No. 6 of 1865.
An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Enactments in
Force in this Colony relating to indictable Offences by
[3rd June, 1865.]
WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the enactments
in force in this Colony relating to indictable offences by forgery
13e it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the
advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows
As to forging Her 1Ylajesty's Seals, 4~c.
1. Whosoever shall forge or counterfeit, or shall utter, knowing the
same to be forged or counterfeited, the Great Seal of the United Kingdom,
Her Majesty's Privy Seal, any Privy Signet of Her Majesty, Her Majesty's
Ral Sign Manual, any of Her Majesty's Seals appointed by the Twenty-'
fourth Article of 'the Union between England and Scotland to be kepu;r
used, and continued in Scotland, the Great Seal of Ireland, the Privy
Seal of Ireland, or the Public -Seal of this Colony, or shall forge or
counterfeit the stamp or impression of ariy of the seals aforesaid, or
utter any document or instrument whatsoever, having thereon or affixed
thereto tile stamp or impression of any such forged or counterfeited seal,
knowing the same to be the Stamp or impression of such forged or
counterfeited seal, or any forged or counterfeited stamp or impression
made or apparently intended to resemble the stamp or impression of any
of the seals aforesaid knowing the same to be forged or counterfeited
or shall force or alter, or utter knowing the same to be forged or
any document or instrument having any o£ the said stamps or impressions
thereon or affixed thereto, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted
ORDINANCE No.' 6 of 1805.
thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in
servitude for life or for any term not less than three years.-or to be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
2. Whosoever shall forge or counterfeit, or shall utter, knowing the
same to be forged or counterfeited, the seal of any public officer,
office, or
department, in this Colony, or the seal of any body corporate in this
Colony, or shall forge or counterfeit the stamp or impression of any such
seal, or shall utter any document or instrument whatsoever, having there
on, or affixed thereto, the stamp or impression of any such forged or
counterfeited seal, knowing the same to be the stamp or impression of
such forged or counterfeited seal, or any forged or counterfeited stamp or
impression, made or apparently intended to resemble the stamp or
impression of any of the seals aforesaid, knowing the same to be forged
or counterfeited, or shall forge, or alter, or utter, knowing the same to
be forged or altered, any document or instrument having any of the said
stamps or impressions thereon or affixed thereto, shall be guilty of
and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable, at tile discretion of the
to be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding fourteen years
and not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for any term not
exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without
solitary confinement.
As to forging Transfers of Stock, c- c.
3. Whosoever shall forge or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose of,
or put off, knowing the same to be forged or altered, any transfer of
zany share or interest of or in any stock, annuity, or other public fund
which now is or hereafter may be transferable at any bank or public
office in this Colony, or of or in the capital stock of any bank or of
body corporate, company, or society which now is or hereafter may be
established by Charter, or by, under, or by virtue of any Act of
,or Ordinance, or shall forge or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose
of, or put off, knowing the same to be forged or altered, any power
of attorney or other authority to transfer any share or interest of or in
any such stock, annuity, public fund, or capital stock, or to receive any
dividend or money payable in respect of any such share or interest, or
shall demand or endeavour to have any such share or interest transferred,
,or to receive any dividend or money payable in respect thereof, by virtue
Forging seals
of public
or companies.
transfer of.
stock or bank
shares, and
power of
ORDINANCE NO.,, 6- bF '1865:
the owner of
stock or bank
shares, and
07 receiving,
lrorg,iiig attes-
power of at-
torney for
transfer of
stock, &c.,
of any such forged or altered power of attorney or other authority,
knowing the same to be forged or altered, with intent in any of the cases
aforesaid to defraud, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted
shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal
for life or for any term not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned
for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and
with or without solitary confinement.
4. Whosoever shall falsely and deceitfully personate any owner of
any share or interest of or in any stock, annuity, or other public fund
which now is or hereafter may be transferable at any bank or public office
in this Colony, or any owner of any share or interest of or in the capital
stock of any bank or of any body corporate, company, or society which
now is or hereafter may be established by Charter, or by, under, or by
virtue of any Act of Parliament or Ordinance, or any owner of any,
dividend or money payable in respect of any such share or interest as.
aforesaid, or any owner of any money deposited in any savings bank in
this Colony, and shall thereby transfer or endeavour to transfer any
or interest belonging to any such owner, or thereby receive or endeavour
to receive any money due to any such owner, as i£ such offender were
the tree and lawful owner, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted
thereof shall be liable, at the. discretion of the Court, to be kept in
servitude for life or for any term not less than three years,-or to be:
imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
6, Whosoever shall forge any name, handwriting, or signature
purporting to be the name, handwriting, or signature of a witness:
attesting the execution of any power of attorney or other authority to,
transfer any share or interest of or in any such stock, annuity, public
fund, or capital stock as is in either of the last two preceding sections
mentioned, or to receive any dividend or money payable in respect
any such share or interest, or shall offer, utter, dispose of, or put off
any such power of attorney or other authority, with any such forged
name, handwriting, or signature thereon, knowing the same to be forged,
shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable,
the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term
not exceeding seven years, and not less than three years;--or to be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard'
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1865.
. 6. Whosoever shall wilfully make any false entry in or wilfully Making
entries in
,alter any word or figure in any of the books of account kept at any bank
Savings bank in this Colony or by any body corporate, company, or
society -which now is or hereafter may be established by Charter, or by,
under, or by virtue of any Act of Parliament or Ordinance, in which
books the accounts of the owners of any money deposited in such savings
bank or of any stock of any such body corporate shall be entered and
kept, or shall in any manner wilfully falsifv any of the accounts of any
such owners in any of the said books, with intent in any of the cases
aforesaid to defraud, or shall wilfully make any transfer of any share or
interest of or in any such deposit or stock, in the name of any person not
being the true and lawful owner of such share or interest, with intent to
defraud shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be
liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for
or for any term not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for any
term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or
without solitary confinement.
7. Whosoever, being a clerk, officer, or servant of or other person
employed or intrusted in the business of any savings bank in this Colony
or by any such body corporate, company or society as aforesaid, shall
knowingly make out or deliver any dividend warrant, or warrant for pay-
ment of any interest, or money, for a greater or less amount than the
on whose behalf such warrant shall be made out is entitled to, with
intent to
defraud, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be
at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any
term not
exceeding seven years and not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned
for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and
with or without solitary confinement. '
AS to forging Bonds, 4-r,.
$. Whosoever shall forge, or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose of,
~or .put off, knowing the same to be forged or altered, arjy bond,
coupon, or security issued or made under the authority of any Act of
Parliament or Ordinance passed or to be passed for the raising of any
,,or for any other purpose relating to the public service, or any
ion or assignment of any such bond, debenture, coupon, or security, with
intent to defraud, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof,
Bank alerka -
making outl -
false dividend
bonds, debeu-
tures Sic.
issued or
made, &e.
P oring
bills and
plates &c., in
imitation of
those used for
',bills, &c. -
Making paper
in imitation
of that used
for exchequer
bills, &c.
ORDINANCE, No. 6 ,oF 1865.
shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal
for life or for any term not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned.
for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and
with or without solitary confinement.
As to forging E,xelaequer Bills,
9. Whosoever shall forge or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose of,,
or put off, knowing the same to be forded or altered, any exchequer bill
exchequer bond or exchequer debenture, or any indorsement on or assign-
ment of any exchequer bond or exchequer debenture, or any receipt or
certificate for interest accruing thereon, with intent to defraud, shall
guilty o£ felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the
tion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for life or for any term
less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding-
two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary
10. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse (the proof'
whereof shall lie on the party accused), shall make, or cause or procure
to be made, or shall aid or assist in making, or shall knowingly have in,
his custody or possession, any frame, mould, or instrument having therein.
any words, letters, figures, marks, lines, or devices, peculiar to and
ing in the substance of any paper provided or to be provided or used for
exchequer bills or exchequer bonds or exchequer debentures, or any
machinery for working any threads into the substance of any paper, =or
any such thread, and intended to imitate such words, letters, figures,
marks, lines, threads, or devices, or any plate peculiarly employed for-
printing such exchequer bills, bonds, or debentures, or any die or seal
peculiarly used for preparing any such plate or for sealing such
bills, bonds, or debentures, or any plate, die, or seal intended to
any such plate, die, or seal as aforesaid., shall be guilty of felony, and
,'being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the
Court, to-
be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years and
not less than three years,--or to be imprisoned for any term not exceed-
ing two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary,
11. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse (the proof
whereof shall lie on the party accused), shall make, or cause or procure
to be made, .or aid or assist in making any paper in the substance of
URDINAXCE :No. =f, _o. 1865.
which. shall appear ony words, letters, figures, marks, lines, threads, or
other devices peculiar to and appearing in the substance of any paper
provided or to be provided or used for such exchequer bills, bonds, or
debentures, or any part of such words, letters, figures, marks, lines,
threads, or other devices, and intended to imitate the same, or shall
knowingly leave in hi:, custody or possession any paper whatsoever, in
the substance whereof shall appear any such words, letters, fii;ures,
lines, threads, or devices as aforesaid, or any parts of such words,
fio,.ures, marks, lines, threads, or other devices, and intended to
the same, or shall cause or assist in causing any such words, letters,
figures, marks,. lines,, threads, or devices as aforesaid, or any hart of
words, letters, figures, marks, lines, threads, or other devices, and
to imitate the same, to appear in the substance of any paper whatever,- or
shall take or assist in taking any impression of any such plate; die, or
seal as in the last preceding section mentioned, shall be guilty of
and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the
to be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years and
not less than three yo:irs,-or to be imprisoned for any term not exceed-
ing two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary
12. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse (the proof where-
of shall lie on the party accused), shall purchase or receive, or
have in his custody or possession, any paper manufactured and provided
by or under the directions of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue or
Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, for the purpose of being used
as exchequer bills or exchequer bonds or exchequer debentures, before
such paper shall have been duly stamped, signed and issued for public
use or any such plate, die, or seal as it! the last two preceding sections
mentioned, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and being convicted thereof
shall be liable, at s he discretion of the Court, to be imprisoned for any
term not exceeding three years, with or without hard labour.
As to forging Back Notes.
13. Whosoever shall force or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose of,
or put off, knowing the same to be forged or altered, any note or bill of
exchange of the Governor and Company of the Bank. of England or of the
Governor and Company of the- Bank of Ireland, or of any other body
Havlag in
paper,.ko. Tor-
bill, &u.
Forging a
bank notaf
ORDINANCE NO. 6 of 1865.
or receiving,
or having
forged bank
corporate, company, or person carrying on the business of bankers, com-
monly called a bank note, a bank bill of exchanl;e, or a bank post bill,
any indorsement on or assignment of any bank note, bank bill of exclan;e,
or bank post bill, with intent to defraud, shall be guilty of felony, and
beinn convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court,
to be
kept in penal servitude for life, or for any term not less than three
- or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or
without hard labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
14. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse (the proof
whereof shall lie on the party accused), shall purchase or receive from
other person, or have in his custody or possession, any forged bank note,
bank bill of exchange, or bank post bill, or blank bank note, blank bank
bill of exchan e, or blank bank post bill, knowin~; the same to be
shall be guilty of felony, and bciab convicted thereof shall be liable,
at 11
the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term
exceeding fourteen years and not less than three years,--or to be impri-
soned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour.
As to making and engraving Plates, (~c., for Bank Notes;
Making or 16. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse (the proof
having mould
for making whereof shall lie on the party accused)> shall make or use> or
b'Ter withbave in his custody or possession, any frame, mould, or
instrument for
N words
~z;$gi Bank or the rnal:eg of paper with the words ' Bank o£ England' or
' Bank of
I eland
Bank ~for Ireland,' or any part of such words iracnded to resemble and
pass for the
with carves same, visible in the substance of the paper, or for the making
of paper
bar lines, &c.,
or selling er, with curved or waving bar lines, or with the laying wire
lines thereof in
a waving or curved shape, or with any number, sum, or amount expressed
in a word or words in Roman letters, visible in the substance o£ the
or with any device or distinction peculiar to and appearing in the sub-
stance of the paper used by the Governor and Company of the Banks of
England and Ireland respectively £or guy notes, bills of eachan(Ye, or
post bills of such banks respectively, or. shall make, use, sell, expose
sale, utter, or dispose of, or knowingly leave in his custody or
any paper whatsoever with the words ' bank of England' or 'Panlz of
Ireland,' or any part of such words intended to resemble and pass for the
same, visible in tae substance of the paper, or any paper with curved or
waving bar lines, o: with the layinZ3 wire lines thereof in a waving or
carved shape, or with any number, sum, or amount expressed in a word
ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1865.
or words in Roman letters, appearing visible in the substance of the
or with any device or distinction peculiar to and appearing in the sub-
stance of the paper used by the Governor and Company of the Banks of
England and Ireland respectively for any notes, bills of exchange, or bank
post bills of such banks respectively,-or shall by any art or contrivance
cause the words 'Bank of E1qgland' or 'Bank of Ireland,' or any part
of such words intended to resemble and pass for the sane, or any device .
or distinction peculiar to and appearing in the substance of the paper
by the Governor and Company of the Banks of l'Ingland and Ireland
respectively for any note', bills of exchange, or bank post bills of such
banks respectively, to appear visible in the substance of any paper, or
shall cause the numerical suln or amount of any bank note, bank bill of
exchange, or bank post bill, blank, banknote, blank bank bill of
or blank bank post bill, in a word or words in Roman letters, to appear
visible in the substance of the paper whereon the same shall be written or
printed, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be
liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for
term not exceeding fourteen years and not less than three years,-or to
be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without
hard labour.
