordinance No: 4 of 1887.
Emtent of Repeal.
So much as relates to
the whole of 7 .& 8
Viet. c. 62, 8 & 9
Viet. c. 47, 9 & 10
Viet. c. 25, 10 & 11
Viet. c. 66, and as
relates to sections
one, two, three, four.
eight, and rune of
14 & 15 Viet. c. 19_
So much as relates to
sections one, two,
and three of 11 &
12 Viet. c. 46.
So much as relates to
section one of 16 &
17 Viet. e. ao.
The whole.
The whole.
The whole.
Section 4 of Ordinance No. 6. of 1845, and section 3 of Ordinance No. 2. of 1846, How to be construed.
Ordinance in schedule repealed.
Previous sections not to affect offences, &c., committed before the commencement of this Ordinance.
Criminal Enactments Repeal.
No. 11 of 1865.
An Ordinance to repeal certain Enactments which have been consolidated
Title. a
in several Ordinances relatinj to Criminal Offences. .
[14th June, 1865.]
THEREAS by virtue of Ordinance No. 6 of 184fi, and Ordinance No. 2 of
1846, Preamble.
divers acts and parts of acts of the Imperial Parliament made and passed
prior to the fifth day o£ April, one thousand eight hundred and
forty-three, are in
force in this Colony, notwithstanding the same have been repealed by the
Parliament; and whereas by six several Ordinances, relating respectively
to offences
against the person, malicious injuries to property, larceny, forgery,
coining, and acces-
sories and abettors, a large portion of the matter contained in the said
acts and parts
of acts, as also in several local enactments, has been consolidated and
amended; and
it is therefore expedient to limit the operation of the Ordinances
firstly herein-before
mentioned, so as to exclude therefrom the acts and parts of acts so
repealed, and to
repeal the said local enactments to the extent specified in the schedule,
hereto annexed
Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Honghong, with the advice
of the;
Legislative Council thereof, as follows:
1. Section 4 of Ordinance No. 6 of 184, and section 3 of Ordinance No. 2
of 1846,
shall, after the coming into operation of this Ordinance, be so construed
as not to in-
clude as of force in this Colony any Acts or parts of Acts of the
Imperial Parliament
made and passed prior to the fifth day of April, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-
three, and which are enumerated in the schedule annexed to the Act of the
session of
the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth years of Her present Majesty, chapter
and which said Acts or parts of Acts are thereby repealed.
2. The Ordinances mentioned in the schedule hereto annexed shall, after
the Ordinances in
coming into operation of this Ordinance, be repealed to the extent
specified in the said repealed.
3. Provided, that every offence, which shall have been wholly or partly
before this Ordinance comes into operation, shall be dealt with, inquired
of, tried,
determined and punished, and every penalty in respect of any such offence
shall be
recovered in the same manner as if this Ordinance had not been passed;
and that every
act duly done, and every warrant or other instrument duly made or granted
before this
Ordinance comes into operation, shall continue and be of the same force
and effect as
if this Ordinance had not been passed; and that every right, liability,
privilege, and
protection in respect of any matter or thing committed or done before
this Ordinance
comes into operation, shall continue to be of the same force and effect
as if this Ordi-
nance lead not been passed; and that every action, prosecution, and other
which shall have been commenced before this Ordinance comes into
operation, or shall
thereafter be commenced, in respect of alq such matter or thing, may be
continued, and defended in the same manner as if this Ordinance had not
been passed.
Section 4 of Or.
dt»ance No. 8.
of 1845, and
section 3 of
Ordinance No.
2, of 173:13, how.
to be construed.
Previous sections.
net to affect
offences, &rs.,
before the
of this Ordi-
Criminal Enactments Repeal.
No. 11 of 1865.
No. 3 of 1854.
No. 3 of 1866.
No. 5 of 1856.
No. 4 of 1860.
No. 9 of 1880.
No. 12 of 1882.
An Ordinance to declare certain lets of the Imperial
Parliament to be in force in this Colony.
An Ordinance to declare certain Acts of the Imperial
Parliament to be in force in the Colony of Hongkong.
An Ordinance for the amendment of procedure in civil
and criminal cases.
An Ordinance to amend the Law relating to cheques,
or drafts on bankers, and to amend the law of false
An Ordinance to make better provision for the punish-
ment of frauds committed by trustees, bankers, and
other persons intrusted with property.
An Ordinance to amend the form in which sentence of
death is passed.
(Repealed by Ordinance No: 4 of 1887.
Emtent of Repeal.
So much as relates to
the whole of 7 .& 8
Viet. c. 62, 8 & 9
Viet. c. 47, 9 & 10
Viet. c. 25, 10 & 11
Viet. c. 66, and as
relates to sections
one, two, three, four.
eight, and rune of
14 & 15 Viet. c. 19_
So much as relates to
sections one, two,
and three of 11 &
12 Viet. c. 46.
So much as relates to
section one of 16 &
17 Viet. e. ao.
The whole.
The whole.
The whole.
Section 4 of Ordinance No. 6. of 1845, and section 3 of Ordinance No. 2. of 1846, How to be construed.
Ordinance in schedule repealed.
Previous sections not to affect offences, &c., committed before the commencement of this Ordinance.
Section 4 of Ordinance No. 6. of 1845, and section 3 of Ordinance No. 2. of 1846, How to be construed.
Ordinance in schedule repealed.
Previous sections not to affect offences, &c., committed before the commencement of this Ordinance.
Section 4 of Ordinance No. 6. of 1845, and section 3 of Ordinance No. 2. of 1846, How to be construed.
Ordinance in schedule repealed.
Previous sections not to affect offences, &c., committed before the commencement of this Ordinance.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 11 of 1865
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“CRIMINAL ENACTMENTS REPEAL ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 13, 2025,