To make provision for the more effectual suppression of
[23rd May, 1868.]
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Suppression of
Piracy Ordinance.
2. Any person who knowingly sets forth any pirate, or
who aids, assists, maintains, procures, commands, counsels,
or advises any person whomsoever to do or commit any
piracy, shall be guilty of felony, and shall be liable to impri-
sonment for fifteen years : Provided that where in conse-
quence of such setting forth, aid, assistance, maintenance,
procurement, command, counsel, or advice, a piracy with
murder is committed, such person shall be guilty of felony,
and shall suffer death or be liable to imprisonment for life.
3. Any person who-
(a) trades with any pirate, knowing him to be guilty of
piracy or to be fitted out with the intention of com-
mitting piracy; or
(b) with the like knowledge, furnishes any pirate with
arms, ammunitions, provisions, or stores of any
kind; or
(c) fits out any junk, vessel, or boat knowingly and with
a design to trade with, supply, or correspond with
any pirate; or
(d) in any way consults, combines, confederates, or
corresponds with any pirate, knowing him to be
guilty of piracy,
shall be guilty of felony, and shall be liable to imprisonment
for ten years.
4. Any person who-
(a)knowingly receives, entertains or conceals any per-
son guilty of an act of piracy; or
(b)takes into his custody, without lawful authority or
excuse, any junk, vessel, boat, goods, or chattels
which has or have been feloniously taken by any
shall be guilty of felony, and shall be liable to imprisonment
for ten years : Provided that the expression 'takes into his
custody' shall be satisfied by proof that the goods and chat-
tels alleged to have been taken into custody were found in
any house or premises, or on board any junk, vessel, or boat,
within which the person charged may be found and of which
said goods and chattels he is unable to give a satisfactory
account. [5
5. Any person who, being found within the Colony on
board any junk, vessel, or boat equipped for the purposes of
piracy, is unable to satisfy the court that he was not on board
such junk, vessel, or boat with his own consent or wiffi the
knowledge that the same was equipped for the purposes of
piracy shall be guilty of felony, and shall be liable to impri
sonment for three years. [6
6. the Governor in Council may by regulations pres-
cribe or provide for-
(a)such searches of vessels and of persons as may seem
to him desirable for the purpose of the prevention
of piracy, and for imposing such restrictions on the
movements and actions of vessels ahd persons as
may seem to him desirable in order to render such
searches effective;
(b)such other measures as may seem to him desirable
with a view to the prevention of piracy;
(c)contraventions of such regulations that shall be
offences and penalties therefor : Provided that no
penalty so prescribed shall exceed a fine of two
thousand dollars or imprisonment for six months. [7
Originally 1 of 1868. Fraser 1 of 1868. 22 of 1950. Short title. Setting forth pirate; 11 Will. 3, c. 7, s. 9. Where piracy with murder committed. Trading, etc., with pirate. 8 Geo. 1, c. 24, s. 1. Receiving etc. pirate or junk, etc., piratically stolen. 11 Will. 3, c. 7, s. 10. Being found on board piratical junk, etc., and unable to prove non-complicity. Regulations. 22 of 1950. Schedule.
Originally 1 of 1868. Fraser 1 of 1868. 22 of 1950. Short title. Setting forth pirate; 11 Will. 3, c. 7, s. 9. Where piracy with murder committed. Trading, etc., with pirate. 8 Geo. 1, c. 24, s. 1. Receiving etc. pirate or junk, etc., piratically stolen. 11 Will. 3, c. 7, s. 10. Being found on board piratical junk, etc., and unable to prove non-complicity. Regulations. 22 of 1950. Schedule.
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Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online
“SUPPRESSION OF PIRACY ORDINANCE,” Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online, accessed March 26, 2025,