16. 1\othinb in the last preceding section contained shall prevent
any person from issuing any bill of exchange or promissory note having
the amount thereof a«pressed in guineas, or in a numerical figure or
denoting the amount thereof in pounds sterling, appearing visible in the
substance of the paper upon which the same shall be written or printed,
nor shall prevent any person from making, using, or selling any paper
leaving waving or curved lines or any other devices in the nature of
watermarks visible in the substance of the paper, not being bar lines or
laying wire lines, provided the same are not so contrived as to form the
,'roundwork or texture of the paper, or to resemble the waving or curved .
laying wire lines or bar lines or the watermarks of the paper used by the
Governor and Company of the Banks of England and Ireland respectively.
1'7. Whosoever without lawful authority or excuse (the proof whereof
shall lie on the party accused ), shall engrave or in anywise make upon
any plate whatsoever or upon any Nvood, stone, or other material., any
pr omisory note, bill of etcharlne, or bane: post bill, or part of
note, bill of exchange, or bank post bill, purporting to be a bank note,
Proviso as to
paper used
for bills of
exchange, kc.
Engraving or
baving any
plate, &c., for
making notes
of Bk' of
Eal,==land or
Ireland or
other bank, ..
or having
4:B.:~INANCE` N6.. 6:' og. 1895,
paper on bank bill of exchange, or bank post bill of the Governor and
bank not,&c. Of the Bank of England or of the Governor and Company. of
the- Bank' of
r~hall be
printed, o,. Ireland, or of any other body corporate, company, or, person
carrying' an
uttering, &c. the business of bankers, or to be a blank bank note, blank
note, blank bank bill of exchange, or blank bank post bill of the G
and Company of the Bank of England ox of the Governor and. Company of
the Bank of Ireland; or of any such other body corporate, company,, or
person as aforesaid, or to be a part of a bank note, promissory note,-bank
bill of exchange, or bank post bill of the Governor and Company of the
Bank of England or of the Governor and: Company of the Bank of Ireland,
or of any such other body corporate, company, or person as aforesaid or
any name, word, or character, resembling or- apparently intended to
resemble any subscription to any bill of exchange or promissory note
issued by the Governor and Company of the. Bank of England or the
Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, or by any such other
b~%t~3, corporate, company, or person as aforesaid, or shall use any such
wood; stone, or other material, or any other instrument or device, for the
making or printing any bank note,, bank bilk of exchange, or bank post'
bill, or blank. bank note, blank bank bill of exchange, or blank bank
bill; or part of a bank note, bank bill of exchange, or bank post bill,
knowingly have in his custody or possession any such 'plate, wood, stone,
or other, material, or any such instrument or device, or shall knowingly
offer, utter, dispose of, or put off, or have in his custody or
any paper upon which any blank bank note, blank bank bill of exchange,
or blank bank post bill of the Governor and Company of the Bank of
England or of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, or of
any such other body corporate, company, or person as aforesaid, or par-t
of a bank note, bank bill of exchange, or bank post bill,. or any name,
word, or character, resembling or apparently intended to resemble any
such subscription, shall be made or printed, shall be guilty of felony,
being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court,
be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding fourteen years and
not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for any term not exceed-
ing two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary
Rug rav.Qn 1.8. Whosoever without lawful authority_or excuse (the proof
apy pla ..: a~., shall.lie on the accused,) shall engrave or in- anywise
make upon an
any word,: - party ~ Y
nninlz'r'.oF plate whatsoever; or upon any-,wood, stone, ootber material,
any word;
ORDINANCE 1o~. 6 op 1°86:9,: .
number, figure, device, character or ornament the impression taken from
which shall resemble or apparently be intended to resemble any part of a
bank note, bank bill of exchange, or bank post bill of the Governor and
Company of the Bank of England or of the Governor and Company of the
Bank of Ireland, or of any other body corporate, company or person
on the business of bankers, or shall use, or knowingly have in his custody
or possession, any such plate, wood, stone, or other material, or any
instrument or device for the impressing or snaking upon any paper or other
material any word, number, figure, character, or ornament which shall
resemble or apparently be intended to resemble any part of a bank note,
bank-bill of exchange, or bank post bill of the Governor and Company of.'
the Bank of England or of the Governor and Company of the Bank of
Ireland, or of any such other body corporate, company, or person as afore-
said, or shall knowingly offer, utter, dispose of, or put off, or have in
n-od#ody or possession, any paper or other material upon which there shall
=hex an impression of any such matter as aforesaid, shall be giulty of
end being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the
Court, to
be kept in penal servitude for any term. not exceeding fourteen years and,
not less than three years,--.or to be imprisoned for any term not exceed-
ing two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary,
19. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse (,the proof
whereof shall lie on the party accused), shall make or use any frame,
mould or instrument for the manufacture of paper, with the name or firm
of any body corporate, company, or person carrying on the business of
bankers, (other than and except the Banks of England and Ireland
respectively), appearing visible in the substance of the paper, or
have in his custody or possession, any such frame, mould or instrument,
or make, use, sell, expose to sale, utter or dispose of, or knowingly have
in his custody or possession, any paper in the substance of which the
name or firm of any such body corporate, company or person shall appear
visible, or by any art or contrivance cause the name or firm of any such
body corporate, company, or person to appear visible in the substance of
the paper upon which the same shall be written or printed, shall be guilty
of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable; at the discretion
the Court, to- be kept inenal servitude for any term not exceeding
-fourteen years and -not less ban three yefrs, orr~ to be imprisoned for
cleviee, re-
semblint; part
of a bank
note or bill,
or having any
paper on.
which the
same is im-
Making or
having wu!~U
for making
paper with
the name of
any banker,
or making uz
having such
plates for
foreign bias
or notes, or
having 811011
plates, or
using or utler-
iu~ paper on
vehicle any
part of any
such bin or
mote is
deeds, bonds,
ORDINANCE .hTo> 6: aF 156:
terra not exceeding' two years, with or without hard labour, and with or
without solitary confinement.
20. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse, (the proof
whereof shall lie on the party accused), shall engrave or in anywise make
upon any plate whatsoever, or upon any wood, stone, or other material,
any bill of ehchanne, promissory note, undertaking, or ardor for payment
of money, or any part of any bill of exchange, promissory note, under-
taking , or order for payment of money, in whatsoever language the same
may be expressed, and whether the same shall or shall not be or be
intended to be under seal, purporting to be the bill, note, undertaking,
order, or part of the bill, ziote, vindertaliiu0r, or order of any Foreign
Prince or State, or of any Minister or aflicer in the service of any
h'oreiau Prince or State, or of any body corporate or body of the like
nature, constituted or recobnised by any Foreign Prince or State, or of'
any person or company of persons, resident in any country not under .t~e
dominion of leer Majesty, or shall .use, or knowingly have in his custody,
or possession, any plate, stone, wood, or otter material upon which any
such foreibn bill, note, undertaking or order or any pert thereof, shall
enngraved or made, or shall knowingly offer, utter, dispose of, or put
or have in his custody or possession, any paper upon which any part of
any such foreign bill, note, undertaking or order shall be made or
shall be guilty of felony, and bein0 convicted thereof shall be liable, at
the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term
not exceedin~ fourteen years and not less than three years,-or to be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years with or without hard
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
As to forging Deeds, Wills, Bills of Exc7cwaqe, c~c.
21, Whosoever with intent to defraud shall force or alter or shall
offer, utter, dispose of or put off, knowing the same to be forged or.
altered, any deed, or any bond or writing obligatory, or any assignment
at Law or in Equity of any such bond or writing obligatory, or shall ,
fore any name, handwriting, or signature of a witness attesting the
execution of any deed, bond, or writing obligory, or sl;all offer, utter,
dispose of or put off any deed, bond, or writing obligatory having
any such forded name, haudwriting, or signature, knowing the same to
be forded, shall be guilty of felony, and being 'yonvicted thereof shall
liable, at the discretion of the t Court, to be leptin penal servitude
ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1865:'
life or for any term not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for
any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and
with or without solitary confinement.
22. Whosoever with intent to defraud sl;all forge or alter; or shall
Forging, wills.
offer, utter, dispose of 'or put off, knowing the sine to be forged or
altered, any will, testament, codicil, or testamentary instrument shall be
guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the
discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for life or for any
term not less thq.n three years,-or to be imprisoned for any term not
-exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without
solitarv confinement.
23. Whosoever sball forrie or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose of
or put off, knowing the same ,to be forged or altered, any bill of
or any acceptance, indorsement, or assi(nntnent of any bill of exchange
or any promissory note for the payment of money or any indorsement or
assignment of any such promissory note, with intent to defraud, shall be
guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the
discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for life or for any
term not less than three `years,-or to be imprisoned for any term not
'exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without
solitary confinement.
lr shall fore or alter or shall offer, utter, dispose of
Forpng or-
ders, reeeipts,
&c., for
money, ;foods,
Forging bills
of exeba,ngc
or promissory
-or put off, knowing the same to be forced or altered, any undertak'inb,
warrant, order, authority, or request, for the payment of money, or for
the delivery or transfer of any rioods or c?lattels or of any note, bill,
other security for the payment of money, or for procuring or giving
credit or any indorscment on, or assignment of, any such undertaking,
warrant,' order, authority, or request or zany accountable receipt,
tance, or receipt for money or for foods or for any note bill or other'
security for the payment of money or any indorsement on or assignment
o£ any such accountable receipt with intent, in any of the cases
to defraud shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be
liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for
life or for any term not less than three years, or to be imprisoned for
n,uy term not exceeding two yearn,-with or %~itllout hard labour, and
with or without solitary confinement.
Making or
arcdpting any.
hill, &c., by
without law-
ful authority,
or uttering
such bill, &c.,
with intent
to defraud,
pDINA1CK No. 6 ~04=.:r1&65.
25, Whosoever with intent to defraud shall :draw, make, sign,
accept, or indorse any bill of exchange or promissory note or any under-
taking, warrant, order, authority, or n'equest for the payment of money
or for the delivery or transfer of goods or chattels; or of any bill,
or other security for money by procuration or otherwise for, in the name,
or on the account 'of any other person without lawful authority or excuse,
or shall offer, utter,, dispose of or,put off' any such bill, note,
warrant, order, authority or request so made, drawn, signed, accepted or
indorsed by procuration or otherwise without lawful authority or excuse
as aforesaid, knowing the same to have been so drawn, made, signed,
accepted or indorsed maforesaid shall be guilty of felony, end being
convicted thereof shad be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be
kept in penal servitude-for any term not .eYCe9lding fourteen years and
-not less than three -years,-or to be, imprisori6d for any term not ex-
ceeding two years, with or without hard labour; and with or without:
solitary confinement.
Obliterating 26. Whenever any cheque or draft on any banker shall be
crossed..c;rna~su~s Oil
with the name of a banker or with two transverse lines with the words
'and Company' or any abbreviation thei°eoE~whosoever shall obliterate,
add to, or alter any such crossing; or shall offer, utter, dispose of or
off any cheque or draft whereon any such obliteration, addition, or
alteration has been made with iateut in any of the cases aforesaid, to
.defraud, shall be guilty o£ felony, and being convicted thereof shall be
affable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for
life-or for any term not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for
any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with
or without solitary confinement.
r_nrginn ` 2'J, Whosoever shall fraudulently forge or alter, or shall
o#fcr, utterr,
dispose- of or put off, knowing the same to be forged or fraudulently
altered, any debenture issued under any lawful authority whatsoever;
either within Her Majesty's', Dominions or elsewhere, shall be guilty of
felony,' and being convicted thereof slaall be liable, at the discretion
of the
Court, to be .kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding fourteen
years and not.less than three years, or to be imprisoned for any term not
exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without
solitary confinement.
ORDINANCE' No. 6 .0:1§6'~
' 'As to forgiazg Records, Process, Instruments of Bvdenee,. ~c.
28. Whosoever shall fore or fraudulently alter or shall offer, utter;
dispose of or put off, knowing the same to be foraed.or fraudulently
altered, any record, writ, return, panel, process, rule, order, warrant,
interrogatory, deposition, affidavit, affirmation, declaration,
cognovit actionem or warrant of attorney, or any original document'
whatsoever of or belonging to any Court of Record, .br any bill, petition,
process, notice, rule, answer, pleading, interrogatory, deposition,
affirmation, declaration, report, order or decree or any original document
whatsoever of or belonoin~ to any'Court of Equity or Court of Vice-
Admiralty in this Colony, or any document or vritina or any copy of
any document or writing used or intended to be used as evidence in any
Court in this section mentioned, shall be guilty of felony, and being
convicted thereof shall, be' liable, at the discretion of the Court, to
be kept
in penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years and not less
than three years,-or to be imprisoned for arty term not exccediuri two
years, -with or without herd labour, and with or without s,_)litary.
2.9. Wliosoever being >the clerk of a,ny~Court or -other, officer,,havinb
the custody of the records'of.alvy Court, or being'tlieJdeputy of
clerk or officer shall utter any false.'or certificate of anyz
knowing the same to be false; and vhopever other than. such Aei'k_,'
officer or deputy shall sign or certit~y any, copy:or certifieate~of .any
as such clerk, officer, or deputy; and whosoever shall forge or
alter, or offer, utter, dispose of, or put off, knowing the same to be
r 'fri altered, any copy or certificate of any record or shall offer,,
ratter, dispose of, or put off any copy or certificate o£ any record
thereon any 'false or forted name, handwriting, or si;nature, knowing the
same to' be false or forged ; and whosoever .shall forge the seal of -any:
Court of Record in this Colony, or shall forge or fraudulently alter any
process. of any Court other than such Courts as in the last preceding
section mentioned, or shall serve or :enforce any forged;proces:s of any
Court whatsoever, knowing, the same to be forged, or shall deliver or
cause to be delivered to any person, any paper falsely purporting to be
'any such process, :or a copy thereof, or to 16 any J'udgment,:decree,
order of any Court .o£ Law or Equity, ox a copy thereof; knowing they
same be, false; or shall, act or profess to . act u-rider any such
of Courts of
Record or
Courts of
copies pr
certifieatt;r of
process of
Courts not of
Record, aand
using forgot
evidence by
any Act of
Parliament or
Paxgerp..,W to.
~e registiy
fff deeds.
ORDINrNCK'No. 6 4`.1$.G5
process, knowin','tle be false, shall be guilty of felony, and
convicted thereof shall be =able, at the discretion of the Court, to be
in penal servitude £6r an Y.term 'not exceeding seven years and not less
than three years,--or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two
years;- with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary
30. Whosoever shall. forge or fraudulently alter or shall offer, utter,
=dispose of, or put off, knowing the same to be forded or fraudulently
altered, any instrument, whether written or printed, or partly written and
partly printed, which, icy. or shall be hiitide evidence iii this Colony
by any
Act of Parliament or Ordinaneapassed or to be passed, and for which
offence no punishment is herein provided, shall be guilty of felony, end
being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the disc etion of the Court,
to be
kept in penal servitude for any term dot exceeding seven years and not
less * .three years,=.4oi'~to-~be imprisoned for any term not exceeding
,years, with oi lxc~Aabozra. and with or without solitary Lonfine-
W ent.
As to forging Registers of Deeds.
31, Whosoever shall .forge or fraud=ulent~- . alter, or shah offer, utter
dispose of, or put off, knowing the same.-- to~ forged or fraudulently
alts d,. any memorial, affidavit; affirmation, declaration, entry,
indo~r1ent, document, or writing made or issued under the provisions
of any Ordinance passed. or -Hereafter to 'be passed for or relating to
registry of deeds, or shall forge counter. the,, seal of or belonging to
any office for the reirstrzv of deeds,`-pr anyl' st~mp or impression of
such seal;, forge any name, handwriting oaf°sibnature
purporting ~the'name, handwring br sion&tu,re of any person to any such
meiuorial,affidavi,t, aflirnaation, `declaration, entry, certificate,
document, or ~writimg, which shall be required or directed to be signed
or by virtue of and Act of Parliament or Ordinance passed or to be
or shall offer, utter; dispose f, or put off any such ~ memorial or other
writing as in tlai~ sectiea before mentioned, having thereon any such
forged samp or`itmpression, V an~r:~ such. seal, or any such forged name,
handwriting, or signature, knowirig the same'to be forged, shall be
bf felony,=and being eonviAd thereof. shall be liable, at the discretion-
the: Court,; to.'be ,kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding
Ioixrteeh years, arid not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for
ORDINANCE - No: 6 :ok :1 8166: . =. _ -a3
any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard,labour, and4ith
or without solitary confinement.
As to for ping Orders, 4-c., o f Justices of the. Peace.
32. Whosoever, with intent to defraud, shall forge or alter, or shall
offer, utter, dispose of or put off, knowing the same to be forged or
any summons, conviction, order, or warrant of any Justice of the Peace,
or any recognizance purporting to have been entered into before any
Justice of the Peace, or other officer authorized to take the same, or
examination, deposition, affidavit, affirmation, =or solemn declaration;
or made before any Justice of the l*eace, ;or any' Coniinissioner
to administer oaths, shall be guilty of fe1'ony, artdbeing. convicted
shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be`°kept in penal
for the term of three;-or .to be imprisoned for any term not ex-.
ceeding two years., with or wit'holft hard labour,::.,and with or without
solitary confinement. -
As to.forging OfcciaL Signatures.
33. Whosoever, with intent to defraud, shall forge or alter any
certificate, report, entry, liconce, permit,.indorseraent, direction,
slrlrnent, orwriting, rnle, or` purporting or appearing to be rriadQ by
the Governor, or Colodiahlecr~lnry; or by the Colonial
General, or any Officer of Customs, or ,y. idly offiner qf any,, Cour`
Colony, or the name,:handwrit'1'na, 4gMi of the Gover,'Clonlal
Secretary, Colonial Treastarery~ Alzditt=%.General, Uffi-car
of:,,,Customs, or
officer as aforesaid, or, shall offer, utters dispose of, or 'put off'
any such
certificate, report, entry, licpia-oe,; permit, ;ndorsemwt, direction,
instrument, or writing kptowing'the same to be fofed or=altered, shall be
guilty of felony, and being convict~j thereof shall beF_liable; at the
tion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any --term:n©t
fourteen years and not less than three years,-or:lo be imprisoned for any
term not exceeding two years, with or without .hard,labour, and. with or
without solitary confinement.:
As to falsely acknowledging, Re,gniizances, yc.
34, Whosoever, without.larvful~autliority or excuse', (tht proof
whereof shall lie on the party accused)' sliall~, in the name of arty
person, acknowledge any recognizance or bail, or any jLld~xnent, or any
deed or other instrument, before any Court, Judge; or other
ing recogni-
zance, bail,
&e., in name
of another.
orders, rc-
t; erRinl; or
licence or
Fnring or
ntteeing r~ta
acre of birtba,,
deaths, or
ORDINANCE'- No. fi ~br'-1$O:
auiharized in that' Behalf, shall be guilty of felony, 'and being
thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in
servitude for any terra not exceeding seven years and not less than three
years,-or to be imprisoned for any terns not exceeding two years, with
or without hard labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
As to forging Marriage Licences.
35. Whosoever shall forge or fraudulently alter any licence of, or
certificate for marriage, or shall offer, utter, dispose of or put off
any such
licence of * certificate, knowing the same to be forged or fraudulently
shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable,
at the
discretion of the Court, -to be kept in penal servitude for any term not
exceeding seven years sand not less than three years,-or to be impri=
sowed for any terra not exeaeeding two years, with or without hard labour,
and with or without solitary confinement,
As to forging Registers of Births, Marriages, and Deaths.
36: Whosoever shall ,unlawfully destroy, deface, or injure, or cause
or permit to be destroyed, i unlawfully or injured, any register of
baptisms, marriages, deaths, or burials which now is or hereafter shah:;
be. by law authorized or required to be kept in this Colony, or any par
of any such register, or any certified copy of any such register, or any
part thereof, or shall forge or fraudulently alter in any such register
entry . relating to any birth, baptism, marriage, death; or burial, or any
part of any such register, or an5l certified copy of such register, or of
any part. thereof, or shall knowingly and unlawfully insert or cause or
permit to be inserted in any such register, or `vin any certified copy
thereof, any false entry of any matter relating to any birth, baptism,
marriage, death, or burial, or shall knowingly and unlawfully give any
false certificate relating to any birth, baptism, marriage, death, or
or shall certify any writing to be a copy or extract from any such
register, knowing such writing, or the part of such register whereof such
copy or extract shall be ,so given, to be false in any material
or shall forge or counterfeit the seal -of or belonging to any register
office or burial board, or shall offer, utter, dispose of, or put off
any: such
register, entry, certified copy; certificate, or seal, knowing the same
be.false, forged, or filtered, or shall offer, utter, dispose of or put
off any
copy of any: entry in and such register, knowing such entry to be false;
ORDINANCE No. o .op 1865.
forged, or altered, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof
shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept . in penal
servitude for life, or for any term not less than three years,-or to he
imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
3'J. Whosoever shall knowingly and wilfully insert or cause or Making
entries ill
permit to be inserted in any register directed or required by law to Le
OTies of re-
g ister sent to
transmitted to any Registrar or other officer any false entry of .any
matter relating to any baptism, marriage, or burial, or shall forge or
alter, or shall offer, uttei, dispofie of or put off, knowing the same
to be
forged or altered, any copy of any register so directed or required to be
transmitted as aforesaid, or shall knowingly and wilfully sign or verify
any copy of any register so directed or reduirl to be transmitted as
:aforesaid, which copy shall be~ false in any-~part thereof, knowing the
same to be false, or shall unlawfully destroy, deface, or injure, or shall
for any fraudulent purpose take from its place of deposit, or conceal, any
such copy of any register, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted.
thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in
servitude,-£orlife or for any term not less than three years,-or to be
4rriprisoned'-for any ter'rri not exceeding two years; with or without
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
As to demanding Property upon .Forged hzstrunzerzts.
3$, Whosoever, with intent to defraud, shall demand, receive, or
obtain, .or cause or procure to be delivered or hay to any person, or
~endeaVOUr to receive car obtain, or to cause or procure to. be delivered
paid to any person, any chattel, money, security for money, or other
property whatsoever, under, capon., or by virtue of any forged or altered
instrument whatsoever, knowing the same to be forged or altered, or
under, upon, or by virtue of any attested copy o£ any will, testament.,
codicil, or testamentary writing, deposited in any Registrar's office in
this Colony, knowing the will, testament, codicil, or testamentary,
>,n respect of which such attested copy shall have been obtained to have
been forged or altered, or 'knowing 'such attested copy to have been
obtained by any false oath, affirmation, declaration, or,affldavit, shall
guilty of felony, arid being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the
.cretion of the Court, to be kept in .penal servitude for any. term rat:
property upon
forged instru-
7' orgi,xg guy
however clue
vs'llich is in
law a will,
deed, bill of
ex change, &c.
exceeding fourteen ,years and not'less than three years,-or to be im-
prisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard;
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
lls to other Matters.
39. Where by this or by, any other Ordinance any person is or shall
hereafter be made liable to punishment fur forging or altering, or for
dffering, utterinn, disposing of, or putting off, knowing the same to be
forged or altered, any instrument or wr'itinc.r designated in such
by any special name or descriptic,` and.~uch instrument or writing,
however designated, shall be in law' a wil~; .,testament, codicil, or
iitentary writing, or a mortgage,, -lease, contract, deed, bond, . or
obligatory, or, a bill of exchange, or a promissory note for the payment
money,,or an indorsemeut oh or assignment of a bill of exchange or pro-
missory note for the payment of money, or an acceptance of a bill of
exchange, of nn undertaking* w~`rant, order, authority, or request for the
payment of,money,. or an ind'orswent on or assignment of an undertakitig,
warrant, order, autllr~ty,, or request for the ~ payment of money, within
the true intent and inea tng` o£ this Ordinance, in every such case the
person forging or alterinueh instrument or writing, or offerin~ittering,,~
disposing of, or putting off such instrulnet~ on writing, knowing the
to be forged -or, altered, may `he indicted as an offender against this
nance and punished accordingly.
Forgir,g, xa., 40. Where the forgiu ; or alterinri any writil'n or matter
in the Colour or the offering, ntterlng, disposiugof'or putting off any
writing or matter
to be made' whatsoever, knowing the same to be forged or altered, is in
this Ordinance.
Ollt of the
cnn,., Rx, expressed to be an offence, if any person shall, in this
Colony, forge' or,
alter, or offer, utter, dispose of or but off, knowing the same to be
or altered, any such writing or matter in whatsoever. place or country
of this Colony, whether.under the dominion of Her Majesty or not, such
writinn or matter may purport to be made or may have been made, and
in whatever language the same or any part thereof may be expressed;.
every such person, and every person aiding, abetting, or counselling such
person, shall be deemed to be an offender within the treaning of this
Ordinance, and shall be punishable thereby in the same manner as if the
writing or .mattehad purported to be made or had been made in this.
Colony; and if sly person shall in this Colony forge or_alter, or offer,:
utter, dispose of or, put off, knowing the same to be forded, or altered;
ORDINANCE No. s of 1865.
any bill of exchange, or any promissory note for the payment of money,
or any indorsement on or assignment of any bill of exchange or
promissory note for the payment of money, or any acceptance of any bill
of exchange, or any undertaking, warrant, order, authority, or request
for payment of money, or for the delivery or transfer of any goods or
security, or any deed, bond, or writing obligatory for the payment of
money, (whether such deed, bond,' or writing obligatory shall. be made
for the payment of money, or for the payment of money together with some
other purpose), or any inaorsement,.on or assignment of any such
undertaking, warrant, , order; authd'lly; request, deed, bond, or writing
obligatory, in whatsoever place or coumtry out of this Colony, whether
under the dominion of Her Majesty or not, the money payable or secured
by such bill, note, undertaking, warrant, order, authority, request, deed,
bond, or writing obligatory may be or may purport to be payable, and in
whatever lan'uage the sane respectively or any part thereof may be
expressed, and whether such bill, note, undertaking, warrant, order,
authority, or request be or be not under seal, every such person, and
every person aiding, abetting, or counselling such person, shall be deemed
to `'be .an;.offender within the meaning of, t.hi4,.Ordinance, and shall
i unishabTethereby in the same manner as if the money bad been pay,'
o$:'ad purported to be payablin this Colony. .'
- 41. In any information for 4&ging, altering, offering; uttering,
disposing of or pu ttig$ off any instrument it shall be sufficient to
such instrument by atly name or designation by which the same may= be
usually known, or by the purport thereof, without setting out any copy or
fac-simile thereof, or otherwise describixto- the same or the value
42. In any information for engraving or making the whole or any
part of any instrument, matter, or thing whatsoever, or for uaina or
having the unlawful custody or possession of any plate or other material
upon which the whole or any part of any instrument, matter, or thing
whatsoever shall have been engraved or made, or for having the unlawful
custody or possession of any paper upon which the whole or any part of
any instrument, matter, or thing whatsoever shall have been made or
printed, it shall be sufficient 'to describe such instrument, matter, or
by any name or designation by which the same may be usually known,
without setting out any copy or fac-simile of the whole or any part of
fmch instrument, matter, or thing. .,.,
Description of
in informa-
tion for
in informa-
tion for
ongraving, &c.
rntaTTt to
persona aced
not be
ti0n as to
Scttrclr for
piper or
'eiTiployed in
any forger 1 7,
anti for forged
ORDINANCE No. h of 1895.
43. It shall 'be sufficient, in any information for forging, altering,
uttering, offering, disposing of or putting off any instrument
where it shall be necessary to allege an intent to defraud, to allege that
the party accused did tire act with intent to defraud, without alleging an
intent to defraud any particular person; and on the trial of any such
offence it shall not be necessary to prove an intent to defraud any
particular person, but it shall be sufficient to prove that the party
did the act charged with an intent to defraud.
44. Where the having any matter in the custody or possession ot
any person is in this Ordinance expressed to be an offence, if any person
shall have any such matter in his personal custody or possession, or shall
knowingly and wilfully have any such matter in the actual custody or
possession of any other person, or shall knowingly and wilfully have any
such matter in any dwq,lling house or other building, lodging, apartment,
field, or other place, open or inclosed, whether belonging to or occupied
by himself or -not, and whether such matter shall be so had for his own
use, or for the use or, benefit of another, every such person shall be
and taken to have such matter in his custody or possession,. within the-
meaning of this Ordinance.
45. If it shall be made to appear, byinformation on oath afhrmatiotr.
or declaration., before a Justice of thqwPeace, that there is reasonable
to believe that any person has in his custody or possession, without
lawful authority or excuse any ,note or bill of the Governor and Company
of the Bank of England or Ireland, or of any body corporate, company,
or person carrying on the business of bankers, or any frame, mould, or-
irizplement for making paper in imitation of the paper used for such notes
or bills, or any such paper, or any plate, wood, stone, or other material
having thereon any words, forms, devices, or characters capable of
peoducing or intended to produce the impression of any such pate or~bill,
'or any part thereof, or any tool, implement, or material used or employed
or intended to be used or employed in or about any of the operations
aforesaid, or any forged security, document, or instrument whatsoever, 'or
any machinery, frame, mould, plate, die, seal, paper, or other matter'or-
th'ing used or employed or intended to be used or employed in the forgery
of any security, document, or instrument whatsoever, such Justice may;
'if lie think fit, grant a warrant to search for the same; and if the
shall be found upon such search, it shall be lawful to seize and carry
ORDINANCE No. 6 0n 1.865.
same before a Police Magistrate, to be by him disposed of according to
law; and all such matters and things so seized as aforesaid shall by order
of the Court where any such offender shall be tried, or in case there
be no such trial then by order of a Police Magistrate, be defaced and
destroyed or otherwise disposed of as such Court or Justice shall direct.
46. Whosoever shall after the commencement of this Ordinance
be convicted of an offence which shall have been subjected by any
enactment or enactments in force in this Colony to the salve pains and
penalties as are imposed by the Act of the Imperial Parliament passed in
the fifth year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, intituled '° An Act
Forgers of false Deeds and Writings ' for any of the offences first
ated in the said Act, shall be guilty of felony, and shall, in lieu of
pains and penalties, beliable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept
penal servitude for any term not exceed ing,fourteen years and not less
than three years,- or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two
years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary confine-
4'7. Where by any enactment now in -:force 'n this Colony any
Yperson falsely forging, counterfeiti:nb;' e'rasitig, or
alterirl~g any
,:diatter whatsoever, or utterin.a; publishing, ofring,'disposing of,
awvay, or makin& use of any matter whatsoever, knowing the,pame to ham
been falsely made, forged, counterfefW, erased,or .altered, or any person
demanding or eildeavourblg to receive or have any -thing; br:to do or
to be done any act, upon or by virtue of any matter whatsoever, kn°owina
such matter to have been falsely made, forged, counterfeited, erased, or
altered, would aceording to the provisions contained in any such enact-
ment be guilty Of felony and would before the passing of :the Act of the
fist year of King William the Fourth, chapter sixty-six, have'been liable
to suffer death as,a felon; -or where by any enactment now in force :in
'this Colony any person falsely personating another, or falsely
ing any thing in the hxiiie of another, or falsely representing any other
'person than the real p-arty to be such real party, or wilfully making a
Y,als'e entry in any book,, -account, lot! document, or in any manner
fidsifying any part of any book, account or document, or wilfully making
a transfer of any stock, annuity, or fund in the name of any person not
`being the owner thereof, or knowingly taking 'any 'false-oath, or know-
:ingly-making any false affidavit, false affirmation or false declaration
Other punish-
ments substi-
tuted for
those of f>
Hliz. c. 14.
All forgeries.. .
which were
capital. before
the 1 Wm. 4;
c. 66, -sUVT a.Y6
not othei0ise
under this
shall be -
punished with
penal ser
vitude for life,
Principals in
the second
degree and
ORDINANCE No. 6 0F 1,865.
demanding ,or receiving, any money or other thing by virtue of any
probate or letters of administration, knowing the will on which such
probate shall have been obtained to have been false or forged, or knowing
such probate or letters of administration to have been obtained by
means of any false oath, false affirmation or false declaration would
according to the provisions contained, in any such Act, be guilty of
felony, and would before the passing of the said Act of the first year
of King William the Fourth have been liable to suffer death as a
felon; or when by any enactment now in force any person making or
using, or knowingly having in his custody or possession, any frame,
mould, or instrument for the making of paper, with certain words visible
in the substance thereof, or any person making such paper, or causing
certain words to appear visible in the substance of any paper world,
according to the provisions contained in any such enactment, be guilty
of felony, and would before the passing o£ the said Act of the first year
of King William the Fourth have been liable to suffer death as a felon;
then, and in each of the several cases aforesaid, if any person shall
the commencement ofahis Ordinance be convicted of any such felony as
is hereinbefore in this section mentioned, or of aiding, abetting,
ling, or procuring the commission thereof, and the same shall not be
punishable under any of the other provisions of this Act, every such
person shall be liable at the discretion of the Court to be kept in penal
servitude for life or fur any term not less than three years,--or to be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
48. In the case of every felony punishable under this Ordinance,
every principal in the second degree, and every accessory before the fact,
shall be punishable in the same manner as the principal in the first
is by this Ordinance punishable; and every accessory after the fact to any
felony punishable under this Ordinance shall on convicLion be liable, at
the discretion of the Court, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding
two years, with or without bard labour, and with or without solitary
confinement; and every person who shall aid, abet, counsel, or procure
the commission of any misderneailor punishable under this Ordinance
shall be liable to be proceeded against, indicted, and punished as a grin-
cipal offender.
Fine and 49. Whenever any person shall be convicted of a misdemeanor
sureties he under this Ordinance it shall be lawful for the Court, if it
shall think fit,
No. 6 of 1865.
in addition to or in lieu of any of the punishments by this Ordinance
peace; iu
authorized, to fihe the offender, and to require him to enter into his
own what eases.
recognizances, and to find sureties, both or either, for keeping the
and being of good behaviour; and in all cases of felonies in this
mentioned it shall be lawful for the Court, if it shall think fit, to
the offender to enter into his own recognizances, and to find sureties,
both or either, for keeping the peace, in addition to any of the punish-
ments by this Ordinance authorized: Provided that no person shall be
imprisoned under this clause for not finding sureties for any period
exceeding one year.
60. Whenever imprisonment, with or without hard labour, may be Hard
awarded for any offence under this Ordinance, the Court may sentence
the offender to be imprisoned, or to be imprisoned and kept to bard
labour, and in either case the sentence shall be carried out in accordance
with the provisions of Ordinance No. 4 of 1863, section 15. ('No. 18 of
.1885' as amended by that Ordinance.
rot. Whenever solitary confinement may be awarded for any offence
Solitary eon.
under this Ordinance, the Court may direct the offender to be kept in
solitary confinement for any portion or portions of his imprisonment, or
of his imprisonment with hard labour, not exceeding one month at any
one time, and not exceeding three months in any one year.
62. This Ordinance shall commence and take effect -on the four- commence-
teenth day of June, in the ear one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. 778
[24 & 25 Vic. c. 98.]
Forging Her Majesty's seals, &c., or the public swal of the Colony.
Forging seals of public departments or companies.
Forging transfer of stock or blank shares, and power of attorney relating thereto.
Personating the owner of stock or bank shares, and transferring or receiving, &c., dividends.
Forging attestation to power of attorney for transfer of stock, &c.,
Making false entries in bank books.
Bank ckerks making out false dividend warrants.
Forging bonds, debentures, &c. issued or made, &c.
Forging exchequer bills and debentures, &c.
Making plates &c., in imitation of those used for exchequer bills, &c.
Making paper in imitation of that used for exchequer bills, &c.
Having on possession paper, &c., for exchequer bills, &c.
Forging a bank note &c.
Purchasing or receiving, or having forged bank notes.
Making or having mould for making paper with the words 'Bank of England' or 'Bank of Ireland,' or with curved bar lines, &c., or selling such paper.
Proviso as to paper used for bills of exchange, &c.
Engraving or having any plate, &c., for making notes of Bank of England or Ireland or other banks, or having
paper on which a blank bank note, &c. shall be printed, or uttering, &c.
Engraving on any plate &c., any word, number, or
device, resembling part of a bank note or bill, or having any paper on which the same is impressed.
Making or having mould for making paper with the name of any banker, or making or having such paper.
Engraving plates for foreign bills or notes, or having such plates, or using or utteing paper on which any part of any such bill or note is printed.
Forging deeds, bonds, &c.
Forging wills.
Forging bills of exchange or promissory notes.
Forging orders, receipts, &c., for money, goods, &c.
Making or accepting any bill, &c., by procuration without lawful authority, or uttering such bill, &c., with intent to defraud, felony.
Obliterating crossings on cheques.
Forging debentures.
Forging proceedings of Courts of Record or Courts of Equity.
Forging copies or certificates of records, process of Courts not of Record, and using forged process.
Forging instruments made evidence by any Act of Parliament or Ordinance.
[* than]
Forgery as to the registry of deeds.
Forging Justices orders, recognizances, affidavits, &c.
Forging official signatures.
Acknowledging recognizance, bail, &c., in name of another.
Forging or uttering marriage licence or certificate.
[* or]
Forging or uttering registers of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, or burials.
Making false entries in copies of register sent to Registrar.
Demanding property upon forged instruments.
Forging any instrument however designated which is in law a will, deed, bill of exchange, &c.
Forging, &c., documents in the Colony purporting to be made out of the Colony, &c.
Description of instruments in information for forgery.
Description of instruments in information for engraving, &c.
Intent to defraud particular persons need not be averred.
Interpretation as to criminal possession.
Search for paper or implements employed in any forgery, and for forged, instruments.
Other punishments substituted for those of 5 Eliz. c. 14.
All forgeries which were capital before the 1 Wm. 4, c. 66, and are not otherwise punishable under this Ordinance, shall be punished with penal servitude for life, &c.
[* Ordinance.]
Principals in the second degree and accessories.
Fine and sureties for keeping the
peace; in what cases.
Hard labour.
Solitary confinement.
Commencement of Oridnance.
No. 6 of 1865.
An Ordinance to consolidate and amend the Enactments in
Force in this Colony relating to indictable Offences by
[3rd June, 1865.]
WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the enactments
in force in this Colony relating to indictable offences by forgery
13e it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Hongkong, with the
advice of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows
As to forging Her 1Ylajesty's Seals, 4~c.
1. Whosoever shall forge or counterfeit, or shall utter, knowing the
same to be forged or counterfeited, the Great Seal of the United Kingdom,
Her Majesty's Privy Seal, any Privy Signet of Her Majesty, Her Majesty's
Ral Sign Manual, any of Her Majesty's Seals appointed by the Twenty-'
fourth Article of 'the Union between England and Scotland to be kepu;r
used, and continued in Scotland, the Great Seal of Ireland, the Privy
Seal of Ireland, or the Public -Seal of this Colony, or shall forge or
counterfeit the stamp or impression of ariy of the seals aforesaid, or
utter any document or instrument whatsoever, having thereon or affixed
thereto tile stamp or impression of any such forged or counterfeited seal,
knowing the same to be the Stamp or impression of such forged or
counterfeited seal, or any forged or counterfeited stamp or impression
made or apparently intended to resemble the stamp or impression of any
of the seals aforesaid knowing the same to be forged or counterfeited
or shall force or alter, or utter knowing the same to be forged or
any document or instrument having any o£ the said stamps or impressions
thereon or affixed thereto, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted
ORDINANCE No.' 6 of 1805.
thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in
servitude for life or for any term not less than three years.-or to be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
2. Whosoever shall forge or counterfeit, or shall utter, knowing the
same to be forged or counterfeited, the seal of any public officer,
office, or
department, in this Colony, or the seal of any body corporate in this
Colony, or shall forge or counterfeit the stamp or impression of any such
seal, or shall utter any document or instrument whatsoever, having there
on, or affixed thereto, the stamp or impression of any such forged or
counterfeited seal, knowing the same to be the stamp or impression of
such forged or counterfeited seal, or any forged or counterfeited stamp or
impression, made or apparently intended to resemble the stamp or
impression of any of the seals aforesaid, knowing the same to be forged
or counterfeited, or shall forge, or alter, or utter, knowing the same to
be forged or altered, any document or instrument having any of the said
stamps or impressions thereon or affixed thereto, shall be guilty of
and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable, at tile discretion of the
to be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding fourteen years
and not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for any term not
exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without
solitary confinement.
As to forging Transfers of Stock, c- c.
3. Whosoever shall forge or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose of,
or put off, knowing the same to be forged or altered, any transfer of
zany share or interest of or in any stock, annuity, or other public fund
which now is or hereafter may be transferable at any bank or public
office in this Colony, or of or in the capital stock of any bank or of
body corporate, company, or society which now is or hereafter may be
established by Charter, or by, under, or by virtue of any Act of
,or Ordinance, or shall forge or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose
of, or put off, knowing the same to be forged or altered, any power
of attorney or other authority to transfer any share or interest of or in
any such stock, annuity, public fund, or capital stock, or to receive any
dividend or money payable in respect of any such share or interest, or
shall demand or endeavour to have any such share or interest transferred,
,or to receive any dividend or money payable in respect thereof, by virtue
Forging seals
of public
or companies.
transfer of.
stock or bank
shares, and
power of
ORDINANCE NO.,, 6- bF '1865:
the owner of
stock or bank
shares, and
07 receiving,
lrorg,iiig attes-
power of at-
torney for
transfer of
stock, &c.,
of any such forged or altered power of attorney or other authority,
knowing the same to be forged or altered, with intent in any of the cases
aforesaid to defraud, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted
shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal
for life or for any term not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned
for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and
with or without solitary confinement.
4. Whosoever shall falsely and deceitfully personate any owner of
any share or interest of or in any stock, annuity, or other public fund
which now is or hereafter may be transferable at any bank or public office
in this Colony, or any owner of any share or interest of or in the capital
stock of any bank or of any body corporate, company, or society which
now is or hereafter may be established by Charter, or by, under, or by
virtue of any Act of Parliament or Ordinance, or any owner of any,
dividend or money payable in respect of any such share or interest as.
aforesaid, or any owner of any money deposited in any savings bank in
this Colony, and shall thereby transfer or endeavour to transfer any
or interest belonging to any such owner, or thereby receive or endeavour
to receive any money due to any such owner, as i£ such offender were
the tree and lawful owner, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted
thereof shall be liable, at the. discretion of the Court, to be kept in
servitude for life or for any term not less than three years,-or to be:
imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
6, Whosoever shall forge any name, handwriting, or signature
purporting to be the name, handwriting, or signature of a witness:
attesting the execution of any power of attorney or other authority to,
transfer any share or interest of or in any such stock, annuity, public
fund, or capital stock as is in either of the last two preceding sections
mentioned, or to receive any dividend or money payable in respect
any such share or interest, or shall offer, utter, dispose of, or put off
any such power of attorney or other authority, with any such forged
name, handwriting, or signature thereon, knowing the same to be forged,
shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable,
the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term
not exceeding seven years, and not less than three years;--or to be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard'
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1865.
. 6. Whosoever shall wilfully make any false entry in or wilfully Making
entries in
,alter any word or figure in any of the books of account kept at any bank
Savings bank in this Colony or by any body corporate, company, or
society -which now is or hereafter may be established by Charter, or by,
under, or by virtue of any Act of Parliament or Ordinance, in which
books the accounts of the owners of any money deposited in such savings
bank or of any stock of any such body corporate shall be entered and
kept, or shall in any manner wilfully falsifv any of the accounts of any
such owners in any of the said books, with intent in any of the cases
aforesaid to defraud, or shall wilfully make any transfer of any share or
interest of or in any such deposit or stock, in the name of any person not
being the true and lawful owner of such share or interest, with intent to
defraud shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be
liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for
or for any term not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for any
term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or
without solitary confinement.
7. Whosoever, being a clerk, officer, or servant of or other person
employed or intrusted in the business of any savings bank in this Colony
or by any such body corporate, company or society as aforesaid, shall
knowingly make out or deliver any dividend warrant, or warrant for pay-
ment of any interest, or money, for a greater or less amount than the
on whose behalf such warrant shall be made out is entitled to, with
intent to
defraud, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be
at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any
term not
exceeding seven years and not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned
for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and
with or without solitary confinement. '
AS to forging Bonds, 4-r,.
$. Whosoever shall forge, or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose of,
~or .put off, knowing the same to be forged or altered, arjy bond,
coupon, or security issued or made under the authority of any Act of
Parliament or Ordinance passed or to be passed for the raising of any
,,or for any other purpose relating to the public service, or any
ion or assignment of any such bond, debenture, coupon, or security, with
intent to defraud, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof,
Bank alerka -
making outl -
false dividend
bonds, debeu-
tures Sic.
issued or
made, &e.
P oring
bills and
plates &c., in
imitation of
those used for
',bills, &c. -
Making paper
in imitation
of that used
for exchequer
bills, &c.
ORDINANCE, No. 6 ,oF 1865.
shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal
for life or for any term not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned.
for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and
with or without solitary confinement.
As to forging E,xelaequer Bills,
9. Whosoever shall forge or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose of,,
or put off, knowing the same to be forded or altered, any exchequer bill
exchequer bond or exchequer debenture, or any indorsement on or assign-
ment of any exchequer bond or exchequer debenture, or any receipt or
certificate for interest accruing thereon, with intent to defraud, shall
guilty o£ felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the
tion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for life or for any term
less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding-
two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary
10. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse (the proof'
whereof shall lie on the party accused), shall make, or cause or procure
to be made, or shall aid or assist in making, or shall knowingly have in,
his custody or possession, any frame, mould, or instrument having therein.
any words, letters, figures, marks, lines, or devices, peculiar to and
ing in the substance of any paper provided or to be provided or used for
exchequer bills or exchequer bonds or exchequer debentures, or any
machinery for working any threads into the substance of any paper, =or
any such thread, and intended to imitate such words, letters, figures,
marks, lines, threads, or devices, or any plate peculiarly employed for-
printing such exchequer bills, bonds, or debentures, or any die or seal
peculiarly used for preparing any such plate or for sealing such
bills, bonds, or debentures, or any plate, die, or seal intended to
any such plate, die, or seal as aforesaid., shall be guilty of felony, and
,'being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the
Court, to-
be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years and
not less than three years,--or to be imprisoned for any term not exceed-
ing two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary,
11. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse (the proof
whereof shall lie on the party accused), shall make, or cause or procure
to be made, .or aid or assist in making any paper in the substance of
URDINAXCE :No. =f, _o. 1865.
which. shall appear ony words, letters, figures, marks, lines, threads, or
other devices peculiar to and appearing in the substance of any paper
provided or to be provided or used for such exchequer bills, bonds, or
debentures, or any part of such words, letters, figures, marks, lines,
threads, or other devices, and intended to imitate the same, or shall
knowingly leave in hi:, custody or possession any paper whatsoever, in
the substance whereof shall appear any such words, letters, fii;ures,
lines, threads, or devices as aforesaid, or any parts of such words,
fio,.ures, marks, lines, threads, or other devices, and intended to
the same, or shall cause or assist in causing any such words, letters,
figures, marks,. lines,, threads, or devices as aforesaid, or any hart of
words, letters, figures, marks, lines, threads, or other devices, and
to imitate the same, to appear in the substance of any paper whatever,- or
shall take or assist in taking any impression of any such plate; die, or
seal as in the last preceding section mentioned, shall be guilty of
and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the
to be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years and
not less than three yo:irs,-or to be imprisoned for any term not exceed-
ing two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary
12. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse (the proof where-
of shall lie on the party accused), shall purchase or receive, or
have in his custody or possession, any paper manufactured and provided
by or under the directions of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue or
Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, for the purpose of being used
as exchequer bills or exchequer bonds or exchequer debentures, before
such paper shall have been duly stamped, signed and issued for public
use or any such plate, die, or seal as it! the last two preceding sections
mentioned, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and being convicted thereof
shall be liable, at s he discretion of the Court, to be imprisoned for any
term not exceeding three years, with or without hard labour.
As to forging Back Notes.
13. Whosoever shall force or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose of,
or put off, knowing the same to be forged or altered, any note or bill of
exchange of the Governor and Company of the Bank. of England or of the
Governor and Company of the- Bank of Ireland, or of any other body
Havlag in
paper,.ko. Tor-
bill, &u.
Forging a
bank notaf
ORDINANCE NO. 6 of 1865.
or receiving,
or having
forged bank
corporate, company, or person carrying on the business of bankers, com-
monly called a bank note, a bank bill of exchanl;e, or a bank post bill,
any indorsement on or assignment of any bank note, bank bill of exclan;e,
or bank post bill, with intent to defraud, shall be guilty of felony, and
beinn convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court,
to be
kept in penal servitude for life, or for any term not less than three
- or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or
without hard labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
14. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse (the proof
whereof shall lie on the party accused), shall purchase or receive from
other person, or have in his custody or possession, any forged bank note,
bank bill of exchange, or bank post bill, or blank bank note, blank bank
bill of exchan e, or blank bank post bill, knowin~; the same to be
shall be guilty of felony, and bciab convicted thereof shall be liable,
at 11
the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term
exceeding fourteen years and not less than three years,--or to be impri-
soned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour.
As to making and engraving Plates, (~c., for Bank Notes;
Making or 16. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse (the proof
having mould
for making whereof shall lie on the party accused)> shall make or use> or
b'Ter withbave in his custody or possession, any frame, mould, or
instrument for
N words
~z;$gi Bank or the rnal:eg of paper with the words ' Bank o£ England' or
' Bank of
I eland
Bank ~for Ireland,' or any part of such words iracnded to resemble and
pass for the
with carves same, visible in the substance of the paper, or for the making
of paper
bar lines, &c.,
or selling er, with curved or waving bar lines, or with the laying wire
lines thereof in
a waving or curved shape, or with any number, sum, or amount expressed
in a word or words in Roman letters, visible in the substance o£ the
or with any device or distinction peculiar to and appearing in the sub-
stance of the paper used by the Governor and Company of the Banks of
England and Ireland respectively £or guy notes, bills of eachan(Ye, or
post bills of such banks respectively, or. shall make, use, sell, expose
sale, utter, or dispose of, or knowingly leave in his custody or
any paper whatsoever with the words ' bank of England' or 'Panlz of
Ireland,' or any part of such words intended to resemble and pass for the
same, visible in tae substance of the paper, or any paper with curved or
waving bar lines, o: with the layinZ3 wire lines thereof in a waving or
carved shape, or with any number, sum, or amount expressed in a word
ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1865.
or words in Roman letters, appearing visible in the substance of the
or with any device or distinction peculiar to and appearing in the sub-
stance of the paper used by the Governor and Company of the Banks of
England and Ireland respectively for any notes, bills of exchange, or bank
post bills of such banks respectively,-or shall by any art or contrivance
cause the words 'Bank of E1qgland' or 'Bank of Ireland,' or any part
of such words intended to resemble and pass for the sane, or any device .
or distinction peculiar to and appearing in the substance of the paper
by the Governor and Company of the Banks of l'Ingland and Ireland
respectively for any note', bills of exchange, or bank post bills of such
banks respectively, to appear visible in the substance of any paper, or
shall cause the numerical suln or amount of any bank note, bank bill of
exchange, or bank post bill, blank, banknote, blank bank bill of
or blank bank post bill, in a word or words in Roman letters, to appear
visible in the substance of the paper whereon the same shall be written or
printed, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be
liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for
term not exceeding fourteen years and not less than three years,-or to
be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without
hard labour.
16. 1\othinb in the last preceding section contained shall prevent
any person from issuing any bill of exchange or promissory note having
the amount thereof a«pressed in guineas, or in a numerical figure or
denoting the amount thereof in pounds sterling, appearing visible in the
substance of the paper upon which the same shall be written or printed,
nor shall prevent any person from making, using, or selling any paper
leaving waving or curved lines or any other devices in the nature of
watermarks visible in the substance of the paper, not being bar lines or
laying wire lines, provided the same are not so contrived as to form the
,'roundwork or texture of the paper, or to resemble the waving or curved .
laying wire lines or bar lines or the watermarks of the paper used by the
Governor and Company of the Banks of England and Ireland respectively.
1'7. Whosoever without lawful authority or excuse (the proof whereof
shall lie on the party accused ), shall engrave or in anywise make upon
any plate whatsoever or upon any Nvood, stone, or other material., any
pr omisory note, bill of etcharlne, or bane: post bill, or part of
note, bill of exchange, or bank post bill, purporting to be a bank note,
Proviso as to
paper used
for bills of
exchange, kc.
Engraving or
baving any
plate, &c., for
making notes
of Bk' of
Eal,==land or
Ireland or
other bank, ..
or having
4:B.:~INANCE` N6.. 6:' og. 1895,
paper on bank bill of exchange, or bank post bill of the Governor and
bank not,&c. Of the Bank of England or of the Governor and Company. of
the- Bank' of
r~hall be
printed, o,. Ireland, or of any other body corporate, company, or, person
carrying' an
uttering, &c. the business of bankers, or to be a blank bank note, blank
note, blank bank bill of exchange, or blank bank post bill of the G
and Company of the Bank of England ox of the Governor and. Company of
the Bank of Ireland; or of any such other body corporate, company,, or
person as aforesaid, or to be a part of a bank note, promissory note,-bank
bill of exchange, or bank post bill of the Governor and Company of the
Bank of England or of the Governor and: Company of the Bank of Ireland,
or of any such other body corporate, company, or person as aforesaid or
any name, word, or character, resembling or- apparently intended to
resemble any subscription to any bill of exchange or promissory note
issued by the Governor and Company of the. Bank of England or the
Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, or by any such other
b~%t~3, corporate, company, or person as aforesaid, or shall use any such
wood; stone, or other material, or any other instrument or device, for the
making or printing any bank note,, bank bilk of exchange, or bank post'
bill, or blank. bank note, blank bank bill of exchange, or blank bank
bill; or part of a bank note, bank bill of exchange, or bank post bill,
knowingly have in his custody or possession any such 'plate, wood, stone,
or other, material, or any such instrument or device, or shall knowingly
offer, utter, dispose of, or put off, or have in his custody or
any paper upon which any blank bank note, blank bank bill of exchange,
or blank bank post bill of the Governor and Company of the Bank of
England or of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, or of
any such other body corporate, company, or person as aforesaid, or par-t
of a bank note, bank bill of exchange, or bank post bill,. or any name,
word, or character, resembling or apparently intended to resemble any
such subscription, shall be made or printed, shall be guilty of felony,
being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court,
be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding fourteen years and
not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for any term not exceed-
ing two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary
Rug rav.Qn 1.8. Whosoever without lawful authority_or excuse (the proof
apy pla ..: a~., shall.lie on the accused,) shall engrave or in- anywise
make upon an
any word,: - party ~ Y
nninlz'r'.oF plate whatsoever; or upon any-,wood, stone, ootber material,
any word;
ORDINANCE 1o~. 6 op 1°86:9,: .
number, figure, device, character or ornament the impression taken from
which shall resemble or apparently be intended to resemble any part of a
bank note, bank bill of exchange, or bank post bill of the Governor and
Company of the Bank of England or of the Governor and Company of the
Bank of Ireland, or of any other body corporate, company or person
on the business of bankers, or shall use, or knowingly have in his custody
or possession, any such plate, wood, stone, or other material, or any
instrument or device for the impressing or snaking upon any paper or other
material any word, number, figure, character, or ornament which shall
resemble or apparently be intended to resemble any part of a bank note,
bank-bill of exchange, or bank post bill of the Governor and Company of.'
the Bank of England or of the Governor and Company of the Bank of
Ireland, or of any such other body corporate, company, or person as afore-
said, or shall knowingly offer, utter, dispose of, or put off, or have in
n-od#ody or possession, any paper or other material upon which there shall
=hex an impression of any such matter as aforesaid, shall be giulty of
end being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the
Court, to
be kept in penal servitude for any term. not exceeding fourteen years and,
not less than three years,--.or to be imprisoned for any term not exceed-
ing two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary,
19. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse (,the proof
whereof shall lie on the party accused), shall make or use any frame,
mould or instrument for the manufacture of paper, with the name or firm
of any body corporate, company, or person carrying on the business of
bankers, (other than and except the Banks of England and Ireland
respectively), appearing visible in the substance of the paper, or
have in his custody or possession, any such frame, mould or instrument,
or make, use, sell, expose to sale, utter or dispose of, or knowingly have
in his custody or possession, any paper in the substance of which the
name or firm of any such body corporate, company or person shall appear
visible, or by any art or contrivance cause the name or firm of any such
body corporate, company, or person to appear visible in the substance of
the paper upon which the same shall be written or printed, shall be guilty
of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable; at the discretion
the Court, to- be kept inenal servitude for any term not exceeding
-fourteen years and -not less ban three yefrs, orr~ to be imprisoned for
cleviee, re-
semblint; part
of a bank
note or bill,
or having any
paper on.
which the
same is im-
Making or
having wu!~U
for making
paper with
the name of
any banker,
or making uz
having such
plates for
foreign bias
or notes, or
having 811011
plates, or
using or utler-
iu~ paper on
vehicle any
part of any
such bin or
mote is
deeds, bonds,
ORDINANCE .hTo> 6: aF 156:
terra not exceeding' two years, with or without hard labour, and with or
without solitary confinement.
20. Whosoever, without lawful authority or excuse, (the proof
whereof shall lie on the party accused), shall engrave or in anywise make
upon any plate whatsoever, or upon any wood, stone, or other material,
any bill of ehchanne, promissory note, undertaking, or ardor for payment
of money, or any part of any bill of exchange, promissory note, under-
taking , or order for payment of money, in whatsoever language the same
may be expressed, and whether the same shall or shall not be or be
intended to be under seal, purporting to be the bill, note, undertaking,
order, or part of the bill, ziote, vindertaliiu0r, or order of any Foreign
Prince or State, or of any Minister or aflicer in the service of any
h'oreiau Prince or State, or of any body corporate or body of the like
nature, constituted or recobnised by any Foreign Prince or State, or of'
any person or company of persons, resident in any country not under .t~e
dominion of leer Majesty, or shall .use, or knowingly have in his custody,
or possession, any plate, stone, wood, or otter material upon which any
such foreibn bill, note, undertaking or order or any pert thereof, shall
enngraved or made, or shall knowingly offer, utter, dispose of, or put
or have in his custody or possession, any paper upon which any part of
any such foreign bill, note, undertaking or order shall be made or
shall be guilty of felony, and bein0 convicted thereof shall be liable, at
the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any term
not exceedin~ fourteen years and not less than three years,-or to be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years with or without hard
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
As to forging Deeds, Wills, Bills of Exc7cwaqe, c~c.
21, Whosoever with intent to defraud shall force or alter or shall
offer, utter, dispose of or put off, knowing the same to be forged or.
altered, any deed, or any bond or writing obligatory, or any assignment
at Law or in Equity of any such bond or writing obligatory, or shall ,
fore any name, handwriting, or signature of a witness attesting the
execution of any deed, bond, or writing obligory, or sl;all offer, utter,
dispose of or put off any deed, bond, or writing obligatory having
any such forded name, haudwriting, or signature, knowing the same to
be forded, shall be guilty of felony, and being 'yonvicted thereof shall
liable, at the discretion of the t Court, to be leptin penal servitude
ORDINANCE No. 6 of 1865:'
life or for any term not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for
any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and
with or without solitary confinement.
22. Whosoever with intent to defraud sl;all forge or alter; or shall
Forging, wills.
offer, utter, dispose of 'or put off, knowing the sine to be forged or
altered, any will, testament, codicil, or testamentary instrument shall be
guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the
discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for life or for any
term not less thq.n three years,-or to be imprisoned for any term not
-exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without
solitarv confinement.
23. Whosoever sball forrie or alter, or shall offer, utter, dispose of
or put off, knowing the same ,to be forged or altered, any bill of
or any acceptance, indorsement, or assi(nntnent of any bill of exchange
or any promissory note for the payment of money or any indorsement or
assignment of any such promissory note, with intent to defraud, shall be
guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the
discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for life or for any
term not less than three `years,-or to be imprisoned for any term not
'exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without
solitary confinement.
lr shall fore or alter or shall offer, utter, dispose of
Forpng or-
ders, reeeipts,
&c., for
money, ;foods,
Forging bills
of exeba,ngc
or promissory
-or put off, knowing the same to be forced or altered, any undertak'inb,
warrant, order, authority, or request, for the payment of money, or for
the delivery or transfer of any rioods or c?lattels or of any note, bill,
other security for the payment of money, or for procuring or giving
credit or any indorscment on, or assignment of, any such undertaking,
warrant,' order, authority, or request or zany accountable receipt,
tance, or receipt for money or for foods or for any note bill or other'
security for the payment of money or any indorsement on or assignment
o£ any such accountable receipt with intent, in any of the cases
to defraud shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be
liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for
life or for any term not less than three years, or to be imprisoned for
n,uy term not exceeding two yearn,-with or %~itllout hard labour, and
with or without solitary confinement.
Making or
arcdpting any.
hill, &c., by
without law-
ful authority,
or uttering
such bill, &c.,
with intent
to defraud,
pDINA1CK No. 6 ~04=.:r1&65.
25, Whosoever with intent to defraud shall :draw, make, sign,
accept, or indorse any bill of exchange or promissory note or any under-
taking, warrant, order, authority, or n'equest for the payment of money
or for the delivery or transfer of goods or chattels; or of any bill,
or other security for money by procuration or otherwise for, in the name,
or on the account 'of any other person without lawful authority or excuse,
or shall offer, utter,, dispose of or,put off' any such bill, note,
warrant, order, authority or request so made, drawn, signed, accepted or
indorsed by procuration or otherwise without lawful authority or excuse
as aforesaid, knowing the same to have been so drawn, made, signed,
accepted or indorsed maforesaid shall be guilty of felony, end being
convicted thereof shad be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be
kept in penal servitude-for any term not .eYCe9lding fourteen years and
-not less than three -years,-or to be, imprisori6d for any term not ex-
ceeding two years, with or without hard labour; and with or without:
solitary confinement.
Obliterating 26. Whenever any cheque or draft on any banker shall be
crossed..c;rna~su~s Oil
with the name of a banker or with two transverse lines with the words
'and Company' or any abbreviation thei°eoE~whosoever shall obliterate,
add to, or alter any such crossing; or shall offer, utter, dispose of or
off any cheque or draft whereon any such obliteration, addition, or
alteration has been made with iateut in any of the cases aforesaid, to
.defraud, shall be guilty o£ felony, and being convicted thereof shall be
affable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for
life-or for any term not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for
any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with
or without solitary confinement.
r_nrginn ` 2'J, Whosoever shall fraudulently forge or alter, or shall
o#fcr, utterr,
dispose- of or put off, knowing the same to be forged or fraudulently
altered, any debenture issued under any lawful authority whatsoever;
either within Her Majesty's', Dominions or elsewhere, shall be guilty of
felony,' and being convicted thereof slaall be liable, at the discretion
of the
Court, to be .kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding fourteen
years and not.less than three years, or to be imprisoned for any term not
exceeding two years, with or without hard labour, and with or without
solitary confinement.
ORDINANCE' No. 6 .0:1§6'~
' 'As to forgiazg Records, Process, Instruments of Bvdenee,. ~c.
28. Whosoever shall fore or fraudulently alter or shall offer, utter;
dispose of or put off, knowing the same to be foraed.or fraudulently
altered, any record, writ, return, panel, process, rule, order, warrant,
interrogatory, deposition, affidavit, affirmation, declaration,
cognovit actionem or warrant of attorney, or any original document'
whatsoever of or belonging to any Court of Record, .br any bill, petition,
process, notice, rule, answer, pleading, interrogatory, deposition,
affirmation, declaration, report, order or decree or any original document
whatsoever of or belonoin~ to any'Court of Equity or Court of Vice-
Admiralty in this Colony, or any document or vritina or any copy of
any document or writing used or intended to be used as evidence in any
Court in this section mentioned, shall be guilty of felony, and being
convicted thereof shall, be' liable, at the discretion of the Court, to
be kept
in penal servitude for any term not exceeding seven years and not less
than three years,-or to be imprisoned for arty term not exccediuri two
years, -with or without herd labour, and with or without s,_)litary.
2.9. Wliosoever being >the clerk of a,ny~Court or -other, officer,,havinb
the custody of the records'of.alvy Court, or being'tlieJdeputy of
clerk or officer shall utter any false.'or certificate of anyz
knowing the same to be false; and vhopever other than. such Aei'k_,'
officer or deputy shall sign or certit~y any, copy:or certifieate~of .any
as such clerk, officer, or deputy; and whosoever shall forge or
alter, or offer, utter, dispose of, or put off, knowing the same to be
r 'fri altered, any copy or certificate of any record or shall offer,,
ratter, dispose of, or put off any copy or certificate o£ any record
thereon any 'false or forted name, handwriting, or si;nature, knowing the
same to' be false or forged ; and whosoever .shall forge the seal of -any:
Court of Record in this Colony, or shall forge or fraudulently alter any
process. of any Court other than such Courts as in the last preceding
section mentioned, or shall serve or :enforce any forged;proces:s of any
Court whatsoever, knowing, the same to be forged, or shall deliver or
cause to be delivered to any person, any paper falsely purporting to be
'any such process, :or a copy thereof, or to 16 any J'udgment,:decree,
order of any Court .o£ Law or Equity, ox a copy thereof; knowing they
same be, false; or shall, act or profess to . act u-rider any such
of Courts of
Record or
Courts of
copies pr
certifieatt;r of
process of
Courts not of
Record, aand
using forgot
evidence by
any Act of
Parliament or
Paxgerp..,W to.
~e registiy
fff deeds.
ORDINrNCK'No. 6 4`.1$.G5
process, knowin','tle be false, shall be guilty of felony, and
convicted thereof shall be =able, at the discretion of the Court, to be
in penal servitude £6r an Y.term 'not exceeding seven years and not less
than three years,--or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two
years;- with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary
30. Whosoever shall. forge or fraudulently alter or shall offer, utter,
=dispose of, or put off, knowing the same to be forded or fraudulently
altered, any instrument, whether written or printed, or partly written and
partly printed, which, icy. or shall be hiitide evidence iii this Colony
by any
Act of Parliament or Ordinaneapassed or to be passed, and for which
offence no punishment is herein provided, shall be guilty of felony, end
being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the disc etion of the Court,
to be
kept in penal servitude for any term dot exceeding seven years and not
less * .three years,=.4oi'~to-~be imprisoned for any term not exceeding
,years, with oi lxc~Aabozra. and with or without solitary Lonfine-
W ent.
As to forging Registers of Deeds.
31, Whosoever shall .forge or fraud=ulent~- . alter, or shah offer, utter
dispose of, or put off, knowing the same.-- to~ forged or fraudulently
alts d,. any memorial, affidavit; affirmation, declaration, entry,
indo~r1ent, document, or writing made or issued under the provisions
of any Ordinance passed. or -Hereafter to 'be passed for or relating to
registry of deeds, or shall forge counter. the,, seal of or belonging to
any office for the reirstrzv of deeds,`-pr anyl' st~mp or impression of
such seal;, forge any name, handwriting oaf°sibnature
purporting ~the'name, handwring br sion&tu,re of any person to any such
meiuorial,affidavi,t, aflirnaation, `declaration, entry, certificate,
document, or ~writimg, which shall be required or directed to be signed
or by virtue of and Act of Parliament or Ordinance passed or to be
or shall offer, utter; dispose f, or put off any such ~ memorial or other
writing as in tlai~ sectiea before mentioned, having thereon any such
forged samp or`itmpression, V an~r:~ such. seal, or any such forged name,
handwriting, or signature, knowirig the same'to be forged, shall be
bf felony,=and being eonviAd thereof. shall be liable, at the discretion-
the: Court,; to.'be ,kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding
Ioixrteeh years, arid not less than three years,-or to be imprisoned for
ORDINANCE - No: 6 :ok :1 8166: . =. _ -a3
any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard,labour, and4ith
or without solitary confinement.
As to for ping Orders, 4-c., o f Justices of the. Peace.
32. Whosoever, with intent to defraud, shall forge or alter, or shall
offer, utter, dispose of or put off, knowing the same to be forged or
any summons, conviction, order, or warrant of any Justice of the Peace,
or any recognizance purporting to have been entered into before any
Justice of the Peace, or other officer authorized to take the same, or
examination, deposition, affidavit, affirmation, =or solemn declaration;
or made before any Justice of the l*eace, ;or any' Coniinissioner
to administer oaths, shall be guilty of fe1'ony, artdbeing. convicted
shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be`°kept in penal
for the term of three;-or .to be imprisoned for any term not ex-.
ceeding two years., with or wit'holft hard labour,::.,and with or without
solitary confinement. -
As to.forging OfcciaL Signatures.
33. Whosoever, with intent to defraud, shall forge or alter any
certificate, report, entry, liconce, permit,.indorseraent, direction,
slrlrnent, orwriting, rnle, or` purporting or appearing to be rriadQ by
the Governor, or Colodiahlecr~lnry; or by the Colonial
General, or any Officer of Customs, or ,y. idly offiner qf any,, Cour`
Colony, or the name,:handwrit'1'na, 4gMi of the Gover,'Clonlal
Secretary, Colonial Treastarery~ Alzditt=%.General, Uffi-car
of:,,,Customs, or
officer as aforesaid, or, shall offer, utters dispose of, or 'put off'
any such
certificate, report, entry, licpia-oe,; permit, ;ndorsemwt, direction,
instrument, or writing kptowing'the same to be fofed or=altered, shall be
guilty of felony, and being convict~j thereof shall beF_liable; at the
tion of the Court, to be kept in penal servitude for any --term:n©t
fourteen years and not less than three years,-or:lo be imprisoned for any
term not exceeding two years, with or without .hard,labour, and. with or
without solitary confinement.:
As to falsely acknowledging, Re,gniizances, yc.
34, Whosoever, without.larvful~autliority or excuse', (tht proof
whereof shall lie on the party accused)' sliall~, in the name of arty
person, acknowledge any recognizance or bail, or any jLld~xnent, or any
deed or other instrument, before any Court, Judge; or other
ing recogni-
zance, bail,
&e., in name
of another.
orders, rc-
t; erRinl; or
licence or
Fnring or
ntteeing r~ta
acre of birtba,,
deaths, or
ORDINANCE'- No. fi ~br'-1$O:
auiharized in that' Behalf, shall be guilty of felony, 'and being
thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in
servitude for any terra not exceeding seven years and not less than three
years,-or to be imprisoned for any terns not exceeding two years, with
or without hard labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
As to forging Marriage Licences.
35. Whosoever shall forge or fraudulently alter any licence of, or
certificate for marriage, or shall offer, utter, dispose of or put off
any such
licence of * certificate, knowing the same to be forged or fraudulently
shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable,
at the
discretion of the Court, -to be kept in penal servitude for any term not
exceeding seven years sand not less than three years,-or to be impri=
sowed for any terra not exeaeeding two years, with or without hard labour,
and with or without solitary confinement,
As to forging Registers of Births, Marriages, and Deaths.
36: Whosoever shall ,unlawfully destroy, deface, or injure, or cause
or permit to be destroyed, i unlawfully or injured, any register of
baptisms, marriages, deaths, or burials which now is or hereafter shah:;
be. by law authorized or required to be kept in this Colony, or any par
of any such register, or any certified copy of any such register, or any
part thereof, or shall forge or fraudulently alter in any such register
entry . relating to any birth, baptism, marriage, death; or burial, or any
part of any such register, or an5l certified copy of such register, or of
any part. thereof, or shall knowingly and unlawfully insert or cause or
permit to be inserted in any such register, or `vin any certified copy
thereof, any false entry of any matter relating to any birth, baptism,
marriage, death, or burial, or shall knowingly and unlawfully give any
false certificate relating to any birth, baptism, marriage, death, or
or shall certify any writing to be a copy or extract from any such
register, knowing such writing, or the part of such register whereof such
copy or extract shall be ,so given, to be false in any material
or shall forge or counterfeit the seal -of or belonging to any register
office or burial board, or shall offer, utter, dispose of, or put off
any: such
register, entry, certified copy; certificate, or seal, knowing the same
be.false, forged, or filtered, or shall offer, utter, dispose of or put
off any
copy of any: entry in and such register, knowing such entry to be false;
ORDINANCE No. o .op 1865.
forged, or altered, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof
shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept . in penal
servitude for life, or for any term not less than three years,-or to he
imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
3'J. Whosoever shall knowingly and wilfully insert or cause or Making
entries ill
permit to be inserted in any register directed or required by law to Le
OTies of re-
g ister sent to
transmitted to any Registrar or other officer any false entry of .any
matter relating to any baptism, marriage, or burial, or shall forge or
alter, or shall offer, uttei, dispofie of or put off, knowing the same
to be
forged or altered, any copy of any register so directed or required to be
transmitted as aforesaid, or shall knowingly and wilfully sign or verify
any copy of any register so directed or reduirl to be transmitted as
:aforesaid, which copy shall be~ false in any-~part thereof, knowing the
same to be false, or shall unlawfully destroy, deface, or injure, or shall
for any fraudulent purpose take from its place of deposit, or conceal, any
such copy of any register, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted.
thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept in
servitude,-£orlife or for any term not less than three years,-or to be
4rriprisoned'-for any ter'rri not exceeding two years; with or without
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
As to demanding Property upon .Forged hzstrunzerzts.
3$, Whosoever, with intent to defraud, shall demand, receive, or
obtain, .or cause or procure to be delivered or hay to any person, or
~endeaVOUr to receive car obtain, or to cause or procure to. be delivered
paid to any person, any chattel, money, security for money, or other
property whatsoever, under, capon., or by virtue of any forged or altered
instrument whatsoever, knowing the same to be forged or altered, or
under, upon, or by virtue of any attested copy o£ any will, testament.,
codicil, or testamentary writing, deposited in any Registrar's office in
this Colony, knowing the will, testament, codicil, or testamentary,
>,n respect of which such attested copy shall have been obtained to have
been forged or altered, or 'knowing 'such attested copy to have been
obtained by any false oath, affirmation, declaration, or,affldavit, shall
guilty of felony, arid being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the
.cretion of the Court, to be kept in .penal servitude for any. term rat:
property upon
forged instru-
7' orgi,xg guy
however clue
vs'llich is in
law a will,
deed, bill of
ex change, &c.
exceeding fourteen ,years and not'less than three years,-or to be im-
prisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard;
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
lls to other Matters.
39. Where by this or by, any other Ordinance any person is or shall
hereafter be made liable to punishment fur forging or altering, or for
dffering, utterinn, disposing of, or putting off, knowing the same to be
forged or altered, any instrument or wr'itinc.r designated in such
by any special name or descriptic,` and.~uch instrument or writing,
however designated, shall be in law' a wil~; .,testament, codicil, or
iitentary writing, or a mortgage,, -lease, contract, deed, bond, . or
obligatory, or, a bill of exchange, or a promissory note for the payment
money,,or an indorsemeut oh or assignment of a bill of exchange or pro-
missory note for the payment of money, or an acceptance of a bill of
exchange, of nn undertaking* w~`rant, order, authority, or request for the
payment of,money,. or an ind'orswent on or assignment of an undertakitig,
warrant, order, autllr~ty,, or request for the ~ payment of money, within
the true intent and inea tng` o£ this Ordinance, in every such case the
person forging or alterinueh instrument or writing, or offerin~ittering,,~
disposing of, or putting off such instrulnet~ on writing, knowing the
to be forged -or, altered, may `he indicted as an offender against this
nance and punished accordingly.
Forgir,g, xa., 40. Where the forgiu ; or alterinri any writil'n or matter
in the Colour or the offering, ntterlng, disposiugof'or putting off any
writing or matter
to be made' whatsoever, knowing the same to be forged or altered, is in
this Ordinance.
Ollt of the
cnn,., Rx, expressed to be an offence, if any person shall, in this
Colony, forge' or,
alter, or offer, utter, dispose of or but off, knowing the same to be
or altered, any such writing or matter in whatsoever. place or country
of this Colony, whether.under the dominion of Her Majesty or not, such
writinn or matter may purport to be made or may have been made, and
in whatever language the same or any part thereof may be expressed;.
every such person, and every person aiding, abetting, or counselling such
person, shall be deemed to be an offender within the treaning of this
Ordinance, and shall be punishable thereby in the same manner as if the
writing or .mattehad purported to be made or had been made in this.
Colony; and if sly person shall in this Colony forge or_alter, or offer,:
utter, dispose of or, put off, knowing the same to be forded, or altered;
ORDINANCE No. s of 1865.
any bill of exchange, or any promissory note for the payment of money,
or any indorsement on or assignment of any bill of exchange or
promissory note for the payment of money, or any acceptance of any bill
of exchange, or any undertaking, warrant, order, authority, or request
for payment of money, or for the delivery or transfer of any goods or
security, or any deed, bond, or writing obligatory for the payment of
money, (whether such deed, bond,' or writing obligatory shall. be made
for the payment of money, or for the payment of money together with some
other purpose), or any inaorsement,.on or assignment of any such
undertaking, warrant, , order; authd'lly; request, deed, bond, or writing
obligatory, in whatsoever place or coumtry out of this Colony, whether
under the dominion of Her Majesty or not, the money payable or secured
by such bill, note, undertaking, warrant, order, authority, request, deed,
bond, or writing obligatory may be or may purport to be payable, and in
whatever lan'uage the sane respectively or any part thereof may be
expressed, and whether such bill, note, undertaking, warrant, order,
authority, or request be or be not under seal, every such person, and
every person aiding, abetting, or counselling such person, shall be deemed
to `'be .an;.offender within the meaning of, t.hi4,.Ordinance, and shall
i unishabTethereby in the same manner as if the money bad been pay,'
o$:'ad purported to be payablin this Colony. .'
- 41. In any information for 4&ging, altering, offering; uttering,
disposing of or pu ttig$ off any instrument it shall be sufficient to
such instrument by atly name or designation by which the same may= be
usually known, or by the purport thereof, without setting out any copy or
fac-simile thereof, or otherwise describixto- the same or the value
42. In any information for engraving or making the whole or any
part of any instrument, matter, or thing whatsoever, or for uaina or
having the unlawful custody or possession of any plate or other material
upon which the whole or any part of any instrument, matter, or thing
whatsoever shall have been engraved or made, or for having the unlawful
custody or possession of any paper upon which the whole or any part of
any instrument, matter, or thing whatsoever shall have been made or
printed, it shall be sufficient 'to describe such instrument, matter, or
by any name or designation by which the same may be usually known,
without setting out any copy or fac-simile of the whole or any part of
fmch instrument, matter, or thing. .,.,
Description of
in informa-
tion for
in informa-
tion for
ongraving, &c.
rntaTTt to
persona aced
not be
ti0n as to
Scttrclr for
piper or
'eiTiployed in
any forger 1 7,
anti for forged
ORDINANCE No. h of 1895.
43. It shall 'be sufficient, in any information for forging, altering,
uttering, offering, disposing of or putting off any instrument
where it shall be necessary to allege an intent to defraud, to allege that
the party accused did tire act with intent to defraud, without alleging an
intent to defraud any particular person; and on the trial of any such
offence it shall not be necessary to prove an intent to defraud any
particular person, but it shall be sufficient to prove that the party
did the act charged with an intent to defraud.
44. Where the having any matter in the custody or possession ot
any person is in this Ordinance expressed to be an offence, if any person
shall have any such matter in his personal custody or possession, or shall
knowingly and wilfully have any such matter in the actual custody or
possession of any other person, or shall knowingly and wilfully have any
such matter in any dwq,lling house or other building, lodging, apartment,
field, or other place, open or inclosed, whether belonging to or occupied
by himself or -not, and whether such matter shall be so had for his own
use, or for the use or, benefit of another, every such person shall be
and taken to have such matter in his custody or possession,. within the-
meaning of this Ordinance.
45. If it shall be made to appear, byinformation on oath afhrmatiotr.
or declaration., before a Justice of thqwPeace, that there is reasonable
to believe that any person has in his custody or possession, without
lawful authority or excuse any ,note or bill of the Governor and Company
of the Bank of England or Ireland, or of any body corporate, company,
or person carrying on the business of bankers, or any frame, mould, or-
irizplement for making paper in imitation of the paper used for such notes
or bills, or any such paper, or any plate, wood, stone, or other material
having thereon any words, forms, devices, or characters capable of
peoducing or intended to produce the impression of any such pate or~bill,
'or any part thereof, or any tool, implement, or material used or employed
or intended to be used or employed in or about any of the operations
aforesaid, or any forged security, document, or instrument whatsoever, 'or
any machinery, frame, mould, plate, die, seal, paper, or other matter'or-
th'ing used or employed or intended to be used or employed in the forgery
of any security, document, or instrument whatsoever, such Justice may;
'if lie think fit, grant a warrant to search for the same; and if the
shall be found upon such search, it shall be lawful to seize and carry
ORDINANCE No. 6 0n 1.865.
same before a Police Magistrate, to be by him disposed of according to
law; and all such matters and things so seized as aforesaid shall by order
of the Court where any such offender shall be tried, or in case there
be no such trial then by order of a Police Magistrate, be defaced and
destroyed or otherwise disposed of as such Court or Justice shall direct.
46. Whosoever shall after the commencement of this Ordinance
be convicted of an offence which shall have been subjected by any
enactment or enactments in force in this Colony to the salve pains and
penalties as are imposed by the Act of the Imperial Parliament passed in
the fifth year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, intituled '° An Act
Forgers of false Deeds and Writings ' for any of the offences first
ated in the said Act, shall be guilty of felony, and shall, in lieu of
pains and penalties, beliable, at the discretion of the Court, to be kept
penal servitude for any term not exceed ing,fourteen years and not less
than three years,- or to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two
years, with or without hard labour, and with or without solitary confine-
4'7. Where by any enactment now in -:force 'n this Colony any
Yperson falsely forging, counterfeiti:nb;' e'rasitig, or
alterirl~g any
,:diatter whatsoever, or utterin.a; publishing, ofring,'disposing of,
awvay, or makin& use of any matter whatsoever, knowing the,pame to ham
been falsely made, forged, counterfefW, erased,or .altered, or any person
demanding or eildeavourblg to receive or have any -thing; br:to do or
to be done any act, upon or by virtue of any matter whatsoever, kn°owina
such matter to have been falsely made, forged, counterfeited, erased, or
altered, would aceording to the provisions contained in any such enact-
ment be guilty Of felony and would before the passing of :the Act of the
fist year of King William the Fourth, chapter sixty-six, have'been liable
to suffer death as,a felon; -or where by any enactment now in force :in
'this Colony any person falsely personating another, or falsely
ing any thing in the hxiiie of another, or falsely representing any other
'person than the real p-arty to be such real party, or wilfully making a
Y,als'e entry in any book,, -account, lot! document, or in any manner
fidsifying any part of any book, account or document, or wilfully making
a transfer of any stock, annuity, or fund in the name of any person not
`being the owner thereof, or knowingly taking 'any 'false-oath, or know-
:ingly-making any false affidavit, false affirmation or false declaration
Other punish-
ments substi-
tuted for
those of f>
Hliz. c. 14.
All forgeries.. .
which were
capital. before
the 1 Wm. 4;
c. 66, -sUVT a.Y6
not othei0ise
under this
shall be -
punished with
penal ser
vitude for life,
Principals in
the second
degree and
ORDINANCE No. 6 0F 1,865.
demanding ,or receiving, any money or other thing by virtue of any
probate or letters of administration, knowing the will on which such
probate shall have been obtained to have been false or forged, or knowing
such probate or letters of administration to have been obtained by
means of any false oath, false affirmation or false declaration would
according to the provisions contained, in any such Act, be guilty of
felony, and would before the passing of the said Act of the first year
of King William the Fourth have been liable to suffer death as a
felon; or when by any enactment now in force any person making or
using, or knowingly having in his custody or possession, any frame,
mould, or instrument for the making of paper, with certain words visible
in the substance thereof, or any person making such paper, or causing
certain words to appear visible in the substance of any paper world,
according to the provisions contained in any such enactment, be guilty
of felony, and would before the passing o£ the said Act of the first year
of King William the Fourth have been liable to suffer death as a felon;
then, and in each of the several cases aforesaid, if any person shall
the commencement ofahis Ordinance be convicted of any such felony as
is hereinbefore in this section mentioned, or of aiding, abetting,
ling, or procuring the commission thereof, and the same shall not be
punishable under any of the other provisions of this Act, every such
person shall be liable at the discretion of the Court to be kept in penal
servitude for life or fur any term not less than three years,--or to be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard
labour, and with or without solitary confinement.
48. In the case of every felony punishable under this Ordinance,
every principal in the second degree, and every accessory before the fact,
shall be punishable in the same manner as the principal in the first
is by this Ordinance punishable; and every accessory after the fact to any
felony punishable under this Ordinance shall on convicLion be liable, at
the discretion of the Court, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding
two years, with or without bard labour, and with or without solitary
confinement; and every person who shall aid, abet, counsel, or procure
the commission of any misderneailor punishable under this Ordinance
shall be liable to be proceeded against, indicted, and punished as a grin-
cipal offender.
Fine and 49. Whenever any person shall be convicted of a misdemeanor
sureties he under this Ordinance it shall be lawful for the Court, if it
shall think fit,
No. 6 of 1865.
in addition to or in lieu of any of the punishments by this Ordinance
peace; iu
authorized, to fihe the offender, and to require him to enter into his
own what eases.
recognizances, and to find sureties, both or either, for keeping the
and being of good behaviour; and in all cases of felonies in this
mentioned it shall be lawful for the Court, if it shall think fit, to
the offender to enter into his own recognizances, and to find sureties,
both or either, for keeping the peace, in addition to any of the punish-
ments by this Ordinance authorized: Provided that no person shall be
imprisoned under this clause for not finding sureties for any period
exceeding one year.
60. Whenever imprisonment, with or without hard labour, may be Hard
awarded for any offence under this Ordinance, the Court may sentence
the offender to be imprisoned, or to be imprisoned and kept to bard
labour, and in either case the sentence shall be carried out in accordance
with the provisions of Ordinance No. 4 of 1863, section 15. ('No. 18 of
.1885' as amended by that Ordinance.
rot. Whenever solitary confinement may be awarded for any offence
Solitary eon.
under this Ordinance, the Court may direct the offender to be kept in
solitary confinement for any portion or portions of his imprisonment, or
of his imprisonment with hard labour, not exceeding one month at any
one time, and not exceeding three months in any one year.
62. This Ordinance shall commence and take effect -on the four- commence-
teenth day of June, in the ear one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. 778
[24 & 25 Vic. c. 98.]
Forging Her Majesty's seals, &c., or the public swal of the Colony.
Forging seals of public departments or companies.
Forging transfer of stock or blank shares, and power of attorney relating thereto.
Personating the owner of stock or bank shares, and transferring or receiving, &c., dividends.
Forging attestation to power of attorney for transfer of stock, &c.,
Making false entries in bank books.
Bank ckerks making out false dividend warrants.
Forging bonds, debentures, &c. issued or made, &c.
Forging exchequer bills and debentures, &c.
Making plates &c., in imitation of those used for exchequer bills, &c.
Making paper in imitation of that used for exchequer bills, &c.
Having on possession paper, &c., for exchequer bills, &c.
Forging a bank note &c.
Purchasing or receiving, or having forged bank notes.
Making or having mould for making paper with the words 'Bank of England' or 'Bank of Ireland,' or with curved bar lines, &c., or selling such paper.
Proviso as to paper used for bills of exchange, &c.
Engraving or having any plate, &c., for making notes of Bank of England or Ireland or other banks, or having
paper on which a blank bank note, &c. shall be printed, or uttering, &c.
Engraving on any plate &c., any word, number, or
device, resembling part of a bank note or bill, or having any paper on which the same is impressed.
Making or having mould for making paper with the name of any banker, or making or having such paper.
Engraving plates for foreign bills or notes, or having such plates, or using or utteing paper on which any part of any such bill or note is printed.
Forging deeds, bonds, &c.
Forging wills.
Forging bills of exchange or promissory notes.
Forging orders, receipts, &c., for money, goods, &c.
Making or accepting any bill, &c., by procuration without lawful authority, or uttering such bill, &c., with intent to defraud, felony.
Obliterating crossings on cheques.
Forging debentures.
Forging proceedings of Courts of Record or Courts of Equity.
Forging copies or certificates of records, process of Courts not of Record, and using forged process.
Forging instruments made evidence by any Act of Parliament or Ordinance.
[* than]
Forgery as to the registry of deeds.
Forging Justices orders, recognizances, affidavits, &c.
Forging official signatures.
Acknowledging recognizance, bail, &c., in name of another.
Forging or uttering marriage licence or certificate.
[* or]
Forging or uttering registers of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, or burials.
Making false entries in copies of register sent to Registrar.
Demanding property upon forged instruments.
Forging any instrument however designated which is in law a will, deed, bill of exchange, &c.
Forging, &c., documents in the Colony purporting to be made out of the Colony, &c.
Description of instruments in information for forgery.
Description of instruments in information for engraving, &c.
Intent to defraud particular persons need not be averred.
Interpretation as to criminal possession.
Search for paper or implements employed in any forgery, and for forged, instruments.
Other punishments substituted for those of 5 Eliz. c. 14.
All forgeries which were capital before the 1 Wm. 4, c. 66, and are not otherwise punishable under this Ordinance, shall be punished with penal servitude for life, &c.
[* Ordinance.]
Principals in the second degree and accessories.
Fine and sureties for keeping the
peace; in what cases.
Hard labour.
Solitary confinement.
Commencement of Oridnance.
[24 & 25 Vic. c. 98.]
Forging Her Majesty's seals, &c., or the public swal of the Colony.
Forging seals of public departments or companies.
Forging transfer of stock or blank shares, and power of attorney relating thereto.
Personating the owner of stock or bank shares, and transferring or receiving, &c., dividends.
Forging attestation to power of attorney for transfer of stock, &c.,
Making false entries in bank books.
Bank ckerks making out false dividend warrants.
Forging bonds, debentures, &c. issued or made, &c.
Forging exchequer bills and debentures, &c.
Making plates &c., in imitation of those used for exchequer bills, &c.
Making paper in imitation of that used for exchequer bills, &c.
Having on possession paper, &c., for exchequer bills, &c.
Forging a bank note &c.
Purchasing or receiving, or having forged bank notes.
Making or having mould for making paper with the words 'Bank of England' or 'Bank of Ireland,' or with curved bar lines, &c., or selling such paper.
Proviso as to paper used for bills of exchange, &c.
Engraving or having any plate, &c., for making notes of Bank of England or Ireland or other banks, or having
paper on which a blank bank note, &c. shall be printed, or uttering, &c.
Engraving on any plate &c., any word, number, or
device, resembling part of a bank note or bill, or having any paper on which the same is impressed.
Making or having mould for making paper with the name of any banker, or making or having such paper.
Engraving plates for foreign bills or notes, or having such plates, or using or utteing paper on which any part of any such bill or note is printed.
Forging deeds, bonds, &c.
Forging wills.
Forging bills of exchange or promissory notes.
Forging orders, receipts, &c., for money, goods, &c.
Making or accepting any bill, &c., by procuration without lawful authority, or uttering such bill, &c., with intent to defraud, felony.
Obliterating crossings on cheques.
Forging debentures.
Forging proceedings of Courts of Record or Courts of Equity.
Forging copies or certificates of records, process of Courts not of Record, and using forged process.
Forging instruments made evidence by any Act of Parliament or Ordinance.
[* than]
Forgery as to the registry of deeds.
Forging Justices orders, recognizances, affidavits, &c.
Forging official signatures.
Acknowledging recognizance, bail, &c., in name of another.
Forging or uttering marriage licence or certificate.
[* or]
Forging or uttering registers of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, or burials.
Making false entries in copies of register sent to Registrar.
Demanding property upon forged instruments.
Forging any instrument however designated which is in law a will, deed, bill of exchange, &c.
Forging, &c., documents in the Colony purporting to be made out of the Colony, &c.
Description of instruments in information for forgery.
Description of instruments in information for engraving, &c.
Intent to defraud particular persons need not be averred.
Interpretation as to criminal possession.
Search for paper or implements employed in any forgery, and for forged, instruments.
Other punishments substituted for those of 5 Eliz. c. 14.
All forgeries which were capital before the 1 Wm. 4, c. 66, and are not otherwise punishable under this Ordinance, shall be punished with penal servitude for life, &c.
[* Ordinance.]
Principals in the second degree and accessories.
Fine and sureties for keeping the
peace; in what cases.
Hard labour.
Solitary confinement.
Commencement of Oridnance.
[24 & 25 Vic. c. 98.]
Forging Her Majesty's seals, &c., or the public swal of the Colony.
Forging seals of public departments or companies.
Forging transfer of stock or blank shares, and power of attorney relating thereto.
Personating the owner of stock or bank shares, and transferring or receiving, &c., dividends.
Forging attestation to power of attorney for transfer of stock, &c.,
Making false entries in bank books.
Bank ckerks making out false dividend warrants.
Forging bonds, debentures, &c. issued or made, &c.
Forging exchequer bills and debentures, &c.
Making plates &c., in imitation of those used for exchequer bills, &c.
Making paper in imitation of that used for exchequer bills, &c.
Having on possession paper, &c., for exchequer bills, &c.
Forging a bank note &c.
Purchasing or receiving, or having forged bank notes.
Making or having mould for making paper with the words 'Bank of England' or 'Bank of Ireland,' or with curved bar lines, &c., or selling such paper.
Proviso as to paper used for bills of exchange, &c.
Engraving or having any plate, &c., for making notes of Bank of England or Ireland or other banks, or having
paper on which a blank bank note, &c. shall be printed, or uttering, &c.
Engraving on any plate &c., any word, number, or
device, resembling part of a bank note or bill, or having any paper on which the same is impressed.
Making or having mould for making paper with the name of any banker, or making or having such paper.
Engraving plates for foreign bills or notes, or having such plates, or using or utteing paper on which any part of any such bill or note is printed.
Forging deeds, bonds, &c.
Forging wills.
Forging bills of exchange or promissory notes.
Forging orders, receipts, &c., for money, goods, &c.
Making or accepting any bill, &c., by procuration without lawful authority, or uttering such bill, &c., with intent to defraud, felony.
Obliterating crossings on cheques.
Forging debentures.
Forging proceedings of Courts of Record or Courts of Equity.
Forging copies or certificates of records, process of Courts not of Record, and using forged process.
Forging instruments made evidence by any Act of Parliament or Ordinance.
[* than]
Forgery as to the registry of deeds.
Forging Justices orders, recognizances, affidavits, &c.
Forging official signatures.
Acknowledging recognizance, bail, &c., in name of another.
Forging or uttering marriage licence or certificate.
[* or]
Forging or uttering registers of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, or burials.
Making false entries in copies of register sent to Registrar.
Demanding property upon forged instruments.
Forging any instrument however designated which is in law a will, deed, bill of exchange, &c.
Forging, &c., documents in the Colony purporting to be made out of the Colony, &c.
Description of instruments in information for forgery.
Description of instruments in information for engraving, &c.
Intent to defraud particular persons need not be averred.
Interpretation as to criminal possession.
Search for paper or implements employed in any forgery, and for forged, instruments.
Other punishments substituted for those of 5 Eliz. c. 14.
All forgeries which were capital before the 1 Wm. 4, c. 66, and are not otherwise punishable under this Ordinance, shall be punished with penal servitude for life, &c.
[* Ordinance.]
Principals in the second degree and accessories.
Fine and sureties for keeping the
peace; in what cases.
Hard labour.
Solitary confinement.
Commencement of Oridnance.
Cap / Ordinance No.
No. 6 of 1865
Number of Pages
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“FORGERY ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 11, 2025,